Revelation Chapter Eight

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God’s Wrath – His severe judgment and punishment upon

sin, evil and rebellion.

Revelation 8-9

*The book of Revelation reveals the wrath of God poured out in

the trumpets . . .

1. The preparation before the trumpets blow – Revelation 8:1-6

2. The destruction of the first trumpet – Revelation 8:7

3. The destruction of the second trumpet – Revelation 8:8-9

4. The destruction of the third trumpet – Revelation 8:10-11

5. The destruction of the fourth trumpet – Revelation 8:12-13

6. The destruction of the fifth trumpet – Revelation 9:1-12

7. The destruction of the sixth trumpet – Revelation 9:13-21

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Exodus 32:9-10; Deuteronomy 11:16; Psalm 94:1-2; 23;

Psalm 2:12; 95:10-11; Lamentations 4:11; John 3:36;

Romans 1:18; 5:9; I Thessalonians 1:10

Point 1 Revelation 8:1-6; Habakkuk 2:20; Zechariah 2:13;

Zephaniah 1:7; Exodus 19:16 ff; Joshua 6;

Numbers 10:2-3; I Kings 1:34; Matthew 24:31;

I Kings 1:34; Matthew 24:31; I Corinthians 15:52;

I Thessalonians 4:16; Joel 2:1-2; Revelation 9:20.

Point 2 Revelation 8:7; Exodus 9:13-35; 9:18; Joel 2:30-31;

Luke 21:25-26.

Point 3 Revelation 8:8-9; Exodus 7:14-21; 7:20-24;

Zechariah 13:8-9; Isaiah 55:6-7

Point 4 Revelation 8:10-11; Exodus 7:20; Proverbs 5:3-4;

Lamentations 3:19; Jeremiah 9:15.

Point 5 Revelation 8:12; Exodus 10:21-23; Joel 2:2;

Isaiah 13:10; Matthew 24:29-31; Acts 2:20;

Revelation 6:12-17; Revelation 8:13; Psalm 13:5-6;

Matthew 10:30.

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 8:1-13

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God’s Wrath—his severe judgment and punishment

upon sin, evil and rebellion.

“Wrath” is one of the attributes of God.

Attribute - is a characteristic and quality of God’s very being.

God’s wrath is revealed in both the Old Testament and the

New Testament.


Exodus 32:9-10

Deuteronomy 11:16

Psalm 2:12; 94:1-2; 23; 95:10-11

Lamentations 4:11

John 3:36

Romans 1:18; 5:9

I Thessalonians 1:10; Revelation 8-9

Examples of God’s Wrath



10 Plagues on Egypt

Egyptians destroyed in the Red Sea

Destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70, etc.,


Chapter Eight (8)

Sermon notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermons on this chapter

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Chapter Eight (8)

Between the 6th and 7th seal there is an “interlude”



“Interlude” = Anything that fills time between 2 events

When the Lamb opened the 7th seal there was silence in

heaven for about 1/2 hour. “Silence” - a brilliant device for deepening suspense.

During the silence the 7 trumpets are given to the 7 angels.

What follows the breaking of the 7th seal is the content of

the scroll.

The Golden Censer = represents the prayers of God’s people



Great Multitude

7th Seal

Angel/Little Book

Measuring the Temple & 2 Witnesses

7th Trumpet



7th Trumpet

Dragon Women and her seed

The 2 Beasts

7 Bowls

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Chapter Eight (8)

The angel presents the prayers of all God’s people to

God’s throne—what followed was . . .



Flashes of Lightning

An earthquake

These are “signs” that God’s judgment is about to fall.


In Scripture announce the coming of God in splendor

and victory.

Exodus 19:16,19

Numbers 10:2-3

I Kings 1:34

Matthew 24:31

I Corinthians 15:52

I Thessalonians 4:16

Joel 2:1-2

Revelation 9:20

4—Toward nature

2—Toward mankind

1—Opens the next series


7 Trumpets

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Chapter Eight (8)

Ist Trumpet Blast

Hail and fire mixed with blood. This is similar to the

7th Egyptian plague = Exodus 9:13-35 This trumpet will impact 1/3 of the earth.

