Br HeartJ 1981; 43: 672-80 Relation of severe eosinophilia and microfilariasis to chronic African endomyocardial fibrosis J J ANDY, F F BISHARA, 0 0 SOYINKA From the Department of Medicine and Mental Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria SUMMARY Over a two-year period, 44 patients had an eosinophil count above the 97th centile. Thirteen of these 44 had heart disease presenting within six months of the onset of symptoms. Microfilariasis was the most likely cause of the raised total eosinophil in these 13 patients. In all, the raised eosinophil count was returned to normal by the use of diethylcarbamazine (Banocide). Eleven of the 13 were followed up and eight of them (73%) developed clinical features of cardiac constriction and tricuspid regurgitation. The mean duration of follow-up was two years. Limited cardiac catheterisation studies in six of the patients showed evidence of constriction or of tricuspid regurgitation. The clinical features of these eight patients were indistinguishable from those found in chronic endomyocardial fibrosis. This disease was further suggested by recurrent cerebral embolism in one, and a large pericardial effusion in another; and it was also present in the one patient to come to necropsy. Thus, microfilaria-induced eosinophilia, when high, is frequently associated with heart disease which appears to be chronic endomyocardial fibrosis many months after the eosinophilia has returned to normal. A group of diseases in which chronic and severe eosinophilia is a prominent feature, namely Loffier's eosinophilic parietal endocarditis, eosinophilic leu- kaemia, and "eosinophilic collagen vascular disease" are known to be associated with endomyocardial damage.' In addition diseases associated with transient hypereosinophilia such as eosinophilic leukaemoid reaction,2 Loffier's eosinophilic pneu- monia,3 trichinosis,4 5 and filariasis6 are sometimes associated with endomyocardial damage. In the tropical rain forest belt of Africa, endo- myocardial fibrosis is common. It occurs mainly between the ages of 25 and 35 years, and accounts for 10 to 15 per cent of cardiac disease in Uganda7 8 and for 21 per cent of acquired heart disease in Nigerian children.9 This fibrosis of the endomyocardium, which is usually most severe in the inflow and apical portions of one or both ventricles, but which usually spares the outflow tracts, is, in general, indis- tinguishable from the lesion that occurs in eosino- philic heart diseases.' 10 Eosinophilia is conspicuous only in a few indig- enous African patients with endomyocardial fibrosis. Some European residents in Africa have been known to develop an endomyocardial fibrosis-like disease, and a severe degree of eosinophilia occurred in Received for publication 28 August 1980 almost all of them." In some of these European patients eosinophilia reverted to normal, either spontaneously,'2 or as a result of treatment with hydrocortisone'3 or antiparasitic agents.'4 It has been suggested that endomyocardial fibrosis is the "burnt-out" phase of an eosinophilic heart disease,' and microfilariasis has been postulated as the cause of the raised eosinophil count in endomyocardial fibrosis.6 15 Initial attempts in Nigeria, however, to establish a relation between eosinophilia and chronic African endomyocardial fibrosisl5 were not sup- ported when the observations were extended.'6 From Uganda, a study on 15 well-established cases of endomyocardial fibrosis also failed to establish any association between eosinophilia and chronic endomyocardial fibrosis.'7 But assuming that the cardiac damage in endomyocardial fibrosis is triggered by parasite-induced eosinophilia, a raised eosinophil count need not be present in chronic endomyocardial fibrosis, since it is well known that such eosinophilia tends to run a self- limiting course. The distinctive features of the early stage of Africani endomyocardial fibrosis are not described and thus diagnosis is not made. Further, some of the Europeans who developed endo- myocardial fibrosis while resident in Africa might have had Loffler's parietal endocarditis which appears to be a disease that predominantly affects 672 BHJ 252/80 on 21 May 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://heart.bmj.com/ Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.45.6.672 on 1 June 1981. Downloaded from

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Page 1: Relation of eosinophilia andmicrofilariasis to chronic ...heart.bmj.com/content/heartjnl/45/6/672.full.pdf · Relation ofsevere eosinophilia andmicrofilariasis to chronic African

Br HeartJ 1981; 43: 672-80

Relation of severe eosinophilia and microfilariasis tochronic African endomyocardial fibrosisJ J ANDY, F F BISHARA, 0 0 SOYINKA

