Salvors praised by former IMO Secretary General Costa Concordia MARCH 2012 INTERNATIONAL SALVAGE UNION 1 Mr Mitropoulos was the keynote speaker at the ISU’s annual conference for its Associate Members in London. Reflecting on his time as head of the IMO, Mr Mitropoulos said: “The industry you represent deserves appreciation and should command high respect for the work you do. And all of those who are involved in marine activities should recognise the importance and value of your services. As Secretary General of IMO I was well aware of the role of the salvage industry and the vital part it plays in shipping. “I would like to pay tribute to you and the crews you employ to carry out your operations. Yours are professionals of the highest standard who will not hesitate to risk their life in order to save others and at the same time safeguard Former Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation, Mr Efthimios Mitropoulos, has praised salvors for saving life and property at sea and for their professionalism and work to protect the environment. In January the COSTA CONCORDIA case captured the attention of the world. The cruise liner, carrying 4200 passengers and crew, hit rocks, took on water and subsequently grounded off the western Italian Island of Giglio. 32 passengers and crew lost their lives. The exact circumstances of the incident are still subject to investigation and criminal action has begun against the captain, Francesco Schettino. He denies the charges brought against him. SMIT Salvage was contracted to property at sea and protect the marine environment. Under the spotlight of ever more public and political scrutiny, salvors conduct delicate operations, often under hazardous circumstances, closely followed by the media.” Mr Mitropoulos went on to express his anger that salvors can face prosecution due to the execution of their duties and said they should instead be praised for their work in helping to avert environmental catastrophes. Some130 delegates from the shipping industry and its associated professions attended the ISU’s Associate Members’ Day Conference and reception - a record turnout. There was a full programme of speakers and panel discussions on topics related to the salvage industry. ISU President, Mr Andreas Tsavliris said: “We are privileged to have had Mr Mitropoulos as a guest speaker. He was a most effective leader of IMO, carefully balancing the competing interests in the marine world. We are honoured by his kind words about our industry and it is a great pleasure to have so many delegates at our conference.” undertake the removal of oil and waste water from 17 of the vessel’s tanks. The operation commenced in February with SMIT working alongside ISU member Fratelli Neri. By early March the operation was successfully completed – over 2000 tonnes of oil were removed and the tanks closed and sealed off. Divers and hot tapping were extensively used during the operation which was disrupted by poor weather. A number of ISU members are bidding for the contract to remove the wreck. As Salvage World went to press the outcome of the tender process was not known. The wreck removal is expected to be a major, lengthy and complex undertaking. One of the features of the COSTA CONCORDIA casualty was the immediacy of the stories, pictures and video emerging directly from the ship’s passengers and crew through mobile phones and the internet. ISU staff gave numerous media interviews in the aftermath of the casualty. ISU’s communications adviser, James Herbert, described the case as: “a watershed, the first major casualty played out fully in the era of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Negative stories and rumour were rapidly broadcast by people directly involved and still on the casualty. The time for media responders to react – already very short - was reduced further to a matter of minutes.” ISU executives have expressed concern for some years about the challenges presented by the salvage of massive cruise ships and containerships. ISU President, Andreas Tsavliris (left) with former IMO Secretary General Efthimios Mitropoulos.


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Salvors praised by former IMO Secretary General

Costa Concordia



Mr Mitropoulos was the keynote speaker at the ISU’s annual conference for its Associate Members in London. Reflecting on his time as head of the IMO, Mr Mitropoulos said:

“The industry you represent deserves appreciation and should command high respect for the work you do. And all of those who are involved in marine activities should recognise the importance and value of your services. As Secretary General of IMO I was well aware of the role of the salvage industry and the vital part it plays in shipping.

“I would like to pay tribute to you and the crews you employ to carry out your operations. Yours are professionals of the highest standard who will not hesitate to risk their life in order to save others and at the same time safeguard

Former Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation, Mr Efthimios Mitropoulos, has praised salvors for saving life and property at sea and for their professionalism and work to protect the environment.

In January the COSTA CONCORDIA case captured the attention of the world. The cruise liner, carrying 4200 passengers and crew, hit rocks, took on water and subsequently grounded off the western Italian Island of Giglio. 32 passengers and crew lost their lives.

