Bi bl ic al Truth Sacrificial Love Missional Living Expectant Faith 2018 – 2019 Annual Report October 13, 2019 Annual Meeting And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

s3.amazonaws.com · Web viewThis has been a year of many blessings as well as various trials and hardships. The blessings have included seeing the Lord bring new faces to our congregation,

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Biblical Truth Sacrificial Love Missional Living Expectant Faith

2018 – 2019Annual Report

October 13, 2019Annual Meeting

And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of

men.” Mark 1:17 ESV

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Page 3: s3.amazonaws.com · Web viewThis has been a year of many blessings as well as various trials and hardships. The blessings have included seeing the Lord bring new faces to our congregation,

2018 – 2019Annual Report

October 13, 2019Annual Meeting

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Page 5: s3.amazonaws.com · Web viewThis has been a year of many blessings as well as various trials and hardships. The blessings have included seeing the Lord bring new faces to our congregation,


September 2018 - August 2019

Pastor Dave Dechape

2019 Bullets:

This has been a year of many blessings as well as various trials and hardships. The blessings have included seeing the Lord bring new faces to our congregation, adding new staff members like Mark Roeber and Marianne Badgley, and getting to see improvements on our facilities with things like a new roof, new parking lot, and new van. The trials and hardships have included having to let David Thomas go from his position of ministry, the many people from our congregation who have gone home to be with the Lord, and wading through the tricky waters of change in the areas of Growth Groups and equipping courses.However, in all that 2019 has brought, we have seen God’s continued faithfulness and blessing to our church body. Below I have listed some of those blessings and broken it down into our 5 core methods that we operate out of as a church.

Worship God:

I have provided a Bible reading and study plan for the church enabling everyone at MLAC to see Jesus on every page of Scripture using the OWN IT 365 One Story Bible reading plan.

We have gone through a year-long sermon series called “Gospel Foundations” which has helped our people see Jesus on every page of Scripture as well.

We have also been so blessed by our special services. It has been a blast working with the Creative Arts team on the Christmas program and services, the Good Friday service, and the Easter services.

VBS was also an amazing time of worship where we saw almost 200 students and 150 adult volunteers come to MLAC during the week to hear about and interact with Jesus! Dave Watson, Mark Roeber, and I also had the unique opportunity to attend and worship at our annual CMA Council gathering in Orlando, FL and hear of what the Lord is doing all over the world through our denomination.

Equip Ourselves and Others:

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Starting up 1P3 Equipping courses has had significant impact in people’s lives already. We have had numerous people out sharing their faith after walking through the “Life’s Ultimate Questions for a Mormon” apologetics course and we have even had Latter Day Saints come in to check it out.

We have started up training courses for all Growth Group leaders which has been a model for how Growth Group leaders will lead and reproduce new groups. This year we have also begun implementing “coaches” to help encourage and oversee each of the Growth Groups currently in existence.

We have also implemented training for our preaching team which currently consists of 5 men, the staff is being trained weekly (Mondays) in the area of biblical leadership, and a group of men are being raised up to start what we call “Life Transformation Groups.”

Connect with Others:

One of the primary ways we have been our body to connect with each other has been through Connections events. Mitch Stanberry and Dave Watson have been key in providing quality events where people are engaged with each other and having a blast at the same time. These events are designed to serve one of three purposes:1. Connection for believers.2. Connection with an emphasis on outreach.3. Outreach exclusively.

Our key ministry for connecting has been our Growth Groups. We have had between 150-200 people actively involved in Growth Groups throughout the year.

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We have gone through something called “Gospel Foundations” using curriculum by LifeWay. It has enabled our people at every level to see how Jesus is involved in every step of the redemption process written about in God’s Word and it has shown them how God has chosen to involve them in this process as well.

Share the Gospel with the Lost:

Our 1P3 Equipping courses were key for training our people to biblically and effectively share the Gospel. And, praise the Lord, our people were faithful to share what they were equipped with. We have heard many inspiring stories. This year we went through how to reach the Mormons in our community, of whom there is a very high number.

It was a blessing to hear the testimonies of some of our own Junior High and High School students at their graduation.

Serve Everybody:

Our church has continued to be extremely generous as we have literally given out thousands of dollars to help those in need. This was usually done in conjunction with Serve Moses Lake. What a blessing to be able to use what God has blessed us with to be able to bless others.

MLAC did an amazing job of stepping up and serving at the Warming Center this past winter as well. Many of our people were able to share the Gospel with those who were desperately looking for help and hope.

Our own personal events that served many in our community included “Car Care Day”, personal invitations to Christmas and Easter services where people could hear about Jesus and be loved on, events that were designed for good old fashioned fun such as movie night, our talent show, and “Boats on Moses Lake,” as well as Growth Groups adopting families at both holidays and throughout the year that they could pray for, serve, buy gifts for and more.

Those are a few of the many things Jesus has been doing in and through our people. I am eagerly anticipating what lies ahead for the rest of 2019 and into 2020. Please pray along with me that God will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine.

