EVENING STAR. IIOHD4Y (Hlobcr :*o. I»7l. LOCAL NEWS. ? Amnvmratm ro-nighl. Tfati< rai TktaieT.Hif- F. S. Chanfrau. ..I>ora. * Grand Jrsty g»ff. UetWf by Capt. Wb. Conard on his trip to Sun Domingo. Mtuonu T> mpi'..The Orphan Boys' Fair. . CoWTEIBrT14»H* «)I THE VICTIMS O* THE Gheat Fires..The ( tic*»o relict oommittje forwarded. on Friday n1 ;ht last, a large lot of eh>thing to the sufferers by tiie late Ares in Chicago and throughout the States of Michigan, Wiscorsin and Minnesota. Can to ran directly through to Chicago were furnished the cotuifeii- kf by Superintendent (1. S. KuobU, Baltimore an«l Ohio Railroad Company. The committee acknowledge contributions of clotliin;. etc., for Chicago, trom the following persoo*:. Mn. J. V. <'lm>tead. I>t. M. 1>. Peek, Rev. Dr. Sunder- lan<l. A. Saks & Co.. Hun. K. T. Merrick, Rev. I)r. Net.man. General Itamsey, U. 5. A.; Y M. <" A., S. F- Culverwell, Mrs. Skinner. Mr*. I>r. hliw. liom an ol<l man. Col. W. B. Rochester. Mr*. F. Siiuonon. Mm. Arthur Shepherd. Mrs. Doim«n O- K. Little, Mr. Rich&rds, 8. Pash. Francis Walker, Dr. Ripley. Mm. Coranett. Lieut. Greely, G. E. Bacon.'Henry Biwnl.<t«, Janey Kank'in. .1. J. Chanmaii. Mr. J. Towles, Mrs Wm liirkKvn, Key. J. A. Waiter, T. M. Hobhn. Mrs. Murton. Art .t ie* were also received by the committee, and forwarded for the relief o. the iutiering in Michigan, Wiaeonsui and Minnesota, from the following, via:.Mm Ida How gate. A. J. Whit- taker, (itorfr Jjrskine, Mrs. B. Nute. Jr.. Mrs. White. H. M. Irwire. W. H. Dennis, Mrs. Gen. Jlinn. Mrs I». H McKee. Mrs. \ a**el, Mrs. S. jr. Baird. Mrs. Samuel McGee, Mrs. C. A. Dol- bear, Mrs. J. A. Wilbur. Mm. W. H. Johnson, Mrs. 31. A. PonnMaon.fi. J. Ba-ris, Mr*. George Hetlson, Women's Christian Association, Mr*. NeiM'ii. matron; M t.-» Arnold, an unknown friend. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Allen Goodrich, Jn<*ge Clark. I". J. Baxter, Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Pierce, Nathan Harlan, General Land Cffice; W. J. Mack. Rev. Dr. Newman. M. W. Lai hart. C. B. liaukman, a friend, Michigan Association. Rev. Mr. Hinckley,.John tough in, Mr Fitch, Mn. Goddard, Mrs. Seidmore, Wm 1>. Mack, containing contribution* from Mrs. M. A. Lawrence, Mrs. E. Heywood. Mrs. I). Moore, Mm. «». Delour.Mrs. Kelsev. Mrs. Gen. Dver, Mrs. Holland. Mm. Winfieid, Mr. J. H. ileu- nage. Mr. Tilley and Mrs. Dr. Bliss. Pernors desiring to contribute clothing, &c., will leave their ad.ires* with Messrs. KHboorn A Lam. corner of 15th and G streets; William Dickson, 44*5 11th street, or at Mrs. Scidmore's, IX" F street. The citizen's relief committee continue to hold meetings each afternoon. They have sent 95.000 each to Hon. Alex. Mitchell "at Mil wau- kie. and Senator Ferry, at Grand Rapids, to re¬ lieve the suftt rem iu Wisconsin and Michigan, and are in receipt of messages acknowledging with gratitude the generosity of the people of the Dtstnct. The committee of the Sixth Au<litor's Ofllce appointed to purchase clothing tor the relief of the raffen by the great fires in the Northwest ha>e received a letter of thanks from the Mayor of Milwaukle. who commends the jndgment dis¬ play ed in the selection of the goo<b> forwarded. "SoSbisi!«* Goon Deed ih ? SAroHTY W«>kli».".Many of our citizens will remember the Rev. James B. ltonelan, who was for a number of years the beloved pastor of St. Mat¬ thew's (Catholic) Church, at the corner of 15th and H -treets. tn m which lie was transferred about the year 1*53 to Burlington, Iowa. Mr. Dondan died there intestate in January last, and on that being discovered, his sister, and next heir. Mrs. l>rury, wife of Mr. John H. Drurv, the portrait and landscape painter, of Chicago, determined to carry into eftect his oflen-ex- Cressed intention of leaving to Georgetown Col- >ge all the property of which he might die G*seM*ed. With this object in view, Mr. and rs. Drury arrived here a tew weeVs since, ami at once proceeded t4> take the necessary steps for transferring the property. The necessary legal documents were nearly ready for execution when the Chicago lire occurred, and the new! came to Mm. Drurv that most of what she and her husband owned in the world, and what was x>OM>ibly the accumulation of years of artist toil, bad been swallowed up in the general conflagra¬ tion. This great blow did not cau«e her to flinch from her purpose or to falter in what she deemed a sacred duty; and the property of her deceased brother, amounting to about *12.000 in govern¬ ment securities, and real estate situated in tills city, was duly transferred to the college as he Intended. Mr. and Mm. Drury soon after de¬ part* d for Chicago to make a new eftort to boild up a home on the ruins of their former on>s. The I»i>r9TRiAL Home School.At the an- naal meeting of the trustees of the Industrial Hume, on Saturday evening, rej-ort* were sub¬ mitted, showing money received. S3.400.63; ex¬ pends d. ».>.£'1.7Se. indebtedness, *500. The Home committee report the number of children in Georgetown school (boys) 7«>, Washington (girls) 13.total 9!». Average family, b< th Homes, chil¬ dren and employes, 10. The ge. eral health of the children Lai been good. Thi number of meals furnished at both Homes was 27.000. The shop committee report the number of children employed at carpenter shop, 16; numlier of hour« workwl. t-3. Mr. Rothery has charge or the school in Georgetown, where the beys are taught reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography, grammar, tirawing and moral les¬ son- The school in Washington has been taught by the matron (Mrs. Niemann.) The gir's are taneht all the primary branches, and knitting, awing, fancy work, and to wait upon them¬ selves. They aLo perform a large part of the work about the house. The education commit¬ tee .*ay that they nave a large family to provide with food and clothing, and need funds to en¬ able them to carry on the work, and they eonfl- «iently appeal to' the benevolent to aid them. Mrs. L M. E. Ricks has been apj>ointed agent to solicit funds, and is now in Ohio for this pur¬ pose. » A Race Boat Swamp bo..On Saturday, the second I oat race was to have taken place be¬ tween the six-oared gigs of the Arlington and Analcstan Boat Clubs on the lower course, and by lour o'clock a large number of spectators were on the wharves. The Arlington six-oared bg Laura was at the starting point on time, but r. p.iglen, of the Analostan, staged his crew wou'd rot row on account of the rough water. The referee, Mr. Arthur Shepherd, decided the water to be in pn>i>er condition, and that the race should take place as soon as the starting boat . could be anchored. This was done, and at 5.15 the Lanra started. When near the juncture of the Georgetown and Washington channels she struck the undertow, and the boat filled and sunk. Th: men were rescued by the Minne¬ haha. Me srn. Dickson. Maunder,'Copeland and Wheeler in the stake boats, and were landed at (>« rsboro. where Mr. Young furnished them with hot coflte and refreshments. . . PritLir S< hpola ii iuxAmiA.-lr. Samuel A. Howard has been appointed by ti e Bea'doi School Trustees of Arlirgt >u distric*. Alexandria county, teacher ot Walker School No 3, at Ball's Cross Roads, in place of Mr. Wm K. Biishbv. who has accepted a clerkship in the CniKd States sig-ial corps. Nearly all the colored teachers who pa--ed examination he*.* this year, and were not appointed in this citv ar.d county, have obtained situations. The State Board of Education has reappointed all of the one year's trustees tor three years in .Alexsmnr-.a. F- Fvrd, W C. WilcoE and Tbema« F. Carper have I* en appointed in Fairfax in place of trustees whose term expired oi. the 'J3d. The other trustees were all reap- tminted for three years. Lawrence B. Taylor, Es^., ha* declined serving as a trustee of public schools for the Fourth Ward, being unwilling to take the prescribed oath; a ne-v api<ointment must, therefore, be made by the Board of Edu¬ cation.Gusfltf, Saturday. Real Estate Sai.es.R. M. Hall, real estate sger.t, has soM. for John Little, acres of ground, situated on Boundary street and west uf Meridian Hill, to ten of our prominent citi¬ zens. for who intend to improve the |>roi>erty by the erecti4»n ot han<isome villas. The purchasers propose to subdivide it into buibhng h-ts, which will be sold to those who desire to erect dwellings for their own oso or block of houses for sale. Mr. Hall has also re¬ cently sold, for dames Fitch, Es.}., 1,700 acres in Stafford county. Ya, for *o'2.000. Also, five brick houses for B F. Gilbert, on K street, at each, near St. Aloywns* Church. Also, one ard a half acres on the Georgetown road, for Dr. Holt, north of Meridian Hill, to Mr. r«r *l.3W. Also, a lot en Vermont ave¬ nue. near street, at #**>>. Also, a three-story brick on «th street, near G, for Mrs. Margaret Wilson, for t4,00i». « The Diste'ct Si*kis»q Fcwd..Messrs. W. W Corcoran. Mows Kelly. Lew la J. Davis and acting Governor Stanton, commissioners uf the miking fund, met at the Governor's office on Katnnmv. when measures were taken for the javmentof cou;«ns doe npon the ontetandlng bonds of the old corporations, and for taking active control of the fumled and bonded indebt¬ edness of the old corporauotw and the new Dis¬ trict government. The board adjourned to n»:e* again at an early day. A room will be assigned for the use of the .-4wnmi"siooersin the e*eeu«w» building, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 17 tn street. a Br tLDt*45 Permite..The following hare been issued -.J. Wroe. two-story brick, G street, be¬ tween I'd and 3d. N. W.; l lrnnoa, three-story brick. West street, between Monroe and North, Georgetown; Mrs. C. Spalding, two-story frame on In ion st., between 4 , and tfth and M and N, S. W ; Martin Jt Walker, two-stsry frame, P street, between 15th and loth. A KlUs, two-story frame. 