S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015

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  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    HistoryWelcome to History. My name is Mr Chong. Lets get started.

    1. Sit in your groups.2. Create and display your name cards.3. Decide on your group name (the last name o a amous historical

    !gure in ancient or modern history"

    1. Housekeeping

    1. Edmodo #ill $e used to acilitate short online acti%ities.2. Dropbox #ill $e used to contain all daily #or&.

    3. Complete all home#or&. 'hey #ill $e in the orm oa. )ui**es on +dmodo$. ,eadings (%ideos- articles- sources- e te/t$oo& chapters- etc."c. Daily summaries o the lesson or readings

    0. Daily notes (and all note ta&ing" #ill $e completed in handwritingusing the Cornell ote ta&ing System (see $elo#".

    2. Cornell Note-taking System

    n short- the Cornell ote 'a&ing System is used $y uni%ersity students tocondense and organise notes. 'his helps students to understandin ormation in chun&s o smaller cogniti%e units that is easier or recalland uture study. Studies also sho# that ta&ing notes $y hand (as opposeto typing" increases the rate o memory retention- so you are e/pected tohand#rite your notes in your own words Cogniti%e e ort 4 memoryretention5

    6ou are e/pected to complete the Summary column $e ore the end o

    e%ery lesson. incomplete this #ill $e done or home#or&. #ill randomlyas& students to su$mit their daily notes to me in 7D8 ormat to ensureconsistency and chec& on your progress.

    How to take Cornell Notes.

    ,ead this http 99lsc.cornell.edu9LSC:,esources9cornellsystem.pd

    ;r loo& through this

  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    o# in S otes or ;ne ote- dra# t#o lines on your page to create threesections.

  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    o# that you are amiliar #ith ho# things #or&- get started on your !rst

    Cornell otes5

    ;nto the good stu 5

    !. History in "rie# $take notes now %

    &hat is History'

    History is the esta$lished record o e%erything that has happened in

    the past. History is also an in=uiry or in%estigation into #hathappened in the past.

  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    History as&s >Ho# did things get to $e this #ay?>. History re%els intelling the story o us- human $eings- on planet +arth. History see&sto understand past li%es and societies.

    History ena$les students to appreciate the human achie%ements o the past- or their o#n interest and or the legacy le t to latergenerations.

    &hy is History important'

    (History will be kind to me #or ) intend to write it.*

    @ Winston S. Churchill

    (History is written by the +i,tors.*@ Winston S. Churchill

    (Study the past i# you would de ne the #uture.*

    @ Con ucius

    ( hat men do not learn +ery mu,h #rom the lessons o# history isthe most important o# all the lessons that history has to tea,h.*


  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    Alo$al history is the history o the #orld- o humanity E and rom theperspecti%e o Fig History- the +arth and the Gni%erse.

    Histori,al Skills

    n this History course you #ill de%elop and $e assessed on theollo#ing s&ills. Write do#n #hat you $elie%e is a description and the

    purpose o ha%ing o these s&ills in history.

    Histori,al Skills Des,ription / 0urposeComprehension chronology- terms

    and concepts

  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015




    ,eading http 99###.achistoryunits.edu.au9teaching history9&eyconcepts9teachhist concepts.html

    . Course +er+iew

    C 34SE )N 4 D3C ) N $ & E45S%

    1. ntroduction Fig History E the Fig Fang to the ndustrial ,e%olution2. ntroduction Ma&ing o the Modern World E World Wars ;ne and '#o!. 'opic 1 Changing ,ights and 8reedoms

  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    We #ill no# $e #atching a %ideo a$out Fig History. We #ill pause hal #ayto discuss your learning. 'a&e notes as #e #atch it.

    'he logic o Fig History is simple.

    'he Gni%erse appears to rise rom simplicity to comple/ity. Morecomple/ity allo#s or more eatures. 'he uel o comple/ity is energy-#hich is the total energy in the Gni%erse created since the Fig Fang.When the energy is use ul and is used- comple/ity is created. Ho#e%er-comple/ity can only $e generated #hen certain Aoldiloc&s Conditions (nottoo hot or cold- Bust right" are met. When the ingredients or comple/ityand the Aoldiloc&s Conditions are optimal- ne# orms o energy is createdand a ne# threshold o comple/ity can $e achie%ed.

    )N84ED)EN S 9 8 :D: C;S C ND) ) NS -< NE& C 50:E=) > $ H4ESH :D%

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    H35?N H)S 4>

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  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015



  • 8/9/2019 S5HistoryT1W1 29.01.2015


    Homework #or tomorrow $7riday%@Complete your Cornell otes summaries on

    1. PHistoryQ

    2. +ach 'hreshold presented $y the groups