Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR Freedom Sports Complex. San Tose. Pili, Camaiines Sur DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chiefs of CID and SGOD Public Schools District Supervisors Principals and School Heads Division IT Officers and Engineers School ICT Coordinators, Division ICT Technical Team, Officers & Representatives All others concerned f FROM: FERNANDO € . MACARAIG Education Program Supervisor I, OIC SUBJECT: BASELINE DATA SURVEY BY NIELSEN COMPANY DATE: May 10, 2018 In consonance with the Unnumbered Memorandum dated April 23,2018, Nielsen Company shall conduct a Data Survey starting May 2, 2018 to selected districts in the Schools Division of Camarines Sur. The Baseline Data Survey shall focus on the Deped Computerization Program (DCP), Internet Connectivity Program (DICP) and the National Building Inventory (NSBI). The data shall be used as comparison with the results of future monitoring and evaluation efforts to allow the DepEd to measure the impact of the aforementioned programs. Nielsen Teams will be visiting schools and shall be conducting interviews to recipient schools (Please see attachedforms, while timelines of the activity is as follows; Activity DepEd Memo Distribution Nielsen Appointment Setting Nielsen Courtesy call to SDS Nielsen Interviews and Visits Date April 23, 2018 April 24 to July 27, 2018 April 24 to May 4, 2018 May 14 to August 17, 2018 All Schools under their respective District shall accomplish the attached forms and shall be ready during the visit of the Nielsen Team. Enclosure #1 is the list of Districts and schedule of visit by Nielsen Company. Enclosure #2 is the required forms for the database survey. For strict compliance. Office of the School* Division Superintendent, Tel. * ctfciixis HHx.tiA.um t n *». v Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Hili, Camarines Sur

Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

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Page 1: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)


Freedom Sports Complex. San Tose. Pili, Camaiines Sur


TO: Assistant Schools Division SuperintendentChiefs of CID and SGOD Public Schools District Supervisors Principals and School Heads Division IT Officers and Engineers School ICT Coordinators,Division ICT Technical Team, Officers & Representatives All others concerned

fFROM: FERNANDO € . MACARAIGEducation Program Supervisor I, OIC


DATE: May 10, 2018

In consonance with the Unnumbered Memorandum dated April 23,2018, Nielsen Company shall conduct a Data Survey starting May 2, 2018 to selected districts in the Schools Division of Camarines Sur.

The Baseline Data Survey shall focus on the Deped Computerization Program (DCP), Internet Connectivity Program (DICP) and the National Building Inventory (NSBI). The data shall be used as comparison with the results of future monitoring and evaluation efforts to allow the DepEd to measure the impact of the aforementioned programs.

Nielsen Teams will be visiting schools and shall be conducting interviews to recipient schools (Please see attached forms, while timelines of the activity is as follows;

ActivityDepEd Memo Distribution Nielsen Appointment Setting Nielsen Courtesy call to SDS Nielsen Interviews and Visits

DateApril 23, 2018 April 24 to July 27, 2018 April 24 to May 4, 2018 May 14 to August 17, 2018

All Schools under their respective District shall accomplish the attached forms and shall be ready during the visit of the Nielsen Team.

Enclosure #1 is the list of Districts and schedule of visit by Nielsen Company. Enclosure #2 is the required forms for the database survey.

For strict compliance.

O ffice o f the School* D ivis ion Superin tendent, Te l. * ctfciixis HHx.tiA.um t n *». vFreedom Sports Com plex, San Jose, Hili, Cam arines Sur

Page 2: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Region V

PiYJSUON OF CAMARINES SURFreedom Sports Complex. San Tose. Pili, Camaiines Sur

Name of District Start Date End DateDel Gallego June 18 June 23Ragay June 25 July 10Lupi July 11 July 25Sipocot July 26 August 16Cabusao July 12 June 15Pamplona July 16 June 23Pasacao June 25 July 4Libmanan July 5 August 4San Fernando August 6 August 14Milaor June 9 June 14Minalabac June 15 June 27Camaligan July 13 July 16Gainza July 17 July 19Canaman July 20 July 27Magarao July 28 August 1Bombon August 2 August 4Siruma August 6 August 13Ocampo June 13 June 21Tinambac June 22 July 13Goa July 14 July 26Calabanga July 27 August 13Tigaon June 1 June 12Pili (capital) June 13 June 29Sagnay June 30 July 9Lagonoy July 10 July 24Garchitorena July 25 August 6Presentacion August 7 August 15San Jose June 13 June 23Caramoan June 25 July 18Bula July 19 August 4Balatan August 6 August 14Bato June 12 June 23Baao June 25 July 5Nabua July 6 July 21Buhi July 23 August 7

O ffice o f t ile Schools D ivis ion Superin tendent, Te l. a C05-4J8713340 C H C I L L & « . A i l t L A A . C tL n t t «TFreedom Sports Com plex. San Jose. Pili. Ca m arines Sur

Page 3: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department o f EducationSCHOOL PROFILE I

