Management of High-Grade Spondylolisthesis Manish K. Kasliwal, MD, MCh a , Justin S. Smith, MD, PhD a, *, Adam Kanter, MD b , Ching-Jen Chen, BA a , Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD c , Robert A. Hart, MD d , Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD a INTRODUCTION The term spondylolisthesis is derived from the Greek words, spondylos, meaning “vertebrae” and olisthesis, meaning “to slip.” High-grade spondylo- listhesis (HGS) is defined as greater than 50% slippage of a spinal vertebral body relative to an adjacent vertebral body as per Meyerding classifi- cation, and most often affects the alignment of the L5 and S1 vertebral bodies (Fig. 1). 1 Although more than 50% of linear translation in the sagittal plane is used to define HGS, it is the associated rota- tional component that often plays a greater role in prognosis and overall management. 2,3 The treat- ment of high-grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesis differs from that of low-grade slips, and operative management remains challenging and is associated with significant controversies in terms of the optimal surgical technique. 4–7 This review highlights the pathophysiology, classification, clinical presenta- tion, and management controversies of HGS in light of recent advances in our understanding of the importance of sagittal spinopelvic alignment and technologic advancements. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH-GRADE SPONDYLOLISTHESIS The clinical syndrome of spondylolisthesis was first described in 1782 by the Belgian obstetrician Herbiniaux, long before an understanding of its pathophysiology, when he reported a bony Funding: No funding was received in support of this study. a Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia, PO Box 800212, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA; b Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, UPMC Presbyterian, Suite A-402, 200 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA; c Department of Neurosurgery, University of California San Francisco, 400 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA; d Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oregon Health Sciences University, 3303 SW Bond Ave #12, Portland, OR 97239, USA * Corresponding author. Department of Neurosurgery, Universityof Virginia Medical Center, PO Box 800212, Charlottesville, VA 22908. E-mail address: [email protected] KEYWORDS Adolescents Adult spondylolisthesis Classification High-grade spondylolisthesis Management Surgery Complications KEY POINTS Management of high-grade spondylolisthesis (HGS) remains challenging and is associated with significant controversies. Symptomatic patients presenting with intractable pain, neurologic deficits, or global deformity are often considered candidates for surgery. The best surgical procedure still remains debatable, considering the absence of high-quality studies in the literature demonstrating superiority of one approach over another. Recognition of the importance of overall spinopelvic alignment and global deformity has provided strong rationale for at least partial slip reduction. Complications associated with operative management of HGS still remains the key factor dictating the selection of surgical approach. Neurosurg Clin N Am 24 (2013) 275–291 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nec.2012.12.002 1042-3680/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. neurosurgery.theclinics.com

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Management of High-GradeSpondylolisthesis

Manish K. Kasliwal, MD, MCha, Justin S. Smith, MD, PhDa,*,Adam Kanter, MDb, Ching-Jen Chen, BAa,Praveen V. Mummaneni, MDc, Robert A. Hart, MDd,Christopher I. Shaffrey, MDa


� Adolescents � Adult spondylolisthesis � Classification � High-grade spondylolisthesis� Management � Surgery � Complications


� Management of high-grade spondylolisthesis (HGS) remains challenging and is associated withsignificant controversies.

� Symptomatic patients presenting with intractable pain, neurologic deficits, or global deformity areoften considered candidates for surgery.

� The best surgical procedure still remains debatable, considering the absence of high-qualitystudies in the literature demonstrating superiority of one approach over another.

� Recognition of the importance of overall spinopelvic alignment and global deformity has providedstrong rationale for at least partial slip reduction.

� Complications associated with operative management of HGS still remains the key factor dictatingthe selection of surgical approach.


The term spondylolisthesis is derived from theGreek words, spondylos, meaning “vertebrae” andolisthesis, meaning “to slip.” High-grade spondylo-listhesis (HGS) is defined as greater than 50%slippage of a spinal vertebral body relative to anadjacent vertebral body as per Meyerding classifi-cation, and most often affects the alignment of theL5 and S1 vertebral bodies (Fig. 1).1 Althoughmore than 50% of linear translation in the sagittalplane isused todefineHGS, it is theassociated rota-tional component that often plays a greater role inprognosis and overall management.2,3 The treat-ment of high-grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesisdiffers from that of low-grade slips, and operative

Funding: No funding was received in support of this stua Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginiab Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburg200 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA; c DeparFrancisco, 400 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143Health Sciences University, 3303 SW Bond Ave #12, Portl* Corresponding author. Department of Neurosurgery, UCharlottesville, VA 22908.E-mail address: [email protected]

Neurosurg Clin N Am 24 (2013) 275–291http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nec.2012.12.0021042-3680/13/$ – see front matter � 2013 Elsevier Inc. All

management remainschallengingand isassociatedwith significant controversies in termsof the optimalsurgical technique.4–7 This review highlights thepathophysiology, classification, clinical presenta-tion, andmanagement controversies of HGS in lightof recent advances in our understanding of theimportance of sagittal spinopelvic alignment andtechnologic advancements.


The clinical syndrome of spondylolisthesis wasfirst described in 1782 by the Belgian obstetricianHerbiniaux, long before an understanding ofits pathophysiology, when he reported a bony

dy., PO Box 800212, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA;h Medical Center, UPMC Presbyterian, Suite A-402,tment of Neurosurgery, University of California San, USA; d Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oregonand, OR 97239, USAniversity of Virginia Medical Center, PO Box 800212,

rights reserved. neurosurgery.th


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Fig. 1. Measurement of the transitional component ofspondylolisthesis per Meyerding grade.

