Salesmanship Session 2


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Selling Theories

SalesmanshipSession 2Sales Management, Personal Selling, and SalesmanshipSales ManagementPersonal SellingSalesmanship Direct the personal selling effort Is a means for implementing marketing programs along with other marketing elements It is the art of successfully persuading prospects or customers to buy products or service Management of personal sales force Organizing the sales effort Controlling the sales effortBroader concept Salesmanship is one of the skills used in personal selling Advertising vs. Personal Selling 2Buyer Seller DyadDyad is used to describe a situation in which two people interact Seller seek to motivate the prospective buyer to behave favorably towards the seller Nature of the interaction determines how buyers react The more alike sales persons and prospects were , the greater the likely hood that a sales would result Buyer Seller DyadWhen the buyer perceived the salespersons performance to be similar to his/ her concept of ideal performance , the number of sources from which purchases were made was low.The customers perception of what that behavior should be is a necessary condition for the continuation of dyadic interaction Buyers initial conditioning with respect to selling Franklin Evans , Henry Tosi 4Conceptual Model of Salesperson Buyer Dyadic Relationships

Source : The personal Selling Process Buyer and Seller Dyad Personal Characteristics ( include personality, values, attitudes, past experiences etc. )Role requirements ( for example , formal authority and organizational autonomy) Need and expectations ( interaction between role requirement and personal characteristics) Choice of strategy ( persuasion, ingratiation , communication of facts or offers, friendship and other elements

Diversity of Personal Selling Situations Service selling aims to obtain sales from existing customers whose habits and patterns of thought are already conducive to such sales.

Development selling aims to convert prospects into customers

Service Selling Inside Order Taker Delivery Salesperson Route or Merchandising SalespersonMissionary Technical Salesperson Development Selling Creative Salesperson of Tangibles

Creative Salesperson of Intangibles

Political, Indirect or BackDoor Salesperson

Salesperson Engaged in Multiple Sales