School ID : ______________________________S cho o l N am e ; _____________________________ _S cho o l A d d re ss

B a r a n g a y : ______________________________________

S tre e t: ____________________________________C ity/ M un ic ip a lity : ____________________________________D is tr ic t : ____________________________________

D iv is ion : _______________________ ___________R e g io n : ____________________________________P r o v in c e : ______________________________________

PROFILEQ l. Number of

Enrollees in 2017Q2. Number o f

Graduates in 2017

Q3. Number of Indigenous People Studying in 2017

Males Females Males Females Males Females



Grade XGrade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7Grade 8

Grade 9Grade 10

Grade 11Grade 12

Non-Gradod Classes

TOTAL 2015. 201604. Enrollees•QS.-fi.radiffites---

06. Number o f students liv ing w ith in (SPECIFIED DISTANCE)DISTANCE Total Students Ind igenous Peoolc

2 kin radius and below from school2.1 to 5 km radius from school

5.1 km radius and beyond from

.............. -----------

Q7. In which indigenous groups do the students bftlong?1 Badjao 10 Kalagan 19 :

2 B'taan 11 Kalinga 20 ‘3 Bontoc 12 Kankanaey 21 '

4 Gaddang 13 Luwa'an 22 ■

S Ibatoi 14 Mangyan 23 •

6 Ifugao 15 Manobo 247 IgoroC 16 Matigsalug 25 i

8 llongot 17 Palawan Tribes 269 isneg 18 Sama Banguingui

Q8. H eadcounto f Security Personnel and Technician

ICT Coordinator Security Guard Watch man/Tanod

Page 4: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Departm ent o f EducationSC H O O L P R O F IL E ........................ 1

Q9, H e a d c o u n to f TeachersTotal ________________________ _Nationally-paid ___________________________Locally-paid

SUBJECTSN um b e r o f T eachers T each ing the Sub jec t

N u m b e r o f T eachers w ith M a jo r / M in o r In

the Sub jec t T auR h t



ScienceCom puter/ ICT


Araling Panlipunan TAP)

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao fEsP)



JHS AND SHSN um b e r o f T eachers

T each ing the S ub je c t

N u m b e r o f T eachers

w ith M a jo r / M in o r in the S ub je c t T au g h t


Beau tv Care




Front Office Services


Household Services

Travel Services

Wellness Massage


Agri-Crop Production

Animal ProductionAquaculture

Fish Processing



Autom otive Servicing


Consumer Electronics Servicing

Electrical Installation and Mainten;


Plum bing

Refrigeration and AircondittoninE

Shielded Metal Arc W eldingINFORMATION AND


Contact Center Services


Technical Drafting

Q10A. D ocs y o u r scho o l have a m a te r ia l recovery fac ility (recyc ling )?

1 Yes2 No

Q10B . Does' y o u r scho o l have a d ra in ag e system a n d / o r cana l?1 Yes2 No

Page 5: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of EducationSCHOOL PROFILE

Q l l . What are the available transportation going to school? Encircle all answers that apply.

Q12. How far is the school gate to the nearest concrete road pavement? Please answer in


Q13. Which of the following vehicles can access the road going to the school? Encircle all

answers that apply.

1 10-wheeler truck2 Bus3 Jeepney

Q14. Which of the following best describes the state of the Barangay Health Station in your

school? Encircle one answer that applies.

1 Complete2 Partially constructed3 Unfinished/ Abandoned4 No school-based Barangay Health Station

Q15. Are there incidences of armed conflict in the community in the past 12 months?

1 Animal-driven carriage2 Bicycle3 Boat/ Raft4 Bus5 G rab/Taxi/Private Car

6 Jeepney7 Motorcycle

8 Pedicab/Tricycle9 Train (i.e. MRT/ LRT/ PNR)

10 None

1 Yes2 None

Page 6: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education

BUILDING INVENTORY MODULE 1Q16. Total Number of Buildings __________________________

If school has more than 10 buildings, pleasesee additional sheets provided at the end


Q17. Number of Floors/


Q18. Number of

ClassroomQ19. Building Design

(Please refer to the


Q20. Area occupied by

the building (in sq meters]

Q21. Roofing Type

fGable or Slab-type)•

Q22. Building Condition

(Please refer to the answer guide)

Q23. Construction Year

StartedQ24. Construction Year


Q25, Latest

Reconstruction Ye3r

Q26. If there's on-going

reconstructions in the building, cite Funding

Source (Please refer to

the answerguide. If

not applicable, input


Page 7: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education


Q27, Number of Rooms (per building)


Makeshift rooms

(rooms made of

temporary structure)Administrative OfficeAudio-Visual RoomCanteenClinicComDuter LaboratoryConference RoomDistrict Supervisor's

Office. ....................Faculty Room/

Tearher;s.RnoroGuidance OfficeHome Economicsl.ahnrafnrv

Industrial ArtsLibraryMulti-Purpose HallPrincinal's OfficeScience LaboratorySpeech Laboratory

_S:uouliilQm. -

Number of Functional Number of


functionalMale Female



Total of





Page 8: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education


Q29. Number of new building currently under construction

If there Is none, skip to Q33._____________________________________

Q30. What are the funding source of the new building currently under construction? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

2 SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local Government Unit)

3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

4 I.ocal Private Sector

5 Congress

6 Foreign Fund/Donor

Q31. Total Number of Instructional Classroom in the new building currently constructed based on plan

Q32. Total Number of Non-lnstructional Classroom in the new building currently constructed based on plan

Page 9: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t io n


in an sw ering Q19, Q22 an d Q26, p lease re fe r to tl»e answ er gu ide be low .