In His Service,Pastor Dave Dechape

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MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS September 2018 - August 2019Mark Roeber—Associate Pastor

September of 2018 was a big month for me as I began part-time work here at the church. Thus, started my transition from an insurance career that first began in 1990 in Spokane, WA before moving to Moses Lake in the Fall of 1994 to start my own insurance agency, to vocational church work at MLAC. My wife Debbie and I have been part MLAC since 1996 and have served in many capacities through the years. Worship leader, VBS leader, Elder and youth leader to name a few. A full-time position as an Associate in charge of Discipleship, amongst other things, began the first of April 2019. It has been my joy to move into this role and I would like to highlight some of the great things God has done this past year and used to bless me and my family through my involvement in ministry here in Moses Lake.

Growth Groups:

The “small group” ministry has functioned at our church and in many other places for quite a while now, so it is important to clarify what the goal of the ministry is from time to time. Our Growth Groups are centered around “growing” in Christ with regards to Receiving Christ as Lord and Living with Christ as Lord. Our Growth Group leaders are trained to center their groups around those two values because we believe that the groups will then be able to better live out our Church’s desire to develop “fully committed followers of Jesus Christ”. By the end of the Spring session we had 10 active groups using the LifeWay curriculum and as we move now into the Fall of 2019, we have 14 active groups, and several more in development. The bigger change has been adding the position of “coach” to our Growth Group model which allows for each Growth Group leader to have an advocate working monthly with them to encourage their success as a leader. Mike Flores, Ron Edwards, and Bud Harmon have graciously accepted this new leadership role. I have worked diligently to identify new leaders and encourage those who have faithfully led in the past, and continue to do so, and we are very excited for what’s yet to come!

Senior Adults:

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One of my highlights this past year has been the occasions of our “senior luncheon”. This special event was one of the first things I was involved with last Fall as I started at the church and I am grateful to all those who have helped host it during the

year. Each month, 30 to 40 valuable members of our congregation come together for a day of fellowship and connection. Diana Schmid has been invaluable in preparing monthly menus of such quality that all who partake are truly reminded of the best meals savored in the company of friends and family. Additional thanks to Harriet West and Myra McCullough for playing the piano and Pam Swedburg for leading much of the singing during the fellowship time of the lunch. Many other saints have helped with decorating and food service and cleanup. We will continue in the Fall with the gathering under the name of Adult Fellowship Lunch and we invite all who are able to attend.

Men’s Ministry/Marriage Ministry

Our men’s ministry at MLAC is in a season of preparation as new leaders are developed and new avenues of connection are explored. Life Transformation Groups are being developed to bring men together as brothers caring for one another and encouraging the study of the Word and fellowship with each other. Phil Lawson is a key individual in this arena. Also, this late spring saw the men of the church gather for a time of fishing and fellowship at Banks Lake. Many thanks to Robb Davis, Travis Shopbell, and Sabino Serrato for leading this great weekend. Keep praying that our Moses Lake men would grow deeper in their walk and be well equipped leaders in our community!

Each year in January, marriages in our body are strengthened and stretched with the annual Marriage Retreat which brings together some twenty or more couples from our congregation to receive encouragement and rest at Davis Lake. Mark and Sharon Blazer along with Justin and Marilyn Shuck have helped lead and facilitate this special weekend along with some other dedicated members of our body. It was a special blessing for my wife and me to participate in this powerful weekend.

Alliance Travels

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Starting this past January, I have had the unique privilege of seeing our Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination up close through traveling to a number of amazing conference events. Converge, held in Colorado Springs, is the gathering of the Alliance international workers and staff and lay leaders involved with missions in the local churches. Our history as a denomination has always had a strong partnership and connection between the mission field and the local church. Field Forum, held in Portland, brought together the Northwest District of the C&MA church leaders for several days of inspiration and personal connection. General Council, held every 2 years, is the time for all of the Alliance family from around the world to come together to handle the business of the denomination along with educating and connecting the leaders in all areas of church ministry. This last half year has been a time of personal growth for me through the deeper understanding of how the C&MA has been a Christ-centered family through the decades and continues to grow to meet the needs of a changing world.

A few closing thoughts….

Looking back on the year that was:

* I am reminded of the many Sunday lessons I prepared and led in the high school group, Dunamis, and leading the Fall High School Retreat with 12 students in partnership with the Ellensburg Alliance High School youth group. The Alliance National Youth Leader, Dan Boal, was our speaker and the students were challenged to deepen their faith in Christ over the weekend. *It was such a blessing to be a leader over our 11 high school students at the LIFE conference in July, held in steamy Orlando, Florida and see the growth in their lives. *I had 4 specific opportunities to preach in Sunday service and I so appreciate the personal growth I experienced and the great blessing of ministering to the body at large through the pulpit experience. *Co-leading the New Members class several times during the year was a great place to connect and help train the newest members of our church family. *Every month as a leader of our Elders I have the privilege of helping chart our path as spiritual leaders and shepherds of our “flock” here at Moses Lake Alliance. These men desire to see the Lord Jesus lifted up and exalted here in our Central Washington community. Praise God! *What a great experience it was in April to organize our “MLAC’s Got Talent” talent show and share some of the wonderful, diverse talent that exists right here in our church body. We had

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13 performers and a packed house of fans, so sincere thanks to everyone who participated! We will do this again I’m sure! *My wife Debbie and I have helped lead part of our VBS program for 20 years and this year allowed me the chance to teach as well. What a great blessing it is to our community and my hope is to be a part of VBS for at least the next 20 years!

