www.watchwater.de UNIQUE - The soil management receives trapped watered petroleum products from different industries. All types of sludge undergo necessary treatments like: 1. Dewatering 2. Purification 3. Bio-destruction which makes it reusable. The biological treatment facility is intended for any waste water treatment using UNIQUE Technology from Watch Water ® . These technology uses very Advanced Oxidation Process making it possible to intensify the processes by manyfold excluding the secondary sludge basins from the process chart, remove suspended substances by 100%, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) by 90.1%, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) by 90.1% and reduce the space occupied by 6 times compared to traditional waste water treatment plants. Up to 90% of treated water can go for Agriculture applications. The remaining water will go with the sludge and further advanced treatment could be managed by Soil Management. RedOxy-4C Biological Treatment Facility Treatment facilities will use very small area. 6 to 8 times less than conventional technologies. Using RedOxy-4C (Biological Treatment) will save the Refineries, Petrochemical Industries and any other Industries to build bulky secondary sludge basins for trapping activated sludge after Oxy-3C treatment, this will reduce huge investments and half the cost’s – Area used will reduce up to 4- 5 times. Suspended Solids Free Oil Ammonia Sulfides Phenols Chlorides Major Pollutants in Petroleum Industry Mercaptans Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2 S) High COD High BOD High TDS Treatment of Waste Water from the Refinery and Petrochemical Industry Trapped petroleum products are used as Carbohydrates for bacteria and residues as soil for backfilling in agricultural land. This is a unique feature of RedOxy-4C. Please see page no.2 for Tank Size Calculation and Example

RedOxy-4C Biological Treatment Facility · RedOxy-4C Biological Treatment Facility Treatment facilities will use very small area. 6 to 8 times less than conventional technologies

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The soil management receives trappedwatered petroleum products from differentindustries. All types of sludge undergonecessary treatments like:1. Dewatering2. Purification3. Bio-destruction which makes it reusable.

The biological treatment facility is intended forany waste water treatment using UNIQUE

Technology from Watch Water®. These

technology uses very Advanced Oxidation

Process making it possible to intensify theprocesses by manyfold excluding thesecondary sludge basins from the processchart, remove suspended substances by100%, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) by90.1%, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) by90.1% and reduce the space occupied by 6times compared to traditional waste watertreatment plants. Up to 90% of treatedwater can go for Agriculture applications. Theremaining water will go with the sludge andfurther advanced treatment could be managedby Soil Management.

RedOxy-4C Biological Treatment Facility

Treatment facilities will use very smallarea. 6 to 8 times less than conventionaltechnologies.

Using RedOxy-4C (Biological Treatment) willsave the Refineries, PetrochemicalIndustries and any other Industries to buildbulky secondary sludge basins for trappingactivated sludge after Oxy-3C treatment,this will reduce huge investments and halfthe cost’s – Area used will reduce up to 4-5 times.

Suspended Solids Free Oil Ammonia Sulfides Phenols Chlorides

Major Pollutants in Petroleum Industry

Mercaptans Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) High COD High BOD High TDS

Treatment of Waste Water from the Refinery and Petrochemical Industry

Trapped petroleum products are used asCarbohydrates for bacteria and residues assoil for backfilling in agricultural land. This isa unique feature of RedOxy-4C.

Please see page no.2 for Tank Size Calculation and Example

Redxxx granular beads Formulated as FeO4

2- (anion) andpossesses unique properties as strong oxidizing potentialand simultaneous generation of Adsorption sites. For thisreason, Watch Water

® has chosen Redxxx for hard to treat

waste water. Redxxx could degrade or oxidize organic,

inorganic impurities and remove suspended/colloidal particlematerials using Granular dosing and mixing unit (see processchart) for further details.

Redxxx can even treat Micropollutants in water purification

processes. Redxxx is very promising in the removal of BOD and

COD. Redxxx is a promising application for 50% sludge

reduction, biogas desulfurization and remove phosphates insewage treatment systems. Utilization of Red

xxx isrecommended to treat highly contaminated waters.

Redxxx as a multipurpose water and wastewater Granular,

due to its Green Nature, which is the center of attentionthese days. Red

xxx have the potential to become one of theCatalyst for future generation.