Q19. B u ild in g Design1 Army Type School Building2 Bagong Lipunan I3 Bagong Lipunan II4 Bagong Lipunan III5 DECS 1 Room Building6 DepED Multi-Storev School Building7 DepED School Building (Modified)8 DepED School Building (Standard)9 DOST Science Laboratory Building

10 Economic Support Fund (ESF) Building11 Educational Facilities Improvement Program fEFIP) - IICA12 Fabricated Vigorous Room 200013 Federation o f Filipino Chinese Chamber o f Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCI1) "Barrio

School"14 FVR2Q0015 GabaidonType16 G0J-EF1P Building17 GOl-TRSBP Building18 Imelda Type19 Learning and Public Use School Building fLAPUS)20 Little Red School House21 Magsaysav Type22 Marcos Type23 Multi-Purpose Workshop Building24 PACCOR Building25 Pre-School/Kindergarten Building26 Public-Private School Infrastructure Project (PS1P School Building)27 RP-US Bayanihan28 SB Readily Assembled Multi-Optima Shelter f RAMOS)29 SBP4BE Building - AusAid30 Science Laboratory Building31 SEDIP Building32 SEDP Building (Carino Type)33 Spanish Grant School Building Package34 SPHERE Building- AusAid35 Third Elementary Education Project fTEEP) School Building36 Typhoon Resistant School Building Program fTRSBP) - IICA

Q22. Bu ild ing Condition1 Good Condition (Refers to a building which docs not need repair)2 Needs Minor Repair {Refers to the repair or replacement of school building components which

are not subjected to critical structural loads and stresses and which are estimated to cost less than

ten percent (10% ) o f the cost of a standard building unit such as repair of windows, doors, partitions

and the like)3 Needs Major Repair (Refers to the repair or replacement of school building components which

are subjected to critical structural loads and stresses and which are estimated to cost ten percentf 10%) or more of the cost of a standard building unit such as roof frames, costs and exterior walls')

4 On-going Construction (Refers to the school building/structure that are not yet completed

and/or not yet turned over)5 For Completion (Refers to a building/structure which was not completed according to the

design (e.g. one storey building was completed using a two storey design building plan))6 For Condemnation (Refers to the school building/structure that are not safe for occupancy and

not currently used but w ithout officail declaration from the Municipal/City Engineer)7 Condemned/For Demolition (Refers to a building officially declared by the Municipal/City

Iingineer to be dangerous to the life, health, property or safety o f the public or its occupants)

Q26. F und ing source o f on-going reconstruc tion in the b u ild in g1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association)2 SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local Government Unit)3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)4 Local Private Sector5 Congress6 Foreign Fund/ Donor

Page 10: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t io n SC H O O L LAND A N D U T IL IT IE S

033 . School Total t,and Area fin sa m eters!

Q34. Is the schoo l la n d titled to DepEd?1 Yes2 No

Q35. W h a t are the sources o f the schoo l e lectric ity? Enc irc le a ll answ ers tha t app ly .I f schoo l ha s no electricity, sk ip to Q40.

1 Grid2 Solar3 Generator4 Others5 No electricity

0.36. If source o f e lectric ity is so la r , w here are the batteries located?1 Inside the classroom2 Outside the classroom

Q37. N um ber o f h ou rs th a t e lectric ity is u sua lly ava ila b le in a day

Q38A. W ho Days the e lectric b i l l o f the schoo l?1 LGU2 School3 Others

Q38B. A m ou n t o f e lectric ity h il l f in Feh 20181

Q39. H ow often do y o u experience electric ity d is ru p tio n In a m on th ? Encircle o ne answ er th a ta p p lie s .

1 Once a month or less2 Two to three times a month3 Four times a month fonce a week!4 More than four times a month

Q40. Is there a w a te r connec tion av a ilab le in the com m u n ity ?1 Yes2 No

Q41 .W hat are the sources o f the schoo l w a te r connec tion? Encircle a ll answ ers th a t app ly .I f schoo l has no w a te r connection, sk ip to Q4-5.

