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Research (ancillary tasks)

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EMPIRE Magazine film reviews

Conventions of film reviews:•Reference to the genre is made acknowledgement of•For example ‘taken’ is a film that is of the action and adventure genre, this is made reference to with the use of terminology used by the critic: ‘iconic action heroes are few and far between..’

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Analyzing the language used in film reviews

Conventionally many film reviews make a critique of the characters actions or what the audience is already used to. Genres such as horror and the action and adventure genre is where the audience usually have some kind of idea as to what to expect. In relation to this, the critic here makes a reference to the conventionality of the protagonist installing a ‘chip in his daughters phone’. The critic here highlights the ‘accidental’ mistakes of the protagonist that moves the plot of the film forwards.

In a film review the critic usually makes fun of the protagonist by commenting on his actions, that usually is no different from what the audience expect him to do.

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The Woman in Black

The critic addresses a review of the film in first person, this essential for the readers as they understands the critic’s perspective on the film as an individual. The critic also draws to parts of the film such as the opening sequence where ‘something is horribly wrong’. The association of the ‘wrong’ feeling created for the audience is linked to the fact that the film is of the horror genre. In this way, the critic addresses the genre by applauding the success of the film as the atmosphere is set for the audience right at the beginning.

The critic uses light humour which instantly draws the reader into the review. The light humour here could also be linked to the audience that the film was marketed towards and therefore the language used has not been made extremely complicated.

The production crew is credited: ‘’the directing was also something to be applaud’’. Crediting the production crew is vital in maintaining the audiences trust of the institution, and well considered critics such as critics and journalists from ‘The Guardian’ may add to the success of the institution as consumer’s will be drawn to trust their view and perspective of the film. Also, the critic has mentioned one of the actor’s by crediting him to an extent; it is important that a critic gives a balanced perspective on any part of the film, so that their review does act as a review of one judgement only.

Giving a balanced opinion of a member of the cast can in some ways be controversial , which works extremely well in driving the audience to view the film for themselves.

Film review from IMBD

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Attack The Block (analysis of the introduction of a review)Film review from ‘The Guardian’ – Peter Bradshaw

Here is a n article by Peter Bradshaw an influential source in the media reviewing the recent urban thriller ‘Attack the Block’. This ‘film 4’ sponsored film is similarly linked to ‘The Lying Game’ as it is also a representation of the south London urban youth culture, as well showing sharing some features of the thriller genre.

Bradshaw begins the article by laying out that the creation of films such as this was laid out by the foundations set by directors in creating films similar to this. Bradshaw then highlights the ultimate success of previous directors and the initial director of ‘Attack the Block’: ‘Joe Cornish’ who ‘’created something from much the same world’. Furthermore, Bradshaw goes on to extend this veneration for Cornish and identifies some of the genres in which can be found in the film ‘action adventure comedy’ .

As part of the review Bradshaw gives the reader a brief synopsis of the plot of the film. However he does this with a twist of humour, which is conventional of many film reviews: ‘’But this gang of BMXs must find redemption by teaming up with their..’ . Often, when the reviewer makes reference to the propps or mise-en-scene in association with specific characters it shows they have closely examined parts of the film, which perhaps makes their opinion more honest.

The introduction of the review is highly important as this will determine whether or not your reader will carry on reading.

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The review looks at the ‘sharp social comment on the subject of alienations and alienation’, in which the film illustrates. This is key in identifying the moral concept attached to the film which most of the time may be covertly presented in the film. In this way, the reviewer does not only just look at the surface of the film such as the characters, locations, propps etc, but also looks at the meaning below the surface which is essential for all films, as there needs to be an achievement of moral purpose. The reviewer here sums up the emphasis on the use of social comment because it moves the direction of the plot, or gives it momentum at least.

Bradshaw goes on to applaud Cornish with his approach to the stereotype attached to the ‘aggressive youths in Broken Britain’ as ‘cheerful’ and ‘unfashionably optimistic’.

A rhetorical question is used to indicate the engagement between the reader and the article. Also, the use of rhetorical questions allows the reader to think but most importantly gives the reviewer the advantage of shaping opinion by addressing their own questions and answering them, therefore being able to influence the reader’s perspective of the film.

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Attack The BlockThe concluding paragraph

The concluding point of the article is pivotal as it is what the reader will remember and bare in mind, when considering to see the film for themselves. Bradshaw ensures that he ‘Brings it home’ for the reader by comparing the British film to American blockbuster movies such as ‘Independence Day’ featuring Will Smith. The comparison here, then raises the status of the film and as a result the reader is left with a more convinced and trustworthy approach the film. Also, the institute that distributes or publicizes the article is essential to achieving the readers trust; the publication of the article on ‘the guardian’ website by a media expert Peter Bradshaw is again extremely convincing and raises the status of the film, as the guardian is usually associated with a more middle class readership.

The article ends on impressive note as the producer is credited by the success of the film and creating something new rather than a British cliche of ‘Hollywood movies’ by creating ‘the real thing’.

Bradshaw’s concluding sentence ‘the real thing’ is simplistic but also effective and puts a stamp on the film.