Research design: The backbone of academic inquiry Peter Neff – Doshisha University Matthew Apple – Nara National College of Technology David Beglar – Temple University Japan CUE Forum 2008 Olympic Memorial Youth Center November 1, 2008, 1:15 - 2:50 p.m.

Research design: The backbone of academic inquiry

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CUE Forum 2008. Research design: The backbone of academic inquiry. Peter Neff – Doshisha University Matthew Apple – Nara National College of Technology David Beglar – Temple University Japan. Olympic Memorial Youth Center November 1, 2008, 1:15 - 2:50 p.m. Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Research design:  The backbone of academic inquiry

Research design: The backbone of academic inquiry

Peter Neff – Doshisha UniversityMatthew Apple – Nara National College of TechnologyDavid Beglar – Temple University Japan

CUE Forum 2008

Olympic Memorial Youth CenterNovember 1, 2008, 1:15 - 2:50 p.m.

Page 2: Research design:  The backbone of academic inquiry

Introduction: The importance of good research design

Approaching the studyDeveloping the study design

Break for Q&A

Designing the right instrumentImplementing your designConclusion

Further Q&A


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Introduction: The importance of good research design

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Poor design vs. Good design

Poorly-designed studyHit on an idea, dive right inNo background researchThrow together a survey, give to a

group of unwary participantsCollect data, then ponder how to

analyzeRun to a colleague for helpFish around for most “interesting”

findingsPray to get published

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Poor design vs. Good design

Well-designed studyHit on an idea, do background researchFormulate relevant, specific, practical RQsConsider participants, context, data analysis

in advanceDecide/develop instrument; pilot and revise

itDecide on appropriate pre/post-test

instrumentsPlan stages and structure of data collectionPrepare participants adequately…Then carry out the study

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The importance of good designA well-designed study provides

many benefits:– Demonstrates researcher

knowledge– Ties the study to an underlying

philosophy– Provides a clear path for the

researcher(s)– Helps avoid mishaps of previous


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The importance of good designOther benefits

– Leads to more concrete results, more definitive conclusions

– Improves chances of publication– Raises the status of SLA as a

field of inquiry

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A word about mixed methods designsThe great quan-qual debateMixed methods – the “best” of

both worldsAdd a qualitative component to a

quantitatively-oriented study: – Participant interviews– Observational, audiovisual data– Open-ended survey questions

Plan for qualitative analyses (text analysis, response coding)

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Part 1Approaching the Study

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Approaching the study

Hitting upon research ideas

Review of the literature

Formulating research questions

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Hitting upon research ideasIdentify the topic in a few words

Reflect on “doability” of research– Can I research this?– Should I research this?– Am I interested in researching this?

Review of the literature can help redefine and revise ideas

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Identifying the topic: Hints for starting to narrowPose a short question using “what”

or “how” Write a short title that consists of

one sentence under 12 wordsAsk a friend or colleague to read

your topic and gauge their reactionsDraft research questions to see if

the topic can be adequately explored

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A “researchable” topic

“Can I do this in my current situation?”

“Does this concern people at other institutions?”

“Does this add to the current body of research related to this topic?”

“Does this study contribute something from a unique perspective?”

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Filtering “probably not so good” ideas: To boldly go where no research has

gone before… (The “Star Trek” idea)

My theory is clearly better than X (The “Steven Krashen is so wrong” idea)

My classroom is totally unique (The “I don’t need theory” idea)

This is a really cool technology / methodology / text book (The “I am primarily a teacher” idea)

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Filtering ideas: A few hintsReview research designs and

statistical techniquesReview teaching methods and

overall SLA research resultsEvaluate access to potential study

participantsPlan time for material creation,

study design, and implementation

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Review of the literature

Relate the study to continuing “dialogue” in current research

Finding a “gap” in the literature

Provide a framework for the importance of the study

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Review of the Literature:Finding a “gap” in knowledge“We do not enough about X…”

“This way of looking at X has never been done…”

“This way of learning about X has not been duplicated in my context”

“Previous research has inadequately explored X…”

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Finding literature: Some hints Google Scholar using key words or

researcher names Scour recent literature review articles Check for “cited” numbers online Get access to university databases Refer to recently published articles

– After the year 2000– During the previous 2 to 3 years

Examine “outside the field” articles

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Finding literature: Separating the wheat…“Top tier” journal articlesMost-often-cited articlesRecent articlesResearch articles (not reviews)Books / Edited book-articlesMajor international conference

papersDissertations / dissertation abstracts

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…from the chaff

“In-house” journal articlesArticles from “proceedings” booksOnline journal articles with only .html

versionsUnedited books from small publishersNewspaper and magazine articlesWeb pagesAnecdotal evidenceYour own previous papers for an MA


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Research questions: A few useful guidelinesNaturally flow from the literature

reviewStrongly connected to the topicAt least two or three (not one)……but not five or six or moreAs specific as possibleDirectly concern variables in the studyDo not contain yes/no question words

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RQs: What not to ask

“Is X true/false?”“Will X happen if…?”“Does X cause Y?”