12th street, between Q and R northwest. Lloyd Mudd. two-story frame, corner ef New York avenue and JWh streets. « A Ft*E Bass..Mr. Flanagan, of Beaton Hall, caught at the Great Falls of Potomac yeeterdar a black bass weighing pounds, the largest fish of the season. It mav be seen by doubters at Seaton Hall, corner D and Mb streets, to¬ day. v . L«k«1<i. Bc ware of bogus " Chicago aufterer*.'' The nest national police convention will be held in this city. The board appointed to into the qualifications of druggists will tovu bejin their fnan. Officer Jackson, of these venth precinct, found the body of a dead rolarad child at the corner uf Kth nrxi <. streets northwest this morning. A nior* of lectnrse hi aid of the nations! Mow merriment in this city wilt shortly be announced, with Walt Whitman as the liret keturer. The grstwl mission etf .St. Peter's (Catholic) Church, which hu been in progress for two weeks, closed la*t night About two handrod convert* were baptized yesterday. Mr. M. Y. Holly i* engaged to-day placing the new telegrajih instruments in the several police station-houses, and making 4he connection with headquarters. At a meeting of the Woman's Clnb on Satur¬ day evening. It was resolved that the chief and car Imal remedy for the social evil lies in the political enfranchisement or women. The President's new stable, be'ow the Navy Department, is being rapidly completed. The roof is now being pat on, and it will soon be ready for occupancy. The Fewrtb Baptist (colored) Chnrch, on K street, near 12th, was dedicated yesterday. An impressive sermon was preached by Itev. I). W. Andi r«o. pastor of the littb-street Baptist Church. St. Matthew's Catholic Total Abstinence So¬ ciety met at Carroll Jdall last ni/ht, and appro- i>riatcdP10 for the reiiet of theChicago orphans. Messrs. George Savage, W. P. Drecr, Mr. Dun¬ ning and Mr. Morton made addresses. A large nunlxr of Manotii belonging to Leb¬ anon Lodge. No. 7; Washington Coeimandery, No. 1, and Columbia Chapter, No. 1. turned out to-day at one o'clock to attend the fun-ralof the late Peter Bergman, one of the oldest members of the order in this District. A daughter of Mr. Petersen, deceased, in wliose house President Lincoln died, wants to sell the pillow-cases, pillow jumI bed-spread used on the martyred President's death bed, to tu.: government for exhibition in the niuet um of the Patent Office. On Friday evening next there will be an amateur theatrical entertainment at Wall's Opera House, for the benefit wt' the Epiph¬ any Church Dome. 1 be ladies and gen¬ tlemen taking parts are well known in Wash¬ ington .ociety, and the entertainment deserves a liberal patronage. Workmen were employed yesterday in sinking the circular pier of the Long Bridge in the Georgetown channel. This is iloiis by uteaus of a row of beavv iron screws passing through a stationary wood frame-work above, and as fast as the masonry work is bniit up the pier is lowered dawn to its proper place, a roan being stationed at each screw to regulate the descent. Tu* Scimiric Lecttre Coras*.The first lecture of this course will be given on Wednesday evening of next week by Professor Samuel D. HilLman, of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Fa. The subject will be, "The Descent of Man. or Our Race In Search of its Grand¬ fathers," a sharp and somewhat humorous criti¬ cism of the Darwinian theory, the discussion of which is now exettitif so much interest among the writers on this subject, as well as among the intelligent classes generally. Darwin, evident¬ ly, is Vosriug ground, becaase of hie extreme views, which trequently rebound to liis decide 1 disadvantage and becone the subject for much keen satire. Prof. RiUman is well known as one of the ablest contributors to the Methodist (Quar¬ terly, the articles in whicb are always of a very high standard. Tbe sale of season tickets will close early next week, and the diagram will re¬ main open at Bailautyne's until Tuesd.iv, No¬ vember "th. Parties who have purchased tick¬ ets from members of the association, which entitle them to reserved seats, should secure them without delay. ? Srornr Death.About 9 o'clock this morn¬ ing a colored man named George Taylor t'e'l from the platform of tbe freight depot on Mary¬ land avenue in a spasm, and Mr. T. H. Barroii, who was near by, ran to his aid at once and used all the means at hand to restore him. but failed, and Taylor died In a few minutes after his fall. The coroner has been notified. LaUr..Coroner Potter visited the first pre¬ cinct station about one o'clock, to hold an Inquest on the body, but deemed it unnecessary, as it wu evident that death was caused bv apo¬ plexy. # ATTACHimrro* Wages. WatkingUm, D. C., October 26,1871.Editor Star : I would like to ask, through the columns of your valuable paper, if a party can lay an attachment on a workingman'a wages for debt. By giving m>* the information asked for you will confer a great tavoron A Wokkiho Maw. Yes.Magistrates now, (under a recent act of the Legislative Assembly,) in any amount not exceeding S100, may issue" writs or attachment. ? The Haei>-booe roR Postmasters is the title of a useful pamphlet published by Messrs. Judd & Detweiler. It is filled with valuable in¬ formation relative to the Post Office Department, rates of postage, rulings, &c, e Alaska Diakowds set in gold; fine French gilt, Oroide, Plated, Tortoise Shell, and Jet Jewelry, in all the new styles, at Prigg's Jew¬ elry Store, No. 4ff7 Pa. are., bet. 4* and 6th st*. The following finance committee has been appointed in the 17th legislative district: George Goodall. Perry Carson, Charles Marshall, Wm. White, L. Karpellas. the conn. COURT IN GENERAL TEKM ..To day, the ease of Willard act. Willard was called, and Mr. Wash mgton roved its eoatinnaDce because of Hr D .v- idce's indi*po*iton. Mr Merrick, for Mr. Hem> Willard, (the plaintiff.) resisted the motion. The Court stated ibat the Case muU be disposed "f at this term: that it was the determination of the Court to put sn end to tbt litigation of these Wi lard*, and would set th* case to be heard under any circom ¦taiK.es on Friday next, and if Mr. Davidge < id nut recover in the meantime. Joseph Willard coald employ other counsel. The ca»e of Huyck art. Aietropet si., waataken np.Mattingly for plaintiff, Fetidall Jt Feodall and Lambert for deteadants. KM IT L'OCRT, Judge M<-r ArthurThs Oc¬ tober term of this e. nrt was rc»um«l this morning, but no businean was done other than calling the ducket and setting cases for trial. Judge M > A r - tnnr gave notice that to morrow he would h»ar sp peal cases, and on Wednesday morning he would take up the general callender, calling titteen ras-s each day in their order. POLICE COURT, To pay, Judge Snell . John Kay. rbargtd with assault on officer I>uboi*; fiueu #3 and costs. Seal Anderson, charged with larceny of $ 13 from Margaret Johnson; fined 515 and costs Kate Willisms and Ann Morrison. chtr? d with profanity, fined 93 each. Bernard Sharer, pr.Nn ity on tbe street; nneJ 93. M irv Spriggs. profanity in Sailor* Alley- fined 93 John Rocky, a hoy, charged with nntawfal assembly on C 1 12 th streets; sent to the Reform SchooL Wm. Warr-n. carrying a razor; fined 910- Virginia Slireve, charged w+th uilngprofane and indecent lanau ige, fined 43. Kobcrt McLain, charged with profanity; lined 93. Mary Bivers, charge*! with cu-saing on Cherry street, Georgetown, lined #3. Catherine Barker- same offense; fined §5 Joseph Williams same offense; fined 93. Randall Benson, an old offender, charged with ths same; fined 93. SHOOTIS6 A. (IN. Peter Carter, assault on Alfred King with intent to kill. Thfi occurred some two weeks ago. Carter raised a loaded gnu and Uxk deliberate aim at King and shot him. killing bis dog, which was be-ide him atid put several shot into King's knee*. Dr Butt t>stiffed that he took between forty and fifty No. ( bird (hot out of King's legs, some of them p-*n .. trating t< the bone. Held for action of the grand jur> in the sum of f(00. George Carter assault on Anna Carter, hi* wife; fine** *i. A SWEET BCSIKES* Virginia 9weet, charged with a«aanlt and burg lerkusly breaking open the boose of Jnlia A uglier ton. on B street sr.UtL. between 9th snd 10th str-ets. with intent to kill Julia. Officer Kearney was g'irig Ma ronnds, and heard the cry of murder proceeding ft' in ths house, and on going there found Mrs Sweet battering the window* and door* of Mrs. Au gbeitou's bonse; snd en hi* approach Mrs. Sweet .tated that Mrs A had her (Mrs. Sweet's) husband iu there, and called her very had names, saving that she (Mrs A ! was trying to get away her husbaud. Several of the window* were broksn. and th ¦ rti r took her into custody; requited to give bonds in the sum of 9-U> to keep the peace. Eftkt OB THE New York Coal Sale i* the Miatxe Rbqioe*.We learn trom Potts- Mlle, Pa., thia morning, that the rumor that "general suspension of mining throughout the coal regions was contrroplaten at an early day, owing to the heavy decline at the auction »ale of ScrantM coal at Mew York," on Wednesday, entirely unfounded. Notwithstandin^the ex¬ tremely low prices obtained. The coal men of this region expect to continue work, and no trouble Is apprehended, the Miner's Journal suggests a stoppage of a few days.not a general ruspension.to unload the cars and boats now waiting at shipping ports, to save the trade from utter prostration for the balance of the season. Dbacokesses.St. Peter (Roman Catholic) republishes from an English paper an official erposttton of th* so-ealledSystem (or Order) of DeacMwrasa, now in eweration in the Pub¬ lished Chnrch, with the approval of at least five Btshspi, and arida: We swbmlt to the rsadsr that this is really and practically the commencement of the Institution of Nuns.ef monastic women in the Angllc ui Church. Very well. We ha!l the change. We greet it with pleasure. Let the change go on. Let the Anglican Church have Nuns if it can. It will u. Rare Es*tki Suvil* witb A Dead Mas.On Thurs¬ day night last a man in Pittsburgh committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol while in bed. During the night his bed-fellow went to bed without discovering that the other occu¬ pant or the couch was a corpse, and was terribly .hockcd next morning to find that he had slept ail night with a man whose head had been near¬ ly blown off with a pistol. The Geaid Dcee..Under date of the 6th of Oeltber. the American Consul at Fuuchal, Madeira, reports aa then in port three steamers of (be Russian fleet, having on hoard the Grand Duke Alexis, and that they expected to sail lor New York on the tth of October. He is not ex¬ pected to arrive there before Wednesday or Thursday of this week. ¦^"Woodhulllng" is what they call it now when a wife cuts her husband for an affinity. K young lady who was in Paris daring the first siege gives her judgment that mule meat is nice, hone flesh good, aud cats really excellent. . GEORGETOWN. Mr. William Dohaldsoi desires to have it Ctated that it was not bun that nominated Geerge Sfill. jr., at the republican meetingat Format Hall Friday night, as repo*led-he,Donalfcon, being a republican.but that a perron by the name of M ItonoeM nominated Mr. Hill. A Good Spookst*?