May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 23 aESOL~ONDECLARWG AN INTENT 70 B B m AND CLOSE APOmON OF , , , , -.. _ WBERIEAS, S-Mom Road Iwcst6nr bas a P&tion to dose a portion of sergis C is* ~.ofmo#e', and WHEREAS, a portion of Sax& Crossing Drive petitioned to be closed intersects S~RogdNorthbetw~~~MmocR.oadsadWairBouldas~oaamapmarkad "Exh&iiA", Mdismomparti~ydeseribedbylgGtGs~bO~~~marlred ''Exhibit Bn, dl of whi& am available for h pdon in the O?Ba of the City Clerk, Charlotte- M~gGo--* C~#t,NortbcarOlina ~,thcpd~~e~dosiag~~~asoutlinedinNort Carolina Osneral Statutes, Section 160A-299, roquircr timt Cod tint adopt a resolution declrringitsirrtarttodosetbn~oad~a~~onthc@~n;seidStatutc ~rtherrcrqairesthatthensolutionshrllbe~on~eawakfortaro~nwadrs~rior totbn~da~tbsreofbcgcnSbyresiptaedor~edmailtoaU~t~~ofpro adjo~thestmetas~ontheuwrtytaxrseords, udanotiwortbeddngsndpublic ~rhanbe~postdinatlesat~pkoogdongsaid~or~,and ~,~ORe,~mEIESOLVED,by~Citg~oftheCityof CBadotte,atitrisguhifSr~rcrdoaofMcy26,1998,thtitintadrtoba~onof sardis~~thrt~gPrdioaordN~~~~.ndWs Bowlevard,ddnct(cr@n-Obdng-p-dmona1131pandbya met~~~dbarodr~avoilsbtch~mintbnChyCWr~ adhereby dsa pubh bsaring on the q d n to be held at 7:00 p.m, on M day the 2ahd day of June, 1998, in the Counoil's meting clumber, Go- Center, 600 600. Fourth St., Cbhtte, NC.

S-Mom is* ~.ofmo#e', - Charlotte, North Carolinacharlottenc.gov/CityClerk/Resolutions/May 26, 1998.pdf · West Tyvala Road @vbg v&1le width right-of-way at this Mon~ thenoe with the

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May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 23


, , , , -.. _

WBERIEAS, S-Mom Road Iwcst6nr bas a P&tion to dose a portion of sergis C is* ~ . o f m o # e ' , and

WHEREAS, a portion of Sax& Crossing Drive petitioned to be closed intersects S~RogdNorthbetw~~~MmocR.oadsadWairBouldas~oaamapmarkad "Exh&iiA", Mdismomparti~ydeseribedbylgGtGs~bO~~~marlred ''Exhibit Bn, dl of whi& am available for h p d o n in the O?Ba of the City Clerk, Charlotte- M ~ g G o - - * C~#t ,NortbcarOl ina

~ , t h c p d ~ ~ e ~ d o s i a g ~ ~ ~ a s o u t l i n e d i n N o r t h Carolina Osneral Statutes, Section 160A-299, roquircr timt C o d tint adopt a resolution declrringitsirrtarttodosetbn~oad~a~~onthc@~n;seidStatutc ~ r t h e r r c r q a i r e s t h a t t h e n s o l u t i o n s h r l l b e ~ o n ~ e a w a k f o r t a r o ~ n w a d r s ~ r i o r t o t b n ~ d a ~ t b s r e o f b c g c n S b y r e s i p t a e d o r ~ e d m a i l t o a U ~ t ~ ~ o f p r o ~ a d j o ~ t h e s t m e t a s ~ o n t h e u w r t y t a x r s e o r d s , udanotiwortbeddngsndpublic ~ r h a n b e ~ p o s t d i n a t l e s a t ~ p k o o g d o n g s a i d ~ o r ~ , a n d

~ , ~ O R e , ~ m E I E S O L V E D , b y ~ C i t g ~ o f t h e C i t y o f CBadotte,at itrisguhifSr~rcrdoaofMcy26,1998,thtit intadrtoba~onof s a r d i s ~ ~ t h r t ~ g P r d i o a o r d N ~ ~ ~ ~ . n d W s d a Bowlevard,ddnct(cr@n-Obdng-p-dmona1131pandbya m e t ~ ~ ~ d b a r o d r ~ a v o i l s b t c h ~ m i n t b n C h y C W r ~ adhereby d s a pubh bsaring on the q d n to be held at 7:00 p.m, on M d a y the 2ahd day of June, 1998, in the Counoil's meting clumber, Go- Center, 600 600. Fourth St., Cbhtte, NC.

may ~ b , IYYB Resolution Book 35, Page 24


WITNESS my hrnd and the corporate scrl of the City ofcharlotte, North Carolina, &is the 28th h ~ o f Mav ,1998.

_ .--* ---- Resolution &oak 35, Page 25


% WHEREAS, Stephen M. Moore, has filed a Petition to close a portion of Wysnoke Street in the City &Charlot& as &awn on a map &ed "EXMI& An d i& more particularly described by metes and bounds in a d- marked TkhW B", all of which are m b b l e for inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Chadotte, North Carolha.

~,~p~~~e%rolo~lltreet~an8vlleysasoutliacdinNorthCar~ General Statutes, Section 160A-299, quires that C d adopt a -on declaring its intent to close the street and calling a public hearing on the question; said Statute fink requires that the ~ 8 8 0 l u ~ n W b c ~ ~ a w s c p k . f o r t w o d v c ~ ~ ~ t o & h t a r i a & a n d a c o ~ thereof be gent registered or d e d mail to all owners of property the street as shown on the county tax rccordq and a notice or the closing and public heariug shall be pmminentiy posted in at l e a s t t w Q ~ ~ ~ d ~ o r * , i # J

NOW, THBWQrZe, BE E W5SOLVED, by the Gity Couwil of the City of Charlotte, at its regddy SGWUM simbn &May 26,1998, that it iatrnds to s patiOa of Wyu~,kc Street, lying betwean Bay Street Md Ltbunnun Avdauc siii(l street (or portion themot) being more particularly ~ ' b e d o n a m a p M d b y a ~ r a d ~ ~ o n d a M e f m ~ i n t h e C i t y Cl&s o b , and hereby calla a public hearing on the question to be held at 7:00 p a , on Monday the 22nd day of lune, 1998, in the Council's Mee&g Chamber, Charlotte-Mecklenbwg Government Center, 600 E. Fourth St., Charlotte, NC.

The City Clerk is hereby diretted to publish a copy of this mlution in tht M e c k h k g Times once a ~ ~ ~ ~ w w o o h P ~ p r c o c d i n $ t h e ~ ~ l h a e f o r s u o h ~ a s r e g ~ b y

I, Brenda Freeze, city Clerk of the City of Cbndotte, North Carolina, DO LIEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true Md exact copy of a Resolution adopted by the City Council oftlu City of Charlotte, North Camliaq in mguh seasion convened on thu 26th day of May, 1998, the mhrenw having been made in Mirmte Book 112 aadreMhdedinftllinResolutionBook 35 , ps~e(s)

25 $

n S my hand and the corporate seal of the C i of Charlotte, North Carolina, tha9 the a h dayef MM, ,199s.

