ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

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Page 1: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


APRIL - f'MY 1944.

Page 2: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply





• '·

'.t'O hl.U<:>Nn, J..O~<OON

) .nilUL 1944

NU!.WE.H 510, •••• ><Nil Po~:>OruU.. , FHOw 'l'hJ:: PI!..-;IDJ:::<'l' FOR

I have been informed t hat t he U. :> . :.. H. '11111 not take part

in the lLO Conference in Ph1ladelpb1a. It 1s sene=ally ba-

11eved ~ere tbut the absence or Ruse1e \v1ll bnve bad effect

upon pr9&tige of 1~ both here und among labor in occupied

areas .

In order to ott'tiet possi ble loss of preo tige by the

conterenee and to strengthen such agreements a~ moy be ar­

rived at , I am convinced thet it is essential that Bevin come

to the conteronce &o a Dr1t1sh Governzeat dalesete. His pre­

sence will be evidence or the .1mportenoe pluced upon the

conference by the Br1t1sb Coverncent .

I trust tbut it Will be possible for hi= to come even

though it ooy not ue posai ble for hi m to Stay throughout the

entirA period or oonfo:·enoo , and personally I should much like

to meet hil:l even U' he oould coo1e to Washington for only a

day. I hope to get back from my trip about Apr\1 ZL th.

Released f rom at llJO , E\','T ,



Page 3: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

.. '

t t

FROM The President TO The Prime Minister

SERIAL p510 DATE ) April 1944 !lATE/Til$

0)1627 NCR 4576 OR FILE t.11UPER


SURJECT Interno.tic-nal Labor Organization conference .


(For correspondence between the President and Stalin, and for complete action on ILl) eonf arenoa , see ".~ 210 l 1~T • .w:-.DUrl v rtU;u-.l:t.ATlvN")

Proposed me•sage prepared by Dr. Lubi n (See beck­ground in " '-l.R 210 I t/.1.' . t..A.o.JH. UHGJ.u't ." ); approved by President with eHerut1ons , 3 Apr 44. Paraphrased co py to Dr . Lubin .

~,f -7 <J?!, ""MA., I'J c7f<-1./ .


Dr . Lubin DATE• BY DIRf)CT!Oll OF :

3 Aor 44 The President


, -



Page 4: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


('l'llla t elegram must bo closely por&phrased before being com· ounlcated to anyono,)


t.lUiM BAssr




.. •.


APR 3 1&44

PI!I<SOili.L A!lll ~ F'OR THE Alo!BASSAOOR .

Please deliver tho foll owing meaeago to Prime lll nistor Churcbill fran the Preoldont:

QUO'IE I hnve d1ocusoed with Secretory Hull 7our meaaage of Warch 19 on ~e f~tber step$ which you eon· tompla t o 1n relation to Irolond , Wo boliovo thu ~ you aro purou ing the right line in taking tho ooour1ty moaouros mentioned •1 tbout, however_, ado.,t1ng m.oaaures of coercion designed only to harm Ireland .

quoTE V/o "''onder, howover, if meo.Dure s forb1d.d1ne Irish obipo to go to all 1'or e1gn porto 1'rom Ireland might not be interpreted aa oconon1c aenetlona . Would not your purpooo be accompl iohod by limiting the prohi b ition to lriob ohipplng going to any part of the conti nontY I reQ11:to that, as you ao.y, a 8h1p ean stort in one d1rect1ou and turn l n another, but any ohip violating tho prohibition could be dealt with ln an appropriate manner. Tille would leave Ireland t ree to oend its ohips to North America to carry Wheat and otber eesonti al auvplloa . Tho fact that no ban was made on Ir1oh •h i ppin(l to Canada and tho United Statee woul d in l t solt constitute proof that the measure• again at shipping wero not 1.n. tho na. ture ot eco.nOID1C eano tlons .

QUOTh Por our part we are considering a further meaaago to Mr . de Valera once more making plain that the conti nued preeonce of Axle reproaontativoa ln Irolnnd constitutes a danger to our forces and tho1r operations for which tho Iriah Gove~ont cannot eocapo reoponalbility. We shall let JOU aoe it in advanoe . UllqiJO'!ll

HULL DICU.SSIFIID By ~J&w:•ht of tho u.s. By l)• ' fwA :

Da•• 1



Page 5: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

t • I"RRI( The President TO Tho Prime lHnister

SERIAL llot nwnbo=ed DATE 3 Apr LL .



~es.tr1ct1ons a.;einst Ireland.


Qngwera ~ ~~za. 1~ AlAr !.L.

Sont through !!tote Dopn:·tlllent ehonn.l a dor Winant Cor delivory to Prico llinioter.

to Ambaeuo-

Anawerad by PM tt6t.O. 7 Apr I, I, •



115-' ' IZ..t.. .. "'


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4 April 1944

Fr001: Opnav

To : Alusna, London

ImBER 511 . PERroNAL M.'D - ffl:>ll THE PRESI DI!m' FOR THE


Jq trip has again been postponed and et.ill othe-r r esearches and

etudiea are being made. I do not approve ot thie for the principal.

reason t hat I do not u~erstand i t all. I hope to get of t i n four or

five days and will ~et you know. The place I am going has .tuU. equi]r

ment for our lines of eocm~eation, and messages ought not to take

mor e t han t -en minut es longer t han i n the Whit e Rouse itself.

Congratulations on your splenOid vote i n the House. Rc~ts

her e v.·ould be almost as good if we operated under your syst em.

CUrtin 'ldll get here about April t wenty-.si.x:th and Fraser approx­

imatel y t he som.e t ime. Let me know if ther e h: anything you 'f(8.nt me

to et rese.

Rel eased from tho White House Wap Room at 1915, twr, 4 April 1944.

OODill S. COLLINS, JR. Lieut enant ( J8) USNR




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• • #'s- tl April 4 , l9J,I,.

TO : TilE ?RillE II Ill ISTER


:ty tri;> l\Ss aca1n been postponed a.nci still otMr rese•rches

ana studies are beL~i cado . I do not approve or thla tor the

pri,,eipal rQason that t do not understand it all . I hope to get

oft in four or five days ~nd will let you know . The placo 1 ao

,otns has full equip~ont for our lines of eo~1cat1on, and

the White House ltselt .

Congratulations on your splendid vote in the Houae .

Reau.l ts here "''ould be almost. as good 11· we opera t.ed w\oor your

Curtin will ••t here about Apr il ~Tenty-a1xth and Fraser

approximately the sa=• time. Let me know if there 11 onything

you want oc to stress .



...-...;_ ..

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• \..

t.bo IIINao of c:-ona. '· • ~

llb1lo on ..... uon CNJ' l1ao of 4••~1oa .sJ.l bo ·- oU

~ t.bo \tao .ad u -OdT ao u~~;>o tb.o w!,,... will aot - GQt,

Written in ~ap P~, a.m., Sunday, 2 Apr 44, oy Adnliral Leoh;y. Sent to the Prellident, 0 2ll30Q vio usher t or his approvnl .



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!'ROll The Pr ouident

TO The Primo Mi ni ster


DATE 4 Apr 44.

llATP./Tl)!E OR FILE t;rllJllER

TOR l'.AP ROell 041850Q I 'Ill. l.!i se Tully

SUI!JEC!' President' a tri"p o.nd: com:1unic atlons; Prlec• s vote ot conti deace; v1a1t of ~~ · s Curti n and fraser .

ACTION .~swers PM H61S . l Apr 44, which was referred to

Admiral Looby f or action . A<ILI Louhy prepared draft repl y ln ~ap Room, ~unday a .m. , 2 Apr 44; taken to President via ueber . Thj s wao nr.> t used by- the Pres l d.ant , however; Pr esi dent dictated IIIOSsnco to Mi •s Tully , /, Apr 44.


ACTION COJ'PLP.TED1 I iJ(}d.fa. e , ; ,.,. ,,; ('II"·



Page 10: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


-\.! 4 April 1944

frocu Opoa.v

to : Aluene., London



I h&.ve studied with considerable caro your menage h'umber 631

of lla.rch )0 with regard to our negoti•Uono with Spain concerning

woltrttm. I am moet reluct ant to accept &111 comprom1oe on this oatter

w1~b tbo Spanieh Oovernmont . It con h&rdl7 be helptul in the present

wollim nceotiat.ions with the Port.U&Ueee. At the aue til:.e I apprec-

late t.bat. in the abe:enee or tull agreement. bel-ween us on the measures

( to be adopted we C&ru'J)t anticipate an early wcceutul conclusion or

the .. negot.1&t1on.e. I a:1 therefor·• alklnc the Oepart..ent. or St.ate to

"""' 011~ w1th your !lol>a••Y a O!UtuallJ< agr<~eeble Uno ~ take with the



Roleaoed trom. the \\ldte House llap Room &t 1915, DI'T, 4 April 1944.

OGDEN S. OOLLINS, JR. Lhu~onanL (Jg) 0$1!



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-I have studied with oona1derable care your meseage

no. 631 ot Karch ~ w1 th regard to our negotiation• w1 th

Spain concerning wolfram. I am moet reluctant to aooept

any oomprolll1ae on this matter with the Span1Bh Government.

It oan hardly be helpful in the present wolfram negotiations

with the Portugueae. At the eama t1me I appreciate that

1n the abaenee or full agreement between ua on the meaaurea

to be adopted we oannot· ant1o1pate an early auooeaetul

oonolua1on ot these negot1at1ona. I am therefore a.ak1ng

the Department or State to work out with your Eaabauy a .. mutually agreeable 11ne to take with the Spanish •

. ·



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..._.. ......... _ -­~lleM'I'MYOI"'.,.Aft - ··

r •



Apri l 4 . 1944

In response to the memorandum or the White Houee

dated March 31, 1944, eno1oe1ng meaaage no . 631 or

Maroh :50, 19« from Pr1•e K1nhter Churoh111, oonoern1ng

the current wo1traa negot1at1ona 1n Madr1d, there 1a

submitted hereWith a draft reply for the Prea1dent 1a


The Pr1me Min1eter1 e meaeage referred to 1e returned


Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from

Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2 . Drart reply.


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.. . • -;;

c t '

PRO I.e The Presiaent TO Tbe Prime Minister

SERIAL 512 DATE 4 Apr 41,


TOR HAP ROO!! 041850~ I VIA hliss Tully SUBJECT Wol frum exports from Spain.


Ana~~~~ ~M ~QJl . 3Q !.lu !.!. ' which wa.a sent by the P:res-ident t o t he St ute Dept for preparati on of repl y .

I Dr~tt of reply sent di r ectly to President by State; approved without change by the President, 4 Apr 44; sent to PM 4 .. Apr· 44 .

I Anawargg ltt Pa:a ~212 . 6 Ag;r.:: I.J.u .


• COPIES TO: qAl'e : BY DI?.f:CTIOll OF:



_,. I

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t t

5 APRIL 1944



FORr.ll:Jl NAVAL PO:f<.:>ON , NtrMBER 513. '·

Referring to your 634 of April first, it seems t o me

t he essential consideration i n the Polish-Russian controversy

a t the present t ime i s to get the Polish military power , in­

cludi ng the underground, into effective action aeainst the


It would therefore appear t hat your proposed reply to

Uncle Joe ' s explosion of 23 March is correct i n i ts purpose

{: a nd considerate beyond reasonable expectation. I do not

see how he can find any fault t her eWith.


I am considering t he advisabili t y of having a visit

from Mikolajczyk after IllY return from vacati on.


Rel eased from t he Whi te House Map Room at 1130, EWT, 5 April 1944·


RIChARD PAllK , JR. ' Colonel , General Staff .

By D(~$ht oi-the u.s . By l , tDI

Date NOV 1 1971


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_,­April I, 1944

PRllSIDEIIT TO PRI;,tE : ,41-,S/.:J

Referring to your 634 of Apri l first, it

seems t o me the essential ~ons ideration in the

Polish- Russian controversy at tho present tine

is to ~;et the Polish military power, inoluding

the underground, into effective r.ct1on aga i ns t

tho Nazis . ·

I t 'I{OU l d t he re.for e oppenr that your proposed

r~ply to Unc-le Joe ' s explos i on ot 23 Jf.aroh i s

corre ct i n its purpose and eons idorato beyond

rensonobl e expectation . I do not see how he can

tlnd any fault therewith.

I run oonsidering t he advisability of having a

visit from Mikolajczyk after my return from vacation.

By tho U.s.




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__ ::_

... \, r:

FROM The Pre s ident TO Tho Pri me Mi ni s ter

SRRIAL #513 DATE 5 April 1941. llATP./TIME OR FILE llfll.IJleR


SUP-JECT 149g to St alin on Rus.:si an-Poliab rel ations.


AM~en.1 Pw. ll2 1/. ~ w}l1gh S§:~ t2r ~s:;~ion1


. .


f?S2.. a;,,1 , ; tt' -~,.,4 ~f at/a#;.,:;. ..


,, r,:

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; \

( .....


7 April 1941.

From: Opnav

To : Aluena, London



Your 637. I agree on the submarine stat ement as proposed by

you tor release on 10 April .

Released !rem the r;hl.te House !Jap Room et 1915, ~~. 7 April 1944

OOYCE P. PRICE Captain, C. E.






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. -





Your 637. I agree on tne submarine statement

ao proposed by you for rel~ase on 10 April.


OICLA&atTIID 11 P•P"'f& iliht ot tbo u.s . .• ,ll'lj.~, Do:o~V~--------


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" . • c


FROM The President TO The Prime Minis ter

SERIAL 514 DATE 7 ~pril 1944 1lATR/U!!E OR FILE flflilllER


SUBJECT March Submarine Warfare Statement.


Answers Pt.> g637, which was sent by memo to OWl end Navy Dept . for approval of stat ement as sugges t ed by PM. Both a~enoies approved statement without c hange ; draft message written by Captain Wood; approved by the Pres i dent .




ooo;7 {Jl Seo 2.


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8 April 1944

From: Opnav

To : Alusna, London

!W1lER 515 . PER.OONAL A!ID-- F1lO!.l TilE PRI.siDINI' FOa


Your 6)8 "'T t.lloucbt. in authorinnc an o.s.s. 111 .. 1on to the

W.haUovic Aree. waa to ot:t.ain int elligence ani the mission was to

have no political tunc t.lons whatever.

In view however ot your expressed opinion tho.t t.hor e might.

be .misundetobtandina by our Allles and others, I have direct ed that

the cont.Enplatc:d t:dolion be not r-epeat not aent..

Released .tl-om tho \'il\ite House ~Lap Room. &t UJQ, mf, S April 19L4

~~ C&pto!n, 11. S. !lavy


... , ot


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April 8J 1944


Your 630 my thought 1n authorizins an o.s .s . ~1ss1on to tho M1ha1lov1c Area was to obtain

intell igence and the ~1ss1on was to have no

political functions whatever .

In view however or your expressed opinion

that there mic;ht be misunders tanding by our Allies

and others, I have directed that the contemplated

mission be not repeat not sent.


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~ ~ t <> l.

!'ROll Tile Presidont TO The Prime Mi nister

SERLIL 515 I)J.TP. 8 Apr L4 . llATF./ti llE OR PilE tiUUf:!ER


SU~JECT lntelli gen oe Missi un t o Miha1lovio .


Answers Pll> tt6)8 , which was sent to ~dmiral Leahy for action by tho Joint Cbiefs of Staff . Reply drafted by Admiral Leally ; approved by the President 8 Apr 4f,, -

lr.D~V£5!;[2d Q!£ p~ fi.fli-.6t 2 A:su: !J.{,..


. -

ACTION CO:.PLF.TED t r:IF.Do .2hZ oJ.r

' "



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• \.

8 APRIL 1944


tiiii.U>.oJl 516, Pikl:iO!'IAL AND •••


FOR '1'HA FO!ll.ui.R NAVAL

In vi ew ot proapeot1ve ohange 1n plana tor AIIVIL I

believe tha t U. J . should be tully i nformed a t once when

we reach decision i n reeard to ANVIL on reoolll.-.:ondaUon of

the Combined Chiefs ot S t aff .


Reloasod from the ~~ito House ~ap Room a t 1232, l.'lrr, 8 April 1944.

CHEb'l'>l! C. WOOD, Captain , USN .

-· el


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-----------------------------------------:~- -

• April e, 1944

lESIDENT TO PRil!E: :tr _:,-;C ..

In v1ow of prospective chango 1n plans

•r ANVIL I believe that U. J . should be fully 41'1. "- C,,_~

~ormed at once When decis!onJLn resard t o

u.. ~'--~~ ~-IVIL .k>x oael:od *"~'Combined Chiefs of Staff

. '


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.. \.

FRO!! The Presidont TO The Prime ltl1n1ate r

SERIAL 516 DATE 8 Apr 4/, .


SUP.JECT lntora.tog Stalin or obonooa or plnns in ANVIL .

ACTION Written by AdDtrel Loahy; approved by President

with minor nlterationa.


ACTIO~ rO!'PLJ;T!llh

' '1 -

! 0268


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8 ..!'Jill. 191.1.

'rlu: l'RJ::oii!UlT ·ro TIG Hl!l>lll.J1 "'•V.U. l'.r;n~O.i, •••• J<NO

l"J:.t(;:;\lNi<L, llU.-.;.,;, 517.

For you r information I hove today sent the follow-

ing quote<! latter in re;>ly to the Caoa41an Pril!!e lliniator•s

let•er ot March 10 regarding participation ot Canadian

forces in Alliod operati ons . He sent you an identical


'<uvn:. Upon receipt of your couuaun1cat1on dated

hlarch l), 191.1. , and tr<;nSo•i tt1ng a letter from the Prime

idnister of Canada in ret!brd to the oo.....,d ot Canadian

troo;>a witb t.he AUieci forces oYoraoas, I referred the

questions therein contalned to the Joint Chiefs of Start.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff this date have given me

the following report with which I sm in agreement :

' We have exa.wl.ned t he meseago oddroosed to you

on 10 ILeroll 1944 by the Canadian Prime IJ1nister, in

which he infoNed you of his govarncent • s cons1derot1on

of the eotobliabcent of a Canadian Joint Stat! Mission

in London. In the se.n.e messase he proposed that appro­

priate to~l announo~ent a be made to clarify the command

euthorHy exercised by Genorale ll:isonhowar and \'11lson

ovet· tho pot·tto1pe.t1ng forcea or tho United Nations.

DJCLAssrrm 17 ~ty A1"0hivtu or the u.s. 17 _ .:s;&;.,,f lla te !IQV J ~~



" ..