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prominence anterior to the sacrum that created animpediment to vaginal delivery in a cohort of hispatients. Spondylolisthesis shows a strong familialassociation, with an incidence in first-degree orsecond-degree relatives of approximately 25% to30%.8 A radiographic study by Wynne-Davies andScott9 showed that dysplastic spondylolisthesishasa familial incidence of 33%,whereas the isthmicvariant has a familial incidence of 15%,with amulti-factorial autosomal dominant pattern of inheritancewith incomplete penetrance. Although the etiologyof the condition is not completely understood, theevidence available thus far suggests that factorsbeyond developmental susceptibilities may playa significant role in the development of HGS. Activ-ities that involve hyperextension and persistentlordosis such as gymnastics, weightlifting, diving,football, and volleyball increase shear stresses atthe neural arch and have been implicated as causa-tive factors in the development of spondylolysis,with subsequent development of spondylolisthesisin a subset of patients.10 Themajority of HGS casesare of the isthmic or dysplastic variety.11 The pres-ence of a congenitally dysplastic lumbosacralsegment with incompetent posterior elementscannot withstand typical forces associated withmaintenance of an upright posture; this often leadsto development of a slip, which over time can resultin an HGS.Variations in the cross-sectional anatomy of the

pars at each level in the lumbar spine likelycontribute to the increased incidence of isthmicspondylolisthesis in more caudal segments, espe-cially at the L5/S1 level. The pars is fairly large indiameter in the upper lumbar vertebra and

relatively thin at the L5 level.12 Fredrickson andcolleagues13 prospectively followed 500 elemen-tary students and found a 4.4% incidence of spon-dylolysis at the age of 6 years, which increased to6% in adulthood. Of note, the same investigatorsalso evaluated 500 newborns and found noevidence of spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis, sug-gesting that development of a pars defect withsubsequent development of spondylolisthesis isan acquired phenomenon.Sagittal sacropelvic morphology and orientation

modulate the geometry of the lumbar spine and,consequently, themechanicalstressesat the lumbo-sacral junction. There have been recent attempts toquantify the relation between the lumbosacral spineand thepelvisbymeansof variousgeometricparam-eters in an effort to better understand the develop-ment of spondylolisthesis.3,14–16 These parametersinclude sacral slope (SS), pelvic tilt (PT), and pelvicincidence (PI). Multiple studies have demonstratedthe importance of harmonious alignment amongpelvic and spinal parameters with regard to stan-dardized measures of health-related quality of life(HRQOL).17–19 Various sagittal lumbosacral spineand spinopelvic parameters are illustrated in Fig. 2and are further described in Table 1.Labelle and colleagues20 found that PI, SS, PT,

and LL (lumbar lordosis) measurements weresignificantly higher in subjects with spondylolisthe-sis than in controls. These investigators furtherdemonstrated that the values increased with theseverity of the spondylolisthesis, leading them toconclude that PI (and thus pelvic anatomy) influ-ences the development of spondylolisthesis, andthat an increased PI may be a risk factor for thedevelopment and progression of developmentalspondylolisthesis.20 Other reports have contributedincreasing evidence that in high-grade L5-S1spondylolisthesis, the sacropelvic morphology isabnormal and that, combined with the presenceof a local lumbosacral deformity and dysplasia, itcan result in an abnormal sacropelvic orientationand disturbed global sagittal alignment of thespine.3,15,16,21,22 These findings have importantimplications for the evaluation and treatment ofpatientswithHGSandhavebeen thebasisof recentspondylolisthesis classifications.23–25 These dataalso provide a compelling rationale to reduce andrealign thedeformity inorder to restoreglobal spino-pelvic alignment and improve the biomechanicalenvironment for fusion.26


The classification systems described by Wiltse andbyMarchetti andBartolozzi have remained themost

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Fig. 2. Sagittal pelvic parametersassessed from the standinglateral radiograph. The pelvicincidence (PI) is always equal tothe sum of the sacral slope (SS)and the pelvic tilt (PT). LL,lumbar lordosis.

Table 1Description of various radiographic parameters used to define spondylolisthesis and sagittalspinopelvic alignment

Boxall slip angle (BSA) The angle subtended by the inferior endplate of L5with a line perpendicular to the posterior aspect ofS1

Dubousset lumbosacral angle (Dub-LSA) The angle subtended by the superior endplate of L5with the posterior aspect of S1

Sacral slope (SS) The angle between the horizontal line and the cranialsacral endplate tangent

Pelvic tilt (PT) The angle between the vertical line and the line joiningthe middle of the sacral plate to the center of thebicoxofemoral axis

Pelvic incidence (PI) The angle between the line perpendicular to themiddle of the cranial sacral endplate and the linejoining the middle of the cranial sacral endplate tothe center of the bicoxofemoral axis

Sagittal vertical axis (SVA) The horizontal offset between the C7 plumb line andthe posterior superior aspect of the S1 vertebralbody. Positive and negative values of SVA reflectcases in which the C7 plumb line falls anterior orposterior, respectively, to the posterosuperior cornerof the S1 vertebral body

Lumbar lordosis (LL) Cobb Angle measured from the superior endplate of L1to the superior endplate of S1

C7 Plumb line Vertical line drawn from the center of C7 vertebrae ona radiograph. Often used as a reference line formeasuring sagittal balance. The distal referencepoint for this parameter is the posterosuperiorcorner of the sacrum

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commonlyusedclassifications for spondylolisthesisover the last few decades (Figs. 3 and 4).27 Wiltseprovided a classification based on etiology. Bycontrast, the classification system described byMarchetti and Bartolozzi divides spondylolisthesisinto two types, developmental and acquired, withthe distinction between them being the presenceof either a high or low amount of bony dysplasiawith developmental spondylolisthesis and lack ofsuch dysplasia with the acquired type.27 The vastmajority of HGS seen in either pediatric or adultpatients occurs in patients with developmentalspondylolisthesis, particularly with a high amountof dysplasia. In general, progression of an acquiredspondylolisthesis to high-grade slip is thought to berelatively uncommon.22 The greater the degree ofdysplasia present in a developmental spondylolis-thesis, the greater the amount of secondary bonychanges and slippage that occur, which includea rounding off of the sacrum, angulation of the infe-rior endplate of L5 (trapezoid L5), increased slipangle, and verticalization of the sacrum.Although Marchetti and Bartolozzi were the first

to introduce the concept of low-dysplastic andhigh-dysplastic developmental spondylolisthesis,they did not include strict criteria to differentiatethese two subtypes. Another limitation of theirclassification system is a lack of consideration ofspinopelvic alignment, which recently has beenshown to differ significantly between high-gradeand low-grade HGS, and even within HGSbetween the high-dysplastic and low-dysplasticcases.22 Although rare, acquired spondylolisthesismay progress to high grades of slippage. Most areiatrogenic following a destabilizing surgical proce-dure of the underlying soft tissue including thedisc, facet capsules, musculature, and ligaments.This type of HGS is more similar to posttraumatickyphosis than to the dysplastic developmentaltypes of spondylolisthesis, and reduction of aniatrogenic postsurgical acquired spondylolisthesisseems to have a lower risk of neurologic injury thandevelopmental types of slippage.28