1 Piped water from local service provider2 Deep Well3 Free F low / Natural Source4 Rainwater Catchment5 No water connection

Q42. N um ber o f h o u rs tha t w a te r connec tion is u sua lly a v a ilab le in a day

Q43. A m o u n t o f w a te r h il l fin Feb 20181

Q44. H ow often do you experience w a te r connec tion d is ru p tio n In a m on th? Encirc le one answ er tlia tapp lies-

1 Once a month or less2 Two to three times a month3 Four times a month (once a weekl4 More than four times a month

Page 11: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department o f EducationE-C L A SSR O O M / C O M PU TER LABO RATO RY M O DULE 1

Q4S. DCP batch num ber received by the school (E n c irc le a ll b a tc h e s th a t a p p ly .)I f there is no DCP received, skip to Q4-9.

1 Batch 1 16 Batch 16 31 Batch 312 Batch 2 17 Batch 17 32 Batch 323 Batch 3 18 Batch 18 33 Batch 334 Batch 4 19 Batch 19 34 Batch 34

5 Batch 5 20 Batch 20 35 Batch 356 Batch 6 21 Batch 21 36 Batch 367 Batch 7 22 Batch 22 37 Batch 378 Batch 8 23 Batch 23 38 Batch 38

9 Batch 9 24 Batch 24 39 Batch 39

10 Batch 10 25 Batch 25 40 Batch 4011 Batch 11 26 Batch 26 41 Batch 41

12 Batch 12 27 Batch 27 42 Batch 4213 Batch 13 28 Batch 28 43 Batch 4314 Batch 14 29 Batch 29 44 Batch 44

15 Batch 15 30 Batch 30 45 None

In answ ering Q52 please refer to the answ er gu ide be low .

Q52. Fund ing Source1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association) 3 Local Private Sector

2 SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local 4 CongressGovernment Unit) 5 Foreign Fund/ Donor


D epEd-Provided Non-DepEd-Provided

Q46. Total number of

items received

Q47. Number of Working

Q 4 S .

Number of Defective

Q49. Total number of

items received

Q50. Number of Working

Q5t. Number of Defective



Computers(Standalone)Host PCs of



Laptop/Notebook/NetbookTablets/ Tablet PCsI nccractive Whiteboard



Facilities in the £- c lassroom / Com puter

______ Laboratory_______

QS3. Num ber o f W ork ing Q54. Num ber o f Defective

Aircondition Units

Chairs/ Mono chairs

Circuit BreakerComputer Tables

Electic Fan

Electrical Lighting

Electrical OutletsGeneratorLAN (Local Area Network)

QS5A. Num ber o f E-classrdom w ith Standard Size (7 m x l8 m ) QS5B. Num ber o f E-classroom w ith Non-Standard Size

Page 12: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)


BATCHQ56. Number o f Com puters/ T erm ina ls that need repa ir

Q57. W ith or w ithou t

w arranty?





Batch 13Batch 14Batch ISBatch 16Batch 17Batch 18Batch 19Batch 20Batch 21Batch 22Batch 23Batch 24Batch 25Batch 26Batch 27Batch 28Batch 29Batch 30Batch 31Batch 32Batch 33Batch 34Batch 35Batch 36Batch 37Batch 38Batch 39Batch 40Batch 41Batch 42Batch 43Batch 44

Q59. Does vour school have a certification o f p roper electrical w ir in g and outlets?1 Yes2 No

Q60. Is there a g ro up o f 3 peop le designated to be the school inspectorate team?1 Yes2 No

Q61. Frequency o f E-classroom Usage (N um ber o f hou rs in a week)

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade S Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade XX Grade 12


Computer Araling Panlipunan (AP) Edukasyon sa I’aRpapakatao (EsP) HEKASI MAP EH

Q62. Does your school access the Learn ing Resources Portal?1 Yes2 No

Q63. Reasons fo r n o t u s ing the e-classroom a t a ll1 Absenceof training on teachers2 No access on online resources3 No internet access4 Slow internet

5 Terminals are not working6 No electricity7 No e-classroom/ computer laboratory

Page 13: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education


Q64. What are the security mechanisms present in school? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 CCTV2 Locks3 Security Personnel/Guard4 Barangay Tanod/W atchman5 None

Q65. What are the security mechanisms present in e-classroom? Encircle all answers that


1 Locks2 Door Grills3 Window Grills4 None

Q66. What is the source of the salary of the security personnel? Encircle all answers that


1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association)2 SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local Government Unit)3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)4 Local Private Sector5 Congress6 Foreign Fund/ Donor

Q67. Number of hours school has security personnel in a day

1 Less than 6 hours2 6 to 12 hours3 13 to 18 hours4 19 to 24 hours

Q68. Number of theft incidence oflCT equipment (i.e. CPU, Monitor, Laptop, Projector,

Tablet, Interactive White Board) in the past 2 years

I f school did not have theft incidence, skip to Q70._________

Q69. Action taken by school regarding the last theft incidence

1 Report filed2 Replaced by the school3 Requested for a new equipment4 None

Page 14: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of EducationCONNECTIVITY

In answering Q72, Q74and Q77, please refer to the answer guide below.