Thank you MLAC church family for supporting me through the years and I look forward to all God is going to do in and through us as we continue to love Him with all our hearts and serve each other and our community for His glory!

God Bless,

Mark Roeber

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Pastor Tyler Ellis

This year brought some new challenges for MLAC's youth ministry and me. Taking on all 3 ministries was stretching for me. I am grateful for God’s guiding hand throughout the year as I took on all student ministry, 6 grade - young adults. We continued to have a strong group of selfless volunteers that made it possible to minister to all 3 groups. As the year progressed, we developed and made adjustments as needed. As a result, I believe we have a good foundation to build on going forward.

Youth Ministry

For both The Rock and Dunamis we used the student version of the Gospel Foundation curriculum this year. It was beneficial in several ways: 1) We decided to have adult, student, and children ministries use this curriculum to get us going in the same direction and foster conversations between parents and their students. 2) The scope of the curriculum helped students see the unifying story throughout the Bible. 3) It gave students the opportunity to hear from God in several different ways throughout the week: a sermon on Sunday morning, small group discussion on Wednesday night, and 5

personal studies throughout the week.

I continue to find great value in visiting the school campuses for lunches throughout the year. The relationships I’m able to build with students is well worth the time. I’m grateful for the schools allowing me and other youth pastors to be on campus.

Mitch Stanberry worked hard to build up a student worship team, getting the students

involved not just in worship for youth services, but also in the main service. I highly

Youth leading worship in the main service SYATP

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value student participation in both settings and strongly believe it leads to deeper faith for students and sets them up for continued involvement in the Church past graduation.

September 24th, we got together with several other youth groups at Sendero Life Center for the See You at the Pole rally. It was an encouraging time for students who were gathering at their school flagpole the next morning for prayer. I was encouraged by the prayers our students prayed and their heart for their classmates, school and our nation.

October 6 was Car Care Day. We had a great turn out of students who helped wash cars and check tire pressure. They pushed through the long day with willing hearts and servant attitudes to bless the owners of the cars.

Scott Manke joined us for lunch on March 2. He challenged our students to think differently about those in need. This was a great way to build our partnership with him and Envision Chicago and to plant a seed in students for future trips.

March 31 – Kelly Clark came and shared some of her experiences as a missionary to Bhutan. I was thrilled to have her share as a follow up to our missions Sunday. She is a great example of God working through young people, as He called her to missions in high school and she faithfully obeyed. It was awesome for our current students hear this.

The Rock (6-8 Grade)

August 22, we held a BBQ and Boating event at the Ohs’ to welcome the new 6th graders to The Rock. It went really well; we had a great turn out of new and returning students and had a blast on the boats connecting with each other.

October 12-14 was the Quest retreat at Black Lake Bible Camp with the Alliance Northwest Field. The theme was Connection, based on John 15. We had 25 students and 4 leaders go this year, which is about 70% of our group! I’ll take that level of

Kelly speaking to the youth working at the car wash Working at the car wash

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participation any day. From talking with the students, I believe many of them came to understand the importance of remaining connected to Jesus and His love, for it is only then that we can obey and bear fruit.

X-ball fun Quest students listening to the speaker

X-ball was November 16. We had a lot of fun and a good turnout of students. I was most proud of our students because about 1/3 of those in attendance had been invited by a friend. There were a lot of new faces! I shared a short message about how God created us to be with him and how Christianity isn’t religion as much as it is a relationship.

May 17 – The Lock-In went really well! We had about 40 students come, 13 of which were invited by our students! Garrett Evans, Molly West, Judah and Victor Tadema all shared a part of their testimonies for the group! I applaud their boldness and know God spoke through them.

July 1-3 — Enter was a great experience this year. Crosspoint Alliance (Lewiston, ID) joined us to serve God by serving others right here in Moses Lake. We had about 30 people total, including leaders. Over Monday and Tuesday, we split into 2 groups to serve 8 different times in 4 places. 1) We helped Youth Dynamics do some deep cleaning in their building. 2) Serve Moses Lake set up a spot for us to serve burritos for lunch to those in need. 3) We helped unpack and bag food at the food bank. 4) We were directed to Mary Garcia (through SML) who was in great need of yard work after a few years of health issues and her yard being overrun. Many of the students said that working with Mary was the most impactful for them as they got to hear her story and see the impact they were making. In the evenings we held a session with thoughtful and personal worship music. Todd Welch (from YD) spoke about how service is a big part of our God- given purpose, and when we serve, we are living the full life God intends for us. I was really pleased with the way Enter went and it was great to get to serve in our own community!

Dunamis (9-12 Grade)

I introduced small groups on Wednesday nights to Dunamis this year and it was met with some hesitation at first by some students, but I was encouraged as the year went on to see them connect with their peers and leaders and really come to enjoy the time.