The exact circumstances of the incident are still subject to investigation and criminal action has begun against the captain, Francesco Schettino. He denies the charges brought against him.

SMIT Salvage was contracted to

property at sea and protect the marine environment. Under the spotlight of ever more public and political scrutiny, salvors conduct delicate operations, often under hazardous circumstances, closely followed by the media.”

Mr Mitropoulos went on to express his anger that salvors can face prosecution due to the execution of their duties and said they should instead be praised for their work in helping to avert environmental catastrophes.

Some130 delegates from the shipping industry and its associated professions attended the ISU’s Associate Members’ Day Conference and reception - a record turnout. There was a full programme of speakers and panel discussions on topics related to the salvage industry.

ISU President, Mr Andreas Tsavliris said: “We are privileged to have had Mr Mitropoulos as a guest speaker. He was a most effective leader of IMO, carefully balancing the competing interests in the marine world. We are honoured by his kind words about our industry and it is a great pleasure to have so many delegates at our conference.”

undertake the removal of oil and waste water from 17 of the vessel’s tanks. The operation commenced in February with SMIT working alongside ISU member Fratelli Neri.

By early March the operation was successfully completed – over 2000 tonnes of oil were removed and the tanks closed and sealed off. Divers and hot tapping were extensively used during the operation which was disrupted by poor weather.

A number of ISU members are bidding for the contract to remove the wreck.

As Salvage World went to press the outcome of the tender process was not known. The wreck removal is expected to be a major, lengthy and complex undertaking.

One of the features of the COSTA CONCORDIA casualty was the immediacy of the stories, pictures and video emerging directly from the ship’s passengers and crew through mobile phones and the internet.

ISU staff gave numerous media interviews in the aftermath of the casualty. ISU’s communications adviser, James Herbert, described the case as: “a watershed, the first major casualty played out fully in the era of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Negative stories and rumour were rapidly broadcast by people directly involved and still on the casualty. The time for media responders to react – already very short - was reduced further to a matter of minutes.”

ISU executives have expressed concern for some years about the challenges presented by the salvage of massive cruise ships and containerships.

ISU President, Andreas Tsavliris (left) with former IMO Secretary General Efthimios Mitropoulos.

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New ISU General Manager

ISU has appointed Mark Hoddinott to succeed its Secretary General, Mike Lacey, on his planned retirement at the end of 2012. He will start with ISU in April 2012, working with Mike Lacey for the rest of the year to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities before he takes up the position formally.

Mark Hoddinott will be General Manager and will combine the role of Secretary General with that of General Manager which will be vacated this spring on John Noble’s planned retirement. He will be responsible to the President of the ISU and its Executive Committee for the day to day running of the ISU and its work on relevant issues.

Mark Hoddinott is well-known in shipping and has extensive experience of the salvage industry. He started his career at sea and he has a Master Mariner’s Certificate. He joined the UK’s United Towing as a Salvage Officer in 1982 and subsequently he served as Salvage Master, performing a number of notable salvage operations.

He later moved into senior management with Howard Smith, then Adsteam, before joining US-owned Titan Salvage as its Managing Director, Europe. Mark Hoddinott has also served on the ISU’s Lloyd’s Open Form Sub-Committee since its inception in 2006 and has been the Chairman of that committee for the past three years.

President of the ISU, Andreas Tsavliris, said: “Mark is just the right person to take over from Mike. He knows the salvage industry extremely well having conducted many operations as a salvage master and he also has impressive experience in senior management roles. It is with great pleasure that I welcome him aboard."

John Noble

As reported above, John Noble is retiring from his role as ISU General Manager. Speaking at the recent ISU Associate Members’ Day (see story P1) President of the ISU, Andreas Tsavliris, publicly paid tribute to Mr Noble, noting his excellent contribution over recent years particularly on Scopic matters and in bringing the Casualty Management Guidelines (see P7) to publication. Mr Tsavliris presented Mr Noble with an engraved pen in recognition of his work and association with ISU. John Noble intends to remain active in shipping and salvage, working as a consultant.