*.One of the oldest citl- aens of Georgetown proposes that the Market House Hall be used ft*r a free library and read¬ ing room, and states that himself and several .others are willing to rotitribute books and feeds to start it at once. Georgetown needs suoto an institution badly an< its hall over the masket house could not he demoted to a better purpose. We hope soon to hare a pnblic meeting to for¬ ward the enterprise. Receipts or Graut..Hartley & Brother hasp received wo buAels of wheat and J.Ji* bpshels of corn; W. H. Deugal. 8,000 bushels of wheat; George Waters, 4.1-00; and B. Talbott & j Son, 900 bushels of wheat. j Two HfKDKKt) BARREL* Or FLOCR wre Shipped per the Norfolk steamer Lady of the Lake to-day. Struck "Rock..The workmen an the new Bridge street sewer struck a ledge -of rock on Saturday just opposite the eastern end of the Tnion ifotel. and this moraiag are preparing to Mast it out. It was hooed that in digging the new sewer no rock would be iuiiBd to delay the completrjfi of the work. Sboald th s oh <tacle be found all the way from Washingtou to Hifh street, the wer cannot possibly be finished lor ninths to come. M til* h/.s 1 s' Kxt'it abo*..The sale* of wheat on 'change to-day were as follows: 600 bushels at f 1.7*3'at $1.25, 35 at Jl.».#» at 11%, and 3.000 bushels at *1.60jf. Over 5.<*» b«*hels were left tm«old on account of a difl'ereaee in the views of buyers and sellers. The boat-hack between the Potomac and Aralostan Club** comes ott' at 4 o'clock U«-»or- row afternoon. A Test Marset Cask.Writs were served this momiii2on Jive farmers selling produce in the new building recently ericted in the rear of the butchers' m.tffcet, directing them to appear before the Police Court to answer to the charge of violating a corporation ordinance by selling outside of Market Jv^ace. The writs were served for the purpose of trsting the question whether any per: on has a right t5 sell produce outside of the regular market lianits. The IMmllco Ram. The raccs on the Pinlico course near Balti¬ more were resumed on Saturday though the tr;u k was rather heavy on account of recant rains, and the time made was not so good as would have been had the course been iu a better condition. The Sun says: THB FIRST RACE was the Monumental Handicap, for all ages, two miles. $50 entrance the club to add SI.000. first horse fcsoo. second horse #200. There were eight entries, but only tho following fire started: T. B. .? W. K Davis's bay horse Allle Hunt, 5 years old, carrying 110 pounds; Thos. W. Dos- well's tray mare Midday, 4 years, 105 pounds; Thos. W". 1 toswdl's bay* filly "Wlnesap, 3 years, 90 pounds: .M. H. Sandloru's hay mare Niagara, S years, 108 pounds, and A. Belmont's chesnut horse Telegram, 4 years. 1«4 pounds. The horses got ott well together. Midday sligtly in the lead, which she maintained, being closely followed by Telegram. At the three-quarter pole both Tele¬ gram and A Hie Hunt.the latter being nearly neck and neck.made n brush at Midday, and i!. »n the heme-stretch the running was line, Midday pacing under the string in the lead. Telegram second, ATlje Hunt thlrtl, the others several lengths in the rear. The second mile wt.< but a repetition of the first, except Niagara coming up and taking Telegram's place, Midday w inning in 4 13 ^, with Allie Hunt second Niag¬ ara third. Telegram fourth and Wincsap fifth. On the second mile all tb« horses appeared to lal>or hard through the stift'and rapidly drying mud, and, all filings considered, the time made was good. THE SECOND RACK wns for the Members' Cup, valued at $2.»0, one mile, welter weights, all ages, horses to be riden bv members of the club. The starters were F. M. Hall's chesnut colt Ensign, four years, 136 I>ounds; Chailes K. Harrison's bay ge'ding ltan- som, 143 pounds; Governor Bowie's cht snut colt Kdwin, 3 vears. 123 pounds; and W. W. Glenn's chcsnut gelding Vanua, (j years, 143 [lounds. On the start Vanda was ontshle, and at least three lengths in the rear of the others, but he gradu¬ ally lessened the gap, and at the half mile came up'to and passed En«ign, who bad been in the lead up to that time; thence to the home strecth Vanda and Knsign had a pretty strong struggle, Vanda keeping the lead and co'ntinuing to gain, and winning the race in 2:15 Ensign second, Edwin third, Ransom fourth. THE THIRD RACE was for a purse of *1,000 for all ages, two and a- balf miles.to the first horse-, R2>¦«. to the second. The entries were M. H. Sanford's bay horse Preakness, A. Belmont's chestnut colt Telegram, and 1). McDaniel & Co.'s chestnut colt Harry Basset. Telegram did not start, the the contest being between Basset and Preakness. It was not, however, muchof a contest, as Harry Basset started slightly in the lead and kept there, apparently going at an easy gait, and varying the distance net ween himself and Preak¬ ness from tour to ten lenj*ths. The first mile wa> made in 2:30, and the two and a-half miles in 5:«X. THE FOURTH AND LAPT RACE of the day, and by far the most exciting, was the mile heat tor a purse of 91,000, for three-year olds.*;'-00 to the first horse and *200 to the second horse. The entries were San lord's bay filly Salina, McDaniel & Co.'s chesnut coltTub- nian, and Ball «St Co.'s black colt Midnight. Salina was the favorite before the start, at the rate of three to one. The horses got oft well together, Salina ^nd Tubman running neck and neck the entire mile, with Midnight tar in the rear. Down the hom<: stretch the running was splendid, the two being so close together that a blanket would have covered both, and at the string. Tubman passed half a length ahead, winning the beat in 2.2)<. The most vociferous shouts went up for the victor, and the betting tables seemed to turn. Tubman becoming the favorite at (light odds. In the second neat, Tubman again led off about a length, but Salina recovered, and at the half mile they were side by side, continuing to the home stretch and down the quarter. Tubman being the winner by aliout halt a length, in 2.08. Midnight was dis¬ tanced in the first heat. The races to-day will be very interesting, and quite a large number of Wash ingto Diana hare gone over to attend them. The honor of being the richest man in the United States lies between William B. Astor, Cornelius Vandcrbilt,and A. T. Stewart. Pro¬ bably neither of these gentlemen can tell within ten "millions what he is worth. and there Is not supjosed to be so much difference between them. Sixty millions is a medium estimate of the wealth of either of the three. George T. Downing, the famousoysterman, having been charged with a leaning to the dem¬ ocrats for a con«iiIeration, indignantly repudi¬ ates the allegation, and thus winds up his de¬ fence:..' Brand the colored man who shall give his vote to the democratic party as a traitor to his people and to humanity." Autumn leaves.when winter comes in. WVermont boys commenced snowballing last week. ftyThe "Birds and Worms" is the name of a Rochester society. ft^Tat fights are the leading attraction at the Virginia Ci*y new opera lious**. PEARL ANT) IVORY HANDLE TABLE CUT LERY, of our own importation J. W. BOTKLKTt A BR0., tlx ii« furnishers, Oc2? 3t 983 Pennsylvania avenue. Ce>T RECEIVED ONE ROSEWOOD GRAND CONCERT PIANO t17\ octave from the celebrated Factor .it G<-<>rg«- Stwk * Co., N«.-w York; al«o, "MfHI «<-'*ction of PIANOS from Wm. Knabe ill 111 Co., Baltimore, and Wm. Mci'iunimin ft Co., Albany. Also, second hand PI AN Oti and ORGANS for sale or rent on ea«y terms The Public are invited to examine the instrument*. Tuning and impairing PIANOS at No. 4!I3 Elev enth atreet above Pennsylvania avenoe by a«:pS0tr_ PR. C REICH EN BACH. VTERT HANDSOME yorra 8 DERBY BClTlJ, at #10, 912, niid 913 at A. »TRAl'8\ 1011 Penn avsnan, oc 25Between 10th and 11th its. THK CHEAPEST AMD BEST ASSORTED ST'M K OV GAS FIXTURES in the city, of the latt st style and patterns, from th" well known Arm of Cornelias ft Son's, Philadelphia. To bs found at H. McLINDEN. PLUMBER AMD GASF'TTKR, oc J6 ?w 1017 1 a'reet, J MPt»RTED_ CAN ARY_ BIRDS Ju»t r^calved J BIRD FOOD and CAGES for sals at 1133< 7ih ctreet. between L and II streets. ocl7 lm* 8T. HARTBRICBT. All wool curviot buits. pirjr****T patterns, 614, at A.STRAUS', 1011 Psnaaylvaaia avnaae, ocJ6 between 10th and 11th atrcets. 17 AIRBAN KS" SCALES-Hay, Ooal, PlaUortn, r and Counter Scales, 8TORX TRI CKS. COFFER MILLS. BCOAR MILLS, SPICE MILLS. WHEELBARROWS, *c. JORN A. BAKER. ocM-Sw Louisiana av. bet. 9th a»d IMk stt. B T WM. L. WALL ft 00.,Ai_ tSSSls&d., FOB PR1VATB ilriit from We are now receiving hick ws< nrtte the attention of b of sxoallsvt workmanahlp, are descriptions, rite the where to orAsr.aad to which ws ¦attraooa or buyji QR. ( ATL1T1ELD 8 OLftttBl in t VOCAL AND INST1CMERTAL MUSIO^. /^OMGRRSS BTABLRS. 8»A yy^Dmnd K. toiw and Rl CITff ITEMS. Hats foronerv trade-end calling. M. C. Frank St Co., The Original Hatter*, Sea 7 th street. May Buiiduag UnitonnHR preparation but H»H'» Terfr- table Sicilian ilair Kcnwer for improving the growth and restoring theaolor of the hair. « Bots' CAra,'fiOc.,75c.. 41. M. D. Frask & Co., Th® Original Hatter*. 008 7th street, Maj Building. Mt AMnnwT of warn and draw Glove* w now complete, aad none bet mi pert or articles are ottered. Cloth Glove* from 91.25 to 94. Lined Leather <> loves fr»m 1.1 to 96; real Baek- skln from ft to 99, finest Kid, Castor and D#ir skin for 92.26; Thread Glavt* from 91 to 9L90. Geo. C. Hxuxiiro, 410 7th street, S. W. Hats that grace the work of tailors. M. D. Fra*k & Co., The Origirai Hatters, 903'th street, A' ay Building. Figure* Will Not Lixl- Huxd Large Fcrluntt Are Made. FACTO FOR TBI PIOK.K. flee the prices at which Tour of the leading Sowing Machines are Mid in the United State* anl England : Frit in England In the V. 3. Whseler & Wilnon. 