Brenda R Freeze, City Clerk, Cm:

May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 26

Refernee is W t o t h e schedule ofk'Tntxpaepc Wd Mftmds Requested" a-hed to t h e k k e t for consideration af the City Council. On the basis of that schedule, which is incoqmated herein, the following facts are found:

2. The City-County Tax Collector has certified that those taxpayers have made Draper dew& ia mitbtg la @itad efgfmtlmaset out on the schedule

r. kohin the r e ~ , t i m i i m i t s .

3; -& BWo@,&e.&uk ?$,we 60llwed through ei&m a.,efedwiastl or ~ s o r e m .

NOW, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED by the City ,Clem$l t h e Ciy of O ~ t t e ; : ~ Carolina, in regular session assembled this 26th day of May 26. 1998 that those tmpayeis Listed on the -,&;Tmyg~s md &e-8 k 'm lfie t h m b set up & & . * ' W p e &SI%'I%'M~!,&I BpDsL *bmg @$this Phgezing.

{ C

I, Brenda R. Freae, City Ckrk of thc C@ of CBarlotte, Noetb CProline, M) HEREBY CfPlTIFY that the foregoing is a true and uact copy of a Rksol~tion adopted by the City-, 1998, tbt having been made in Minute Book n, end m e d in full in Resolution Boolr3L, pa%s(s)2&2l.

WITNESSmy hgnd&theoorporateSeatoftheCityoSCharlotte, North Carolina, thisthe28thday of J@L, 1998.

B r d a R. F p ~ , CMC, City Clerk -

may ro, LYYU Resolution Book 35, Page 27



Driftwood Mobile Home Prk Cgtawba Mobile Home Park ~e&ovzjou Wlosrow Fleet Fudbg, Topsail Construction Go Subway Hendrick Imports

CansoGrtcrted Coin Secol Company Inc Soctv Realty Company Inc Socar Realty Company h c UPS mft Plan Cop Orlando Pellegtino O r W g Pellb&o

IW., L", *-u Resolution Book 35, Page 28



W m W , a petition requesting the annexation of the area described her* has been received; and

WHEREAS, cedifkation by the City Clerk as to thesnfficience of d petirbn has beat made. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CEAR&OTTE:

Seetion 1. That a publie hearing on the q+n damnudon ofthe area darerlbcd herein will he hdd in tbs CMGC Meeting Chmber, 608 E. Fourth St., Charbite, NC, at P:BO pm, on the day of Jnn4 1998.

Section 2. The area proposed for annexation b described as f0nom:

Tract 1

BEGINWNG at a new iron pin in the southeasterly margin of West Tyvola Road (formerly W i n t h a d 60 foot right-of-way), said point being the westdy most currier ofa 5.472 acre parcel of land owwd by the City of Charlotte &win Creek Disposal Plant property) end b t k m o r e said point ofB-G being located along said of West Tyvola Road &m the iakmection of the westerly mar@ of the 200 foot Southem Railway right-of-way and the southeasterly margin of West Tyvola Road S. 36-34-37 W. 532.04 feet to the BEGXNNNG aad nms theme with the southwestmly lina of the City of Charlotte propwty in three (3) covffes and dhmes as follows: 1) S. 41-01-33 B. 559.14 feet to an existing iron pin; 2) 9.36-30-53 W. 157.90 feat to an existing iron pia; 3) S. 3843-44 E. 427.00 feet to an exiskg iron pin, said point being in the westerly margin of said Sordhem Railway right-of-way., thence with the City of Charlotte atoperty in ten (10) wwsw and distances as follows: 1) S. 31-31-53 W. 275.95 fket to an existing iron pin; 2) S. 31-28-07 W. 209.15feetto~~ironPin;3)S.31-29-29W.438.11feet~~exiS~ironpin;4)SS.31-31- 58 W. 75.87 feat to an existing iron pin; 5) S. 31-03-24 W. 216.81 feet to an existbg iron pin; 6) N. 42-01-22 W. 52.67 k d to an exist& iron piq 7) S. 08-10-35 E. 262.70 feet to a stone; 8) S. 03-10- 20 W. 107.80 feat to au exking iron pin, 9) S. 56-25-07 W. 134.14 feet to an nristing iron pin; 10) S. 56-20-08 W. 95.59 .Feet to an existing iron pin, said point being the northeast comer of the Larry S. Campbell pmp%y as described in deed book 3687, page 935 of the MecklgiBm County Public Registry; thence with the northerly line of CampboU1s prop@ N. 58-35-32 W. 725.50 feet to a new iron pin in the easterly margin of Hefner Drive (variable width public dedicated right-of-way); thence continuing with the old northerly line of the Campbell property and mssing said Heher Drive N. 58-35-31 W. 59.96 feet to a new iron pin in the westerly margin of Hefner Drive, said point

May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 29

beiig a comer of the Larry S. CmpbeU property; thence conhuing with the northerly line of Campbells property N. 58-35-32 W. 236.57 feet to a new iron pin in the southeasterly margin of West Tyvala Road @vbg v&1le width right-of-way at this M o n ~ thenoe with the S O U ~ ~ Y ~~I&I&I of West T W O ~ Retdin &ht (8koOylges ead distancts ~ U O W S : 1) N. 30-32- - .. 51 E. 237.96 fed-to an & comrcbe mowmeat; 2) N. 53-29-45 8.66.35 feet to &I &&ng conmete mnwxmt at the ~Q-Y htwtwtion of Hofnrr WW and Weat Twola R o d 3) N. 19-57-41 E. 7521 feet to an a&t&mncmte monment d the ndmmkdy &ection'$the

m, 4) N. 3-39-43 E. 94.68 68 to &&g imn pin; 5) N. 38-56-03 W. 22.15 f ' to a paint, 6) N. 31-22-07 E. 1,011.53 feet to a new iron,p& 7) N. 33-56-04 E. 126.65 feet to a new iron pin; 8) N. 36-34-37 E. 571.80 feet to the pod and pi= &'BE-0. Cotatginiag 44.603 acres or 1,942,871 sq- feet oflad including 0.952 a ~ @ or 41,460 sp- feet of lad within Heber Drive tw SbOWIL on a w e y eutitled "Annemtbn Map For: f X k k ~ ~ J L k Propdes" prepared by R.3. Phen & A s d t s , P.A. dated September 13.1996, lest revised December 31, 1997 b h g File No. W-1 ldl.7AN, SShegt 1 0f2.