Lloyd’s Salvage Branch

Lloyd's has approved the proposed insurance product to provide security for the fees of LOF Arbitrators and Lloyd's where the Salvage Arbitration Branch do not hold security that is to the satisfaction of Lloyd's.

Statistics about Lloyd’s Open Form activity and the publication of awards will be made available through the Internet for subscribers to the Lloyd’s Digest. For more information on these matters:


The SCOPIC committee

The committee has approved the applications of Tony Huang, Vaughan Williams and Geoff Holland to be Special Casualty Representatives.

Landmark Consortium

ISU executive committee members have been briefed on a proposed new insurance product.

The proposal, prepared by Peter Townsend of Swiss Re, will provide insurance to containership owners for that proportion of salvage awards and general average expense incurred by the shipowner which the owner chooses not to claim back from property interests. The product is designed for very large containership salvage and GA situations

where the current system of obtaining the necessary guarantees and bonds is very time consuming and costly.

The product will be based on a notional value for each container, whether empty or full, insured or uninsured. The proposed standard value is US $30,000 per teu.

ISU received the briefing warmly and recognises that the proposal will need further discussions and the support of all parties involved in any salvage/GA situation.

Annual Dinner

The ISU Executive Committee hosted its annual dinner for senior and prominent figures in the world of shipping. The dinner for 35 was held at London’s RAC Club and guests included former IMO Secretary General Efthimios Mitropoulos and Lloyd’s Arbitrator, Elizabeth Blackburn QC, seen below with ISU President Andreas Tsavliris.

Left to right, Jianzhong Feng (China Rescue and Salvage, Yuantao Bi (Yantai Salvage), Fokko Ringersma (Mammoet Salvage).

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International Salvage Union Annual Pollution Survey - 2011 Results

The results of the ISU’s annual Pollution Prevention Survey for 2011show an increase in the number of services performed by ISU members compared with the previous year.

But the quantity of pollutants salved overall was down on 2010. The decrease from last year is explained by the 2010 numbers including two large oil product tanker cargoes. The total of all pollutants salved in 2011 was 496,331 tonnes compared with 574,386 tonnes in 2010. It is a fall of 14%.

In 2011 the major change was a significant decrease in the quantity of “other pollutants” salved – down 75% from 257,158 tonnes in 2010 to 63,338 tonnes this time. However, the figure for 2010 was larger than is typical due to salvage services provided by ISU members to two vessels carrying large cargoes totalling 170,000 tonnes of kerosene which is recorded by ISU under the “other pollutants” category.

The quantity of crude oil salved went up by 32% from 195,300 tonnes in 2010 to 258,647 tonnes in 2011 which is a more typical figure than that of the 2010 survey.

There were 221 services carried out

by ISU members. The Lloyd’s Open Form salvage contract continued to be the most widely used contract with 55 services (57 in 2010). 71 services were carried out under other salvage contracts - a major increase probably as a consequence of the Japanese Tsunami of March 2011.

The number of wreck removals in 2011 was up to 17 from 9 the previous year. Four other types of salvage contracts were used and 82 services were carried out on a fixed price or daily rate basis.

A total of 23 casualties needed to be lightened of all or some of their pollutants by ship-to-ship transfer, a slight decrease on 2010.

Commenting on the results, ISU President, Andreas Tsavliris, said:

All figures in tonnes

“Yet again this annual survey shows that our members have salved a huge quantity of potentially polluting products - nearly half a million tonnes.

"Of course not all of that was at imminent risk of leaking into the sea but there can be no doubt that collectively our actions have been of great benefit in helping to protect the marine environment from potential damage. Some context is given by the fact that in the United States’ worst environmental disaster, 700,000 tonnes of oil was released into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010".

The ISU’s Pollution Prevention Survey began in 1994. In the 17 years to end-2011, ISU salvors have salved 17,047,014 tonnes of potential pollutants, an average of over one million tonnes per year.