945 u* 9)W New Singer 32 M 65 00 Klia# Howe 33 <)0 65 00 Wilson Shuttle 40 on 43 oo The at>ove prices arc <er exactly the same clitsos of machines ax sold in botii eountrie*. There Is scarcely any difference in tk«' cost of material and labor in any the above-named machines. AJiaant W. G. Wilson, President of the Wilson Sewing Machine Co., ptttvonailv ap¬ peared before me, and mudeowth that the above prices are correct and taken bv him trwni cir¬ culars published in the United (bates and Eng¬ land under the corporate name* of the com¬ panies manufacturing said machine*. Fred. Smith. Clerk of the Court of Common Plea* of Cuyahoga Co., O. The Wilson .Sewing M achines arc for tale at A. Kobxsthal, 4ot 7th street. Term* easy. Notic* to t«* PrnLic I. Becker & Co. socvcesaor to P. WaJlach, dealer in men's, youth*' ami boys clothing, have received an entire new stock of goods, Which they are selling at the loweet market price. Tlios.' in want of clothing or gent's furnishing goods, would do well to call and examine their goods before purchasing elsewhere. I. Bbckxr & Co., Odeoa Hall, corner 4^ street and Pa. ave. HnfPLUhas all kinds of thermometers and barometora. Corfu, Ac_l rr. White, chiropodist, No. 533 15th street, opposite Treaaxrv. Washington, ami No. 7 North Oiarles street, Baltimore, suivess- fnlly treats Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Ac., without pain. tirrm styles of bust lis* and the latest novelty In Hoopakirts are now atexhibition at C. Baum'i Hoopeklrt and Corset Factory, 408 7th street. Kn> Gloyxs for ladies and gentle men. The beet Dollar Gloves imported; also, a novelty in first class Glove. Ladie* be early asui secure a Kk) choice in calling at C. Baum'i Kid Glove pot, 408 7th street. Gorrz s Patbnt Bbflsctiho Gab awd Lamr Shades will save one-half of the quan¬ tity of gas or coal oil consumed without the use of them. They are cheap and durable. A. Ro¬ senthal, No. 404 7th atreet, Is the agent for them, and alto for Goeta'a Double-cone Chandelier Reflectors, and the Diamond Diffusive Daylight Reflectors. Httmab Haib in Switches, Curls, Chateleen Braids in all shades have just been imported b" Chas. Baum, who Intends to make this a new branch of his well-known establishment, 408 7th street. Ladles go and see the new styles. "Havb You SbbiT^ It?".The beantifu straight-brim, soft Indented crown Hat. with or without the feather, at Frahc, the Hatter's, next to the Original Franc's, 433 7th street, between D and E. a Ofb row styles or uobsbts and some new improved have Just oome from our factory in Europe, and shall be sold to defy any compe¬ tition. Kvery pair warranted to be a perfect tit. O. Batth, Corset and Hoopeklrt Manufacturer. Georgetown Advertisements. IIST ARK IV ED.Twenty heard of WORK .J HORSES. and tor sale, from West Vir- /TV ginia, at B. H. DARNES' Stable, George-liTfk town. P. C. ocao-at* jJY THOMAS DOW LI NO, Auct'r; Georgetown. TRUSTEE'S BALK OF VALUABLE REAL E4 TATS OH MONTGOMERY STREET. NEAR BEALL, GEORGETOWN, D. C. By virtue of a deed of trust to me. dated the VVSthdst of May 1471, and recorded in liber folio 207. one of the land record* of Wash¬ ington county, in the District of Colombia, and at tho written request of the party seenred thereby, I will sell,at public auction, to the highest bidder, uaonthe premise*. on WEDNESDAY', the 1st day of Noveniber, 1871, at 4 o'clock p m.. that lot of ground fronting fifteen (16) feet on Montgomery street, in Georgetown, by a uniform depth of ninety (90) feet, and contained withiu the following metes ana bounds: Beginning at a point on said Mont¬ gomery street, distant sixty (60) feet from the south¬ east corner formed by ths intersection si said street and BeaU street, and running thence south with the line of Moptgomery street fifteen (16) feet; thence east ninety (90 feet to a ten-foot alley; thence north by and with alley fifteen (16) feet; thence west ninety (9U) feet to said Montgomery street and place <>f be¬ ginning; improved by a desirable Frame Dwelling. Terms of sale: One-half cash; the balance in six and twelve months, in equal installments, with in¬ teract from day of sale, seenred by deed of tru«te>n the premises. A deposit of 910U at time of sale. Conveyancing and stamps at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with in ten days from day of sale, or the nroperty will be resold at the risk and coet of the defaulting purchaser. Hl'GlI T TAGGART. Trustee. ocJl [Courier] THOS. DOW LING. Auct. JpALL AND WINTER GOODS." JOHN hTbMOOT, 119 Bridge Street, Georgetown, D.C., Has received and Is now offering, at very low prices to cash buyers, a large and very ch >lce stock ef FALL AND WINTER GOODd, consisting of a tine assortment of .. . LADIES' DRESS FABRICS, la all the moet desirable grades and styles, In Silks, Poplins, 8atines, Csshmeres, Merlacs, Empress Cloths, Velours. Alpacas, Ac., with a full liue of he beet grades of MOUBNING GOODS, Velveteens. Shawls, Kid Gloves, of the best makes, Including Juglo's A Courvoiseer's celebrated Glove, Hosiery, Ladies' and Gents Underwear. Fl tuiiels, Table Linena, Sheetings, Shirtings, Richards ju s Liaens. Blankets, Ac. Also, afnll line of GENTS. AND BOY8' WEAR. CARPETS, RCGS, AND OIL CLOTHS. Customers are invited to an examination of Goods and Pricee before making their nnrchascs. oclJlm JNO. H. SMOOT. SPECIAL NOTICE -PAPER HANGING. Per- sons refitting can save 10 per cent, by going to TIBMAN'8,143 Bridge street, Georgetown ,t> <ret WALL PAPER and have PAPER HANGING done. All work w i) be promptly executed in any part of Washington or Georgetown, and t>at<«facti'>D guaranteed. Partit ular attention paidtoUPHOL- BTERT WORK. se29-dro pARENTS, BAVE MON K\r SCHOOL BOOKS Sold at publishers' prices. Complete stock of SCHOOL REQUISITES, auM At POE A SELIGSON'S, Georgetown GLENGART OVERCOATS IN CHINCHILLA and Reaver, at A. STRAITS', ect6 1011 Penn. avenue, bet. 10th and lllh «ts. §latiT ma;n tels7 MARBLE MANTELS! GAS FIXTURES! PARLOR HEATERS! Low down, and other GRATIS, plain, or finished with gold and silver trimmings. FABIB RANGE, Ac. Mo place south of Hew Tork or Boston can sur¬ pass the variety and extent of our Stock for House- furnlshing Goods or the low trice at which we sell. TWO GBBAT SPECIALTIES: for the increase of and the" NON EX- . creases light and saves life aad property. 14 TOT OAS EXPANDER," .i ocTO-tr Mo. 4. T. ¦¦ 0. A. BPILDIMP w Ml oc1911 Fen, aynue.bet.MHhandUth'sts, MMNTB OM HANDS! Is claimed,ifdlrectioaa /cm. JOOLl.IJiyM.4l seam District ef Columbia. Bia^!Bfcolfi',J,M.0£ *"r"T A. STRAUS', 1911 Psana. ays., bet. lMh aad 11th sts. / bFFIOlAL PUBLICATION OF THB AC V# THE LEOTSLAT'VE ASSEMBLY. August im FIXIBG THE TIM* ACT OF IM(j nrwrt 1J, ISTl. FIXTBG Tfflt Tmr FOB _ BOLPTNGMKNEBAL El NOTIONS IB TUB P" D18TBICT OF COLUMBIA An Act flung the urn* tor holding the toml I _ Electi- us in tbe Piatrict of Colombia. M* u mart "4 by the Ltauiaetert AkmiWi iA* iHuiicl %J C+lmmbhi. That the Moertl .lNtloM therein aball be b-ld on the fourth Wedneeda* of ftoveaiber of »a®h year Bk.I. An<t be it fvtAtr enacud, That *h«r«M an eooetgeBcy exiets.'or th* imawdiste taking affect of this act. It is b«r«>> d»clared to U in force from M-d altar ita MKOTiltr the Ooranur. CHARLESi>. HTL3B. Speaker of th- R«w of IV legatee. WILLIAM aTlOKNBT. . , . Pr-sident«' the Ooaacll. Approved, Auroa11». 18n. H. P. CftOil. Oovsthot. nn ti l\IOTlCB BT THB GOYEBNOB AMD BBCBI- an TARV of tbe Ptatrirt ot i'l arable of the eab- misaion to the people of tbe Piatrict aftColambla, for their approval or dinpproTal, oI aa act of the Initiative Assembly «f said Piatrict entitled '* Aa act authorising th< Piatrict of Colabi* to create a d^>t for epeoiaT improvementa and rsaalra la aaU Piatrict bjr Ike iasuttur af four aiiliioa of boada, aad lc\ i m«t a tax for the pajsnent of the int* r**t a* it abatl annually accrue thereon, aad nimttiai the aet with tbe aaestion of Ibe issuing ofthe (bar mil¬ lion* of improvement bend* to a vol* of Ma people at a general election ta said Pietriot," approved Augaet It, 15T1. _ KxarvTin Orrrc-t, I Pistiict op OoLraia. Aniam ji, ign.\ XaJM* u ktrtt* nrm that at the next general elect na? in the Piatrict of Cukimbfa, which will he held on the fourth Wedneedag of IIovember, Ign, (being tbe twenty-e?cond day «t that month,;me act uf the Legislative Acaejnhly of Ae Piatrict of Oulutn Ma. enuded "An act authorizing the Diatrict afOo- lumbia tocreate a d<4>t for specij* improvementa and repair* in aaid PintriU by the laewng of four million of bond* and levying a tax for the payment of the interest ac it shall anaaally accruetbereon, aaid *ab- mitting the art with queetioo «f the isfliug qf thf t.ur million of tmprevement hw>d« to a vote of the people at a general election in aaid Piatrict," ap¬ proved August 1». 1871. will be *-:bauMad tn the mode provided by said act to tbe people of eaM Piatrict for ih»irapproval .«r d>aappr<>val. id connection with the ilBfttioB uf isscitrg four nillf tii of bonds for special improvement aud repairs aa mentionedin saw act. Sakl election will be the flrst general election after the paasngeof stud act. Said act is hereto subjoin, <1 and publication thereof is made herewith. H. P COOKE, Governor of tk« Pietrirt of Columbia. EDWIN L. STANTON. Secretary of the District of Colambia. Am Act anthorizinf the District of Colombia toereata a debt for special improvementa and repair a in said Di«tr>ct by the issuing of foar millloB otV>ud«, and levying a tax for the payment of the intereat aa it shall annually accrue thereon, and submitting the act with the uu< atios of the tanning of the f.mr milli m of improv< meut bonds to a vote of tbe pao- pie at a general election in said District. B* tt tno.ru t by Luni*tin nf (As Outrirt of Co.umtia, That in order that special lm- provemetits and repairs of the streets, avenues, alleys, aud road* of ihe District of Colambia may be rosuucQced aud completed, and severs aad bridgea be constructed therein, atid ether necassary public works be executed, the Governor of Mid Diatrict is authorised aud empowered, t«r and la behalf af aaid District, to issue, or cause to be iaaoed. aa herein after directed. r<'f{tatered or coupon bonda to the amount of four million dollars, in denominations of nft», one hundred, five hundred, and oae thvastn.! d. liars, to be. pa> able within twenty years from the date of iheir laeue, and to bear interest at the rata of seven per centuia annually. Bkc. 2 A md t>t it further enacted. That a special tax Is hereby levied on the taxable praperty of the Dia¬ trict of Colombia, for the perioa of twenty yoara, to an amount sufficient U> pay the interest which may accrue 01 tbe said bonda during said parlod, which tax.shall collected in sums of two nondred aud eighty tb.