“What do participants think of X?”“Why does X happen?”

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RQs: What to ask

“What differences exist between…”“Compared to X, how does Y…?”“To what degree do X and Y

differ…?”“When X is controlled for Y…, how

does Z…?”

“What are underlying patterns among…?”

“To what degree does X predict Y?”

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Part 2Developing the Study Design

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Research design

Cross-sectional design: A design in which data are collected from a sample at only one point in time.

Longitudinal design: A design in which data are collected at more than one point in time.

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Randomized Control-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

Experimental Group 1 T1 Xa (Method a) T2

Experimental Group 2 T1 Xb (Method b) T2

Control Group T1 T2

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Randomized Control-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

Reasonably strong conclusions can be reached about the effects of the treatments.

Problem 1: Within session variation (e.g., different teachers or room conditions) may intervene.

The solution? Randomly assigning participants, times, and places to the experimental and control conditions.

Problem 2: The pretest may interact with the treatment. This potential problem is dealt with in the next design.

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Randomized Solomon Six-Group Design

Pretested (Random assignment) T1 Xa (Method a)T2

Pretested (Random assignment) T1 Xb (Method b)T2

Pretested (Random assignment) T1


Unpretested (Random assignment) Xa (Method a)T2

Unpretested (Random assignment) Xb (Method b)T2

Unpretested (Random assignment)T2

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Randomized Solomon Six-Group Design

This design amounts to doing the experiment twice –once with and once without pretesting.

It is possible to know what effects, if any, are associated with pretesting.

If the results of the “two experiments” are consistent, greater confidence can be placed in the findings.

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Counterbalanced Design

This design is useful when randomization is not possible and intact groups must be used.


Xa Xb Xc Xd

1 A B C D

2 B D A A

3 C A D B

4 D C B C

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Counterbalanced design

The counterbalanced design rotates out the participants’ differences (e.g., one group has more aptitude or motivation than the other groups) by exposing each group to all variations of the treatment.

Order-of-presentation effects are controlled.

Primary weakness: The possibility of carryover effects from one treatment to the next exists. Allowing time between treatments can alleviate this problem.

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Control-Group Time-Series Design

Experimental Group 1 T1 T2 T3 T4 Xa (Method a) T5 T6 T7


Experimental Group 2 T1 T2 T3 T4 Xb (Method b) T5 T6 T7


Control Group T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

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Control-Group Time-Series Design

This design allows the researcher to determine growth over time, and the effect of an intervention.

The presence of a control group increases the trustworthiness of the results because the possibility of a contemporary event causing any gains can be determined.

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Control-Group Time-Series Design

This design can be extended by exposing the participants to the intervention on multiple occasions.

This approach is more sensitive to partial gains in knowledge and tests the strength of the intervention more than once, thus giving the researcher a more accurate understanding of the effectiveness of the intervention.

Experimental Group 1 T1 T2 Xa T3 T4 Xa T5 T6

Experimental Group 2 T1 T2 Xb T3 T4 Xb T5 T6

Control Group T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

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Q&A Break

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Part 3Designing the Right Instrument

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Instrument Design

Commonly used instruments in SLA research– Scored tests– Rater scores– Surveys– Interviews

Consider your eventual data analysis when developing instruments

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Instruments - Scored tests

Pluses Quantitative items

(M/C, Cloze/C-tests)– Simple to score large

# of participants– Easier to analyze

Qualitative items (short answer, timed essays)– Good complement to

quantitative scores– Can provide more in-

depth assessment of participants’ abilities

Minuses Quantitative items

– Limited to one type of data

Qualitative items– Take more

time/effort to score– Rater bias

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Instruments – Performance ratingsAn assessment of participants’

performance in an assigned taskTasks may include presentations,

interviews, written essaysPerformances can be scored using a

Likert-scale, a rubric, or holisticallyUsually scored by at least two

“expert” raters; sometimes also by peers

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Performance ratings

Rating criteria should be concretely established with little ambiguity

Avoid including too many (or too few) criteria for one performance task

All raters should undergo a “normative” training session prior to assessment

Use models to train ratersAvoid single-score holistic ratings

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Instruments - Surveys

Often used for:– Collecting learner history data (L2

study experience, other background info)

– Assessing participants’ attitudes towards a predetermined construct (language learning motivation, anxiety using the L2)

– Determining reactions to an experimental treatment (teaching methods, innovative learning tasks)

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Survey makingFor non-advanced learners –

surveys should be in their L1Build in redundancy - Include

multiple questions for each concept area

Questions should be simply worded – avoid negative or confusing wording

Depending on the purpose of the survey, 20-40 items/session is a good range to shoot for

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Survey making

Any survey used in a serious study should be piloted in advance

It is acceptable to make adjustments to an existing instrument

Likert-scale items should usually have between 4 and 6 choices

A few qualitative questions can provide a nice complement to quantitative instruments

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Instruments - InterviewsInterviews can provide an

excellent qualitative component to a larger study

It is not necessary to interview all participants – a subsample as small as 10-20% can

be acceptableUse your best judgment on

participants’ language ability– For intermediate-and-above learners,

L2 interviews are often fine

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Conducting interviews

Inform students they are being interviewed, obtain consent

Record unobtrusively “Warm up” the participants before

getting into the heart of the interview

Collect more data than you need

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Validating Instruments

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Instrument Validity

The construct = The heart of the matter

What construct do you wish to measure?