166 221 +33%

195,300 258,647 +32%

89,367 123,521 +38%

32,561 50,825 +56%

257,158 63,338 -75%

574,386 496,331 -14%

2010 2011 % variation

Number of services

Crude oil salved

Bunker fuel salved

Chemicals salved

Other pollutants


Pollution prevention trends (million tonnes) Pollution prevention results - 2011

Crude oil 258,647

Bunkers 123,521

Chemicals 50,825

Other pollutants 63,338

Total: 496,331 tonnes221 salvage operations

Exxon Valdez spill: 37,000 tonnes (1989)

2011 total pollutants salved: 496,331 tonnes Tanker graphic not to exact scale.

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NIPPON SALVAGE responds to Korean grounding


Jeff Johnson has joined Resolve Marine Group as its manager for training and response with responsibilities in both Resolve’s Salvage and Fire (Americas) emergency response/OPA 90 subsidiary and at Resolve’s Maritime Academy, the training subsidiary.

Mr Johnson served with the Vancouver fire department for 32 years and was its marine coordinator. As a member of the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA ) Marine Committee, he had involvement in writing the IFSTA manual, Marine Firefighting for Land-Based Firefighters. Johnson will focus on developing Resolve’s US and territorial waters Firefighting Response Network and will serve as the company’s Pacific Region Responder for marine incidents.


TITAN Salvage has been awarded a US Navy contract to serve as the commercial marine salvage and engineering support contractor for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA). It is the division of the US Navy responsible for engineering, building, buying and maintaining Navy ships and submarines and their combat systems.

In this new role, TITAN will provide the Navy with marine salvage, salvage-related towing, harbour clearance,

The MV GLOBAL LEGACY - 29,753 grt - grounded outside Pohang Port, Korea in January. Nippon Salvage quickly mobilized a salvage team and the large ocean going salvage tug KOYO MARU - 10,000BHP.

The casualty was already spilling oil and the local authorities insisted on complete removal of oil prior to starting refloating operations. Nippon secured the casualty to prevent further damage to her hull and rigged equipment to pump air into tanks to enhance the casualty’s buoyancy, while removing oil.

Nippon salvage’s assessment was that the possibility of oil spillage was remote but the local authorities insisted on complete removal of pollutants. They would not accept the idea of refloating the casualty with oil still remaining

ocean engineering and point-to-point towing services in the event of an emergency or incident. TITAN’s parent, Crowley was first awarded this contract in 1976, and since then has been almost exclusively the sole service provider. Now, TITAN will continue the tradition.


Norwegian ISU member, Bukser og Berging AS has ordered two tugs powered by Rolls Royce engines running on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). The engines will drive azimuth thrusters.(See below)

The tugs are due to enter service in 2013 and will be employed by Statoil and Gassco in the support of the Norwegian offshore gas infrastructure.

The combined engine and propulsion system will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30% compared with a traditional vessel of the same size and will comply with all future known

emissions regulations.


T&T Bisso Salvage Asia has moved to new, larger premises in Singapore. New address:

No 1 Tuas Avenue 20, Singapore 638832

T +65 6591 5288 (24 Hour) F +65 6591 5289

New Members

ISU welcomes the following new members

Jadranski Pomorski Servis d.d. Rijeka

Verdieva 19, Rijeka 51000 CROATIA Contact: Ante Maras, Managing Director

Tel: (+385) 51 355 000 Fax: (+385) 51 313 161 Email: [email protected] Web: www.jps.hr

Great Offshore Salvage Services Limited

Energy House, 81 Dr D N Road Mumbai 400001, India

Tel: +91 (0) 22 6635 2290 Fax: +91 (0) 22 6635 2369 Mobile: +91 97 6994 8954 Contact Captain Sandeep Kalia [email protected]

aboard due to fear of environmental damage. Nippon’s senior management say this is a typical case where environmental concerns outweighed all other considerations.

Eventually the Korean authorities

agreed to allow the refloating operation. The casualty quickly came afloat due to KOYO MARU’s powerful pulling aided by blowing air into tanks. More oil was removed and the casualty was permitted to proceed to a repair dock.

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TSAVLIRIS operations

In January the salvage tug HELLAS was dispatched to the assistance of the bulk carrier PEGASUS - 23,028 dwt - drifting about 40 nautical miles south east of Falmouth off the UK, following main engine damage (see also story P8). The casualty was towed safely to Falmouth Roads.