>OMitul dollars, during each of aaid yaars agreeably to the provisions of the act of the Concreaa of the United Slates, entitled, "An act to provide for a government ft* the District of Columbia," ap¬ proved February tweuty one. eighteen hundred and seventy-one, anu in the same maunsr t^«| tb* gen¬ eral taxes of aaid District aliall be collected, aad be applied aud used exclusively for the payment of tbe interest annually accruing sn said bonas. Skc. S. And be it further enacted. That the Oover- nor sliall. in connuction with the Secretary aad the Comptroller, prepare said boada for iaauu and sale. On their face they shall be designated "xpeciai tan- provement bonds,'-and shall be signed by the Gov¬ ernor, countersigned bv the Secretary and Comp¬ troller, and have affixed to them the aeal of tb* Dis¬ trict. Skc. 4. And be it farther mmeted. That the boada which maybe prepared for issue and sale a* afore¬ said. until required for said porpoeea, shall be de¬ posited with the Comptroller of aaid District, aad be shall not ptrmit any oue or more of them to go oot of his possession, except for tbe purpose* of this act: and he shall give «och security for their safe keep¬ ing as may be required by the Governor; aad he .hall keep a register or accoant of all bonda which may be prepared and issued under this act. make a full report, from time te time, to tbe Legislative Assembly, of the amount of sales, a* well aa of th* amount ot interest that may bav* aacraed or to b* paid on aaid bonds. Hkc. t. And be u further enacted, That twomflliona and one half of said bonds mar be prepared for tbe issue during the year one thoaaand eight hundred and seventy-two. aud ontil the expiration of the flrst fiscal quarter after the adjournment of tb* next regolar session of the Legislative Assembly, and on* million and a half during the year on* thooaand eight hundred aud seventy-three, and beaold by the Governor within said periods to the extent to which the isKue thereof ia authorised aa aforesaid, and apoa such issue and sale aaid bonds shall baoom* and con¬ stitute a debt against said Diatrict. Hec. 6. And be tt further enacted. That naoa the aale of anv or all of said bonds the proceeds thereof shall l>e deposited in the treasury of the District, and shall be drawn out upou warrants of the Board of Public Work*, and shall be diabnraac by aaid Board for the payment of tbe coat of special improv*- mtnts and repairs in aaid District, including tb* necessary incidental expenses thereof, aud for no other purposes: but no pa) menta shall be made under any contract for improvomenta. or for any work done iu relation thereto, uuleaa the work done ahull be ten per centum iu excess of such paymenta, ex¬ cept in the case of the float execution of any contract or completion of any work and settlement therefor Bsc. 7. And 6s U further enacted, That the lm provements which may be made by virtue of this act shall be commenced and carried on according to the provisions of the aforesaid act of Congress of th* twenty first day of rebroary, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and exclusively for the protaoUoa of the poblic interests. Sec. 8. And be it further macted, That if any officer or employe of the aaid Piatrict ahall oae, or consent to the use, of auy of the money authorised to be raiaed by this act, contrary to ita provisions, b* shall, on conviction thereof in the Cnmiaal Court of the District of Colombia, be punished by imprieon- meut in the jail of this District for a term of not leaa than three nor more than twelve months, and by a fine of not less than five hundred dollara nor mora than one thousand dollars. . Stc. 9. And be it further enacted, That thla act ahall be submitted to the people or electors of aaid District at the first general election which may be neld after iu passage,together with the questions of tbe issuing of the four millions of bonds afoiaaaid, in the mode hereinafter provided, namely: First. Upon the approval cf the act it ahall ba published In snch papers aa the Governor may di¬ rect, not lee* than three, and tho pnblicat. thereof be *ontinncd for three months prior to aaid .tuition. Second. The ballots need at said election ahall ba printed, and those in favor of ..id act. and of tha laming of said bonds, or of the contraction of debt, snail be in the word* following, to wit: FOB SPBCtAL IMPROVEMENT*. For the act of the Diatrict of Colombia *ntitled "An act authorizing the Diatrict of Columbia to cre¬ ate a debt for special improvementa and repairs in said District, by the issuing of four million of boada, and levying a tax for the payment of the Intereat, as it shall annually accrue thereon, and submitting tha act, with the question of the issuing of the four mil¬ lions of improvement bo ads, to a vote of tb* p*oal*. at a general election in said Piatrict." Ana for the issuing of four millions of Improve¬ ment bond>i as provided in said act. And the ballots against said act and th* leaning of the bonds shall be as follows: AGAINST SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. Against the act of the Pistrict of Columbia en¬ titled, " An act authorising the Diatrict of Colam¬ bia to create a debt for special improvements aud repairs iu said District, by the issuing of four sail- lions of bonds, and laying a tax for the payment of the interest as it shall annually accrue thereon, aud submitting the act, with the queation of the issuing of the four millions of improvement bonds, to a vote of the people at a general election in aaid District. ' And against the Issuing of foor millions of im¬ provement bonds, as provided for in said act. Third. That a ballot box for each election district shall be provided by the Governor, in which the bal- lota for and against tbe said law,and for aad agaiust said improvement bond-, shall be deposited, and the election iu relation thereto shall be conducted in all resp«*cts, as regards the persons entitled to vote, aud otherwise, in accordance with the laws and regula¬ tions which may be applicable to the holding of gen¬ eral elections in aaid District. Fourth. Upon closing the polls, the ballot-boxea containing aaid tickets shall be opened, aud the bal¬ lots shall be immediately counted, and a tally list thereof be made, and npon the completion of the conntiug of said ballota. duplicate returns of tbe votes cast in each election diatrict, together with statementa of the aggregate number of votes cast thereat for the members of the Legislative Ai bly, shall, within forty-eight hours.be made out and signed by the officers of the several election pre¬ cincts or districts, which returns shall deslgaate tha number of votes cast for said law and for issuing tha aaid bonds, one of which returns shall b* pi.od la the election box of each election distriat, with th* other papers of said election, and tbe otbar ahall be placed in a sealed envelope, and be directed to tbe Secretary of tbe Diatrict of Columbia, and ba placed in bis hand* tp one or Bora of said election 0,FCifth. On receiving the said envelopes, oontainlng the returns aa aforeaaid. the secretary shall open aad examine the same, and add together tbe retuma or statement of votea as made to UB.bas each elec¬ tion district. and after doiag so, ahall certify tbe re- salt to the Governor, and fiia a oopy of soon certifi¬ es ¦* among tb* record* of his office. 4ixth. If it sbaii appear from said latarna. as ear- ' Jed to by tbe secretary, that a majority of the votes caet for member* of tbe Legislative Assembly shall have been cast tn favor of said law, and of tbe Issu¬ ing ot said improvement bnajs, Wto Governor shall proclaim tbe same In tbe paaea of the Piatrict in which the law may be pubSeBd, and taaeediately thereafter bonds may ba leaned ao dir*otod te tha Sfth wction of this act. ¦.venth. If n majority of the vetee shad be cast SeGovthi® """V ^ Waning of the bonds tracted under this act. Bsc. 10. And t< U frtrtkm mmttu, That wtth tbe publication of this act, for tbe period of three .oaths, in the newspapers aforeaaid, tbere abaU be of bonds tor special improve hereinbefore mentioned, aad 1 shall be Bled and recordad la tl ary of the District. Bsc. 11. Aad bt U fmlAtr saactsd,' oration of the emergency therefor cn ceosity for Improvements in the District Ma, and arising Aram the fact that tha m election therein mar be bald ea the two day of November,eigbtoea haadred and as twsaty- said District from and after Ita 1 CHABLBS L. WlLLlAJ^BTIcWi AW%r£&&,$XLr. > of the i BT TH« 9O7EBB0B AND SBCBB eiC»Ml»rs <4 beM*. .¦*2/art .otitic ¦ Al act tbe District «( Co»W^^vy.*LSLa^aaaa^iatlh in t < i*< 11 taiJMIBI »w I'inrin (H I oiimbii, m ui »n mnuni at k astborti mi Iter District of (ulu^ W* tofr»l' a <|ebt for specmJ unpr* i Nn»n:« uM rep%ir* in said District by the i*eituc of fow ti.i:Ii<>o-> <4 ti'inili and tomr *»««¦. <* ba«de ud ieVJiZ siT./lLil **»®«at of the interim ». it .kail an I .abmlttiag the art. with LroTlS^ i , taae«»g <* focr Riiliioa rtf im iectioaTa £id L" ¦of 1** is"2 ^tejgr.'StSgaasac £k»t ,fh'; laid ipDro^f4 a iiBii.t iLT^ ^"irid iifor^- LfVPiJS*' *5 -Ad met SSSSSS® gBE&tf esauueg Er25Sk £ fo"th'- gf 1 of «be interest m it thai! annua'lv SE5 .,'strict of Colujnl'ia to crea:. a debt for Ctt6T2f15I!^Si yfcln ."i4 br *M SmSJ. "f r-1'- 'nd *J *nr a th^paamEe®? £*£ nB"f"T"r*l *ec«on after ... p,*"'Vr of .*»d wt entitled " An art )«.<»j,- a £iiifar of the iunw M lt .»,. t., 'u®[ ¦llllnt dollar* 4 bond* an SfllitCffgk,h* W'M "f Colombia by MmM&smi SKxiSfcviBrts . lui f,,r ,h«V. '. aadaah»f,,T!,.J. ***' .""..Mr accrae (hf,, .. y rV* llct' w"h 'h* un- .Hon of ti..- J""*?* of four millions of I^M|SC£.|!| P^ea, .general XSSUT&ft mbjcicM and P^l^'£n|he^onM.*rea ith niade Ooreraor crt the District of Columbia. ¦arret.-, ^U.WLW L WAMTOB, .. . »ecTetary of the District of Columbia. IfiS^aBsssfiaei debt fu» aZJIniil i«;J- toluml ia to create a B^gtagggagHZ^ S&att^SS?v" *»s £« iiiuSi ^rL»,^222ft of,th* ***** of Sir0"*" MSKsaa^iSia^s TaStM^rtSY1*^ *««¦** Of tk. tha i^r^tnTual?; MltrnJi*.^ ' fP*>;"» Billion dollars of lw.iuU **f]ratou the f mu the District rfiVJ.