Less and exwpt that portion od: H&w DrisG (variable public ri$ht-ofsway) lying in the City of Charlotte and mere parthkly C t d ES follows:

BEGIFWNG qt an ak&g concrete menumat at the 11odwmtmly htemction of Weat Tyvola RoadC&&k public rigbt-ofkay) a d snaHefneP Drive (varbhb public rigb-of-way) aud lrun thence with the aakferly mntgin a f w ~ =vft. i8 68) CBIWW w -8: 1) S. 58-52- 22E. 1 % 3 . 3 7 f s e t t p a n e x i s Q g ~ m o n ~ 2 ) ~ ~ ~ d a ~ o i u a d p . ~ e t o t h e r i g b t having a radius of 103.30 feet, anaer: dbtam of 165.80 feet (t&mk S. 1 3 4 5 8 E. 148-57 f&) to an existing c o m e monument, 3) S. 31-0744 W. 103.95 feet to apoint; 4) S. 58-52-16 E. 20.00 feetto apoint; 5) S. 31-07-44 W. 20.00 feat to a point; 6)N. 58-52-16 W. 2CJ.O.a) feetto apoint; 7) S. 31.07-44 W. 145.44 feet to a point; 8) with the arc of a cimslar curve to tha left having a radius of 25.00 feat, anam disPsgGC of 1% fe&f&m& S. 28-57-26 W. 1.92 M) t6a.broint in the northerly line of the L.S. Campbell property as d e m h d in deed book 3687, page 935 of the Mecklenburg County Public Re-; thence crossing Heher Drive N. 58-35-32 W. 59.96 feet to a point in the westerly margin of Heher hive, said point also being in the northerly lime of said L.S. Campbell property; thence with the westerly margin of H e k Drive in three (3) C O ~ ad distances as follows: 1) with the arc of a cireula~ curve to the IeBhaving a radius of 25.00 feat, an arc distance of 1.69 faet (oboal: N. 27-15-02 E. 1.69 feet) to an ex%g eonrrete mmumemt, 2) N. 25-18-29 E. 300.32 feet to a ntw iron pin; 3) N. 58-52-22 W. 183.16 fGet to an existing coaQete monument, said point being the southeasterly intermtion of West Tyvola Road and HefiIa hive; &ace with the easterly margin of West Tyvola Road, if extended N. 19-5741 E. 7521 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING. Corn 0.952 acre or 41,460 squa~c feat tie shown on the aforeadd survey prepared by R.B. Pharr & AS-ates, P.A. dated SeptembeF.13,1996 and last mised December 3 1, 1997.

tvay L O , lyre Resolution Book 35, Page 30


may re, lrra Resolution Book 35, Page 31

To find &e $ae pobt and.-, af BEGINNEW). ,mi&mmcB at .a naas iron wh lying in the

warginqf Wed . ~. 8. ~34-37 @,. 5 ~ . ~ 4 ! - &I-:- t h s " a a & h a c m m af l l ~ e City

37 W. 1&110;4 feet to a p~iat; 3) W. &.18105 Mr. a0,S Mda d-.irola.pia hated in the

W. 86.32 to a* %)M. 01-15-94 E. 173.12 &&to apoint; 9)N. 37-0641. W. 185.63 feet to a point; 10) N. 62-11-43 W. 50.40 f&to apaint; 11) N. 15-17-00 W. 45.33 fad to a po& 12) N. 08-

2-11 W 223.78 fest to a point, :piel point b e i the '~ a s i l e & d w d i d d e c d ~ ~ . 3 , ~ . ? 1 ? ofsaid

in conqwp YMmterline of .as &Eo~w: 1) la. fJ9-32-11 E.

178,62.f&b 2yN..,B$iO$.31 E. 126,9Q'tf&&@ 3) @J. 35-39-11 B. m3.10 faer to a point; 4) N. 52-52-1 1 E. 140.911 fkt to a point; 5) N. 32-50-18 E. 180.98 EeGP b 8 point; 6) Bhence 1ew& the crcek.hli 29.20-52 W., 178.47 fW to a m k p i n , said IPoipt b d q a common owner af proper@ conveyed to: 1) T. R obits described in w:bo& Pgd8e b.((i,~fsaid registry; and 2) L.M. Coopst as M b e d in deed bodr 1335, pap 320 of said m, tbnce with the sQutheastalybof: 1)sa6dLM.~,2)J.C~Ibyantirety~f~book21)16,page 98); 3) %win Potts alaxamdg, ef at by will pmperty (deed book 1801, page 352L, 4) Z. Woods, et almpropGIs ( ~ l i w d t W,~.ffkk 98. Woads pep&y (doad book 1242, page 112); and, 6 ) MB J. J. pmperty (deed book lB7, ,page 25) N. 57-31-00 E. 1354.18 ht to an misting iron p i n , s a i d p i n b e i r y g t h e ~ ~ o f & e . E . A . D a % 4 s ~ p r o p g t y a s ~ i n d e e d b o o k 2686, page 91 ofaaid regiw, &ace with the E.A. Dadu h e S. 32-17-47 88.370.89 Eeet to a new irsn pin, said pin being the. mutbdy most comer of the E. A. Davis p m , thence with the easterly lina of the E. A. Davis Enaparty atad the e&mEy b e of the plow of L. J. Stinson as

May ~ b , LYM Resolution Book 35, Page 32

described in deed baok 5959, page 670 ofsaid registry N 38-05-13 E 287.79 feet to a point in bhe southerly margin of the right-of-way af ikbe&a Avenue; thence along said margin of Wma AvenwS50-33-04ES0.01 W t o a @ ~ m & e . ~ ~ i y c l o m e r & t h e ~ o f R

+k&&M w, f&$@l'~$B.El.efM&

31.31 k&&!m

a && -.to JLW. ?*:a tti* @ Id%r*d. sf,.S, 1.39 &j&j a*; thence ,a .-w&p b, 8pE:;.#Y M! $$-&a, GB . ,-, @# a- pqp&yw ~k 12.12, ~ a g a m. 31rk.~:

, Gs$s* .*sy);@) 8.R


.m&,-'mdlby.;,R B'.- & . . ~ ~ . P . . & , 3,. 1- w , m J.&&.&@ 91, &m aa$ e m. W- 1 1 . 0 7 ~ ~ ~ Shstt l m f 2.

I, Brenda R. *eze, ~ j t y Clerk of the ~ t t y of ~fibr1,0tte-,. hlorfh C.aroiina, w HERE? c~w~pv ths f th( +o~$@,i.~Q qb,&Teiw ,&& co,p$ & a' y&drwffon

by City ~~~e~~ ,!of &$@ a:$ ,b$ ~ ~ i ; ~ o E t Y , ~ ' &fith bF&v$nd,"+k ' '

regul,a~ s~s?riw~~~cournmd om; Mha M h o f %-, IS@&, ths re fem, r ie htnrf,mg ibeen mada in, ;Minute Book 112. @&d. rocvrded i n full1 i n ~ v b s o l ~ u t i ~ n kek 3.5;, P#gef s) 28-32,.