November 16-18 was our Fall Retreat in Auburn. We joined with Mercer Creek’s high school group again this year. Mark Roeber,

X-ball fun!Quest Students listening to the speaker

Rock Students serving burritos at Enter

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Steve Jones, and Kelly McCracken did a great job leading. We had 12 students attend from our group and 29 in total. Dan Boal from Alliance Youth spoke and did a fantastic job teaching from John 13-16. Students really seemed to have a good time and there were some great gospel conversations that took place.

In lieu of going to Reach (cancelled due to unsafe travel conditions), Mark Roeber and I took the students to a movie and spent some time talking afterward. As disappointing as it was to miss out on Reach, this ended up being a really fun time. I truly enjoy just sitting down and talking with students about life and Jesus!

March 10th, we commissioned Maddie Schwab in the youth room for her mission trip to Jamaica with Moses Lake Christian Academy. Maddie shared about her trip when she returned. It was special to support her as a group!

The process for LIFE 2019 started in December with interviews, meetings followed at least once a month, and fundraising went really well again this year!

The Youth Auction and Dinner on March 3 was amazing in so many ways. We raised $12,651 for the trip! Praise God! The students did an excellent job and worked really hard to pull it off. We had so much help from so many people that weren’t going on the trip; no less than 30 people volunteered their time and effort.

May 8 – Senior Honor Night was fantastic! We had 12 graduating seniors participate this year. Parents encouraged their student with letters they read aloud. It was a powerful night where we celebrated the students, blessed them, and commissioned them into the next chapter of their lives!

July 8-15 — LIFE 2019. I can’t speak highly enough of this experience. Every aspect of the conference was done with excellence as unto the Lord. There were nearly 6,000 Alliance family members who attended, and it was powerful to realize that we are part of a larger Alliance family. The Awaken theme permeated every bit of the conference

Commissioning Maddie

Youth Dinner and Auction

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and truly gave us an opportunity to wake up to the life we have with Jesus. Messages

were spot on for the students and challenged us to place our identity in being in God’s presence above all else. Two experiences were particularly impactful for some of our students. The prayer experience was set up as if you were in the house of God, moving from one room to the other and spending time talking with and hearing from God. One of our students said she felt like it was the first time she actually heard from God! The justice experience was powerful and convicting. It focused on how the poor are often taken advantage of around the world by kidnapping or tricking them into different forms of slavery. This impacted several of us by making us think about how our actions and lifestyles may

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contribute without us realizing it. Each night we met to debrief the day’s events and messages. We had some powerful times being vulnerable, sharing with one another, and processing through what God was doing. There were some great break throughs, praise God!

The Mountainside (18-28 years old)

I greatly appreciate Steve Jones leading this group. His presence and savvy with the young adults allows me to simply support him and spend my time with the youth. He and LaVonne are a blessing!

Over the course of the year we saw a greater desire for deeper spiritual growth in The Mountainside attendees. We saw evidence of spiritual growth in the young adults by the questions they asked and the discussions we have; God is working in their lives! Trusting relationships were built in the group; it became more of a family environment this year.

We used a Discovery Bible Study style for our teaching times. The group responds well to the participation of this style.

May 3-5 - Mountainside Retreat was a great success. There were 11 in attendance, including Steve, Lavonne, and Pastor Dave Dechape (as the speaker). The young adults got a lot out of the messages, and had a lot of fun with the different activities Stonewater Ranch offered. The feedback was positive, many saying they would like to do it again and for longer!

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On Belay! Young adults rock climb at Stonewater Ranch

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Kids Ministry Highlights September 2018 - August 2019

Marianne Badgley


I am deeply grateful for the chance to be your new Kids Ministry Director. This year has been full of many changes in Kids Ministry staff. Pam has retired

after 35 years of faithful service. Janeil Koethke who has been working with Pam as Kids Ministry Assistant and doing communications for many years has stepped into the role of Communications Director for the church and is now doing communications full time. Sharna Marsh has been assisting with welcoming and Kiosk but has decided to serve with the middle

school group. I am thankful for their faithfulness through the years and their support through this transition.

Liz West and Shannon Giuntoli will now be assisting me on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, greeting and helping families check in. They are gifted at making people feel welcomed and comfortable. They both have a love for Jesus and the

children. They will be filling the roles that Janeil, Sharna, and I were fulfilling in the past.

I am currently enrolled in CMAlliance U taking the Children’s Disciple-making Leadership Certificate Program (CDLC). I started in January 2019 and will finish January 2020. There are 12 units and I am learning so much and feel like it has been a very worthwhile

adventure. We are changing our name and logo to correspond with the Adult Services of MLAC. We

had many different names for our classes in the past and we are trying to simplify and make the feeling that the kids are a vital part of MLAC life.

Toddler Town

Toddler Town continues to offer a nurturing environment where children birth through three-years old, can play and learn about Jesus.

Janeil Koethke led the team of volunteers who provide loving care and a safe environment for each child. Now Shannon G. and I will be overseeing the volunteers.

Weekly volunteers staff the nursery. Travis & Stephanie Shopbell lovingly tend to the 2’s and 3’s during the 10:00 hour.

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MLAC KIDS Worship 1st Service and 2nd Service (Formerly TAKE 1 and Central Station)

Kids worship 1st hour meets during the 8:30 service with one combined group Pre-k -5th grade. Kids Worship 2nd hour meets during the 10:00 hour.

