Respect Your Future Melanie Stepanek Social Media Specialist, UW Oshkosh Admissions 10/20/10

Respect your future

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Page 1: Respect your future

Respect Your Future Melanie Stepanek

Social Media Specialist, UW Oshkosh Admissions


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My social media background

Graduated Lourdes in 2006

Graduated UW Oshkosh in 2010 with a degree in PR/Advertising

Worked 1.5 years at marketing agency in Fox Valley specializing in social media

Developed social media program for Journalism Department; regular guest presenter for college PR/Ad courses

Social media specialist for Admissions office at UW Oshkosh

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Page 4: Respect your future

Facebook is great if…

You are connecting with friends

You are sharing photos of fun events

You are posting links to funny sites or videos

You are keeping up with family

You are aware that everything you post is accessible somehow by anyone in the world

You are aware that everything you post will stay on the Internet forever

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Facebook is not so great if…

You are making fun of people

You are sharing embarrassing photos or videos of other people

You are posting inappropriate links

You post things you wouldn’t want your family to see

You think that what you post doesn’t matter

You think that no one who “matters” will ever see it

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The Truth Is…Facebook is a megaphone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTN9We8unmU

Everything you post is stored on a server somewhere

Privacy settings only prevent so much

Employers and schools take what you post seriously

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It only takes a second to post…

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But the consequences will follow you forever…

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Close to Home

Basketball star in Barneveld, Wisconsin caught underage drinking… Was kicked off the team…

Lost a full scholarship… Got kicked out of

school for a year… Because photos of

the party were posted on Facebook.

Student at UW Oshkosh.. Applied for a job with

troubled youth… Didn’t get the job…

Because photos of themselves drinking underage… Were posted on


Students applying for my internship…

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Photos aren’t the only thing that can get you into trouble:Employer Warning Signs

Negative posts

Excessive derogatory language

Belittling of other people

Rude, offensive comments

Talking badly about current positions you have (is that how you’d talk about me?)

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YouTube can make you into an overnight celebrity.

Which can be good if you are:

Susan Boyle

The Double Rainbow Guy

But it can be bad if you are:

This lady: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYdUZdan5i8

(She had to go under police protection.)

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The same problems arise on other social media…

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How many of you own one of these fun devices?

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Cell phones + accessibility + reach mass audience + rash decision = regret.

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Most of these potentially harmful situations can be avoided if you just…

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You already know how to avoid disastrous situations. If you can’t say anything

nice, don’t say anything at all.

Think before you speak.

Write or post things you wouldn’t mind seeing 20 years down the road.

The best way to keep things private is to keep them to yourself.

The whole world doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of your day-to-day life.

Don’t talk behind peoples’ backs. There is no such thing.

Be aware of your surroundings. You don’t live in a bubble.

Be responsible.


It’s better to be safe than sorry.

It’s NOT easier to ask forgiveness than permission. You may not have the chance to apologize.

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Don’t forget…

That you can only control yourself.

Digital Cameras, Cell phones, FlipCams… Technology is everywhere.

You have to make sure that you are careful of your actions OFFLINE as well…

It only takes a second for someone to snap a photo you may not realize is online until it’s too late.

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