WITNESS my h i i d and the cofpsrate sefl.1 lr7 the e i t y cf eharl'otte, t b ~ % h Carol ina, thi,s the 28$h &~lr of Way,, I-.

bendti R. P~eeze, , City Cl i rk

May 26, 1998 ResolutCon Book 35, Pages 33-37

Pages 33 througn 37

n o t used

Flay 26. 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 3 1


WHEREAS, the City of Charlotte ~ ~ e n t of Transportation has reviewed the maintenance requirements of the fd lowiq s M segments:

Municipslily Road # Street Name Len& D ~ i s i o a COMW 'Termini *

mt8iBed by

w Stalcfmiles)



Smitb Road

S d y Po* Rd

A* -9

Pienem A v a w

calthntal Bkd

Crrsaite S b e t

Jimnry Oehlerm


C h i c Cimb to City LWt YorLRuad (NC49) to City Limit west Bhd to sentry Poat Road w**w Bhrd to c- Ehrd EhwrAvenueto Endtostate

Ehrd tB end ot M&. Johwkm-Oe~r R d . t o d o f Mdnt. Airpoa hive to Dtdw

&& June 5,1998.


May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 39

( 1 The City of Charlotte will petition the No* Camha Department of TranspertatJoa to delete fmm t&e State Road System the following street segments:

~ C i t o C i Limit YoIkRoad (NC49) to City Limit West Blvd to Senby Posl Rod weS?iq@u8e Blvd to Conciaental Blvd B i Avenue to Eodtostaie Mainteneaffi wekaklgh~~~e Bhrd to end of Maint Johnston.Oe&~r Rd. to end of MEint. AirpertI)riveto Dead Ei~d

(2) The alsevwker0bed street segments uifl be added to the auintenance naponsibility of the City of Cbufotte, and

(3) The a B 0 S E - d ~ ~ am&r of maintenana mspndbili6y will become effective om Jane S, 1998, subjest to approval by the North Carolina Board of Traaqmtation.


May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 40

I, Brenda R Frrae, City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, DO EXEREBY CERTIFY that the fongoing is a tnw.and esaot mpy d a ReMntEos adbpted by the City Council ofthe City of Charlotte, Nortb Carolina, in rGgylar session conveoed on the 26th dayof May 19=, the mfhnce bvhg been made in Minute Book 112 , and 1 ~ ~ ) ~ d e d in full in the Resolution Book 35 , Page(s) 38-40

W m S my hand and the corporate seal of the City of Charlotte, North CaroliBa, this a t h e x h d a y of May ,19x.

nay CQ, rrso Resolution Book 35, Page 41

WHEREAS, the City of ChmlotEe ~ w n s a parcel of r d property located at the inkmxtim of \Nilkinson Boulevard and Harlee Avenue, fiuther dewxibed as Tax Pards 115-151-13, which parcel mmprisea appreximtely 1 1. lgtt aorps (hemi& "Ci Propmy"); awl

WEJEREAS, Cook Body Company, Fnc. owas a parcel of real ppm@ bated on Harlee Avenue south of its intersection with W i Boulevard. kther dacribed as Tax Parcel 1 15-

WHEREAS, the City desires to exchange a portion of the City Property amo- m 0.457* acres for a portion of Cook's Propeaty mounting to 0.4571: acres as d e p i d on a survey preparad, by P i Profe&d Laad Surveying &ad h&y 8, M98, a copy of whit% is on file in the Mice of the City Clerk; and

WEEREAS, notice of Council's intent to w i t h e exchange was published at least 10 days before the adepth oftbis msdutisn ils m@ed by N.C.G.S. 160A-271;

NOW, WEREPOXE, BE IT IWWLWD that the Chad* City Couaail hereby a u t h o h the exchange of real property as heretofore described in wrnpfiawe with N.C.G.S. 160A-27 1.

I, Brenda R. Freeze, City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Chdh, W HEREBY CERTIFY that the fomgoing b a true aad exact copy of a Resolution adopted by :be City Council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in reg* s a s h convened on the26k day u, 1998, the rckmce having been made in Minute Book z, and recorded in full in Resolution -, psge(s)SL.

WfTNHTS my hand and the oorpomoe ad of the City of Charlotte, North CPrdiao, this be2W day of _MaJL, 1998.

Breada R. F-, CMC, City Ckrk .

I : LO, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 42

&lcmlKA RESOLUTION & Cargo Ram Expansion Reimburserneni FAA Grant AIP-31 f o r $7,710,639, Master Plan Land Acquisition, Taxiway G

EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES of a regular meeting of the Chariotte City Council mm>aN ~. ,~~ L~ -~ - - ~- -~

The following resolution wrrs tBmxil Member Whcleler, s~conded by Council I M e m b awssb. rewt in all" @ r n M . ' d &@A+. :





BE IT RESOLVED, by the he 6f


til3XON1. T M s a i d A 3 Q g 4 ~ d WY a, *adopt9, e P P V Q % Dceepts

and Mta the execution of a CiraBt -ent between the Federal Aviation Administration on

behalf of the United States of &&a a d

SIEC'HON 1. That iblkmtimPf mid Gnrmt A v t in qdmptiwte on behalf of

. by-- . . saidQ!&md aad the impression of the off~cid seal of the

-and the attestation by -;- is hereby authorized,

adopted, appmed, amwed and ratified.

SECTION 3. flnat the . . is hereby authorized to execute payment

requests under them Orant Agr@mm& on lddfd said

May 26, 1998 holution Book 35, Page 43

I, Brenda R. Fnezs, City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Camlina, DO HERHBY CERTIFY that the fo~aBahuedexact~ofa~a$88tadbvthcCiClr('lwncTi~(he~ofChPI1otte. NO& &ha, in ngular sessib;l convened on & da; &, 1998, the & having b& made in Minute Book _llz, and mx&d in fan m Redudoa R O O L ~ L , Pagc(a)&4l.

W ' l l T E S my hand and the corporate aeal of the City of Charlotte, North C d h m , thtp t h e m day of 4rlay_, 1998.

BnmdP R. F-, CMC, City Ckk

May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 44

64cmu.A aESOLrnON FAA Grant AIP-32 for $4,781,250 for Ai rport 's Par t 150 Noise Compatibfl ity Program EXTRACT FROM THE MMJTES OF A regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council HELD ON The folloariag t x s o b was htmducd by Cotatcil M& Wheeler, ~ n M by bycauncil

Mernber lbusm* read in full, a i d e d and adopted.




BE lT RESOLVED, by the of

SECTION 1. 'rh& said J&&QWL h d y adm'izes, adapts, apamves, and

ratifies the e x d o n of a Grant Agreement between the Fadewl Aviation P$n?listntbn on

W f of the United States of h m h aad

SECTION 2. That the Exeeatbu of said Grant Agreement in qadmplicpte on behalf of

SECTION 3. That the AviationDireotor ie h d y t n h r b d to execate payment requests

May 26, 1998 Resdutim Baok 35, Psge 45

I, Brenda R. Freeze, City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, DO HF3REBY CERTIFY that the fongoingisarnreandcxaotcopy of a ~ 1 u t l a r ~ b y h G i t y C o l r n c i l o f ~ C i t ) . o f Charlotte, North Cadha, in regular seasion commed on t h e m day u, 1998, the mfaence having been made in Minute Book 112_, and ncorded in full %I I t s d u h n BxIUL, h g e ( s ) a .