Individual classes were offered for the Pre-k and 4th and 5th grade 2nd hour. One large group class for Kindergarten -3rd grade during the 10:00 a.m. hour was offered. We followed the same series that all the church was doing: The Gospel Project. We did this curriculum in the past and this year the kids seemed to grasp the timeline concept and they were able to see how the stories all point to Jesus.

Communion Lessons were presented by Tim & Suzanne Fuhrman. This is an annual event for the 2nd grade children and their parents. Tim & Suzanne teach the importance of communion and its place in worship.

I am grateful for the dedicated teachers who come each week prepared and ready to present God’s Word to our children.

BLAST Zone (4th & 5th Grades)

Charles Hansen and Phil Lawson taught the Sunday BLAST Zone assisted by Beth VanAuken

Wednesday leaders were Chris & Marie Molitor. BLAST ZONE – stands for Believing, Loving And Serving Together. We will be working on

that Theme through the next year.

Kids Club-Wednesday Nights (Formerly TAKE 2)

Pam Swedburg led the large group session that includes singing, memorization and a video for each lesson. Kids then went to their graded classroom where they talked about the lesson and application.

We also put an emphasis on Scripture memorization and Bible reading. The kids were encouraged to memorize verses, tell the designated listener, and earn “Bible Bucks.” They were also encouraged to read sections of the Bible and recall a summary of the passage. The Bible Bucks Store opens once a month for them to redeem their “Bible Bucks.”

“Turkey Lurkey” was once again a highlight for the kids. This is a fun party where the kids win items for a Thanksgiving meal.

Happy Hearts Preschool

Happy Hearts has been in existence for 35 years and continues to be a viable outreach to families of our congregation and community. Four classes were offered 2018-2019 with full enrollment.

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Teachers for the two-day class were Claudia Cook & Marianne Badgley. Pam Swedburg, Stacie Sand, Liz Matern and Kenza Walker taught the three-day classes.

Pam Swedburg retired after starting, teaching, and Directing Happy Hearts for 35 years. Happy Hearts is under the Kids Ministry umbrella; with Pam retiring I will have

leadership and oversight of the ministry and Stacie Sand will be the Program Director. Our goal is to continue with a first-class program that will glorify God and point children to the God who loves them and made them very special.

Vacation Bible School

VBS was June 17th-21st, 2019. This is a highlight of the summer for Kids Ministry. What a joy to be a part of this ministry and the privilege of teaching kids about Jesus. Our

theme was: “In the Wild”. Monday’s attendance was 184 and we averaged

the week with 189 students and 150 volunteers. 42 kids asked Jesus to be their Forever Friend! We handed out many bibles to kids who did not have one. We rejoice with each child and we look for opportunities to disciple them.

Our missions offering this year went to national missionaries in Africa to purchase motorcycles. The Kids at VBS brought in $6,165.23 with added

Sunday offerings and online giving for a total of $13,376.25! Praise God!


The Deaconesses, led by Connie Suehiro, meet the first Sunday of every month at 11:30 a.m. They pray for and encourage individuals of our congregation.

The Deaconesses provide care for the widows of our congregation through phone calls, cards of encouragement, and meeting individual needs.

They provide a meal for each funeral/memorial service hosted by our church.

Meals delivered to homes were set-up for various individuals through-out the year.

CORE (Caring for Orphans, Reaching Out & Expecting Miracles)

This ministry meets the third Wednesday of each month for prayer and discussion. Our goal is to support and pray for people in our congregation who have adopted, are foster parents, grandparent raising grandchildren, or are in the process of becoming foster parents or adopting.

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Women’s Ministry

Bible studies were held through the year. Forty ladies attended the Women’s Retreat held

at the Firs Retreat Center, September 21-23rd, 2018. The theme was “Faith Journey: Being Childlike Without Being Childish” Messages were given by Pam Swedburg.

The Women’s Luncheon was on February 23rd

with 158 ladies in attendance. Our speaker was Anna Dunagan. She blessed us with a theme of “Serve with all Your Heart,” and spoke about the mission they have called Gospel Projects International and the orphanage they opened in southeast India.

Fellowship Ministry Team

This ministry team had a year full of events that served our congregation, Including Women’s Luncheon, Youth Dinner and Auction, Sr. Adult Luncheon, Cookie fellowship after our Christmas programs, Car Care Day, Harvest Party, Simple Suppers, VBS and many others.

Diana Schmid heads up this team and we are thankful for her leadership and for the many other individuals who provide fellowship and food for church-wide events.

A new refrigerator and ice machine were added this year.

Other Events & ProjectsChild DedicationsKids Baptism Class

Harvest Party

Harvest Party was Friday, October 26th and the theme was: God made you Special and He Loves You Very Much from Veggie Tales. We estimated around 400-450 attended.

Canned food was collected and given to the food bank.

Operation Shoe Box

86 Shoeboxes were collected and delivered to Lake City Church on Sunday, November 18th.

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Happy Birthday Jesus! Party

The Happy Birthday Jesus Party was held Wednesday, November 29th in the classrooms during TAKE 2. Each classroom was set up with a craft and kids rotated from room to room. It was a full night and the kids had a great time making gifts to give to family and friends.

