Resume and Cover Letter Guide

Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

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Page 1: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Resume and Cover Letter Guide

Page 2: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification

• Name—This should be the most prominent piece of your resume. Be sure to have it in a larger font size at the top of the page. Avoid nicknames.

• Address —If you can be reached at more than one location during your job search, you may want to list both sets of contact information.

• Phone Number—Record a neutral greeting on your voice mail and include your name.

• E-Mail Address—Many employers will communicate via e-mail. Be sure that your e-mail address sounds professional and is permanent (i.e. Hotmail or Yahoo account). Be sure to check your e-mail frequently (at least once per day).

Education As a student or new graduate—your most recent, long-term, full-time role has been that of a student, so you may want to list your education first. Be sure to include:

• Name and location of the institution

• Degree earned or earning, with your major and minor

• Graduation Date and GPA if above 3.0 – Consider including your Major GPA as well

• Mention academic honors if applicable (Dean’s List, cum laude, etc.)

• Study Abroad experience You may want to add a sub-section for specific coursework within your main Education section called “Relevant Coursework” if you have little work experience or are short a full page or have taken relevant coursework electives not inherently tied to your major or minor. Work Experience—Choosing a Format This is the main body of your resume. There are different formats that you can use. The two most standard formats are chronological and functional. We suggest the Chronological format for most college students/recent graduates.

• Chronological—This format presents experience in reverse chronological order (most recent experiences come first). It is very effective for highlighting work or internship history, especially if upward movement is evident. This is the format that is most commonly used by recent college graduates.

• Functional—This format is organized around your skill set. The benefit of this form is that major headings may be supported by paid and non-paid jobs, internships, hobbies, and class work. ANY experience is valid, as long as it supports the skill category to which it is linked. This style is adaptable for individuals who do not have much work experience, are changing careers, have gaps in work history, or graduates looking for a job that is not directly related to their major.

Work Experience—Entering the Basics

Briefly give the employer an overview of work you have done that has developed your skills. Make sure to include:

• Title of position

• Name of organization

• Location of work (city, state)

• Dates of employment (month/year or season/year)

• Description of your work responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills and achievements

Page 3: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Work Experience—Describing It Choose your words carefully. Your resume should sound positive and confident. Use the action verb list in this packet to emphasize your abilities, and accomplishments. Beginning each phrase with an action verb will keep the focus on your skills. Avoid large blocks of text. Using bullet points is an effective visual organization strategy. Utilize the CAR model to craft your work descriptions. Be sure your descriptions address the following types of information.

• C=Context – What is the focus of the business or organization? What do they do/provide? What is your role and how does it support the business?

• A=Action – What did you do? What strengths, knowledge and skills did you apply?

• R=Results – What were the positive outcomes of your work. Could be quantitative or qualitative outcomes. How did you add value? How did you improve?


Choose from the following to strengthen and compliment the core of your resume. Include items that most directly relate to the position you are applying for.


You may choose to state your objective on your resume or in your cover letter. The most effective objective is the one which is most specific about the position and type of employer desired. If you are interested in multiple positions or no positions are currently open, you can use a broader objective or rely on your cover letter to give focus to your application. Honors/Activities/Community Involvement Include professional, school and community activities. Stress leadership roles, accomplishments and awards received. Be sure to include any cross-cultural and service experiences that did not fit in the work experience section. Special Skills

Note if you have computer skills or specialized training in the field you are applying for. Be sure to include any language skills or special licenses. Reference Page—On a Separate Page from your Resume Be sure to ask people if they will be willing to serve as references before you give their names to a potential employer. You usually want 3-5 names available for references. Be sure to include variety in the type of references you provide including someone who supervised you. Other types of references can be related to academics or are personal references who can speak of your character (non-family contacts). It is best to provide your reference information on a separate page. For each individual, include the following:

• Complete Name

• Title/Nature of relationship (i.e. Professor, Co-worker)

• Company/Organization Name

• Mailing Address

• Telephone Number

• E-mail Address

Tips for Resume Success For a streamlined look, use the same heading design and paper on your resume on your cover letter and reference page. Aim for a ONE PAGE resume—it is preferred by employers for college students/recent graduates.

Page 4: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should


Use to develop skill and accomplishment descriptions within the experience section of your resume.

