REL 511 C*2.0 1 MAK 506 024-BEN Page 1 Issued Apri/1999 Status: New ecllo change withoui nolice Data subj (SE 95 02 07) Features .Line distance functionality comprises; -simultaneous measurement of the differ- ent phase. phase and phase. earth impedances with numerical measuring elements, ilndividually for each type of fault and each distance zone for fast and reliable fault detection -three zone protection with completely individual settings -separate and independent impedance measuring elements for the General Fault Criteria with advanced characteris- tic -scheme communication logic with cur- rent reversal and weak end infeed logics -power swing detection .Additional protection functions included such as; -phase overl~urrent, residual current -breaker faillJre protection -fuse failure and current transformer circuit supervision -single- or mlulti-pole tripping .Controi functions included: -autoreclosing and synchro-check with energising (~heck .Monitoring functions included: -event recorljer -disturbance recorder

REL 511 C*2 - ABB Group · REL 511 C*2.0 1 MAK 506 024-BEN Page 1 ... start function, ... The presence of the dead-Breaker failure protection (BFP) line-detection function is absolutely

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REL 511 C*2.0

1 MAK 506 024-BENPage 1

Issued Apri/1999Status: New

ecllo change withoui noliceData subj

(SE 95 02 07)

Features .Line distance functionality comprises;

-simultaneous measurement of the differ-ent phase. phase and phase. earthimpedances with numerical measuringelements, ilndividually for each type offault and each distance zone for fast andreliable fault detection

-three zone protection with completelyindividual settings

-separate and independent impedancemeasuring elements for the GeneralFault Criteria with advanced characteris-tic

-scheme communication logic with cur-rent reversal and weak end infeed logics

-power swing detection

.Additional protection functions includedsuch as;

-phase overl~urrent, residual current

-breaker faillJre protection

-fuse failure and current transformercircuit supervision

-single- or mlulti-pole tripping

.Controi functions included:

-autoreclosing and synchro-check withenergising (~heck

.Monitoring functions included:

-event recorljer

-disturbance recorder

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

General Substation Monitoring System (SMS) andSubstation Controi System (SCS). The unitsin the PANORAMA concept are available asstand alone relays/terminals or as buildingblocks in a total power network managementsystem.

The REL511 C line distance protection ter-minal is one of the basic units for distributionand sub-transmission line distance protectionapplications and forms a part of a PAN-ORAMA Station Automation.

The PANORAMA ,Station Automation con-cept includes a complete range of single-function units and multi-functional terminals,

Functions Line impedance The distance protection zones can operate,independently of the others, in directional(forward or reverse) or non-directional mode.This makes it suitable, together with differentcommunication schemes, for the protection ofpower lines and cables in complex networkconfigurations, such as double-circuit,parallellines, multi terminal lines, etc. ZoneoDe, two and three has a built-in option for aphase selective operation.

Distance prot4~ction (ZM1-3)

ApplicationDistance protection provides fast and reliableprotection for overhead lines and powercables in all kinds of power networks. Foreach independent distance protection zone,full scheme design provides continuous mea-surement of impedance separately in threeindependent phase-phase measuring loops asweIl as in three independent phase-earth mea-suring loops.

DesignDifferent digital signal processors calculatethe impedance as seen for different measuringloops in different distance protection zones.The results are updated each millisecond forall measuring loops and each distance protec-tian zone separately. Measurement of theimpedance for each fault föllows the differen-tial equation, which considers a complete linereplica impedance, as presented schemati-cally on Fig. 2.

Phase-earth distance protection serves asbasic earth-fault protection in networks withdirectly or low-impedance earthed networks.

Independent reactive reach setting for phase-phase and for phase-earth measurementsecures high selectivity in networks with dif-ferent protective relays used for short-circuitand earth-fault protection.


RI jx,



i(t) ..


L,J~ ! I

(98000063. vmf)

u(t) = (RI + Rf) .i(t) + ~ .~(J) ~treactive rea ch for ph-e faults

reactive reach for ph-ph faults

resistive reach for ph-e faulls

resistive reach for ph-ph faults

line impedance







line resistancefault resistanceline reactance


Fig. 1 Schematic presentation of the operatecharacteristic for one distance protectionzone in forward direction

Fig.2 Schematic presentation of the impedancemeasuring principle.

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Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Setting of all line parameters, such as positivesequence resistance and reactance as weIl aszero-sequence resistance and reac-tance,together with expected fallit resistancefor phase-phase and phase-earth faults, areindependent for each zone. The operate char-acteristic is thus automaticaIly adjusted to theline characteristic angle. The earth-returncompensation factor for the earth- fallit dis-tance protection is calculated automaticaIlyby the terminal itself.

Voltage polarisation for directional measure-ment uses continuous calculation and updat-ing of the positive sequence voltage for eachmeasuring loop separately. This secures cor-rect directionality of the protection on differ-ent evolving faults within the complexnetwork configurations. Positive-sequencememory voltage secures reliable directionaloperation on close-up three-phase fallIts.






Reactive reach in forward direction

Reactive reach in reverse direction

Resistive reach related to faultresistance

Resistive reach related to minimumload impedance

Load impedance angleThe distance pcc)tection function blocks areindependent of each other for each zone.Each function block comprises a number ofdifferent functional inputs and outputs, whichare freely configurable to different externatfunctions, logic gates, timers and binaryinputs and outputs. This makes it possible toinfluence the operation of the complete mea-suring zone oronly its trip function by theoperation of the fuse-failure function, thepower-swing-detection function, etc.

Fig.3 General fault criteria -schematic presen-tation of the operate characteristic in the

impedance plane

Independent measurement for each fault loopsecures reliable phase selection and correctoperation for complex network faults, such assimultaneous faults on paralIeI circuits,evolving faults, etc. Independent reactivereach setting for phase-phase and for phase-earth measurement secures high selectivity innetworks with different protective relays osedfor short-circuit and earth-fault protection.

General faullt criteria (GFC)

ApplicationThe general fault criteria is an independentimpedance measuring function, which servesas an overall fault detection and/or phaseselection element in all kinds of networks.Observe that the GFC function is not used asstart function, because full scheme measure-ment is utilised for the distance protectionzones.

DesignThe basic operate principle is the same as forthe basic distance protection zones (seeFig. 2). 1t is possible to set the reactive reachin forward and reverse direction for phase-phase and for phase-earth measurement sepa-ratelyand independently of each other. Set-ting of the resisti ve reach can also be differentfor phase-phase and for phase-earth measure-ment.

