Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

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Page 1: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Reconfigurable Computing -VHDL – Types & Statements

John MorrisThe University of Auckland

Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Page 2: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

You can give a variablean initial value when youdeclare it!


VHDL is a fully-fledged programming language with a rich type system*

Types includeThose normally found in high level programming

languages integer, character, real, … Example declarations

*Computer scientist’s jargon for “You can make all the data types you need”

VARIABLE a, b : integer := 0; x, y : real := 1.2e-06; p : character;

Page 3: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Types - Defining precision and range Sub-types

Ada (and therefore VHDL) has a very flexible means of specifying exactly the requirements for representations (physical realizations) of numbers

This capability is important for efficient physical realizations If you write VARIABLE x : integer; in your model,

the synthesizer has to `guess’ how many bits of precision that you need for x!

However, if you write VARIABLE x : integer RANGE 0 .. 255; then the compiler knows that an 8-bit representation will be adequate!

Specifying the range of a data type is essential for efficient implementation

• You don’t want the synthesizer to generate a 32-bit adder/subtracter/multiplier/… when an 8-bit one would do!

Page 4: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Literals – or constants

Most literals are similar to other languages Integers – 0, 1, +1, -5, … Reals – 0.0, 3.24, 1.0e+6, -6.5e-20, … Characters – ‘A’, ‘a’, ‘(’, … Strings (formally arrays of characters) –

“clockA”, “data”, …

Numbers in non-decimal bases For efficient digital circuit modeling, we need some way to

specify numbers in binary, octal, hexadecimal Ada and VHDL use a form:

base#number# Examples:

2#001110#, 8#76771#, 16#a5a5#

Page 5: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Additional standard types

BooleanValues are ‘true’ and ‘false’VARIABLE open, on : boolean := false;

NaturalThe natural numbers from 0 → nn is implementation definedCommonly n = 232-1

PositiveNumbers from 1 → n

Good practice tip!Use boolean, natural and positive when appropriate

eg for counters use natural rather than integerThis helps the simulator detect errors in your program!

Page 6: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf


VHDL’s standard defines a number of libraries or ‘package’s (using the Ada term)

The most useful is the IEEE 1164 standard logic packageTo use it, add to the start of your program:

This library is just a VHDL package You can usually find the source of it on your system It is worthwhile looking through it …

it provides many useful examples of VHDL capabilities!

You probably should just add

this to every file–

You will need it most of the time!

LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

Page 7: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

IEEE 1164 standard logic package std_logic is the most important type in this package

It’s an enumerated type:

TYPE std_logic IS (‘U’, ‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’, ‘W’, ‘H’, ‘L’, ‘-’ );


‘X’Forcing unknown

‘0’Forcing 0

‘1’Forcing 1

‘Z’High impedance

‘W’Weak unknown

‘L’Weak 0

‘H’Weak 1

‘-’Don’t care

Page 8: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

IEEE 1164 standard logic package You should always use std_logic in place of the

(apparently) simpler bit type! bit has values (‘0’, ‘1’) only

Always use the simplest possible type? Not in this case!!

‘Digital’ circuits are really analogue circuits in which we hope we can consider 0 and 1 values only!

Use of std_logic allows the simulator to pinpoint sources of error for you!

Page 9: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

IEEE 1164 standard logic package std_logic lets the simulator pinpoint errors for you!

‘U’ – indicates a signal which has not yet been driven Good design will ensure all signals are in known states at all

timesA probable source of error in a properly designed circuit

‘X’ → two drivers are driving a signal with ‘0’ and ‘1’ A definite error!

Good design practice would ensureAll signals are defined in a reset phase

No ‘U’’s appear in the simulator waveforms (except in the initial reset phase)

Lines are never driven in opposite directions• Can cause destruction of drivers and catastrophic failure• High power consumption• Examine simulator traces for ‘X’ – there shouldn’t be any!

Page 10: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

IEEE 1164 standard logic package Bus pull-up and pull-down resistors can be ‘inserted’

Initialise a bus signal to ‘H’ or ‘L’:

‘0’ or ‘1’ from any driver will override the weak ‘H’ or ‘L’:

SIGNAL not_ready : std_logic := ‘H’;

IF seek_finished = ‘1’ THEN not_ready <= ‘0’;END IF;




DeviceA DeviceB DeviceC

Page 11: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

IEEE 1164 standard logic package Bus drivers can be disconnected

After a bus signal has been driven, it’s necessary to ‘release’ it:

eg once this device has driven not_ready, it should release it so that another device on the bus can assert (drive) it

SIGNAL not_ready : std_logic := ‘H’;

IF seek_finished = ‘1’ THEN not_ready <= ‘0’;END IF;

… -- Perform device actions

-- Now release not_readynot_ready <= ‘Z’;

Page 12: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Standard logic buses

VHDL arrays Define an array with

In digital logic design, arrays of std_logic are very common, so a standard type is defined:

std_logic_vector is defined as an unconstrained array:

This means that you can supply the array bounds when youdeclare the array:

TYPE bus8 IS ARRAY(0 TO 7) OF std_logic;data: bus8 := “ZZZZZZZZ”;

data: std_logic_vector(0 TO 7) := “ZZZZZZZZ”;

TYPE std_logic_vector IS ARRAY(integer RANGE <>) OF std_logic;

cmd: std_logic_vector(0 TO 2) := “010”;address: std_logic_vector(0 TO 31);

We will learn more about unconstrained arrays later.Using them allows you to make complex models which youcan use in many situations!

