Committee : General Assembly Topic: Devising measures to control growing population and high unemployment / underemployment Country : Russia Russia is under populated . Our Presednt Putin once quoted "In a global sense we are facing the risk of turning into an 'empty space' whose fate will not be decided by us,". "If we manage to formulate and implement an effective complex people-saving strategy, Russia's population will go up to 154 million,". "The historic price of the choice between action and inaction is nearly 50 million human lives over the next 40 years," By contrast, he said, if the authorities do nothing to combat the demographic crisis, the country's population would fall to 107 million by 2050. Russia will have to tackle an acute demographic crisis exacerbated by unhealthy lifestyles, blatant disregard for safety protocols and traffic accidents which all contribute to high death rates. As part of demographic policies, the government will combat widespread alcohol and drug abuse and entice some 300,000 migrants a year to Russia, Putin said, also proposing monthly cash incentives for women to bear more than two children. Putin believes creating enough places in state kindergartens is a top-priority task for the country’s leadership. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the majority of state kindergartens were closed and their buildings sold to private owners. Over the last decades, the national birth rate has improved, but the number of available places in state kindergartens remains miserable. Families living in regions with negative demographic situation should receive financial support after the birth of their third kid, the Premier said. “This means about 7,000 rubles per month.” Putin has proposed re-building ‘working aristocracy’ class. By 2020 it should comprise about 10 million people, or one third of Russia’s workers.

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Committee : General AssemblyTopic: Devising measures to control growing population and high unemployment / underemployment Country : Russia

Russia is under populated .Our Presednt Putin once quoted "In a global sense we are facing the risk of turning into an 'empty space' whose fate will not be decided by us,"."If we manage to formulate and implement an effective complex people-saving strategy, Russia's population will go up to 154 million,"."The historic price of the choice between action and inaction is nearly 50 million human lives over the next 40 years,"By contrast, he said, if the authorities do nothing to combat the demographic crisis, the country's population would fall to 107 million by 2050.

Russia will have to tackle an acute demographic crisis exacerbated by unhealthy lifestyles, blatant disregard for safety protocols and traffic accidents which all contribute to high death rates.As part of demographic policies, the government will combat widespread alcohol and drug abuse and entice some 300,000 migrants a year to Russia, Putin said, also proposing monthly cash incentives for women to bear more than two children.Putin believes creating enough places in state kindergartens is a top-priority task for the country’s leadership.After the collapse of the Soviet Union the majority of state kindergartens were closed and their buildings sold to private owners. Over the last decades, the national birth rate has improved, but the number of available places in state kindergartens remains miserable.Families living in regions with negative demographic situation should receive financial support after the birth of their third kid, the Premier said. “This means about 7,000 rubles per month.”Putin has proposed re-building ‘working aristocracy’ class. By 2020 it should comprise about 10 million people, or one third of Russia’s workers.He also proposed raising student scholarships by 5,000 rubles per month.Putin called for the introduction of schemes aimed to reduce the cost of real estate by 20-30 percent.Among the measures he proposes are a fresh assault on Russia's catastrophic rates of male alcoholism, special allowances for women who have more than two children, improved housing and educational prospects for all Russians, and a "smart" immigration policy that will entice Russians living abroad to return to the motherland and attract educated and talented young foreigners.When he first came to power 12 years ago, Putin inherited a catastrophic population crisis. The number of Russians was shrinking by 0.5 percent each year and the prospect of a national breakdown was widely discussed by social scientists. But a decade of relative political stability, higher living standards, and public health campaigns have boosted male life expectancy from a 2003 low of 58 years to 63 today, and raised fertility rates from

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about 1.2 children-per-woman in 2002 to 1.6 in 2011 (still short of the 2.1 level experts say is needed to sustain a population), according to the state statistics service Rosstat.According to Putin, families with more than three children would receive housing priorities and a special allowance of 7,000 rubles (about $250) per child monthly, while other state benefits would make it easier for working women to find daycare, adjust their working schedules to maternal demands, and upgrade their professional qualifications.Unemployment Rate in Russia remained unchanged at 4.90 percent in 2014. Unemployment Rate in Russia averaged 8.03 Percent from 1993 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 14.10 Percent in February of 1999 and a record low of 4.90 Percent in January of 1993. Unemployment Rate in Russia is at a record low as of now .Most of the people are employed in the energy sector .Russian jobless rate remained stable at 4.9 percent for the second straight month in July of 2014. It is the lowest rate in more than eleven years. It is lower than that of countries like Brazil 6.4 %,Canada 7% , European union 11% ,UK 6.4 % , US 6.1%

The number of unemployed people was recorded at 3.7 million in July, almost unchanged from 3.69 million in June. A year earlier, there were 4.01 million unemployed people.The Russian government set an ambitious goal to create tens of millions of new jobs in high-tech sectors while gradually cutting low-efficient obsolete jobsInterventionist measures include setting up training facilities for workers to upgrade their skills, encourage geographical mobility, providing job information, offering incentives to firms that hire in depressed areas.Empowering the low income sector of the population with ‘free’ basic education and training.The basic steps any government can take is Cut Taxes .Subsidize Business Investment .Increase Government Spending.Increase Exports . All are Fiscal Policies . All will increase GDP and cause firms to hire more labor Engage in a policy to reduce the interest rate structure .