Ruthless trust is an unerring sense, way deep down, that beneath the surface agitation, boredom and insecurity of life, it’s gonna be alright... A stubborn,

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Ruthless trust is an unerring sense, way deep down, that

beneath the surface agitation, boredom and

insecurity of life, it’s gonna be alright...

A stubborn, irrefutable

certaintypersists that God is

with us and loves us in our struggleto be faithful...

Bible Reading:Bible Reading:Hebrews Hebrews 11: 8-1911: 8-19


A Leap A Leap into the into the UnknowUnknownn

Hindrances1.Age Limitations2.Responsibility Issues

Hindrances1.Age Limitations2.Responsibility Issues3.Fear Factor

What are our biggest fears?

1) Public Speaking2) Heights/Flying3) Insects4) Blood5) Death (these vary according to different research)

Hindrances1.Age Limitations2.Responsibility Issues3.Fear Factor4.Life might get more difficult!

InducementsEncounter 11.Father of a great nation2.Fame3.Blessing for you!4.Blessing for the whole earth!

InducementsInducementsEncounter 2A specific land promised: Canaan/Palestine/IsraelNew Testament: “A Heavenly City”

InducementsInducementsEncounter 3Reassurance helps!

InducementsInducementsEncounter 4Protection & Reward.Abram believed the Lordand the Lord declared himas righteous because ofhis faith.

InducemeInducementsntsEncounter 5 Abraham is 99! More reassurance!Encounter 6 Sacrifice Isaac!Encounter 7 Final reassurance.

A Leapinto theUnknown?

Diamond Vision - CCFReflecting the Light of ChristReflecting the Light of Christ

Multi-faceted – because everyone Multi-faceted – because everyone mattersmatters

Every Facet embraces the CrossEvery Facet embraces the CrossCutting EdgeCutting Edge

Tough & ResilientTough & ResilientPrecious & Valued Precious & Valued

Shaped by the Master CraftsmanShaped by the Master Craftsman

Reflecting the Light of ChristReflecting the Light of ChristMulti-faceted – because everyone Multi-faceted – because everyone

mattersmattersEvery Facet embraces the CrossEvery Facet embraces the Cross

Cutting EdgeCutting EdgeTough & ResilientTough & Resilient

Precious & Valued Precious & Valued Shaped by the Master CraftsmanShaped by the Master Craftsman

A Leapinto theUnknown?

30 secondsof courage

A Leapinto theUnknown?

30 secondsof courage

Enlarge the place of your tent... What size is your God? Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God. There is more to you than you know. Do not be afraid. God always summons us to something bigger than ourselves. Be filled with God’s courage. God is waiting for your “Yes”! If the world is going to be reached I am convinced that it must be done by men and women of average talent.

Great G/motherEllen Hooke

Great, Great G/father Thomas Farmer

1711 - Government plan for 50 new churches forthe growingpopulation of London

St. Georges Church,Hanover Square

There are no dead endswith God,

just bends, corners or forks in the


All things work together for

good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8.28

“Everything will be alright in the endAnd if it’s not alright

It’s not the end”



A Leap A Leap into the into the UnknowUnknown!n!