Page 13: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Standard logic buses

VHDL supports arrays Note that arrays can be defined with

ascending or descending indices:

This could be considered convenientorit can lead to confusion!

Careful use of type attributes can make production and maintenance of VHDL models relatively painless!

TYPE bus8 IS ARRAY(0 TO 7) OF std_logic;TYPE rev_bus8 is ARRAY(7 DOWNTO 0) OF std_logic;

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Attributes of variables and types are the values of properties of types and variables For example, if you have defined an array:

then x’LOW and x’HIGH refer to the bounds of the array: x’LOW is 0 x’HIGH is 31

IEEE numeric_std library Note that in the IEEE numeric_std library, numbers are defined with

the high index (MSB) first, so to make a 32 bit unsigned integer:

TYPE unsigned32 IS ARRAY( 31 DOWNTO 0 ) OF std_logic;

When using this library, you must follow its conventions!

x : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);

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Useful attributes are: For all type of variables

LEFT, RIGHT – First or leftmost (last or rightmost) value of a variable

• eg for a : NATURAL RANGE 0 TO 255;a’LEFT is 0 and a’RIGHT is 255

RANGE – eg x’RANGE is 0 to 31• It can be used anywhere a range is needed eg declaring another array of the same size:

followed by

means that if you change the width of x, eg to change to a 64-bit bus, y will automatically follow

There are more attributes which apply only to signals – we will consider them later

x : std_logic_vector(0 TO 31);

y : std_logic_vector(x’RANGE);

Page 16: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

This is the first exampleof an algorithmic model.

Note that the ‘code’

is embedded

In a PROCESS block.

Now you can make a module which counts the bits in vectors of any size:

Input can be anystd_logic



ENTITY bitcounter IS PORT ( x: IN std_logic_vector; cnt : OUT natural );END bitcounter;

ARCHITECTURE a OF bitcounter IS BEGIN PROCESS VARIABLE count : natural := 0; BEGIN FOR j IN x’RANGE LOOP IF x(j) = ‘1’ THEN count := count + 1; END LOOP; cnt <= count; END PROCESS;END a;

The entity is

The architecture is

RANGE attribute produces the correct loop


Page 17: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program’ statements

Process blocks Placed inside architectures Wrappers for program statements Activated by changes in signals in sensitivity lists

--Template for a state machineARCHITECTURE fsm OF x IS BEGIN PROCESS( clk, reset )


IF reset = ‘0’ THEN -- Initialization statements


IF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN

-- Main state machine


This template contains many

features of PROCESS blocks,

so we’ll examine it in more detail

Page 18: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program’ statements

This example assumes we have a clocked state machine with clk and reset inputs and several other inputs and outputs


--Template for a state machineARCHITECTURE fsm OF x IS BEGIN PROCESS( clk, reset )


END fsm;

--State machine entityENTITY x IS PORT)

-- … inputs and outputs

-- needed by this SM clk, reset : IN std_logic );END ENTITY;








Page 19: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program’ statements

Process blocks

--Template for a state machineARCHITECTURE fsm OF x IS BEGIN PROCESS( clk, reset )

BEGIN IF reset = ‘0’ THEN -- Initialization statements


IF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN

-- Main state machine


PROCESS blocks start with PROCESS( sensitivity list ) and end with


The PROCESS blocks is entered (activated)on a change in any signal in the sensitivitylist.

In this case, every change of reset or clkwill cause the PROCESS block to be enteredand evaluated.

Page 20: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program’ statements

Process blocks

--Template for a state machineARCHITECTURE fsm OF x IS BEGIN PROCESS( clk, reset )


IF reset = ‘0’ THEN -- Initialization statements


IF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN

-- Main state machine


Note the END IF pattern –

Most VHDL blocks are like this.

Here is an IF … THEN … ELSE…

END IF;block .

Page 21: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program’ statements

Process blocks

--Template for a state machineARCHITECTURE fsm OF x IS BEGIN PROCESS( clk, reset )

BEGIN IF reset = ‘0’ THEN -- Initialization statements


IF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN

-- Main state machine


Then we have a nested IF..

It could also have been written IF reset = ‘0’ THEN



slightly more compact code

Page 22: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program’ statements

Process blocks

--Template for a state machineARCHITECTURE fsm OF x IS BEGIN PROCESS( clk, reset )


IF reset = ‘0’ THEN -- Initialization statements


IF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN

-- Main state machine


Finally note the

IF clk’EVENT and clk = ‘1’ pattern –

Although this is not the only way to definea synchronous circuit in which state changesare triggered by rising clock edges,this pattern is recognized by most synthesizers.


EVENT is an attribute of a SIGNAL –

It’s TRUE when an event (change) to thesignal value has occurred.