^ be issued by riaiotit <rf U»?#!Siti«Ll »?» ' wi,h ^ Pr" W^VSKinbU ^ c^e^1 dlbt,rr",n T anprott-meuu aM r"aair. iS -!.1nl,Lf,'r and ei*bt» tboiaia £ST K St I th.tTrabf.Vwn to ^-3 U.^nr,1/ I7JM '"-"i Of twenty yean, to an £2-. tk* reri.nl totereat which may accrue on iL?h ?C,^*l«to lh *hich tax ibau K c" dor^f«*M Dondrad .d eicbtv th.>n«ar^i in »uin» of t* .aid T «ar«a»r1dollar. dunn« «,b of CotiirMi entitied u1b i!iei'rov,< J01 ^ tb* act *>f gn» JiS&i&irBS!" teSSssS^assSEzzii District .hallb"^t41»«iJ «n5*"ilje of 9 .zcliuively for tbe payment If thl Md u,**<1 accrnin* on 3JPg?gA"' inters annually NtMBbMCan thw act ihali be «nb m^«SiuV% JtLiteLTf"1 ^ °C ?** "'. ColunibU to District at and rStZiX fTZSfA ¦UlionVof bondTi^leVrinJ » fU"?Jn« ^ of the intereat aa it ahal^ "--q. r t*1' payment and ¦nbtnittina accrue thereon of lR&7SMSfiR of la«uing and Brenioit 8tar/n«w«£a2f^ Da?'^ ®'.ablican In inch other aaaer. o *akl Diatrict. and aad the publican!^ tb^^»-°."2or *.> direct. ni^DthsDrior to tiiid SSS. eoDUa-a KB ariitSd UU,°,i at .lection nhall be pEBsSSSI?"of ^ ^ SBK061 *arZ«nt oftther°iirt«Ja,Tii^ rtSJTaSLCff? ,or th< ^'-aevgig BSBSSBmSSra^ and repairs in Mid DiatHrt y ^fi.vemenU U9UUSK ayih/f'M^"*,,f r ur of -th* tot«*«t aa It iba!] annatlr ac^a* tHnnent and rabmittioff »K« a^» «-uu Jlr ^ accroe thereou, .ning of fonr^m(IuJim 'oT^fiJi<luw,ti"" <* «he la- ?oteof iJiSSllareM Mi to a the word, following, to wit: ¦¦ ¦¦ 18 In j^^^esaag BSasgs^^^aaaB aKsLgffi R?Kis "attjs Iff, ajgifewSUS is toauinaTfour^¦Ulia^'oT m 3 th- DiatrVct. .5s!s55BEssi .WlbJfttidffillVhr aaalnat thit act EgtsBffi2g^^5Sss5i @lr5Ksaf5S^E6S66 million, of »*nln« of the four S *i*eMral .lection in said r?r'r to the queation of the C^?7a ,n relation ti ipAMTnT million. Of thu act .hall beSAiftSSSSSSk feBaaSJSffiSS r». fflS" ¦»«J-¦- 1 *ti t/jZtthUffw r. *** oer., and a tally list there..f ^ ***ct»'»n off EaB^taaSaffiekgiig frict for thi* act tojrwther"wit^stat«m.»T''V'i!n d'H' Eia^3SgS5cS£» .hallde.ian.te tnaainfhi^ !!# 1 ' whl<"h returns one of « hich return, .hall be VlacetMn ^i'* l >an' box of each election diatrict wltlwhi .aid election and the^*r7.h*ii£. . .*Fef"of s. aled envelope and be di recti^i » »i ,n * District and pl^^d "ftl» .aid election offlceVs h*nJ* b' on* <* of iaSm»!«N«»i <««-.,., the same, and add together ,b*U «««ine c.st in each dintrict and after * £ iT01*^ M the reanlt to the Governor and flle a o^t J*"11'fl C''8>x^h*lIf^10»I1^ithe r'-cor.d''of hi» iMBpea (fall fore© and effect and th if it ihall be in la5^fc-at^wea«Ug And tt fttrthtr marled Tht» -i.. .. publicatioL of thin act id the MvnSl!^ the aaid for the perii«d jt three BM&S7£KIt goUce over the airnature or the GoT«m(»., i f.i Secretary of the fintrict tLat it will KfilSL^l the people at the find general election afILv?»I ape for their apnrov alor di«ipp?,Vval aV.H.V E&"SS?yysp.s5B gaStsgeg Erscrisb£-i: thereof by tb. Oorernor r .* »roclamaUon C^ARLH1 L. HCL8B, am,a*.* l»,Mn.""101 "». OomcII. 5 jipOCTtB, (ioTernor. M |j JV0T1CB AND PBOCLAXATIOM Bt TUB 1 vl GOVSBHORpnbliahiiig an act entitled "An ac to aatboriae . roWnr' on to the stock of the Pied- moat and Potntnac Ballroad Company upon certain conditions. 'and submitting the note to the people of .aid District, and prescribing tk. form to wkfch it akall be Toted upon. IxKcmri Omci, ( Dist*ict ofCol.*bia, August a, iari ( H*itt u ktreby g*rtn ana proclamatioL made that tbe act of the Legislative AsMMbly of the District of Columbia, approTed August IS. UT1. entitled "An actto authorise a sabecnation to the .tockofthe Piedmont and Potomac Railroad Company upon certain condition.," will be submitted to tbe people of Mid District at th. next general election therein, wkick wfll be held on the fourth Wednesday of No¬ vember, ISM, (being the twenty-aeooiid day of that act akaU eoBtaim th. wor^a- " An act to aathortse a nbecrtptlon to tk. .took of the Piedmont and Potomac Railroad Company upon certain conditionn." approved Augtut 1Kb, VTl.and ticket, aaatoataaid act ritall contain th. word aaaiinT "An act to avtborfs. a .ubacription to tk. Mock of th. Pteteoot and Potomac Railroad C jasaaay upon certain condition.," approved August 19th, VtC, aad that mUd election will be cemlucted in all rasstrJ?"Jmsxi sstosEFiai g^iiT""1*1""^ *°* "iTs-ir *. OoTerwor of tk. Diatrict of Oclumbto. a a in «a aatkoria. a subacrtptioa to tke Mock of H, f|ito it aad Potomac Bail road Oompany ^ ' B T l " he Legi.- .At to tke ct of said Bail road Lreceptly aatkarto.* by an act of the Ufi» V Vtnrtaia, will be of great beMAt to the ef Oolaasbta, aad by a farther act of stid ¦PaaaayWaaia Omtral Bailroadl lad to gaarafi tke krat mortgage ootaad Potomac Jtoilroad Com and equipment for aaid road, wkick aaid guar toay be repaired whapeesy^at aay time withia act. . he ready for su it to credibly represented r~ . »or i for*, ."Sli; * - «¦.<** .ct ahal! frarabn ttreH to t .Ml fircOoo. aad shall , *<4ea M for e^ntw, ^ .' ..*¦h election And r«viM 'aiv. Ttet art tesr£SAisss?Hfe name^f tbf^DtstiV t'.TnTy tm the' ¦i ss.ti.rt mn tMotOt Dot Mrr#dii^ m huisdr^i .*- ^yV . \4*d. That. M(»f> such nbtcripi) « thall '. .-"-^..'m'' s^^pstast tlllll l*d aSkmll be bM M ally apptie.1 i. wUdWnrtT Mid work will he Ma£tet«d wakVu! tta2 ."¦ff U> **«U of Mid euarant.* uf thr f«o'TT * < en t ral ¦in) Am4 'writer, That mM r"5F mn MMtrntnt fm H)f |»>int OH tb« pofnmac rivr it fjrnrjj-i - _ ;^ih^I t* *ati(factor 7 to »aid Vmb2 '¦*¦.«. 4*4 fcair ftrribm mm, Thai hi rn»Ae r. r the na>m-nt of a* vernor is berel.y aatboru* -.^wewee bond* oftheP * bioh «hail fifre## the <Vd ol 'T aigned by tb' 0'>i»m,ir iM samterr afS-^^i2=«ysif^ 1^2 oJ7u-_oi_nr:TrrT .** i^ajyjg.'t'ssigssjsgtri' u«i p«Mf iu. in^r7T!~zr.r.. .tt "r* ¦^*7% ^.°J 'ir 'aW "««< r b«r. 3. iaif l~t .< tmrutrr mmrud. Thai in "S* i* -WtMnMtTS Mr^oan'^.T d"t a rs 'rf 5hl"asJSJ3T\ sS^ £al*V3 ai-at of Mid inter«*T H«i*ed foe the Mr .. tr ma m/i That th# a. * *T.r if Vr''^7 .N»""*t*d to caM>- tbio art tTu.!?'. to r^ry .-^.'l _"f.'«' -nTTE M«,| mmo _. H »baU be Kt»/uf I; !7JTg ^^TaT*'^ ») . Ultabl* rn^l^BiAtiiiii tn mWi* ,T- '*£Xr1 "tiff" .Ir' tu«~« COOKE Uwwm. tir ^ Ayj.rored. If HP COOKE. Ua [ornoui mtkt. TO THE forMRS OF THE UISTHHT Of COiVMBIM: The B-ard of B-r*etraiion for tb* Pietrict of Oo- inmbiaa ill bold >«M. free !.. clock.¦. «Dt|| * o dock. p m . of each day i-fi, | *eW< Ww1 for the Hrrw of r. giatarla* tba ««tal raatffec ,n the Ptstrict of Colombia. at the followiM-.M<kl Vla«M: TWKKTIETB PI8TBIOT A Jl that part of the cttjr of Waahliwrtor, tr*v aont h of K »t r««t north, Irtwwi North «r>d Kouth Caaitol street* ar..l r nrth ftreet Mat. on MUKPAT 0<-*<w ber 30, 1871, at Mo. <1 lt*«tb A atraat, mm Firat »treet Met. WanbinduB. TWBNTT-rUMT DI!«T«irT All that part of thecitr of Wa.hin«t » Irtn* wlthlo the tdllowin* hoande CostniMring at 8..nth Caro¬ lina arenae. and rtnioiiic up fourth atreet eMt u R .treet north, tb<-Dce alone ¦ atreat north ta fit te^nth atreet eaat; tkener 4nwu rift«i at L «U nnt ^ to C at reel m.rth; thenre alone C atrMt north to th« Ka«tern branrh. thence along tbe line of the Kaatern branch to B atra-t - uth, ftence alone B arreet «oothi to Fifteenth «treet eaat. thence down fif teenth wreet ewt to P atrret a<>ath. thence alone D .ti*et aonth to S. «th Cntolina avanne, and down Sonth Carolina avenue to Fourth atreet eaat «.n TIK*DAY. October «. l«ri. at tbe aoXr^ c< rner of Eaat Ca»itai and KtcbUi Mreeu Mat WMhinfton. TWEKTT RECOUP PI8TBICT. All that part of tbe city of Wuhin(ti>n lyi«g with¬ in the following bonnd*. Comwncineat th' *nrt t u branch at the foot of fourth atr~et eaat. and ranting np Fourth atreet eaat to Month Carolina aranna thence alon« Bomb Carolina aranne to D atreet aonth. thence alone P atraet aonth to Fifteenth atreet eaat. thenre np Fifteenth atreet Mat to B itreet aonth; thence oat B atreet aonth to the BMtern brant b. and alone the Baetern branch to the foot of F< nrth atreet eMt, on WEPBE8PAY. M mI | 1^1, at tba northweat corner of Btnth and B itniu oppoaite Anacoatl* eneine h»aM, Waabtneton. OEOBQE B OIPBON, WILLIAM BTPBAX, F. M PrBANT. MOBBBT OB1FFIR. Matthias h bumtbb W*. c. Hakfwb. Clerk. i-tf SEWING MACHINES. yilE KET^ONE FEW IHO BACH I WE n'akea the leaat noise, rnna aMler and iu>rf,>.. every dracrtption of eowine on all fabric. ^Trbt^? he«» y with greater aati.I action thaaM»atMr«I china made. Agency at ' .lD*r JOHNSON A COLLET'S, <*.7 tf HI Market 9pac».bet. Tth and dth at* iLLCOA A Uinta SEWING MACB1NB AOEHCT. rum "-^WIA'S,ySlui""-* Vc«DC7 M OHAB. BAUMM UOB8ET AND HOOFSB1BT FACTOBT. tk *treet, Intellieenow Bnlldlne T«BB FLO BEN CB IMPBOVEP NOISELESS LOCB 8TITCM 'ABILT SEWIM BACHIBB Hhottla tlon ftDd R^TirtiblP Fwdithlli an a Mm* th® nmnra Monthly InatainenU of Sltl. o4ar r ' Monthly Inatalmenu of Jkl. otUr MehiMUkZ ¦ exchange. Alao. BEFAIBINO done nraMMhT apl ly* UWr BANKERS. \v ebbeb a CO., No. 60« Fiptkkxth Mbiit, Vt aahiugtou. D. C. M >ney loaned on coilaterala. Notee diacountad and adrancM Bade on moderate tern"1- oclt la S"UM "EffaSFSi? m c*"- cashed in advance Money advanced SOLICITOBW OF CLAIM! nv TKEA^CBT PRAFTS and ACmfoBV *EBT1 FI £AhSSoVtiUf00"D P0W"0r ATTOBNEir J. H. SQriEB, AfOy E Y BROKER, _«nl5-tf 1497 F «t., n-ar O. B. TreMnry. ^TAhBISeTOJMTITT >ATl|«| Comer fth Btre«t and Loaialana Atodm, PA Yt> 6 PKBCF.NT IVTEKBhT OH DEPOSITS UtarMt conuD* ucea from <lat« «f dfpoatta Df poaiu c»ii be Made and drawn at will. m>» tf J. A. BI FF. Tr jjiBBLiroa « os^ BA.VKERS, 1447 F StrMt, (two duora from 0. 8.' partinent, WASHINUTON. D. C. B*oMt« Depoaita, and tranaact a I BxineM. Eichange on the vrlncipU citiM tnkM gtMB MpartoonrdeMattor*. Information c-b^rinlly fcrtilahed in mUUm IcnU .evrttni. L<«na negotiated on the beet terma < laim* before all the UnJUd StntM DmiMI haretonr personal mm. deUMftf MIPDLBTOM A OO. JAimBEACA. BAXKEB8, ptW ng interMt BV»S s"* »»«acb BBaVBB OAtBM, f 1«, A. STRAINS'. 1S1I P. I, .ctt BatwaM Mth a^ 1Kb tut*. r* oht b, Bl'BIOBS, nraMVIBS BAILS and all diaeasaa of the FBBT cared by Dk J fiuniB, (nectar prf.t at 4S7 Ponneylvaafa a*erne, wear tH tiaat. BatahJiehed 7 years in New Tork tae* la M' MABBLB AMD SLATM m mB fork*. a*Tll-Ir jfBTITBLtSMfcB The followine rM voln»e,( ItMi. Air.'a*. Ed* EASES Of tti~6tiZJLAflTl OR¬ GANS. I AB*8 IS* OF We*ta ttba l FUNCTIONS. 7 TBBATMBNT AND CI BM. Price m cents by Ball A CUBTI8, 9 Traaoat PUm,