Q72/Q77. Funding Source

1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

2 SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local

Government U nit)

3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

4 Local Private Sector

5 Congress

6 Foreign Fund/Donor

Q74. Type of Internet Connection

1 Mobile Data


3 Fiber

4 Mobile Broadband

5 Ethernet




Service Provider

Q70. Number of

Phone Connection

Q71. Expense for Phone

Connection (in Feb 2018)

Q72. Funding Source for

Phone Connection

1 Globe

2 Smart


4 Digitel ,5 AT&T



Service Provider

Q73. Number of



I f no internet connection, skip to



o f Internet


Q7 5. Access


(LAN or

W ifi or



Expense for



(in Feb




Source for



1 Globe

2 Smart


4 Sky Cable

5 Others

Q78. In which areas is the internet available? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 Makeshift rooms

2 Classroom

3 Administrative Office

4 Audio-Visual Room

5 Basketball Court/Gym

6 Clinic

7 Conference room

8 Computer Laboratory

9 Faculty room

10 Guidance Office

11 Library

12 Science Laboratory

13 Speech Laboratory

14 Supply Room

Q79. Number of Desktop Computers and Virtual Term inals connected to the Internet

Desktop Computers

Virtual Terminals

Page 15: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of EducationTRAINING AND MONITORING

Q80. Are there trainings conducted by the supplier for the teachers?

I f there are no trainings conducted, skip to Q83.1 Yes2 None

Q81, What are the topics discussed during the training? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 Digital Concepts2 Digital Operations and Management3 Digital Applications4 Digital System Network5 Digital Devices6 Digital Ethics7 Others

Q82. Number of teachers trained_________________

Q83. Js the DCP Manual (hardcopy or softcopy) given?

1 Yes2 No

Q84, How frequent does the Division Office conduct visit inspection on DCP? Encircle the

answer thatapplies.

1 Weekly2 Monthly3 Qu^jteriy4 Bi-annually5 Annually6 Never

Page 16: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Extra Sheets for Building Inventory

Department of Education


If school has more than 10 buildings,please see additional sheets.


Q17. Number of Floors/ Storey

Q18. Number of


Q19. Building Design

(Please refer to the

answer Quide)

Q20. Area occupied by the building (in sq


Q21. RoofingType

f Gable or Slab-ty pel

Q22. Building Condition

(Please refer to the

answer guide)

Q23. Construction Year


Q24. Construction Year


Q25. Latest

Reconstruction Year

Q26. If there's on-going

reconstructions in the

building, cite Funding

Source (Please refer to

the ans wer guide. If

not applicable, input


Page 17: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education


Q27, Number of Rooms (per building)


Makeshift rooms

(rooms made of

temporary structure")

Administrative Office

Audio-Visual Room



Computer Laboratory

Conference RoomDistrict Supervisor's

OfficeFaculty Room/

. Teacher's Room ...

Guidance OfficeHome Economics


Industrial Arts


Multi-Purpose Hall

Prindoai's Office

Science LaboratorySpeech Laboratory

Supply Room

Page 18: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)


Department o f Education


School ID :

School Name :School Address

Barangay :

S tre e t:

C ity / M un ic ip a lity :

D is tr ic t:

D ivision :

Region :

Province :


M anggahan E lem entary School

Brgy. 14-

C om er Cap lnp in & Gomez St

City o f Pasig___________________

Pasig City D istrict IV

Pasig City



PROFILEQ l, Number of

Enrollees in 2017Q2. Number o f

Graduates in 2017Q3. Number o f Indigenous People Studying in 2017

Males Females Males Females Males FemalesTOTAL 1122 1049 1022 969 0 0Kinder 110 90 100 90 0 0Grade 1 180 170 3 71 162 0 0Grade 2 14-5 178 123 151 0 0Grade3 157 146 126 117 0 0Grade 4 160 150 160 150 0 0Grade 5 190 160 171 144 0 0G rade 6 180 155 171 155 0 0Grade 7

Grade 8Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11Grade 12

Non-Graded Classes »

TOTAL 2015 201604. Enrollees 1650 1812.0.5,.Graduates 1320 1630

Q6. Number o f student*; liv ing w ith in (SPECIFIED DISTANCE) ...

DISTANCE Total Students Indigenous Peonle2 km radius and below from school 425 0

2.1 to 5l<m radius from school 1200 05.1 km radius and beyond from

. .................. ....546 0

Q7. In which indigenous groups do the students belong? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 Badjao 10 Ka lagan 19 Subanon

2 B'laan 11 Kalinga 20 Tboli

3 Bontoc 12 Kankanacy 21 Teduray

4 Gaddang 13 Luwa'an 22 Tinguian

5 Ibaloi 14 Mangyan 23 Tumadok

6 i f'ugno 15 Manpbo 24 Yakan

7 tgorot 16 Matigsalug 25 Others

8 Ilongot 17 Palawan Tribes 26 No IP Students

9 Isneg 18 Sama Banguingui

Q8. Headcount o f Security Personnel and Technician

ICT Coordinator Security GuardWatchman/ Tanod



Page 19: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department o f EducationSCHOOL PROFILE