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r ' kl~hough the eatcbliahment or a Canadien Joint

~tort ~is~ion in London ie a que•~ion tor decision by

the governments ot tbe United Kingdon and Canada, military

ir.tplicu tions involved make it necessary th><t , e.hould ,sucb

a ~ieaion be es tablished , the approprietA ehennol or

CO!lllounications oetween the Cenedlo.n Chiefs ot Sto.ff

and tbe Suoreme Cocmanda must be through the Combined

Chiefs of Staff and B>t dlreotly through ~he Lliseion,

to the Supreme Col!W18nda, a a proposed oy the Canadian

Prime loliniater.

'VIe f ool that there 1e no need from the military

at undpoint , to mak e any announcemcn~ clarifying oom-

C: cnnd authorit7 sinoe t he chain or military commend is

well est.aoli shed . The,..e is no obJection , howevur , to

suoh en announcement 1t othe r than military considera­

tions warrant it,. An announcement should make oloer


the. t tl:te Supreme Collltllondno derive their authority frolG

tho Government s concerned through the Combined Chiete

ot St aff and no t d1raGtly from tho governments , aa

suggested i n ~be l etter from the Canadien Pri~e Nin1ater .

We recoccand that 1t any announcecent is ~de, 1t be

general in scope end covor oll participating nations.•



~<eloaaed f rom tile vn11 to Houoo Map Room '87 at 1)20 , EI'IT, 8 Apr 1.4·

rlO D.t..kT' .... '{- 0 '

LieuteMnt ( J~

..elEi '1



Page 28: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

' . • 0

April e , 1944


!'or your information I hove today sent tho follow-

ing quot ed l ot tor in reply to tho Cnnadian Primo Minister• s

latter of March 10 regarding participation of Canadian

foreos in Allied operations . He sent you an identical

QUOTE. Upon receipt of your cocmunicatlon dated

~~rch 13, 1944, and transmittinc a letter from tho Prime

Minis ter of Canada in regard to the commt\nd of Canadien

troops with the Alliod forcoa overseas, I roforrod t ho

questions therein contained to the Joint Chiote of Staff ,

The Joint Chiota of Staff this dato have given me

the followinc ropcrt with which I am 1n agreo ... nt:

"\'1e bavo examined the message addressed to you

on 10 March 1944 b7 tho Canadian Prine Min1otor, in

whieh he informed you of h1a government's cona1derat1on

of the establ ishment of n Canadi an Joint Stoff r.tissi on

in London . In tho oo~a rneasa&e he proposed that a ppro­

priate formal onnou.ncomonts be made to clarity tho oolm:l4nd

authority exercised by Generals Eisenhower and Wilson

over the participe tine forces of t."o Unitocl lfo tiona .

"Although tho oot&bllohment of a Canadian Joint

• Stott Wission in London is o ques t ion for dooioion by

tho govornmonto of tho United Kingdom ond Conado , mil itary

implications involved mako it necessary thot, should such


Page 29: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

\ a Hiss1on be established , the nppropriate c.~annol of

eo:mnwtications between the canAdian Chi efs of StDff

and the Supreme Com.rn&nds mus t be through the Combined

Chiefs of sta1'!' and not directly through tho J.:ission,

to tho Su?reme Comt'.nnds , as proposed by the Canadian

Prine Minbter.

11We feel that there is no need fron the military

standpoint, to make any nnnouncement clarifying com­

mand authorit y since the chain of military command 1a

well established. There is no objection, howover, to

such on announcement 11' other than military considera­

tions warrant 1 t . An announcement should make cl ear

that the supreme Comnandets derive their authority from

the governments concerned through the Combined Chiofs

of Starr and not d irectly f'rom t he governments , as

suggos tod in t he letter from tho Cenad i an Pri me l/.1n1ster .

We reco::unend t hat i f any nnnounoement is madG, i t bo

general i n scope and oover all part1e1patins nati ons. "



- 2 -


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t • \. .

FROl! The President TO The Primo IJ1n1Ster

SSlllAL 5l7 DATB 6 Apr 4/, • nATR/Tl1tB OR FILS ln111BER

TOR lJAP ROO!I I VIA SUlloJECT Letter to Canadian Pr o:e l41n1ster re partieipetion

of Cna_dian forcea in n.llled operation; cocmand. -


Me9S4ge drutted by Admiral Leahy froo letter wrioten by President to Canadian Aobaaeador.

tZ. ... .... .ct;. (J)n ·~.s./, ~ * 1/1.