Eim& R. Freeze, CMC, City Clsrk

May 26, 1948 Resolution Book 35, Page 46

RESOLUTION NCDOT Grant f o r Av ia t ion 's Ramp B Expansion, Phase 3; NCDOT's Transportation Improvaraent

Amotiwwasmadeby Councilmenbar Wheeler and .seconded by Program

(Name end T i e )

Counci irnernber Rousso for the adoption of the followhg resolution, a d upon being put to a

(Name and Title)

vote was M y accspted:

WHEREAS, a Grant in the amount of S@O.@O hss besa approved by the hpammt b a d on tatal estimated o o ~ t I

o f g.470.667; and . WHEREAS, en amow equal to or gnarcr d m -went SO% 1 o f Ihe total esticaPtsd project mst h a been

appropriated &the sponsor for this Project.


C r ' w o f t h e S p ~ u o r b e a n d b h b y i s ~ s n 8 a n p o ~ t o g n t s r i a t o a G ~ A ~ t w i & t h e ~ t h ~

biding the Sponsor to the 1i11fillmcnt of its obligation inoMed mder this Grsnt A m or any mutt&& y u p

m o d i t i o n t h d .

1, Brenda R . Freeze, C i t y 17epk ofthc @tune and Title]

City o f ~ h a r l o $ i ~ , ~ ~- .- .~. , LNOrth CaMl d , ha, , . .~ -- . -- ~-~ ~~- - ~ ~~ c - - d @ ~ , ~ . t L B t ( S ~ ~

Ci ty o f Charlotte, NC. C:ty CounciL -- - - - - - o f a ~

4-1 duly and regularly held oa tho= day of ,19 98 .

2 8 $ h ~ , d -~ ~. - - - - - ~ ~~ - - - - ~

98 . *19- b . ' Brenda R. Freeze, CMC

SPONSOR SEAL --. sipned:

T i C i t v Clerk

OfThe: City o f Charlotte. NC

DOA FORM (1197) Page 4 of 9

May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 47

I, Brenda R. Freeze, City Clerk of the City of Charlot&, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution adopted by the City Cormctl Of ths City of Charlotte, North Catdina, in qpilac d o n o a n d on the= day ofMeJL, I=, the reterenCe having been

- I m g d e i n M i n u t e B o o k ~ , a t s d n c o r d s d i n f u l l i n R b 9 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .

WlTNESS my hand and the cmpomtc seal of the City of W o t t e , North Carolina, tbis t h e m day of a, 1998.

Bnnda R. Freeze, CMC, City Clerlr

May 26, 1998 Resolution Boek 35, Page 48


7NHEREAS, the City Gouncil af the City of Charlotre finds as a fact that i t is

\,, necessery to a a p h certrtin pmperty 9s indicated blow for the CAVENDSH COURT/ ',CLOISTER DRIVE STOW DRAINAGE PROJECT; aad

WHEREPIS, the City either in good f a has undertaken to negotiate for the purchase ofthis pmptxty but laas been a b l e to reach an agreement with the m e r s for the purchase we or, rtfter reamable diligence, bas been mattle to negotiate a purchase pice;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of ~harlo&, &at tion on proceedings are hereby ambrked to be instituted aginst the property indioated below, under the authority andprocedures of the lsws of the State of Noah C m ~

Amount ~11amxmq for the CAVENDW C O W 1 CLOSTER D m STORM O M A G E PROJECT and esrimated to be apprdnately 1,617 square 40.037 acre) far a,pmnanmt storm &&age eagonrent and my &tiaxil property or interest a$ the City may dewmine to, oomplete &e Pmject, as it rel- 'to tax Pawl No. 183-041-36, miti property c d l y omd by G- ALAN MCCAIN altd wi&, wb; m T MORT@&@@ ON, B~P-W, ur the owners' S~C- cessor-ie-in$a& . . .1 - ' 11 , * .

. ' .

: aswb.- . , &upsntbe*Srw2&&bythe Such ~ c e l q m m m rn constructiw p b . . . I . * '

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the h e t e d just c o m ~ o n for the prom is hereby authorized to be deposited in the OBce of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Camha, together with the &g of the Compiinb end Declaration of Taking.

May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 49

I, Bred3 R Fmzc, City Clerk of the City of CbprloQc, Mrrb CPmlinr, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the w i n p is a true aad exact cqpy of a Wution sdopBsd by the C i Council of the City of Charlotte, North Cualinr, in mssabn cimmwl an tlw= day etllr;y, I-, chc nfcsmcc having bcen

* - r n a d e i n M i r t u ~ B o o k 1 1 2 , o n d ~ h A J 1 i n ~ ~ , ~ a ~ .

tray 26, 1998 GesolutSon Book 35, Page 50



CAROLINA. ' o n w bl n m m u OU)

I4 0 0 11) * -J 4

WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chap* 160A-299 of the Gansral u l a A ODsq Statutes of North Carolina, the City Council has caused to be published a Rwlution of Intent to \ -

0 6 Close a portion of General Commerce Drive which for a public hearing on the question; and; c !, a 3 a - I- -

WHEREAS, the petitioner has caused a copy of the Resolution of Intmt to Close 3 X a portion of General Commerce Drive to be sent by regissred or certified mail to dl ownen of $ 2 [3 propew adjoining the said street (or portion thereof), and prominently posted a notice ofthe a closing Md public hearing in at least two places dong Gsneral Commerce Drive, all as required 4 rp r by N.C.G.S. 160A-299; and u t m m 1 n * %

1 * N I 4

WHEREAS, the public hcprinS was held on the 26th day of May, 1998, and City p ; 8 5 Council detcnniRsd tM the dosing of G e n d Connntroe Ddve is not contrary to the public a o

interest, d that no individual, firin or corporation owning property m the viOinity t b f will -bc G 5 i deprived of remaable means of ingress rmd agress to bia or its propaty.