From the Department of Medicine and Mental Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ife,Ile-Ife, Nigeria

SUMMARY Over a two-year period, 44 patients had an eosinophil count above the 97th centile. Thirteenof these 44 had heart disease presenting within six months of the onset of symptoms. Microfilariasis was

the most likely cause of the raised total eosinophil in these 13 patients. In all, the raised eosinophil countwas returned to normal by the use of diethylcarbamazine (Banocide). Eleven of the 13 were followed upand eight of them (73%) developed clinical features of cardiac constriction and tricuspid regurgitation.The mean duration of follow-up was two years. Limited cardiac catheterisation studies in six of thepatients showed evidence of constriction or of tricuspid regurgitation. The clinical features of these eightpatients were indistinguishable from those found in chronic endomyocardial fibrosis. This disease was

further suggested by recurrent cerebral embolism in one, and a large pericardial effusion in another; andit was also present in the one patient to come to necropsy. Thus, microfilaria-induced eosinophilia, whenhigh, is frequently associated with heart disease which appears to be chronic endomyocardial fibrosis manymonths after the eosinophilia has returned to normal.

A group of diseases in which chronic and severeeosinophilia is a prominent feature, namely Loffier'seosinophilic parietal endocarditis, eosinophilic leu-kaemia, and "eosinophilic collagen vascular disease"are known to be associated with endomyocardialdamage.' In addition diseases associated withtransient hypereosinophilia such as eosinophilicleukaemoid reaction,2 Loffier's eosinophilic pneu-monia,3 trichinosis,4 5 and filariasis6 are sometimesassociated with endomyocardial damage.

In the tropical rain forest belt of Africa, endo-myocardial fibrosis is common. It occurs mainlybetween the ages of 25 and 35 years, and accounts for10 to 15 per cent of cardiac disease in Uganda7 8 andfor 21 per cent of acquired heart disease in Nigerianchildren.9 This fibrosis of the endomyocardium,which is usually most severe in the inflow and apicalportions of one or both ventricles, but which usuallyspares the outflow tracts, is, in general, indis-tinguishable from the lesion that occurs in eosino-philic heart diseases.' 10

Eosinophilia is conspicuous only in a few indig-enous African patients with endomyocardial fibrosis.Some European residents in Africa have been knownto develop an endomyocardial fibrosis-like disease,and a severe degree of eosinophilia occurred in

Received for publication 28 August 1980

almost all of them." In some of these Europeanpatients eosinophilia reverted to normal, eitherspontaneously,'2 or as a result of treatment withhydrocortisone'3 or antiparasitic agents.'4 It hasbeen suggested that endomyocardial fibrosis is the"burnt-out" phase of an eosinophilic heart disease,'and microfilariasis has been postulated as the causeof the raised eosinophil count in endomyocardialfibrosis.6 15 Initial attempts in Nigeria, however, toestablish a relation between eosinophilia and chronicAfrican endomyocardial fibrosisl5 were not sup-ported when the observations were extended.'6From Uganda, a study on 15 well-establishedcases of endomyocardial fibrosis also failed toestablish any association between eosinophilia andchronic endomyocardial fibrosis.'7 But assumingthat the cardiac damage in endomyocardial fibrosisis triggered by parasite-induced eosinophilia, araised eosinophil count need not be present inchronic endomyocardial fibrosis, since it is wellknown that such eosinophilia tends to run a self-limiting course. The distinctive features of the earlystage of Africani endomyocardial fibrosis are notdescribed and thus diagnosis is not made. Further,some of the Europeans who developed endo-myocardial fibrosis while resident in Africa mighthave had Loffler's parietal endocarditis whichappears to be a disease that predominantly affects


BHJ 252/80

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Relation of severe eosinophilia and microfilariasis to chronic Arican endomyocardial fibrosis

European men in the fourth or fifth decade.' 18An increase in eosinophil count caused by

parasitic diseases is common in tropical Africa. Thepresent study was undertaken to establish whetheror not this is associated with heart disease and howsuch disease evolves.