The GFC function is specially suitable incases when the fallit resistance to be detectedexceeds the minimum expected load imped-ance. The shaped operate characteristic in theimpedance plane (see Fig. 3) prevents theoperation of the irnpedance measuring ele-ments for low loRd impedances and at thesame time allows coverage of higher fallitresistance with remote infeed of the fallitcurrent.

The usel can program the influence of theGFC function on the operation of the distanceprotection zones used. The GFC function canprevent the operation of the distance protec-tion zones with a Teach longer than the Teachof the GFC elements, as long as the measuredimpedance is outside the GFC operate charac-teristic.

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Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Functions (cont'd) Current reversal and weak endinfeed logics (ZCAL)

Operation of the distance protection zonescan also be completely independent on theoperation of the GFC function.

Power swing detection (PSD)ApplicationThis function is a complement to the ZCOMor to the ZCIP function.

In interconnected systems, the fault currentcan change direction when circuit breakersopen to clear the fallit. The permissive over-Teach scheme should have a current reversallogic which. when activated, will preventunwanted operation in case of current rever-sal.

ApplicationThe power swing detection function detectspower swings with a periodic swing time aslow as 200 ms (i.e. slip frequency as high as10% of the rated frequency on a 50 Hz basis).It detects swings under normal system condi.tians as weIl as during the dead-time of thesingle-pole reclosing cycle.

If the infeed of the fault current at the remoteend is too low to operate the forward directedmeasuring element, no carrier signal will beobtained from the remote end when there is afault on the line and the communicationscheme will not operate properly. This will bethe cage if the zero sequence source at theremote line end is too high, e.g. if the line cir-cuit breaker is open. The permissive commu-nication scheme should therefore include aweak end infeed logic which, when activated,reflects the carrier signal and thereby securestripping. It can also be used to trip the localcircuit breaker in cages when fault currentdistribution prevent carrier signal.

DesignThe operation of the PSD function is basedon the measurement of the transition time thatthe power swing transient impedance needs topass the impedance area between two imped-ance measuring characteristics (known as l1ZJA-t measurement). The impedance measuringprinciple is the same as the one used for thedistance protection zones (see Fig. 2). Thetransient impedance time is measured in allthree phases separatelyand one-out-of-threeor two-out-of-three operating modes can beselected permanentlyor according to the spe-cific system operate conditions.

The use of different timers for initial and con-secutive swings secures a high degree of dif-ferentiation between power swing and faultconditions. Built-in logic circuits and config-urable functional inputs makes it possible tocombine the function with other functionsand conditions, as weIl as to use it in the sameway as with older distance relays.

Autamatic switch anta faultlagic (SOTF)

ApplicationThe switch-onto-fault protection secureshigh-speed operation of the distance protec-tion on energising of faulty or short-circuited (earthed for safety reasons) powerlines. Two operating modes are available forthe detection of a breaker closing condition:Use of an auxiliary contact from a line CBcontroi switch or the operation of a built-indead-line-detection (DLD) function. The sec-ond mode is highly recommended for busbarconfigurations where more than one circuitbreaker can energise the protected line at oneline end.

Scheme comlTlunication logic(ZCOM)

ApplicationTo achieve fast fallit clearing for a fallit on thepart of the line not covered by the instanta-neous zone 1, the stepped distance protectionfunction can be supported with logic, utilisingcommunication channels. One communica-tion channel, capable of transmitting an 00/off signal, is required in each direction. Design

The function is active for Olle second arter thebreaker cIosing conditions have been reportedby the external auxiliary contact or by theDLD function (automatic mode). The outputsignal will be generated if the fauIt has beendetected within the non-directional Teach ofthe selected distance protection zone. Config-urable function inputs and outputs make itpossibIe to configure different use of the

Depending on whether a reverse or forwarddirected impedance zone is used to issue theseDd signal, the communication schemes aredivided in 'Blocking' and 'Permissive'schemes, respectively. This function cansupport any scheme communication require-ments.

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Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Breaker failure protection (BFP)function. Note: The presence of the dead-line-detection function is absolutelyrequired, if the function shall operate in theautomatic mode"

ApplicationThe breaker failure protection provides back-up protection in cage of failure of the breakerto trip and clear the fault as requested by theobject protection. It is obtained by checkingthat fault current persists af ter a brief timefrom the opemtion of the object protection.

Current, phase wise

InstantaneOlus phase over-current projtection (IOC)

DesignThe breaker failure protection is initiated bythe trip commands from the protection func-tions, either imternal to the terminal or fromexternat commands thrOUgh binary inputs.The start can be single-phase or three-phase.

ApplicationDifferent system! conditions, such as sourceimpedance and the position of the faults onlong transmission lines, infIuence the faultcurrents to a gre:lt extent. The IOC function,with low overreaching of the measuring ele-ments, secure very short operate times, downto 10 ms and sell~tive tripping for close-infaults on long power lines, where short faultclearing times are extremely important inmaintaining system stability

The operate valnes of the three current mea-suring elements are settable within a widesetting range. The measurement is stabilisedagainst the dc~transient that can causeunwanted operation with saturated currenttransformers. Time measurement is individ-ual for each phase. Two independent timersare available, Tl for repeated tripping of'own' breaker and T2 which operates triplogic for adjacent breakers.

DesignThe IOC function comprises a three phaseinstantaneous overcurrent protection. Whensingle-pole tripping is required, the singleand/or three-pol(: trip logic allows for phaseselective starting; signals from the function. Current, residual (earth (ault)

Time delaYE!d phase over-current pro1:ection (TOC)

Current residual

ApplicationIn case of single-ph ase to earth faults, theprimary fallit resistance will vary with thenetwork conditions and location of the fault.In many cases the fallit resistance is muchhigher than the resistance that can be coveredby an impeda11lce measuring distance func-tian.

ApplicationThe time-delayed overcurrent protectionoperates in different system conditions forcurrents exceeding the pre-set value andremain high for langer than the delay time seton the corresponding timer. The function canalso be used as slLlpervision and fault detectorfor same other protection functions, toincrease the security of a complete protectionsystem. It can seJrve as a reserve function forthe line distance Iprotection, if activated underfuse failure conditions which disables theoperation of the line distance protection.

Earth faults with high fault resistance can bedetected by measuring the residual current(310). Hence, the current residual functionscan be osed as complement to the impedancemeasuring distance function for sensitiveearth fault detection.

DesignThe TOC function comprises a three phasetime-delayed overcurrent protection. Phaseselective starting signals are available fromthe function.

To prevent unwanted operation when energis-ing a directly grounded power trans former,the functions are provided with 2nd harmonicrestraint blocking feature.

The inverse time delayed function is providedwith minimum operate current and minimumoperate time for improved selectivity in cer-tain applications.