1/3 of the earth is burned up.

1/3 of the trees are burned up

1/3 of the grass is burned up.

The “blood” comes from Joel’s prophecy - Joel 2:30-31

Luke 21:25-26

In the last days there will be signs in the -




Powers of Heaven shaken

2nd Trumpet Blast

Something like a huge mountain of fire is thrown

into the sea—this is similar to the 1st Egyptian plague

(Exodus 7:14-24).

3rd Trumpet Blast

A great blazing “star” falls from heaven poisoning 1/3

of the rivers and fountains of water.


The purpose of this judgment is to warn people of

the full wrath of God yet to fall and in so doing

bring them to repentance.

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Chapter Eight (8)

Star = Could possibly be a meteorite , comet, etc.,

it is named after it’s effect = wormwood which

means “bitter”. This suggests death. (Proverbs

5:3-4; Lamentations 3:19; Jeremiah 9:15).

4th Trumpet Blast

The 4th trumpet plaque falls upon the heavenly bodies:

The sun

The moon

The stars Like the 9th plague in Egypt when the land was gripped

in darkness—Exodus 10:21-23. Joel 2:2; Isaiah 13:10; Matthew 24:29-31; Acts 2:20;

Revelation 6:12-17. All of this points to an awesome Day of Judgment coming

upon the world.

Revelation 8:13

You think the 4 trumpets were bad wait till the next

3 trumpets blow!


“Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying

with a loud voice as it flew directly over-

head, woe, woe, woe to those who dwell

on the earth, at the blasts of the other

trumpets that the three angels are about

to blow.”

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1. God hears and receives our prayers for vindication

upon a godless world and will respond to them in his

time and schedule. 2. God is absolutely sovereign over history and nature.

3. God uses natural disasters to accomplish his purpose.

4 trumpets were directed toward nature.

4. God’s judgments are designed to bring sinners to


5. God’s judgments in history are simple a “foretaste” of

what is coming at the end of history.

6. God’s “wrath” is his holy and righteous response to

wickedness and rebellion.

7. God’s “vindication” of his people will be severe, awesome

and final. God’s people will be “completely victorious”

and their prayers answered.


Personal Application

Ephesians 1:11

Revelation 6:10

“How long O Lord before you will judge

and avenge our blood on those who dwell

on the earth.”

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Genesis 3:31; Genesis 1:1; Job 38:7; Nehemiah 9:6;

Psalm 148:2; Colossians 1:16; Jude 1:6;

Ephesians 6:10-18; Matthew 25:41; II Peter 2:1-22.

Point 6 Revelation 9:1-2; Joel 2:1-11; Isaiah 14:12;

Luke 10:17; Revelation 20:1; Luke 8:31; Psalm 71:20;

II Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Exodus 19:18; II Samuel 22:9;

Joel 2:30; Exodus 10:1-20; Luke 10:19; Joel 1:6;

I Peter 5:8; Proverbs 30:27; Job 31:12.

Point 7 Revelation 9:13-21; Psalm 135:6; Acts 4:27-28;

Psalm 68:17; Revelation 9:20-21.

John 10:10; Daniel 4:34-35; I Kings 22; Romans

16:20; I Peter 5:8; Luke 22:31-34; Revelation 9:20-21;

Jeremiah 17:9; Revelation 9:4; Revelation 22:5.

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 9:1-21


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God’s Wrath—His severe judgment and punishment

upon sin, evil and rebellion.

Revelation 8-9

*The book of Revelation reveals the wrath of God poured out

in the trumpets . . .

1. The preparation before the trumpets blow—Revelation 8:1-6

2. The destruction of the first trumpet—Revelation 8:7

3. The destruction of the second trumpet—Revelation 8:8-9

4. The destruction of the third trumpet—Revelation 8:10-11

5. The destruction of the fourth trumpet—Revelation 8:12-13

6. The destruction of the fifth trumpet—Revelation 9:1-12

7. The destruction of the sixth trumpet—Revelation 9:13-21

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God’s Wrath—His severe judgment and punishment

upon sin, evil and rebellion.

