Using Connect Reporting McGraw-Hill Education, Higher Ed 2017 Reporting

Reporting External Training 2016 11.18.2016 [Autosaved]

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Using Connect ReportingMcGraw-Hill Education, Higher Ed 2017


Section One: Expectations

What this session isPedagogical PracticalOverview of ReportsInteractive

This presentation will provide you an overview of reporting for your classes and how Connect can help you increase your instructional effectiveness.It is pedagogical so we will be looking at the why as well as the how of reporting.It will be practical so you can leave this session with information you can use today, tomorrow and next week.It will be interactive, so dont plan on going to sleep or answering email while we are together. I will do my best to keep you engaged.3

What this session is NOTTechnicalA Sales PitchFeature-LadenPassive

This is not a technical presentation. That video on how to use all of the features of our Performance (reporting) section will be emailed out to all of you who have signed in. We will NOT be looking at all of the features in the reporting section of Connect. You will be asked your opinion so this session will be ACTIVE. And if you are here, your department, more than likely, already has Connect so I am not going to try and sell you anything.4

Section Two: Why use reporting?

Imagine this:

A student comes to you at midterm and wants to have a discussion. This student has poor grades and has never come to your office before. You have to check to even see if he/she is in your class. You are about to assign the final which is a large portion of the course grade. What kinds of questions/complaints do you think they will have? What kinds of questions do you think they wont ask you?6

Failure is only information, if you learn from it.

What reactions do you have to this statement? How do you think your students would react to this statement? How do you structure your courses so that feedback is a built in learning tool and not a graded currency that stands in the way of student learning?7

Are grades the main reason for evaluation?

Fundamental Questions

Do you use feedback as a instructional tool with students?

Fundamental Questions

How do you use data to drive decisions about what or how you teach?

Fundamental Questions

Post secondary assessment done right must be rooted in the course and in the classroom, in the individual cells, to speak metaphorically, where the metabolism of learning actually takes place (Wright, 1999)

You get what you design and what you measure is what you get (WYMIWYG) so target assessment on the important aspects of the course, program or service

Learning Analytics

Collecting data take time and effort

What is Data-Driven Instruction?

Fundamental Questions

Data-Driven Instruction

Use Data Regularly

Data-Driven Instruction

Use Data RegularlyUse a Variety of Data PointsData-Driven Instruction


Use a Variety of Data PointsUse Data RegularlyLook for Gaps and AdjustData-Driven Instruction

Look for Gaps and Adjust

Use a Variety of Data PointsUse Data RegularlyEmpower Students with DataData-Driven Instruction

Section Three: How Connect Reports Support Instruction

Where is the reporting area?

Could add a brand image.23

What are the report types

Could add a brand image.24

Looking at Assignment Results

60 Second response:

How could you use this to gather regular data??


Looking at Student Reports

60 Second response:

In your class, what data points could this report give you for a conversation with a student??


Looking at Assignment Statistics and Item Analysis

120 Second response:

How could this report help you improve your course as you are teaching it??


Looking at At Risk and Category Analysis

Looking at At Risk and Category Analysis

120 Second response:

How would these reports give you data you could use with an administrator or student support staff member??


Section Four: Student Generating their Own Reports

Looking at Student Reports In SmartBook

120 Second response:

How would having students being able to see their progress through reporting improve your learning objectives??


Look for Gaps

Use a Variety of Data PointsUse Data RegularlyEmpower Students with DataHave a complete picture

Follow Up ResourcesLinks to Our Digital Success SiteA PDF Reporting HandoutLink to a Complete How to videoA copy of this presentation

Could add a brand image.38

Follow Up Resources

Links to Our Digital Success SiteA PDF Reporting HandoutLink to a Complete How to videoA copy of this presentation

Could add a brand image.39

Follow Up Resources

Links to Our Digital Success SiteA PDF Reporting HandoutLink to a Complete How to videoA copy of this presentation

Could add a brand image.40

Follow Up ResourcesLinks to Our Digital Success SiteA PDF Reporting HandoutLink to a Complete How to videoA copy of this presentation

Could add a brand image.41

Follow Up ResourcesLinks to Our Digital Success SiteA PDF Reporting HandoutLink to a Complete How to videoA copy of this presentation

Could add a brand image.42


Thanks for Joining Us Today

Could add a brand image.44