Page 23: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program statements’

IF … Very similar to the if … then … else … blocks of most high

level languages

The else branch is optional

Condition must, naturally, evaluate to TRUE or FALSE The relational operators are AND, OR, XOR, NOT

IF condition THEN

-- Statements executed if condition is TRUE


-- Statements executed if condition is FALSE END IF;

IF condition THEN

-- Statements executed if condition is TRUEEND IF;

Page 24: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program statements’

IF …Nested if … - a useful shorthand for lazy typists!

IF condition1 THEN

-- Statements executed if condition1 is TRUE

ELSIF condition2 THEN

-- Statements executed if condition2 is TRUE

ELSIF condition3 THEN

-- Statements executed if condition3 is TRUE


-- Statements executed if all conditions are FALSEEND IF;

Page 25: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

VHDL ‘Program statements’

LOOPS VHDL loops - a few more options than C’s simple structures! The simplest loop continues until an EXIT is generated

There must be at least one WAIT A WAIT condition might be something like


WAIT UNTIL condition1; -- statements

EXIT WHEN condition2;END LOOP;


WAIT UNTIL clk = ‘1’; -- statementsEND LOOP;

Page 26: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Wait statements

There are 3 variants of the WAIT statementwait until condition

Waits until condition is true Example

wait time Waits for a specified time Example

Note that time is an inbuilt type in VHDLIt has integer values and units fs, ns, us, ms, sec, …

WAIT UNTIL request = ‘1;’

WAIT 5 ns;

Whilst it is useful to simulate propagation delays in simulation, most synthesizers cannot handle wait time!

Page 27: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

Wait statements

There are 3 variants of the WAIT statementwait on signal

Waits until some signal changes Example

Note that if a process has a wait statement, it cannot have a sensitivity list The sensitivity list performs a similar function to wait on ..

wait statements are most useful in test benches Include them in models simulating actual devices to

simulate delays in the real device

WAIT ON bus_grant;

Again, most synthesizers cannot handle wait on signal!

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While loops

VHDL supports a while loop

WHILE condition LOOP

-- statements

-- may include exit statements


Page 29: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

for loops

VHDL supports a powerful for loop


Rules identifier should not be declared elsewhere It’s implicitly declared to have the type specified by range It has no value (cannot be used) outside the loop

FOR identifier IN range LOOP

-- statements

-- may include exit statements



sum := sum + a(j) ;


Page 30: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

for loops

VHDL supports a powerful for loop The power lies in the possible ways that range can be used! We already saw that an array range can be used

or you can use the type’RANGE

TYPE bit32 IS ARRAY (0 TO 31) OF std_logic;

VARIABLE x : bit32;


IF x(J) = ‘1’ THEN EXIT;


TYPE bit32 IS ARRAY (0 TO 31) OF std_logic;


IF x(J) = ‘1’ THEN EXIT;


Page 31: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

for loops

VHDL supports a powerful for loop You can parameterize a whole design through types For example, you want to build circuits that handle words of

various lengths Define a subtype wordsize:

This means that changing the definition of wordsize can change a whole design to use shorter or longer words

Combined, of course, with extensive use of attributes like‘RANGE, ‘LEFT, ‘RIGHT, …

More elegant than defining constants for 0 and 31 !

SUBTYPE wordsize IS natural RANGE 0 TO 31;TYPE word IS ARRAY (wordsize) OF std_logic;…FOR J IN wordsize LOOP


Page 32: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

case statements

case statements make state machines simple! … and a lot of other applications!

Rules expression must evaluate to an integer, an enumerated

type or a one-dimensional array, such as std_logic_vector.

expression is evaluated and compared to the value of each of the choices. The when clause corresponding to the matching choice will be executed.

CASE expression IS WHEN choice1 => statements; WHEN choice2 => statements; WHEN OTHERS => statements;


Page 33: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

case statements

case statements make state machines simple! … and a lot of other applications!

Rules (cont) choices must not overlap, ie only one should match. OTHERS must be present unless all possible cases are

covered by choices.

CASE expression IS WHEN choice1 => statements; WHEN choice2 => statements; WHEN OTHERS => statements;


Page 34: Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL – Types & Statements John Morris The University of Auckland Iolanthe on the Hauraki Gulf

case statements

Examples Simple state machine

TYPE states ARE (A, B, C, D);

SIGNAL s : states;

IF reset = ‘0’ THEN s <= A;

ELSIF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN

CASE s IS WHEN A => -- Set outputs for state A

IF next = ‘1’ THEN s <= B; WHEN B <=

-- Set outputs for state B

IF next = ‘1’ THEN s <= C; WHEN OTHERS <=

s <= A;



Some details omitted,

eg PROCESS block!

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Could have std_logic_vector here!

case statements

Examples Address selector



PROCESS ( clk )


CASE address IS WHEN 16#ffff# => device <= ‘0’; -- select device 1

WHEN 16#fff0# <=

device <= ‘1’; -- select device 2 WHEN OTHERS <=

device <= ‘Z’; -- disconnect device



…and bit patterns here “111111…11111,”

“ 111111…10000”
