Report Writing.ppt

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  • 7/28/2019 Report Writing.ppt



    byDr. Sunil Misra

    Associate Professor

    Human Resource & Organizational BehaviourDepartment of MBA

    E-mail: [email protected]

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    Report Writing

    Research is complete only whenthe results are shared with thescientific community. Althoughsuch sharing is accomplished invarious ways, both formal andinformal, the traditional mediumfor communicating research is

    the scientific journal.

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    Kinds of ReportsOccasional Reports : to alert / update on asituationActivity Reports : to sum up a trip / conference/ meeting / any other eventStatus / Progress Reports : to give a generalreview of activities in a department / progresson a particular projectFormal Reports : to provide a comprehensiveoverview

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    Basics for all Reports Objectives - the purpose for writing

    the Report.Readers Identify the readers and

    focus on what they know about the


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    Basics of Report Writing

    A. Identify and state theProblem

    B. Determine the FactorsC. Gather InformationD. Interpret the DataE. Organize the FindingsF. Write the Report

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    SM / HSS / IIT-KGP 7

    What are Reports?

    An Orderly and Objective

    Communication of FactualInformation that Serves aBusiness Purpose.

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    Title Page

    A title page should summarize themain idea of the Report.

    The title should include theDEPENDENT VARIABLE,INDEPENDENT VARIABLE and

    the SAMPLE.Abbreviations should be avoided

    in the title.

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    Title Page

    The recommended length for atitle is 10 to 12 words.

    Redundancies such as A Studyof An Exper imental

    Investigation of Theory of,Some, Toward a shouldbe avoided.

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    Report Writing

    Author/s name and institutional affiliation:Every manuscript must have a bylineconsisting of two parts: the name of the

    author/s and the institution where theinvestigation was conducted.

    The preferred form of an author s name is

    first name, middle initial, and last name.Example: Sunil Misra OR Amit R. Lathiya.Omit all titles (e.g., Dr., Professor) anddegrees (e.g., Ph D, M Sc, M Tech , etc.)

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    Report Writing

    AbstractAn abstract is a brief, comprehensivesummary of the contents of thereport. It allows readers to survey thecontents of an report quickly. Almostall the journals/thesis/reports require

    an abstract. Normally, an abstractshould consist of 100 to 250 words(empirical study) and in case of

    review article 75 words.

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    Report WritingIn introduction the following things are


    What is the point of the study?

    How do the hypotheses and the experimentaldesign relate to the problem?What are the theoretical implications of the

    study and how does the study relate toprevious work in the area?What are the theoretical propositions tested

    and how were they derived?

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    Report Writing

    Introduction should generally include:

    Review of literature: relationship of var iables established through

    theoretical background and the works done in the past by var ious researchers in the area.

    Develop the background: Discuss the l i teratur e but do not include an exhaustive historical r eview.

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    Report WritingDemonstrate the logical continuity between previous and present work.Controversial issues, when relevant,should be tr eated fair ly.

    A table representing, year of publication, author /s name, var iables used for study, and the major f indings for a quick glance is


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    Report Writing


    Review of literature

    Gap areasObjective of the studyConceptualization of variablesConceptual modelHypotheses/Research Questions

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    Report WritingMETHOD

    The method section describes in detail how thestudy was conducted. Such a description enablesthe readers to evaluate the appropriateness of one s methods and the reliability and validity of one s result. The method section is usuallydivided into three parts:

    a. Sample (Sample character istics, demographic information- age, gender, etc.)

    b. Measures (scale, number of dimensions, i tems,alpha value)

    c. Test administration

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    Report Writing

    RESULTSThe results section summarizes the data.First, briefly the main results or findingsare stated, then the data are reportedwith sufficient details to justify theconclusions.

    If hypotheses are to be tested, use thesuitable statistics and report the findings.