------------------------- . ACTlOll CO!'PLP.TP.D o

~~~a. ,1, .... fit ~&;.c .;.., I Pll,ml I •



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c -Fr<lr.l: Opna v

To : Alusna, London

l!WBER 518. PER$lNAL AllD···


8 April 1944


I am a good deal concerned by the French }latlonal Coomitt eet a

demands in r egard to milito.ry matters. The tone ot these eocr.tunications

verges on the dieta.toriel, especially when "We coll#lder the simpl e taets.

Personally I do not think t hat we can give military information

to a source which has a bad record in $OCrecy. The implied threat to

stay out of operations in France would, if carried out, do the Coremitt ee

1: and its leader irreparable harm.

It De Gaulle ~ts to eo~e over here to visit me I shall be very

glad to see him and will adopt a paternal tone, but I think i t would

be a mistake for me to invite hilll without an intimation trom him th.at

Released f'ro.-n the Ylhite Jlouee Yap Room. at 1?00, 00, 8 April 194/,.

RICHARD PARK, JR. Colonel, General St a!t



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FROU: 'ri!E PRJ:.SlDEtiT

.. ••

April 8, 1944·

I am a ~ood deal concerned by the French N~t1onal

co~itteo•• decands in regard to military matters. The tone

of these coamunications verges on the dictatorial, especially

when we consider tho simple facts.

Personally I do not th.Uik that we can t ive military

information to a source which has a bad record in secrecy. :

The iQplied threat to stay out of operations in France

Ylould, if carri ed out, do tho Cotltnit tee and its ~oo.der

irreparable harm.

If de Gaulle want s to come over here to v1sH me

I shall be very glad to see him and will aaopt a paternal

tone, but I think it would be a cistake for me to invi te

hie without an intimation froc him that he wants to co~e.



.. 3 tr

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llo , 1~

' 7 F llbORAlii>Ull FOR

colonel KoParland1 . Att aChed 11 a porapbroao ot a

CMIII60 floom the Prot1d e nt to the Prime

M.1nhter, dated April o, 18•4, prtient lng

tho Prea1dent1a VlftWI in ros•r4 to t elegram

llo. 1109 or 4 Apr11, 1944 (OM-til~,

V Apr11 1944) troa Alg1oro to tho S t ot o

O.pa rtaent, the aubjt ot of whlob 1.1 the

POlL reaotlon to tbo vlewa ot tbo c.c.s. on

taplo)'llent ot Prenoh troopa and Mthod ot

dealing• with the POWL .

It is forwarded to you ror

appropriat e 41a t r1but1on to tho Joint Obiott

or Starr.


: . v. Satth. Lieutenant Co-Dander, U.S. N.,



Page 34: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply



Apr11 e, 19U

PllOUr 'fill! l'llRSIDE!IT

TO 1 1'llll PRIUE UDilS'I'ER

regard to lllil1t&1'7 10attoro coneom .. a sood doal.

Bapoc1&117 wbon wo cona1dor the al.Japlo tacta , the

tone of tboao c.-a~m1cat1ona vors .. on tho d1otator1al.

Peraonall7 I do not thinl< tbot wo oan give

18111 t&r7 intor..tion to a oourco which baa • bad

rooord 1n aooroo7. It carried out, tho 1Japl1od

throat to otq out ot oporationa 1n l'ranoo wollld

do tho Co=mittoo and ita loader irreparable bar..

I aboll bo YorJ glad to ooo do Gallllo it be

wanta to OO!IIb over hero to viait ,.. and •111 adopt

a patomal tono, but l tbinl< that without an intS..•

t1on fro11. h1.m tho t bo ... nto to o011e 1 t wo\lld bo a

11.1atal<e for 11.0 to invito h1Ja.

F. D. R.

DEOLASSITI!D By D~t7 Arch1vlat of the U.S.



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. ( c


"""' TM Proatdea~ to 'l'bo PrlJN 111n1o~or

SDUL Sl8 .. ,. 8 April 1944 1lA T!I/'TIIIX oa nu:~

TOR )W' P.OOW (vu. SU'I!JEC'! l'recch Na.t1 nal Coc:.itteo


Dictated b7 the P·rea14ont, St4te Depart oaule wll~9 . Alal ors .

4 Apr 8 Apr I.L, a.tter 44, trom cnapio

r -:!Ading in

Answftred by .PM N643. 12 Ap)= 4 /-.



. ACTlotr rot'JIIJ\f!:D1 - .r; 1111 I'KC, I rt!$1lo



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' • t:

8 April 1944



,_All]) PlllSOIIAL POR TKI;; ?RillE llll:ISTER PIIOit Tl!ll


Your 641. While I rC'lftl&in ot the opinion th"t. it would be

hwaane and 'Wise t.o provide wch relht as 1a practicable to the

t.&.NM~·nourlabecl 'WOQ.tn and childron or trlendly- poople 1n Naz.i

occupied Ebro;>e, I "" 1n ~"'• acro-nt. w!.tl> ,.,.. •ha• not.IIJ.,.

ahould be done t.~t wUl if'ltntere wit.b or ~er forthecca1nc


hlMMCl f"rog t.he lQ\1 u Hwae Map Rooa •• 2llS r.w.r. a April1944

Boyce P. Price CapuJ..n, C. E •




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l ... L


FROM The Presidont TO - The Prime IUnister

SERIAL 519 DATE A An,.ll 1 0 1.1.

llATB/Tl!!B OR FlU: ?itll.te€:R -TOR !LIP ROOM I VIA

SUP.JBCT beading prog ram for Canaan-occupi ed countries. -ACTION

Answers P~ ~Q~l. 8 Aor u..,

Dra:f't prepared President 8 Apr 41,.

by Admi t·o l Leahy ; approved by



Jtlt_ ~. '


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t • t

1J April 1944

From: Opnav

To Alu.sna, Lonaon

rul!BER 520. PERrollAL AND ... FRO!.! TKE .PRl!SIDOO FOR THE


Your Number 636, I have toda.~• r·eceived a report from the U. s.

Chiefs of stnff on the possibil ity of increased Aoerican production

of LST in or der to provide for ant1c1pat E!d British operations i n the

Paeifie i n 191;5.

Our pro&r~'ll h b 3 r·aee.ntly 'teen 1ncrea::ed, as you kncn", t o t ake

care of the l arge needs for OVERLOFD an~ the ~petu$ thue acquired

will continu~ for some t ime after June so that the drop you mention

d.oee not occur~ so soon. It is not possible further' to accol orate or

increase our proeram .,.-itf".out. i nterference 'ldth other 9roerarne which

have alr eady b€en r educed to the limit to pennit goi nJ ahead with the

present landing craft. program.

In view of the gains m.ade in accelerati!'li oe:r buildi'I"'G schedu1e

fo r OVERLORD, in viev.· of the larcer number of u. S. sur,.1..vors now ex-

pect.ed on the basi::~ of experience in Europef.n oper;:.t.ions, e.rxl. in view

ot a better knonle~e a~ to u . s. requirements in the Pacific, the

United St.-nt.cs Chiefs of Staff believe tha.t the combined needs for p~­

secut:ing th6 't'>ar a,gt~.inst Je.pan can be met under ptc~ent programs and that

allocations should not be made ~ntil oper ations have been definitely de-

cided upon.

Released from the Y:hitc iioucc Map Roo:n at 1605, EWi', 13 April 191,.4 .

Rl!CIWUl PAP.K1 JR. Colonel, General Staff

DlaLAIItrtlll 'If~ ~:;.•ht of tho u.s . . , 1 w~·d= Jato Nay 1 1971 .........


Page 39: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

., •

i'ROM Tbe Pres1d ent TO The Prime M1 ni s t Ar •



DATE l J Apr 41,.

., I

u- 1.,.


~====~=~===r=e=q=u=i=r=~u==en=t==a=n=d==p=r=o~d=u~c=ti=o=n=.====================== ACTION

Answer::) .Pt.1 • a #666 . \•;hioh was r -ef e:-rect to Admi ral Le.,hy f or stud:~ by t e Joint Chiefs of :;t art , 5 Apr 41.. Haply r~ceived frotll President at Woccruuaw t~-s WLAGl~: 12, 13 " Pr 44 ·

£¥.· • ·"'4 O?JJ"*,£/,j~ ,,; % N .

COPillS TO •




·I Fll.I:D:


Page 40: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


t - ··=-· -111


13 Al'Rl.L 1941.


~1Jlaidl!t 521 , ····~ AND l'.::R'>O!{;U. , .OROJ.. TfL!: PRli..»IDE!:IT

l!'Oil ThE .ii'OHME!l NAVAL Pl:.HSON.

Your 643- The questionstherein presented necessitate

oonaulte.tion with the St a te Department and my Chiefs of

Staff when I return to Washington, but nt thi s distance all

seems well .

I have no objection t o a visit from De Gaulle but I

ehoul d l ike t o have your opinion of the action of t he Com­

mitt ee in dismissing General Giraud . So1oe t i me ago I was

( asked if I would reeei ve De Gaulle i n Washington i f he

came over a nd I r epli ed in the affirmati ve . 1 t hink H

should remain in thi s situation. I \\uuld be glad t o seo him

i f he asks t o see ~e but I will extend no formal or i nformal


In addition to a probabi lity of compromis ing the secur­

ity ot our plans f or operat i ons which might ha'Ve disas t rous

effec ts ~ i t does not appear to me t hat any military advantage

could r es ult fro~ di vulging oontidentisl i nformat ion to the

Colnllli t t ee .

I agr ee with you that no t·eply should be made to the

unwarrant ed dema.r1d tor Italian sh i ,s .

Released from the White House Map a t 1610, 1~~ . lJ April 1944 -

Rl CliAlW ;>.fUll<. , SR. , Colonel, Ge neral St aff.


; b !'l 11.~.


Page 41: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

.. ... l .

f'RO)! Tllo .Prosid oM TO Tho Primo M1n1atoli

S&RIAL 521 DATE 13 Apr ~/,

!1.\ TR/T ll IE OR PILE Nl'llllER

IQR )IJ.P ROO!l lvu su•J&CT

~ranch National Co=m1t.t.ee

ACTION l . Answers .t>r.~ a !!' J ' 12 h.pr LL. which was eent as hhl'i1.t:

22, l30245Z, to tho Prea14ont at Waccamaw.

2 . President 1 s reply received ae i!LJ..Ch. l) , l)l915Z.

J. Sent t-o tho PM aa this 11521.

L. lm:t)3er d1§SUIIDSl!i 11l ~1!1 d!!~J .




ACTfON CO!·'PLIITEDo I FILED: l)ql, j 0/1 FA'C .

- --


......... . ~

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t 16 A9ril 1944

DIOU SS!r UD ly Deput y Archivlet of tb& o.s.

FRO~: OpMV B;r ________ _

TO : JU.usna, London »-••·-----N~O~II--~l~r~"'~r~-----N\P..(Bll\ 5:<2. PERSOl!AL AND •••n FRO!.! THE PRESIDIWT FOR THE


Replying to your 644, as the Coll'bir.ed C.i.iefs of Sta.fJ.' d.iepat c:.hed a

messace on J..pril 6 t h t o Oeneral ~:s, head of your Uission in UoSOO'tt1

and Ocnernl Deane, who heads our ~i3sion, with instructions to inform the

Soviet Oener~ ~t~ff thot in accordance with the agrc~cnt reached at

teheran, it is our finn i ntention to launch OVF.RLORD on t he agreed date

(which date was turniohed in a succeeding mes::;age) I do not believe we

~hould repeat to U.J . information which has already been given to the

h Russion !.lilit.e:.r.r <lUthorities. In this some l!les::;e.ge1 Deane a.rx! Burro'ftS

·r:crc instructed to pay a handsome tribute t.c the magnificant progress of

the Soviet hm.itcs ar.d to ask the 5oviet General staff to confirm., that

thnJ, for their part, would" fulfill the undertaking eiven at Teheran by

Mo.rshal Stalin to orssniv.e' a. lnrgc scale otrensi v~ o.t the appropriate

tirnb to assist OVmLORD 'by cont.aining t.he m.a:d.rmJ.m number ot Oenuan di v-

isions in the East.

\',ith reference to paragraph tl'!-o ot your propo:;cd message, it l."'\ll.d

be better to watt until our Chief3 of Staff have come to a firm aere~ent

on the 6cope and t.i.ming of operet.ion.s in the !Lediterranea.n.

As t o the question r eear<!ing the sc{l.).e or the Soviet effort r aised.

in paraeraph three of your proposed message, U.J . a4do a definite commit-

ment at Teher~n, and I b~lieve h~ meant it. The c.c.s. message to Denne

Dnci Burro.,:s directed the:l to ask for confirlt'.&tion of tht Soviet Teheran

- 1 - -tal :Sfdlid F


Page 43: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply



• t •

The Britleh Chieta ot S~Rf"f did r.ot c:on.aic1tr it. oc!viaa.tle to ask

directly for ~viet plan• or scale o! <'ftort b~C&\ISO the ~viet decisions

rnu~t depend on the d~vclOj)mOnt.. or tbeir operation between no'h and the middle

ot Yay. The U. S. Chic!o or Starr took the oamo vie~. .._

r ~ inclintd to

&£ree that U.J. :hould not be aeked t his specific question unlees you have

Gt.rong reesor.JJ t.o the cont.rary.

If you !eel it u...lT to d1spatcll a """~• I OIICI"•~ the tollorlflG

red.r..rt to llhieh you tu:t athch r:f3' signature it you cor.cur:

1. Pursuant to our talke at 'I"eheran1 tne gencro.l crossing o.f the sea

v:ill t ake place around a do.te which Generals Ceanc and Bu rrows have recently

been dir ected to give tho Soviet General sturt. \\o &hall be actint; at our

2. Toe are launehinc an oftensh·e on the Itollan uinl.an:! t.t max1•n•

) . Since teheran your Amies h.ave been pining a cagn1!1c.a.nt series

of victories f or th• colll%lon c.auae. Even in t.he snontha when you thought

they would not be act.J,ve1 they have gained these grent victories. \\e send

you our very best .S.ehea o.nd trust that your AmS ea nnd our a, operating in

uniAOn i n accordance wit.h our Teher an aeret>r~nt., willlioon) crueh the


P.elu.sed !'r<lo the t.l\1t.e Houee Map Rocc ot 1715, DIT, 16 April 1944

t'JJ.-.S ~ V. -o8oEN S. COU.IIIS, q~--

Lil!\ltenant, U.S. N. R.

lllOStV!l. T


:; Do(U~.~of the U.S.

Dato !9V


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17 April 1944

Tbe tollow1na uouoge was reoo1Tod in t ho Wblte Houeo Vap Rooc y•atorday , 16 April 19441

•For Gonorol karoball rrom Admiral Looby,

"Your drnt t reply to former Novnl Par~on•s r644 1• oent today unohan&od."

The meaaaa• rororrod to abOYe w.e eeDt ao tho Proa1dont' " ~to tbo Prime IUniate r, 16 A~r1l l9LL .

Roopoottull r ,

ChESTl:ll C. ..000, Copto1n, u. S. NaTy 1

Aoeletant Maval Aide to the Preo1dont .

D »!oLASS!TUO : tiiJ~::r tb• u.s . Dau Nay 1 i"Su -




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~ y ... o.. 15 April 194.4 J::;:

With referanoe to the Prime )tl.oister•s 644. As a result or acceptance by the U. S. Chiefs ot Staff ot a proposal made by the British Chiefs or Staff, tho Combined Chiefs of Steff on April 6 eent General Deane and General Burrows, the Heads of the American and Sritlsh Missions in Moscow, the information given in Paragraph One of the Prime Uinister• a proposed message to Marshal Stalin. Deane and Burrows were instructed to pass this intorea.tion to the Soviet General Staff . Deane and BUrrows 1tere also di-rected to p~y o. hc.ndsorto tribute to the proeress of the Russian armies and to ask the Soviet General Staff to confi_~ that they, the Russians , for their part, will tulCill the under­taking given by ~rahal Stalin at Teheran to organize at the appropriate time a largo scale offensive to assist OVERLORD. Further, that any information that tho Soqiet General Staff ean give ua regarding their plans will be 'welcoce .

I doubt it the Prillle Minister knew of the above CCS action when he mo.de his proposal to you. Under t he circumstances it Yould not appear appropriate for Stalin to rceeive from you and t he Prb:e 14iniste't' 1nfor n:.ation which ow lllilitary Qis5iona i'"o-4d already given tho RU&aian military authorities.

Paragraph Two of the Pric.e J41niater•s proposed 1D88&age might be taken as containing an inference that AJNllo has been cancelled. Di scussions going on no~ betwoen the u.s. and British Chiefs of StAff have not aa yet result ed in a firm agreement aa to Medit erranean operations in support or OVERLORD. I question the advisabil ity of your concur~ing 1n the dispatch of this para­graph as worded until this matter has been finally sett l ed.

In the third paragraph or the message the Prime ]4ini.ster proposes to ask Marshal Stalin what scale the effort of t he Sovie t arnies will be af·ter D dAy of OVERLORD. The CCS message referred t o above o.sked for confirmation of the Soviet-Teheran undertaking, The British Chiefs of Staff did not conoider it advisable to ask directly for Soviet plans or seale of· effort, and we acquiesced in that view alter having previously proposed a question somewhat at.ilar to t he Prime Minister• a.

Attache~ is a proposed message.


Page 46: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

-- - ~ -- - -

6t.b t.o General Burro•a, head ot 70\ll" aialion in »>•oo•, a.n.d Gtne:..l

Gonoml St.att t.hat 1ft M<:ordance rit.b tbe a.creeunt. reached at Teheran,

pro~•• ot tbe Sodot. anaiu &rui t.o a Ilk the Sorltt. Otntr.l. sutt to

oorLf':1n t.h.tt.t. t.hoy, tor their pu·t., would tuUUl the llndort.Uin.g aiven

AI ~ the que1t.ion regarding tho IOftle of the SoYiet. ettort. raiaed

in h.rt.fl"apb throee ~ 7ou.r propos&d r:.eaaaae • lmole J •de a det!a.l t.e

DZCt.AS8l'I.&JPO,_j,\.Jient. d teheran,

l 7 .tauaoru7 or Sf< dfflY fly TA 4 Pc ( Zj bJILf

a, l?f'S:,o ... M'JI 1Q 1972

&ad I ~l.J.eve he Hant it. The COS .. ,..,,, t.o

II L 2 1 !JJSJ • 1.


Page 47: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

I - -

!thtr&n tmclert.&king. The Britiab Chiefs or S~tf 414 not oonlid.er it

a4v1Nblt to aak direetlJr tor Sorlet plt.n• or 1ode ot ettort be011uae

t.ho Soviet. doCieionn au.ot do pend on t.he dovoloplrl6nt. or tl\o1r opeN t1on

btt•oon now and the a!ddle of Mar. The u.s . Cl\!Ata ot starr took t he

HM view. I aa incl.L-:ed to o.s;-tt that tlbclt J •houl4 not be asked

the ••• will tl.ke plaee &round a date which Genorall Deane a:~;d

8WTOWII have recent.ly beon 41r ect.d t.o cin tho Soviet oeneral

sw.tt. We •hall bo acting at our tulloet at.rengt.h.

2 . 'Ire are launc:hing en ofttildn on tbe ltallat~ mi.ala:Dd at

dotorie• . lit ee:td you our nrr b .. t. rltb .. aM t.ruot that you.r


Page 48: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


Tho Presidon ~ TO The Prime iJ1n1u~er

SBRUJ. ~22 16 April 1944

nAT!!/TI!!E OR FILE !~1!1J!ER


su~= Inton.l.n6 ->tW.in ot dnt~ or ovuu.oRD.

ACTION An.swot·s P~-1'1<-"'> u644, 11. :Apr U, wdoh wac sent to

~be Pres i dent at l•accal.law oa W•.lTt. 28, 11./13)0:1. . In ~LnCA 17, lL/1840Z Apr, the Presideqt directed cessago Oe retorrAd to Oen ~shall for prepare~ion of re?ly .

Cenerel i>larlluall's ouss~atod reply sent too ~he Presidont vi~ courior , 15 J~pr 44 . ln .o.a...n.Cr'" 2? , 16 Apr 1.1., the Presi dent s ent Vanel"tt1. u.arshall ' a messoge, un.:b..snt;ed., to tho !lap !!ocm tor tren:168ion to the Pil. ::.ont to ?~ os t.b1s i522.

ln ...,,...,;. 28, H> Apr 1./. , the President dirooted General blarshall oe infor~;,od that hie message (~>""'CA 27 ebove) ho.d been 3ont without chtH"'.gO .. O>ee attoobed memo fr Cupt lloo<i to Con i.la rshall.

Anowered by P•-~~ t6SO. 18 Apr LL .


ACTION ro,rpiJ:fED * 310 OVJ:orlLOl<D.


I FTI.P.l>o

0291 -

Page 49: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply





17 April 1944

FRCII: O~nav ' TO: Al~sna, London



Your 648, thank you tor the information regarding recent

ditticultiea encountered in Greek particip~tion in our Allied


I join with you in a hope that your line of action toward the

problem may auecee-d in bringing the Greeks back into the Allied

camp and to e. partici pation against the barba.ri&.ns that will be

worth7 ot traditions establ ished by tho heroes ot Greek history.

Frankly, as one whose family and who personally have contributed by

personal help to Greek independence for over a centur,y, I ~unhappy

over the present situation and hope that Greeks everywhere will set

aside pettiness and regain their eenee of proportion. Let ever,

Greek think: ot their glorloue paet and ahow a personal unaeltiahneaa

wbieh 1e ao neceuary now. lou un quote me it' you want to in the

a'bove aeruse.


DJ>CLASSiriED Releaeed troll the Whit-e Houae )lap Rocc •t o200, Dl'l', 18 April, 1944 Jr ~ i ivlet of tho u.s.

BOYCE P, PRICE Captain, c. E.

.. B7 · • Pbf47t nat.v


Page 50: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

S. C.Fono No.7 .. ...-. .... tN2)

lterriuell at

6ignal ~orps, 11nittb 6tatts ~rmp TOP IEIHU

April 17, 1944.


... 0



Page 51: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

t Np f§ ~ij.

25 April 1944

..:WORI.NDU.Iol i 'OH

TID: :.IICIU.'l'.ollY OF f>T, .T,;.

At the reque st ot Ur. Grny . Ottioe

ot the Secretary or Gtatc , the utt~oh~d mee­

sege r52J from the Pree ide nt to the Pri~e

Minister , doted 17 April 1944, i s toreorded

tor the 1nto~t1oo ot the St a te Depart~ent.

1 Inol.

Very reJ?ectfully,

- 1 -

W ll.!:RT W. EOGUI::, Lleut •nent ( Jg), U:.mll.


the O.S.


Page 52: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

'to 1 'h1• Prt.. M1nl.et e r

.;., I 52)


l 7 April l944

Thank: you tor your 1648 w)d tht intol"'Mtion about cU!ttcultitl in

ON* p&!"Ud.paU on in our Allied e ffort reeent.l.J t nCO\lDttred.

llitb you I join in tho bopo that your Uno or acUon t.o- tho

probl• M7 aucoeed in br1nclnc be.ck. the or .. ka into tht cup or the

.&lliu and t.o a parUoipation tbat will bo worth7 or tbo tra41Uono utal>­

Uahed by tho be:rou ot the hiat.orr ot t ht Orteka &piut. the 'b&rb&rl&n~.

Ao ono wtooao r11111y and ""o poroonallT llu oon•ribot.d b7 poroonal bolp

tor O'ftl' a ceatuey to Ol"eek 1ndependenc:t, tr~ I All not happy .,., .. the

eit~•tion •• 1t ie at preeent and hope th4t eve~er• Orocko will ret.in

U.eir .. nee ot proportion and wU.1 oet. alide pettineu. !At ..-el') On~

allow a pt r80nal un.~N.ti.tlnett llbich it eo neeeua.ry now and t.h.i.S ot their

lllori011o poot.

It you want to, YO\L oan in the above ten .. quote • ••

( I

.... l .. J


Page 53: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

t t

~'ROM The Prosidont TO The Prime ol1 ni•ter-

SERIAL 52) DATE 18 Apr 44 !lATS/TIJ!E OR FILE llll!!P.ER


SUBJECT Creek diaturbences .


l · Answers P~ '648, 16 Apr 44, whiob wne sont to the Preoident as 1'/h.J.'l' t: 1.9, l 6/2)00Z.

£. In llLA~" )2 , lii/OI,05Z , the Prosidont eeot repl y to Map Root!\ for tron81ll1 tt<U. to PIA .

1· sent as this H52J . ~· Answ!lred 'by P~-l)ltCS !651. iS Apr l.~ , which was

sent to the Prea1dern t ns Vllu·rc2, 18/1 05Z. In fn.ACK 44, 20 Apr 1.4 , 1ntormed, " llo t;eknowledgmont or r epl y t'till be mde to II, irr: 62."



..14• J...J- .


I PI Lmlt

__.-s .._,



Page 54: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply




l'i! April 1944

fii(JI: Op n&Y

1'0z Aluena., Lonclon


PERrol/, lol.lliBl!ll 524•

Your number 647 receiTed ard delivered to Hull and Worgentbau

t or their information..


Releaae<l traa tho llh1 t o Houoe llap Roa. at 0200, !liT, 18 April, 1944

B:>YCE P. PRICE C&ptain, c. E ..



192 55927 IS'o(.~"f

/.lei( 1212


Page 55: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


r"ROll. The Prc~ident 'fO Tuo Prlm9 i.lt nhter

SE:RIJ.L 524 DATE 18 Apr l9U ~~~~~~~f~I-1$--~--------------~~~ OR M IE NIT' .!&I!


SU,J&CT Pos t -war eounOJ.ii.lC co l laborotinn .

ACTION J.. Answers ~AJ e6L? , lS Apr 44, \"th1ch wos sent tO t ho

Prasid.ent. at \,'aOIJI&WAW as Viiol.E 1./.., 1520LOZ. 1· ln dL~~ 26, 169)00, Adm L~~hy ruqueated copioa or

~•••&6•s r eferred to i n PU N6L7 (~h~ t ' a 476 & 477) be aent by t~legra9h; sen t es .,,,..~ .. r.., 1.5 & L6 , l 61JJOZ.

l· In d4hC~ )) , 180405, President directed following oe sent to Pl.l : '"!r 464 7 reed and delVd to Hull and ... or­genthau for 1nturt~lllt1on . " This wus r.nnt as at t nahnd f/5?4 .

l. .,...,..,;r, )L , 1801,05 , dir ec t ed tt1 a~ oop1ea ot Plt.,;.:, /I ' B 4~% 1< 477, and l'tJ b647 bo ,;i van t o Seo•a :.>t~t• und T-oasury ror tht;Jir i ni'or.uttJ.tiun . .PuJ'ti?h't"OSOd cop1os sent oy rr.eo.. '} , 10 1\pr 41. .. \


AC'TlOll COl'PU:TJm •


OATE : BY lll RECTI 0!1 OF ,

I Fl!.f.O l


Page 56: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

U. S. URGEl'lT



Pli.RSOHJIL AliD •••

18 April 1944 Midnight

Please transmit to the Pri me Mini s t er t he followins

oassogo from the Presi dent in reply t o hi s No . 646 ot

April 15:

"The situation here i s so different

froo t hat i n the United .Kingdom thot re­

striat-ions here v.,uld have t o be handled

differently. We are nevertheless consider-

ing whet can be done to tighten up, and are

consulting our military people on the point."


DECLASSIFIED 17 if"..n::lvhi _".f tho U.S.

BJ ~'N!: »•~• •v 1 ""


Page 57: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

.. '•

• Aprll 18, 19'4


l'~ -# 311 ,_. //L_· t1 /,I -&>;.LAL.i . [,!- ~ ·~ / v---r- -----r------I ouggeat, if you agree, that following ba aent to


QUOTE P1eaee transmit to the Prlme Mlniater the

following meaoage trolil the President in reply to hie

No, 646 ot April 16 :

INNER QUO!l'E The situation here ie eo different

·from that in the United Kingdom that raatrictione

here would have to be handled differently. We are

navertbeleaa oona1dering what can be done to

tlgbten up'·· and are coneu1ting cur m1li tf\ry people

on the po,int. END INNER QUOTE, END 'QUOTE,

Winant baa been authoriZed to aend meaeagea trom

the Foreign Ot!loe to Britieh miaeicna in any country

whiob may retaliate and to conTey to our mieelona in

ouch countries authorization to eend meea&gea tor the

British mi eaicne there,


Page 58: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


PRO!£ Tho President TO Tbe Prime >Un1etor

SERIAL SThTE D.ol'T #)112 DATB l!l Apr 44 1\ATJ':/Tll$ OR PILE I,!IUJ!ER :.li d night


SUl!J!Ct Ben on diplolll!ltic tmttlo rrom Lngland .

Act I Or! 1 . Answers Pm- PRcl> 11646, 15 Apr 44, which '""" sent ae

l'irtl'l' ll l.l, 15/2010Z, to the Prooldent at l'laocan:ew. ~· In ol.A<.ll. 25 , 16/JJOO<I , Adm Leahy directed, "Cive

oopy o( PM "646 to Seo State ror advice . President io inclined to agree w1 th sucgonton contained 1~ Pore 6. "

1· In \,IU: T.: 65 , 18/1945Z , Sao StntA sent dra!'t roply tooe s ent thru Amb Winant to Pol . ~· President, in BLA~h 41, l9/02JOZ, st• tod , "Your

lllossogo prop sed t o Winant in Whh'K 65 is " 'proved ." State Dept iumediately intormod by Uapt Price via tele­phone. Contir.oing .,.!IO,.ndum sent to Sec Su•e 19 Apr u..

i · Tb1a messa~e, State Dept 1)112, was sent via Sta.o Dept onlU\nela to Winant for de livery to PM .

COPIES TOo UATP.o BY Dtnr;ci'tO!~ OF1

Act I orr ro~'PLRTP.D, l PllJm r •'

f' '!lte ' 1 Ro.J ,.


Page 59: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

t 18 April 1944


t oa Aluana, London

l'rcat Opnn



Iour 650 receind and your moaoAgo to Uacle J, reported

tbo~oin hao ~ approYol.


( Re1oaoe<l r ..... the llhl.to liouse !lap llo<D at 2300, EWr, 18 April 1944


EOICE P. PRICE Captain, c.E.


DIGUIIIJ'DD 11 ty !•lot o f tho D.S.



Page 60: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply






' tOitOOUODM------------------------·1-l------------------------- 1------------

0lCOOEO IY----,;;r....,...----------------1 el :~•-•_••_w __ '"--.QE= NI= A;;;N.,----------------I ~

a ~



" II[NIAN ?! ltOUTEti iY

OUERIIEO 13 .. " .aDS onln'I'IU lll*f.TQ fillS OISUtCIII Will It IWII.mto Wml OUtlttll nlctNJIC( .liiD .U &11WIIIIrt1.UM.

t 9t 342 NCR ?429 If OPlRATIOMll "



CORAIOT IEISAII£ S£111Al IIV t~ TO READ .•~~t~a:R 525•.

YOUR tilt 133 Rf:FERS.



~ •• • OR IQ•



~· .: .


(' • .:_· ..

a.:cc.s (9/2?/58)

1' • , • • NOV 1 1971"

Signature-~ ) '

,.._, t.J 0 11 CHAitUOOM.

Malr.. ori•ln•l only. O.ll .. u to Comm~o~nlc-thon W• tc-h Oflk...ln p.r-.on. (S.. Art. 7C (4) NAVRECS.)

I"Cil H:l

CHEeK BiKIJW " 0 18

" GCT 20 ., •• .. .. .. •• " .. .. 30 31 .. ., • • •• •• 87 88 39

•• .. " •• •• .. •• " •s .. 150

M, • snetAL &J .,


Page 61: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

• •

•HA-V=~=-M=ES=SA=G=E======~t·==============="=AY=V=O=E='A=R=TW=:=·=========----=-== OWTtR OOtHSIOM MUit801 AOORUS!E£ •' rUUO(NC£

= ... =N~A~L~U~S~N~A~~~O;N~DO~.~N----~----1-=~~~~~~~~==:rP~R~~~~~~~y~~ COM 1¢TH FLT{CANDR) ROIITIN(

a • •

OEfEitREO 6 7

~~L~~----------11-1-------------------1-------- : PltiOIUTY




!I !2 !3 ,.