Missions Emphasis

Annual Flag March to start Missions Conference.

Summer Blast at Camp Wooten

This is the first year that we have not sent anyone to Camp Wooten for Summer Blast. Many churches that have been involved in the past have backed out because of different situations. The current directors decided to take a year of ‘Jubilee’ and decide what they will do in the future. It was with much prayer and discussion we made a decision to not take our kids back to Camp Wooten.

We did send 2 kids to Camp Gilead in Carnation, Washington. This is a camp that I have been involved in for many years and I feel comfortable sending our children to. I would love to up the number of kids that attend next year.

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Moses Lake Alliance Church Ministry Team LeadersFor 2019-2020 Fiscal Year

Ministry / Program RepresentativePastor/Director Ministry Team Leader(s)

Lead Team Pastor Dave Dechape Mike Nordin

Elders Pastor Dave Dechape Pastor Mark Roeber

Deacons Pastor Dave Dechape Charles Hansen

Deaconesses Pastor Dave Watson Connie Suehiro

Church Office/Administration Pastor Dave Watson

Worship Sound/Media Tyler Tadema Rod Davila

Discipleship Preaching Ministry Pastor Dave Dechape Adult Ministries Growth Groups Pastor Mark Roeber John and Brenna Erlenmeyer Men with Direction Pastor Mark Roeber John Miller Women’s Ministry Director Marianne Badgley Marilyn Shuck Sportsmen Ministry Pastor Mark Roeber Tim Erlenmeyer, Mike Nordin Student Ministries The Mountainside Pastor Tyler Ellis Steve Jones Dunamis Pastor Tyler Ellis Pastor Mark Roeber The Rock Pastor Tyler Ellis KIDS Scene Toddler Town & Kiosk Director Marianne Badgley Janeil Koethke KIDS Worship Director Marianne Badgley Shannon Giuntoli MLAC KIDS: (Wednesdays) Director Marianne Badgley Liz West The BLAST Zone Director Marianne Badgley Liz West Happy Hearts (Preschool) Director Marianne Badgley Stacie Sand VBS (June) Director Marianne Badgley Janeil Koethke, Suzanne Fuhrman

Missions Missions (M.L., Basin & Beyond) Pastor Dave Watson CORE (Orphans/Adopt/Foster) Director Marianne Badgley Tammy Williams Car Care Day Pastor Dave Watson Robert Lightel Serve Moses Lake Pastor Dave Watson Wednesday Prayer for Missionaries Pastor Dave Watson Judy McCracken

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Specialized Ministries Library Ministry Team Pastor Dave Dechape Amy Alsted Grounds Ministry Teams Pastor Dave Watson Robert Lightel, Carol Spurrier Vehicles Ministry Teams Pastor Dave Watson Mark Blazer Technology/Computers Pastor Tyler Ellis Douglas Cramer Website/Facebook Pastor Tyler Ellis Janeil Koethke Wedding Ministry Team Pastor Dave Dechape TBD Membership Class Pastor Dave Watson, Pastor Mark Roeber Elders Baptism Class Pastor Dave Watson Elders Fellowship Ministry Team Director Marianne Badgley Diana Schmidt Money Counting Team Pastor Dave Watson Scott Garrett Adult Fellowship Lunch Pastor Mark Roeber TBD Sunday Prayer Team Pastor Dave Dechape TBD Grief Share Pastor Mark Roeber Dave & Teri Oliver Senior Visitation Team Pastor Mark Roeber TBD Welcome Ministry & Connections Center Pastor Dave Watson Joe & Tammy Johnson Decorations Director Marianne Badgley TBD Greeters Pastor Dave Watson Joe & Tammy Johnson Ushers Pastor Dave Watson Bruce Trachte

We’re thankful for all our volunteers who feed into the life of the church.

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Moses Lake Alliance ChurchActive Members

As of 8/31/2018Abens, John-RobertAlcaraz, PetraAtterbury, LeonaBabak, AlinaBadgley, Alan Badgley, MarianneBerezyuk, AnthonyBerger, NancyBerger, Richard Bertrand, ThereseBetcher, JudyBlauert, AnthonyBlauert, StephanieBlazer, Mark Blazer, SharonBong, Jay Bong, MariaBorg, Erik Borg, JaneBromell, GloriaBrown, KahlBrown, NelliBrown, ScottBrown, SuzanneBrusewitz, ToryCampbell, Doug Campbell, IronaCanterbury, Rick Canterbury, StephanieCarlson, JudithCassiano, MaryClark, TeressaCole, LoriCollins, BarbaraCollins, Wes Cook, AmandaCook, Paul

Coombs, LynnCountryman, TammyCramer, DouglasCramer, MandyCromer, LauraCromer, Mike Cruz, DustinCruz, KasiDavila, InnaDavila, RodDavis, AnnaDavis, Gene Davis, MaryannDavis, Robbie Dechape, DaveDechape, J'lene DeTrolio, KimDeTrolio, MikeDidericksen, Gar Didericksen, JulieDonat, ChrisDonat, Gene Dorsing, JanelleDorsing, Terry Dow, GayleDow, Erwin Dyk, AliceDyk, BeverlyDyk, Don Eakin, LawrenceEbel, RhondaEdwards, GinnyEdwards, RonEllis, DustinEllis, JudiEllis, JulisaEllis, Tiffany