NOW. T l B R E F O ~ BE IT RESOLIED by the C i Council ofthe City of , Charlotte, North C M ~ 8t it8 rceolarly clssanMsd aweting ofMay 26,1998, that thc Council

hereby orders the of G d Conmaw IZrhre in the C i of CMotte, W u r g ~ o r t n t y , ~ o r t b ~ r r d h o w n i n & ~ ~ ~ A " m d i r m a r e p r r t i a r l u l y d e s o r i b e d bymetermdbomdainrdocumsntmultsd~tBw, b o t h o f w h i c h ~ s ~ k e t o a n d

aLak madcapamher&

BP:RFUR~l~Wthrrrecrti8+dc~pyofthir~tionb&ledin the Ofiics of* Raeirag &Deeds fix IkW&&wg County, Notth Cuolina

* I I, Brenda F- City Clmk of the City of Chulotte, North Cuoliru do h@s&y cemfy that the foregob@ is r tme fnd exact copy of a Rcsdudon adopted by ths C ' i C d ofthe City of 4 8 C h a r l o t t q N o p t k a n Y q i r p * . h ~ a t t r W L d a y o f M q , 1 ~ ~ r

5 " ; a r s f a r e n ~ e w b d i a W g b O L 112 ,page , and mrded in UL in 5 "o~csotioion Book 35 . pylt 50 - 53 \ "6% WITNESS my hand and the corporate se; o f the City of Char1 &'E th is the 28th day o f May. 1998. 0 0

May z6, 19S8 ' a Reso'lution ~ o o k 38, Page 52


Monday, December 15,lBST Pile: $511.0044



AR that tract or parcel of land situate in, City of Charlotte, Mecktenburg County, Nodl Carolina and being a part of GENERAL COMMERCE DRIVE, a dedicated public street owned and maintabd by the City of Chadotte, all as shown on a map thereof entitled "Final Plan - General Corn- Center - Map Five" dated August 30, 1990 and recordad in the M e c k m County Fb@ister of Dseds Offla in Nlap Bodc 23 at Pago 992 on September 19, 1990 and being more particu(arty dewibed as felidlows:

BEGIN- at a point m a k d by a 5Mm iron pin manumewit set in the southerly - right of way beKlndery of the menEkwB QmemI Commerce Drive (a 60 foot Public Ri$ht Of Way), said LmMt&iy a h being the common boundary b8tween lm& convey& tab Ity Of Charlotte. a North Cardina Municipal C o r n i o n and &mibed in a on the 21a day of ~avember, 1990 and mmded in said Coonty R- .Okkd in Dmid Book 6398 at Page 850 on November 21, 1990, said point being ~~ herein as the W M n t Of

and bQing fwther Whed aar &kg Norttr Cerdkra Grid -nates based an the ~~ DllunllQm @AD831 of ?qY)=M4*108.83395 feet; E(X)=1,472,&BO.02423 feet and Wng kated $.5m[r17"W. a distame of 1,922.557 h& 8 WPtioe#l SWWY horlrontrl 0 o t l ~ l monument ebtablibtred by th N- COrdkra Geodetk Survey and m a t e d "NEWELL REWET', b v i q pubiCrhsd ?&@I C.roli~ Grid CwfdWes of N(Y)=lSs,2eo.olle rwrawS (SSS,B1,32S ; E(x,J48,385.5@ Meten (1,471,078.3210 -1, rrid poi114 bdng b i h ~ ar) tblb:

of the tangents IMm and the

Cirde, wning ~mmx

N.&O'lWISW. a an an: dicdance of 100.86 lbet to the above desaibd

May 26, 1998 ' Resolution Baok 35, Papa 53

b&ars #i@V43'55W. % distmm of 40.695 feet, an are 10.71 feet

iron pin rroongmm& -3: following a cum to the right having a m@s af:m.49 fe&, ; ~ K w & M ~ bears

w,,3$*M:M"$$, ,.a .@':$~'@@-$&y, I ~&4@ ,-: Q11 ,m @ a . .. r point &.-.@$,+&*-'p& *,BILQnwfflsfft;

4. f l lovol t rg l~a~e~~@&,f&~~, ,&g 'ec : m- *i bearn S.5i835WYE. a distancdp Bf 34.641 feet, an arc dkmw qf 36.93 feet b a point of oftengen~y rng&ed by ,smWkq$.iffan. &I m%inm&@;

S: '8.'&%1,'5@%. gt of. l$&&im @ a of -& Q an * wnurnent; 6. antiming 81- $aid twmcm bwndary falbwtq a

rad' i ,@ WS,w PI f$d,*&W fb@M% S.W@5 ,,- , 9n, - - A. -. @f @.@&f&i $ &*.-

. . ,

w;!m pnlr) , r n ' , y # 79 00'00" .-

May 16, 1998 ' Resolution Book 35, Page 54

-, pursuant to the prOIMioer of- 160A-299 of the Gaaal Statutw of North Carolina the City Council has cPusrd be wbtiabea a Rmlution of Intent to dose A po&o~ of*~"--, which d b fbr or pbk h& on the qtwabq d

-, Ehe @- b~ @ ,& . of thq &bw$&w afhtmtto close "An sW@ b lab m@ to b-?mlw*'ch& portion - thermos aa@ pmdmtky ported a& sdof&e,dt@q ; p u @ q F , m ia p b

u w along said A Srr#t, nli ~mpk&&G.$. IciQ&ZeS. t &

Exhibit k m d r m m m o n

13dd.aa.ttutmslPyof &&& -,.-*

K I-- z og 0 p m in the Wity thereof- be dcprld ,

~ n a b ~ e m ~ ~ a r u f ~ a m $ ~ t o b i s ( ~ i u ~ b e s y . o 0

BEITReSOLVEDtbata ~ o o p y o b ~ ~ b e f l e d i n t h e ~ c c o f t h e Register OM fix Mccldcnburg County, North Cuolina.

Mak 26, 1998 Reoolution Book 35, Page 55

,ray 26, I Y Y ~ Resolution Boak 35, Page 56

Lqal hscription for 'A Street ROW' December 9, 1997

BEGINNING at a point on thc EPntm ROW of Monhtad Street on the No& West- most property corner of tax parcel 125- 13 1-05. and running thence S 85' 46' 48" W, 30.02' said ROW, thence N 500 41' 16" E, 293.75'. &ace S 3g0 18' 44" E 30.00', thence N SO0 41' 16" E 292.63' to the point of BEOXNNlNG andcontaking approximately 0.202 acres.

flay 26; 1998 ' &solution Book 35, Page 57

FrL&n .FOR RE~ISTR~TION 03/2e'f% 12 r a C

BKe 0980EI; PGa tW#g$PO??E4 *.@97f 10-00 u R * m S Q L m ~- aOsIN;O A P(JRmN OF OREN= ROAD -~ . ..



