A Resource Guide To Truly Amazing Living The 5 (Dirt Cheap) Tools I Use To Manufacture Happiness Daily by Aaron Kennard www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

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Page 1: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

A Resource Guide To Truly Amazing

LivingThe 5 (Dirt Cheap) Tools I Use

To Manufacture Happiness Daily


Aaron Kennardwww.TrulyAmazingLife.com

Page 2: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

Table of Contents

by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

1. The Relaxation Response

2. My Daily Affirmations

3. Blue Gel Pen, Lined Paper & 3 Ring Binder

4. The Truly Amazing Life Poster

5. Altra Running Shoes

6. Bonus Tool

Page 3: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

Just buy the book and follow the super simple steps!!!MEDITATION elicits the relaxation response.!!This book shows you how simple meditation is, and how !effective.!!It dramatically improved my life.!!In fact, if you want the even dirt cheaper version of the tool, !just go to this website and follow the steps. Everything you !need to know is right there for free: !www.relaxationresponse.org/!!!I cannot overemphasize how effective the practice of meditation !is in bringing peace and happiness into your life. !!It has been life changing for me. !!It is the biggest gift I received from the experience of debilitating disease.!!And there are a whole host of physical health benefits beyond the spiritual/happiness inducing benefits. !!Seriously!! If you need more convincing, definitely read that book!!!I personally needed that book to convince me of how important it was.!!But if you're already convinced that daily meditation will bring you happiness and you trust me when I say this is my FIRST AND TOP priority every single day of my life....!!...then just go to this link and follow the instructions. www.relaxationresponse.org/steps/!!My goal is actually to help you find more than just happiness.!!I aim to live a truly amazing life...And to help everyone I know do the same.!!And a daily SUPER SIMPLE, SO SIMPLE ANYONE CAN GET IT AND DO IT meditation, is an absolutely essential tool to living a truly amazing life.!


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

1. The Relaxation Response

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Page 4: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

!Here is my Affirmations in word doc format so you can edit them and use what you like and discard any you may not want.!!!This is my 2nd priority every day after meditating. !!I relax in a chair and look into the mirror by my desk.!!Then I repeat these all to myself while smiling a huge !cheshire cat grin into the mirror at myself.!!It feels absolutely amazing to remember these powerful !truths about myself and about life every single morning.!!And forcing a huge toothy smile at myself while doing it, !does amazing things.!!You MUST TRY THIS before you discount it.!!I DO THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT QUESTION. !!And it NEVER FAILS to get me feeling better.!!It is an amazing tool.!!Use it today.!!Do it right now in fact. !!Before even moving on with these tools.!


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

2. My Daily Affirmations

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Page 5: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

Something like this...nothing fancy required:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When was the last time you physically wrote down all your thoughts on white paper with blue flowing gel ink?!!Hopefully recently.!!If it's been a while or never, you're in for a treat.!!And if you just needed the reminder, then you're welcome!!!And definitely get the Pilot G-2 clicker gel pens. !!So smooth and so easy on the hand.!!This is my 3rd priority each and every single day.!!And its brain dead simple: Just have a conversation with yourself on paper.!!Dump out whatever you are thinking until you have filled up one page.!!Then move on with your life.


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

3. Blue Gel Pen, Lined Paper & 3 Ring Binder

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Page 6: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

!There are no rules to what you can or should write about. !!The only guidance I will point out is don't make it about trying to accomplish anything or record ANY FACTS OR HISTORY!!!The purpose is to WRITE DOWN WHATEVER YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT. !!This is an exercise of freeing you, lifting a burden, and getting YOU IN TOUCH WITH YOU!!!Such a powerful thing to do.!!And you will likely see more noticeable results in how you feel immediately in this exercise than meditating. !!Meditating may take you a while to start to notice it doing much for you. !!Be prepared for that.!!But writing, if you just release all rules and allow you to be you and write whatever the heck you dang well feel like writing, you will be amazed at how good it feels.!!Here's an example:!!“I have no clue what I'm thinking. Blank. It's like I'm looking at a blank white screen inside my forehead or something. Weird.!Oh hey, there's one. That silly cat tubby is meowing at the door again. Kind of wish he would go away. But he's probably lonely.!Sometimes I feel lonely. Not right now though. I feel super stoked about life. I'm so happy to be alive. !Hmmm. What do I want to think about right now?!What would feel really good to spend time thinking about?!Ahhh...yes. My __________” !!Fill in the blank with whatever excites the heck out of you. !!Then go to town!!!Let it all flow out. !!Let yourself get worked up and into the process of imagining whatever you want that excites you and writing it down.!!Awesome process.!!


