Road Condition Reporting System Manual Version 4.0 Telenium Inc. Government of Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure

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Page 1: Road Condition Reporting System - Saskatchewanhotline.gov.sk.ca/4-0-rcrs-manual.pdfRCRS v4.0 SK Manual Page 4 Road Condition Reporting System Secure log in to the Telenium RCRS The

Road Condition Reporting System

Manual Version 4.0

Telenium Inc.

Government of Saskatchewan

Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure

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Contents Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure RCRS Linkshomepage ......................................... 3

Secure log in to the Telenium RCRS .......................................................................................... 4

Provincial Map ............................................................................................................................ 5

District Map Overview ............................................................................................................... 7

Adding Amber/Emergency Alerts ............................................................................................ 14

Apply Conditions using the IABR module ............................................................................... 15

Adding Amber/Emergency Alerts ............................................................................................ 21

Ferries / Ice roads Overview ..................................................................................................... 22

Dashboard ................................................................................................................................. 23

Public Site Overview ................................................................................................................ 24

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Saskatchewan RCRS Winter Manual

Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure RCRS Linkshomepage

The RCRS Update Program may be accessed via the Highway RCRS Links homepage.

RCRS Links Homepage

“Demo version link” is located at the top of the Links homepage.

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Road Condition Reporting System

Secure log in to the Telenium RCRS

The Telenium RCRS is a Web-based system for reporting road condition information. To log in

to the program follow these instructions.

1. Open your browser. (e.g.: Internet Explorer 8, Fire Fox, Chrome etc…)

2. Go to the Highway RCRS links home page and select the “RCRS Update Program (v

4.0)” link.

3. Type in your “user name” and “password”.

4. Left-mouse click on the login button.

NOTE: To use the 4.0 update program, ensure your browser is IE9 (or newer), Chrome, or Firefox 25 (or newer).


Login Screen

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Provincial Map

After you log into the system, you will be presented with a provincial map view. This map is

broken into reporting districts.

To select your reporting district, locate the name on the provincial map and click on it. If a user

has access to a specific district(s) they will only be able to click on those to gain access to the


Provincial districts, provincial text report and logout button:

The option to use the Amber Alerts messaging and the Truckers Report are also

presented on the main provincial map page

Change password (see next page)

Select the “user report” button, located on the bottom right corner (see Pg. 13 for details

on the “user report”.

The report will open in a separate window. (Close browser window once done).

Logout button: logs you out of the system, or simply close your browser to end your session.

NOTE: When in the RCRS program do not use the browser navigation buttons, they will log you

out of the update program

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Change password button: To change your password:

Type your current password in the first box.

Type your new password (minimum 6 characters) in the second box.

Type your new password again in the third box.

Click save changes

Note: If you forgot your username and password, please

contact the Highway Hotline Administrators.

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District Map Overview

Once you have selected the reporting district the map will appear.

The district map will allow you to update visibility and road conditions on a segment, highway,

or district. Users may:

Zoom into the map using the mouse or the zoom controls

Mouse-over provide intuitive help to locate highways

Scroll across the map to view other highways within the province

Once the user has scrolled outside their permission base update district, the map will

continue to show segments and conditions but the user is not able to enter any data beyond their

permission area.

Example: A restricted user, logged into one district can see but not update other region’s roads.

(Error message: “You do not have permission to edit this segment” appears if they try an


The District map section displays your selected area with the available highways and segments to


Current conditions are indicated by the color corresponding to the condition legend.

If the segment is black, this indicates the current applied conditions are good.

Flashing colors’ indicate multiple conditions on a segment.

Access to highway cameras in the update program; click on a camera image and it will open

is a new browser.

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If a user has permission to update multiple districts they may scroll outside their selected based

update region and the map will show road from other districts and the latest conditions.

Operators are then able to enter updates in these regions as well.

Interaction mode:

review mode: this mode allows the user to

review the conditions already applied.

set mode: this mode allows the user to apply a selected condition(s). Set is the default.


You have the option to apply;

Good, Reduced, or Zero visibility.

Good is the default.

Road Condition Legend

A list of pre-defined winter road conditions that can be applied;

Primary driving conditions are:

Good (the default)

Winter conditions exist

Travel not recommended

Closed (see pg 9 for road closed)

Secondary descriptors include:

ice covered heavy snow wet / freezing

slush loose snow swirling snow

icy or slippery snow packed drifting snow

pavement frost snow drifts fog

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Primary driving conditions: must be used independently from each other. ‘Good winter

driving’ may not be used with a secondary descriptor.

Secondary descriptors: to be used in conjunction with a “Primary driving conditions” except

for “Good”.

*Note: If the user selects ‘Good’ and then selects ‘Closed’ the system will de-select ‘Good’.

Transportation Association of Canada - Road Closed symbol

The new symbol for “road closed” as approved by the Transportation Association of Canada was

implemented in winter 2013 and is depicted by the following symbol on the public maps


When a road is closed in the winter update program it will colour the segment red without the

icon shown in Example 1 (on the public map the road will be coloured red as well as the icon

will appear).