rs a MmM&smi - Chronicling America...GheatFires..The (tic*»o relict oommittje forwarded. on Friday n1;ht last, a large lot of eh>thing to the sufferers by tiie late Ares in Chicagoandthroughout

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  • EVENING STAR.IIOHD4Y (Hlobcr :*o. I»7l.


    Amnvmratm ro-nighl.Tfati< rai TktaieT.Hif- F. S. Chanfrau.

    ..I>ora. *Grand Jrsty g»ff. UetWf by Capt. Wb.

    Conard on his trip to Sun Domingo.Mtuonu T> mpi'..The Orphan Boys' Fair..CoWTEIBrT14»H* «)I THE VICTIMS O* THE

    Gheat Fires..The ( tic*»o relict oommittjeforwarded. on Friday n1 ;ht last, a large lot ofeh>thing to the sufferers by tiie late Ares inChicago and throughout the States of Michigan,Wiscorsin and Minnesota. Can to ran directlythrough to Chicago were furnished the cotuifeii-kf by Superintendent (1. S. KuobU, Baltimorean«l Ohio Railroad Company. The committeeacknowledge contributions of clotliin;. etc., forChicago, trom the following persoo*:.Mn. J.V. rury, wife of Mr. John H. Drurv,the portrait and landscape painter, of Chicago,determined to carry into eftect his oflen-ex-Cressed intention of leaving to Georgetown Col->ge all the property of which he might dieG*seM*ed. With this object in view, Mr. andrs. Drury arrived here a tew weeVs since, amiat once proceeded t4> take the necessary steps fortransferring the property. The necessary legaldocuments were nearly ready for executionwhen the Chicago lire occurred, and the new!came to Mm. Drurv that most of what she andher husband owned in the world, and what wasx>OM>ibly the accumulation of years of artist toil,bad been swallowed up in the general conflagra¬tion. This great blow did not cau«e her to flinchfrom her purpose or to falter in what she deemeda sacred duty; and the property of her deceasedbrother, amounting to about *12.000 in govern¬ment securities, and real estate situated in tillscity, was duly transferred to the college as heIntended. Mr. and Mm. Drury soon after de¬part* d for Chicago to make a new eftort to boildup a home on the ruins of their former on>s.The I»i>r9TRiAL Home School.At the an-

    naal meeting of the trustees of the IndustrialHume, on Saturday evening, rej-ort* were sub¬mitted, showing money received. S3.400.63; ex¬pends d. ».>.£'1.7Se. indebtedness, *500. The Homecommittee report the number of children inGeorgetown school (boys) 7«>, Washington (girls)13.total 9!». Average family, b< th Homes, chil¬dren and employes, 10. The ge. eral health ofthe children Lai been good. Thi number ofmeals furnished at both Homes was 27.000. Theshop committee report the number of childrenemployed at carpenter shop, 16; numlier ofhour« workwl. t-3. Mr. Rothery has charge orthe school in Georgetown, where the beys aretaught reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic,geography, grammar, tirawing and moral les¬son- The school in Washington has been taughtby the matron (Mrs. Niemann.) The gir's aretaneht all the primary branches, and knitting,awing, fancy work, and to wait upon them¬selves. They aLo perform a large part of thework about the house. The education commit¬tee .*ay that they nave a large family to providewith food and clothing, and need funds to en¬able them to carry on the work, and they eonfl-«iently appeal to' the benevolent to aid them.Mrs. L M. E. Ricks has been apj>ointed agentto solicit funds, and is now in Ohio for this pur¬pose.

    »A Race Boat Swampbo..On Saturday, thesecond I oat race was to have taken place be¬tween the six-oared gigs of the Arlington andAnalcstan Boat Clubs on the lower course, andby lour o'clock a large number of spectatorswere on the wharves. The Arlington six-oared

    bg Laura was at the starting point on time, butr. p.iglen, of the Analostan, staged his crewwou'd rot row on account of the rough water.The referee, Mr. Arthur Shepherd, decided thewater to be in pn>i>er condition, and that therace should take place as soon as the startingboat . could be anchored. This was done, and at5.15 the Lanra started. When near the junctureof the Georgetown and Washington channelsshe struck the undertow, and the boat filled andsunk. Th: men were rescued by the Minne¬haha. Me srn. Dickson. Maunder,'Copeland andWheeler in the stake boats, and were landed at(>« rsboro. where Mr. Young furnished themwith hot coflte and refreshments.

    . .PritLir S< hpola ii iuxAmiA.-lr.Samuel A. Howard has been appointed by ti eBea'doi School Trustees of Arlirgt >u distric*.Alexandria county, teacher ot Walker SchoolNo 3, at Ball's Cross Roads, in place of Mr.Wm K. Biishbv. who has accepted a clerkshipin the CniKd States sig-ial corps. Nearly allthe colored teachers who pa--ed examinationhe*.* this year, and were not appointed in thiscitv ar.d county, have obtained situations.The State Board of Education has reappointedall of the one year's trustees tor three years in.Alexsmnr-.a. F- Fvrd, W C. WilcoE and

    Tbema« F. Carper have I* en appointed inFairfax in place of trustees whose term expiredoi. the 'J3d. The other trustees were all reap-tminted for three years. Lawrence B. Taylor,Es^., ha* declined serving as a trustee of publicschools for the Fourth Ward, being unwillingto take the prescribed oath; a ne-v apiroi>erty by the erecti4»n ot hanuboi*; fiueu#3 and costs. Seal Anderson, charged with larcenyof $ 13 from Margaret Johnson; fined 515 and costsKate Willisms and Ann Morrison. chtr? d withprofanity, fined 93 each. Bernard Sharer, pr.Nnity on tbe street; nneJ 93. M irv Spriggs. profanityin Sailor* Alley- fined 93 John Rocky, a hoy,charged with nntawfal assembly on C a» 1 12thstreets; sent to the Reform SchooL Wm. Warr-n.carrying a razor; fined 910- Virginia Slireve,charged w+th uilngprofane and indecent lanau ige,fined 43. Kobcrt McLain, charged with profanity;lined 93. Mary Bivers, charge*! with cu-saing onCherry street, Georgetown, lined #3. CatherineBarker- same offense; fined §5 Joseph Williamssame offense; fined 93. Randall Benson, an oldoffender, charged with ths same; fined 93.

    SHOOTIS6 A. (IN.Peter Carter, assault on Alfred King with intentto kill. Thfi occurred some two weeks ago. Carterraised a loaded gnu and Uxk deliberate aim at Kingand shot him. killing bis dog, which was be-ide himatid put several shot into King's knee*. Dr Buttt>stiffed that he took between forty and fifty No. (bird (hot out of King's legs, some of them p-*n ..trating t< the bone. Held for action of the grandjur> in the sum of f(00. George Carter assault onAnna Carter, hi* wife; fine** *i.

    A SWEET BCSIKES*Virginia 9weet, charged with a«aanlt and burglerkusly breaking open the boose of Jnlia A uglierton. on B street sr.UtL. between 9th snd 10th str-ets.with intent to kill Julia. Officer Kearney was g'irigMa ronnds, and heard the cry of murder proceedingft' in ths house, and on going there found MrsSweet battering the window* and door* of Mrs. Augbeitou's bonse; snd en hi* approach Mrs. Sweet.tated that Mrs A had her (Mrs. Sweet's) husbandiu there, and called her very had names, saving thatshe (Mrs A ! was trying to get away her husbaud.Several of the window* were broksn. and th ¦ rti rtook her into custody; requited to give bonds in thesum of 9-U> to keep the peace.Eftkt OB THE New York Coal Sale i*

    the Miatxe Rbqioe*.We learn trom Potts-Mlle, Pa., thia morning, that the rumor that"general suspension of mining throughout thecoal regions was contrroplaten at an early day,owing to the heavy decline at the auction »ale ofScrantM coal at Mew York," on Wednesday,t» entirely unfounded. Notwithstandin^the ex¬tremely low prices obtained. The coal men ofthis region expect to continue work, and notrouble Is apprehended, the Miner's Journalsuggests a stoppage of a few days.not a generalruspension.to unload the cars and boats nowwaiting at shipping ports, to save the trade fromutter prostration for the balance of the season.Dbacokesses.St. Peter (Roman Catholic)republishes from an English paper an officialerposttton of th* so-ealledSystem (or Order) ofDeacMwrasa, now in eweration in the Pub¬

    lished Chnrch, with the approval of at least fiveBtshspi, and arida:We swbmlt to the rsadsr that this is really andpractically the commencement of the Institution

    of Nuns.ef monastic women in the Angllc uiChurch. Very well. We ha!l the change. Wegreet it with pleasure. Let the change go on.Let the Anglican Church have Nuns if it can.It willu. Rare Es*tkiSuvil* witb A Dead Mas.On Thurs¬day night last a man in Pittsburgh committedsuicide by shooting himself with a pistol whilein bed. During the night his bed-fellow wentto bed without discovering that the other occu¬

    pant or the couch was a corpse, and was terribly.hockcd next morning to find that he had sleptail night with a man whose head had been near¬ly blown off with a pistol.The Geaid Dcee..Under date of the 6thof Oeltber. the American Consul at Fuuchal,Madeira, reports aa then in port three steamersof (be Russian fleet, having on hoard the GrandDuke Alexis, and that they expected to sail lorNew York on the tth of October. He is not ex¬pected to arrive there before Wednesday orThursday of this week.¦^"Woodhulllng" is what they call it nowwhen a wife cuts her husband for an affinity.

    K young lady who was in Paris daring thefirst siege gives her judgment that mule meat isnice, hone flesh good, aud cats really excellent.

    . GEORGETOWN.Mr. William Dohaldsoi desires to have it

    Ctated that it was not bun that nominated GeergeSfill. jr., at the republican meetingat FormatHall Friday night, as repo*led-he,Donalfcon,being a republican.but that a perron by thename of M ItonoeM nominated Mr. Hill.A Good Spookst*?*.One of the oldest citl-

    aens of Georgetown proposes that the MarketHouse Hall be used ft*r a free library and read¬ing room, and states that himself and several.others are willing to rotitribute books and feedsto start it at once. Georgetown needs suoto aninstitution badly an< its hall over the maskethouse could not he demoted to a better purpose.We hope soon to hare a pnblic meeting to for¬ward the enterprise.Receipts or Graut..Hartley & Brother

    hasp received wo buAels of wheat and J.Ji*bpshels of corn; W. H. Deugal. 8,000 bushels ofwheat; George Waters, 4.1-00; and B. Talbott &

    j Son, 900 bushels of wheat. jTwo HfKDKKt) BARREL* Or FLOCR wreShipped per the Norfolk steamer Lady of theLake to-day.Struck "Rock..The workmen an the new

    Bridge street sewer struck a ledge -of rock onSaturday just opposite the eastern end of theTnion ifotel. and this moraiag are preparing toMast it out. It was hooed that in digging thenew sewer no rock would be iuiiBd to delay thecompletrjfi of the work. Sboald th s oh ounds; Chailes K. Harrison's bay ge'ding ltan-som, 143 pounds; Governor Bowie's cht snut coltKdwin, 3 vears. 123 pounds; and W. W. Glenn'schcsnut gelding Vanua, (j years, 143 [lounds. Onthe start Vanda was ontshle, and at least threelengths in the rear of the others, but he gradu¬ally lessened the gap, and at the half mile cameup'to and passed En«ign, who bad been in thelead up to that time; thence to the home strecthVanda and Knsign had a pretty strong struggle,Vanda keeping the lead and co'ntinuing to gain,and winning the race in 2:15 Ensign second,Edwin third, Ransom fourth.

    THE THIRD RACEwas for a purse of *1,000 for all ages, two and a-balf miles.to the first horse-, R2>¦«. to thesecond. The entries were M. H. Sanford's bayhorse Preakness, A. Belmont's chestnut coltTelegram, and 1). McDaniel & Co.'s chestnutcolt Harry Basset. Telegram did not start, thethe contest being between Basset and Preakness.It was not, however, muchof a contest, as HarryBasset started slightly in the lead and keptthere, apparently going at an easy gait, andvarying the distance netween himselfand Preak¬ness from tour to ten lenj*ths. The first milewa> made in 2:30, and the two and a-half milesin 5:«X.