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REL 511 C*2.0Compact line distance protection terminal

Functions (cont'd) The instantaneous and time-delayed functionscan be made directional together with logicsfor communication scheme cooperation,weak-end-infeed and current reversal.

function is supervised by the fuse-failurefunction and the information about the closedposition of an associated circuit breaker.

Overload supervision (OVLD)DesignFollowing current residual functions areselectable; Application

The overload protection prevents excessiveloading of power lines. Its operation is basedon the measurement of the maximum phasecurrent and its duration, which must notexceed the pre-set values. The operate currentand the operate time are settable within awide range.

1. Instantaneous

2. Time delayed;

-Independent time delay

3. Inverse time delayed;

-Normal inverse (NI)

-Very inverse. (VI)

-Extremely inverse (El)

-Logarithmic inverse (IDG)

NI. VI and El according to mc 255-3

Secondary system supervision

Fuse failure supervision (FUSE)

ApplicationThe fuse-failure-supervision function contin-uously supervises the ac voltage measuringcircuits between the voltage transformers andthe terminal. Different output signals can beused to block, in the case of faults in the acvoltage secondary circuits, the operation ofthe distance protection and other voltage-dependent functions, such as the synchro-check function, the undervoltage protectionfunction, etc.

4. Directional check and communicationschemes

Power system supervision

Broken conductor check (BRC)

ApplicationThe broken-conductor check function detectsnon-symmetrical current conditions in thethree phases. The BRC function is especiallysuitable for the detection of broken conduc-tOfS on protected power lines and cables(series faults) without the presence of theadditional short circuits (phase-earth orphase-phase fallits). It will also detect inter-ruptions in secondary current circuits.

Zero-sequence based measurement is recom.mended in directly- or low-impedanceearthed systems.

DesignThe function continuously measures the zero-sequence voltage and current in three-phaseac voltage circuits. It operates if the measuredzero sequence voltage increases over the pre-set operate value, and if the measured zerosequence current remains below the pre-setoperate value.

DesignThe function measures all three-phase cur-rents and operates when the ratio between theminimum of measured phase currents and themaximum phase current falls below the setvalue. The phase current must be higher than20% of the terminal rated current.

Two function output signals are available.The flTst depends directly on the voltage andcurrent measurement. The second depends onthe operation of the dead-line detection func-tion, to prevent unwanted operation of thedistance protection if the line has been de-energised and energised under fuse-failureconditions. A special function input servesthe connection to the auxiliary contact of theMCB (when used), to secure correct opera-tion of the functiQn on simultaneous interrup-tion of all three measured phase voltages.

Loss of volta~,e check (LOV)

ApplicationThe loss-of-voltage function is suitable foruse in networks with automatic restorationfunction. The LOV function initiates a three-pole tripping of a circuit breaker. if all threephase voltages fall below the set value forlonger than 7 seconds. The operation of the

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REL 511 C*2.0Compact line distance protection terminal


Synchro-l~heck and energisingcheck (S"NX)

Single- or two-pole tri p logic(TRIP)

ApplicationTRIP operates in singIe-poIe trip mode forsingIe-phase fallIts, in two-poIe operatingmode for two-phase faults (with or withoutearth) and in three-poIe trip mode for three-phase fallIts. It is aIso possibIe to achievethree-poIe tripping for both one-phase andtwo-phase fallIts.

ApplicationThe synchro-check function is used for con-trolled interconnection of a line in an alreadyinterconnected network. When used, thefunction gives an enable signal at satisfactoryvoltage conditions across the breaker that isto be closed. The synchro-check functionmeasures the voltages on the busbar side andthe line side. It operates and permits closingof the circuit-breaker when the set conditionsare met, with respect to the voltage difference(UDiff), the phase-angle difference (phaseDiff),and the frequency difference (FreqDiff)'

The function is applicable for all terminalswhich have built-in phase selection function-ality and is used in applications where single-pole tripping is required for single-phasefaults due to system stability reasons. Thetwo-pole operating mode can be osed ondouble-circuit parallellines with single-polebreakers.

The energising condition can be set to allowenergising in one, or the other, or both direc-tions, e.g. live busbar and dead line. It is pas-sible to have different energising settings fora manual close command and an autoreclosecommand.

DesignSpecial functional inputs are provided for theinitiation of a single, two and three-pole tripcommand. Decision to initiate outgoing tripsignals in different phases depends on a pres-ence of corresponding phase selective signalson special ly provided functional inputs.Additionallogic circuits secure a three-polefinal trip command in the absence of therequired phase selection signals.

DesignThe synchro-check for double busbararrangements includes the voltage selectionfunction. From the auxiliary contacts of thebreakers and disconnectors, the terminal canselect the right voltage for the synchronismand energising function. The function is alsodesigned to allow manual closing when bothsides of the breaker are dead. The function is equipped with logic circuits,

which secure correct operation on evolvingfaults as weIl as arter the reclosing on persis-tent faults. Special function inputs are pro-vided to override the interna! conditions andinitiate an instantaneous three-pole trip com-mand. These inputs could be initiated by dif-recent externa! functions, such as stationbreaker failure protection, transfer trip fromthe remote end line terminal, etc.

Autoreclosiing (ARxx)

ApplicationThe reclosing function can be selected toperform single-, two- and/or three-phasereclosing from eight single-shot or multi-shotreclosing programs. The three-phase auto-reclose open time can be selected to giveeither high-speed autoreclosing or delayedautoreclosing. Three-phase autoreclosing canbe performed with or without the use of thesynchronism check or energising function.

Pole discordance logic,contact based (PD)

ApplicationBreaker pole position discordance can occuron operation of a breaker with independentoperating gears for the three poles. The rea-son may be an interruption in the closing ortrip coil circuit, or a mechanical failure result.ing in a stuck breaker pole. A discordancecaused by one pole failing to close or open

DesignThe autoreclosing function co-operates withthe line protection functions, the trip function,the circuit breaker and the synchro-checkfunction. It can also be influenced by otherprotection functions through binary input sig-nals. The autoreclosing is a logical functionbuilt up by logical elements.

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Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Functions (cont'd) can be tolerated for a limited time, forinstance during a single-phase trip-reclosingcycle.

Event recorder (EVA)

ApplicationAn event recording function is available. Itpresents in a IQgical order, starting and trip-ping signals that have occurred in the termi-nal. Up to 150 time-tagged events for each ofthe last 10 recorded disturbances are stored.