Accommodated Accomplished Accounted for Achieved Acquired Acted Activated Adapted Addressed Advised Alerted Allocated Analyzed Anticipated Appraised Approved Arranged Ascertained Assembled Assisted Attained Authored Balanced Began Bolstered Briefed Budgeted Built Calculated Catalogued Changed Charted Clarified Classified Coached Collaborated Collected Combined Communicated Compared Compiled Completed Composed Computed Condensed Conducted Consolidated Consulted Constructed Continued Contributed Convinced

Coordinated Corresponded Counseled Crafted Created Cultivated Critiqued Dealt Decided Decreased Defined Delegated Delivered Demonstrated Designated Designed Determined Developed Devised Diagnosed Directed Discovered Dispensed Displayed Distributed Doubled Drafted Earned Edited Educated Elected Eliminated Enabled Encouraged Enforced Enhanced Enlarged Enlisted Established Estimated Evaluated Examined Exercised Expanded Explained Explored Familiarized Filed Focused Formed Formulated Fostered

Gained Gathered Generated Greeted Grossed Guided Handled Headed Helped Highlighted Hired Identified Illustrated Implemented Improved Increased Influenced Informed Initiated Inspected Installed Instructed Integrated Interpreted Interviewed Introduced Invented Inventoried Investigated Joined Justified Launched Lectured Led Lobbied Logged Maintained Managed Marketed Mastered Mediated Met Modeled Modified Monitored Motivated Named Navigated Negotiated Observed Obtained Opened

Operated Ordered Organized Overcame Overhauled Oversaw Participated Performed Persuaded Piloted Pinpointed Planned Predicted Prepared Presided Prevented Presented Prioritized Processed Produced Programmed Promoted Proofed Proposed Protected Proved Provided Publicized Published Purchased Qualified Questioned Raised Rated Realized Reasoned Received Recognized Recommended Reconciled Recruited Reduced Referred Reinforced Reorganized Repaired Replaced Reported Represented Researched Responded Restored

Restructured Reviewed Revised Scheduled Screened Secured Selected Sent Separated Served Shaped Showed Simplified Sold Solved Sorted Sought Sparked Specialized in Specified Spoke Sponsored Started Stimulated Streamlined Strengthened Studied Structured Submitted Succeeded Suggested Summarized Supervised Supplemented Supported Surpassed Surveyed Targeted Taught Tested Tracked Trained Transformed Translated Traveled Tutored Undertook Updated Utilized Welcomed Won Wrote

Page 5: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Polishing Descriptions in Your Experience Section

When describing work experiences, the tendency is to focus on duties and responsibilities (i.e. typed letters, cleaned rooms, waited tables, sold clothes).However this approach may not fully represent the skills that you utilized in each position, nor your accomplishments. Some examples of effective and non-effective ways of presenting your skills through your work history are presented below.

First Draft... Moving Towards… …Final Draft

• I had certain jobs to do everyday and I • Effectively managed time to meet deadlines

just got them done. for completing assigned projects.

• I talked with people who came in. • Tactfully interacted and communicated with


• I did everything when the secretary wasn’t in. • Assumed full responsibility for office coverage

in secretary’s absence.

• I took returns and tried to help people with • Exercised diplomacy in negotiating customer

problems. complaints and returns.

• I got along with the people that I worked with. • Worked cooperatively with 7 co-workers.

• I sold clothes. • Effectively initiated sales of casual and pro-

fessional clothing.

• I waited on tables and took orders. • Assisted up to 6 tables at a time in a fast-paced


• I learned menu items and prices quickly. • Quickly assimilated and memorized item and price

information on menu.

• I tried to be nice to all my customers. • Consistently provided excellent customer service

• I always showed up for work and got my • Demonstrated reliability in achieving perfect

jobs done. attendance record over a one-year period.

• Some days they wanted me to come in at • Displayed flexibility in working irregular work

7 AM and other days at 9 AM. schedule.

Page 6: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Sample Resume Format Please note that resumes are unique to each individual. You may choose to use other formats or custom headings for your


Your Name Here Address

Email address | Phone number | LinkedIn or own URL Website listed here

OBJECTIVE Objectives are optional – can be customized to position you are seeking or used to fill white space. Use

concise language to describe the position you are seeking.