O N O F C ~ R O A D ~ ~ R E A R O A D , ~ . OF -0Tm -ma ~ ~ ~ O ~ k


~ ~ 0 tb petitioner has cawed a cap). lbdutioa of ~t t o ~ ~ p s e q, a p o & n o f n ~ = a b . x a l y @ ~ o r m i . . d d : D C ~ d p o p o R t ,,,

adjoining the t& streat (or ~ O & R thereof), and pm&mtly wed a avtb of the closing irnd n ,publicherrhrg,h~laarttwap~d~~hIlwd,rllurctq~~N.C.G.S.160A- 299; d , . iR

May 26 Resol u

nay ro, 1 ~ 9 8 .Resolution Book 35, Page 59

CAROLINA SURWORS, INC. ..-__L_C - - .-.. - A ' .Ad-

P.0. BOX 267 * RNMUL. NORTM CAROLINA 28I34-0~7 * (-1 * Ffi CIOZ) 889-7614


OF GREEN REA ROAD A W S T t i . 1997

Bcglnalnp a t a n I r o n l'acatad M 75-SS-LS E PT.1B f e e t f rom t h e c e n t e r l i n e i n ' t e r r e c t i o n o t Gresn Rea Road &nQ C a r n a l Road: th,encq, wL4.h e s l r e w P i r c@r;vatu'rw t o t h e l e l t , b e i n g s u b j e c t t o a r a d i u s o t 1004.93~Ic~t; tlrrvin'g a n a r c l e n g t h of 324.51 f e e t t o an i r o n i n t h e l i n e ol C a r w l Coun t ry Club (no? o . ~ f o r m e r l y ) as r e c o r d e d i n Deed Bsak &Mi%. t'4 i n t h e U e c k l e n b u r l Cownty R e g t r t r y . ( c h s r d e d by N 26-00-8.8 E ZZS.10 i,kt'): t h e n c e S 02-07- 11 1 526.94 f e e t t o a n i r o n a n t&r easterli r'ilgYu*t of way ~t $reen Rss BI.'%: th,nc% w i t h i c i r c u l a r .ourvaLrrcr t o Xbe l ,et t , be in^ s u b j e c t t o a r a d l u k of 118.04 f e e t , h a v i n g a n a re l e n g t h of 177.02 feet t o an i r o n , t c h o M e d b y 1V 25-Ol.-O$ 1 170.55 feet ): t h t n c s P( 5.i-56-ik I %@.I& f e e t Po an i r o n ; t.,Uence r l t h a circular ~ u r v a t t u e t s hbe.ri~@hd,. behg r u b f s c t t o 8 r a d & u s a t b0.0@ fee t . haolng , an wc Lwgth rt #?i..C8 feet. ( chorded b'y N 0@* 2 - S g W 41 . 39 ' feet )'; 't,o a n ,iron the po8Lat sf M t f i n l n g . Cont.a;lbMag gb?*il S q . ~ t . or 6..'8$1 Ae~w a8 @ham on a r t ght of n a y abrn lonaMn6 s u e G y d a t e d August 11, 1897 by C a r a l l n u S u r v e y o r s , I n c . .-

.-, -.,, L J N

Resolution Book 35, Page 60


CMMTY, NORTH CAROLINA. : - I 8 r _ I. -- ;c! " * C

WHEREAS. p u m w to the p v l ~ ~ of Chapter 160A-299 oftlne $ g - l z StatutesofNMthCa~tiM,&eCltyCotmdlbswdrob~a~ludonofIntPntto , a g

Close. portion of Msrrimrn Avgnua lying gwt &We# Summit Arne between Ctsrksan I- 7

Avemre and Mint Street Pvhiah cab f& r pribw li&&g on the q w s b q and; \

$, .."

a portion of Me* Avme I& sast of Wast ~ummit A- to be sent by r&agred or ? g c ~ m e i l r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f b c s r k ] : ~ ( ~ ~ r t i m t h c r s o D ~ M d * N t~ m - promha$& postsd,& notice ai G d&, &d, 'it i o a ~ r . t ~ b a . ~ ~ ~ ' a I ~ a < T. h-imbn A w e , dl &Y m @ d by XVG.4. -, m r -, t'lm 2


ffJ Z day of May, 1:45FSi and City $ ** n, acrtmtothopPrktitiatensat, b 8

a n d ~ ~ ~ ~ @ - ~ ~ ' ~ : ~ @ ~ , v l c i n i t y ~ ~ 8 & d s p f i ~ - of rcmmabk sarrnr o f i q l m * qlU& to:* ~ols,ipn@ay.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a k o f t b o c ~ o f ~ h r r l e # c . ~ o r t h ~ l r r o l ~ a r d ~ ~ c i s r t i f ~ ~ t the f o ~ i a e i r r m r r d ~ a ~ t o o p y o f a ~ r d o p s s d b g h C i f y M o f b C i t y o f CWott~N~Clmliar,hmguhdtmcollvaaedontZlo26E$dayof~, 15)9g,the l u h m a ~ b & m W W 1 1 2 . p ~ udmanhdiafullin RsrolutioaBook 35 , page 50-62 . . -

WITNESS ay hand and the corporate s e n of the City of Charlot this the 28th day o f May, 1998.

W. Summit Avenue 60 ' .




Nay 2 6 , 1993 Resolution Book 35, Page 62

To gbt to the point of beginning, commence at aLt+h in the corn- i.n easterly m ~ g h of W. S d t Avenue (60' public m- and tun thence with the aforesaid of W. Summit Avenue South 33-39-25 East 49.94 feet to a found iron pigm, being the POrWT AND PLACE &GINNING, Running thence fmm said beginning point along thk mr&erly margin of Avenue (50' public RIW) North 56-22-05 Easz 194.99 feet to found iron pin in o%K wesrerty margin of an dd $0 foot diey: thence with said alley South 33-33-24 East 49.76 feet to a found p.k: nail; thence along the southedy w i n of the aforesaid Me- Avenue, South 56-21-33 - West 144.90 feet to a found h a pipe in fhe easteriy magin of W. S u m i t Avenue: rhei3oe with @e aforesaid margin of W. Summit Avenue, North 33-39-26 West 49.79 feet to m found iron pin (crossing a found im pin at 24.76 feet) being the POINT AND :PLACE OF BEGlNNRtG;coritaining 9700 sqwun- feet, more or less, as shown CHI a m y en@itied 'Abandotmant S w e y of Merriman Avuiui?" drawn by Andrew G. ZoutdweMe sad dated D e a n b ~ 6,1996, to which swrvey reference is hereby made for o moer! part3eular description.

-'I L

2 pg R E S o L ~ o ~ a ' T W TIlE CITY QP CHARLOTTE, " m c

I -,-w cxx,mlYfrn*rn CAROLWA. 0 u; !4 3 -

(or portion th@&, &wj posted r notia of tbs closing d pub& h&q in at lsgss two p W af- b h d , &I as requid by N.C.G.S. 160A-299; and