Fault locator (FLC)

DesignThe operation of the pole discordance protec-tian is based on checking the position of thebreaker auxiliary contacts. Three paraliei nor-mally-open contacts in series with three nor-mally-closed contacts in paralIei for therespective breaker poles form a condition ofpole discordance, connected to a binary inputdedicated for the purpose. Application

An accurate fault locator is an essential com-plement to the line protection. The faultlocator provides distance to the fault togetherwith information about the measuring loopthat has been used in the calculation. Possi-bility of recalculation with changed para-meter settings exists. Information on the last10 disturbances are available.

Additional configurable logic

ApplicationConfigurable logic is included in basic. Addi-tionallogic circuits including more AND/ORgates are also available. With this logic theuser can configure different logical functionsin the terminals to suit special requirementsfor different applications.

The fault 10cator algorithm compensates theeffect of the 10ad currents, the apparent fauttresistance and rero sequence mutual imped-ance.

Monitoring Trip value recorder (TRVAL)

Disturbance recorder (DR EP) ApplicationInformation on the actual prirnary and secon-darr phasors of the voltages and currents areavailable in the trip value recorder. The pre-fallIt and fallIt values of the applicable volt-ages and currents are recorded with theirphase relations for the last 10 disturbances.

ApplicationThe disturbance recording function is animportant part of a station monitoring system,which enables the evaluation of differentevents within the power system. The high-performance disturbance recorder can memo-rise up to analogue channels and 48 binarysignals (internal signals to the terminal and/orexternai signals connected to the binaryinputs of the terminal). Any of the recordedanalogue channels and binary signals can beprogrammed to start arecording.


Activation of active settinggroup (GRP)

Furthennore, analogue channels are program-mable for over- and under-functions and thebinary signals can start recording on transi-tion from a logical O to a logicall and viceversa. Pre-fault, post-fallIt and limit time canbe set in wide ranges. Collection of distur-bance records is possible locaIly as weIl asremotely, using HMI software. Evaluation ofthe disturbances can be done in the program,typeREVAL.

ApplicationDifferent system operate conditions requiredifferent settings of protection functionsused. The 500 series terminals have basicallyfour sets of independent setting group s built-in, which contains all setting parameters forall protection-, cpntrol- and monitoring func-tians used. The user can change the activesetting group at any time, locally by means oflocal HM! or a personal computer, orremotely by me~s of SMS and SCS as weIlas by activation of the corresponding func-tional inputs to the GRP function. Adaptivechanging of the active setting group is possi-

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ble by means of the GRP and some otherfunctions, available within the 500 series ter.minals.

can be use4 up to a distance of 30 ffi (90 ftGlass fibres for distances up to 500 ffi(1500 ft.).

An optical network can be used within theSCS system. This enables communicationwith the ter:minal throUgh the LON bus fromthe operator's workplace and the contralcentre.

DesignThe GRP functional block has four functionalinputs, each corresponding to oDe of the set-ting groups stored within the terminal. Acti-vation of any of these inputs changes theactive setting group. Four functional outputsignals are available for the configurationpurposes, so that continuous information onactive setting groups is available for differentpurposes.

The second bus is used for SMS. It caninclude different numerical relays/terminalsfrom the PANORAMA range with remotecommunication possibilities. Connection to apersonal computer (PC) can be made directly(if the PC is located in the substation) or bytelephone modem through a telephone net-work with CCITT characteristics.

Dead-line detection (DLD)Note: This function is not separately avail-able. /t is an addition to the automatic switch.onto-fault fun(~tion, the weak-end infeeddetection function and the fuse failure func-non.

Time synchronisation

ApplicationThe terminal has an interna! clock, which canbe synchronised by means of aminute pulsethrough a binary input or via the station buscommunication.

ApplicationDifferent protection, controi and monitoringfunctions require for their proper operationinformation on the condition of a protectedelement, such as power lines, etc. The DLDfunction detects the conditions of a protectedelement, whether or not it is connected to therest of the power system.

Local HMI

ApplicationThe HM! (Human- Machine- Interface) servesas an information unit, presenting in a logicalorder starting and tripping signals that haveappeared during each of the last ten recordeddisturbances.

DesignThe function continuously measures all threephase currents and phase voltages of a pro-tected power line. The line is declared as adead (non-energised) line if all three mea-sured currents and voltages fall below thepre-set values for longer than 200 ros. Thefunction operates on a phase-segregatedbasis. if single-pole trip logic has beenselected for a particular terminal.

Furthermore; each of the two local HM! pos-sibilities lakes over the functionality of themeasuring insb'uments such as the A-meter,V-meter, VAr-meter, W-meter and Hz-meter.The current &tatuses of all binary input sig-nals and intemallogical signals are availabletoo.Serial communication

Ac/dc measurementsApplicationOne or two optional optical senal interfaces,one with SPA or IEC 870-5-103 and the otherwith LON protocol, for remote communica-tion, enable the terminal to be part of a Sub-station Controi System (SCS) and/orSubstation Monitoring System (SMS). Theseinterfaces are located at the rear of the termi-nal.

ApplicationThis function provides three-phase or single-phase values pf current. At three-phase mea-surement, the value offrequency (Hz) and themean value for current (I) can be calculated.

Alarm limits to be used as conditions in theconfiguration logic can be set. Besides thedirect inputs of voltage and current, analogueinputs for mA signals are also available.

Two buses can be built up, one independentof another, each of them with different func-tionalities regarding monitoring and setting ofthe functions in the terminal. Plastic fibres

Compact lirJe distance prote<:tion terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Functions (cont'd) Self-supervision with internaievent recorcjer

-Checks verification of types ofsignal c mmunication

-Read-W °te-Read-Write cycling of thememory cells and internat registers

The self-supe ision status is available fromthe local HMI r via a SMS or SCS system.

E.g if an inte al fallIt has occured, extensiveinformation a ut the fallIt is retrievable fromthe list of inte al events. This time-taggedlist with the da e and time of the last 40 inter-nal events also includes information regard-ing setting ch ges etc.

ApplicationThe self -supervision function operates con-tinuously and includes:

-Normal micro-processor watchdogfunction

-Checking of digitized measuring signals

-Checksum verification of FROMcontents

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Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0


The REx 5,cx series can be flush, 19"-struc-ture or pro~ection mounted with differentmounting kits available. This product canalso be senii-flush mounted. Two cases1/2xI9" can be mounted side-by-side formaximum mtilising of space in 19" panels. Atest switch, type RTXP, and/or COMBIFLEXmodules are added in separate cases of thesame basic design as the mechanical packag-ing of the 500 series. These cases, typeRHGS, exist in sizes 1/4xI9" and l/2xI9"and can be tnounted by the side of REx 5xxproducts smaller than 1/lxI9".

