Review for Poetry Test! 2015

Review for Poetry Test! 2015. What do Narrative poems have that other poems don’t have?

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Review for Poetry Test! 2015

What do Narrative poems have that other poems don’t have?

Answer: Characters and a plot

Q: What does free verse mean?

A: The poem does not have a rhyme scheme

Q: What is personification?

A: Gives non-human objects human characteristics

Q: The flowers danced in the windIs an example of what type of figurative language?

A: Personification

Q: I was as lonely as a single cloud.Is an example of what figurative language?

A: Simile

Q: I ain’t going to go.Is example of what literary device?

A: Dialect

Q: What is Alliteration?

A: The same sound is repeated in a sentence.

Q: Life is a broken winged bird is an example of?

A: Metaphor

Q: The light blue flowers grew in the green field. What is this an example of?

A: Imagery –look for the 5 sense in a sentence.

Q: What does a sonnet end with?

A: A couplet

Q: What is historical context?

A: When the reader would have to know something that took place in history to understand the poem

Q: Why would a poet use repetition?

A: The want to emphasize something in the poem and do not want the reader to miss it.

Q: How do you know if a poem is written in first person?

A: It uses I, Me, Us.

Q: What is genre

A: A category of artistic composition, as in music, literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.

Q: What is Prose?

A: Written or spoken word in its ordinary form without metrical structure or verse.

Q: What is hyperbole?

A: exaggeration used for effect

A: What is extended metaphor?

A: compares two essentially unlike things at some length and in different ways.

Q: What is Epic

A: A long narrative poem on a serious subject and addresses universal; concerns such as good/evil, life/death, sin/redemption