Q9. H eadcounto f TeachersTotal -...Zft.Nationally-paidLocally-paid _______ 70

SUBJECTSNum ber o f Teachers Teaching the Subject

Number o f Tcachers w ith M ajo r/ M inor In

the Subject Taught

Filipino 10 O

English 12 6

Mathematics 14 lO

Science 14 12

Computer/ ICT 4 4gPP/TI.E 6 O

Araling Panlipunan (API 0 0

Rdukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) 6 0



JHS AND SHSNumber o f Teachers Teaching the Subject

Number o f Teachers w ith M a jo r/ M inor In

the Subject Taught

HOME ECONOMICSHi'.iuly- Care 0 0

Care giving 0 0Cookery 0 0Dressmaking 0 0Front Office Services 0 0I landicraft 0 0 \Household Services 0 0Travel Services 0 0

Wellness Massage 0 0


Agri-Crop Production 0 0

Animal Production 0 0

Aquaculture 0 0

Fish Processing 0 0

Horticulture 0 o

INDUSTRIAL ARTSAutomotive Servicing 0 0

Carpentry 0 0

Consumer Electronics Servicing 0 0

Electrical Installation and Maintenanc 0 0

Masonry 0 0

Plumbing 0 0

Refrigeration and Airconditioning 0 0

Shielded Metal Arc Welding 0 0


Contact Center Services 0 0

Illustration 0 0

Technical Drafting 0 0

Q IO ^. Does your school have a m aterial recovery facility (recycling)?

O r :QlftIL Does your school have a drainage system a n d /o r canal?

Page 20: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education_S.CH.OQJ, PBQFJ.LI.

Q ll. What are the available transportation going to school? Encircle all answers thatapply.1 Animal-driven carriage

2 Bicycle

3 Boat/ Raft

A B u s

Q jyGrab/ Taxi/ Private Car

{6} Jeepney

{7 J Motorcycle

Q y Pedicab/Tricycle

9 Train (i.e. MRT/ LRT/ PNR)

10 None

Q12. How far is the school gate to the nearest concrete road pavement? Please answer in km.

0.5 km

Q13. Which of the following vehicles can access the road going to the school? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 10-wheeler truck JL Bus


Q14. Which of the following best describes the state of the Barangay Health Station in your school? Encircle one answer thatapplies.

Incomplete Qf)PartiaUy constructed

3 Unfinished/. Abandoned

4 No school-based Barangay Health Station

Q15, Are there incidences of armed conflict in the community in the past 12 months?

1 Yes2 None

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Department of Education

___________________________________________________________BUILDING INVENTORY MODULE

QlS.Total Numberof Buildings _____________1_____________

If school has more than 10 buildings, please see adtli tionai sheet':,


Q17. Number of Floors/

Storey 3

Q38. Number of

Classroom 45

Q19. Building Design

(Please refer to the

answerouide) 9

Q20. Area occupied by

the building (in sq

meters'! 200

Q21. Roofing Type

(Gable orSlab-tvoel SLAB

Q22. Building Condition

(Please refer to the

answer guide) 4

Q23. Construction Year

Started 2010

Q24. Construction Year

Comole ted 2013

Q25. Latest

Reconstruction Year N/A

Q26. If there's on-going

reconstructions in the

building, cite Funding

Source (Please refer to

the answer guide. If

not applicable, input

AI/A )1

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Department of Education


Q27. Number of Rooms (per build ing)

Number of Functional Number of

Male FemaleShared/


Total of




Q28A. TOILETS 3 3 10 16 2



Page 23: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of Education


Q29. Number of new building currently under construction

I f there is none, skip to Q33.___________________________________


Q30. Whatare the funding source of the new building currently under construction? Encircle all answers that apply.

(T) PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

Q ) SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Lc

r f) MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operati

4 Local Private Sector

5 Congress -

6 Foreign Fund/Donor

Q31. Total Number of Instructional Classroom in the new building currently BEING constructed based on plan


Q32. Total Number of Non-lnstructional Classroom in the new building currently BEING constructed based on plan


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D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t io n


Q 33 .Schoo l .To.taiJ<an.d.Ai:ea.fin so meters)1 2 , 0 0 0 s q . m e t e r s

Q3iUJs th e schoo l la n d t it le d to DepEd? U-)Yes

2 No

Q35. W h a ta re the sources o f the schoo l e lectric ity? Encirc le a l l answ ers th a ta p p ly .I f sc h o o l h a s no electricity, sk ip to Q40.