The effectiveness of the Redxxx treatment is also reflected in

the dosage. Very small dose of Redxxx are sufficient for

Hydrocarbon treatment. 10 grams of Redxxx is a sufficient

dose for 99% removal of organic compounds at pH 8,temperature 25°C and contact time of 30-40 minutes. If theconcentration of Hydrocarbons is low, the required Red


concentration is also low.


What is Redxxx


Very Powerful

Very fast

Very Effective

Very Economical

Reduction of sludge

Green Technology

Hydrogen Sulfide



Polycyclic Aromatics

Amine or Aniline moieties

Advantages of Redxxx

Very Selective Oxidant for

Recommended dosing percentage for RedOxy-4C

Tank Volume calculation for RedOxy-4C Treatment


If inlet Flow = 5 m3/h, then

▪ Volume of Tank 1 = 5 x Inlet Flow = 5 x 5 = 25 m3

▪ Volume of Tank 2 = 6 x Inlet Flow = 6 x 5 = 30 m3

▪ Volume of Tank 3 = 10 x Inlet Flow = 10 x 5 = 50 m3

Redxxx = 20% Oxy-3C = 80%


Optimum dosing rate for given water = 50 grams/m3 then

Redxxx dosing = 20% of 50 gram = 10 gram/ m3

Oxy-3C dosing = 80% of 50 gram = 40 gram/ m3

Figure 1. Cell biomass + Growth

The most frequently Hydroxylated residue inwastewater is very large biomolecules of oneor more long chain of amino acids. The keyelements of an amino acid are as follows.

The degradation of petroleum Hydrocarbonscan be mediated by specific Enzyme system.The initial attack on substances based onchemicals found within an organism that are

from OXY-Two

The most rapid and complete degradation ofthe majority of organic and inorganicpollutants including Fats, Oils and Grease

(FOG) is only possible with application ofRedOxy-4C under aerobic conditions. TheFigure 1 shows the main mechanism ofchanging Hydrocarbons into Carbohydrateswith oxygenasis. The initial Red

XXX attack onorganic pollutants is an advanced oxidationprocess for Hydrocracking and theincorporation of oxygen. This reaction is thekey of Catalyst Ferrate (FE VI) andPeroxidases to convert all organic pollutantsstep by step into intermediates of the centralintermediary metabolism. As in Figure 1 theTricarboxylic Acid Cycle.

Hydroxylation is the step of Oxy-3C. In thisstep the Oxidative degradation of organiccompounds in water, wastewater and anysource of Toxic water. It is extremelyimportant in detoxification since hydroxylation



converts lipophilic compounds into water-soluble (Hydrophilic compounds) that arealmost removed by OXY-One. Allpharmaceuticals are also deactivated in the

process of Hydroxylation.

Bio-Oxylation - Biological Process

The biological process involves conversion of aCarbohydrate group (CH) into Carbon OxygenHydro group (COH). Bio-Oxylation is anoxidative process. The oxygen that is insertedinto the C H bond is derived

Since O2 itself is a slow and unselectiveBIOOXYLATING agent, Ferrate Catalysis isrequired to accelerate the speed of theprocess and to introduce selectively.



not naturally produced. For example, Drugs,

Antibiotics PCB’s, PVZ, Hormones, estrogensand heavy metals.

Organic compounds in petroleum and crude oilindustry uses Bisphenol (BPA), Nonylphenol

(NP) and these are the major pollutants inwastewater plants. These effects have shownto result in adverse Environmental effects on aglobal scale in potential ECOTOXIC

concentrations. Activated sludge by RedOxy-

4C is a very robust method to reduce BPA andNP concentration by more than 99% throughbiodegradation under strong Aerobicconditions of OXY-Three by OXYGENASES.

Carbon (C)

Hydrogen (H)

Oxygen (O2) &

Nitrogen (N)

Organics, Inorganics including Carbohydratesfrom Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PH) bacteriaand other microbes are the only quick solutionthat will ultimately clean up the ongoingdifficulty of Micro-plastics, Pharmaceuticals

waste, PFOA’s , BPA and Hydrocarbon

problems in all waste water system , Lakes,and Oceans around the world. However, toachieve such results with bacteria andmicrobes, the requirement of continuousoxygen release is necessary.

OXY-Three will give trillion of Bacteria, andMicrobes a steady oxygen to consume thecontaminants. OXY-Three will break the Fat,

Oil and Grease into tiny carbohydrates thatcan be easily consumable by bacteria. If thewaste (food) is in very small droplets,microbial degradation is rapid and muchquicker. RedOxy-4C is the next generationwastewater remediation.