1st four (4) trumpets = natural catastrophes

Last three (3) trumpets = judgment upon sinful mankind

The Origin of Demons

They were created by God—Genesis 1:1

Angel—a spiritual being with moral judgment and

high intelligence, but without physical bodies.


Genesis 1:1; Nehemiah 9:6; Job 38:7;

Psalm 148:2; Colossians 1:16

All angels were good and righteous until they rebelled

against God.


Lucifer = “day star” become Satan

His sin was conceit / pride

I Timothy 3:6-7

Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14

Jude 1:6


Chapter Nine (9)

Sermon notes and significant thoughts and

ideas from the sermons on this chapter

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Chapter Nine (9)

Matthew 25:41

Satan and his angels

Why would angels rebel against God?

G.C. Berkower

Professor of systematic Theology at the Free University

of Amsterdam.

Because Satan and his angels sinned against inexcusable

light there is no forgiveness.

Satan is the “head” of the fallen angels.

Satan means = accuser/slanderer/adversary *He has a hierarchical structure (Ephesians 6:10-18)

We wrestle not against flesh and blood

but against . . .



Cosmic Powers

Spiritual Forces of Evil

Their primary purpose is to oppose and destroy God’s



Demons are evil angels who sinned against

God and who now continually work evil in

the world.

You can never give a rational explanation

for an irrational act.

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Chapter Nine (9)

To deceive

To kill/destroy

To hinder the gospel

To be against God

II Peter 2:1-22; Jude 1:1-25

Revelation 9:1-12 The 5th plague is a host of demonic locust who attack but

do not kill those they come upon.

Joel 2:1-11

This is the background for the plague of locust

in Revelation 9.

The 5th plague is a host of demonic locusts who attack

but do not kill the ones they come upon. The background is the plague of locusts in Joel 2:1-11.

John saw a “star” fallen from heaven and he was given

the key to the bottomless pit—Revelation 9:1-2. Most scholars believe this “star” refers to Satan.

Isaiah 14:12

Luke 10:17

Abyssos = Bottomless pit, deep waters (Psalm 63:9; 71:20) This is a place of imprisonment of demons (Luke 8:31;

II Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6).


Demons Purposes are Destructive

To possess

To teach false doctrines

To cripple and hurt

To persecute, etc., etc.,

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Chapter Nine (9)

Smoke of a great furnace.

(Exodus 19:18; II Samuel 22:9; Joel 2:30)

Locusts in the Old Testament are symbols of God’s wrath

(Exodus 10:1-20; Joel 1:4).

Locusts are outward forms of spiritual demons.

They were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth.

Scorpions = are symbols of forces of spiritual evil

(Luke 10:19)

“I have given you authority to tread on serpents

and scorpions. . . .” (Luke 10:19). They were “not” to harm the grass of the earth, or any

tree of the earth but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their forehead.

Seal on forehead = was Christ and the Father’s name (Revelation 14:1) This is a “spiritual” mark not physical—this seal was

given to the 144,000 = all the saved on the earth. 12 X 12 X 1,000 = all the redeemed.

They were allowed to torment for 5 months but not kill—their torment was like the sting of a scorpion and

people would seek death but they could not die. Those without the seal on their forehead were tormented.


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Chapter Nine (9)

The “Day of the Lord” is not a 24 hour period but

an indefinite but limited period of time.

The Great Tribulation

A time of persecution of the church by the Antichrist.

A time of unprecedented rebellion by unbelievers.

A time of demonic activity.

A time of God’s wrath upon the world.

A 5-month period of locust plague is usually May-September.

The 5 months in Revelation is a definite and divinely

limited period of time.

The descriptions of the locusts: 1. Horses arrayed for battle—this comes from Joel 2:4.

2. Crowns of gold on their heads—a symbol of victory.

3. Human faces—points to intelligence.

4. Hair like woman—the bristles that are like hair.

(Jeremiah 51:27)

5. Teeth like lions—fierce/powerful. Taken from Joel 1:6

and I Peter 5:8

6. Breastplates of Iron—points to invincibility.


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Chapter Nine (9)

7. Wings making noises like chariots and tails like

scorpions—symbolic of terrible power and destruction.

