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Robert Scollay University of Auckland Pacific Island Countries in the World Trading System: How the Spread of FTAs Changes the Game

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  • Robert Scollay University of Auckland Pacific Island Countries in the World Trading System: How the Spread of FTAs Changes the Game
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  • Rapid Spread of FTAs * major feature - of world trading system since 1990s - in Asia-Pacific region since 2000
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  • APEC United States Canada Mexico NAFTA CAFTA-DR Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua & Dominican Republic ANZCERTA Australia New Zealand ASEAN (AFTA) Brunei Philippines Vietnam Malaysia Thailand Singapore Indonesia China, Korea Japan Bangkok Laos Cambodia Myanmar Bangladesh Sri Lanka India Bhutan Nepal Maldives Pakistan SAFTA Northeast Asian ASEAN + 3 (EAFTA) ASEAN + 6 (CEPEA) The Asia-Pacific noodle bowl Peru Chile Source: Inter-American Development Bank
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  • Spreading FTAs as a Game-Changer Before small poor countries have specially advantaged access to markets of major developed country partners generally on lenient terms ACP-EU (Lome, Cotonou) PICs-ANZ (SPARTECA) concerns over preference erosion focused mainly on impact of multilateral liberalisation in GATT/WTO relatively slow moving
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  • Spreading FTAs as a Game-Changer After small, poor countries (e.g. PICs) sharing special access with a growing range of other FTA partners accelerated pace of preference erosion in key markets other FTA partners may have better access in some respects e.g. rules of origin increasingly disadvantaged in markets where they lack special access especially East Asia FTAs based on developed country rules increasingly needed to maintain existing market access e.g. EPA, PACER-Plus reciprocity substantially all trade
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  • Australia New Zealand PICs (SPARTECA) Other WTO Members Australia New Zealand PICs (SPARTECA) USA (A) China (NZ) Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Viet Nam, Singapore, other ASEAN, Chile, All LDCs Korea? Japan? India? Peru?
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  • Japan PICS Other WTO Members PICs Other WTO Members Japan Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Viet Nam, Singapore, other ASEAN, Chile, Mexico India? Korea? China?
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  • Questions for PICs where should PICs concentrate their trade negotiating resources? what strategy for PACER-Plus? East Asia? North America? implications for policy on import barriers?
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  • Diverse Needs of PICs Scope for Customising FTAs Diversity among PICs in proportion of foreign exchange earnings derived from export of goods tourism and other services remittances (based on movement of people) development assistance FTAs can be designed to address PIC interests in all of these areas precedents elsewhere implications for PACER-Plus FTA serving PIC interests must cover all of these areas bargaining issues
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  • Capacity-Building for Trade The Potential Importance of Aid for Trade Long history in GATT/WTO of recognition but little action on need for capacity-building assistance to meet obligations under new agreements take advantage of export opportunities under new agreements Aid for Trade (AfT) proposed as circuit-breaker Implementation remains problematic Regional Trade Facilitation Programme (RTFP) under PACER provided some useful assistance to PICs focused more on facilitating imports need balancing assistance with export capacity Application to FTAs e.g. PACER-Plus identify areas of need to be addressed technology/expertise to meet ANZ biosecurity requirements? infrastructure to link production with export ports?