Subjects and methods

Two hospitals in Ife and two in Ilesha, in Oyo Stateof Nigeria, were included in the study. In one of thehospitals in Ilesha (The Wesley Guild Hospital)total eosinophil counts were frequently performedto help in the diagnosis of parasitic infestations,especially microfilariasis which is perhaps the mostfrequent cause of severe eosinophilia in this locality.All total eosinophil counts in this study wereperformed in this hospital. Since eosinophilia seen inour locality was not usually chronic, we reasonedthat if it was associated with heart disease, its levelwould be higher at the onset of that heart diseasethan when the disease was in a chronic phase.Additionally we decided that because eosinophiliawas very common, any association with heart diseasecould best be assessed by seeking very high levels ofeosinophil counts and early in the course of heartdisease. Therefore a preliminary analysis of WesleyGuild data was undertaken, and it was establishedthat total eosinophil counts of 3000/mm3 or overwere above the 97th centile in our locality. Totaleosinophil counts were then studied over a two yearperiod on all patients below the age of 20 whopresented with heart failure of less than six monthsduration, the aetiology of which could not beascribed to hypertension, rheumatic heart disease,coronary disease, a congenital lesion, cor pulmonale,pericardial disease, anaemia, or any other knownform of heart disease. The age of 20 was selected asan arbitrary cut-off point to limit the chances ofprevious subclinical cardiac damage from any cause.If the total eosinophil count was 2500/mm3 or

greater, it was repeated, and if the average of twocounts was 3000/mm3, or greater the patient wasselected for further tests and observation. Ascontrols, randomly selected patients with rheumaticheart disease, sickle cell disease, the nephroticsyndrome, hypertensive heart disease, and chronicright-sided endomyocardial fibrosis, and patientswith microfilaria in the peripheral blood, had totaleosinophil counts performed on two occasions, andthe average of the two results recorded. In additionduring the two years, the total eosinophil count was

performed on a large number of clinically diagnosedcases of microfilariasis, with or without filariasis inthe blood, and on patients with intestinal parasitesdiagnosed on microscopy. The patients with hyper-

eosinophilia and with the recent onset of heartdisease had the following examinations carried out:a chest x-ray, with left lateral, 12 lead electro-cardiogram, urinalysis and microscopy, stoolexamination for ova and parasites, serum electrolytesand urea, a haematocrit, and a white blood count. Athick blood film was examined for microfilariasis onat least three occasions and a skin snip examinationwas performed. In the last seven cases, the Knott'sconcentracion as well as the filtration technique formicrofilaria diagnosis were also used.The cardiac patients were closely followed as out

patients. Defaulters were traced and brought backfor study. Right heart catheterisation via a rightantecubital vein cut-down and using a No. 7Cournand's catheter was carried out in five of thepatients undergoing prolonged follow-up whodeveloped clinical features of cardiac constriction.Left heart catheterisation using the Seldingertechnique and a pig-tail catheter, and a right heartcatheterisation were also performed in a sixth suchpatient. Only pressures were measured.The following clinical and radiological features

were taken as indicative of cardiac constrictionusually seen in endomyocardial fibrosis: grossascites with minimal leg oedema, conspicuouslydistended neck veins with proptosis, and cardio-megaly with relatively oligaemic and clear lungfields. In addition clinical tricuspid regurgitationwas diagnosed by the presence of a typical regurgi-tant murmur with inspiratory accentuation along thelower sternal border, or by the presence of a promi-nent systolic pulsation of an enlarged liver with orwithout the typical murmur, or by the presence of aregurgitant V wave in the distended neck veins.


The distribution of total eosinophil counts in ourlaboratory during the two year period is shown inTable 1. Of 1956 patients who had total eosinophilestimations, 44 had levels greater than the 97thcentile, and 13 of these 44 (29 -5%) had recentlydeveloped heart disease. They comprised 12 boysand one girl, and their ages ranged between 6 and18 (mean 12.5) years. The distribution of totaleosinophil counts in the control patients is shown in

Table 1 Total eosinophil count in our laboratory

Eosinophil (mm3) No. of cases % of total

e 980 1581 80-81000-1980 244 12-52000-2980 87 4-43 3000 44 2-2Total 1956 100%


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Table 2. The presenting signs and symptoms in thepatients with heart disease are summarised in Table3. Fever was an early feature in all the patients. Thisfever was low grade, and occurred mostly during theafternoons; it was observed for a few days in allthree patients who presented within 10 days of onsetof their symptoms. Transient and itchy urticarial-type skin rash was complained of by five patients,but was observed in one patient during his hospitalstay. One patient (case 3) described a giant urti-carial rash (Calabar swelling) affecting an ankle and aforearm at the onset of his illness.