• Accelerates natural biodegradation oforganics and petroleum Hydrocarbons

• Optimised for further degradation ofpollutants in sludge

• Long duration of released oxygen up to 12months.

• Adsorb micro-nutrients from wastewater;Nitrogen, Phosphates and Potassium(NPK) which are beneficial for aerobicmicroorganisms.

Benefits of OXY - Three



OXY-3C: Aerobic wastewater treatment withpure oxygen without any influence of pollutedair from atmosphere. There is no requirementof any aeration pumps, oxygenation equipment,diffusion hoses or any electrical controlsystems. The great benefits of all is theautomation process without the need forinstallation engineers, supervision,commissioning services, maintenance, spareparts, and reduced energy consumption foraffordability.

OXY-3C : Most efficient technology available inwater and wastewater treatment industry.Based on 40 years of experience, WatchWater has developed a complete portfolio of

This is absolutely not the efficient process, asair bubbles from aeration consist of 20percent of Oxygen and the rest is Nitrogenand polluted air, which is not required. WatchWater team knows very wellthat Oxydes products are more efficient todeliver oxygen to these water-dwellingbacteria than to send polluted Air bubbles tothem through the wastewater.

As we humans, we do not fill our lungs upwith water and then pump air bubbles intothem to receive oxygen, we simply breath theair around us directly into our lungs. Whyshould the way the bacteria take in oxygen beany different?

PAST = Aeration PlantsFUTURE = OXY-3C : Aerobic

“The World Leader in Clean Oxygen Solutions for Wastewater Treatment Plants and

Clean Air Solutions”

Oxygenation, Catalyzation, Filtration andAdsorption processes to meet customer’sneeds. Oxydes products are designed fortemporary to permanent aeration solution andfrom low to high oxygen demand.

Free-flowing granules designed to settle onthe bottom of the basins for continuous doseof oxygen. Without the necessary requirementfor external power and any diffusion hoses orinjections. The purpose of OXY-3C is addedthrough the granular doser as it is flowingdirectly to the sediment surfaces andendorsing this technology as the ideal choicefor Water, Wastewater and Petrochemicalindustry.

RedOxy-4C treatment technology operates onthe concept of “PASSIVE AERATION”whereby the water is flowing directly fromTank Number 3 to Water Reuse. Leavingbehind the bacteria in sludge and water withhigh Dissolved Oxygen for irrigation andfertilization discharged to nature.

High content of oxygen can accommodatemore bacteria in sludge to destroy morepollutants. The bacteria can than continue toremove organic carbon and nitrogen pollutantsfrom the sludge in a way that producessubstantially less Greenhouse gases, Odorsand Sludge. The remaining sludge could beused as soil for Agricultural or Horticulturalapplications.








The current wastewater treatmenttechnologies around the world are more than120 years old. Currently, most ofthe electricity consumed by the wastewatertreatment plants is to OXYGENATE

WASTEWATER. This past method ofOXYGENATE wastewater is an inefficientprocess and the perfect solution is throughOXY-3C. Leaving OXY-3C to have a hugepotential to revolutionize the wastewatertreatment industry.

OXY-3C can offer significant operational savingfor any nation by reducing the volume ofElectricity, Maintenance and operational costsby 100 percent. In addition, OXY-3C processcan dramatically lower the carbon footprintassociated with treating world wastewater.

In conventional methods, aeration tanks inwastewater treatment constitute a significantsource of Aerosol emission. Considerably ahuge number of microorganisms are emittedinto the atmosphere from wastewatercollection tanks and secondary settling tanks.Wastewater treatment plants ranks highestfor atmospheric pollution because of aeration.They are a substantial emitter ofmicroorganism conveying aerosols orpathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungalspores. Particularly, wastewateraeration causes the emission of smaller orlarger droplets containing protein material andthis causes various allergies, and somelegionella. The biggest source of biologicalaerosols are Aeration tanks.

Using RedOxy-4C instead of extendedaeration is recommended as the only methodfor reducing emission of bio aerosols. It seemsnecessary for responsible organizations andofficial to meet Watch Water branches aroundthe world.

PAST = Aeration PlantsFUTURE = OXY-3C : Aerobic