Although these classification systems have beenpopular for several years, there are substantial

Fig. 3. Wiltse’s classification of spondylolisthesis.

limitations; perhaps most notably they do notprovide useful information on clinical manage-ment.27 Furthermore, these classifications do nottake sagittal sacropelvic alignment into account,which has been found to be very important inseveral recent studies for the evaluation and treat-ment of spondylolisthesis.3,15,20,22,29 Mac-Thiongand colleagues25 recently proposed a new classifi-cation of lumbosacral spondylolisthesis that isspecifically intended to guide its evaluation andtreatment. This system incorporates sagittal sacro-pelvic alignment and morphology, and defines8 types based on the slip grade (low-grade vshigh-grade), degree of dysplasia (low-dysplasticvs high-dysplastic), and sagittal sacropelvic align-ment (Table 2). The Spine Deformity Study Group(SDSG) confirmed the validity of this classificationandprovidedmodifications, further dividing lumbo-sacral spondylolisthesis into 6 types based on3 important characteristics that can be easily as-sessed from preoperative imaging studies. TheSDSG-modified version of the classification hasbeen reported to have significantly less interob-server and intraobserver variability in assessmentof the grade of slip, the sacropelvic balance, andthe global spinopelvic balance (Table 3).24

For the SDSG classification system modifiedfrom that of Mac-Thiong, first the degree of slip isquantified from the lateral radiograph, to determineif it is low grade (grades 0, 1, and 2, or <50%slip) orhigh-grade (grades 3, 4, and spondyloptosis, or�50% slip). Next, the sagittal alignment ismeasured by determining sacropelvic and globalspinopelvic alignment, using measurements of PI,SS, PT, and the C7 plumb line. In HGS, sacropelvicalignment is assessedbased on theSSandPT.26,30

Each subject is classified as high SS/low PT(balanced sacropelvis) or low SS/high PT (unbal-anced sacropelvis) (Fig. 5). Patients with low-grade spondylolisthesis can be subdivided into3 types based on their sacropelvic balance : type1, the nutcracker type, a subgroup with lowPI <45�; type2, a subgroupwith normal PI (between45�, and60�); and type3, theshear type, asubgroupwith high PI (�60�) (see Table 3). Patients with

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Fig. 4. Spondylolisthesis classification by Marchetti and Bartolozzi.

Table 2Original classification system of lumbosacral spondylolisthesis as proposed byMac-Thiong and Labelle

Grade Dysplasia Sacropelvic Balance Example

Low grade(<50% slip)

Low-DysplasticMinimal lumbosacral kyphosisAlmost rectangular L5Minimal sacral domingRelatively normal sacrumMinimal posterior elements

dysplasia (eg, spina bifida occulta)Relatively normal transverse


Low PI/Low SSSacral slope <40�

High PI/High SSSacral slope >40�

High-DysplasticLumbosacral kyphosisTrapezoidal L5Sacral domingSacral dysplasia and kyphosisPosterior elements dysplasiaSmall transverse processes

Low PI/Low SSSacral slope �40�

High PI/High SSSacral slope >40�

(continued on next page)

Management of High-Grade Spondylolisthesis 279

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Table 2


Grade Dysplasia Sacropelvic Balance Example

High grade(�50% slip)

Low-DysplasticMinimal lumbosacral kyphosisAlmost rectangular L5Minimal sacral domingRelatively normal sacrumMinimal posterior elements dysplasia(eg, spina bifida occulta)

Relatively normal transverse processes

High SS/Low PT(balanced pelvis)

Balanced sacrumSacral slope �50�

Pelvic tilt �35�

Low SS/High PT(unbalanced pelvis)

Vertical sacrumSacral slope <50�

Pelvic tilt �25�

High-DysplasticLumbosacral kyphosisTrapezoidal L5Sacral domingSacral dysplasia and kyphosisPosterior elements dysplasiaSmall transverse processes

High SS/Low PT(balanced pelvis)

Balanced sacrumSacral slope �50

Pelvic tilt �35�

Low SS/High PT(unbalanced pelvis)

Vertical sacrumSacral slope <50�

Pelvic tilt �25�

Abbreviations: PI, pelvic incidence; PT, pelvic tilt; SS, sacral slope.Reprinted formMac-Thiong JM, Labelle H, Parent S, et al. Reliability and development of a new classification of lumbo-

sacral spondylolisthesis. Scoliosis 2008;3:19; with permission from SpringerOpen.

Kasliwal et al280

a highPI have a high shear stressacross the lumbo-sacral junction and a higher likelihood of their spon-dylolisthesis progressing to a high grade. Patientswith a low PI, on the other hand, have low shearstress across the lumbosacral junction and lesschance of progression of their spondylolisthesis toa highgrade.20 Finally, global spinopelvic alignmentis determined using the C7 plumb line. If this linefalls over or behind the femoral heads the spine isaligned, whereas if it lies in front of both femoralheads the spine is malaligned.