e ' I

WITNESS Agnd a d tRg corpora- seal of the Gi$y o f Chgrlo


May 26, 1998 9 a Resolution Book 35, Page 64

May 26, 1998 I R'esolutfon Book 35, Page 65

To gW ta Uw beginning pulht, co-m ot. iw iron hated at.& point of intwswtioII of tha nmthmtetty margin of S. with the mrtheasterly margin of Pemmri Street and nm thence from said iron along the souflmsterty margin of Penman Shbat ~orth 39-OE-11 West 291.99 feet to an iron pin Located at the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINWING. Running thence from s&d beginning point with a line of the property of C k W :Pipe F@ C'ompsnlr how or formerly) - ~. as &kdbed id. Deed .Bwk 2781, Pwe M, South 56.22-09 W e t %60.64 feet Eo an iron: .them Leav iq the a&m&d pnoppty Eke of ChdW,'E'@ & Formdty Company and running with the no-rly line of the property of R. Jeffrey Smitti and Sheryl T. Smih (now or formerly) as described in Deed Book 6183, P w 910. with the arc of a circular w e tb I& havislgislg a d h s aP :464 f a t (chord -8 and distance North 57-50-41 Weat && feet), aa atc &same of 43.B fat td. ao iriin pin; thence w i & c U l o t & , h ~ f t h e p m p m - t y d ~ : F t p & ~ ) ~ ~ ~ mrdedin Deed .Book 2781, Page 09Sc Nwb 66-~209 Eaer P74.87 fttt ta m b n , pja in the aforesaid magEn of Ptnman Street; rrnrning ttienob with the of Peninan Street. South 39-0099 East 40.19 feet to the POlNT AND PLACE .W, BWUUNING, con€&@& 6Q90 spm?6 pi st:^ af ,h, ts wm opl ,b s ~ ~ ~ @ w "Rightof- Way . ~ o f ' ~ ~ " ~ b y ~ ~ ~ ~ * r & l l e o n d g D d ~ 9 9 7 , b ~ & M I I I r d ~ ~ m I . . * @ . ~ m ~ ~ description. -.

May 26, 1998 ' Resolution Book 35, Page 66

m -nL 5 F g

R E s O L ~ N CLOSING m ~ m m ALLEYW AY LYING TO TME EAST OF 8 m u w 2 WEST SUMhdIT AVENUE m q So- 8 $ % b)

~~ ~

0 a w - - ~ -

~ ~ ~~~ "Z OQ 3 % t- a n + sm

staum Df.M--- tO ;i f - 1 C b : m ~ 1 : - fbraputiI@hdngon @ c 1

r Z - the w*. . , @ -- 0 a -J m

rumtyclose $ k g o r m m d o m m

nt \ d : w p w a @ w, '& * (09 d i- x 4 I" lu a ? ; A a' 3

& " 3

2 3 NOW.~ORE:BE~RES(n~by~~Ciry~ouadlfths~ityof 3 C h a r i 0 t t ~ N 0 1 t h C m d i n n a t i t r r q p & l y ~ ~ ~ y 2 6 , 1 9 9 8 , t h t t b C o u ~ c i l 3 h e n b y o r d a ~ ~ o f m u M y a e d r t l ~ i n ~ W o E C ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ l t y , P NorthCuolsnawshownha~srpmruked"exhibiSA~ltsdir~puti~d#ctibedby 4 ~ P a d ~ h a d r r m f k c d ~ B n , b o t h o f w t d o h m ~ h a G t o d m a d e

a part h o m E

BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED rht r c d b d cepy oftbir Redition be filed in

la t h e ~ o f t h c : R i q B i s t e r o f D e € & 4 a o l ~ C o n a r t y , ~ ~ dr l3mmumm

~ ~ ~ ~ i n ~ B o o L 1 1 ? , p r l l c r ,radreuodedhfiUm h l t i o n ~ 35 , page 66-68 -. WITNESS my hand and the corporate sea? o f the C i t y o f Char lot t thS s the 28th day o f May, 1998.

Flay 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 68


To get to the plaa of beginning, comrnsnce at an iron pipe locatsd at the po.int of intersection of the centerline of The Norfolk rrnd Siou$lern Railways Rightsf-Way (200' R/W) with the easterly of W. Stuamit Avenue and run theme North 73- 35-12 &st 1380.67 feet to an iron pipe located at the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINMNG. Running thence from said beginning point along the boundary line of The Norfolk and Southern Railway's Right-of-way and Charlotre Pipe & Faundry Company (now or fonnedy) as described in Deed Book 1801, Page 148, North 43-33- 48 West 508.86 feet to an iron pin; them with the an: of a spiral c k v e to the left

'having a h r d bearing and distance of NortCr 89.91-01 East 13.77 feet to a point; theme along the margin of John Bek Freeway (Enterstate 277) end the westerly line of the pmp&q of Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company (now or formerly) as described in Deed Bode 4422, Page 979. South 43-33-48 East 502.17 fat to an iron pin in the centerline of The Norfolk and Southern Railways RQM-of-Way; thence with the arc of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 3437.87 f a t (chord bearing and distance South 61-54-59 Wwt 10.38 feet) an m d i of 10.38 feet to the WENT AND PLACE OF bEGINNING, conmining 5050 square fa^, mon or less, as shown on the s w e y atitled 'Right-of-way A b a n d o ~ S w e y of Clarkson Stmet

* Alleyway" drawn by Andrew T. Zwtewelle and dared Mu& 18,1997, to which survey n f e m m is M y made. for a more pticular description.

Ray Z"6, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 68A



WHEREAS, pursuant to G.S. 160A-101 and 16OA-102, the City Council of the City of Charlotte may adopt an ordinance to amend the Charter of the City of Charlotte to implement any of the optional forms set out in G.S 16OA-101; and

WHEREAS, G. S 160A- 102 requires that proposed Charter amendments first be submitted to a public hearing and that due notice thereof be published not less than ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlotte - that:

1. The City Council hereby intends to consider an ordinance amending the Charter of the City of Charlotte, as set forth in Chapter 713 ofthe 1965 Session Laws of North Carolina, as amend* to:

a, Change the t&m of the mayor to four yews, as autbrized &jG.s. 160A-lOl(8)a.;

b. O h g e the tfmm of the city c o m a to four years (coneurr$fir), as authorized by G.S. 160A-101(4);

c. Change the mode of election of the council to apportion the members of the caumoil to the city at hge and six members of the council to s b g l e - ~ b w eleotoral dizhicss, with candidates residing in ad repreamhg the districts but 11oinhaW and dead by 811 of the qd&d yotm of the eiry, a~ authorized by G.S. 160A-101(6&.; a d o r


d. Change the election of mayor and council &nbers to the nonIwtisgn primary and election mdhod, as authorized by G.S. 160A-IOl(7)d.

2. A public hating on the proposed 0r-e is hereby called in the Council Cham- 600 E. Fourth St., CMotte, North C a r o h at 7:OQ p.m. on Monday, June 22, 1998.

May 26, 1998 Resolution Book 35, Page 6 8 ~

3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to w e to be pubUed a proper notice of the public hesfkg dki, wEoh notiat W &aMin a wwcgy ofthe proposed Charter a m d e n b .

Adopted this 26th day ofibfrty, 1998.

I, Bm& R, Freeze, City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, DO HERBBY -TEY that the &mgaing is a true and exact copy of a Resalution adopted by the City Council af tlw City of CUW, N d Carolina, in regular session convened on t h e m day a f l d i ~ ~ , 1998, the zbfmme having brm made in Minute B o ~ k &, and recorded in full in Resolution u, Pa&s)A&$%E.

WlTNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, this theZ& day of -

l&L, 1998.

Brenda R. Froem, CMC, Cletk