REHDA Institute Housing Conference 2018: Housing in an era of change: a new direction Hong Kong: Transitional Housing . Housing the Transitioned Paul CHU Hoi Shan_201081009

REHDA Institute Housing Conference 2018: Hous ing in an ...rehdainstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2.-Prof.-Paul-Chu... · According to the Census and Statistics Department

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REHDA Institute Housing Conference 2018: Housing in an era of change: a new direction

Hong Kong: Transitional Housing . Housing the Transitioned

Paul CHU Hoi Shan_201081009

Hong Kong: Facts and Trends

Ref: Internet Sources

Ref: Internet Sources

Ref: Planning Dept, HKSAR

Ref: Google Earth

Ref: MingPao Weekly

Ref: MingPao Weekly

Ref: Internet Sources

Ref: Dr Stan Lai (CHC, HK) & SD Magazine (Japan)







Ref: Apple Daily, Oriental Daily, HK & https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Hong+Kong

Percentage of how much a Hong Konger spend per month

HK is a wealthy place. With the highest concentration of millionaires in Asia, it is awash with luxury malls and sports cars. Yet the city lacks a proper social safety net, is home to the widest rich-poor gap in the developed world and has a minimum wage of justHK$30 (US$3.87 or £2.40 – as of May 2013).

Ref: http://hongwrong.com/subdivided-flats-hong-kong/

Ref: http://thecityasaproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/HK-residential-plans.jpg


SCMP – 23 Jan 2017Hong Kong’s apartments cost 18.1 times gross annual median income in the third quarter of 2016, according to the DemographiaInternational Housing Affordability Survey’s study of 406 cities around the world. That’s a slight improvement from the 2015 study, which stood at a record 19 times income, according to Demographia.

“This improvement is a positive development,” according to US-based Demographia. “However, much greater improvement in housing affordability is needed.”

Hong Kong is the sole Chinese city to be included in the study, which classifies any region with a median multiple exceeding 5.1 as “severely unaffordable.” The city has maintained that dubious honour since at least 2010, when its media multiple was 11.4 times.

SCMP – 25 Jan 2016Hong Kong has ranked as the least affordable city to buy a home globally, with average flat prices at 19 times gross annual median income, the highest ever measured in the US- based Demographia’s survey in the past 11 years.

Ref: Centaline, HK

Ref: http://paper.wenweipo.com/2017/02/14/HK1702140014.htm

Ref: Apple Daily, Oriental Daily, HK

Public Housing (mostly rental)

Green Form Subsidized Home Ownership Scheme (from 2015)

Private Housing


Home Ownership Scheme

Starter Homes (initiated in 2017; implementation TBC)

Transitional Housing for Youngsters

According to the Census and Statistics Departmentthe median individual income of Hong Kong in 2016was HK$15,500 per month. If you make more thanHK$30,000, you are in the top 20%.

14% of local workers earned more than HK$40,000and top earners with monthly salary of HK$60,000or more account for 6.8% of the working population.

In 2015, the average income of graduates from theeight government-funded universities ranged fromHK$13,400 to HK$21,900. This means a number ofuniversity graduates already exceed the medianincome on their first job.

In terms of family income, the top 30% earnHK$40,000 per month. In contrast, the top 10% ofHong Kong’s richest families made more than amillion per year.

How much Hongkongers made in 2016

Ref: Census and Statistics Dept 2016 Population By-census, https://www.humanresourcesonline.net/where-do-you-stand-on-hong-kongs-pay-scale/

As at end-June 2018, there were about 150 600 general applications for PRH, and about 117 900 non-elderly one-person applications under the Quota and Points System. The average waiting time for general applicants was 5.3 years. Among them, the average waiting time for elderly one-person applicants was 2.9 years.

Hong Kong’s housing shortage has forced more than 210,000 residents to live in subdivided flats where cramped spaces and squalid conditions are common.

Officials have admitted they will not meet their target of building 280,000 public flats by 2027, leading to an expected shortfall of 43,000.

Ref: https://www.housingauthority.gov.hk/en/flat-application/income-and-asset-limits/index.html

Ref: http://thecityasaproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/HK-residential-plans.jpg

Ref: Housing Department, HK

Ref: Housing Department, HK


Ref: graphic by Alberto Cervantes, SCMP, HK

Ref: http://www.novi.hk/uploads/files/LSP_KL50_salesbrochure_r15_v7_floor_plan.pdf


Ref: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/community/article/2153143/nano-flats-boom-hong-kong-new-businesses-offer-big-ideas

Ref: Centaline, HK

Transitional Housing for Marginal Groups

Ref: Buildings Deptt (HK), Wall Street Journal Report

Ref: Photography by Benny Lam & Society for Community Organisation

Over 200,000 people live in subdivided flats, according to the results of Hong Kong’s 2016 population by-census.The Census and Statistics Department said the estimated number of subdivided flats was around 92,700. Around 209,700 people reside in such households.

Ref: Apple Dailly

Ref: Victor CHU (CHC, HK)

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ping Lai Path

Ref: drawing by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: drawing by Paul CHU

Ref: drawing by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: SKHLMLH Centre, HK

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: SKHLMLH Centre



Ref: SKHLMLH Centre

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: Photography by Paul CHU

Ref: SKHLMLH Centre


Ref: SKHLMLH Centre

60Ref: SKHLMLH Centre