Ellis, Tyler Erlenmeyer, BrennaErlenmeyer, JonathanErlenmeyer, MarlaErlenmeyer, Tim Falkenstein, GlennFitzgerald, JeanFitzgerald, Pat Flores, MikeFlores, PattiFranklin, DennisFranklin, SueFredrickson, JimFuhrman, SuzanneFuhrman, Tim Gallop, JanGarcia, LisaGarrett, ScottGaston, RubyGephart, Ivan Gephart, JudyGerber, AmyGettles, KellyGindhart, DavidGindhart, TeresaGiuntoli, Jason Giuntoli, ShannonGjefle, SusanGjefle, Steve Gleason, Linda Gorden, HelenGordon, SteveGreiner, Henry Greiner, SusannaGriffith, LynnGriffith, Ron Grigsby, Konlan

Grigsby, MalloryGrogan, RosalindGross, HollyHaemmelmann, Leo Haemmelmann, SandieHandly, Frank Handly, RhondaHansen, Charles Hansen, KandiceHarless, ChristyHarman, BudHarman, HazelHartman, SharonHartmann, PattyHasch, KoryHochstetler, PamHochstetler, RogerHocking, Michelle Hocking, Shawn Hodgson, Glen Hodgson, JuliaHoleman, Dale Holeman, WilmaHorney, DebbieHorney, SandyHornsby, MaraHornsby, ScottHoward, KristineHunt, AdamHunt, SarahJacobsen, Bobby Jammerman, BobJammerman, Mary Johns, MiquelJohns, Wade Johnson, Joe Johnson, Karen

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Johnson, MarkJohnson, RicJohnson, TammyJones, BarbaraJones, JeanieJones, KarinJones, KenJones, LaVonneJones, MarieJones, MatthewJones, Phil Jones, Steve Kehler, NickKersey, ChrisKersey, CindyKinder, CheriKinder, RobKnittle, JeanneKnittle, Pete Koethke, BarbaraKoethke, JaneilKoethke, PaulKoethke, Shawn Kok, BlairKok, HeatherKramer, Aaron Kramer, SarahKrober, DeniseKrober, Tim Kroeze, MaryKroeze, RandyLam, Celilia Lam, Mark Laughlin, Keith Laughlin, ShareenLawson, AndreaLawson, Phil Lehman, BillLehman, Jamie

Lightel, MelissaLightel, Robert Linville, CatrionaLinville, TriciaLinville, TroyLittle, VernLuke, ElaineLuke, JoanneLustig, CheriLustig, TonyNovik (Luvyn), AnnaLynch, Brian Lynch, Jim Lynch, JudyLynch, ToniaLyon, SusanMacy, CherylMarsh, SharnaMatern, ElizabethMcAlexander, AliceMcClain, OwenMcClain, SusanMcCracken, JudyMcCracken, Kelly McCullough, Joe McCullough, MyraMcDaniel, GeneMcDaniel, JillMcDaniel, JoshMcDaniel, StarleneMcKenzie, Del McKenzie, JaneMcKenzie, Tim McKinsey, DianaMcKinsey, Vern Miller, LindaMiller, John Molitor, Chris Molitor, Marie

Moreno, AmelieMoreno, BrandenMorice, Diana Murrell, Ben Murrell, ElisabethNoonan, Bruce Noonan, DeannaNordin, Michael Nordin, PamelaNovik. VitaliyOhs, KylaOliver, Dave Oliver, TeriOstrander, LindaParis, PattiParis, Dale Parton, LeAnneParton, Norman Potter, CharlottePotter, Martin Pryor, ShirleyQuackenbush, AndreaReich, Forrest Reich, JoanneRichardson, GeraldRichardson, NinaRichins, SydneyRock, ScottRock, ShannonRodriguez, JoeRodriguez, RhondaRoeber, Deborah Roeber, Mark Rysdahl, Don Sackmann, KimSamuels, Cynthia Sand, StacieSchmid, DianaSchwab, Brooke

Schwab, Bobby Sebens, TinaSerrato, CindySerrato, SabinoShapton, BillShapton, WendySharpe, TammyShay, AngelaShay, ThomasShelden, JaeShopbell, StephanieShopbell, TravisShuck, Justin Shuck, MarilynSkinner, BevSlatter, SethSloane, RileySloane, ShawnaSmart, PatriciaSmith, DarleneSmith, Ed Smith, GeneSmith, Gordon Smith, NaomiSmith, SteveSmithgall, DennisSmithgall, Sonya Snyder, StacySollinger, CherylStarcher, DonStarcher, EmilyStarcher, KeithStark, AdamStark, AmberStolsig, Cory Stolsig, SusanStrole, CarolSuehiro, ConnieSuehiro, Mike

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Sullivan, Dan Sullivan, GayleSullivan, SteveSullivan, TheresaSvopa, NadineSwedburg, JohnSwedburg, PamTadema, RuthTadema, TylerTate, Dennis Tate, Jerry Tate, Michelle