    THE FOURTH AND LAPT RACEof the day, and by far the most exciting, was themile heat tor a purse of 91,000, for three-yearolds.*;'-00 to the first horse and *200 to thesecond horse. The entries were San lord's bayfilly Salina, McDaniel & Co.'s chesnut coltTub-nian, and Ball «St Co.'s black colt Midnight.Salina was the favorite before the start, at therate of three to one. The horses got oft welltogether, Salina ^nd Tubman running neck andneck the entire mile, with Midnight tar in therear. Down the homT RECEIVED ONE ROSEWOODGRAND CONCERT PIANO

    t17\ octave from the celebrated Factor.it GDguaranteed. Partit ular attention paidtoUPHOL-BTERT WORK. se29-dropARENTS, BAVE MON K\r

    SCHOOL BOOKSSold at publishers' prices. Complete stock of


    GLENGART OVERCOATS IN CHINCHILLAand Reaver, at A. STRAITS',ect6 1011 Penn. avenue, bet. 10th and lllh «ts.§latiT ma;ntels7




    Low down, and other GRATIS, plain, or finishedwith gold and silver trimmings.FABIB RANGE, Ac.

    Mo place south of Hew Tork or Boston can sur¬pass the variety and extent of our Stock for House-furnlshing Goods or the low trice at which we sell.

    TWO GBBAT SPECIALTIES:for the increase ofand the" NON EX-

    . creases light and saveslife aad property.



    ocTO-tr Mo. 4. T. ¦¦ 0. A. BPILDIMP

    w Ml

    oc1911 Fen, aynue.bet.MHhandUth'sts,

    MMNTB OM HANDS!Is claimed,ifdlrectioaa


    seam District ef Columbia.

    Bia^!Bfcolfi',J,M.0£ *"r"TA. STRAUS',1911 Psana. ays., bet. lMh aad 11th sts.


    ACT OFIM(j


    P" D18TBICT OF COLUMBIAAn Act flung the urn* tor holding the tomlI_

    Electi- us in tbe Piatrict of Colombia.M* u mart "4 by the Ltauiaetert AkmiWi iA*

    iHuiicl %J C+lmmbhi. That the Moertl .lNtloMtherein aball be b-ld on the fourth Wedneeda* offtoveaiber of »a®h yearBk.I. Ant for epeoiaT improvementa and rsaalra la aaUPiatrict bjr Ike iasuttur af four aiiliioa of boada, aadlc\ i m«t a tax for the pajsnent of the int*r**t a* itabatl annually accrue thereon, aad nimttiai theaet with tbe aaestion of Ibe issuing ofthe (bar mil¬lion* of improvement bend* to a vol* of Ma peopleat a general election ta said Pietriot," approvedAugaet It, 15T1.

    _KxarvTin Orrrc-t, IPistiict op OoLraia. Aniam ji, ign.\

    XaJM* u ktrtt* nrm that at the next generalelect na? in the Piatrict of Cukimbfa, which will heheld on the fourth Wedneedag of IIovember, Ign,(being tbe twenty-e?cond day «t that month,;me actuf the Legislative Acaejnhly of Ae Piatrict of OulutnMa. enuded "An act authorizing the Diatrict afOo-lumbia tocreate a dt for specij* improvementa andrepair* in aaid PintriU by the laewng of four millionof bond* and levying a tax for the payment of theinterest ac it shall anaaally accruetbereon, aaid *ab-mitting the art with queetioo «f the isfliug qfthf t.ur million of tmprevement hw>d« to a vote ofthe people at a general election in aaid Piatrict," ap¬proved August 1». 1871. will be *-:bauMad tn the modeprovided by said act to tbe people of eaM Piatrict forih»irapproval .«r d>aapprval. id connection with theilBfttioB uf isscitrg four nillf tii of bonds for specialimprovement aud repairs aa mentionedin saw act.Sakl election will be the flrst general election afterthe paasngeof stud act. Said act is hereto subjoin, ct by the issuing of foar millloB otV>ud«,and levying a tax for the payment of the intereataa it shall annually accrue thereon, and submittingthe act with the uu< atios of the tanning of the f.mrmilli m of improv< meut bonds to a vote of tbe pao-pie at a general election in said District.B* tt tno.ru t by Luni*tin nf (As

    Outrirt of Co.umtia, That in order that special lm-provemetits and repairs of the streets, avenues,alleys, aud road* of ihe District of Colambia may berosuucQced aud completed, and severs aad bridgeabe constructed therein, atid ether necassary publicworks be executed, the Governor of Mid Diatrict isauthorised aud empowered, t«r and la behalf af aaidDistrict, to issue, or cause to be iaaoed. aa hereinafter directed. re deposited in the treasury of the District,and shall be drawn out upou warrants of the Boardof Public Work*, and shall be diabnraac by aaidBoard for the payment of tbe coat of special improv*-mtnts and repairs in aaid District, including tb*necessary incidental expenses thereof, aud for noother purposes: but no pa) menta shall be made underany contract for improvomenta. or for any workdone iu relation thereto, uuleaa the work done ahullbe ten per centum iu excess of such paymenta, ex¬cept in the case of the float execution of any contractor completion of any work and settlement thereforBsc. 7. And 6s U further enacted, That the lm

    provements which may be made by virtue of this actshall be commenced and carried on according to theprovisions of the aforesaid act of Congress of th*twenty first day of rebroary, eighteen hundred andseventy-one, and exclusively for the protaoUoa ofthe poblic interests.Sec. 8. And be it further macted, That if any

    officer or employe of the aaid Piatrict ahall oae, orconsent to the use, of auy of the money authorisedto be raiaed by this act, contrary to ita provisions, b*shall, on conviction thereof in the Cnmiaal Courtof the District of Colombia, be punished by imprieon-meut in the jail of this District for a term of not leaathan three nor more than twelve months, and by afine of not less than five hundred dollara nor morathan one thousand dollars. .

    Stc. 9. And be it further enacted, That thla actahall be submitted to the people or electors of aaidDistrict at the first general election which may beneld after iu passage,together with the questions oftbe issuing of the four millions of bonds afoiaaaid,in the mode hereinafter provided, namely:First. Upon the approval cf the act it ahall bapublished In snch papers aa the Governor may di¬

    rect, not lee* than three, and tho pnblicat. thereofbe *ontinncd for three months prior to aaid .tuition.Second. The ballots need at said election ahall ba

    printed, and those in favor of ..id act. and of thalaming of said bonds, or of the contraction ofdebt, snail be in the word* following, to wit:

    FOB SPBCtAL IMPROVEMENT*.For the act of the Diatrict of Colombia *ntitled

    "An act authorizing the Diatrict of Columbia to cre¬ate a debt for special improvementa and repairs insaid District, by the issuing of four million of boada,and levying a tax for the payment of the Intereat, asit shall annually accrue thereon, and submitting thaact, with the question of the issuing of the four mil¬lions of improvement boads, to a vote of tb* p*oal*.at a general election in said Piatrict."Ana for the issuing of four millions of Improve¬

    ment bond>i as provided in said act.And the ballots against said act and th* leaningof the bonds shall be as follows:

    AGAINST SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS.Against the act of the Pistrict of Columbia en¬

    titled, " An act authorising the Diatrict of Colam¬bia to create a debt for special improvements audrepairs iu said District, by the issuing of four sail-lions of bonds, and laying a tax for the payment ofthe interest as it shall annually accrue thereon,aud submitting the act, with the queation of theissuing of the four millions of improvement bonds,to a vote of the people at a general election in aaidDistrict. 'And against the Issuing of foor millions of im¬

    provement bonds, as provided for in said act.Third. That a ballot box for each election district

    shall be provided by the Governor, in which the bal-lota for and against tbe said law,and for aad agaiustsaid improvement bond-, shall be deposited, and theelection iu relation thereto shall be conducted in allresp«*cts, as regards the persons entitled to vote, audotherwise, in accordance with the laws and regula¬tions which may be applicable to the holding of gen¬eral elections in aaid District.Fourth. Upon closing the polls, the ballot-boxea

    containing aaid tickets shall be opened, aud the bal¬lots shall be immediately counted, and a tally listthereof be made, and npon the completion of theconntiug of said ballota. duplicate returns of tbevotes cast in each election diatrict, together withstatementa of the aggregate number of votes castthereat for the members of the Legislative Aibly, shall, within forty-eight hours.bemade out andsigned by the officers of the several election pre¬cincts or districts, which returns shall deslgaate thanumber of votes cast for said law and for issuing thaaaid bonds, one of which returns shall b* pi.od lathe election box of each election distriat, with th*other papers of said election, and tbe otbar ahallbe placed in a sealed envelope, and be directed to tbeSecretary of tbe Diatrict of Columbia, and baplaced in bis hand* tp one or Bora of said election0,FCifth. On receiving the said envelopes, oontainlngthe returns aa aforeaaid. the secretary shall openaad examine the same, and add together tbe retumaor statement of votea as made to UB.bas each elec¬tion district. and after doiag so, ahall certify tbe re-salt to the Governor, and fiia a oopy of soon certifi¬es ¦* among tb* record* of his office.4ixth. If it sbaii appear from said latarna. as ear-

    ' Jed to by tbe secretary, that a majority of the votescaet for member* of tbe Legislative Assembly shallhave been cast tn favor of said law, and of tbe Issu¬ing ot said improvement bnajs, Wto Governor shallproclaim tbe same In tbe paaea of the Piatrict inwhich the law may be pubSeBd, and taaeediatelythereafter bonds may ba leaned ao dir*otod te thaSfth wction of this act.¦.venth. If n majority of the vetee shad be castSeGovthi® """V ^ Waning of thebondstracted under this act.Bsc. 10. And t< U frtrtkm mmttu, That wtth tbe

    publication of this act, for tbe period of three.oaths, in the newspapers aforeaaid, tbere abaU be

    of bonds tor special improvehereinbefore mentioned, aad 1shall be Bled and recordad la tlary of the District.Bsc. 11. Aad bt U fmlAtr saactsd,'

    oration of the emergency therefor cnceosity for Improvements in the DistrictMa, and arising Aram the fact that tha melection therein mar be bald ea the twoday of November,eigbtoea haadred and as


    said District from and after Ita 1CHABLBS L.WlLLlAJ^BTIcWi

    AW%r£&&,$XLr.> of the i


    eiC»Ml»rs n«ar^i in »uin» of t*.aid T«ar«a»r1dollar. dunn« «,b ofCotiirMi entitied u1b i!iei'rov,< J01 ^ tb* act *>fgn»JiS&i&irBS!"teSSssS^assSEzziiDistrict .hallb"^t41»«iJ «n5*"ilje of 9.zcliuively for tbe payment If thl Md u,** direct.ni^DthsDrior to tiiidSSS. eoDUa-aKBariitSd UU,°,i at .lection nhall bepEBsSSSI?"of^^SBK061*arZ«nt oftther°iirt«Ja,Tii^ rtSJTaSLCff? ,or thm-nt of a*vernor is berel.y aatboru*-.^wewee bond* oftheP* bioh «hail fifre## the ney loaned on coilaterala.Notee diacountad and adrancM Bade on moderate

    tern"1- oclt la

    S"UM "EffaSFSi?m c*"-cashed in advanceMoney advanced SOLICITOBW OF CLAIM! nvTKEA^CBT PRAFTS and ACmfoBV *EBT1 FI

    £AhSSoVtiUf00"D P0W"0r ATTOBNEirJ. H. SQriEB, AfOyE Y BROKER,

    _«nl5-tf 1497 F «t., n-ar O. B. TreMnry.^TAhBISeTOJMTITT >ATl|«|

    Comer fth Btre«t and Loaialana Atodm,PA Yt> 6 PKBCF.NT IVTEKBhT OH DEPOSITSUtarMt conuD* ucea from » tf J. A. BI FF. Tr

    jjiBBLiroa « os^BA.VKERS,

    1447 F StrMt, (two duora from 0. 8.'partinent,

    WASHINUTON. D. C.B*oMt« Depoaita, and tranaact a I

    BxineM.Eichange on the vrlncipU citiM tnkM M« gtMB

    MpartoonrdeMattor*.Information c-b^rinlly fcrtilahed in mUUm IcnU.evrttni.L