~~~~~~~~mil'iiiiiii'i:'ii'E:=~~-~=1·====>• til If OfOAnHAL J6


ClllCl ICLOW l7

0 !8


,. " ... 23 2·1

"' ,. 27 .. .. 30 81

·~---------------------------.--·· 33


cAV.AiiQ .... ACTI oN,_rnnk 10~~ !.!.::1:-:. .. j<' J

tt~ DECLASSIFIED DOD Off!. 52oo .9 (9/27t6s>

Da to- NOV 1 1971

.. 3;

30 .. "" ., .. .,

y42 .. .. .. ·~ .. .. ..

~~~~~~;..;,IUL;,-----------~~~>.n;.~Jllj~~~~~~.O.-~~~~··i-~~~~E;.~,: •• ~n:~~~-----------:.~.~.:N:a,~L~

SEALED Mab orirlnal only. o.u ... , to Co~m\lnl¢ati•n W•t(h Oft'i«r lA ,..,_, (s- M . 11 (4) NAVlt.&CS.) M(;)t ui



Page 62: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

--• t

PROll T'ne Pr~si dent - TO The Prime Minlste[

SZ.'Ili..U. i525 DATE 18 April 191.4 llA'rR/TlME OR FILE Nlll.!EER -'i"'R lW! ROCIC I VIA SU~JECT lntonol.ng l>ta lin of date ot\lVEltL.Onll

ACTION Answere p., 11650, whic h v:as aant to

•·acoamaw aa Whl'rl: 60, l8/l245Z. Presi dent at

Ans,.ered by Proaid ent ln ill...Ct< was sent to PM as t his ;525.

39, l8/023DZ, which

COPIES 'roo 'lA'I'Eo BY Dll'ECTI Oll OP 1

ACTlO!f rO!'PI.IiTED o I Fll.flllo ) 10 OVERLORD


Page 63: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

c 20 April 1944






Replying t o your number 652, 1 am sorry that Bevin

finds a impossible to at tend Inte rnational Labor Confer­

ence in Philadel phia but the need for his services at home

is understood and I am sure that Mr. To~inson with his

l assistant s 'frill prove to be welcome.


Released from tile Whi t e House Map Room

at 2330 EWT 20 April 1944

Robert W. Bogue Lt I Jg) USNR

DJ:CLASS!I'IIll By :rputy Arcbiv1~t of tbo O.S.

By 15~111~ Date 1 1


Page 64: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

' •• j,

""* Tho Proo14ent tO The Pl"i::.e lllnlstor

SERIAL S26 b.\R 20 Apr 4l. •

llA~UCil OR fl U: ~tl!!ER.

l2B l~tl ROOM I VIA SUrtJtei l:lrit.i ah Oo1\t'oro ooe.

rBpr~oentation on l ntGr net1onal Labor

ACTION l . Aggwers PM "6$2, wh1oh waa oent to the Prea!llent. ut

~IOO~w as~hf~ 72, 19/lS)SZ.

2 . Prestden~ ' a ~ply reoel•ed ln •ep Roo2 as ~ t6, 21/0)00't. Sent to FV ao thlo IS26.

COPII8 TOt ,.,., BY DlP.ECtt 01 OP •


. . -

AfiAo:t{.8''?LRTED1 I Mr.tn. . I


Page 65: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


20 April 1944

i3l 2£5!2i PlUulUTY


TO : ALU:,,if, LO•lDO!i

p..,.ll<>UJiA.I. A.Nl.l ••••••• FRO .• '!'IUS l'l!J!.::>lDBNT .FOR

Tlil:: .FOI&iill tmV.<L PJ:.RSO•~· NU.JB.r;R 527 .

Your 65) . Owi ng to accumulation of work here 1

t h i nk it wou ld be much better not t o have the inquiry

of a visit made at present. It vrould be much better

t iming from my stand9oint to have t he question raised a bout

a month trom now by the French .rtapre &.!ntative in Washington ..


Released from the Vlhi t o house Map Room

at 2))0 EIYT 20 April 1944

l<o bert w. Bogue Lt {jg} USNR


Page 66: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

- • t ~ r

FROIL 'I'bo President •o The PriQ& Ulnlater

SERIAL 527 DAVE 20 April 191.L

nATF/TlHE OR Pt Lt ~ll:!I:e

IR!! ~» ltOCil lvu SUIIIJ'tCT Yrencb Na.t.lon&l Cos;J. 'tee; Ylal t. or D• Co.ulle-

ACT'f, • Anawo·s PM w6SJ , 20 Apr 4L, whlcb wae o~ nt ~o tho Proe14ent at Wuccu.m.aw oa \\'J:J..l'rB ?? , 200l)OZ.

2 . Pruaident ' s reply r aGelved in Map 210)00Z ; sent. t.o tho P» •• t.h18 152?.

itoona o.s .diJ4.CA 1. 7.

) . Anaw•rvd by P~ e6S6. 22 npr LL .

r; COPJA tOr ..... BY DTPietlOU ora


j ACTIOlf ('CM'lF.i!Zh I rnn. ···'I I


Page 67: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply



Pr<at OpnaY

To 1 Aluena, Lon<lon

~ 528. PIIIS:)JW. .liUIIDU:···


21 April 1944

!OQl' 6S4 1o HCtd.Yed a1ld I a in ttall -a\ with 70fOl'

tolegna to lladteneie lUng qv.ot~ thel'td.n.

l!ale .. od no- tiM lldte llouellalp -at lB:Jl, Dlf, 21 April, l9t.4.

1!E111I 11. PUTILIII Captain, A.C,


Page 68: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

'' .. !

..,. .


PROV. The Preside nt., . TO Tha Prime t>!ini s ter

SERIAL 528 DATB 21 April 194/,


212259 NCR 80)6

'i'OR llAP ROO!l I VIA SURJECT canadian J oin t Stnff Missi<>n to London; l atter to

Canedi an Prime Mini ~t er.


!· Answers flu 654. 20 Apr '*'«, whi ch was aant to the President a t Waccamaw vie poUch as un_nWIJbered Whi t9 , 20 Apr 44 .

2 . P resident ' s repl y received in the Map Roo,,, as oLACa 52 , 21 Apr 44 . tiqnt t o the PM as t his #528.


ACTIO!! rO~·'l'!F.TED•

.;wf_, . J..' .flt.AJ'·~ I FILP.D :



Page 69: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


• '-'

21 April l944

From• OpnaY

To ; Aluena, Loo:lon



Your 649. Ao ;you -, the onl¥ poi nt lilicll d1Y1deo uo on Spanioh

polic7 h whether to """""" oil ahipoento eoncurrentlr with the rtiiWllptiOn

ot woltram abipmenta !'rom Spain to Germe.P1 to the extent or 60 tona over the

three monthe of April, W:a.y and June., or whether to do all in our power by a

united effort to contirue the euspeneion of woltn.a ehipaente untJ.l July l

in the hope allli helle! that thereetter ohipoonto in tho oecond halt or tho

year in the amount.a agreed to will not be pract.icabl.e. It eeemo t.o ue that

{ . to ..,.... to tho reOUllj)tion or \OIOltram ebipoento prior to Jul;r lot would rru .. trate the etrorto which we oro jointl;r 118king in S..oden e.nd Turko;r and would

impair our pooition in dealing with s..iturlallli and Portugal. To thooe


negotiations we attach great importance, ae I know )"0\l do aleo.

Furthei'IIOre, our public attaches the greatest importance to Spanish

ohipmento or ... lrram. and 1o .., •• critic:U or oil oupplioo ~ to thet

coul'ltry .nile these ahipmente eontime. Thq are moat i.na1atent \l,pon a

poU07 or tirmnen in tbia matter and • contrary <:wrae on the ev• ot m1.11ta.ry

opentiona would, I belieTe,. have the moat eerioua eonaequencea.

Tho Duke ot Alba' o repudiated proposal to whicll )'OU rotor Nquirod

obipoonto or onl;r halt tho woltram now propoeed tor tho root ot l 944 and

even 1n t~t. ease we said that onlt aa a laet ' reeort would we coneent to

ebipmonto before Julr lo~.


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• • lie ha.ve gone a 11ecy long way to meet your di.tticulties aa JOU describe

them in 1QUI' long ce.ble to me. Will you not, therefore, reooneider an

instruction to our two Ambaaa&dora to Join in a detemin&d ettort to eettle

the matter upon the baaie ot a suspension ot ehij:XIlente du.rina the first

hJ.lf year. I c1o not believe that lfe have yet done all that is poasible along

tbia line.

Releaoed from tho ~hito Houoe !lap Ro<lm at 18.30, DiT, 21 April 1944

HEHRr w. PUriWI Captain, A. c.


D!CLASStFIEO By Deputy Arcbi~~et of th6 U.S.

By ~~~~~ ooteNbfn

~123/Z NC~ 8035'




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• . .

22 April 1941.

This ms.or ondum will oonti~ t e lephone conversati on this- morning b&tween Li eu tenant Collins, l'lh1 te House >lap Room, snd lo!r. Gray , Seorotel'y ot Sto.te• ~ Otfioe .

By di rec t i on ot the Presi dent, the moa-3Bge on wolfrWR dratted in the Seorot •rY ot St nte ' s Spooisl Telegram No, 2 vt88 aont unohongod to tbe Primo 141ni&tor on 21 April 191.'1 as 115 29 .


Cl;E.,T&l c. WOOD , Cuptain , u. s. Nevy.

Assistant Nevel Aido to tbe Presi dent •

- l -


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{ ' P-rl (et ~ -I

C:::-1 ) Q'J-.IA'r- M '),-0 A'' u • r sa FOR TBE PRESIDENT -

As you requested, I ao submitting herewith a suggested

reply to the Prime Minister's message to you, No. 649, ot

April 17, 1944.

Our discussions with the British regarding oil ship­

ments to Spain and Spanish shipments ot wolfram to Germany

have reached a most difficult point. After the last message

to you trom the Prime Minister we informed the British

Embassy, as you dir ect ed, that we would withdraw from the

position of demandi ng a total wolfram embargo by Spain

and would agree to resume oil shipments provided the Spanish

would agree to continue the suspension of wolfram shipments

until July 1 and thereafter, for the second half ot the

year, ship only 300 tons, the same amount which t hey shipped

in January, 1944. The Spanish continue to insist that they

must have the right to ship 60 t ons before the first ot

July. The Prime Minister wishes us to agree to this.

As I have explained at length t o Lord Halifax, I

believe that this concession would have the most disastrous




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t t - 2 -

results . Our position in insisting upon suspension or

shipments until July 1 is baaed on the belief that in view

of pending militar y operations we must do everythi ng in our

poT:er to prevent shipments rrorn neutrals to the enelQ)' or

essential war materials until such time as the success

ot the military operations may render shipments impossible.

Upon our success in maintaining this position will depend,

I believe, our ability to eliminate or drastically reduce

ball bearing shipments from Sweden, chrome shipments trom

Turkey, and also our success in negotiations with Switzer­

land and Portugal to reduce thei r contribution to the ene~ .

I also pointed out that the response which has come

r rom all quarters to the statements made in my addr ess on

April 9 on the subject of neutral trade with the ene~

shows that this position represents the unanimous attitude

of t he American people and that t o act in any 'Way counter

to it would weaken the widespread support or our foreign

policy which has become increasingly manifest.

The Prime Yinister stresses the danger that the

Spaniards uy perm1 t wolt't'am to go to the ene1111 1t our

negotiations break down. ~ beli ef is that a strong and

united ertort to obtain a settlement wit h the Spanish on



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t • •

- ) -

the basis Which we have put forward baa considerable chance

or success and even gr eater chance ot keeping the matter

in suspension until it may be determined bY the progress '

ot events. Ambassador Hays bas just reported that be feels

that the risks to us, emphasized by the Br itish, grow

smaller as time goes on and that inversely the risks to

Spain or failure to reach an agreement with us are greater

as time goes on.

I also said to Lord Halifax that it they believe,

contrary to our view, that oil shipments should be resumed -.

concurrently with wolf ram shipment s trom Spain t o Germany,

they should undertake the responsibility and sponsor ship

tor the oil movements . I have not yet had a r eply !rom him

on this latest discussion.

In view of the foregoing, I believe that the best

course is to continue to urge our view upon the British

and the r eply is draft ed in this sense. Would you let

me know Whether you approve this course.


03 17

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<1~ ... . ~ ?'()

. • ~ . .x'- DRAFT REPLY TO THE PRIME IIIHISTER ~~,.wy ~ :/:_ ...

k ' As you say, the only point which divides us on Spanis.h

policr is whether to resume oil shipments concurrentl7 with

the resumption or wolfram shipments rrom Spain to Germany

to the extent or 60 tons over the three months or Apri l,

Kay, and June , or whether to do all in our power bf a

united effort to continue the suspension of wolfram shi p­

menta until JU17 1 in the hope and belie! that therea.fter

shipments in the second halt or the year in the amounts

agreed to will not be practicable. It aeems to us that to

agree to the resumption or wolfram shipments prior to

Jul7 1 would frustrate the efforts which we are jointlT

making in Sweden and Turkey and would impair our position

in dealing with Switzerland and Portugal. To these nego­

tiations we attach great importance, aa I know you do also.

Furthermore, our public attaches the greatest importance

Spanish shipments or wolfram and is most critical of

eupplies goi ng to that country while these shipments


continue. They are most insistent upon a policy of firmness

in th1\ ~tter and a contrary course on the eve of militar,r

operations would, I believe, have the most serious conse­

quences .

The Duke or Alba's repudiated proposal to which you

rater required shipments or only halt tha wolfram now


03 18

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. . . . • • • - 2 -

proposed tor the r est ot 1944 and eTen in that case we said

t~at only as a laat resort would we consent to ship~enta

before July 1.

We have gone a •err long way to meet your difficulties

as you describe them in your long cable to me. Will you

not, therefore, reconsider an instruction to our two Ambas­

sadors to join in a deteroined ertort to settle the matter

upon tho basis ot a suspension ot 1h1pments during the tir1t

half year. I do not believe that we have yet done all that

is possible along this line. (

c+ '-

0319 -

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' ·

FROll Tbe President ro Tbe PriW& l.linht ·r

SERIAL 529 DATE 21 Apr I.L.


I VIA SU~JliCT O>pan1s4 woltra;;. .


! . Anawerg ~"" a6t•9. 17 Apr 44, which was sent to t.he Presiden t at Vlodcarnaw us Yll.L1'.:: 51 , l7l3l5Z.

_g_. In ow.~" )6 , 1801.05, President di rootod t hat I'"' ~r6t.9 be s ent ~, Soo St~te for draft rPply . Sent by no_o, ld Apr 1.1. .

1· Drul't roplf sent ~ the Pros1aent Vib pouch, 20 Apr 41. , ae bpec1ol Telegrtuu 112. f rom Oec Stnr ... to tho Pr ~s ida.tt .

~· President ' a repl y , quoti ng v~rO-tim tiec btute's ~peolbl. Teles rau 112, received in Map rtooQ !1.3 Dw~(,;Jl 53, ~12135~, ~ent ~ ~ as tbi$ oessa0e ¥529 .

i · '>eo l:>tnte notified by t •lephone e.,oning 0!1; oonfi=~ by -on•o 22 Apr 1.1. .

§.. Answorad by '£1~ if655 . 22 Apr L 4.



,., ~-# ......... .



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t 2J April 191.4

Fromt OpnaY

Tot Aluena, London


Ulllll SJO.

YOW' I'IDber 656, I <lo no~ ban 0111 iJI!on::aUon ~~ luda e.e w

belieTe that. O.O..ulle and hie ec:..as.u.ee ot Hat1onal Liberation have

aa 7et i!Ytn lttr helptul aeaiet..a.nee to our Allled wa..r ettort. It

eeecc.a to •• that the •torcea inclu<linc naval tor<e.e and t.he RicheUeu•

were placed at our diepoeal betore De Gaulle.

lihUe it it im.poaeible tor c e t.o =-Me at thia time a definite

c:oa:aitaent to a v1e.1t.at1on rroc= him. at a lat·er date, I have no objection

1 t o tUa being in!ol'lle<l that & requeo~ !rom lWI naade abou~ the end or 1147

ld.ll recdTe such taYorabl.e con.tideration aa ia per.nitted by tho

oondltiono then exiating.

Circumotancea are eo ott on miaconatrued later that I will not ever

h.tLYe i t t aicl by the French or b7 Amer1co.n or Brithh commentators that

I inrtted hiJ1I to noi~ 11e in YiGDtUnston. It he oako whether I will

receive him it he 0011oa, I will i ncline my head with oOIIPlete ouant7

and with oll that 1e require<! by the e~iquette or tbe lath Ce.ntuey.

Thie ia tal"ther than the Oreat DWc:e wou.ld han •one, don't you think so.

Releoae<l from tho Whit• Houao Wap Rooa at 191S, EWT, 1944.

8>tCB P. PRICB Cap~oin, C.!.




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, ...

The atteobed ~esaase tro~ the Pr~aident t.o tho Sooratary or State T:a&a re­o&1T&d today 1n the ~n1to Houne Uap Roo~ .

Your o~tont1on is 1nv1tod t o the raot Lhn• tbo moosaga to Pr1~o U1nls tor Churchill 11 o true oo "y end • hould ~borerore 'oo oloae.l.y lHrropbroaed beto re bo1na oou:.cun­ic ... , tad to anyone.

l Incl .

nVo.z..n'l" \ t . }k,h,,U&, L1eutenont (Js ), o~NR,

~og, Prou ~ Soo 3 t ute , 25 April 1944.

DIOt.ASSI1tiD 17 Dtpaty 4?ob1•1•t o the u. s.


..... - l -


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FRO~: 'l'hJ:. PRJWIDE.tl'l' '1\) Th.t ::,to~~tJ,n.f OF ,:,T~'l'.c.

25 Al'Rll. 1944

'Kith rotoronoe to your memornndum d!\ted 24 J.pr1l I sent the tol~owing ~•osage to Churqhill on April 2):

'• "l, Your Number 656, I do not hove an.:r 1ntormot ion

th t leeds me to believe thbt DeGoulle and hi e Co~'ittoe ot National Liberation hove a s yet given any helpful aeal~tenoe to our Allied war e!fort. It 3eC~ to mo ~bat ~be ' toroes 1nolud1ng huval forces nnd the Rlchelieu' were placed at our disposel boto ·e DeGuulle .

"2, While it is im~ossiblo for me to mhke ot this time a definite oom:nitmont to 1: v131t .tion from him at ~ l oter dote , I hovo no obJecti on to hiu bein0 infon:~ed that • reques t from him made about the end ot Uay will receive such favorable consid eration oe is permitted by the oon~ d.1t1one then •>rlsting.

wJ. CiroumotHDO&& ase uo often misconstrued later t t.at I will not e'ler b~ vo it .sai d by t he Fronoh or by Aloorioan or Bri t.1•h OOl!lll1ento tors th!lt I in vi t od hio• to visit me in Washington, It ho asko whether I will reoe1 ve him •it he comes, I will incline my b.nad wi tb oomploto suavity and with ell thDt io requ1rod by tho etiquette Ot the l8 tb C~ntury. Th1o 18 farther than tho Great Duke would bavo gone , don't you think so ."

- l -

. '


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t -

F'ROII The Precldent Ti~e ?rilil~ •.. 1 r~l J tc r


SR!liAL 530 DATE 23 Apr J..,f. .

llATP./TII!E OR PILE l~ll.ll!ER

TOg I!AI' ROOII I VIA SU•J!I:T Visit or l>e Gaulle .

: x. .. &'t.'&r.;. ~~- rr656 , l''h1ch wau uant to th'9 Prut-~id<!nt ACTI£t · (. t 10CCOJ ,QW 98 ·'~· 1;.;:! 92 , 222000',(. .

2 . ?rettl<l ent ' s: reply roo~1 vod i n tho JJap Hoon as o~i:l)r. 60 , 2)2:120<:: . »ont tu Po .. ns t~.1o 1!530.

1• In D)...\)A 68, 25l715Z, the Pro31dcnt di rectod oopy b• sent to ::iec tit ate . Dy mouto, 25 Apr 44 .

J.. Anowerod by p,. N657 , 24 Apr 44 .


\)ec S t o te 25 xpr LL The Presiden t - o~~r.68 .


b()(). 9


J \

\' ,: ~





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25 APRIL 19/,L

FROw: OPNAV '1\) ..W;,Itl\' UJNJ)() II

rro...,J::R 531, P.t.'.li::.01<AL ruul4· ••••~

k'Ol< Thl:. FOH.u..R NJ.VAL P.!:.R:>ON.


Rererrlng to your 655 , I have today authorized Ru.ll

to eooept Halifax' a proposal to t-eotrict shipments or

wolfram !roc Spain.


ReXoaeed from the White House Map Room at lLOO, E'I:'T , 25 April 191.1. .

~IU.~uL-ROBI!t<T V,. ..OGUE Lieutenant ( Jsl, USNR.

s ?9 HCV 1


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25 April 1944

Thi s memoraD4u.o ooutil"'::e - telephone oooYe raation between Captain Prloe t ltblte Bous e W.ep Rooa , hD.d :.:r . Cray, ~eoretar; or St a t o ' • Otrtoe , tbts date.

The tollowing*meeedge trom the Proo1dent tor tbe Seoret~ry ot S ta ~e wae rooetved todey in the Wbite Houoe Uop Roog:

"1':1th re r eunoe to your Speo1al Telogru Number ) or 2) April , your aooept~noe or the British proposal ragordi ng •h1pmenta or wolfram tro~ S~ain 1a approYod.

• Roosevelt.•

Very ree~eottully,

ROBi.RT W. B:>GUk! Lieut enant ( Jg) , USNR.

- l -


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In rlow ot \be Priao M1n1o~or 1 o 1515& to 70111

1 belliTI and tho rEA OODOIU'e 1 that tho Wiooo' 00111' ..

h t o qrtto to the l atnt llpaJlieh otter lObioh M1tri1h

their woltl'.. lhipaonh t or KaJ and JW1o lo 20 t on• a

aonth and t horeaf,or 40 t on• a aonth tor tho .... atn4ar

of tho 71&1'1 a total of 260 tone . WI all fl&l' \hat \o

annolll\oo \ hat tho llr1Ueh are 101ng t.hlad alone wolllcl

.... u;t 1n reporollooion• 41tr1aon\al lo olll' llDi\ocl

front wHh t ho no11tral1 . Unlou JOil 1nl tl'llot other­

vi.. I .. prlpal'lcl \o eo 1ntozoa Ballfu \oaoi'I'Ow.


Page 85: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


• .. . \

Fl\0~ The Presi den~ TO Tl:e Prime loti ntstor

S~RlAL 5Jl DATE Z5 Apr il 1944 DATR/TU!E OR Pl~ ~"I!BER 251833 t<CR 8585

'I'OR MJ.P ROOM I VI A SU8JECT Spanish wolf ram.


Prisident at Weocame.w as Wb.I·i·g 91. 2218/_..oz. . 1 . Anawo"'S PM if655 . 2? Apr Ll. • whioh vras sent to the ~

~· In' BLACK 55 , 230l1.5Z , referred to Soc St at e for prgparat1on of reply.

1· SAo States propoel sont to t he President as Whl~J:: llJ , Z50100Z .

f..· cL.<1c;.{ 66 , 2 1715, approves lliilTE llJ . 2.· ew<C:.. 67, Z5l?l5 , fo rwnrds to Map Room P rasidont • s

repl y t o PI:; . Sont eo t h i o 6'531.



tlj'Qf. ::¥06 -I FI LF.D o


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! -..

!o t .Uu.,.. London

IUIJl1l! S)2. - AIQ) PE:iSOIIAI. fiDI 'l!lE PRESIDflll' FOR 'M:

FO!!II!l! N.VAI. Pll\SON.

Ywr 6S7, 658 a.nd 660. I ua .,.,.,. pl.ated lnd.eed b7 10W" .ucceu

in bandllrg t.h• Oreek 1\'\Yal. and .Uit.tr'J' autii'O"•

1 wUl hope tor a ebilu tuccuo in JOUr ctrort.. with t.ho

EQpt.i&n pol.U.1cal probltll.

Our pl"'aptctl ot aedning OVPJU.ORD by lti.gOrouo t'ct.1on i n It.aly

do look much be~t.or wlth a tixed dAte upon which we ma7 expeet all­

out preaaure agtLlnat t,he tnerlY. l n Yicnt Or our poa't.ponC!¢ent. ot ANVIL

a r~Al aucceto 1n lt.Aly now ••~ ttatnti&l.

Referring t.o your 6)9, I 1'dll u.pon "'1 ret.u_rn look iat.o the Jr.G.t.ter

to pl'nont in t.ho t\l.t.W'e .. ny publicity regardi.nc eubm&rin.u that might

properl7 be 1ncl.udt4 in our 1101\t.hl7 e t.a t.trMnt.