Table 2 Levels of total eosinophil counts in differentpatients

Condition No. of patients Mean and SE*

Sickle cell disease 28 598 ± 100Rheumatic heart disease 14 610 ± 168Hypertensive heart disease 20 598 ± 119Nephrotic syndrome 13 958 ± 347Chronic right-sided

endomyocardial fibrosis 13 1082 ± 221Microfilariasis 22 1482 ± 122

*SE = standard error.

Two patients presented with signs of meningitisand semi-coma. Their cerebrospinal fluid showed anormal cell count, sugar, and pressure, butthe protein was slightly raised in one. Bothmade a complete neurological recovery. Twopatients had pericardial-type chest pain. Facialpuffiness and periorbital swelling was generallyworse in the early morning. The total eosinophilcount, white blood cell levels, and results ofexaminations for microfilaria are also shown inTable 3. Administration of diethylcarbamazine(Banocide) returned the total eosinophil count tonormal, that is less than 500/mm3 in all the patients.Table 4 shows the close similarities between electro-

Andy, Bishara, Soyinka

cardiographic findings in these patients and thosereported for cases of chronic endomyocardialfibrosis.9 19-23 The cardiac silhouettes on chestradiograph were dominated by right, sided (par-ticularly right atrial) dilatation (Fig. 1c).

PROGRESSION OF DISEASEOne patient (case 13) died at home within twomonths of discharge from hospital and another was

lost to follow-up. Eight of the remaining 11 patients(73%) developed features of right-sided constrictionwith tricuspid regurgitation, during a mean

follow-up period of 24 months (Fig. la). One ofthem (case 4) had a huge chronic pericardial effusionfrom which 500 ml transudate was aspirated (Fig.lb). The initial ascites presenting in six patientsdisappeared readily on treatment, but a chronicascites, more resistant to treatment, reappearedwithin six to 18 months in three of them.At right heart catheterisation the right atrium was

very dilated in all the six patients studied and exceptin one (case 5), it proved impossible to manipulatethe catheter into the right ventricle. The mean rightatrial pressure was raised in all six patients. Twotypes of atrial pressure curves were recorded: (a)an M-shaped pattern with deep "y" and sometimesdeep "y" and "x" troughs (Fig. 2) and (b) a regur-

gitant "V" wave (Fig. 3). In the only patient inwhom ventricular and pulmonary pressures were

recorded, the right ventricular tracing showed a dipand plateau pattern (Fig. 3) typical of the pressurecontour in restrictive heart disease. In addition, themean wedge pressure, the right ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and the mean atrial pressure inthis particular patient were almost identical ( 11, 11,and 10 mmHg, respectively) which also suggestsrestriction (Fig. 2). The only patient (case 4) whohad left heart catheterisation had left ventricularp.essures of 75/15 mmHg, and a right atrial mean of

Table 3 Some presenting features in patients with heart disease

Case No. Age (y) Sex Occupation Duration before Headache Fever Itching Rash Chest painhospital

1 15 M Student 5 mth 0 + + + 02 13 M ,, 3 wk 0 + 0 0 03 18 M ,, 4 mth + + + + 04 12 M ,, 6 mth 0 + + 0 05 18 M Plumber 7 d + + 0 0 +6 7 M Student 1 mth 0 + + 0 07 10 M ,, 2 d + + 0 0 08 6 M ,, 10d 0 + + + 09 13 M ,, 4 mth 0 + + + 010 8 F ,, 6 mth + + + 0 011 14 M ,, 4 mth 0 + 0 0 012 13 M ,, 6 mth 0 + + 0 013 16 M ,, 2i mth 0 + + + +

TR, tricuspid: egurgitation; PR, pulmonary regurgitation; MR, mitral regurgitation; *, microfilaria noticed in conjunctiva.