8. A king over them—Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon

in Greek—Satan

Abaddon—Prince of underworld

Apollo—Greek god, king of underworld.

The angel of the bottomless pit is the “destroyer.”

The 6th trumpet is similar to the 5th trumpet in that

both involve judgment upon the pagan world by demonic hosts.

5th trumpet inflicted “torture”

6th trumpet inflicts “death”

This is the 2nd Woe!

4 horns of the Golden Altar in the presence of God.

An “angelic” voice—the 6th angel blew the trumpet.


2 more woe’s coming

Release of the 4 angels who are

bound at the great Euphrates.

The 4 angels had been prepared

for the hour, day, month and

year to kill 1/3 of mankind.

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The 4 evil angels that God had bound were supernatural

leaders of the demonic hosts.

Their Number

200 hundred million demons

(Psalms 68:17)

God is sovereign over the whole universe—Psalm 135:6;

and Acts 4:27-28. 1/3 of mankind killed = about 2 billion +

These Demons are described as:

1. Wearing breastplates the color of fire and sapphire

and sulfur = their hellish nature.

2. Heads of the horses were like lion heads of fire,

smoke, sulfur that came from their mouths = death.

3. Tails like serpents with heads by which they wounded

people = pain and anguish.


These are demonic creatures

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Chapter Nine (9)

1. Satan and his angels are real.

2. Satan and his angels always have a destructive purpose.

3. Satan and his angels know their time is “short” - they will

accelerate evil at the end of history (Revelation 12).

4. Satan and his angels have no possibility of pardon.

5. Satan and his angels are under the sovereignty of God.

6. Satan and his angels hate Christ, Christians and the

Church—their purpose is to harm and wound them.

7. Satan and his angels can not harm God’s people who

are sealed and they will be crushed and defeated with

absolute finality and the saved will live and reign with

Christ forever.

Revelation 22:5


Personal Application

“And night will be no more. They will

need no light of lamp or sun, for the

Lord God will be their light, and they

will reign forever and ever.”

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Angel – a created spiritual being with moral judgment

and high intelligence but without physical bodies.

Revelation 10:1-11

*The mighty angel of Revelation chapter ten (10) . . .

1. Is awesome in description.

2. Has a little scroll open in his hand.

3. Swears an oath with his right hand.

(1) Israel’s salvation - Romans 11:25-27

(2) Last trumpet - I Corinthians 15:50-53

(3) The church - Ephesians 3:1-6

(4) Christ in us - Colossians 1:24-29

(5) Of lawlessness - II Thessalonians 2:3-12

(6) The incarnation - I Timothy 3:16

(7) God’s 7th trumpet - Revelation 10:7

4. Commands the apostle John to eat the little scroll.

5. Gives his final instructions to John - prophesy.

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Point 1 Revelation 10:1; Revelation 5:2; Psalm 104:3-4;

Revelation 1:16; Matthew 17:2; Revelation 1:5.

Point 2 Revelation 10:2-4; Revelation 5-10; Ezekiel 2:8-3:3;

Amos 3:8

Point 3 Revelation 10:5; Daniel 12:7; Deuteronomy 32:40;

Romans 11:25-27; Matthew 23:39; Zechariah 13:1;

I Corinthians 15:50-53; Ephesians 3:1-6; Colossians

1:24-29; II Thessalonians 2:3-12; I Timothy 3:16;

Revelation 10:7; Revelation 15:1.

Point 4 Revelation 10:8-10; Ezekiel 2:8-3:3; Psalm 119:103.

Point 5 Revelation 10:11.

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 10:1-11

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Angel—A created spiritual being with moral

judgment and high intelligence but

without physical bodies.

Between the 6th and 7th trumpet their will be an interlude

In chapter 10 the interlude is directly prepatory for the

continuation of the trumpet vision, for one of the purposes

of the interlude is to announce that . . .

Revelation 10:7

Another mighty angel—he is classified with other angels

so he is not Christ. He may be the same angel of Revelation

5:2. 1. He is wrapped in a cloud—this cloud provides the

angel his garb (Psalm 104:3-4).