~~~h11'11 JOill wtll her. in W1:f ncat.ion reeid.enc:e. tbe doctor

f..Cl"'t!U with 11t t.Mt. I • be'tter.

TOW' 661., 1 b.a'l' t NC.S.-.t4 tro. Uncle Jo. an i<kntJ.e&l .. uage.

Releutd. troc. the 'OI.U.e NouN Me, Roo. t.t. 2)00, m, 2) J..prU 1944

P. H. ORAJoWt, ht. Lt., JDO.


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t • t. .

FROlt The Pres i dent TO The P~ime Mini s t er .

SERIAL 532 •DATE 25 April 1941 ..

OATR/TlNE OR ?l iE . !iHJ.!e.ER


SUBJECT Graaks ; Wo~s ; Admira l Low' s speech i vacat ion; mss r~ UJ r e OV.okLORD; operati.ms i n Ital y .


l. AQ§WOI S PM 621, 228, 222, 220, a od ~Q~• 2. Received i n Map Room as ~~~ 69, 2 02)02 . ) . Ao~wor~g ~~ P~ g6h. 2Q ADt ~~ •





. . ..

I ACT~!)~'PLJ'~. J/0 O • (,.J. . Pl!J:I), .3H 1 1JI"l- 1 , l . - - .. . • i • ••



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2!1 April 1944


' From: Opnav

To t Aluena,London



lour 666. Tbarik you very much tor your s~pathetic message or

condolences on the loss of Secretary of the N&VJ Knox.

I think it 1rould be an added k.indnees if you ehould rel ease your

message for publication.


Released tram the \~te House Map Room at 2Jf1, f.JIT, 29 April 1944 _

H.l!.PUTNAII, Capt., A.C.


DECLASS[FIEO »1 Daputy ob1vlot ot tno u.s.


Jo ol/3 o •

,.,, u~ - 'f..l'u· '

\ ..\ ,,~

I \ '· \

I ' \ ~ .....:-. '~ \ . \ . L .

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library 0331

Page 89: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

--• -\,. '· .

"""' '!'be Pres1~ot®' 10 '?he Prla' ~l .:Uat..~:-

SDIAL ~j) DAti ~ Apri l 19U llAT!IIrtMS )<J<)4)0 H~R 9~75 OR PIU! II"J>G

TOR ".JP ROCif l'IIA $U,J!CT ~tutel.l-ont 00 :,eozo.oo,e.r • ot ::uw, n.no~' tJ dOh t h .

ACTION 1. iaD~dt:H:Q ~ 1!166 Ol'~ A£162 2~ 6sro· t.t. \'i1'l1ch woro '"'"Jot

t.o the Pr os 1Uen t Gt VJoocAW.I\'t oa ~-~~.L'tw ill end ~ r e &i)cct-tively.

2 . J.nowor r eot 1vod rrom th~ Pru~ 1don t o s ~~A 8 ) , )OO~I.OZ.



COPI!S f01 I')Aff.l B'f DIRECiJO~l OPs


ACTIOJI ('O''PIF.P:Dt I 1112.1,

/ ¥0 . .


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0 • ·-

5 lloy 1944

Froau OpnaT

·ro : Alusna, Loncion



I propoae the toUowing joint btataent regarding U-boat warte.r~

in April for release on Way lOt

WOTE. Tho following Joint Anglo-}.luerican stat.,.ent on Olll:marine

and anti-wbru.rioe operations is iasucd under the authority of the Ptoea-

!dent and the Prille ll1n1•ter.

In April 1944, the United llationo anti-sul:marine act ivity continued

at a highly satie.faotory level. Again for another month the extraordinary

l. t&et... continues that ths r'IQ:!Dber of en~ subnarinea eunk exceeds the nu:1ber

or Allied merchant ahipt aunk h;y oubnlarinea. UIQJOTE.


Rel.eaaed tram the White Houae Jiap Room at 16.30, mr, 5 lloy 1941..


Captlin, U. S, Na>7.



Page 91: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

FROI£ The Presi <lent TO Tn~ Prime ~inister

SERIAL 5 ) 4 DATE 5 l.iaj 1941.




SU!lJEOT i Apr l ••onthl.y sub sta tament.

ACTION l • :>t .. tlll"ent <lrofted by Navy Depa rtment, sent to the

Prosident at Waccimaw as VihiTl 17), 4 ll.ay 191,4. l • <11.!.(;" 98, OL1935Z, the Presi<lent sent his preferred

wor41ns or the st· temant for a pprovul or Navy and OWl . 1· NarJ 11pproved President ' s draft 5 l.lfiY 1.1., etutement

sent to the PM as f53J. . ~- Answered by P~ H672 . 8 ~ay 44 .




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• u

8 Mer 1944

From: Opna.v To Alusna, London

Personal and secre t, Num·oer 535 , :f'rom the Pr&$1dent

for the Former Naval Person.

Your 671. I will be very ~lad to see Sir W. Citrine

and I am planning to do so .


Released f ro1a the \';hi te House Map Room a t 1900 , ~IT, 8 May 1944.

OGUErl COt..t.. lN;:> , JR. • A1e utGnant , U . ~. ~ . H.


tho U.S •


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., • L (.


FROM Tba PreSident TO Th• Prima Ministo r

SEJtiA.t. lt 5J5 DJ.TE 8 l.~a:r 19t.J. llAT~/Tll!E OR FIlE JllllmER


SU'lJE-C'l' Visit of :sir w. Citrino .


1 . Answers Y~ u671 . 8 Ma '{ Ll • ?. . This repl,t Q.ivcn to Cept&il1 Wood. by the Pre~ident,

d May " ·

Act'IO!i COt'Pl.F.7''ED s

Ooo. 'l




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10 Uay l9LL

From: Opnav To Alusna, London

Nu:nber 5J6 , poraonol en<1 11•••1Jt; , from ~he Presi dent

for the Former Naval Person.

I believe we should. inform IAarsbd Stalin thst ANVIL will

not be launched in conjunction 1vitb the ov.::<LORll asoault . r:r

you agree to tbe following uessase , ~11 you aend it as being

rrom both of ue .

"In order to a1ve :naxicum strength to the attack

across the sea AGAinst northern France, we have trans­

ferred part of our landing or aft from ~he Modi torrnnoan

to England. Tille , togo~ber •Hi tit the neod tor using

our Medi terranean land forces in tho present Italian

battle, ~kos it 1apracticable to attack the ~editer­

ran""n coan ot Frenoe in conjunction with the OV.i:RLORD

assault . Wo oro expecting to ~e such an attack la ter .

In order to keep the greatest number ot Corman forces

away from northern Fro.nce and the eustorn front , we are

attacki06 the Oermane ln Italy ot once on e maximum

scale and, at ~ho a~e time, are maintaining a throat

against the Mediterranean coast or Franoe ."

Released from tbe Whl to House !lap Room at 1205, EW~ , 10 May 44 .

RO.cll>kT W. OOOUJ:: , Lieutennnt , USNR.


__ .......,. ____ _


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r--I believe we should inform J.!o.rab<>l. Stalin th&t .A.NVII. will not be

l.aunch&d in conjunction llith the 07ERWRD assault. It you agree to

tho tollawins maau.ge, Will you send it as being from both of u.e.

In ordor to g1"" max1mwn strength to t he a ttock acrou

the sea against northern Fr-ance, we ha.ve transferred part.

of our l..and.ing eratt 1':rom the Uaditerranesn to England.

-This, together with the need tor using our llediterranean

land forces in the present Italien battle, makes it im.-

pr•cticable to att&ek the Mediterranean eo..at of France ' £-- / • <"v Jt</.:-) ~ ~Kx

in conjunction with 'the OVElU.ORD assault. We ore~- /

~ such an attack -.uter.-. In ordol' to leep

the greatest n~r or Gen:.an forc.ea anar f'rolll northem

France and the eastern 1"r<»nt, 1ro are attacking the Oermana

1n Italy at once on a =u::Lmum scale &Dd., at t~ Nm tim61

.re maint&ining a threat &g&inat the Uedi terranaan coa.et

ot France .

~· · D!ctASSI'l'ttD ., D puty chivh t ~r ~he u.s.




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' 1-c -..

FROII Tbo President TO Tbe Primo l.llni ater

SERIAL 5)6 DA'n 10 lloy 191.1. llAT~/TINE OR PIIB NllllBER

TOR 1W' ROOII I VIA SU~JECT Into no Stalin that OV~HO will not oo leunchld .

ACT lOll . 1. llo eeu~e proposed by J~~. Submitted to tho President

oy Admirel L""hy. Ap~roved with minor ohnng98 by the President . (:oe elso PH~-P .. H516 , 8 Apr 41., in \Ylli ch President first au~es ted sending message to ~talln about Conoellatlon of nh L, )

2 . 4DI!:SU:Id ~1£ ~lii4 l!62la ll Maa~ !"!. ·


. ACTIOll rO:'l'I.F.TEih I Plli.l1t

3/e 4,....;{. II * -_



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t • "l!

ll May 191.1.

From: Opnav To Alusna , London

Nwnber 53?, ••••• and peruonal, fron: the President

for the Former Naval Person.

Repl ying t e> your 669 and 670, I sharo fully with you

:rour distress at the loss of life among the F'rench p01m1atie>n

incident to e>ur air preparations for OViRLOHD.

I share a l so Ydth ye>u a satisfacti on thAt every possible

care i s be ing and will Oe taken to minimize civilian casualties .

No possibility e>f alleviating •dverse French e>pi ni<>n she>uld be

overloolced, alwuys provided that there is no reduction of

our et1'ectiveness agains t the enemy at thi s cr ucial time .

The message from your Ambassade>r at Algie rs referred te> the

ge>e>d p,syohologioal effect t o be obtained if a French tre.nsport

expert wore collSulted by the t arge t committee . This mat ter

sboul~ be referred to the responsibl e military co~nanders for

their decision.

However regr ettable the attendant loss of eiviliun lives

is, I am not prepar ed to impoae from this distance any

restriction on militt:.ry acti on by the responsible commanders

that in their opinion might militate against the success ot

OV1RLOrtD or cause addi tional loss of life to our Allied Foroes

of i nvasi on.

Rel e.,eed fron at 1200, EWT ,


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I I llny ~. 1911

?RO: : : Trrz Pr.£::;ID:!:1JT

'l'O: 'I'Ji:; Pn :c :c 1.:nn sTER ,..J.b1° rtc;>lyinz to your 669 ;V I share fully with you

your di s t ress at the loss o~ l ite £\non:.; t he Fre:1ch population

ir:c idcnt to our air !)rcp!n·atio:uJ for OVZRLOP.D .

I shll re nlso with you e. satisfaction tha.t every

possible care i s boins anC rdll bo taken to m1nim1~o civilian

easualtie~ . ::o possibility of' nl loviatin(; adverse r+'rench

opinion :ihould be overl ool{ed, always provided that thel'o is

no reduction of our effective ness a gainst t he e::~emy at this

crucial tJJr,e . '!'he rnossago from your A.mbas3ador at Alt;iers

referred to the GOOd psychological offoct t o be obtained if

a ?ranch trnns:>ort export r.•ere consulted by the tnrBet

eorru,ittcc . Th1!1 Matter ohould be referred to the responsible

mil i tary commanders tor the i r decision .

Howovor regrettable t ho attendant loss of civil ian

live~ is, I am not proparod to impose fror.t this distance a.ny

restriction on r.~111tary action by· the responsible cornmn::ld&r s

thet in thoir opinion mle ht mi l itate SG8 i nst the success of

OVSP.LOP~ or couae addit~onnl loss of lifo to our Allied Forces

ot invasion .

tho u.s.


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• .. l -

FROW. 'l'ho Pruu1don1i TO Tho Pr1~~ ~ 1n1o~~r

SERIAL #5)7 I>AV& ll May 191.1,

1\\VF/flllll 1116~6 NO~ l ?S2 . OR FILE NWJIER


su•=• Bo-.1> ll\8 ot Froooh t.o UY Clo;~kU.

oi villan popul~tlon 1noldOn1i


1. Anaworo ~"" t66-9 and 1610, 7 way 1.1 •• wbleb we ... O~'n\. oy cHreoc.!ol\ or the Pnutd:ent to .-..dain;.l Lilclh··, 8 iJby 1.1., !"or pro~,retion or roply . -2. Draft roply f ropa.:ad b;; Ad::li n::.l Leehy e..nd e:p';lrcrud 'by Prosldont a a auoc:. ttad..

COPIES f01 9.\iBI BY DlJi&CtiO'JI OP1

. ActlOM rOt'PlA'tlt'DI I FllF.Ih

J4~ -~

03 42


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12 llay 1944

fll(l!: OPNAV DI CLASSIFTI!D By Deputy Arc iviet ot the U.S.

TOI ALUSNA LONOON ~_j~~~--Dato ____ ~~~~~~------


FO!OI!R NAVAL PER.sOtl, lllliBER 5.38·

Your 67J meets ~~th my approval. Plea4C send it 68

being trocn both ot uo.