The REx 5xx series mechanical packagingand connecting system consist of a cage inwhich printed circuit boards are inserted. Thecage has the height 6U (265.9 mm). REL511C is assembled in a case with the width1/2x19". The cover is made ofpreplated steelsheet, with the different details spot weldedtogether. The outside surfaces are paintedlight beige.

The front plate, which is made of aluminiumprofile, has a cut-out with a local HM!module.

The degree of protection is lP 40, accordingto mc 529. lP 54, for the front area, can beobtained with accessories for flush and semi.flush mounting.

All connections are made on the rear of thecases with compression type screw terminalblocks for electrical connections. Senal com-munication connections are made by fibreoptic coODeCtors type Hewlett Packard(IWBR) forplastic fibres or bayonet type STfor glass fibres.

Hardware modules

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Layout and dim4~nsionsHardware design(cont'd)


Semi-flush mounting


c = 4-10 mmD = 16.5 mmE = 187.6 mm wit'"1°ut protective cover,

228.6 mm with protective coverF = 106.5 mmG = 97.6 mm withöut protective cover,

138.6 mm with protective coverL




pact line distance

protection term



Wall m


















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L 511 C






Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Hardware design(cont'd)

Rear view layout


X24 X22 X20 X18 X13 X11


X25 X23 X21 X12


Fig.4 Rear view of REL 511 C (standard case size, 1/2x19j

Terminal connections




Fig.5 Terminal connection without test switch

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Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.01MRK 506 024-BEN

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L..:;...Fig. 6 Terminal connection with test switch (internai earthing)

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I 3B.--l!.

! ..~



i! ~~ j

~! ~~ ~ T


---1-I II II I


Terminal connection with test switch (external earthing)




-3:C-II SA

1153:~- ,~t ~ I ,.,..-I

Ut 3111 'e~ I - U2 3: --' '28~ I r-'

I -PUJ 3' -'E Ni :I 9...' hI .,I:

."' äA1..-rI "*"

I o

I..3:C= J9~I I ~

U5 3:C= E~~.L ..~~






U131iUJ 3: 1

U3 3'111

I :I 11



Compact line distance protection terminal R

Technical dataTable 1: Energising quantities, rated values and limits

I Quantlty

i Current

Rated value

Ir = 1 or 5 AIr = 1 or 5 A for 15

(0.004-100) x Jr4 x 'rcont.100 x Ir for 1 s I

< 0.25 VA at Ir

Ur = 100/110/115/120 VUr = 200/220/230/240 V

Nominal ral

Operation rangePermissive overfoad


Ac voltage Ph-Ph

Operation rangePermissive over1oad



(0.001-1.5) x Ur1.5 x Urcont.2.5 x Ur for 1 s< 0.2 VA at Ur

fr = 50/60 Hz

EL = (48-250) V


:t20%Auxiliary dc voltage EL

powerconsumptionbasic terminaleach output relay

power dissipatiol1RL24 = (24/30)VRL48 = (48/60)VRL110 = (110/125)VRL220 = (220/250)V


I max. 0.05 W/input

max. 0.1 W/inputmax. 0.2 W/input, max. 0.4 W/input

Binary inpuVoutput moduledc voltage AL RL24 = (24/30) V

RL48 = (48/60) VRL110 = (110/125) V

i RL220 = (220/250) V

:t 20 %:t 20 %:t 20 %I

:t 20 %

power consumptioneach I/O-moduleeach output relay

power dissipationRL24 = (24/30)VRL48 = (48/60)VRL 110 = (110/125)V

RL220 = (220/250)V

$1.0W$ 0.15 W


max. 0.05 W/inputmax. 0.1 W/inputmax. 0.2 W/inputmax. 0.4 W/input

Binary input moduledc voltage RL


RL24 = (24/30) VRL48 = (48/60) VRL110 = (110/125) VRL220 = (220/250) V



power consumptioneach input module

power dissipationRL24 = (24/30)VRL48 = (48/60)V

RL110 = (110/125)VRL220 = (220/250)V

I ~O.5W


max. 0.05 W/input

max. 0.1 W/inputImax. 0.2 W/inputmax. 0.4 W/input

Binary output moduls

power consumptioneach output modulseach output relay

*) max. 350 A for 1 s when COMBIFLEX tl12t = 10 kAs

~1.0W~ 0.25 W

IMAK 506 024-BENPage 16

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.01 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 17

Table 2: Inflllencing factors, Permissible influence

I Dependence on:


Within operative rangeWlthln nominal range

0.01 %/oC



Ambient temperature Correct function

Ripple in auxilii~ry dc voltage Correct function

Interruption in auxiliary dc voltageI with out resetting

correct fum=tionrestart time


< 50 ms

0-00< 100 s


< 100 s

Table 3: Electromagnetic compatibility tests

Test i Type test values Reference standards

2.5 kV2.5 kV


IEC 602!

IEC 6021

5-22-1, Glass III;5-22-1, Glass III

1 MHz burst disturbanceFor short-range galvanic modemFor galvani(~ interface*)

-common mode-differential mode

1 kVO.5kV


4kV4kV1 kV

Glass III Glass II

I IEC 60255-22-2. Glass 11-'

lEG 60255-22-2, Glass III


Electrostatic dischargeFor short-range galvanic modemFor galvanic: interface ")

lEG 60255-22-4, Glass IVlEG 60255-22-4, Glass IVGlass II, level 2

Fast transient disturbanceI For short-range galvanic modem

For galvanic interface'

Radiated electro-magnetic fielddisturbance

10 V/m, (25-1000) MHz lEG 60255-22-3, Glass III! IEEE/ANSI C37.90.2

*) For FOX6Plus the following modes are not applicable:-V.36N11 Co-directional according to CCITT-RS530/RS.~22 Co-directional according to EIA

Table 4: Insul~ltion tests (reference standard: lEG 60255-5)1

I T;st I Type test values

Dielectric testFor short-range galvanic modemFor galvanic interface .,

Impulse voltage testFor short-range galvanic modemFor galvanic interface I

For other circuits

5 kV, 1.2/50 ILs, 0.5 J1 kV, 1.2/50 ILs, 0.5 JI 5 kV, 1.2/50 ILs, 0.5 J




>100 Mil at 500 V dc

Table 5: CE-m~lrk

I Test I Type test values

Immunity -EmissivityI

Low volta ge directive

EN 50082-2

EN 50081-2

EN 50178

Table 6: Mechanical tests

I Type test values

Class I

Class I

Class I

i Reference standards

lEG 60255-21-1I

lEG 60255-21-2IIEC




I Shock and bumpI Seismic

1 2:0 kV ac, 1 min2.5 kVac, 1 min1.0 kV ac, 1 min

Compact line distance protection terminal C*2.0

Page 18

Technical data (cont'd)Table 7: Contacl: data (reference standard: IEC 60255)