2. He has a rainbow over his head—this is similar to

Revelation 4:3. The rainbow is a symbol of God’s



Chapter Ten (10)

Sermon notes and significant thoughts and

ideas from the sermon on this chapter





Mighty Angel &

Little Scroll 2 Witnesses

“In the days of the trumpet call to be

sounded by the 7th angel the mystery of

God would be fulfilled just as announced

to his servants the prophets.”

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Chapter Ten (10)

3. His face was like the sun and his legs like pillars

of fire—Revelation 1:16; Matthew 17:2; Revelation 1:15. This angel is representative of Christ because he takes

on some of his characteristics.

He has a little scroll in his hand—Revelation 10:2-4

The scroll is in his left hand because he will swear

with his right hand.

This idea of a scroll comes from Ezekiel 2:8-3:3.

He called out with a loud voice, like the roar of a lion.

This represents the “volume” of the angel’s voice.

Amos 3:8

When he called out, the seven (7) thunders sounded

but instead of writing them down John was told to seal up the 7 thunders. Thunder = coming judgments of divine wrath

The mighty angel swears an oath with his right hand -

Revelation 10:5


The Scroll was open

Christ had broken the seals

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Chapter Ten (10)

Revelation 10:5

The strong angel lifts his right hand to swear an oath.

Oath—an appeal to God, a promise to fulfill.

Deuteronomy 32:40

Daniel 12:7


And the angel whom I saw standing on

the sea and on the land raised his right

hand to heaven and swore by him who

lives forever and ever, who created

heaven and what is in it, the earth and

what is in it, that there would be no

more delay, but that in the days of

the trumpet call to be sounded by the

seventh angel, the mystery of God

would be fulfilled, just as he announced

to his servants the prophets.

“For I lift my hand to heaven and I swear

as I live forever.”

“And I heard the man clothed in linen . . .

He raised his right hand and his left

toward heaven and swore by him who

lives forever that it would for a time,

times and half a time, and that when

the shattering of the power of the holy

people comes to an end all these things

would be finished.”

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Chapter Ten (10)

His promise is that there will be no more delay.

When the 7th angel blows his trumpet the mystery

of God will be fulfilled.

“Mystery of God” - God’s hidden purpose that is revealed

in scripture. The scriptures reveal many mysteries of God—the

following are seven (7) of them:

(1.) The mystery of Israel’s salvation—Romans 11:25-27

All Israel—all the elect of God living when Christ returns

(Matthew 23:39; Zechariah 13:1).

(2.) The mystery of the last trumpet—I Corinthians 15:50-53

I Corinthians 15:51

“At the last trumpet”

(3.) The mystery of the church—Ephesians 3:1-6

The church in the New Covenant will be made up of

both Jew/Gentile on an equal basis.

(4.) The mystery of Christ in us—Colossians 1:24-29

Colossians 1:27


“To them God chose to make known

how great among the Gentiles are the

riches of the glory of this mystery,

which is Christ in you, the hope of


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Chapter Ten (10)

(5.) The mystery of lawlessness—II Thessalonians 2:3-12

Paul said the mystery of lawlessness was already at

work in his day and it would culminate in the return

of Christ.

The restrainer = Michael the Archangel

(6.) The mystery of the incarnation— I Timothy 3:6 Jesus is the God-man

Truly God


Truly Man

2 natures (divine and human) in one person -

The Lord Jesus Christ

As man he represented us on the cross.

As God he bore God’s wrath against sin.

(7.) The mystery of God’s seventh (7th) trumpet—

Revelation 10:7 Mystery of God—his hidden purpose which is now

revealed in scripture.


The mystery of God is his total

redemptive purpose which is about

to be concluded includes:

1. The Eschatological salvation

of his people.

2. The judgment of evil.

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Chapter Ten (10)

No more delay—the 7th trumpet will blow and the end of

the world is coming!!! - Revelation 10:7

Revelation 15:1

John is commanded to eat the little scroll—

Revelation 10:8-10.

Ezekiel 3:3

John eats the little scroll

In his mouth = sweet as honey

In his stomach = “Bitter”

Eating means the complete assimilation of the prophetic message.