C l) Grid2 Solar3 Generator4 Others5 No electricity

Q36- If source o f e lectric ity Is so lar, w he re a re the batteries located?

d Inside the classroom Outside the classroom

Q37- N um ber o f h o u rs tha t e lectric ity is usua lly a v a ila b le in a day

24- h o u r s

QX»A. W h o pays the e lectric b i l l o f the schoo l?Qj ^ lg u

2 School3 Others

038B . A m o u n tO .f^ .g ^ i .c ltv b .in Hn Feb 20181

P 3 .8 7 6 .5 0

Q 39 .H o w often do you experience e lectric ity d is ru p t io n in a m o n th ? Enc irc le one answ er th a ta p p lie s .

X O n c e a month or less Q y r w o to three times a month3 Four times a month fonce a week)4 More than four times a month

041L.1S there a w a te r connec tion av a ila b le in the co m m u n ity ?C yY es2 No

Q41 .W ha ta re the sources o f the schoo l w a te r connec tion? Encirc le a ll answ ers tha t app ly .

I f s d m o l h a s no w a te r connection , sk ip to Q45.Piped water from local service provider

2 Deep Well3 Free F low / Natural Source4 Rainwater Catchment5 No water connection

Q42. Number o f h o u rs tha t w ate r connec tion is u sua lly av a ilab le in a day

2 4 h o u r s

Q43. A m o u n t o f w a te r b ill fin Feb 20181

P 3 ,8 7 6 .5 0

Q44. H ow often do you experience w a te r conncc tion d is ru p t io n in a m o n th ? Encircle one

angw er th a ta p p lie s .

C lyO nce a m onth or less2 Two to three times a m onth3 Four times a m onth fonce a week)4 More than four times a month

Page 25: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t io n E-CLASSROOM/ COMPUTER LABQRATORYMODULE

Q4-5. DCP b a tch n u m b e r rece ived by the scho o l (E n c ir c le a l l b a tc h e s t h a t a p p l y . )I f th e r e is no DCP received , sk ip to Q4-9.

1 Batch 1 16 Batch 16 31 Batch 312 Batch 2 17 Batch 17 32 Batch 323 Batch 3 18 Batch 18 33 Batch 334 Batch 4 19 Batch 19 34 Batch 345 Batch 5 20 Batch 20 3S Batch 356 Batch €5 21 Batch 21 36 Batch 367 Batch 7 22 Batch 22 37 Batch 378 Batch 8 23 Batch 23 38 Batch 389 Batch 9 24 Batch 24 39 Batch 39

10 Batch 10 25 Batch 25 40 Batch 4011 Batch 11 26 Batch 26 41 Batch 41

Batch 12 27 Batch 27 42 Batch 42Batch 13 28 Batch 28 43 Batch 43

S ) Batch 14 29 Batch 29 44 Batch 4415 Batch 15 30 Batch 30 45 None

In a n s w e r in g Q 52 p le a se re fe r to th e a n s w e r g u id e b e low .QS2. F u n d in g S ou rce

1 PTA ( P a r e n t Teacher Association) 3 Local Private Sector2 SKF (Special Education Fund )/LG U (Local 4 Congress

Government Unit) 5 Foreign F und /D ono r

e q u ip m e n t s

De pE d-P rov ided N on-DepEd-Prov ided

Q46- T ota l

n u m b e r o f item s rece ived

Q47.N u m b e r

o fW o rk in g

Q48.N u m b e r

o fD efective

Q 49.T o ta l

n u m b e r o f item s rece ived

QSO.N u m b e r

o fW o rk i ng

Q 51.N u m b e r

o fD efective

Q53-F u n d in gS ou rce


100 98 2 50 43 7


Host PCs o fVirtualTerminals

100 98 2 30 30 0


100 98 2 30 28 2 1,2,3


100 95 5 20 15 53

PCs 100 96 4 io 6 4 3W hiteboard 5 4 1 O 0 0 N/ARouter 2 2 O 0 0 0 N/APrinter 5 4 1 O 0 0 N/AProjector 3 3 O O 0 0 N/A

F ac ilities in th e E- c la s s ro o m / C o m p u te r

I .a b o ra to rv

Q 53. N u m b e r o f W o rk in g Q 54 . N u m b e r o f D e fective

A ircondition Units 2 OChairs/ Mono chairs 150 2Circuit Breaker 2 OComputer Tables lO O 5Eiectic Fan 6 OElectrical Li^htinj* 30 IOElectrical Outlets 50 oGenerator 2 6LAN (Local Area Network) 3,00 O

Q55A . N u m b e r o f E -classroom w ith S ta n d a rd S ize (7 m x l8 m )

Q55B . N u m b e r o f E-classroom w ith N on-S tandard S ire


Page 26: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Departm ent o f EducationE -C L A S S R O O M / C O M P U T E R L A B O R A T O R Y M O D U LE

BATCHQS6. N um ber o f C o m pu te rs / T e rm in a ls th a t need re p a ir

Q57-W ith o r w ith o u t w arran ty ?