I Function or quantity I !ast s~elays~ax system volt~ge

Trlp and Signal relays

250 V ac, dc

1000 V rms

1250 V ac, dc .I

ISOOVdcI Test v~ltage across open contact.1-;;;in

Current carrying capacitycontinuous1 s


8A10 A

1 8A

10 A

Making capacity at inductive loadwith UR>10 ms

0.2 s1.0 s


OA 10A

250 V/8.0 A


Breaki-;g Capacityf~~c, cos <p>0:4

0.4 A0.4A

250 V/8.0 A

48 V/1 A110 V/0.4 A220 V/0.2 A

I Breaking capacity for dc with UR<40ms 48 V/1 A110 V/0.4 A220 V/0.2 A250 V/0.15 A

I Maximum capacitive road -1onF

Table 8: Additional General Data

Weight approx. 1/2 of 19" rack: S 8.5 kg

Storage temperature -40 oG to +70 °C

Table 9: Front communlcatlonFunction : Value

Connectors i special electricloptic cable

Table 10: Serial communication (SPA)

Function Value

I Connectors and optical fibres glass or plastic

Table 11: Serial communication (LON)

Functlon Value

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.01 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 19

Table 12: Serial communication (IEC 870-5-103)




Communication speed


lEG 870-5-103I


9-600, 19200 biVs


Connectors ami optical fibres glass or plastic

Line impedance

Table 13: ZM~I, 2, 3 -Zone impedance measuring elements

I Function


Value I -

28ms I

Please refer toithe separate isochrone diagrams

I (10-30) % of Ir in steps of 1 %

typical105 %

typical 40 ms


Operate timeI


min and max

Min. operate currentI

Resetting ratio

Resetting time

Output signals start and tripzons 1-3zons 4,5

Setting accuracy

three-phase or single-phase and three-phasethree-phase

included in the measuring accuracy

I Number of zones

Impedance setting range at Ir = 1 A *)

reactive reachpositive-.sequence reactancezero-sequence reactance

resistive reach

positive-sequence resistancezero-sequence resistance

fault resistancefor phaSEt -phase faultsfor phasEi -earth faults

I 3 direction seleCtable



(0.1-400) .Q Iph.se in steps of 0.01 .Q

I (0.1-1200) .Q Iphase in steps of 0.01 .QI

(0.1-400) .Q Iphase in steps of 0.01 .Q(0.1-1200) .Q Ipryase in steps of 0.01 .Q

(0.1-400) .Q /loop in steps of 0.01 .QI (0.1-400) .Q /1001> in steps of 0.01 .Q

Setting range of timersfor impedance zones


(0-60) s in steps I of 1 ms

Static accuracy at 00 and 850Ivoitage

range (0.1-1.1) x Urcurrent range (0.5-30) x Ir


Static angular accuracy at 00 and 850voltage range (0.1-1,1) x Urcurrent range (0.5-30) x Ir

:t 50

Max dynamic overreach at 850 measured withCVT's 0.5 < SIR <: 30


") Divide specified values by S for Ir = SA

Compact line distance protection terminal 511 C*2.0

Page 20

Technical data (cont'd)Table 14: GFC -General fault criteria

Function Value

I General fault criteria (GFC) -impedance settingrange at Ir = 1A ')

reactive reach forwardpositive-sequence reactancezero-sequence reactance

reactive reach reversepositive-sequence reactancezero-sequence reactance

resistive reach (forward & reverse)for phase -phase faultsIfor phase -earth faultsroad encroachmentsafety load impedance angla

General fault criteria (GFC) -overcurrent setting

rangephase currentsresidual current

I (10-400) % of Ir in steps of 1 %(10-150) % of Ir in steps of 1 %

Timers for the GFC criteriafor phase measuringfor earth fault measuring

I (O-50) s in steps ofl1 ms(O-50) s in steps of 11 ms

*) Divide specified values by 5 for Ir = SA

Table 15: PSD -Power swing detection



Function Setting range

(0-60) s in steps of 1 msi (0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

Impedance setting range at Ir =1A ,reactive reach, XIN I (0.1-400) .QJphase in steps of q.01 .Q.

I resistive reach, AlN (0.1-400) .QJphase in steps of q.01 .Q.I reach multiplication facto r (120-200) % of XIN in steps of ~ %reach multiplication facto r (120-200) % of AlN in steps of %

Initial PSD timer (0-60) s in steps of 1 msi Fast PSD timer (0-60) s in steps of 1 msI Hold timer for activation of fast PSD

timerHold timer for PSD detected-nmer overcoming 1 ph reclosing deadI, time: -nmer to time delay block by the residual

currentOn delay timer for blocking of output! signal at very slow sw'ings


(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

Static accuracy at 00 and 850 voltage range (0.1-1.1) x Urcurrent range (0.5-30) x Ir



angular accuracy at 00 and 850



current range (0.2-30) x Ir1:1:50

-) Divide specified values by 5 for Ir = 5A

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Table 16: ZCOM, ZC1 P -

I Function

I (O-50) s in steps of 1 ms(O-50) s in steps of 1 ms


Unblocking logic

security timer (0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

Table 17: ZCJ\L -Communication additionallogic

Function Setting rangeWeak end infee,d tri p and echo function

Operate voltage U<

phase -phase

phase -earthCoordination time

(20-170) % Ur in steps of 11/0

(10-100) % Ur in steps of 1r/o(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms !

l Current reversalloglc

activation time delaytime delay of CR, CS

I (O-GO) s in steps of 1 ms(O-GO) s in steps of 1 ms

Table 18: SOT F -Automatic switch onto fault logic

I Function i Settin!