How do you define the construct?What are its component parts? Do

they form a unified whole?

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Operationalizing the construct: The items Conceptualize the construct as a

continuum: easy—difficult items and less able—more able persons.

How have other researchers measured the construct?

Write original or adapted items. Cover the estimated range of your

participants. Write 50% more items than you intend

to use. This will allow you to “cherry pick” the best items as well as items at various levels of difficulty.

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Operationalizing the Construct: The ItemsMore able | More difficultpersons | items | x | item 1 xx | item 2 item 3 xxx | item 4 item 5 xxxx | item 6 item 7 item 8 xxxx | item 9 item 10 item 11 xxx | item 12 item 13 xx | item 14 x | item 15 |Less able | Less difficultPersons | items

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Operationalizing the Construct: The Items

After piloting the items, statistically analyze the results.

Examine dimensionality, item difficulty, and item content.

Select the best items to make an efficient, highly reliable instrument.

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Part 4Implementing Your Design

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Implementing the design

Including other researchers

Practical issues

Handling ethical concerns

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Including other researchers in the studyThe nature of the researchers

involved– Main researcher plus “helpers”– One researcher plus “other participants”

The nature of the instructors involved– Teaching methods– Students taught– Course goals– University program goals

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Working with other researchersWork with people you know and trustEstablish a schedule early Define clear roles for each researcherDecide definite research goals prior

to data collection Keep in regular contactThe “band practice time” principle

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Example research roles

Head researcher / contact personData entry specialistStatisticianInterviewerLiterature analystEditor / proofreader

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Heading off potential problems Explain study commitments prior to

starting the study Agree on “ownership” prior to data

collection and data entry– Who will keep the data?– Whose name comes first, second, etc.?

Keep everyone aware of deadlines Include everyone in decision-making

processed and data analysis

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Things to avoid in group researchPeople you don’t knowResearch groups larger than four

or five membersUsing someone for language skillsInvolving others just to get more

participantsForgetting to thank others for

their assistance

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Improving relations with research helpersWrite clear instructions

Thank profusely for their time and effort

Offer to send copies of final research papers and/or results

Offer to assist in future research

Keep in touch after research ends

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Practical Issues

Timing of implementation

Learning and research context

Participant consent

Financial considerations

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Timing of the implementationBeginning, middle, or end of

semesterDay of the weekTime of dayExams and exam preparation periods“Culture Festivals” or other club-

related events“Open classes” or “parents’ day”

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Learning and research contextDiffering course goals (I.e.,

listening class vs. reading class)Different major field of studyGender, age, year in schoolNumber of class meetingsPerception of the value of

research by institution heads

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Participant consent

Always allow for “non-participation” choice from potential participants

Write clear instructions for participants asking for their cooperation

Ask co-researchers or helpers to briefly inform participants about their choice

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Financial considerations

Copies for questionnaires, exams, etc.

Computer analysis softwareMailing costsInterview travel costsRecording equipment

Reference booksJournal article costs

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Heading off lack of cooperation problemsReview requirements of the study

– How many items in the questionnaire? – How many treatments?

Recognize that students are busy, tired, etc.

Plan to get between 30-50% more data than you need

Try to get more data at a later date

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Ethical Considerations

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Ethical considerations

Students should not be exploited just because they are there

In theory, they should derive benefit (directly or indirectly) from the research

Explain the basic purpose of your research before collecting data– 1-2 sentences should be fine

It is also good to briefly explain this at the beginning of any survey instrument

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Ethics - ConsentProvide students with the chance to

opt out of participationVerbal consent is usually acceptable

for surveys, ratings, and test scoresA written consent form may be

necessary for more involved forms of participation (interviews, essay passages)

When in doubt, check recent articles in well-known journals for guidance

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Ethics – Other considerationsThe role of this study within your

institutionPotential gender, proficiency or

other issues that may affect your data or conclusions

Have a plan for anonymizing the data (and consider making this conspicuous on your instruments)

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In conclusion…There are many factors to consider when

embarking on a serious studySome points to take away…Most studies should fill a place (a “gap”)

within the current academic dialogue Research questions should reflect

continuity with the literature and should be specific

Carefully consider the design setup which will work best with the participant groups and the research and analytical goals

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In conclusionFurther points…Different instruments work better in

different circumstances. Choose those which best reflect your aims.

Plan your analyses at the same time you are developing your instruments

Develop and pilot instruments which can cover responses from a range of participants

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In conclusionEven more points…Work with others who will be serious

and committed, and then be an organized and conscientious leader

Consider how practical, pedagogical, and institutional concerns may affect your study

Do not forget current ethical guidelines for carrying out participant research

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Good luck with your research!

Thank you for listening

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