Although HGS can often be asymptomatic, thosewho do become symptomatic usually present

with back pain, leg pain, or a combination ofthese.2,13,14,31–33 Complaints of back pain withactivity that are relieved with recumbency are oftendescribed. The leg pain, which may also includenumbness or paresthesias, described by symp-tomatic patients is predominately dermatomal indistribution, and often related to the nerve(s) beingcompressed in the lateral recess at the level of thepars defect. The leg symptoms are described assclerodermal if they are referred into the broadregion of the buttock or posterior thigh, whichusually occurs as a result of the disc degenerationthat oftenaccompanies theparsdefect. In addition,thepostural changesassociatedwithHGS inadultscan lead to low back pain, tight hamstrings, andpostural deformity.34

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Table 3SDSG classification of lumbosacral spondylolisthesis

Slip Grade Sacropelvic Balance Spinopelvic Balance Spondylolisthesis Type

Low grade Nutcracker (PI < 45�) Type 1Normal pelvic incidence (60� > PI � 45�) — Type 2High pelvic incidencePI � 60�

— Type 3

High grade Balanced — Type 4Unbalanced Balanced Type 5

Unbalanced Type 6

Management of High-Grade Spondylolisthesis 281

On clinical examination, palpation of the spinemay elicit midline tenderness, and a step-off of thespinous processes may be felt above the level ofthe slip. There will often be limited flexion of thelumbar spine caused by paraspinal spasm as thosemuscles attempt to prevent shear forces across theaffected segment. There can be presence of trunkforeshortening, and hamstring tightness may benoted, with compensatory hyperlordosis above theslip and a waddling gait. Patients may have a classi-cally described Phalen-Dickson sign (ie, a knee-flexed, hip-flexed gait). Neurologically, deficits mayincludemotor weakness and/or sensory deficits de-pending on the degree of nerve compression in thelateral recess, which typically occurs as a result ofthe fibrocartilaginous mass or Gill lesion. Caudaequina syndrome is rare because of a relativeenlargementof thecanal thatoccursasthecephaladvertebra slips anterior to the caudal vertebra, leavingthe separated posterior elements of the cephaladvertebra in a posterior position. Unlike low-gradeslips, whose manifestations are typically limited topainful segmental instability or neural compromiseat the affected level, high-grade slips invariablyprovoke secondary changes in the regional pelvicanatomy, and thus contribute to global sagittaldeformity.15,20 Historically the cosmetic deformity

Fig. 5. Schematic figure demonstrating balanced versus unLabelle H, Parent S, et al. Reliability and development ofScoliosis 2008;3:19; with permission from SpringerOpen.)

of HGS has been underappreciated or consideredto be of secondary importance to symptoms ofpain. The localdeformityof thehigh-gradeslip invari-ably induces compensatory changes in the regionalpelvic anatomy, forcing the patient into positivesagittal malalignment.33 The body’s attempts torestore alignment via tonic activation of the paraspi-nous (eg, erector spinae) muscles, and progressiveretroversion of the pelvis (increased PT) is typicallyaccompanied by clinical sequelae of low back pain(presumably causedbychronic paraspinousmuscleactivation and/or segmental instability), tighthamstrings, and postural deformity.22,24–26,35 Thepresence of this global deformity contributes to thecomplexity of surgical management of HGS.


Radiographic evaluation should consist of antero-posterior and lateral flexion-extension radiographs.This combination allows the determination of trans-lational instability. However, radiologic evaluationof HGS is no longer limited to assessment of thedegree of translational slip alone. Long cassettescoliosis radiographs should also be evaluated toassess for overall sagittal alignment. Computed

balanced spinopelvis. (Reprinted fromMac-Thiong JM,a new classification of lumbosacral spondylolisthesis.

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tomography scans provide excellent bony detailsof the pathologic status, and magnetic resonanceimaging can give much better delineation of thesoft-tissue abnormalities. Table 1 summarizeskey radiographic parameters used to characterizeHGS. In spondylolisthesis, there are 2 primarycomponents involved in the underlying deformity:translational and angular.1,36,37 The diagnosis ofHGS is overt even on plain radiographs, obviatingany need of oblique radiographs to demonstratethe pars defect seen in spondylosis. Measurementof slip grade as perMeyerding classification clearlyconfirms the diagnosis of high-grade spondylolis-thesis by grading the translational component ofthe deformity (see Fig. 1). By contrast, there aremultiple techniques to measure angular defor-mity.37 Normally the junction between the fifth

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram and lateral radiograph demons(upper and lower right) and Boxall slip angle (upper and

lumbar and the first sacral vertebrae is lordotic.However, as the degree of slip progresses to highergrades, this relationship tends to become kyphoticin nature. Studies have suggested a role of lumbo-sacral kyphosis (LSK) in determining the risk of slipprogression,2,33,37,38 and have also suggested theimportance of correcting LSK because this helpsto restore global spinal alignment, enhances thebiomechanics of fusion, and can protect againststretch of the L5 nerve root. The Boxall slip angleand lumbosacral angle (LSA) provide assessmentof the angular component of deformity associatedwithHGS (Fig. 6).39,40Withprogressionof slippage,the inferior endplate of L5 tends to becomedysplastic and the L5 vertebral body may adopta trapezoidal shape.41–43 Moreover, remodeling ofthe S1 endplate can occur, referred to as sacral

trating measurement of Dubousset lumbosacral anglelower left).

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Management of High-Grade Spondylolisthesis 283

doming or rounding.44 These changes can makethe identification of the inferior endplate of L5 andsuperior endplate of S1 difficult, as can beobserved in the radiograph shown in Fig. 6,favoring evaluation of the LSK based on the LSArather than the slip angle. Positive and negativevalues of the sagittal vertical axis reflect caseswhereby the C7 plumb line falls anterior or poste-rior, respectively, to the posterosuperior corner ofthe S1 vertebral body (Fig. 7).