~ range

Function Setting rangeI

Automatic check of dead line condition

operate phase voltageoperate phase current

I (10-100) % of Ur in steps ot 1%(5-100) % of 'r in steps of 1f/o

Table 20: ZCLC: -Local acceleration logic

i Function I Setting range


Operation loss of load lOn/Off


Table 21: IOC -Instantaneous overcurrent protection

Setting range i Operate time I Accuracy

]' (50-2000)% of 'r

in steps of 1%

Operate current I»

phase measuring elements

(50-2000)% of Irin steps of 1%

residual measuring elements

Minimum operate time at I> 10 x 'set


max 15m$

I Dynamic overreach at'[ < 100 ms I1<5%

1 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 21

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511IMRK506

Technical data (cont'd)Table 22: TOC -Time delayed overcurrent protection


FunctionSetting range Accuracy

Operate current I>phase measuring elements


(10-400) % of Jr in steps of 1 %

residual measulring elements (10-150) % of Ir in steps of 1 %

Time delayphase measuring elementsresidual measuring elements

I (0-60) s in steps of 1 ms(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms


Dynamic overreach at 't < 1 00 m~ 1<5%

Table 23: BFP -Breaker failure protection

Function Settlng range

(5-200) % of Ir in steps of 1 %Operate current(one measuring element per phase)


Relrip lime delay 11 I (0-60) s in steps of 1 ms


Back-up trip ti~e delay t2 I (0-60) s in steps of 1 ms



max 18 ms

max 10 ms

I Trip operate time


Operate time for current detection

Table 24: TEF -Time delay earth-fault

Function AccuracyI Setting range

Basic current, inverse time delay: 310 I (5-300) % of Ir in steps of 1 %


Selection of E/F protection Non-directional

I Operate valuefor directional

current measurementforward 310 at q> = 650



(5-35) % of Ir in steps of 1 %60 % of the setting for forward



Independent ti~e delay I (0-60) s in steps of 1 ms


0.5 %:!: 10 ms

Normal inverse characteristic k = (0.05-1.1) in steps of 0.01 lEG 255-3 class 5 :t 60 ms

Very inverse characteristic


k = (0.05-1.1) in steps of 0.01 lEO 255-3 Glass 7.5:t 60 ms

I Extremely invers e ch,aracteristic k = (0.05-1.1) in steps of 0.01


lEG 255-3 clas s 7.5 :t 60 ms

Logarithmic charactelristic

It = 5,8-1,35xln~o

:t 5 % of t atI = (1.3-29) x 310

Min. operate current for dependentcharacteristic IMin (100-400) % of 310 in steps of 1 %

I (O~O) s in steps-of 1 mstMin for dependent charact.-Rated voltage

i Minimum polarising voltageI Operate time

Resetting time

Ur1 % of Ur

Valu.< 70 ms


Page 22

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.0

Table 25: EFC -Earth-fault communication




Setting range

Communicatiol1 scheme None, Permissive, BlockingCoordinalion lilmer I (O-GO) s in steps of 1 ms


, Table 26: EFCA -Earth-fault communication additionall<tgic

I Function I Settlng range-- I

I Operate voltagl~ for WEllripCurrent reversal pickup timerCurrenl reversal delay limer

I (5-70) % of Ur in steps of 1 PI:(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

l(0-60) s in steps of 1 ms

Power sy~;tem supervision

Table 27: BR(~ -Broken conductor check


Operate currenti lime delay

Setting rangeI (10-100) % of 'r in steps of 11%

(O-SO) s in steps of 1 ms

Table 28: LOV' -Loss of voltage check

I Function I Setting range

I (10-100)';;: of Ur in steps of 1%

Table 29: OVLD -Overload supervision



Operate current I>Time delay

I Setting range

I (20-300) % of Ir in steps of 1 flo(O-GO) s in steps of 1 ms I

Secondary system supervision

Table 30: FUSI: -Fuse failure supervision function


FunctlonSetting range

Zero-sequence quantities:operate voltage 3Uooperate current 310

I (10 -50)% of Ur in steps of 1°}..(10 -50)% of Ir in steps of 1%1


1 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 23

Technical data (cont'd

Compact line distance protection terminall REL 511 C*2.01 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 25

Table 35: Ba:sic logic

I Timers

i FunctionSetting rangeNumber




I Timer I (O-ro) s in steps of 1 ms

I (0-90000) s in steps of 0.1 s


Long timer

Pulse timer -Pulse long timer-

I Loglc



I (O-GO) s in steps of 1 ms

I (0-90000) s in stepsl of 0.1 s



160i 39



I Description

I 4 inputs {1 inverted)J2 outputs {inver


and non-inverted) I

!OR I 6 inputs, 2 outputs (inverted and non-inverted)

2 inputs, 2 outputs (inverted and non-inverted)

2 inputs, 2 outputs (inverted and non-inverted)

Table 36: Additionallogic


FunctlonI Pulse timer





I Setting range

I (O-50) S in steps of 11ms

I Function






I Description



4 inputs (1 inver1ed),2 outputs (inver1, Id and non-inverted) I


6 inputs, 2 outputs (inverted and non-inverted)



Table 37: DREI~ -Disturbance recorder

Setting rang. I



(5-250) Hz

(O -5000) % of I in steps of 1 %


Number of binary' signals

Number of analogue signals

Sampling rate!

Recording bandwidth

Overcurrent triggl~ring

I Undercurrent triggering I (O -200) % of Ir in steps of 1 %

I (O -200) % of U~ in steps of 1 %! Overvoltage triggl3ring at 100 V sec

I Undervoltage trig!Jering I (O -110) % of Ur!in steps of 1 %

Pre-fault time

Post fault time

I (10 -300) ms in steps of 10 ms

I (100 -3000) ms in steps of 100 r

I Limit time I (500 -4000) ms in steps of 100 ms

Number of recorded disturbances

Total recording time with 10 analogue and48 binary signals *) recorded

Max 1 O di~turba~ces

maximum 40 s

I VoItage channels

dynamic rangeresolution

(0.01-2.0) x Ur at \100 V seco! 0.1 %ofUr

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511IMAK 506

Technical data (cont'd) Table 37: DREP -Disturbance recorder

I Setting range

I (0.01-110) x Ir(0.01-60) x Ir0.5 % of If



Current channelsIdynamic range

with out dc offsetI with full dc offset


, Built-in calendar I for 30 years with leap years

*) The amount of harmonics can affect the maximum storage time

Table 38: Event recorder

Function Value

1 ms


1:t1o5mS, :t 1.5 ms

Time tagging resolutionEvent buffering capacity

Max. number of events/disturbance repan! Max. number of disturbance repans

Time tagging error vvith synchronisation once/1 sTime tagging error with synchronisation once/10sTime tagging error Y/ith synchronisation once/60sI

(minute pulse s}'nchronisation)Time tagging error \\/ithout synchronisation

:!: 1.5 ms:!: 3 ms/min

Table 39: FLC -Fiault locator

Function Setting rangeDislance lo faull localor

reach for Ir =1 A inresislive direclionreaclive dire,~lion

phase seleclion

I (O -1500) Q/phase

(O -1500) Q/phase


Table 40: Mean vallues



Settlng range

(0.95-1.05) xfr

(0.1-1.5) x Ur


~=ccuracY :t 0.2 Hz

:t 2.5 % of Ur:t 2.5 % of U I

:t 2.5 % of Ir at I S Ir:t 2.5 % of I at I > 'r

:t5%:t 7.5 %

at U S Urit U > Ur

Current (0.2-4) x Ir

I ~:~~:.~~~~.~.~- OjReactive power *)at lcos C/l1 ~ 0.9at Icos C/l1 ~ 0.8

I Measured at Urand 20 % of Ir


Page 26

Compact line distance protection termina~ REL 511 C*2.0

Ordering The REL 511 C is a phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth line

~ stance prote( three impedalrlce measuring zones and separate general faut criteria. Seve:

functions are also included.