The red closed icon will only appear in the update program when using the IABR module to

apply “road closed” shown in Example 2.

Example 1 – entire segment of Hwy 5,

Jct Hwy 2 to Saskatoon is closed using

the winter update program.

It may also appear as an IABR at a specific location within a segment as it appears in Example 2:

Example 2 – part of a segment closed using an

IABR to identify a location between Watson

and Humboldt on Hwy 5. The underlying

segment will continue to be dispalyed black in

the update program as well as the public map


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The update program does not show the red closed icon when using the winter module so as to

make it easier for the user to detect closed IABRs on the map.

Type of Road

This section allows you to choose what portion of a road to apply visibility and road condition.

Your choices are:

Segment - this allows you to updatea segment of the highway, which has been pre-

defined.Segment, is the default.

Highway – this allows you to update the entire highway within the reporting district. If you

select ‘Highway #1’ all of that highway will be selected in that district.

Area/District – this allows you to update all the roads in this reporting district.

Road Information

This section allows you to view the highway number and indicates the “fromand to” points of a

selected section of the highway.

Highway - this box indicates the highway number that you have selected.

From – this box indicates where the selected segment of highway begins.

To – this box indicates where the selected segment of highway ends.

*Note: There are red dots located on the roads; each dot represents either a start point or an

end point.

To view the district map’s highway information: As you move your mouse over the roads on

the map the highway information will appear in a mouse over box.

Alternatively, when you right click on a segment the highway information will appear in the

“from” and “to” boxes located on the right side of the screen.

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“submit” button: This button allows you to submit your changes to the RCRS. The status

section will show if the submission was successful.

“refresh” button: Retrieves the latest conditions. The “refresh” button allows you to retrieve

any updates that have been added to your district. Telenium recommends that you use the

refresh button before proceeding with any district changes.

“closures” button: This button allows you to view and modify any advisories and emergency

closures for the reporting district. * You must manually type in this information, type the

highway number before you enter the reason for the advisories & closure. This information

will appear to the public and pertains to the district you are updating only. Information for this

section must be added, changed and deleted manually.

“report” button: This button allows you to view a text report of; Road Conditions, Closures and

Advisories in the reporting district. Select the “map” button to return to the district map. The

"report" and "map" button are the same button they toggle between each other. Closures and

advisories also appear on the text reports.

“winter/restrict” buttons allows you to move between different reporting seasons.

winter - Reports the road conditions influenced by winter weather.

restrict – Reports the highways seasonal weight restrictions.

“province” button: This button displays the provincial map and allows you to select another

reporting district to view and report other Road Conditions.

“add activity/incident” button: Will launch the IABR program to report on construction

activities or incidents.

“ferries/ice roads” button: This button allows the user to update the ferries/ice roads and add

weight restrictions to the ice roads and ferries.

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Time stamp feature

submit changed: allows you to view and submit only what you just changed. This will have an

updated time stamp on the changed segment(s) only. (Submit changed is the default)

submit all: allow you to view and submit on the entire district. This will update the time stamp

for the entire district.

Note: In version 4.0 when a user selects the district/region and does updates and then pans to

another district/region and does some additional updates, selecting “submit all” will apply new

time stamps to all the segments in the original region they logged into plus any additional

segments updated in other district/regions. It will not apply new time stamps to all segments in

the other district(s)/region(s).

This section will display whether you’re “submit” was a success “succeeded” or a failure.

Log in information: displays user name, district, last updated and the season you are logged


You may select the Logout button or simply close your browser to exit the RCRS program.

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User Report The user report is accessible from the main provincial map page and provides staff with the

entire provincial road conditions in format that allows sorting, saving to a file (CSV) or the

ability to print the report if required.

Users may also:

select which conditions or activities they would like displayed

on the report by checking or unchecking the boxes at the top of

the report.

sorting columns on each of the fields.

Searching for a specific highway, user, district, condition etc.

(example Prince Albert district).

Any segments that are not updated within a 24 hour period

appear in red in the “Last Update” column.

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Adding Amber/Emergency Alerts *note: only those users who have the “amber alert’ region added in the Admin Program will be able to make updates

Select the “Amber Alerts” from the Provincial map page

Type amber alert or emergency message information into the free form text section. *This

information will go to the public.

Do not use special characters in the text. E.g. @ & !

Do not copy and paste information from a Word document as the program may interpret certain

characters differently and cause errors on the public website.

Select the map button to return to map view.

Submit your changes

Submit your changes to update the RCRS by selecting the “submit” button.

The message will appear on the public maps/text report pages within several minutes.

Removing alerts:

Select the “Amber Alert” button on the provincial page:

The dialog box will appear

Select the “clear” button.

Submit your changes to update the RCRS by selecting the “submit” button.

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Apply Conditions using the IABR module

The Incident and Activity Based Reporting (IABR) module allows you to report on multiple

conditions on a segment. There are two types of IABR:

Construction activities



Select the “refresh” button to retrieve the most current conditions.

Select the “add activity/incident” button on the bottom right portion of the screen to add an

IABR “Graphic” to a specific location on the “locked segment”

Click on the “add activity/incident” button.