Symptomatic high-grade isthmic spondylolisthe-sis in children and adolescents has an unfavorablenatural history, with a high risk of progression andlow likelihood of symptomatic relief. Conservativetreatment is generally not recommended in symp-tomatic patients, who constitute the majority ofpatients with high-grade slips in this agegroup.45,46 Pizzutillo and colleagues47 found thatonly 1 of 11 symptomatic patients treated conser-vatively had significant pain relief at long-termfollow-up. Asymptomatic patients can be treated

Fig. 7. Measurement of spinal vertical axis. The sagittalvertical axis is measured as the distance from the poste-rior superior corner of the sacrum to a vertical plumbline dropped from the C7 centroid (C7 plumb line).

with observation, and if symptoms do developsurgery is generally recommended. Some investi-gators have recommended surgical treatment forthese patients regardless of symptoms, becauseof the high risk of progression.46 However, Harrisand Weinstein5 reported that 10 of 11 patientswith high-grade slips who were treated nonopera-tively remained active and required only minormodifications in activity.

In contrast to children or adolescents, adultswithhigh-grade slips have often reached a stable posi-tion and typically do not experience progression,making slip progression less of a concern. Autofu-sion or ankylosis of the slipped level can occur.Some of these patients are asymptomatic or mini-mally symptomatic, and can be successfullytreated with physical therapy and selective nerve-root injections if radicular symptoms are present.If conservative treatment fails, surgery is recom-mended in adult patientswhohavehigh-grade slipswith back pain and/or radicular symptoms. Unlikelow-grade slips, whosemanifestations are typicallylimited to painful segmental instability or neuralcompromise at the affected level, high-grade slipsinvariably provoke secondary changes in theregional pelvic anatomy and can thus produceglobal sagittal deformity with clinical manifesta-tions of intractable back pain or deformity, whichmight be another indication for surgery.33


1. Slip progression. Progression is more commonin skeletally immature patients who have notreached theadolescentgrowth spurt. Thehigherthe grade of slip, themore likely it is to progress.Slip progression rarely occurs in adults.Although asymptomatic progression alone maybe considered an indication for surgery, patientswithprogressive slips frequently have significantpain that does not respond to conservativetreatment.

2. Sagittal alignment. High-grade slip with signifi-cant lumbosacral kyphotic deformity causingsagittal spinopelvic malalignment.

3. Neurologic deficit. In most cases of neurologicdeficit, the L5 nerve root is involved. Objectiveweakness is not common in this condition,but if present, surgery should be stronglyconsidered to relieve nerve-root compression.

4. Back pain. Low back pain unresponsive toa prolonged course of conservative treatment.

5. Leg symptoms. Radicular pain with associatednerve-root compression on imaging studiesthat is not responsive to conservative treatment.

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There are several important differences betweenthe pediatric and adult population regarding theoverall approach to the management of HGS.

1. With degenerative changes contributing tonerve-root compression, adults are more likelyto require direct neural decompression. Evenin the presence of radicular symptoms, pedi-atric and adolescent patients often experiencesymptom relief with fusion alone when a hyper-mobile segment is stabilized.

2. Considering the higher risk of pseudarthrosis inadults secondary to smoking, poor generalhealth, and secondary comorbidities, instanceswhereby a posterior-only approachmay be suit-able for adolescents may not be appropriate inthe adult, in whom a circumferential fusion maybe advisable to increase the likelihood of fusionsuccess.

3. Reduction of high-grade slips is generally moredifficult in adults because of the increasedrigidity of the deformity and stiffness acrossthe lumbosacral junction. Because of the pres-ence of secondary degenerative changes inadults, the deformity tends to be less mobile.

4. Risk of progression is higher in children andadolescents than in adults. The younger thepatient is at the time of diagnosis, the greaterthe risk of progression, because the deformityis likely to progress during periods of activespinal growth. For this reason, slip progressionis a more common indication for surgery in chil-dren and adolescents with high-grade slips.Progression is uncommon in adults, andsurgery is rarely indicated for this reason inthe adult patient. Most adults with high-gradeslips who need surgery have pain or radicularsymptoms that have not responded to conser-vative treatment or are secondary to thechronic deformity attributable to HGS.


Although slip reduction was contemplated asearly as 1921, associated unacceptably high ratesof neurologic injury made many experts believethat in situ fusion was safer and producedacceptable results. As recently as 1976, Nachem-son and Wiltse48 stated without equivocation thatin situ fusion worked so well that reduction wasrarely warranted, citing an increased risk ofneurologic complications, longer operative time,and greater blood loss with reduction. Neverthe-less, some surgeons continued to pursue

reduction, believing that correction of the under-lying deformity was supported by sound mechan-ical principles and, in the right hands, could besafely accomplished. Over the last quarter-century, tremendous advances have been madein surgical techniques, particularly in the realmof spinal instrumentation, with the result thatreduction can now be accomplished more safelyand effectively than ever before. Along with theimportance of restoring the sagittal alignment,this has once again rekindled the discussionsbetween proponents of reduction and advocatesof in situ fusion. Unfortunately, no randomizedcontrolled trials exist to definitively answer thequestion of whether one of these approaches issuperior, and most of the available evidence infavor of reduction or use of anterior columnsupport has been from retrospective studies andcase series.4,14,31,35,39,49–66

The primary rationale behind a reductionmaneuver in severe slips is to correct the lumbosa-cral kyphotic deformity to improve the sagittalmalalignment and the patient’s ability to standupright, with a secondary advantage of a reductionprocedure being an improvement in fusionrate.3,15,16,22,26,67,68 From a biomechanical stand-point, an in situ fusion performed in the setting ofsevere lumbosacral kyphosis is subjected tosignificant shear forces.68 Reducing the lumbosa-cral kyphosis should improve the biomechanicalenvironment for a fusion by converting the shearforces to compressive forces and reducing therisk of further progression of deformity. In contem-porary surgical practice, the understandingof complex deformity often associated withHGS and its secondary effects on pelvic versionand global sagittal alignment have reignitedenthusiasm in reconsidering the role of reduc-tion.14,15,20,24,25,39,41,57,68 First, high-grade slipsalmost invariably have a dysplastic component,29

with implications for the feasibility of fixation andposterolateral fusion; and the slip angle becomesa greater source of deformity than the degree offorward translation.2,3,20,39 Second, the localdeformity of the high-grade slip invariably inducescompensatory changes in the regional pelvicanatomy—changes that are propagated up thespinal column, ultimately producing a globalpostural deformity.33 As L5 slips anteriorly andthen inferiorly on the sacrum, the mass gravityline (and with it the trunk and head) is drawnforward, forcing the patient into positive sagittalmalalignment. The postural changes (tonic activa-tion of the paraspinous muscles, retroversion ofthe pelvis, external rotation of hip, knee flexion)secondary to this represent the end stage ofsevere lumbosacral spondylolisthesis and are