D am aged

Q58B .Date

R eso lved

Batch 13 5 W ith Sept. 25, 2017

Sept. 30, 2017

Batch 14 2 W ithoutOct. 21,


Batch 15Batch 16Batch 17Batch IBBatch 1*Bnt^rh 20Batch 21 IBatch 22Batch 23Batch 24Batch 25Batch 26Batch 27Batch 28Batch 29Batch 30Batch 31Batch 32Batch 33Batch 34Batch 35Batch 36Batch 37Batch 38Batch 39Batch 40Batch 41Batch 42Batch 43.IJatch 44

QSft>Does yo u r schoo l have a ce rtif ica tio n o f p ro p e r e lectrica l w-Jrine and ou tle ts? ( l / e s

7 No

QftCU^s there a g ro u p o f 3 pe o p le des ignated to be the schoo l Inspecto ra te team ?

Q61. Frequency o f E-classroom Usage (N um ber o f h o u rs in a w eek)

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12


FilipinoEnglishMathematicsScienceEPP/T1.EComputerAraline Panlipunan (API Edukasyon sa Passpapakatao (EsP) HEKASt MAP EH


- 12-


062- Does y o u r schoo l access the Learn ing Resources Porta l?

-U Yes( t y 0

Q63. Reasons fo r n o t u s ing the e-classroom a t a ll1 Absence of training on teachers2 No accesson online resources

J i No internet accessQ 4JS Iow internet

5 Terminals are not working6 No electricity7 No e~ classroom/ computer laboratory

Page 27: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of EducationSECURITY

Q6&What are the security mechanisms present in school? Encircle all answers that apply.

(j^CCTV2 Locks3 Security Personnel/ Guard4 Barangay Tanod/ Watchman5 None

Q65. Whatare the security mechanisms present in e-classroom? Encircle all answers that apply.

QlyLocks2 Door Grills3 Window Grills4 None

Q66. What is the source of the salary of the security personnel? Encircle all answers that apply.

1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association)2 SEF [Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local Government Unit)3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

6 Foreign Fund/Donor

Q67. Number of hours school has security personnel in a day

f - L Less than 6 hours ( j i / 6 to 12 hours

3 13 to 18 hours4 19 to 24 hours

Q68. Number of theft incidence of ICT equipment (i.e. CPU, Monitor, Laptop, Projector,

Tablet, Interactive White Board) in the past 2 years

If school did not have theft incidence, skip to Q70._________

Q6asAction taken by school regarding the last theft incidence

Q lJR eport filed2 Replaced by the school3 Requested fo r a new equi pment4 None


Page 28: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of EducationCONNECTIVITY

In answering Q72, Q74 and Q77, please refer to the answer guide below.

Q72/Q77. Funding Source Q74. Type o f Internet Connection

1 PTA (Parent Teacher Association) l Mobile Data

2 SEF (Special Education Fund)/ LGU (Local 2 DSL

Government Unit) 3 Fiber

3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses) 4 Mobile Broadband

4 Local Private Sector 5 Ethernet

5 Congress 6 VPN

6 Foreign Fund/Donor



Service Provider

Q70, Number of

Phone Connection

Q71. Expense for Phone

Connection (in Feb 2018)

Q72. Funding Source for

Phone Connection

1 Globe 1 P2,499.00 1

2 Smart 0 0

3 PLDT 1 P2.399.00 14 Disite) 0 0

S AT&T 1 P2,378.50 6



Service Provider

Q73. Number of



If no internet

connection, skip to


Q74. T ype

o f Internet


Q75. Access


(LAN or

W ifi or



Expense for



(in Feb

2 0 1 8 ) '



Source for Internet


1 Globe 1 Mobile Data Wifi P2,378.50 1

2 Smart 0

3 PLDT 1 DSL LAN P2.378.50 2

4 Sky Cable 0

5 Others 0

Q78. In which areas is the in ternet available?

1 Makeshift rooms LSjComputer Laboratory

2 Classroom VJpFaculty room

3 Administrative Office 10 Guidance Office

4 Audio-Visual Room 11 Library

5 Basketball Court/ Gym 12 Science Laboratory

6 Clinic 13 Speech Laboratory

7 Conference room 14 Supply Room

Q79. Number o f Desktop Computers and V irtual Term inals connected to the Internet

Desktop Computers

Virtual Terminals



Page 29: Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR - … Araling Panlipunan TAP) ... Electrical Installation and Mainten; Masonry ... 3 MOOE (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses)

Department of EducationTRAINING AND MONITORING

Q80. Are there trainings conducted by the supplier for the teachers?

I f there are no trainings conducted, skip to Q83.0 Y e s

2 None

Qair^Vhat are the topics discussed during the training? Encircle all answers that apply.

V^ljbigitai Concepts2 Digital Operations and Management3 Digital Applications4 Digital System Network5 Digital Devices6 Digital Ethics7 Others

Q82. Number of teachers trained_________________


Q83Js the DCP Manual (hardcopy or softcopy) given?

es2 No

Q84. How frequent does the Division Office conduct visit inspection on DCP? Encircle the

answer that applies.

1 Weekly2 Monthly3 Quarterly 4_ Bi-annually

M y Annually6 Never