1. Sweet = salvation

2. Bitter = judgment


“Then I saw another sign in heaven,

great and amazing, 7 angels with 7

plagues, which are the last, for with

them the wrath of God is finished.

“And he said to me, son or man, feed

your belly with this scroll that I give

you and fill your stomach with it.”

Then I ate it, and it was in my mouth

as sweet as honey.”

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Chapter Ten (10)

God’s word is always sweet to the believer

Psalm 119:103

John receives his final instruction—prophecy.

Revelation 10:11

The days of the 7th trumpet are about to begin—but

this will be a period of the outpouring of God’s wrath

to a degree. Not previously experienced and in the face of it, John’s

prophetic commission is reaffirmed.

Prophesy about = to utter prophecies over many people.

1. God’s judgment upon the world is certain and


2. Good angels are used by God to deliver messages.

3. God’s Word is always sweet to believers because

of salvation that goes with it.

4. The warning of judgment will always bring bitter-

ness to our lives.


“How sweet are your words to my

taste, sweeter than honey to my


“And I was told, you must again

prophesy about many peoples and

nations and languages and kings.”

Personal Application

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Chapter Ten (10)

5. We must never fail as individual Christians and

the church corporately to preach both:

(1) Salvation in Jesus Christ.

(2) Judgment to those who reject it’s message.

6. We must preach this message to the whole world.

7. The day of the 7th trumpet and the end of the

world is coming with absolute finality.


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Enigma – a riddle; a perplexing statement; a mystery.

Revelation 11:1-19

*In chapter eleven (11) of Revelation what do the following

things represent . . .

1. The temple of God, the altar and the worshipers.

2. The outer court, the nations and the 42 months/

1,260 days.

3. The 2 witnesses, the 2 olive trees and the 2 lamp-


4. The events that precede and follow the 3 ½ days.

5. The angel blowing the 7th trumpet.

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Point 1 Revelation 11:1; Ezekiel 40-42; Zechariah 2:1-5;

Revelation 21:15; John 2:19-22; I Corinthians 3:16-17;

19; Ephesians 2:19-22.

Point 2 Revelation 11:2-3; Luke 21:24; Romans 11; 25-26;

Revelation 11:2, 4; 11:6; 12:14; 13:5; Daniel 9:24-27;

II Thessalonians 2:7.

Point 3 Revelation 11:3-6; Zechariah 4:2-6; Genesis 25:22-23;

Revelation 1:12-20; Romans 9; Deuteronomy 17:6;

Revelation 11:4-6; Luke 4:25; James 5:17;

II Thessalonians 2:7; Matthew 17; Malachi 4:5;

Point 4 Revelation 11:7-14; 13:7; 11:7-13.

Point 5 Revelation 11:15-19; 15:1; Acts 217; I John 2:18;

Luke 21:24

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 11:1-19

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Enigma—a riddle; a perplexing statement; a


Revelation chapter 11 has only three (3) interpretational

possibilities. (1) Literally

(2) Symbolically

(3) A combination of both Literal & Symbolical

I will approach chapter eleven (11) from number three, a

combination of literal and symbolic.

The Old Testament background for understanding

Revelation eleven (11) is Ezekiel 40-42. Measuring the temple points to God’s ownership and protection.

The Temple of God = represents the people of God (the


Ephesians 2:19-22

I Corinthians 3:16-17

I Corinthians 6:19

The Altar of Incense = the prayers of God’s people The Worshipers = true believers


Chapter Eleven (11)

Sermon Notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermons on this chapter.

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Chapter Eleven (11)

Do not measure the Outer Court = this represents unbelievers who persecute believers.

Luke 21:24

“Times of the Gentiles”


2nd Coming

Nations = represent pagan unbelievers who have a 2-fold

assault. (1) They assault Christians

(2) They assault Jewish people

Jerusalem has been trampled down for 2,000 years

When the “Times of the Gentiles” end there will be a great number of Jews turning to Christ = Romans 11.

I believe that God is protecting both the Church and Israel.