Your 674. 1 have no objection whatever to your inviting

De Gaulle and others of the french Committee to diseuse your

association in mi.Litary or polit ical. ratters; however, you

must consider in the interest of security keeping De Gaulle

in the United Kingdom until the OVer l ord landing baa been


It is Cf underst anding that General Ei8enho~er now

has tull authorl.ty to diseu8& with the Committee all. matter.s

on a military level. I do not desire that Eisenhower shall

become involved with the Comdttee on a political level and I

.e:a unabl e at this time to :recognize any goverrment of France

until the Frcneh people have an opportunity tor a !ree choice

ol govel"'Jllent.


Released !rotA the tf"'hite House lla.p Room at ~00 E.l!.T. l2 llar1944

Rob~rt 'li. Bogue Lt \Jg) UStiR

03 43


Page 101: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

l •

PROM The President TO Tl>o Prime Minister

SERIAL 538 DATE 12 Mo.y 191.4

OATR/Tlt!B OR PilE Jli1Ul!ER

?OR ill! ROOll lvu su~J"..C? llsg to Ul ro Al!VIL: Pre- OVz:,u.Qrtl> m9et1ng wi th

reprcsentnt!ves ot Frennh Nat1one1 Co=m1ttee.

ACT IOU l. Answers J!w "673 & 11671. . full ac ti on ::-ooorded on

th•se sta tus el1pe . 2. Answered by p,. /1675 , 1 ) May 41. .


ACTIO!l CO!'PIF.TF.ll: )10 ,.NVlL ; a« 21· ce &=




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l J MAY 19L4

From: Opnav To Alusna , London

Number 539 , personal and ...... _..t , f r om t he

Presi dent for the Former ~iave.l Person .

Replyi ng to your Number 66J, I am informed that

the Ban of Croat ia is now i n England. I am generally

opposed t o any ki nd of ban but have no objection t o

this va riety.


MIOLASSIFIJro By D~ty Arobi vi at of the U.S.

Br~9Myn¢ J)at• OV 19D


Released f rom t he Whi t e House Map Room at 1 ) 20 , l:.'\1'1', 13 May 19L4·

OGDEN S. COLLIN~ , JR. , Lieut enant , U· ::>. N. R.


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1) ~~~ 1941.


PRI.slDEllr TO PRlliE


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Tbe Pre3ident TO


ACT!Oll 26 Apr 1.4. l . Answers l'ut #663 ./which see for ao ti on. ~ c:z.. .. ···«'-"; '?1>1 -~ 7C


ACTIOll ro1'P!F.Tlro:

OS! ztz..I.......:...J I FI!F.Df



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' ll

f , ~.

1.8 11•7 1941.

fi"oal: Oj>naY

To ' .4J.uena., London



I .,. delisll~ed nth 7"W' telegra:o to llarat>U 1'1to &nd I nsh

1011 -.lei tell ling Potor thot I a:o boartilT in accord. f oont his

yesterday a letter in replr to a very nice letter I had fro= ~.

Incident ally, do 10U remember ra:- t ellin& you over & year ago

of 11ri ~all< nth Pe~or in >!hich I discuo•ed ~ho poaa1l>11Hy of t hree

nations in pla~o ot the one, he t o be the head ot, a reconetit~ted

Serbia. This created no excitement on his part or that. ot Pourit.eb •

Tbe nn.e, with n&l rm in his .,. •• , raa.rked that he- was a

Serb. I ~hiD< tiiAt Jw. and I should bear -. ouch pouibUH7 in


alnd in ea,se the new ,overnunt does not writ out. Pereonal..lJ" I would

rather have a lugoal.avia, but three separate atat·U with cepa.rate govern­

ments i n a Balkan c:on.tedorat.ion crdsht solve many probl«ne.

Released troa ~ho 'llhito Hou .. llap l!oaa ot 2000, nrr, 18 111,1' 1944.


f : a



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:II" ~"~~~ /Jay 18, 1944


I am delighted with your telegrG•' to l.larshal Tito and I

wish you woulo tell Ki ng Pe ter tha t I am heartily i n accord.

I sent him yesterday a letter in re~ly to a very ni ce let ter I

had from him.

Incidentally , do you re:nember my telling you over a year

ago of my talk with ·Peter i n which I discussed the possibility

of three nations in place of the one , he to be the head of a

reconsti tut ed Serbia . Thi s created no exci tement on his par t

or that of Pouri tch.

The King, wi th real f i re i n hi s eyes, remarked that he

was a Ser b. I think that you and I should bear some ouch

possibility in mind i n case the new government <loes not work

out. Personal ly I •nould rather have a Yugoslavi a, but three

separ,.te st .. tes with separate governments i n a Balkan confederation

mi ght solve many problems .



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r • •

PROM The l'reeideM 70 The Prime IJ1ni e t " r

SeRIAL 540 DATE 18 Mny 1941. nATR/TIHE OR PILE !lll!!BER


King Pet~r ' a now governaent ; plans tor rooonatltu­t1on of Yugoslavia .

ACTION 1 . Answers P~ p677 , 18 Way LL . 2 . Presi dent ' s reply brought to the Mop Roum evening

18 May 44 .


ACTIOll rOMPLR'I'i!Dt 051 Yueosl avia

DATE • BY DIREC1l 011 OF 1



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18 lloy l944

DECLASSIJIJ:D By Depu.tt ~rcbiXis~t ot he u.s. By 'fll·\· ~fo _

From; Opnav

To I Alut!lln.a, London ~niat;·~~~~~~o~v~~~g~n~~; Nlli8ER }4l. PERrollAL AND • FRa1 THE PRESIDOO FOR TliE


Instead o! a tripartite statement to be isaued by the u. s., O.K.

and Soviot GoveTt'lments, a.nd. in place of a llessase to the Congress, what

wol.lld you think of a state:n.ont by me alone along the$e lines, to be·

issued after D DAY?

®OTE. It has been suggested that the Allied Ooverrmcnte j oin in

a general statement to the German peopl e an:S their symps.thizer s emphasiz­

ing ,ne landings recently made on the Continent of EUrope. I have not

l. been in agreement with this because it might over-cr:nphaeize the import ance

of these landings. What I want to impress on the people of Oe~nr and

their ay.npathiz&rs is t he inevitability of their defeat. What I want to

fmpha$1ze t o them is their oontinuo.tion of the war- ·from now on is unin-

telligent on their part. They must know in their hearts tbat under their

p~esent leadership and under their present objectives it ia incYitable that

they will be totally defeated.

Enry Oe:nae.n lifo that ia loat from now on is a.n unnoeoaaary loaa.

From a cold-blooded pOint ot new it ia t rue that the Allieo will autter

lossee as well, 'rut tho Al.llea ao greaUy outm.unber the Oerme.na in popula­

tion and in resources that on a relative basis the Oenaans will be far

harder hit. - do1m to every family - than the .illiea, And in the lq'ng 1'\l~

mere atubborne-u will never help Gf:J'1IL&J'O'. Tho Al.l1ea have made it abund­

antly clear that they do not seek tho tote.l deat.ru.etion ot the German

- l -


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people, They do oeek total cleetruetion of the phlio•opll,y of thooe

Gel"Q&ruu 'ldlo have announced that they could a:ubjugate the world.

T-he Allies are seek1TI8' the long range goal ot human freedom - - a

groater true Uberty - political, religious e.nd intellectual; and a

greater justice, social end eeonollic.

Our times are teaching ua that no group of men can ever be strol"'8

enough t o -domin&te the whole world.

The Governn~nt and people ot the United Statea - with nearly twice

the population of Oennanr -- sene! word to the people or Germany thot t hi•

is tho timo to abandon the teachings o! evil.

By far the greater part of the world's popul.ation of nearly two

billion people !eel the same way. Only Germaqy and Japan stand out against

l ell the reot of humanity,

Every German knows this in his heart. Germany ard Japan have made

e. terrible and disnetrous mistake. Oerma.ny and Japan rr.uat atone reason.e.bly

tor the wanton destruction ot lives and property which they have committed;

and they nsuot eive up on impo•ed phUoeopb¥ the foloit.y of wl\ich by now

muat be veey cleat" to th•·

The more quiclcly the end of the fighting and the slaughter tho more

quickly shall we come to a more decent civilization in the whole 110rld.

The &ttacka .bich are now being made in the EUropean theat r e by the

Amerieana, by the British, by the Russian a..rmies and th.eir associates '11'111,

we hope, continue ld.th succeas, but the Genuan people can well reali·ze that

t hey are only a part ot a aeries of attacks .nich will increaee in number

and vol""e ~tntJ.l. the ineVit.oble Victory 1o coapletecl, UNQUOTE,

;_ ~F - 2 -ROOSEVELT ''"'•''

"'ell J/'t>o


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Releaaed !rem the Whi~ H<>uoe llap Room at l5W, Ulf, l9 ll&y l944

~ Capt-..in, u. s. navy.






-- I_

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;f;l s+ 1 llay 18, 1944.



Inttea4 of a triparti te stateaent to be i l tue4 by the

U. S., U.K. and SoTiet Oovernmento, an4 in place of a lleotage

to the Concrut, what would you think or a ttateaent by at

alone along theae Uneo, to be iuue4 at tor D DAI?

QUOT! It hat been S\llgeote4 · that tho .lllie4 GO'ftl'llllento

Join in a general stateaent to the Oerman people and their

oympatbizero empbae1ains tbe lan4ing• recently ma4e on tbe

•• Continent or Europe. I have not been in a1reoment with tbil

because it aight oYer-eapbatico tbe iaportance ot theoe landin&•·

lbat I want to impreu on tbe people ot Ceraany and their

oyapatb1&ert h the inn1tab1Uty ot their defeat. What I

want to eapbaaiae to thalli 11 tbeir continuation ot the war from

now on ia unintelligent on t heir part. They mutt know in tbe1r

hearte that uncler the i r pruent lea4erth1p ancl under their

present objective• it it 1neY1table tbat they will be totally



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• -2-

Every German life tbat ia loet from now on it an

unnecestary loao. From a cold-blooded point of Yiow it it

true that the Alliea will sutter looseo aa well, but the

Allie• oo greatly outnumber tbe Germano in population and

in reoourcea that on a relative baaio the Germane will bo

far herder h1 t -- dowo to every family -- than the Allie a.

And in tha long run mere a tubborneu will never halp Germany.

The Alliea have made it abundantly clear that they do not

seek the total destruction ot the German people. They do

seok total deotruction or the pb1loaopby of thoae Germane

Ow."""""" u.A who haYe 8 .tiileed"J......_.ha 1· ' b'i that they could aubju.gate

the world.

Tho .Ul1ea are oooking the long range goal or hwoan

freedom -- a greater true liberty -- political, roligioua an4

intellectual; and a greater Justice, eoo1al and oconoaic.

Our t1De1 are teaching ua tbet no group or aon can

over be atrong enough to dominate tbe Ybolo world .


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The Government and people ot the United States -- with

nearly twice the population or Germany -- oend word to the

people ot Goruny that this il the time to abandon the teachings

ot evil.

By tar tbe greater part of the world'• population ot

nearly two billion people feel the a .. e way. Only Germany and

J apan otand out nga1nat all the reat of humanity.

Enry Gel'lliAil lmowa thia 1n hi a heart. Gel'lliAilY and

J apan have made a terrible and d1taatroua m1itake . Germany

and Japan must at,one reaoonably tor the wanton dutruotion

of lives and property which they have committed) and they

muat give up o..,.. .M~ A }l-{d.JW~ v~ ~ "J t iE ' z' ; bill t ;~ which by now anat be nry

clear to thea.

The more QUickly the end ot the fighting and tho

alaughter the more QUickly thall we come $0 a more docent

ciVI11• at1on 1n the wbole world.


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The atueka which aro now betAs ca4e 1A tbe European

theat r e by tbo Americana, by the Briti sh, by the Ruaaian er.oiea

and their eaaooietea wi11, we hope, continue with aucoeaa, but

tha Gerou.n people ean we11 rea.li~e thet they are only~ part

ot a oeriea of attacka which will inoreaae in number end voluae

until tha inevitable victory is completed. UNQUOTB


'I I r-~


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• •

19 May

}'rom: Opnav To Alunna , London

l'llJ..-. •• ft 542.

rleplying to your 678 it seom~ to ~• ~~1t your proposed course

in handl1Ug the De Gaulle v1sit~tioo aft•r 0- dny is the =ost pro­

Qioing solution.

1\'het lwr or :liJ t M>flnio; or Vlenot should be pormi tted to send

code wessa.;es f rolol U.K . to Algior" can be sul'ely lef t to your


1 have no obj ection to the Comwittee ' a sending agents t o

Prance after D-~at as !1sonhower now hes quthor1~/ to utilize their

services at his discretion for the advantsse or our milit~rJ effort .

I o.lao t.:lve no o~jeot1on to the Suyrece CoCCAndor lloedi-:.erren~nn con-

nultino wi th the Committee about the bottle of I taly .

I have no of1'ic1ul 1n1'onMtion i n regard to the sel f coostitu­

ted provi s i onel government or l 'rtulce olloc;ed. in press report• to

hllve "been announced in Alc iors . V.e will hcvo to take a joint in­

t o rest in thct ~~an and if it officially comoa to our attention.

I hope we end tho bOvl~ t. con co.oe to a comoon aureement before

ao tion is ~ken oy any ono of us . You are fruo1lior with my repooted

announcemanta thAt in ;uncr i ea•s o;>inion the f r ench peopl e in

r'ronco should hCiVO u t·rou choice of thei:r own govornment and 1

r enlly eonnot EO back on my ott r Apootod atntemont tbot ~k~o lloe

UOI\ 48<41' s~a f&p ,.n, llslthc Commi ttee ond Do Coull• he.n ai med

1. Deleted "by Pro~iuent, d LUD ~. 20 -e'l ~L .


.el N

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t..p 08 recggnized o· ~bft aro yisiongl -py•ln.wnt or f'P"anee without

opy '&Pression or choige by the neonle thorn.-.lyea2und that I

could not recognize it .

Our battle in lttU.y •ecotb to l>e ~rogres•in~ f~vor:.bly and

I r.m bo eful of a ruoj"r :.1l1t-ry .;uece co in the n-ur future .

Best or luel< .

Roose> alt .

Correction to copy relens84 frott tbe V.bit e House l<ap Rooa at 1315 , =:\.'!', 20 l!ay 191.1. .

DICLA88IPID Br Deputr oh1v1et of tho u.s. Byjj~~~~r----

2underl1oed porti"n uddod by President, ~UL '• ?0 Way f.J. .


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• •


!£ 20 ll&:y 1944

Pl""'COC.t Opnav

To : .Uuena, London



Followina is eorrec~ed ~ext ot paragraph 4 ot ""' numl>er 542,

®OTE. I have no otticiol information in rogard t.o the 8elf

constituted. provisional gove.l"ftt:ent. ot F'rance alleged in press report• to

ba•·e been &N1QlliiJ.J)Ce<J. +a Aligere. Ke 1d.ll. hsve to take a Joint interest.

in tbat tfben and 1.t it. o!tici&ll7 coc:u to our attention. I bope we and

the Soviet co.n co•e to a coa:mon asreftll.ent before action 1• t.aken b;y aey

one ot ue. You ~re f&miliar with ~ repeated nnnounc~onta t hat i n

AQerie.'a opinion the French people in France ahould have a ~e choi ce

ot tbe1r own eovern:.ent and I !"eall.r C&J'I"llt go beck on 11:1 ott repeated"

na~eaen~ ~h&~ t.be C<>oaldtte~nll 0. o.ulle have aiaed to be recognized

as the prov1Uon.e.l Govel"'r'J&ent ot france ldthout &nJ' expr·eaa:ion or choice

by ~he people themaelves and th&t 1 oould not reeosnhe it. UNQUOTE.

Released traa the lihite Houee Wap Roca a~ l JlS, 00, 20 llay 1944.

NOSERT H, liTERS, Lieutenant, USllt.



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J..omlon ilt:s r equel:!ted verification and t'.-,p !at of your tnessat!:e to the P't'inle M1niater {RSD 17, .J::LU.:. )} t:ron:: t h e words "you ara fwllliar" t o 11r &cognize 1 t . "

I sug.gl!s~ the t'ollo~\'ing chans;e in cl ori1'1cat1on . l*'or the f'ollo\';ing v:ordo. " this has been their aim'1 subs t itute the word& " this repor t ed action has been tl1_e e.1..w of the Coml:littco" so th~t the lllst. Sl')ntence in psra;;ra-ph L vrill r eud as follows :

"You ar'J familiar v.-1 th m:r rt:!paatcd announcement$ thut in America's o:p.inion the l•'rench peo!)l& i n !/renee o.hoUJ.d h.•we a free ch~i ce of their O\':n sov 3rnmen t, e.nd I l"Ml.lY cunrot go back on my ott rep$e.ted st · tement that t his r eported action hqs been tbe aim of the Committee f or months D.nd thnt I could not recognize it .H

RECD llydo Pa.k <0/1335Z,

:!LUi:. 4 20 May 194L

Re REDS 17 and <1 und bLUi:. ) . Puragraph 4 RED 17 should Je further aruended by 1nsort1ng e.ft 3r oft repeated st<l te.ment "th&t the Committee and De Gaull e hav6 aitoed to be recogni~ed as the provisional Government of F'rance w1 thout any eAJ)ressi on or ohoice by the veopl e thB(II:Hllve& . 11

fi£CD Map Room <O/l620Z.

. .

0361 -

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From: Opnav B7 Dop\\t)" At"cb1vlat of the U.S.

By ~~·~~ Lon<ionDateV~ 1911

19 llay 19~·

To Aluens,

NUliBER 542· •••• , AND PEN.901lAL. FRa.l 'll!E PRESIDENT FOR TilE


Replying to your 678, it seeo• to roe that your proposed couree in handling

the De Gaulle visitation after D-day is the most promising eol ution.

Whether or not Koenig or Vienot should be pennitted to send code meseages

from U.K. to Algiers can be aa.fely lett to your discretion.

I have no objection to the Committee's sending agents to Fr ance after

D-day ae Eieeobower now bee authority to utilize their services at his discretion

tor t he advantage ot our militat-y effort. I alao have no objection to the

SUpreme Commander ~editerranean consulting ~~th the Committee about the battle

ot Ital.y,

I have no official intor.mation in regard to the selt constituted pro-

visional governmect of Prance olleged in pre5s reports to have been announced

in Algiers. We will have to take a joint interest in that when and if it

ofticially comes to our attention. I hope we and the Soviet can come to a

ccxtm~on agreement before action ie taken by any' one ot us. You are temiliar

ot a maJor m1l1t.ery success in the near tuture. Best ot luck.