:tion terminal withral other protective

Ordering Number: 1 MAK 002 488-AA Qu .

Includes basic functions and the selected functions and hardware optio s below

Basic data:

Frequency, fr 50/60 Hz

Dc voltage, EL 48/60/110/125/220/250 V

Basic data to spec:ify:

Ac inputs

1 A, 110V



5 A, 220 V

Interface dc voltage

24/30 V

48/60 V

110/125 V

220/250 V

o 1MRto 1 MR~

D 1MR~


< 000 157-MA

(000 157-NA

C 000 157-VA

C 000 157-WA






000 179-EA:

000 179-AB:

000 179-BB

000 179-CB

Factory configuration

Standard configuration, single- or multi-pole tripping


8 1 MAK




8 1 MAK


001 456-AA

001 456-CA

001 456-DA001











}01 458-AA


.= function always included

Line impedance

General fault criteria protection, impedance and/or current-based

3 zones phase-phasEl protection

3 zones phase-earth protection

Power swing detection

Scheme communication logic

Current reversal and weak end infeed logic

Automatic switch anta fault logic

Current, phase wise

Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection

Time-delayed phase overcurrent protection

Breaker failure protection

Current, residual (ealrth fault)

Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection (non-directional)

Time-delayed residua I overcurrent protection (non-directional)B1MRKC


)01 456-VA

)01 456-XA

1MRK 506 024-BEN

Page 27

C*2.0Compact line distance protection terminal

Page 28

Ordering (cont'd)Note: Only one of the following two alternatives below can be selected.

Inverse time residual overcurrent protection (non-directional)

Residual directional check, inverse time residual overcurrent protection andcommunication logic (directional element)

Power system supervision

Broken conductor check

Loss of voltage check

Overload supervision

Secondary system supervision

Fuse failure supervision (Zero sequence)


Synchro-check and energising-check, single CB

Autorecloser logic, 1 and/or 3 phase, single CB


Single or two pole tripping logic

Pol e discordance logic (contact based)

Additional configurable logic


Disturbance recorder, 40 s

Event recorder

Fault locator

Trip value recorder

Hardware options;


1/2x 19" (max. 31/0)1MRKOOO 151-FA


Case size

Combined binary input/olJtput andoutput modules (max) 3

Compact line distance protection terminal REL 511 C*2.01 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 29

I/O modules

3 modules are available in the 1/2 x 19" case.

Quantity lOrdering number

Binary input modul e

(16 inputs)

InterfaceDC voltage

24/30 V


110/125 V

220/250 V

24/30 V


110/125 V

220/250 V

I 1 MAK 000 508-DA

I 1 MAK 000 50B-AA

11MRK 000 508-BAI I -11 MA~ 000 508-CA -

I 11 MAK 000 173-GABinary inpuVoutput module(8 inputs and 12 outputs)

11 MAK 000 173-AB

i 1 MAK 000 173-88

11 MAK 000 173-CB

! 1MRK 000 614-AABinary output modulei (24 single outputs or 12 command outputs)

Note: One binary inlDut!output module is included for standard factory cohfiguration.

Serial communication modules

Serial communication for SMS and SCS; (one alternative per po )

SMS, port SPAlIEC 870-5-103 (Iocation X13)



SCS, pon LON (Iocation X15)



Engineering facilities

HMllanguageSecond language besides English






D 1 MAK 001 459-BA

D 1MAK 001 459-CA

D 1 MAK 001 459-DA

Customer-specific ordering

Customer-specific order number


COMBITEST test switch module RTXP 24 mounted withthe terminal in RHGS6 case with window door

DIntemai earthing RK 926 215-BB D External earthing RK 9~6 215-BC

On/Off switch for the dc supply ORK 795 017-AA I

RiEL 5111MRK506

Ordering (cont'd)




D 1MKC 91


D 1MKC 9!




)0020- Y


)0 020-BS

~O 001-2

Mounting details with IP40 degree of protection from the front:

19" rack

Wall mounting

Flush mounting

addition al for IP54 (protection terminal only)

Semi-flush mounting

additional for IP54 (protection terminal only)

Quantity: ~ 1MRK 606 003-UEN

Quantlty: ~ 1MAK 00Quantity: ~ 1 MAK 00




Quantlty: 1 MKC 95

Quantity: 1 MAK 00

Quantity: 1MAK 001

Quantlty: 1MAS 15



O 876-KB

O 876-PA1400


Quantity: AS 881 OC

Quantlty: 1 MAK OOC

Quantity: AS 881 01

QUantity: 1MAK 000

Quantlty: 1MAK 000


I 314-MA





User documentation

Technical reference manual, REL 511


Key switch (for locked ~;ettings)

Resistor unit for creation of 3Uo voltage (RXTMA 1)

Configuration and molnitorlng tools

Front connection cable Ilor PC (Opto/9-pol D-sub)

CAP 531, Graphical corlfiguration tool (IEC 1131-3)

CAP/REx 500, CAP software module

LNT 505, LON configuration toor

SLDT, LON configuration module REx 500available on our website: www.abb.se/net

SMS-BASE, Basic program for all SMS applications

SM/REx 500, SMS soft\'o'are module

REPORT, program for e',ent and alarm handling in SMS

RECOM Disturbance collection program

REVAL Disturbance evaluation program, English version

MicroSCADA tools

LIB 520, MicroSCADA engineering toolQuantity: cp On request

>n data:

Country: End user:

Station name:Voltage level: kV


Page 30

REL 511 C*2.0

References Series RE 5~)Mechanical design and mounting accessories lMRK 514 003-BEN

Technical refi:rence manual, REL 511 lMRK 606 003-UEN

Reference list. REL 511 lMRK 50~ 002-REN

Lm 520lMRK 5111o57-BEN

SMS 010 lMRK 5111014-BEN

CAP 531lMRK5111056-BEN

Man ufacturer ABB Automa1:ion Products AB5ubstation Automation Division5-721 59 Västerås

5wedenTel: +4621 3420100Fax: +46 21146~918

1 MAK 506 024-BEN

Page 31

Compact line distance protection terminal

Page 32