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typically accompanied by clinical sequelae of lowback pain, tight hamstrings, postural deformity,and in some cases radiculopathy or even caudaequina syndrome. Although proponents of in situfusion have argued that good results are predict-ably obtained simply through the elimination ofabnormal segmental motion, reduction offersseveral benefits over in situ fusion. First, in situfusion has been consistently associated withhigher rates of nonunion, up to 44% in someseries, presumably attributable to the continuedpresence of powerful shear forces acting at thelumbosacral junction and to a decrease in avail-able surface area for fusion, specifically as a resultof significant dysplastic changes associated withHGS.29,45,55 The troublesome phenomenon ofslip progression despite solid fusion, which hasbeen reported after in situ fusion in up to 26% ofcases, is further testament to the perils of leavingthe kyphotic deformity of severe lumbosacralspondylolisthesis uncorrected.45,55 Labelle andcolleagues16 have shown that whereas sacropel-vic shape (PI), which is an anatomic parameter,is unaffected by attempts at surgical reduction,proper repositioning of L5 over S1 through partialor complete reduction significantly improves sac-ropelvic alignment and the orientation of the lumbarspine in developmental spondylolisthesis. Theirresults also emphasize the importance of subdivid-ing subjects with HGS into types 4, 5, and 6, andfurther support the contention that reduction tech-niques might preferably be considered for SDSGtypes 5 and 6, as has been suggested in otherstudies also.25,26 Finally, although some patientsmay not express dissatisfaction with their appear-ance, there are many patients for whom cosmeticconcerns remain paramount. For this subset ofpatients, surgery that does not incorporate someelement of reductionwill inevitably produce an infe-rior result.

Historically the principal argument againstreduction has been focused on the associatedunacceptably high rate of neurologic deficit. Itmust be emphasized, however, that iatrogenicneurologic deficit is not a constant finding afterreduction, and that when neurologic deficits dooccur they are typically transient, with rates ofpermanent neurologic deficit after reduction aver-aging 5% and rarely exceeding 10%.69 Moreover,in situ fusion is not completely innocuous, anddeficits have also been reported after in situfusion.63 In 1988, the Scoliosis Research Society(SRS) morbidity and mortality report indicated nodifference in the rates of neurologic deficit afterreduction and in situ fusion in this patient popula-tion. This finding was subsequently echoed inanother report by Kasliwal and colleagues69 from

the most recent SRS database on complicationrates following surgery specifically for HGS. Thisreport again demonstrated no difference in ratesof neurologic deficits in patients with or withoutreduction of HGS. The existence of several seriesin which patients underwent reduction withoutneurologic complication is testament to the factthat, through adherence to the principles of widedecompression and judicious correction, reduc-tion of high-grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesiscan be achieved safely.6,39,50,59 Moreover, partialreduction of the deformity, which also leads tocorrection of slip angle, may be adequate asopposed to full reduction, because slip angle hasbeen correlated better than the degree of slip inpredicting the risk of progression of spondylolis-thesis.39 Moreover, as studies have shown thatmost of the total L5 nerve strain occurs duringthe second half of reduction, attempting a partialreduction may be safer than total reduction, withthe benefit of increasing the fusion rate and cor-recting overall deformity.70

Despite the facts that reduction offers over-whelming biomechanical advantages and thatprocedures not incorporating some degree ofcorrection are at risk of providing an inferior resultbecause of persistent physical deformity orconstruct failure, due in large part to the rarity ofhigh-grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesis, noprospective studies exist comparing reductionwith fusion in situ. A formal review of the literatureby Transfeldt and Mehbod7 found no randomizedcontrolled trials or comparative prospectivestudies comparing fusion in situ versus reductionand fusion for HGS. In their analysis they found5 comparative retrospective studies, none ofwhich showed any benefit to reduction.49,52,60,61,71

Of interest, Poussa and colleagues49 found that inpatients with HGS, the in situ fusion group per-formed better than the reduction group. However,there is ample evidence in the literature, mostlyfrom retrospective studies and case series, report-ing the safety of reduction procedures inHGS.22,39,50,52,60,64,68,72–74

In summary, at least partial reduction of thelumbosacral deformity should be considered incases of HGS. Reducing the percentage of trans-lation of L5 on S1 is of secondary importancebecause it is the lumbosacral kyphosis that isprimarily responsible for the sagittal malalignment.Therefore, improvement of the slip angle should bethe primary goal of any reduction attempt, and ithas been recognized that partial reduction of theslip angle is the key to restoring sagittal align-ment.39 In situ fusion may be an option and maybe preferred in the instance when the patient: (1)presents with back pain in the absence of radicular

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complaints, neurologic deficit, or cosmetic defor-mity; (2) has adequate neural foraminal space;and (3) has acceptable global sagittal spinopelvicalignment and good sagittal alignment of the prox-imal instrumented vertebra.


Regardless of patient age, HGS creates increasedshear stress at the lumbosacral junction. Variousstudies have reported high rates of pseudarthrosisand progression of the postoperative slip afterposterior in situ fusion.71,75 The addition of anteriorcolumn structural support not only providesgreater stability at the lumbosacral junction butalso, more importantly, leads to higher fusion ratesbecause of the greater surface area available withan interbody fusion. Presence of significantdysplasia often associated with HGS leads toa reduction in the posterior surface area availablefor fusion, and hence lowers fusion rates incomparison with patients treated for low-gradeslips.29 If reduction is performed for HGS, circum-ferential fusion and stable fixation with iliac screwsshould be considered to prevent slip progressionand pseudarthrosis. This aspect may be particu-larly relevant in patients with a high PI who haveadditional shear forces at the lumbosacral junc-tion. If the severity of the slip precludes interbodyfusion, a transsacral approach as described byBohlman and Cook76 can be used to provide ante-rior fixation, or the use of transvertebral fibulardowel and/or screws might be an option, as dis-cussed next.6,54,73

Fig. 8. Lateral parasagittal T1-weighted magnetic reson(middle) of a 21-year-old male patient with intractable b(Right) Postoperative radiograph demonstrating L4-S1 postof HGS to grade I with correction of the slip angle.