Released froQ the ~bite House ~ap Room at 18l5, Ell'!', 19 Jlay 1944



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FRO~ The Pres ident TO The Pri:ne i41ni!:i,ter

SERIAL 5~2 DATE 19 May 1944

llATF./TirlE OR PI U: !~I!!J!Eil

192254 llCP. 3561


SU~JECT 0\lr..!U..oOr<v <ti scudsion with r'NC ; l tu l ian co.r.~!)aign .

ACTION 1 . Answ~rs PM w6 76, which wAtt n'!nt to thj) Pt"esiclent

at- l:iydo ParK o& RW 16 , 19 l.\ay 44 . g. Druft reply prup•red oy Admiral L Aahy sent a t

same time , RED 17, 19 J.tay 1.4 . 1· Pr esidgnt approved RiD 17 with 111inor challi;OS ( aLU­

-- 3). Sent to P .. i at 192254 . Admiral Lnahy :~ot1!'1ed . !z. . Jo • • u . of 20 M.t~s•, t(a'"Y Cod~ Roon, upon :"'~quest for

~ervice of r.essnge from Loudon, call ed kup Roota to !ee \::hether wo-CUng of la..,t s :ntence 1!:1 Pa:-a L was corre ct e.s sent ; J.D;e&nino ot s ~ntence. 'flas ::wt clear . Checked :·;ith H..rde PF. J·k ; no Mr:ror in t!"'ensmissi on fl'O!'l there .

i · t.lessa,:e , pr ··pared by Admiral Leahy ond sent t o the Pre&i den t ns Rt:D 21 , suv,Gested revised wording or l t!St sentt'nce , p-Y.ra 4 , to e1ari fy !lleaning .

6 . President ' s corr·octi ·::m rec&i ved in Map Room as uLUt. 1. , 20 Key 44, sent t o Prime Mi nist'ilr eg addieion to &542 .



0~~~-~~~~L_ ______ _L __________________ __


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---------------..... •

Froau OpMY

To : Aluena, London

NUIIBER 543. PEROOlW. AND'ti$ ..... riJ PR>ll '!lfE PRESlDENl' FQR THE


Your 68:>. In vieW of your co::x:;ents on m¥ ~ e.nd t.ht att.itu.de of

JOU..r Cabinet, I u in •ll"tce.nt. 'tdth rou that a a-t.&t·f.llent. along the linea

~U.ggested by me ia not neceeeary ~ I aha.ll therefore not m.ake a.ey at.at·&-

111ont at that t lJoe to tho Oerm&n people .•

I am intormin& U. J . ot t iUe decision.

Conditions here will not pormit ot f11:1 vie1t1nt tho U. K. ehortly

atter D-cia,y1 and ..tter oon1Nltat1on with JQ1 Joint. Obiote of Staff I do

not. bell~•• that a t\&ll et.a.tt 1111et.i.ng at that. U.. 1• neee-uary.

:ball at.att convtrt&t.ioM can end will be cord.leted 1mM<t1a.telr

att•.r the attack 11 launehed.

At s later dato attcr our forces are eatabliehed on the Continent

it does appear neceoaary to have a tull Staff meeting to decide upon our

1'\lture moves, and I hope a.nd. eJCpect that it will then h poaaible tor me

to be present.

I join JOU in a hope tbat the prtaent ca&nlt1ca~ pertor=ance ot

our Forces in It-.17 .S.ll continue and intllct a aaJor Gieeet.er upon t.be

eneay. Tbinga look well at thia IIIOCtrnt.

Releneed troca the "'hi te· Houee "ap Room at 1:)00, EWT, 27 lit¥ 1944 ·

CHES'ml C. I!OOD, Ct.pt&in, U. s. K .. y.


036 4 -

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l.!ay 27 , 1911



Your 690 . In v lew of your comnents on my

541 and tho a tt itude of youl" cabinet , I ar.t in agre&r~.ent

w.:th :roc. that a st6teotent nlong t he lines sugt;es t od by

me is not noeossar~ and I shAll therefore not nake any

st~te~ent at that time t o the Corman people .

I am informinG u. J . of this decision .

Co:1di t ions here will not permit of my vis i t i ng

the V. K. shortly a!'ter D- day, and nfter consul tation

with llY Jo int Chiefs of St aff I do not be l ieve thnt a

ful l staff meeting Qt that tine is necessary .

Small s t aff oonvorfJat1ons clln and will bo

conduc ted 1mnedie.tol!r aft er the e.ttP.c tc i s l a unched .

~t o lat er dato after our forcGs ara 03tabl1shed

on the Continent it docs appear noees~ary to have a

fUll Start moetine to decide upon our fUture movos , a~d

I hopo and oxpoet that it will t.'>en be possible for me

to be pro sent .

I ~oin you in a hope. t llot t he pr osont ma;;,..itieont

por forfi1D.neo or our Forces in Italy will continue and

inflict o rnnjor disast er upon t.'lo onerey . 77"~ ~.._,~~

tc I lZ. ~ ..... 7- , DIOLABBITISD

IT Deputy A~vlat or the u.s .

IT ,~.,at Dat• N Y


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Tile Pres! dent TO Tile Prime IU Dist•r

SERIAL 54) DATE 27 lle.y 1944 llATY./Til!E OR PII.& ~,qJl!ER

TOi! IW' ROOII I vu SU .. J!!CT Stat ... ent by Preaiclont to GoN8n people on D-elay;

Itali&D battle; Jo t confer ence .


l. Anawera ?~ N679 ancl #680, which see tor complete notion on thi s eubJeot.

2. Drett preper&cl by Adl!llral .,eehy; approved by tile President 27 Uay 44 ,

) . AQAWOtpd by p~ N685. 28 MAy 19LL.

COPIES TOo l)ATf:• BY DlR;;c rtO!I OP 1


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.. •

27 110)' 1941.

IMIBlR su. .... ET AllD PtmO~. fliQI '!Hl PRESIDENT FOR THE


Your 682 r·t~ceived. I &JU in complot·e agreCIIIont -=Lth you that the

Fronch NatioD&l Spirit abould be working with ua in OVERLORD to prcvw~

unnocuaa.ry lose of Aoericen and Britioh Uvea.

lou are llllly in!ormed in regard to "'J belie! that Allied military

power ehoW.d not. be used to iapoae &J'l¥ J)Ut.icular group ae the Goverra.ent

ot the Froncb people.

At. the preeent tiae I a urwbl.e to aee how an Allied eat.ahlism:ent

ot the ec-i.t.tee as a Go't'en:w:ent. ot France .ould aa•e the U·na ot .an;r ot

our aen •

AAf aeeiatance that the Coccittee or any other Frenchmen can give

t.o ou.r Arm:t ot liberation ie or course highly dteir&ble !rca our point ot

view ao "ell ats to the intereat. of Ft-ance.

I L1l hopetul t hat your conver&ationa with OenerttJ. De Oaulle ld.U

rewlt in inducing him to actuill;y ual•t in the llbtraUon of France

without bai111 ilopoaed by •• on tho French poopla aa their Oovensent.

Sell determination re&llr means abaence of coercion.

Reltaaad r.- t ho llhito l!ouae llap l!ooa &t lJO(), Dlr, 27 llq 1944-

Q!ESTD! C, IIOOD, Captain, u. s. Navy.

WP '§P' I


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-#:J r,pf

PP.E.:n!>3::T T< :->R.I:n: :

· :oy 27 , 1911

Your G~2 r a ecivod . I am in CCl"!plato agree-

mont wlt~l yoOA. that the French Hotionol Spirit should

be r:orldnc with u:.; in OVERLO:ID to prevent unnecessary

l oss of American and gritish lives .

You are fully inforr-~.ed in regard. to my beli<lf

t hct Allied military power should not bo used to impose

any pot•t lcular group as tht;~ Govurnment o!' the French

people .

At tho pl'CSCI'l.t time I an unable to soo how an

All!od o~tabl1shrnent of the Co:r.mittoe A.!i a Govorrunent

or Fr ance ·o1ould save the lives of on~r o£ our nen .

Any ossistonco t hat the COr.!!!!lttoo or any othe r

~~onchmon can e lvo to our A~y of l1berut1on.1s or

course highly clesiroblo f1•om our point or view .n:l \·tell

as 1n the .1nterG:JE o!' Frllnce.

! an hopeful thAt your c:onvor!lations Wi th

Ce:>oral de Gaulle will result in i:>ducin£ hirn to actually

assist in t ho U.beroticn of :o"ro.ncc without bcint; im3=1osed

by uo on the P"re nch people os tr:eir Govemnent . Jl¢ tit.~ · f1.vt ., ""' " 4. 6.tt., ,... "'/- ('() e ~ ~ , ,...., ''~r,~




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f'ROI! The President TO The Prime llin1ator

SERIAL 544 DJ<Te 27 May 1944 OATll/T!l$ OR PII.S f,11fffiER

TOR IJJI.P ROOM SUP.JECT Discussions wit h De Gaulle and FNC ,

ACTION 1. Answers P~ #682. 2. Draft prepa red by Ad!nl.r al Leahy; approved by the

President 27 lolay 44. J. Answered by PAl # 685 . 28 May 1944,



011 France.



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J'roe: Opnav

To : Aluena, Lonclon

IMIBfl! ~). • ..... £,j lliND PERSONAL •


27 llq 1941.

I propoee that the Cocobined Chio!o ot Stott be diroeted by both

of ue to tend tbe follo.ing message to Eieenhower:

QUOTE. You are hereby directed to cuke ouch pl.ane ae are practicable

to ttnd American troops t o the Netherland• and northwest Oer.many aa toreee

ot occupetion when boatllitiea witb Oermany ceaee. For pl&nnit!B purposes,

tho aroa in Ge~ to be occupied by u.s. Force a will cocprbe the state a

ot Schlemg, HanoTer, Bruamddc:, Wea~, H11#6-S.eaau aod tM Rhine

i Provtoce.

It w.Ul be a.aSJ.Zed in tb.ia plan that. France, Auetria, end the BalkaM

wUl not be included in an J..J~Leriean zone o/ n~onlibillty &.nd that Berlin

will be ot011pied Jointly by the U. S. , Brit.ioh and SoViet Poreeo. UNQUOTE.

Rele11ed tt'Oil the White House w:.., Roocs at 1300, 00, 27 liar 1941..

OHFSTil! c. 11)01), Ca.ptain, U. ~. tl•"7·



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t • I.

PRESD:;;.-,;•r '1'0 P?.IJ.IE :

I pr oposo t hn t tho Coobinod Chief s or Stoff

be d1r octod by both ot• us t o s end t::!tc !'olloT;i~ Mossat;e

~UOTE . ' Yot.:. a:-e her eby d1roetod to make such

p l ans as aro :practic(lblo to oor~d A."lerlcan tr-cops t o tho

tio t hcrlnndo and nort~wteat Ge~~o.ny a:. forces or occupo.tion

\'hen ho3t1l1t1o:s ;;l th Ger many eeaa&. l·'or )'Jlonning

pur-posoo, the aroa in (.i(U"'I!tany to '!)o occup::.od by U. s .

Por ces will oomJ')riso the states of Sehloowtc, Uanovcr ,

Bl"un:~wick, \'iesti)he.Ua , Ho::.tJc .. ~!asoau and the Rh ine

Province .

It ·r.ill be asaw::od in this pl o.n that Fr ance ,

Austr i a and t ho .Dalkans will not be i'lcludod ln an

k~or1oan tono ot ro~ponalbil!ty and thnt Berl in v~ll bo

ocou~iod jointly by t he u . s ., Brttls~ And Soviet ?orcos .


Page 129: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

FROII T~e Preaid<lnt

TO Tt>o Prime .ll.l.niater

. ' SERIAL ~S DATE 27 Jla7 1944


TOR MAP ROOM I-VIA SU!IJECT Occupation ot Ge~ and occup1od countries .


l· (Su PRES #4S7, 7 Feb 44; Pll /1589, 23 Fob 44; Ltr tr PRES to Pll, 29 Feb 44; ltr PRES to Pll 21 ll&r 44, all t1le4 •IIR 371 GEJliiAHI A!ID OCCUPIED COUNTRIES.) ~· On 23 Apr 44, BLACit 61, whilo tho Prooident waa at Waccl.maw,

President 41rocte4 Con ll&roh&ll to jlo-opare, ·, 4raft 41rectin to Gen &1aenhower •

.l· Dra.tt dlr.ctivo propare4 b7 Cen ll&roball, oent to the President as liJUn ll6, 2S Apr 44.

·A· On 2S li&J' 44, otter the Preoidont had returned to llao!Uogton, Gen lfa.r~t\t\ll we.$ instructed to send tho directive to Eieonbower ..

·The ot.&tfll1\ent was not eent to E:L:J~nhCM'er, but returned by Gen ltar$b.D.ll with reecmondation that it be sent to tha Pll tirot !or hl.o approval. Prea1dont approve4, oont to Pll as thio lfS4S •

.1· Anpered by PM 16§6. ll May 44.




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• :ll llay 1944

rz-, Opnav

To : .Uu.ana, London


rolllall NAVAL PERSON.

Your 68~ and 685 received.

I do W3nt. to make this deGaulla matt-or c.lo4r fl"'Ott my point of view be­

yond peradventure or a doubt..

Ltaa than a week ago, on Yay twenty-fifth, Admiral Yenard said goodbye

on hJ.a wa.y. to eee deGaulle in Algiera. Wt had a very sat.iatactory ta.l.k and

1 think he ia a tirat class man in every •&T, boe1dea being Senior Officer of'

tho I'Mneh NaV7.

Ho atked "" U I had an:r aessap to• deGa..Uo. I told h1a that I had

btlon hoping for a Htaage tro:a deGaulle to ao ••inc l t 1 would .see hila 1t he

ece over hen •rd that he could tell d.eGaulle that it I received su.ch a

' meua.ge ray answer lrOuld be an in'mediate and cot'dit.l atti~tive.

I explained to l'rl.o:, &-' I thought I had ll&de the whole matter clear to

m&n1 people before, that as the head of the Oovernment. and the head of the

Statt I could not well invite deGaulle to come, 1.1 tht latter is on.l.y the head

ot' a Conla1 ttee a.nd ia not the head ot the French Ooverme.nt or the French State. '

Fenard waa in complete accord, and that meaaaee o~ht ~ have been delivered

~o deGO..Ue b)' """·

I reel very o~rongl1 that in his pooU1on ho, 1n peroon and ~hrough

nobociT oloo, ohould oak U he ldll be recohod. 'ftlia 1o U..ple, stra18ht.­

torward, and the rep!T woulc be expressed in cordial tenaa •

Now •• to your 682, in fUrther replT, ot courte rou an4 I must do ever,.­

thinc pouible to encourage the french national IJ)irit. and to iet it trorking

- l- Iii P.lftll


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,..th us at top speed in the inmediate future.

We do not know definitely what the state of that French !pirit ia and

we will not know until ... e get to France, ~t we hope tor the be$t..

~arshall will be with you about D plus 4. We cannot give hi.'ll plenary

powers t.o negotiate with <ieGaulle singly or with you and deGaulle jointly,

because this is wholly a matter in the political and not in the IILilltary field.

Yarshal.l ean, of course, talk about all military Jll&ttcrs.

My auegestion 1• th•t after you talk with deCau~le that he should ask

me whether I would see hiro if he came here di.reet from London. Meanwhile

you could send me a 8Ul'DII!.3ry ot your talks with him arv.i we can be in e-o.'ltplet&

accord b,y the time ho reaches here.

As a tM.tter of pr-actical fact, the French ndlitary strength could not

be used on OVERLORD until then anyway. All plans arc tor l ater than 0-DAY.

I think I can only repeat the eimple tact that ! •cannot senQ anyone

to r epresent oe at the deGaulle conversations with you.

I should like very ~eh to accept Dr. Churchill' a adVice to make a

sea voyage in your direction and I hope to do ao at a later date. Conditions

here will not permit it shortiy attcr D plus fourteen as suggested by you.

Develop:::~ents of t.;ne OVEPJ.ORD campaign should point 1dth somf) accuracy

to the t ime when a meeting ot the C~bined Staff ia necessary . I think we

had best await develo~ents of OVERLORD before making a decision aa to the

next tull staff meeting.

Released f~ the White House Vap Room at 1920, Ell'!', 31 llay 1944.

BOYCE P. PRICE Captain, C.£.


the u.s.


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. !

t • ••

:CoUl• GS4 n :1c1 GU5 rocoivod .

U. J( .

I ' 'till .Lnst~ral ~I'

n!:lout .;uno a to ex;> n~· vier:s ot ycur t1octlnt:.

<t1ith Uo Gaulle !.n o.::or~ t o t ho .1J.1zo.t1on by Qa:'lcro.l

::1senho·::er sorvlc3~ t :u.t can b nr ovided b] tho

1 a::. 1:'1 !\:.11 a.:; et'lent \'tit h t '1c roelin.,: ox~::-cs!>od

by you thflt ::'r onco s!t:.>ulc..:: b o wt th uti i n on .

I hove ::10 ciO\t'bt ~·:htJ. tC\TCr' t h '

I hora nlll do

t expell the inve.dora

f r on Fl•tmca . !.i"):10l' O.l "' l'inullo to bo

~£tor t of our~ t"' n ~cl ••

1~ eir Cis trcss .

I should 1 n:o 'IO't'J l"!t.:.~h t " nc:ca .... t !)r . ;hurchill' s

advlco t o mnV.o ll !Jen voynco in your direction nnd I hope

to do so ot n lntor d s to . Conci1tio!1s here will not -pct"'r.lit

it shortly aftor D plu3 four teen a:: cu:;::o$ted by ; ow .

Duvalop:nenta of t he OV¥.1lLORD etu.1pbit_;~ aitoul<1 point

wl th ao:::e C'.ccurnc:: t o tX; tiMe ·nhan 8 rr:eetl nu o f t~e Combined d .,.t., ~ t d /..-y (

I l"l'' o.wa1 t uovolop:nentu of . '

OVF.F'l.ORD boforo t:!Dkin.:; t.< decision ea t o tho next rull Staff


.....,u It

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l(ay )1, 1944·



I do •ant to :cake this deCaulle matter clear fros my

point of view beyond peradventure of a doubt.

Less than a week ago, on !lay tv:enty-tifth, Admiral

Fena rd said goodbyo on his way to see deUaullo in Al gier s .

'lie had a very satUfactory talk and I ttlink he is a first

class~ in every way, besides being Senior Officer of the

FTench Navy.

He asKed me if I had any oessage for doOaulle . I told

him that I had boon hoping for a oessoge from doGaulle to me

asking if I would !!eo hir> 1t he caoe over here <>nd that be

could tell de0aul1e that if I received such a messa&e CJ

answer would be an iaaediate and cordial affirmative .