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Relation of severe eosinophilia and microfilariasis to chronic African endomyocardial fibrosis

Fig. 1 Photograph, venous angiogram, and chest x-ray in case 4. (a) Gross ascites without

leg oedemna, grossly puffy face, and proptosis (covered). (b) Venous angiogram shows

pericardial effusion: 500 ml of transudate was removed. (c) Chest radiograph after

pericardiocentesis shows cardiomegaly with grossly dilated right atrium, prominent rightventricular outflow tract, and relatively oligaemic and clear lungs. Cardiac catheterisation

confirmed the grossly dilated right atrium, right atrial mean pressure, 35 mmHg, "v" wave of40 mmHg, left ventricular pressure 75/15 mmHg and aortic pressure, = 75/55 (mean 64)

mmHg. A Cournand catheter could not be manipulated into the right ventricle from the

grossly dilated right atrium.

35 mmHg, with a "V" wave of 40 mmHg.One of these eight patients (case 1) had two epi-

sodes of cerebral embolism during follow-up, withloss of consciousness, localising neurological find-ings, and reversible abnormal electroencephalo-graphic changes. He recovered completely from bothepisodes. Three died (one at home). Necropsy was

performed in one of the two (case 8) dying inhospital. The heart weighed 197 g, and there was a

moderate degree of fibrinous pericarditis (Fig. 4a).

The right atrium and right atrial appendage weredilated and almost completely filled by a largeantemorterm thrombus (Fig. 4b); the tricuspidvalve ring was dilated, but the leaflets of the tri-cuspid valve were normal; the right ventricularapex, the inflow tract, and the outflow tract up to theinsertion of the pulmonary cusps, as well as the basesof the papillary muscles showed thick endocardialfibrous tissue (Fig. 4b). jThis endocardial thickeningalso affected the left ventricular apex and papillary

Puffy face Proptosis Leg oedema Ascites Pulsation in Valvular regur- Total White blood Microfilaria Chronic features ofpulmonary gitation eosinophil cell countl endomyocardialarea count/mmS mm3 fibrosis

+ + 0 0 + TR 3600 6100 0 ++ 0 0 0 + TR 9100 14 800 0 ++ + + + 0 TR and PR 9600 15 800 0* ++ 0 0 + 0 TR 3480 7250 0* +3 0 0 0 + TR 3120 8000 0 ++ 0 + + + TR and MR 3240 8920 0D 0 0 0 + 0 5220 6880 0 -+ 0 + + + TR 3040 13 000 + ++ 0 0 0 0 TR 3380 5900 0 -+ + 0 + 0 TR 3020 11800 + -+ 0 0 + + TR 5340 9520 + ++ 0 0 0 + TR 3600 7000 +* ++ 0 0 0 0 MR 4000 8700 + -



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676 Andy, Bishara, Soyinka

Table 4 Comparison of electrocardiographic features of our patients with reported findings in endomyocardialfibrosis and in idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy in children

Endomyocardial fibrosis Idiopathic congestivecardiomyopathy (children)

D'Arbela Antia et al.9 Abrahams23 Somers Somers Present.-et al. 9 1974 1961 et al. et al." stludy Antia et al. 19691974 1972 1968

No. of patients 56 14 ? 97 28 13 13Atrial arrhythmias 32"0, 140, 50",, 35'',, 36",, 300, 0",,Right atrial enlargement - 50',, - - - 54,, -Right ventricular

hypertrophy 61",, 50",, - - 72", 77", 0",Left ventricularhypertrophy 11", - - - - 8" 0',

Subendocardial ST-T 61', O0" - - Common 31"0 0".,changes ? 50",,

Right axis deviation 48", - - - - 15"' 0",Low voltage 61", - Very - Very 38",% 0"

common common

- Figure not available.



(0I \ !

25.120 4151105.0

Fig. 2 Right sided pressures in case 5 recorded after successful treatment of heart failure. (a) Pulmonary arterysystolic pressure 22/11 mmHg (mean pressure shown in centre of trace). (b) Right ventricular pressure contour showinga dip and plateau. (c) Right atrial pressure, "a", 9 mmHg, "v", 10 mmHg. Right atrial pressure contour was "m"shaped with a deep "v" trough. Mean wedge pressure (not shown) was 11 mmHg.

