Revolution and counter.docx

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  • 7/30/2019 Revolution and counter.docx


    Revolution and counter-revolution in nicraagua 1991

    Intro Thomas walker

    - Revolution: usually means a process of rapid social and eocnomica and political change,which normally results in a restructuring of the relationship between classes

    - Usually involved some form of violence and mass migration- Few revolitions were actually successful in latin America- But nothing else worked too- Rich richer, poor poorer- Few indiviudlas had control of most assets and benefitted them- One of most poor- Because

    1. Spanish heritage- natives treated as near slaves created more elite society that placeslike costa rica dont have

    2. Endemic foreign intervention or manipulation- Why had insurgency succeeded? Walker thinks:

    Not because of poverty or injustice lots of that in other countries Not because of innovative and pragmatic guerrilla sttegies - other countries had

    that too

    Mainly because of unified hatred of Anastasio Somoza he personalizedoppression

    Carter administration presence was fortuitous because although tried to get rid ofSandinistas, also refused to prop up Somoza because he was so human rights

    orientated.- Sandinistas ardently nationalistic and deeply religious but also openly Marxist or Marxist-


    - So upper and middle Nicaraguan class viewed them suspiciously as did Washington fearedsecond Cuba

    - In Nicaragua : led to rapid class polarization, rumour mongering and notable lack ofcooperation in reconstructions on part of private sector

    - Internationally especially after Reagan elected president - perceptions led to multifacetedcampaign to destroy Sandinista revolution including campaign of propaganda and

    disinformation depicting Nicaraguan gov as grim totalitarian communist regime and a way

    the soviets are expanding into Americas- US media or anyone else rarely challenged it even though either untrue or basically untrue

    because didnt want to seem liberal and naive Reagans handling of ti was critized but not

    the perception of the regime or goal itself

    - Reality: Sandinistas relied n USSR more and more for aid etc. but didnt impose such a

    regime. Usually criticized by left for funnelling too much into pleasing private agro-


    HR recoed not great but in the top 1/3 of latin America During first 5 years implemented innovtve and highly successful social programs

    without inordinately straining national budget

  • 7/30/2019 Revolution and counter.docx


    - Adv sanidinstas had Victory unconditional old national guard completely disbanded. New armed forces

    explicitly Sandinista revoluruibay and popularity orientated

    Mass organisations created in struggle to overthrow dictator gave FSLN grass rootsbase that dwarfed organized support of rivals

    Had broad international support- Issues Sandinistas had:

    Geopolitical and economic constraints USSR made clear that they werent prepared to underwrite second Cuba Would give money or military support if US invaded Nicaragua not an island like Cuba long borders highly vulnerable to paramilitary


    Implementing dogmatic Marxist Leninist system would result in a mass exodus ofpeople

    Catholics very important in Nicaragua and catholic church played such a crucial rolein war of liberation that Sandinistas neither inclined nor well suited to attack

    catholic tradition

    - Daniel Ortega essentially correct when he said Sandinistas basically invented perestroika(may be relevant to Cuba v Nicaragua)