EDUCATION Spell out and bold degree (ex. “Bachelor of Science in Accounting”)

University of Kentucky, Lexington KY Expected Graduation Date (Month/Year)

List GPA if over 3.0 and academic honors/scholarships if desired

Semester Abroad, Program Name (Include any credit-bearing int’l experiences in Education section)

School, Country

This is a place you can include study abroad or cross-cultural courses

Include bullets detailing relevant cross-cultural skills gained

RELATED Job Title, Name of Organization, City, State Dates

EXPERIENCE *Experiences should be listed most recent to least recent!

Begin bullet points with compelling action verbs in correct tense to describe responsibilities and


Include examples of transferable skills such as teamwork, leadership, organization,

and communication

Keep in mind that experiences can be paid or unpaid and in a work or academic setting

Job Title, Name of Organization, City, State Dates

Be sure to list internships or field projects

Include campus or other organization involvements that are relevant to the position

List both paid and unpaid experiences that are related to the position you are seeking

SKILLS Optional section; list any special skills (i.e., computer/other technical skills; language skills)

COMMUNITY Include community-based activities and service projects that denote transferable skills.

INVOLVEMENT Mention membership and leadership positions on campus or professional organizations.

LEADERSHIP Mention membership/leadership positions on campus or in professional organizations.

****Make sure all formatting is consistent throughout resume and grammar is correct.****

*TIP: Do not list references on your resume. Prepare a separate reference sheet with your resume heading to take to

your interview.

Page 7: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Harrison Forester • [email protected] • 859-888-8888 • linkedin.com/hforester

Marketing major graduating in May 2018 seeking market research position utilizing my experience

with promotional events and focus group facilitation as well as my skills in data analysis and written


Qualifications Summary

Data analysis experience Public speaking Advanced Excel skills

Group facilitation skills Event planning Microsoft PowerPoint

Report writing Leadership experience SPSS


Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing May 2018

University of Kentucky, Lexington KY GPA: 3.7

Study Abroad: Dublin, Ireland Summer 2015


Market Research Intern August 2015 - Present

Crader Communications Group Lexington, KY

• Provided leadership on market research projects for regional advertising and marketing firm

primarily serving clients in the manufacturing industry

• Led 10 focus groups with consumers regarding new product launch utilizing objective facilitation skills

• Summarized focus group feedback in summary report form for client review

• Analyzed market research survey data and summarized trends for over 1,000 client reports

• Consistently met deadlines and received excellent evaluation from internship supervisor

Promotions Assistant August 2014 – May 2015

S&L Marketing Lexington, KY

• Sold and promoted food and beverage products at various athletic events in the Lexington area

• Planned 15 promotion events by gaining clearances from venues, designing set up, and staffing

the events

• Consistently surpassed goals set for number of consumer contacts collected at events

Sales Associate June 2013 – July 2013

Best Buy Louisville, KY

• Provided excellent customer service while processing merchandise returns and complaints

• Established positive relationships with customers and made suggestions for purchases

• Effectively answered technical answers regarding computer and mobile products


• Ambassador student leadership position with the Gatton College of Business and Economics

• Vice President for American Marketing Association UK chapter

• Volunteer tutor for elementary after school literacy program

Page 8: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Julie Chronological 987 Keene Way · Lexington, KY 40506 · (859) 277-3117 · [email protected]


Master of Business Administration • University of Kentucky • Lexington, KY • June 2016 Emphasis in new product development, supply chain management, and growth strategies Bachelor of Science in Accounting • University of Louisville • Louisville, KY • May 2015

Related Experience

MBA Internship • Valvoline • Lexington, KY • July 2015 – Present · Served on cross-functional team of five MBA interns while providing leadership on financial facets of projects. · Studied economic viability and future market growth for new high-end oil products. · Completed supply chain management project to improve product distribution to retailers and reduce inventory costs. · Served as team leader for acquisition study of two new companies over next five years. · Delivered presentations on project findings to senior executives, receiving excellent feedback. Audit Intern • Deloitte • Louisville, KY • August 2014 – May 2015 · Established strong rapport with client personnel. · Assisted in review of client accounting, operating procedures, and systems of internal control. · Participated in identifying accounting and auditing issues and performed research to suggest solutions. · Prepared financial statement reports and documentation supporting audit recommendations. Accounting Assistant • Riley Technologies • Louisville, KY • May 2014 – August 2014 · Worked directly with CPA in finance department of manufacturing plant to support essential accounting functions. · Demonstrated accuracy in performing bank reconciliations. · Assisted with preparation of monthly finance reports used by senior management in decision making. · Collaborated on accounts receivable and payable functions.