SURGICAL OPTIONSBasic Surgical Principles and Pearls

Irrespective of the surgical technique used, thereare inherent principles that should be adhered toin order to maximize the chances of a successfuloutcome following the surgical treatment of HGS.

� The role of instrumentation is less controver-sial with high-grade slips. Instrumentation isrecommended in patients who undergo insitu posterolateral fusion from L4 to S1.

� Partial reduction (particularly of slip angle)offers significant biomechanical advantages,whereas complete (anatomic) reductionthough desirable is rarely necessary (Fig. 8).

� Wide decompression of the neural elementswith particular attention to compressive dys-morphic elements (eg, fibrocartilaginouspars, sacral dome), in addition to judiciousdistractive reduction under direct visualiza-tion of the neural elements, is essential toavoid iatrogenic neural injury.

� Interbody fusion, whether performed from ananterior or posterior approach, may substan-tially improve the long-term success of thefinal construct.

� Consideration should be given to incorporatingsupplemental fixation such as iliac screws, S2pedicle screws, and/or L4 pedicle screws toprotect the construct from the powerful shearforcesactingat the lumbosacral junction, espe-cially if anatomic reduction is not performed.Extending the fusion proximally to L4 shouldbe considered in HGS, especially if instability

ance image (left) and lateral standing radiographack pain and high-grade spondylolisthesis (grade IV).erior segmental instrumentation and partial reduction

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is present at the L4-L5 segment, if the L5 trans-verse processes are very small with minimalarea for a fusion mass, or in the presence ofdegenerative changes/stenosis at the L4-L5level that may be contributing to the patient’ssymptoms. In a high-grade slip, fusion fromL5 to sacrum creates a horizontally orientedfusion, which is under high shear stress andprone to failure. Inclusion of L4 improves themechanical advantage by creating a morevertical fusion. Another difficulty with fusion ofL5 to sacrum in a high-grade slip is the anteriorposition of the L5 transverse processes in rela-tion to the sacral ala, whichmakes fusion tech-nically challenging.

� Consider transsacral, transvertebral fibulardowel and/or screws when anatomic reduc-tion is not performed.6,7,54,66,73,76

� Consider using the Gaines method whenreduction of spondyloptosis is deemednecessary.77


The various surgical techniques for the manage-ment of HGS can be summarized as follows.

1. Posterolateral instrumented in situ fusion (withor without decompression)

2. Posterior reduction of spondylolisthesis,decompression, and instrumented posterolat-eral fusion

3. Posterior reduction of spondylolisthesis,decompression, and circumferential fusion

4. Transsacral fibular dowel graft supplementedwith posterolateral instrumented fusion (noreduction attempt)

5. Spondylectomy for spondyloptosis

Posterior In Situ Fusion

Historically, the mainstay for HGS surgery in bothadolescents and adults has been posterior insitu arthrodesis, and this approach has beenrecommended by many investigators. In light ofthe limitations associated with noninstrumentedposterolateral fusions, most proponents of in situarthrodesis now recommend the addition of instru-mentation to the posterior in situ arthrodesis foradolescents and adults. Although the pendulumfor management of HGS seems to be shifting moretoward some attempt at reduction, in situ fusionwith instrumentation may still be preferred inpatients with grade 3 or 4 lumbosacral spondylolis-thesiswho (1) presentwithbackpain in theabsenceof radicular complaints, neurologic deficit, orcosmetic deformity; (2) have adequate neural

foraminal space; and (3) have acceptable overallsagittal alignment and good sagittal alignment ofthe proximal instrumented vertebra.

Posterior Reduction of Spondylolisthesis,Decompression, and InstrumentedPosterolateral Fusion

To avoid the neurologic risks associated with re-duction procedures and the high pseudarthrosisrates seen with posterior in situ arthrodesis withoutinstrumentation, it has been generally acceptedthat posterior spinal fusion with instrumentationhas become the standard for patients with higher-grade spondylolisthesis. However, there has beenmounting evidence recently in favor of the safetyand efficacy of posterior reduction of spondy-lolisthesis, decompression, and instrumentedposterolateral fusion. Hu67 attempted to useautogenous iliac or fibular struts to provide anteriorcolumn support in HGS following partial reduction.However, often the severity of high-grade slips canmake an anterior interbody approach extremelychallenging. In the modern era, pedicle screw-rodfixation remains the most common instrumentation;however, considering the challenges associatedwith transpedicular screws into the listhesedL5pedi-cles associated with HGS, transvertebral screws, inwhich transsacral S1 pedicle screws are extendedacross the sacral promontory into the slipped L5vertebral body, may be successfully used in thesecases, and not only provide support for the L5body anterior to the sacrum but achieve tricorticalbony purchase through the sacrum and L5 body.Fibular dowels and various cage implants havealso been inserted through the sacrum into the L5body through a posterior approach with good re-sults, providing another option in patients who aredifficult to reduce (see Fig. 1). As the L5 vertebralbody slips anterior to the sacrum, a fibular strut canbe inserted through the sacrum into the body of L5through a reamed canal. Despite the perceived diffi-culty in this procedure, there is a general lack ofreports of neurologic injury associated with thistechnique.