I explained to hio, as I thought I had made the whole

matter clear to many people before , that as tho head of the

OoverMent and tho head of the State I could not well invi te


~· .

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t -2- • ... deG3ulle to come, as the latter is only the heed or a Co~ittee

and 1s not the head or the French Government or the French State .

Fenord was in oomplote accord, and that messogo ought to have

been delivered to deCaulle by now .

I feel very stron&ly that in his positi~~ he, 1n person

and through nobody else, should ask if he will be received .

Th:it is Siople, straightforward, and the reply would be

expressed i n cordial terms. c.;..Lzt......_~#

Now as to your 682,1\df -c~urse, vycA, and I must do

everything ~oss1ble to encourage the French national spirit

and to get it wor~inS with us at top speed in the 1cmcdiate

future .

We do not know definitely what the state of that French

spirit is and we Will not know until we get to Frtnce, but

we hope for the best.

!!arshall Will be with you about D plus 4. We cannot

&ive him plenary powers to negotiate with doCaulle singl y

or with you and deGaullo jointly, because this is wholly

a matter in tbe political and not tbe military field .



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t ->-

uarshall can, of course , talk about all military ~~tters.

~ suggestion 1s that after your talk with deGaulle

th~ t he should ask me whether I woulli see him H' he came

here direct fro:n London . i!Jeam:hile ~"OU could send me a

swr.mary of your talks wi th hitr1 a.nd we can be 1n cocplete

accord by the ti~e he reaches here.

As a matter of p~actical fact, the French military

s trength could not be used on OVERLORD Wltil then anyway .

All plans are ro~ later than D-DAX .

I think I can onl y repeat the Simple fact that I

cannot send anyone to represent ~e a t the deGaulle

conversations ~tith you.



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IH 861::8

FRQ;I: THo P~i<.>l~i~oT ro THC. PfU.!J! J/.lill. t r.n DI OI.ASSIFIXD

By V•~\J Aroh!v!ot c f tho U.S.

~ ){Jot!&!¢. D&H~-1R~UV~~~~~-------

1 have received your 6SJ.. and 685 .

I ohould like to ::a.:.ke t.hh etst.ter or de Gaulle: clvetr tro::t ~ point. of

view beyond pera dvent ure ot a doubt.

in on his wsy t o Algiers t o see de Gaulle. ~e hud 6 very sati~f&etory ~alk.

Btsidu btillg ~e.niur Officer o! the r rench Uavy, he i::'lj)reese:. "'le 88 being

in every wuy & ! irDt- eluas ~.

t.'he-n he a~ked .if I h:..d &ny ::-,usage for d~ Gaulle, I r.eplicd tht.t I had

been hoping thut. de Cc.ulle would ~ond ;r;o n ite:ftt&ge &:M:in,g 1 1' 1 would :;eo

hl.-a 1r he em:1e ov~r bero . I s::oid tht. t de Gaulle co\Jld be told t.~t it' ~uch


I oxpl~ed to fcn~ rd, as I thought l h&d made ~ ~tand cleur to m&ny

paopl t' before, t.but 11 &:s h t:U\d or the Oovtn•nment and the he;,•d of t.ho St.nte,

could. net well invit..c de Cc.ullo to co:te, u he 1~ not the ht!."ld of tho F"t'ench

Govern..""tent. or the Rrench ~tu.o. bJt only the her-d of a CoerU.ttn. F'e.nl'!.r d

eo~plu~oly hgr.Gd; by now dt Cbulle ~hould hcv~ thi s meto&ge.

C-onaidoring de Ca.ulle' " podtion, 1 ve ry 6tronr,l.y ftel thi..t he ln

pnoon a.na t-hrough no one el:se, should esk if h~ 'ldll be received. This 1o

:s.l~ple, ~Strnighttorwurd, and 'i1Ji¥ cuu,we r wot.tld he e.xpre:Jaed in cordial terr.us .

t--'urtht:r l'Ciplying t.o ,Y.:tUt' j 682. 'li t IQ.U-5t , Of c.:>ur~e, do ev . ryth1ng ••

posa!.bl y a.An t.o encourn.g~ french nation.o:.l :apir i t, ~~;nd to ~t•t it. ..-orit1.ng




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w!ll not o(f)Ofot until we g ut. to fr;;.:\CC1 but. .'·0 hoye fo:r t.ha bo!lt.

dtt C!!ullo 'Mtlt. r t:t wholly 1n the p<>l1.t.1eAl • nc:t not. ln the 11H 1t.,ry rield,

we C:"-nn ,t. , he hir.o plcn.t.ry pOWCr;t to ne.got.L. t o with yuu und c!c Cbullc. jointly,

tr.a whethar I would r -ucoive hi:n 11' ho ca;;:.e he!"c direct. fro-.. London. lou coul d,

in tho :ee~ti.nw, send me a .. wn•n:u-y o f ycut• t.r.!..c& wlth hb!1 .md bl' lhe tim.e

The ?ronch :nilit.t.ry :rt.rer.gth could not, ha & 1!1.1 1..\.e r or prt~.ctical hct,.

be u ced on UV:S:lU..Cl'll W\t.ll then tiJ''Y''"Itt;.y, $-lncc a.U plAn~ UrC~ for L. tcr t.hon

1 th.ink 1 cr-.n only ropc:o.t tho ~itt.plo tbt:t. t.hv t I c&nuot. ~end 61\yone to

repro:-..ent. ~ at the convor~kticn:. b~t.neen de Gaulle and you.

1 hopu at. a l ater d,.t.o t.o uceo_pt Dr. Chu.r~hill ' :J t:dvlct to~& a #CHl

VO.Y •6" 1n your d1reet.1un, which I ahould like t.o do Vl!cy much. Coodition .s

horo will not. pemi t. i t. ahort.ly H-rter D plus l'oi.U"t.een as you. &t.lggost ed.

'Ko h6d be4t t~•.cit. d•vulop.-..cnl3 ot OV1.z--.l.ChtJ, ! thinl<, ~"rore ·:w_k.ltlg •

deei ~tvn ,.s to the ne~t rret.i ng o f the !\.til ~tarrs. DovaloJ;Ocnt.s ot tht~:

OVMU..O!a> c.ta."\pt•iUl lJhould poin t. • 1 t.h oo::ao ..e<:ur .. cy t.o tho t.iitlo ..men o ~o.t.lng

of t ho Co~lned St.arr 1~ noceaaary.

UOJ~f.Vi'J . .'i'

- 2 .


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• ' $






tB ~AI\JC or l'l'.t.TP:,

Por 7WJ' •r•• onlJ u4 wtll

ro• ""'" tor ., ruu.

r .D.R.



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lOP OEUiltl l'ftOo(: 1HE Pli.t:>ll1t:o7 10 I nt£ i'P.I>o!t: l.tl!ll. T .r<

NO I ~46, Jl W•y l9L4,

I hfo.V4 reeelved your 681o .11\d 685 .

' '

I ohould like t.o .:ofJke t.hh N tter or <!o Oa.ulb chnr tra.~~ :rrJ point or

vle- beyond per~dventurt ot 1 doubt.

1o on hi ;~ w ... y t.o J..lgiera: to • •• dt GAulle. lie had • ve ry u t.ht.eact.ory t.ili .

S.tlde s bt itlg .... eni.or Otr1cer ot t he Prene:h Navy 1 he 1.o;Jre81e:t -::e a s being

1~ ov~ry way a tirat-clu•• ~.

When he b3ked lt 1 hr1d M Y !rAtlili.go C'or db Caullo, I rtpllod thtot. 1 had

been hoping that. de Oaullt would Band :..i.o a c:.es,~e• • oit1ng if I •ould s eo

h.b 1t he cw::.e over hero. 1 ::usJ.d thb t de Gf.\Ulo could be told Wt. it such

• u .. .aae -.~ Neeiveod b1 ae, a:, 6n4Wer 'aoul4 b. an 1Act41a.t t" and cordi.!

a.ttin:~~~t.ivt .

1 ex;>J.Linocl t.o fOil< rd, • • I U\0\lght I hood <>&do IIJ1 •""nd cltl'r to :;.o.ey

peopb bo!o!"e, t.hut. I , £l ll htud of the Oovcrn...-,ent. Md t.ht ht'• C: ot Ule .!JU.t.e,

could net. will invit.e de Oeulle to Colle., .u ho 1 4 not tho he2~d ot' tho French

Oovern...,.nt. or th• Rreuch :,t.1.te, b.lt. only the he.·d ot • Coar:Ut.t••· fen.e.rd

cocaplt\.tl_y ll#"(l; by now de Gaulle :ahould have thi• ...... , ••

Conaido~ do C...Uo' • poalUon, I very otl'OIIj;ly tool tlwot h., 1n

abple , at.ralght.torwn.rd, ... nd ~ ~ner • ould be e.xproued in cordial t.e~ .

t'urther r-epl,y1ng t.o Y"\lr i 6a2. ife IIN~t., ot co.u.ru, do ev ryt.h1ng ••

pou!.bl y et~n to encour;.~g" r r.llch nt.t.lo:w.l op1rlt , • nd t.o

~ediAtely with us a t top ape.d.

- 1--........ .....

;<ot it wol'kina

DI OLASSIPIIIl t or u.s.

0382 -

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• ' '


will no~ ~no~ until we gut to FrRneo, but we hope to~ th~ bo~t.

O•nerr.l !lar!jhe.ll will oe 1n l.on.don ~.bout. C plu' 4. However, 6ln.ee thh

de Ga.u.lh 'lll4U.c:-r 11 Wholl7 in the ~UtJ.c:.l •. nd not. ln t t:.e '11llt.l.r7 rleld,

we cannot. .ghe hi= plt"nlir)' por;er:t t.o nt got.L.te Yit.h you and de C6ulle jointly,

or • ith de G&ulle a1n&J.Y. General Jlaruhdl CWl1 of .:cur ... e , u.lk 6\;.out.. nll

utt.erl in the miliL.¥ry tield.

1Jl t.ht 1111eantitne, send trle a t.tt:::::Qary ot your hlks with h1:n, and by the t1t:t

he rt•ched here, •• eoul~ be in c~1pl~te accord.

The French .:ailitt.ry at.rengt.h could not, •• a .::.l.t.t.tr of practical !act,

1 think 1 can only Npellt. the aiaplo t act tha t I c..mtot. send &i'lJ'Of'\t to

I hope at. a lAt.or c:L:.t.e to accept Dr. Chu.rch1ll• a advice t.o &Ike a •••

voy• '• 1n your d.1n.tet.1on, which I ehould U ke t.o do v~:ry :INch. Cond1t.1ona

here will oot. potmit. lt :Jhort.ly alter D pluo tourt.e•n aa you. tuggest.od,

•• h&d b.at await development• o! OV~~O, 1 tblnk, before ~kin& a

decl.S.on •• to t.b• nut. Y et..ing ol th• tull n a tr.. Dt-velopuom.t ot the

OVi..RLOkD e&.1Lp.~o1gn ahould. point. with ~• &oecu.rJ.cy t.o \J'It t.l.:le tmen a ~Ht.1nl

ot t.he Co~b1oed Stat! 11 necessary .

' \ l \

~ ByD

Br tho u.s. \

a TIP 8!011~ Dato--~IU~_j~9ZL_ ______ _

- 2 -


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J \Ul$ l , 1944


I am enoloaing tor your intor=ation a oop7 ot telegram no. 1799 of 1!47 3l from Mr. Obapin at Algi ere reporting the oonTeroation on 11&7 30 between Xr. Dutt­Oooper, the Br1tiah repreaantatiTo to the Frenoh Com­mittee, and General de Gaulle, in whioh the latter indicated hie deeire to obtain aaauranoea that the propooed oonTereat1one 1n Londoa ehould be ot a tr1-part1 to oharaoter betweoa reproaontati no of tho United State a, Great Bri taia, &lld himaolt. In other vorda, he wished aeouranoea that after roaching agreement v1 th the Br1t1ah Gonrnmont 1t would not be neo .. •&rJ for him to d1oouu the oamo matt ere again aoparatol7 v1 th the United States.

Mr. Chapin added that in hie oonTeraation v1 th Mono1our Ma .. igl1 on Ma7 ;,1 tho latter l11tev1 .. etated that he r egarded it aa eeoential to obtain theoa aaaur­anoea. In rapl71ng Mr . Chapin eta tad that he vaa v1 thout inotruot1ona on tho point but would telegraph V&ahington,

I ahall appreciate reoe1 nng an indication of the nature of a repl7 whioh should be made to Mr. Oh.ap1n' • request for inetruotione.

J:noloaure: Cop7 ot telegram 110. 1799, lla7 31, 194 ••


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(coPitntW) ( r.oJCPt )11C L} I, 1


SeoretarJ ot 8\ate, Waoh1DC'on.


1?1111, MaJ ;,1, ;, p.a.

, &lchre

Dah4 11aJ ;,1, 11144

Rao 14 11110 p.a.

Datt-Coopar 1Dto.,.e4 •• thll aom1 ng \hat he ha4

oa.lh4 on de Ga~le ua\er48J atteraoon \ o eaT \hat he.


ha4 hear4 \ he •a.rloua ruaora o1roulaUnc aroun4 to the

attaot \hat 4• Gaulle attar hanDS aooapte4 the Pr1aa

M1D1atar' • inn \atlon t o Lollllon now appaara4 to 'be hetcinc

all4 4-n41nc that eo•• apao1al rapraaentaUn ot \ha

UD1h4 8\aha ahoul4 be .. nt to Lollllon to parUolpate ln

the oonnraatlona. Dutt-cooper atah4 that he ha4 4ee14a4

that he ,.,~4 \ate the 1D1tlatln ln tbla oaae rather than

peraU de Galllh to ooaplalll to hla. Datt-Ooopar a44a4

t hat he ha4 atata4 tra111t11 that all *"'"'nc••en•• lnoluUnc

the pr1nhce o r oo-lllll.oatlona 'between Lollllon all4 Allllan

1n FraDOh o1pberba4 been aa4e tollowlng an aooep\anoe

111 nn all4 that he ••• atM14 that 1t 4e Otullle 110• .. ,

aakilll ••• ooii4U1ona 1t alll>t upaet e•er1thlnc at thla

er1Uoal juno~ .

ll&CJ.ASSDID S~ato Dept. lottor, l -ll-72

BY ~ .. '·'·"· N0~971



Page 143: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


De Oalll.le eai4 ~ha\ pt~rbapl tho ruaor• ha4 been

a:ua;erah4 aD4 U.a~ the oD17 point upon IO!Uoh be 4uil"'4

auuranou vaa U.at he pl'Opola4 LoD4on oonnruUou ' . lboul4 be frS:parU ia batvaan repruantaUno of Groat

B"Uain t he UD1te4 8taho 0114 h1DIIlf. In oU.er vor4•

aa14 he, he w1aha4 aulll'ODOII that after raaoh1nc an

acre .. ent w1 tb tho Bri Ulh Clo•trlllllnt be volll4 DOt han

to taka 11p the uttar• 418ou .. a4 a«ain oiJ>IINhl7 wUh

rapraeantatiYal of tho Aaarioan Oo•arnaant.

Duff-Cooper replied that ae he ha4 iDfol'&ad 4a

O&lllla ln tranaaltUDC the inn tatlon he wee qui ta oon­

'finoa4 that tho OODYire&UOnl WOuld bo trW.7 friparU ta

ao the ln'fi taUon ha4 bean txtoll414 v1 th full approYai

of Preaident Roounlt. He pointed o11t that Aaerlaan

repreeentaUne ln London inoluda4 General J:iunhovar

on a alll tar7 aDd Aabaua4or Winant aD4 Mr. Philllpe on

a politlaal plana and that there wara few per10111 in the

United Statal wbo ooul4 be better quallfled. Re aeltl4

opeoifioall7 whether the Gonoral would be oatietied lf

bo obtained a ehteun~ to U.e atfaot ~bat the oonYerea­

tloDI would be frlpartl h and tha\ General llelllhowr

0114 AU&elador Winant would pwtlolpa\a. De O.lll.la

raplil4 ln tbe attiruti.a.


Page 144: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply


Dutt-Coopor tully reported t bo oonYoroat1ono to t~o

Foro1an Ott1oo laet D18bt aD4 aolted tor 1netruoUono.

Tbh athrMon 'lllh&D I oalle4 on 11a .. 1111 bo r ot......a

to do Oaullo 1 o oonYoroat1on yootor4ay wltb Dutt-Ooopor

and olid \bat be folt 1t ... ooaontlal that aooUP&Dooo

bo 11Yon that tho oon•oroatloao bo truly Tr1par\1to.

Ro roUor ate4 tho polnt ...to bJ do Oaallo that tbo FroDOb

w1obe4 t o &Y014 tho dola:r oonUDioDt upon r ot11'1"1RC ~ ' -

~~r~•ont roaobo4 l n l..o114on bot .. on tbo BrUlob &114 FroDOb

roprooontaUYoo t or now 41oouoolono "Ub tho Aaerioaa

authorl U oo 1A 'o'aoblftlton.

Ao I baYo rooolY04 no l not,.,..Uono or baokcroiiAil

1nto,..Uon I atahd that llhilo I toU auro that tbo

OOIIYorUUODI w r o lllhll414 to bo Tripar\Uo I Wal4 M~l

tho Dopot"tlloat t or 1notraoUoao 'lllblob I bopo oaa bo .,._

po4Uo4 to .. .

Seat to tbo Departaoat aa 17tt, ropaato4 to Lo114oa

•• 188.





Page 145: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply






June 3 , 1944

The copy ot the P!~ meeeage which

you asked Rigdon tor he hae lett ln the

Map Room. Admiral Brown advieee that

it it ia being referred to anyone 1t

ahould , ot course, be paraphrased f1rat .



Page 146: ROOSEVELT TO CHURCHILL APRIL - f'MY 1944. · The Pr1me Min1eter1e meaeage referred to 1e returned hereWith, Enclosure a: 1. •!eo sage from Pr1me K1n1eter Churoh1ll. 2. Drart reply

t •

FROII Tbe Prooidont TO Tbo Prinlo 111n1otor

SERIAL ~ DATI Jl llq 1944 llATA/TIKE OR Fli.E M1Ull8R

I "lA

SO)!JECT Do Goullo ccn!oronco; "fisit tc Land01>; St&tt JliOOtin,g.

ActiON l. ~,., I! 682. 6& ape! 681. 2. tt;;., 1 tbo Proo1dont t r cn o d.rt.tt meooogo proparecl by A.:lodrol.

LOIJV. ). Annenpd br Plf ikaa. 1 J\IQt 4.4·




I P'U"FlD•