Other Experience

Sales Associate • Borders • Louisville, KY • August 2013 – May 2014 Provided excellent customer service for patrons at book store. Office Assistant • St. Matthew’s Treatment Clinic • Louisville, KY • May 2013 – August 2013 Developed ability to multi-task while providing clerical support in fast-paced medical environment.

Related Computer Skills

Excel • Access • QuickBooks • SPSS


• Treasurer for University of Kentucky MBA Student Association • Student membership with American Society of Women Accountants • Committee member for United Way student campaign at University of Louisville • Cross-cultural volunteer experience in Mexico

Page 9: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

John Smith 550 S Limestone, Lexington, KY 40506

(123) 456-7890 | [email protected]

EDUCATION University of Kentucky Lexington, KY Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Bachelor of Science in Accounting May 2017 • Cumulative GPA: 4.0/4.0 • Relevant Coursework: Financial Modeling, Capital Investment & Financing Decisions, Investment

Analysis, Corporate Finance, Intermediate Accounting CFA Institute Research Team Member Lexington, KY Team Member January 2017 – May 2017 • One of the 5 selected students to the team representing University of Kentucky • Conducted comparable company analysis and discounted cash flow analysis and won the second place in

the 2017 CFA Society Louisville competition

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Practicum Lexington, KY Research Analyst August 2016 – December 2016 • One of 8 top finance students selected to manage an equity portfolio of over $2 million • Served as an analyst in creating investment strategies, researching and valuing equities, preparing

presentations, writing analyst reports, and making buy/sell decisions

WORK EXPERIENCE Koch Equity Development Wichita, KS Business Development Analyst May 2017 – August 2017 • Prepared investment research to assist with decision making in a $400mm+ investment • Created LBO models to screen for potential investment opportunities Fifth Third Bank Cincinnati, OH Finance and Accounting Leadership Program Intern June 2016 – August 2016 • Prepared financial reporting and forecasting schedules • Created a new consolidated income statement outlining how each line of business impacts the overall bank • Presented research on new liquidity and funding requirements to 50+ members of the finance division Russell Capital Management Lexington, KY Investment Research Intern December 2015 – May 2016 • Collaborated with office staff to develop a unique investment strategy in an up-and-coming industry • Pitched industry and company specific investment ideas to senior analysts and advisors

LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE University of Kentucky – Student Government Association Lexington, KY Senator March 2015 – May 2016 • Served on the Appropriations Committee to allocate SGA’s $630,000 budget • Peer selected to serve as the student representative for the faculty Senate regarding all student academic



Software: Modeling: Interests:

Advanced Excel, Bloomberg Market Concept certified, Capital IQ, QuickBooks Completed Wall Street Prep Financial Modeling and Valuation (October 2015) Golfing, Tennis, SEC Football, Basketball

Page 10: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Paul Chronological, MBA 212 Pine Oak Drive ∙ Lexington, KY 40505 ∙ (859) 621-2117 ∙ [email protected] ∙ linkedin.com/in/paulchronological

OBJECTIVE To obtain an executive advertising position with Bryson Group utilizing my marketing, sales, and MBA background.

QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY ∙ Creative idea generator and problem solver ∙ Strong presentation and group facilitation skills ∙ Proven success in leading cross-functional teams ∙ Excellent client relationship management skills ∙ New Product Development Professional (NPDP) Certification (provisional) ∙ Design experience in creating print materials and web content (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver)

EXPERIENCE MBA Internship -- Project Connect Team Member July 2015 - Present Lexmark International Lexington, KY ∙ Served on cross-functional team of five MBA interns working with global printing solutions manufacturer ∙ Led team for new product development analysis for new kiosk printer application ∙ Facilitated market research surveys and focus groups to gather key data for product considerations ∙ Conducted supply chain management study of European distribution center resulting in recommendation being implemented by management team ∙ Completed mergers and acquisition research for economic feasibility of acquiring new printer technology ∙ Regularly presented findings and proposals to senior executive leadership Marketing Manager June 2012 – June 2015 Grossman and Associates Lexington, KY ∙ Promoted to marketing manager for large commercial architecture firm serving clients nationwide ∙ Identified potential clients, conducted research, customized marketing materials, and managed initial stages of client relationships resulting in 25 percent increase in contracts ∙ Developed firm wide marketing materials and managed design of company website ∙ Utilized design software applications extensively for client reports and presentations ∙ Actively participated in over 100 client presentations and proposals with architectural associates Independent Sales May 2011 – August 2011 Southwestern Company Nashville, TN ∙ Served as independent dealer facilitating direct sales of educational books and products ∙ Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability in relocating to Arizona which served as primary sales region ∙ Continually achieved goals of providing 30 demonstrations a day to residential customers ∙ Sales topped $20,000 within nine week summer work period