Posterior Reduction of Spondylolisthesis,Decompression, and Circumferential Fusion

In general, the use of interbody support is recom-mended for HGS to aid in deformity correction,provide greater stability at the lumbosacral junc-tion, and facilitate higher fusion rates. Regardlessof patient age, HGS creates increased shearstress at the lumbosacral junction, with multiplestudies reporting high rates of pseudarthrosisand progression of the postoperative slip afterposterior in situ fusion.38,45,55,76,78 This situation

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arises because a posterior fusion mass in HGS isexposed to high tensile forces. Anterior interbodyarthrodesis can be performed through separateanterior and posterior approaches or througha posterior approach alone (PLIF or TLIF). Molinariand colleagues51 reported higher fusion ratesfollowing anterior support and arthrodesis whencompared with posterior lateral fusion alone.Although there is absence of high-quality evidenceto enable definitive recommendations, if reductionis performed, circumferential fusion should bestrongly considered to improve the overall biome-chanics for fusion and greater stability. This proce-dure may be particularly relevant in patients witha high PI who have additional shear forces at thelumbosacral junction. Also, the presence of signif-icant dysplasia often associated with HGS leads toa reduction in the surface area available for fusion,and hence lowers fusion rates in comparison withpatients with low-grade slips in the absence ofanterior column support.29

Transsacral Fibular Dowel Graft Supplementedwith Posterolateral Instrumented Fusion (NoReduction Attempt)

Methods that can be used to obtain a circumferen-tial fusion include staged anterior and posteriorapproaches, a posterior (or transforaminal) lum-bar interbody approach, and the transsacralapproach. If the severity of the slip precludes inter-body fusion, a transsacral approach as describedby Bohlman and Cook76 can be used to provideanterior fixation.76 The angle of the lumbosacraldisc space in HGS can make discectomy andarthrodesis difficult, requiring osteotomizing theanterior inferior corner of L5 to allow exposure ofthe L5-S1 disc space during an anterior approach.With severe slips an interbody fusion may not bepossible, owing to minimal bony contact betweenthe L5 and S1 vertebral bodies. Therefore, othermethods of anterior column fusion can bepursued, which may involve either a transsacralapproach using a fibular dowel or using transverte-bral screws as described earlier.6,73,76 Althoughreduction is not necessary with this technique,some investigators have performed a partialreduction followed by transsacral fusion withresection of the dome of the sacrum if additionallumbosacral kyphosis correction was desired.54,66

Performance of sacral dome osteotomy, however,can be associated with an increased risk of neuro-logic deficit and should be kept in mind.69

Spondylectomy for Spondyloptosis

TheGainesvertebral resection remainsanoption forgrade 5 spondylolistheses or spondyloptosis.72,77

In these higher-grade and optosis deformities, theL5 vertebra is not in bony contact with the superiorendplate of the sacrum, making the surgicalapproach challenging. The L5 vertebral body canbe resected through an anterior retroperitonealspinal approach and the vertebral body of L4, thenplaced directly superior to theS1 body and securedwith pedicle screw-rod instrumentation.


The main complications associated with thesurgical management of adult HGS include neuro-logic deficits (permanent or temporary), pseu-darthrosis, instrumentation failure, acceleratedadjacent segment degeneration, durotomy,malposition/failure, and deep wound infection.69,79

Apart from the experience of the treating surgeonand clinical presentation, the potential for compli-cations often significantly affects the choice ofapproach for the management of HGS, especiallyconsidering that there is currently no definitiveliterature proving the superiority of one approachover another.7 Occurrence of new neurologic defi-cits remains the most common and among themost concerning complications with surgery forHGS, and the overall incidence has been reportedto be approximately 10%.69 Although perfor-mance of a reduction maneuver has been tradi-tionally thought of as increasing the chances ofneurologic deficit, there are no high-quality datasupporting this presumption, and various studieshave documented the rates of neurologic deficitbeing the same irrespective of whether a reductionmaneuver is performed.50,69,74 Anecdotal experi-ence from some surgeons have suggested a roleof keeping the patients in bed with knees andhips flexed immediately in the postoperativeperiod following HGS reduction, to decreasestretch on L5 nerves and thus lower the incidenceof foot drop. Fortunately many of the postopera-tive neurologic deficits resolve over time, withreports suggesting that only about 10% (1%overall) may be permanent.14,41,60,64,69 The useof neuromonitoring during surgery for HGS mayreduce the incidence of postoperative neurologicdeficits, and its use has become more preva-lent, especially when reduction maneuvers areplanned. Nevertheless, there is a lack of publishedhigh-quality data demonstrating the benefit of neu-romonitoring in reducing the incidence of postop-erative neurologic deficits. Performance of a sacraldome osteotomy has been shown to be associ-ated with a significantly higher incidence of newneurologic deficits, and caution should be exer-cised when performing this procedure. Althoughthe addition of instrumentation and anterior

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interbody structural grafts has improved fusionrates, adjacent segment degeneration has beenreported to occur in as many as 35% of casesand may require extension of instrumentation,often including iliac fixation.80 Although the inci-dences are generally low, apart from surgical andneurologic complications these patients are proneto develop other complications such as peripheralnerve palsy associated with positioning, respira-tory complications including pulmonary embolism,epidural hematoma, deep venous thrombosis, andpostoperative visual acuity deficit.69,79


Management of high-grade lumbosacral spondylo-listhesis is complex and is associated with signifi-cant controversies. Although there is generalconsensus on the need for surgical treatment ofsymptomatic patients presenting with severe pain,neurologic deficits, or progressive deformity oncesymptomatic or progressive, the optimal surgicalapproach and techniques remain controversial.Recent advances in spinal instrumentation,improved understanding of the pelvic anatomyand its role in determining sagittal spinopelvic align-ment, and its influence on the development of HGShave had a significant impact on surgical manage-ment of HGS. Although not proven in randomizedstudies, posterior instrumented fixation and fusionwith attempted partial deformity reduction and in-terbody structural support have been gainingwide-spread acceptance, and have been shown toprovide satisfactory rates of fusion and a good clin-ical outcome. Regardless of the choice of surgicaltechnique, significant complications can be associ-ated with the surgical treatment of HGS and maydictate the type of surgical approach chosen.


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