Outer Court—represents the persecution of Christians and

the trampling down of Jerusalem by the pagan Gentiles. 42 Months / 1,260 Days

Revelation 11:2—Holy city trampled for 42 months. Revelation 11:4—2 witness prophesy for 1,260 days

clothed in sackcloth.


George Ladd wrote

Revelation 11 is John’s way of pre-dicting the preservation of the Jewish

people and their final salvation.

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Chapter Eleven (11)

Revelation 12:6—Woman in the wilderness for 1,260 days. Revelation 12:14—Woman nourished for time, times and

1/2 times. Revelation 13:5—beast exercises authority for 42 months. Last half of Daniel’s 70th week is symbolic of the period between the cross and 2nd coming.

2 Witnesses (church & 2 prophets) 2nd

Coming of


42 months 1,260 days

Time, Times 1/2 Time

A.D. 30 A.D. ?

3 1/2 Years = is symbolic of an intense period of evil/ suffering which ends with the return of Jesus Christ.

Daniel 7:21-25

Little Horn

Syrian King = Antiochus Epiphanes

*A type of Antichrist

3 1/2 Years of famine in Elijah’s day

3 1/2 Years of drought in Elijah’s day

3 1/2 Years of Christ’s ministry

3 1/2 years of destruction of the Temple & Jerusalem


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Chapter Eleven (11)

Dr. George Ladd wrote . . .


The figure “forty-two months” harks back to the

prophecy in Daniel 9, where the forecast of time down

to the confirming of the covenant is said to be “seventy

weeks of years” (Daniel 9:24). This cannot be interpreted

by anyone’s calculation as an exact prognosis of time.

Three and a half years in the time of the domination

of evil before the end. The little horn which arises out of

the ten horns of the fourth beast in Daniel 7 will oppress

the saints of the Most High for “a time, two times, and half

a time” (Daniel 7:25; see also 12:7). In the Revelation,

this figure is the time of oppression of the holy city

(Revelation 11:2), of the mission of the two witnesses

(11:3), the time of the preservation of the heavenly

woman (the church) in the wilderness (12:6,14), and the

time during which the beast is allowed to exercise his

authority (13:5). We must recall that John wrote the Rev-

elation probably some sixty years after the ministry of our

Lord, which makes it obvious that this interval cannot

stand in John’s mind in any kind of direct continuity with

the seventy weeks of Daniel. We must conclude that the

forty-two months (1,260 days) represent the period of

the satanic power in the world, with particular refer-

ence to the final days of the Antichrist. All that God’s

people are to suffer at the hands of satanic evil

throughout the course of the age is but a preview of the

final convulsive oppression by Antichrist in the time of

the end. In this sense, the entire course of the age

may be viewed as the time of the end.

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Chapter Eleven (11)

2 witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days in sackcloth.

2 witnesses = both the church and 2 individual

prophets throughout history and

in the last days. Zechariah 4:2-6

One (1) lampstand = corporate Israel

Two (2) Olive trees = Joshua the High Priest

Zerubbabel the Governor

Oil = Holy Spirit—Zechariah 4:6

The two (2) lampstands in Revelation 11 represent

the Body of Christ (Revelation 1:12; 20).

Revelation 1:20

The two (2) olive trees in Revelation 11 represent

2 individual prophets at the end of history.

The bible reveals biblical texts in which both the

corporate and individuals are represented.


“The mystery of the 7 stars are the

angels of the 7 churches, and the 7

lampstands are the 7 churches.”

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Chapter Eleven (11)

Genesis 25:21-23

2 Individuals = Jacob & Esau

2 Nations = Israel & Edomites

Romans 9:10-13

2 Individuals = Jacob & Esau

2 Nations = Israel & Edomities


And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his

wife, because she was barren. And the

Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah

his wife conceived. The children strug-

gled together within her, and she said, “

If it is thus, why is this happening to

me?” So she went to inquire of the

Lord. And the Lord said to her, “Two

nations are in your womb, and

two peoples from within you shall be

divided; the one shall be stronger than

the other, the older shall serve the


And not only so, but also when Rebekah

had conceived children by one man, our

forefather Isaac, though they were not

yet born and had done nothing good

or bad—in order that God’s purpose of

election might continue, not because of

works but because of him who calls—she

was told, “The older will serve the

younger.” As it is written, “Jacob I

loved, but Esau I hated.”