Master of Business Administration May 2016 University of Kentucky Lexington, KY GPA: 3.8 ∙ Emphasis in new product development, supply chain management, and growth strategies ∙ Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Certification (March 2016) Bachelor of Arts in Communication May 2012 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN GPA: 3.7 ∙ Emphasis in public relations

Page 11: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Cover Letters A cover letter links your resume to the specific job that you are applying for. It provides a personal introduction of yourself, the strengths you offer the employer, as well as a writing sample. It is important to write a cover letter for each position that you apply for. Your cover letter and resume usually provide all the information which a prospective employer will use to decide whether or not you will reach the next phase in the application process—the interview. See the following tips: Well I know so and so…Using the name of someone who suggested you write to your target employer sets you apart from other candidates and gives you an instant and credible reference.

“Dear Mrs. What’s-your-face…” Whenever possible, include the name of the person who is making the hiring decision. Addressing your letter “To whom it may concern” is impersonal.

Ready…aim…hired! Take aim at your target employer. Do some research and make a clear connection between your background and the skills and qualifications that the organization is seeking.

We’ll spell it out for you… Correct spelling and grammar are a must!

Show me, don’t tell me!... Give specific examples of the work you’ve done. Don’t just say you are good with deadlines. Show your reader by addressing how you are good with deadlines.

It’s a match! Use the same paper and heading you used for your resume on your cover letter and reference page. This gives your materials a streamlined look.


The Addressee’s Name Professional Title Organization Name Mailing Address City, State, and Zip

Dear Mr./Ms. (Last Name):

First paragraph. Start your letter with a statement that establishes a connection with your reader— a referral’s name, a probing question, or a quotable quote. Briefly state the reason for your letter, what position or type of work you are applying for, and from which source you learned of the opening (career services, internet, newspaper, friend, etc).

Mid–Section. Should be one or two short paragraphs that make relevant points about your qualifications. You should not summarize your resume. Instead address the themes that are present in your experience. Highlight your strengths, being sure to indicate what you can do for the employer. You may want to cite specific examples. Be sure to cover why you are interested in working for this specific company.

Last paragraph. Initiate action by explaining what you will do next (i.e. call the employer, stop by, etc). Offer any assistance to help in a speedy response and repeat your phone number and e-mail address. Close by saying “thank you” in some form.


Your signature (handwritten if possible)

Your name (typed)

Page 12: Resume and Cover Letter Guidegatton.uky.edu/sites/default/files/Resume Packet 2018.pdf · 2018-08-08 · Anatomy of a Resume REQUIRED INFORMATION: Identification • Name—This should

Steven Hudson

124 Main St. ● Lexington, KY 40506 ● 859-222-222 ● [email protected]

February 2, 2015 Ms. Patricia Alvarez Internship Coordinator, University Relations Dell Computer Corporation 2214 West Braker Lane Austin, TX 78758 Dear Ms. Alvarez: I am writing to apply for an internship with your marketing department for this coming summer. I learned of the opportunity from a posting with my college career center. I am very interested in working with Dell and hope to contribute my unique talents and motivation in working with your marketing team. As a junior business management major and applied communication minor, I have acquired the foundational knowledge necessary to succeed in a professional marketing internship. I have excelled in my courses while developing a passion for conducting market research and implementing marketing strategies. My work experience in direct sales, food and beverage, and architecture has provided me a keen sense of professionalism, a strong work ethic, and sensitivity to customer satisfaction. Past supervisors have affirmed my time management skills and attention to detail. I feel more than prepared to join Dell’s corporate environment where integrity and responsibility are highly valued. Please see my enclosed resume for further details regarding my educational background and work history. I look forward to talking with you so I can further demonstrate how my background and experience could be an asset to Dell. Please let me know if you need any additional information. You can reach me at (859) 323-3511 or [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

Steven Hudson