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Relation of severe eosinophilia and microfilariasis to chronic African endomyocardial fibrosis


Fig. 3 Right atrial pressure in case 3 who was inatrial fibrillation, showing a regurgitant "V" wave.



(:) 15-IEE




muscles at their base, but the inflow and outflowtracts were spared (Fig. 4c). The left ventricle andleft atrium were not dilated and the mitral andaortic valves were normal. The right ventricularendocardium was replaced by a thick layer of densehyalinised vascular fibrous tissue which alsoinvolved the inner third of the myocardium and thesubpericardial zones severely, but the rest of themyocardium much less so (Fig. 5a, b, and c). Thepericardium was replaced by granulation tissue withloose collagen fibres and dilated blood vessels, andwas infiltrated by mononuclear cells and a feweosinophils (Fig. 5c and d).


Fig. 4 The heart in case 8. (a) Photograph of the whole heart shows a moderatedegree offibrinous pericarditis and a dilated right atrium (RA) and right atrialappendage (RAA). (b) Section through the right heart shows a dilated rightatrium almost completely filled by antemorterm thrombus (Th) and severethickening of the endocardium of the right ventricle, including the inflow tractand the outflow tract up to, but sparing, the pulmonary cusps (arrow). Thisthickening is most severe at the apex and bases of the papillary muscles. (c) Theleft ventricle shows endocardial thickening in the inflow tract and apex, but theoutflow tract is spared.


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Andy, Bishara, Soyinka


f . ¢ tY; 8> 9*X %(

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Fig. 5 Photomicrographs showing pericardial inflammation and endomyocardial fibrosis. (a) Layer of endocardialand endomyocardial granulation tissue with dilated blood vessels and chronic inflammatory cells ( x 100). (b)Myocardial fibrosis, vacuolation, and myocytolysis (x 100). (c) Moderately heavy degree of chronic inflammatoryreaction in the pericardium ( x 100). (d) Most of the inflammatory cells were mononuclear cells and eosinophils( x 400).


Of the 44 patients with total eosinophil countsgreater than the 97th centile in our laboratory in twoyears, 29 5 per cent had recently developed myo-cardial disease. The highest eosinophil counts, 9600and 9100 mm3, respectively, recorded in ourlaboratory during this period were in two suchpatients. Johny and Ananthachari24 studied electro-cardiographic abnormalities associated with tropicaleosinophilia and showed that these were morefrequent at higher eosinophil levels. It appears that

the more severe the allergic eosinophilic response,the higher the tendency to myocardial damage.The isolation of microfilaria loa-loa in five

patients, its occurrence on a number of occasions inthe cornea of two more, the reversal of eosinophiliawith diethylcarbamazine in all cases, and the clinicalfindings of afternoon fever, itching, rash, andperiorbital swelling appear to implicate micro-filariasis as the cause of the raised total eosinophilcounts in these patients. The cardiac lesion appearedin general better tolerated by them than by patientswith non-eosinophil associated heart disease,


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Relation of severe eosinophilia and microfilariasis to chronic African endomyocardial fibrosis

possibly because right-sided cardiac damage waspreponderant.The clinical diagnosis of advanced cases of right-

sided (and sometimes biventriculai) endomyocardialfibrosis is usually relatively easy since most of thepatients show evidence of cardiac constriction. Thedifferentiation from constrictive pericarditis rests onthe additional presence of atrioventricular valveregurgitation, sometimes of a large pericardialeffusion, and sometimes of recurrent pulmonary orsystemic emboli.23-26 Those of our patients whowere catheterised showed findings suggestive ofconstriction and/or tricuspid regurgitation thoughthe data were limited, but all who developedconstriction clinically also had clinical evidence oftricuspid regurgitation. A large pericardial effusionoccurred in one patient, and another had recurrentcerebral embolism. In addition the disproportionateenlargement of the right atrium on chest radio-graphy, confirmed at cardiac catheterisation insome, together withtheclose similarities of,the electro-cardiograms of these patients to those previouslydescribed in endomyocardial fibrosis lend furthersupport to that being the diagnosis in these patients.