Tate, SharonTegeler, NateThiesfeld, CharleneThiesfeld, LeeThompson, BonnieThompson, CherylThompson, KenTrachte, BruceTrachte, SharrieTye, JeffTye, JulieUlmer, Jessica

Van Auken, BethVancil, JohnVancil, LindaWalker, KenzaWalker, MatthewWarren, Mary Ellen Warwick, PeggyWarwick, SteveWatson, DavidWatson, TinaWeaver, Curt Weaver, Diane

Wemp, Barry Wemp, KellyWest, Cary West, DonWest, Elizabeth West, HarrietWhite, LoriWilliams, TammyWilliams, TerriZuver, ChrisZuver, Lexie

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A. Annual Business Meeting

The annual meeting shall be conducted at a date and time selected by the Governance authority.

Adopted January 21,2004

B. Congregational Meetings

A congregational meeting may be called by the Senior Pastor or Governance authority. When business is to be conducted, two (2) weeks written notice must be given.

Adopted September 14, 2008

C. Members in Good and Regular Standing

Members in good and regular standing, where used in the Constitution and these By- laws, shall be those members listed as active on the official membership roll. Only such members are eligible to vote on Church business. Adopted September 14, 2008

D. Quorum

The number of members required for a quorum for congregational meetings where business is to be conducted shall be 25% of the active membership. If the quorum is not met, and a second properly called meeting is required, the quorum shall be those members present. Adopted September 14, 2008

E. Finance

The Church fiscal year shall begin with the adoption of the budget for the coming year at the annual meeting or a subsequent special meeting should it fail to be adopted at the annual meeting. The newly adopted budget shall be retroactive to September 1st of the budget year, through August 31 the following year.

The Treasurer is authorized to pay all budgeted account expenditures without additional authorization from the Governance authority. Neither the Treasurer nor the Governance authority shall authorize any non-budgeted expenditure in excess of 2% of the approved budget

Active Members as of August 31, 2019 = 349Quorum = 87

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without approval of the membership. This does not apply to unanticipated maintenance of existing equipment and facilities.

It is the responsibility of the Financial Focus Team, as established by the Governance authority, to prepare and present the annual budget to the membership.

Adopted September 14, 2008

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2019-2020 CHURCH OFFICERS(All nominees are being nominated for a 3-year term.)

Lead Team (May serve a maximum of two consecutive terms)

Sandy Horney Elder First Year of 1st term Yes NoTim Erlenmeyer Elder First Year of 1st term Yes No

Terry Dorsing Elder Second Year of 1st term Erik Borg Elder Second Year of 1st termMike Nordin Elder Third Year of 1st termRon Edwards Elder Second Year of 2nd term

Mark Johnson Trustee Second Year of 1st term Gene Davis Trustee Second Year of 1st termPam Nordin Trustee Third Year of 1st termStephanie Canterbury Trustee First Year of 2nd term Yes No

Tim Fuhrman Treasurer First Year of 3rd term Yes No(No term limit for the Treasurer)


Kahl Brown First Year of 1st term Yes NoScott Hornsby First Year of 1st term Yes NoMike Flores Second Year of 1st termJoe Johnson Second Year of 1st termSabino Serrato Third Year of 1st term Rick Canterbury Third Year of 1st termRandy Kroeze Third Year of 1st termBill Lehman Third Year of 1st termCharles Hansen First Year of 2nd term Yes NoCurtis Weaver First Year of 2nd term Yes NoTroy Linville Third Year of 2nd termBobby Schwab Third Year of 2nd term


Patty Hartman First Year of 1st term Yes NoKelly Gettles First Year of 1st term Yes NoLiz Matern Second Year of 1st term Diana McKinsey Second Year of 1st termLisa Garcia Second Year of 1st termGinny Edwards Third Year of 1st termTina Watson Third Year of 1st termJeanie Jones First Year of 2nd term Yes NoSharon Tate First Year of 2nd term Yes NoElaine Luke Second Year of 2nd termConnie Suehiro Second Year of 2nd termShirley Pryor Third Year of 2nd term

Those up for nominations are in bold letters.__________________________________________________________________________________________________

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“Nominations from the floor must have been cleared in advance with the nominating committee, to assure the nominee is eligible and with the nominee, to assure she/he is willing.” MLAC Bylaw, under Article XIV

*** Budget

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Special Projects Update8/31/19

Current balance in Special Projects Fund is $ 26,300

Done To do

Comp. Roof

Replace phone system

Remodel youth restrooms

Replace flooring and cove base in youth foyer and offices

Replace 3 windows

Re-key exterior locks

Replace children’s A/C unit

Replace parking lot + additional 5000 sq. ft. on west side ($184,500)

New striping ($9000)

New concrete @ Entry (+/- $10,000)

12 x 12 Shed for church mower ($700)

Replace window in youth wing offices ($400)

Re-coat Lg. flat roof ($500)

New flooring – youth wing stairs, landing, and kitchen ($3500)

2-4 new security cameras and server. ($2000)

New flooring in youth sanctuary ($5000)

Pole Building for church vans etc. (ETA: 2021, approximately $30k)