Click on the specific location as to where you want the cone to be placed and the

mouse pointer will turn to cross hairs.

This will launch the IABR program; the system defaults to the construction type of IABR

which will place a cone on the location of the activity

Each IABR created will include:

Date and time stamp it was created

Include the userid of who created the IABR

A date and time stamp of the last time it was modified and the userid that modified the


Note: The “from” and “to” are the start and end points of the selected segment. Within the start

and end points there are reference points or specific locations where an activity may be located.

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The IABR construction option allows you to select:



Activity details

Vehicle restrictions

Activity information (free hand text box)

Detour information

Expected delays

Proceed so select the details that are associated with the activity

Select the save button.

“save” button saves your updates and return to the district map screen.

“back” button you will return to the map without saving the information.

“remove” button you can remove updates.

The user may include additional text information in the “activity information” box, which will

appear on the Public site.

View the Report

The user may select the “report” button to review the updates as a text report. This is the

same text that will appear on the public website.

Submit Your Changes

Submit your changes to update the RCRS by selecting the “submit” button.

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IABR type – Incident

You may also select the type from the drop down menu at the top of the page;

“Construction” or “Incidents”

Users may add a “Incident activity” with details to a segment or highway by using the drop down

menu with KM markers as reference points. This will add a graphic to the segment on the public

web site notifying the travelling public.

Appling an Incident:

Select from the Provincial map the reporting district you are authorized to report on.

Select the add activity button.

add activity/incident button: is used to add an activity/incident to a specific location on a

segment or highway.

The Button will now read “cancel add”

The Mouse arrow will turn to “cross hairs” +

Click on the specific location of the segment, that you want the graphic to be placed.

This will launch the IABR program.

Select the activity from the three types available; Forest/Wild fires; Flooding; Motor

Vehicle Accident.

Select details, visibility and delays and start and end dates if required.

Select the save button in the IABR program

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Example of incident screen

Return to the district map page:

Left mouse click to select the “report” button to review your changes as a text report.

Simply close the text report browser and that will return you to the map view.

Submit your changes.

Submit your changes to update the RCRS by selecting the “submit” button.

The status box at the bottom of the screen will confirm your update was successful.

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Steps to apply an Vehicle Restrictions – height/weight/width/speed:

Highways staff can add information on vehicle restrictions based on loads limits for

highway/roads, construction or other activities. There is an option to add a URL link to another

page located on the government website which includes more information regarding the


Select the type of activity or incident from the IABR screen.

Enter in the appropriate field the height, width, weight and/or speed in the appropriate fields.

Copy and paste the URL in the appropriate field at the bottom of the page.

Fill in the appropriate details, activity information, start/end dates and other pertinent

information from the fields available.

Save, check your text report and submit

The IVR will also be updated with the appropriate height, weight, width and speed details to

match the reports and maps.

Move a “cone” graphic off a segment.

Click and hold to move the cone.

Place the cone next to the segment or Highway.

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Note: This step may be needed if the cone obstructs; highway signs, a camera, or conditions

applied to a smaller segment on the public website view.

Cones: cover segment conditions/ signs. Cones: moved to a better visual placement.

Review, edit, and delete an IABR

Once an event icon has been placed, you may click on it to bring up the menu again.

To remove it, select remove.

From the main map, mouse over an icon, you will view the IABR details popup with options

to remove or edit.

After removing or editing the IABR, submit to update the system

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Adding Amber/Emergency Alerts

Select the “Amber Alerts” from the Provincial map page

Type amber alert or emergency message information into the free form text section. *This

information will go to the public.

Do not use special characters in the text. E.g. @ & !

Do not copy and paste information from a Word document as the program may interpret certain

characters differently and cause errors on the public website.

Select the map button to return to map view.

Submit your changes

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Ferries / Ice roads Overview

When in an district that has a ferry or ice road (example: North Battleford)

Select the “ferries/ice roads” button

This will launch the ferries/ice roads program, this next screen will appear:

Left-mouse click on the text of the Ferry or Ice road you are applying conditions to.

Select a ferries/ice road condition:

open daylight only

closed light loads

closed (season) medium loads

closed (repair)

Manually enter the weight (kg) & the thickness of the ice (cm).

Once you have selected your condition and entered weight or thickness:

Left-mouse click in the check box next to the location (example Paynton Ferry).

For ice roads, users must return to the map page and apply appropriate winter conditions

such as removing the ‘Closed’ condition and applying ‘Good winter driving’ or ‘Winter

conditions exist’ to the segment.

Select the “submit” button to save your changes.

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The “dashboard’ provides key information on one screen accessed from the main map page. It


Number of highways and segments closed

List of current closures

Summary reports of the occurrence of each condition

Click on conditions to be displayed - Example “winter conditions exist”

Number of occurrences of each condition

Length (Km) of each condition or group of conditions

Time stamp for each condition selected

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Public Site Overview

Once you have submitted your changes in the Telenium RCRS, you will be able to view

your changes or updates on the public website.

When viewing your changes you will need to select “refresh” and it may take anywhere

from 3-4 minutes to have the latest updates appear on the website.

Highway Hotline High Public Map