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    Report Writing

    When reporting inferential statistics(e.g., t-tests, F- tests, and chi-square),information about the value of the testto be included.The degrees of freedom, the probabilitylevel and the direction of the effectneeds to be mentioned.It is desirable, to give a summary of findings at the end of the result sectionfor a quick look.

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    Report Writing


    After presenting the results, one shouldevaluate and interpret the implications

    especially with respect to one s originalhypothesis.

    One is free to examine, interpret andqualify the results as well as to drawinferences from them. One should beguided by the following questions:

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    What I have contributed here?

    How has my study helped to resolve

    the original problem?

    What conclusions and theoreticalimplications can I draw from mystudy?

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    Report Writing


    Implication of the studyContribution of the present work

    Limitation of the studyScope for future research

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    Page numbering

    Page numbers for the prefacing materials of the report should be in small Romannumerals and should be centered at thebottom of the pages.Page numbers for the body of the reportshould be in Arabic numerals and should becentered at the bottom of the pages.Font: Times New Roman, 12 point, doublespacing, A4 size paper with 1 margin all thesides.

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    Report Writing

    Author noteReferences


    Appendix AAppendix BAppendix C, etc.

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    Report Writing

    In references:Blegen, M., & Mueller, C. W. (1987). Nurses job satisfaction. Alongitudinal analysis, Research in Nur sing and H ealth , 10, 227-237.

    Gruneberg, M. M. (1979). Understanding job satisfaction. NewYork: John Wiley & Sons.

    Gradner, J., Paulsen, N., Gallois, C., Callan, V., & Monaghan,P. (2001). An intergroup perspective on communication inorganisations. In H. Giles & W. P. Robinson (Eds.), The new handbook of language and social psychology (pp. 561-584).Chichester, UK: Wiley.

    Holthouse, D., & Potok, M. (2008). The year in hate. RetrivedApril 8, 2008, from

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    Redundancy A total of 65 par ticipants They were both alike F our dif ferent groups saw instructions which were exactly the same as those used.absolutely essenti al has been previously found small in size one and the samein close proximitycompletely unanimous

    just exactlyvery close to significanceperiod of timesummarize briefly

    the reason is because

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    Report WritingTense

    Generally, past tense [e.g., Mitra (1998)showed] or present perfect tense [e.g., Mitra(1998) has shown] is appropriate for literature

    review.Method and the results section should bewritten in the past tense.

    Present tense should be used to discuss theresults and to present the conclusions.The use of I first person pronoun should be

    avoided in the report writing.

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    Report WritingGrammar

    Incorrect:The percentage of correct responses as well as

    the speed of the responses increase withpractice.

    Correct:The percentage of correct responses as well as

    the speed of the responses increases with


    Incorrect: The data indicates thatCorrect: The data indicate that

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    Incorrect: Neither the highest scorer northe lowest scorer in the group had any

    doubt About their competency.Correct: Neither the highest scorer nor thelowest scorer in the group had any doubtabout his/her competency.

    Incorrect: To test this hypothesis, theparticipants were divided into twogroups.

    Correct: To test this hypothesis, wedivided the participants into two groups.

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    Thanks !

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    Quality of presentation

    a) Is the topic appropriate for the journal towhich the manuscript is submitted?

    b) Is the introduction clear and complete?c) Does the statement of purpose

    adequately and logically orient thereader?d) Is the literature adequately reviewed?

    e) Are the citations appropriate andcomplete?f) Is the research question clearly

    identified, and is the hypothesis explicit?

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    g) Are the conceptualization and rationaleperfectly clear?

    h) Is the method clearly and adequatelydescribed?

    i) Are the techniques of data analysisappropriate, and the analysis clear?

    j) Are the results and conclusions unambiguous,valid, and meaningful?

    k) Is the discussion thorough? Does it stick tothe point and confine itself to what can be

    concluded from the significant findings of thestudy?l) Is the paper concise?m) Is the manuscript prepared according to APA

    l ?