In a clinical study of 102 Nigerian patients inwhom endomyocardial fibrosis was diagnosed byangiocardiography, haemodynamic studit s, andnecropsy, isolated left ventricular disease occurredin 4 per cent, and right ventricular disease andbiventricular disease dominated.26 The same studyalso recorded that the presence of associated rightheart disease always tended to mask the features ofleft ventricular disease, regardless of its severity,and that patients with biventricular endomyo-cardial fibrosis presented clinically as if they hadisolated right-sided disease. Thus the evolution overa long period of time of clinical features indistin-guishable from those of chronic right-sided endo-myocardial fibrosis by 73 per cent of our patientsseen early in the course of their heart disease andselected only because the total eosinophil count wasgreater than the 97th centile, is consistent with thetheory associating endomyocardial fibrosis witheosinophilia. The diagnosis was confirmed macro-scopically and by histopathology in the only patienton whom necropsy was performed (Fig. 4 and 5).This patient (case 8), a 6-year-old boy, was uniqueamong African patients with endomyocardial fibrosisin that he was born in our hospital, and was a regularattendant at the infant and child welfare clinic so thathis childhood diseases were known. The onset of hiscardiac symptoms, 10 days before admission, as wellas the progression of his illness until death 251months later, were well observed and documented.Microfilaria loa-loa was found by the Knott'sconcentration technique, and his raised eosinophil

count was brought back to normal by diethylcarba-mazine, about 24 months before his death fromheart disease, when endomyocardial fibrosis wasfinally diagnosed.The following conclusions appear reasonable

from our observations: (1) parasite-induced eosino-philia of a very severe degree in Africa is frequentlyassociated with heart disease; (2) the associated heartdisease frequently develops clinical features typicalof chronic endomyocardial fibrosis many monthsafter the eosinophilia has returned to normal; (3)on clinical grounds, limited cardiac catheterisationfindings, and on macroscopical and histopathologicalfindings on the only patient who came to necropsythis associated heart disease is probably endo-myocardial fibrosis; and (4) microfilariasis was thecause of eosinophilia among these patients. Theseconclusions support previous suggestions thatchronic African endomyocardial fibrosis is theburn-out phase of an eosinophilic heart disease.'Well-designed efforts to establish an associationbetween endomyocardial fibrosis and eosinophilia inthe past'5-'7 were frustrated possibly because it wasusually the burnt-out phase of the disease that wasstudied, since early endomyocardial fibrosis is notreadily recognised. The mechanism by whicheosinophilia damages the endocardium is not known.

We acknowledge the help and advice of ProfessorAU Antia of University College Hospital, Ibadan.


1 Roberts WC, Liegler DG, Carbone PP. Endo-myocardial disease and eosinophilia. A clinical andpathologic spectrum. Am J Med 1969; 46: 28-42.

2 Libanoff AJ, McMahon NJ. Eosinophilia and endo-myocardial fibrosis. Am J Cardiol 1976; 37: 438-41.

3 Bayley EC, Lindberg, DON, Baggenstoss AH.Loeffler's syndrome: report of a case with pathologicexamination of the lungs. Arch Pathol 1945; 49: 376-81.

4 Gruber GB, Gamper E. Uber gehirnveranderungenbei menschlicher Trichinose. Verhandlungen derDeutschen pathologischen Gesellschaft 1927; 22: 219-21.

5 Andy JJ, O'Connell JP, Daddario RC, Roberts WC.Trichinosis causing extensive ventricular muralendocarditis with superimposed thrombosis. Evi-dence that severe eosinophilia damages endocardium.Am J Med 1977; 63: 824-9.

6 Gerbaux A, Garin JP, Lenegre J. Cardiopathie etfilariose. Bull Soc Med Paris 1957; 73: 873-87.

7 Davies JNP. Endomyocardial fibrosis in Uganda.Cent Afr J Med 1965; 2: 323-8.

8 Davies JNP. The heart of Africa. Cardiac pathologyin the population of Uganda. Lab Invest 1961; 10:205-15.


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Andy, Bishara, Soyinka

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Requests for reprints to Dr J J Andy, Department ofMedicine and Mental Health, Faculty of HealthSciences, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

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eart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.45.6.672 on 1 June 1981. Dow

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