Seminar Presentation on Reduction in induction motor heating fed by a new PWM technique

Reduction in Induction Motor Heating Fed by a New PWM Technique

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8/2/2019 Reduction in Induction Motor Heating Fed by a New PWM Technique

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Seminar Presentation on

Reduction in induction motor heating fed by a new

PWM technique

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Points to be covered:

1) What is PWM?

2) Why PWM to reduce harmonic losses?

3) Various PWM techniques




7) Laboratory Experimental Setup

8) Results

9) Conclusion

10) References

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What is PWM?

PWM- Pulse width modulation

 Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a very efficient way of providing intermediate amounts of 

electrical power between fully on and fully off.

PWM can be used to reduce the total amount of power delivered to a load without losses

normally incurred when a power source is limited by resistive means.

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Why PWM?

Harmonics increase losses and cause heat problems in the machine resulting in wear of theinsulation covering the conductors and reducing the system’s performance.

Another adverse effect is that magnetic fields are produced in the yoke, some of which rotate

in the same direction as and others in the opposite direction to the main field, causing par

fluctuations, vibration and noise.

By PWM technique :

Control of inverter output voltage 

Reduction of harmonics 

Disadvantages of Harmonics :

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Various PWM techniques

SPWM (Sine Pulse width modulation)

HIPWM (Harmonic injection pulse width modulation)

HIPWM-FMTC(Harmonic Injection Pulse Width Modulation and Frequency

Modulated Triangular Carrier )

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The most classic generated pulse width modulation


This involves a high frequency triangular signal as a carrier,

and a sinusoidal modulator with fundamental frequency

Comparing the two gives the sinusoidal pulse width

modulated signal (SPWM).

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Modulator wave Carrier Wave

Modulated wave

Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM); modulating wave

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Disadvantages of SPWM :

•Generates a fundamental term with small amplitude

• Significant amount of undesired harmonics.

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•This technique is born out of the SPWM.

•This technique consists of over modulating the sinusoidalmodulator .

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Modulator waveCarrier wave

Modulated wave

Harmonic injection pulse width modulation (HIPWM);modulating wave, carrier wave andresulting modulated wave

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•Harmonic Injection Pulse Width Modulation and FrequencyModulated Triangular Carrier (HIPWM-FMTC)

•This new technique uses an identical modulator to the one

used with the HIPWM technique, and an instantaneous

frequency triangular signal as the carrier

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Carrier Wave

Modulator wave

Modulated wave

Harmonic Injection Pulse Width Modulation and Frequency Modulated Triangular Carrier”(HIPWM-FMTC); modulating wave, carrier wave and resulting modulated wave.

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Laboratory Experimental Setup

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0  22.0  22.0  22.0 

10  25.3  25.3  25.2 

20  28.2  28.1  28.1 

30  30.2  30.0  29.5 

40  31.2  31.0  30.4 

50  31.9  31.7  31.1 

60  32.3  32.0  31.4 

70  32.4  32.1  31.5 

80  32.4  32.1  31.5 

90  32.5  32.2  31.6 

Table of temperatures measured in the AC-motor stator in the test performed With 50%


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Results continued :


(min) SPWM  HIPWM 



0  22.0  22.0  22.0 

10  23.9  23.9  23.9 

20  26.8  26.6  26.2 

30  27.3  27.2  26.8 

40  27.7  27.6  27.2 

50  28.0  27.8  27.3 

60  28.1  27.9  27.4 

70  28.1  27.9  27.4 

80  28.1  27.9  27.4 

90  28.1  27.9  27.5 

Table of temperatures measured in the AC-motor stator in the test performed With 25%


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The technique (HIPWM-FMTC) has a clear advantage

over the other traditional PWM techniques in terms of heating the motor.

This is due to the lower content of harmonics.


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[1] Reduction in induction motor heating fed by a new PWM technique: results obtained inlaboratory experiments. By M. J. Meco-Gutiérrez , A. Ruiz Gonzalez ,F. Vargas-Merino ,J.R. Heredia-Larrubia .  [2] Design of a High Performance Three-phase UPS with Unity Input Power Factor and High DC-

Voltage Conversion Ratio

By Wen-Inne Tsai, York-Yih Sun, and JiaYou Lee Control System Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng KungUniversity, Tainan, Taiwan [3] Shaping the HIPWM-FMTC strategy to reduce acoustic noise radiated by Inverter- Fed

Induction Motors By Antonio Ruiz-González, Mario J. Meco-Gutiérrez,Francisco Vargas-Merino,Francisco Pérez-

Hidalgo,Juan Ramón Heredia 

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