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Chapter Eleven (11)

George Ladd writes . . .

The church and the two (2) individual prophets are modeled

after Elijah and Moses.

Revelation 11:4-6

II Kings 1

Luke 4:25

James 5:17

Dr. Kendel Easley in the Holman Commentary on Revelation

wrote . . .


Even as the three and a half years appear to represent

the entire period of domination of evil but with

special reference to the last days of this age, so the

two prophets may represent the witness of the church

to Israel throughout the age, which witness will be

consummated in the appearance of two prophets in

the time of the end. The flexibility of apocalyptic

symbolism must allow for such possibilities.

Two witnesses = churches boldly proclaiming truth

Who prophesy = proclaiming Gods Word against sin

In sackcloth = humble and repentant, mourning for sin

For 1,260 days = minister during the time of great suffering

Two olive trees = empowered by the Spirit of God

Two lampstands = God’s new people (rather than Israel)

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Chapter Eleven (11)

The beast from the bottomless pit = the Antichrist.

The dead bodies that lie in the street = represent

total contempt and disrespect for God’s people and

his Word.

The Great City Sodom/Egypt = The world hostile to


Where Our Lord was crucified = Jerusalem and the

the world’s rejection of Christ

3 1/2 Days = (short period of intense persecution)

Unbelievers rejoicing over their victory of Christians


After 3 1/2 days God’s breath enters them and they

stood up.

Ezekiel 37

Resurrection of 2 prophets reminds us of the revival

of Israel.

They went up to heaven—the 2 prophets

2 prophets representing all believers

Like Elijah—II Kings 2:11

The 2nd coming of Christ and the rapture of the church

is coming soon the 7 bowls must be poured out.


Proleptic anticipation of the

rapture of the church

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Chapter Eleven (11)

Great earthquake, 1/10 of city fell and 7,000 people


7,000 1/10 = 70,000 (symbolic of completeness)

The rest were terrified and gave glory to the God

of heaven.

Out of fear not repentance

Dr. Kendell Easley = Holmon Commentary on Revelation

great city, Sodom = the world hostile to God; opposite of and Egypt holy city

where their Lord = the world’s historical rejection of Christ was crucified

beast from the Abyss = Antichrist water monster

bodies unburied 3.5 days = world’s utter contempt for God’s truth people and nations = world’s temporary victory over God’s gloating people resurrection and ascension = special martyrs’ reward gave God glory = forced realization that God in heaven is true

The results of blowing the seventh (7th) trumpet

1. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and he shall reign forever and ever.

“Ingressive Aorist”

It is about to begin

“You have taken your great power and begun to reign.”


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Chapter Eleven (11)

2. God’s wrath is now coming in full strength.

“But your wrath has come.”

Revelation 15:1

3. The time has come for the dead to be judged and his

servants to be rewarded.

4. The time has come to destroy the destroyers of the


5. God’s temple in heaven was open which revealed the

Ark of the Covenant followed by flashes of lightning,

rumbling peals of thunder, and earthquake with

heavy hail.

Severe Judgments Coming!


“Then I saw another sign in heaven, great

and amazing, 7 angels with 7 plagues,

which are the last, for with the wrath of

God is finished.”

Ark of the Covenant

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Chapter Eleven (11)

1. The people of God must be prophetic to the world and

in particular Israel.

2. The world (unbelievers) always seek to reject and silence

the prophetic witness of the churches.

3. At times God will super-naturally protect his people in

their prophetic ministry.

4. At other times God will allow the unbelievers to severely

persecute and kill Christians.

5. At the end of history there will be an all out assault by

the Antichrist and his kingdom upon the church.

6. It may seem for a while that Satan and evil of the Antichrist

have won but it will be a “temporary” victory.

7. When the angel blows the 7th trumpet then the kingdom

of the world will become the kingdom of Christ, who will

destroy the kingdom of Antichrist, rapture the people of

God and He shall reign forever and ever—Hallelujah!!!

Personal Application