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

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Page 7: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

That's what I do with those tools every single day.!!And not because I feel like I have to, or to check something off.!!But because I absolutely love it. !!It feels amazing to me.!!In the past I was religious about journaling and it was a CHORE.!!I didn't get much out of it, other than the fleeting satisfaction of the thought that I must be accomplishing something good, though I couldn't see any tangible benefit.!!But now, I get immediate amazing feeling feedback every single time I write in the morning. !!Quite often I'm bawling by the time I get to the end of a page. !!Sometimes I want to keep writing because there is so much that just wants to come out and it feels so good to let it.!!Usually I just stop there and move forth with my day. !!Feeling amazing.!!DO IT! !!Then send me an email and tell me how much it changed your life for the better at [email protected] !


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

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Page 8: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

This poster provides the framework for a happy life. !!Indeed, a truly amazing life.!!Live these principles every day and you will be filled with joy, love, and life.!!


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

4. The Truly Amazing Life Poster

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Page 9: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,


You can download this poster for free from this link and print it out.!!Let this poster guide your thoughts and be a framework for how you live. !!These truths guide me daily.!!I created this poster in 2012 and had no idea what an invaluable tool it would become to me later that year when I suffered immense pain and nearly died of Ulcerative Colitis.!!This poster literally saved me many days from despair and kept me anchored to thoughts of truth in a time when I was consistently bombarded with thoughts of death due to such intense, unrelenting pain.!!These principles are here to bless your life.!!These are the 12 Pillars of a Truly Amazing Life and everything I teach and live is rooted in these.!

And the poster is a tool I use daily to anchor me to happy thinking.!



by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

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Page 10: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Or ANY running shoes you already have if you want the dirtiest cheapest tool recommendation once again.!!But Altra running shoes are the best shoes out there in my opinion...I don't run in any other shoe.!!But the point is to go outside and move your body!!!This is so foundational to happiness I almost forget to even mention it.!!And I forget that to many people regular exercise is a challenge.!


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

5. Altra Running Shoes

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Page 11: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

Here's my two cents:!!Cent 1: !!Just go out and do something small. Even if its 3 days a week to begin. You can walk around the block. Jog a 15 minute mile. WHATEVER! Don't overcomplicate it. By small and simple things amazing things are brought to pass! !!Cent 2:!!Daily exercise is a major key to health and happiness. Committing to making it a HIGHER PRIORITY than work or even family transformed my life personally back in 2009. If you are not taking care of your body first, you are not going to be there for those you love like you want to be. Exercise will transform your relationships with yourself and everyone and everything else. THIS MUST BE A HIGH PRIORITY.!!!Just get out and move your body somehow and you will feel better right now.!!Period.!!And you don't have to do intensely hard exercise. Enjoy it.!!Your body and soul is begging you to get out and move.!!And work up to running.!!I love running. It feels amazing.!!And I only ever run either in Altras or in my bare feet. !!That's a huge story, email me if you want to hear about how I went from chronic knee pain to running ultramarathons with zero knee pain in less than 6 months just by changing my running form and running shoes.!!Here's the bottom line with this running tool:!!Altras are awesome because they FIT FEET WELL AND THEY ARE FLAT.!!RUN IN FLAT SHOES (NO RAISED UP HEEL) AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE TAKING SHORT QUICK STEPS (180 STEPS EVERY MINUTE).!!That's it. !!Do that and you'll be able to learn to run and be healthy for a long long time.!!

And that's that! !


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

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Page 12: Resource Guide TAL - Amazon S3 · If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !! And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources,

Go feel good today! !!Sure, you can 'just decide' to be happy. !!And you should absolutely do that!!!And the very next thing you should do is realize that you then need to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. !!If you feel good you'll be happy and you'll make every single person around you happier. !!And that is a beautiful thing. So use these resources, and go feel good.!!


by AARON KENNARD www.TrulyAmazingLife.com

The 5 (Dirt Cheap) Tools I Use To Manufacture Happiness Daily

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