Asso  Cou  March 3  Mr. Da North P 605 We Anchora  Re: Ag  Dear Ch  We Preside Chiefs C collectiv is an AN Kuskok Wester profit a federall profit a Kuskok the Yuk  We resourc  iation of V cil Preside  ering Sea 0, 2015 Hull, Chai cific Fisher t 4 th  Aven ge, AK 995 nda Item airman Hul re submitti ts (AVCP), onference ely represe CSA regio im Delta r  Alaska co d the tribal recognize d tribal co im waters n River. rite today s in our re  llage ts ishermen’s r y Managem e, Suite 30 01 C-4 Berin l and Coun ng these co  Bering Sea TCC) and ting 118 c al non-pro egion. BSF mercial an  consortiu  tribes. Ta sortium of eds. YRD  to seek yo ion by doi  Ka  Associatio ent Counci  g Sea Sal il member ments on Fishermen’ he Yukon mmunities it and triba  is a non-p d subsisten  in the Ber ana Chiefs the 42 villa A is an ass r help in re g everythin  erak, Inc. l on Bycat :  behalf of t s Associati iver Drain  in the Arc  consortiu rofit fisheri e fisherme ng Strait re  Conferenc es of Inter ciation of c  building th g you can t  ch Final e Associati n (BSFA), age Fisheri ic-Yukon-  of the 56 es associati . Kawerak gion of Ala  (TCC) is or Alaska i ommercial once mag  reduce a Tanana Chi  ction n of Villag Kawerak I s Associati uskokwim tribes of th n serving t  is an ANC ka, where n ANCSA the Yuko  and subsist ificent Chi ource of m  efs Confere  e Council c., Tanana n (YRDFA  region. AV  Yukon- e needs of A regional here are 2 egional no  and nce fishers ook salmo ortality ove  nce ), CP non-  -  on n r

Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

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8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 1/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 2/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 3/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 4/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 5/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 6/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 7/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 8/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 9/10

8/9/2019 Request for reduction in Bering Sea salmon bycatch

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/request-for-reduction-in-bering-sea-salmon-bycatch 10/10