In the same week, TSAVLIRIS dispatched the salvage tug TECK from Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to assist of the bunkering tanker CHEMICAL PROGRESS - 7,606 DWT - laden with 3,200 tonnes of marine gas oil and

The MV JADE, a containership of 132.7m Loa and 704 TEU capacity, was unladen in force 8-10 winds when anchoring at the Nanchao Changjiangkou anchorage of Shanghai port. She dragged her anchor and grounded at Waihuangfen Island. Her hull was penetrated, the engine room and No 3 hold were flooded and she was stranded on seabed rocks.

Shanghai Salvage Company (SSC), which is affiliated with China Rescue and Salvage, mobilized the salvage tug DEYI with a salvage master, 16 salvage crew, diving sets, pumps and oil disposal equipment to the casualty. A LOF with SCOPIC was signed between SSC and the owners.

The salvors boarded by helicopter and conducted surveys. There was concern that the casualty would not survive further bad weather and would become a total loss. It was decided to mobilize the 2500 tonne capacity crane-barge

fuel oil, drifting about 80 miles south of Abidjan following main engine damage. The Casualty was towed safely to Abidjan outer anchorage.

TSAVLIRIS’ own station keeping salvage tug MEGAS ALEXANDROS was sent from Piraeus to assist the bulk carrier ALEX KING, following engine failure about 5 nautical miles northeast of Kea Island. MEGAS ALEXANDROS arrived at the scene on the same day, connected and towed the casualty to Ermoupolis, Syros, anchorage and stood by until redelivery to the owners.

In February, TSAVLIRIS’ tug HERMES was dispatched to the assistance of the passenger vessel DIANA, which had grounded at Drepanon /Rion (Patras). The vessel was successfully refloated the same day and safely towed to the northern port of Patras.

Soon afterwards, MEGAS ALEXANDROS was dispatched from Piraeus for the towage of the laden chemical tanker GERAKI - 35,652 dwt - from Psachna, Evoia, to Piraeus. MEGAS ALEXANDROS commenced the tow as leading tug with KARAPIPERIS 15 connected to the stern as steering tug and the convoy proceeded to Piraeus. (Picture, left)

As Salvage World went to press TSAVLIRIS was engaged in the salvage operation of the product tanker ALFA 1 laden with about 2,000 tonnes of fuel, which capsized and sank at Elefsis Roads in early March. MEGAS ALEXANDROS was dispatched from Piraeus with a full salvage team, anti-pollution equipment and specialist divers the day after the capsize. The operation, in cooperation with ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING SA (EPE), is ongoing.

DALIHAO and to re-float the JADE by lifting her stern.

Divers carried out underwater surveys to establish the condition of the vessel and complicated calculations were carried out to determine lifting forces. To stabilise the situation during the lift, an array of anchors was deployed by large tugs and AHTS. The operation required great skill and coordination as the tugs had to control the movement of the casualty during the lift.

Once safely away from the rocks, the DEYI towed the crane barge and casualty to Luhuashan anchorage. Bad weather continued to hinder the

operation but eventually camels were placed either side to aid bouancy. Patching was undertaken and the holds pumped out. There was no leakage of bunkers and so discharge of pollutants would take place in port. The casualty was then safely towed some 70 miles to a shipyard at Zhoushan where she was redelivered to her owners’ representatives.

Throughout the operation, the Chinese team said its self-developed salvage training programme enabled its own staff to carry out accurate calculations and provide robust analysis such as for the ballasting plan, lifting forces, longitudinal strength, damage stability conditions and so on.

Crane barge DALIHAO lifting the re-floated JADE's stern during tow from casualty site to Luhuashan shelter anchorage.

China Rescue and Salvage operation

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ISU welcomes new associate members:


A new marine law venture specifically created to provide advice to the tug and offshore support vessel sector. The firm was founded by Simon Tatham, formerly a partner at Wikborg Rein and with over thirty years experience in marine law.

Telephone: +44 (0)207 469 2550 Mobile: +44 (0)7885 026544 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.tugadvise.com

Air Charter Services PLC

171 - 185 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AP, UK

Contact Justin Lancaster

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8339 8555 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8339 8571 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.aircharterserviceplc.com

Lloyds of London

The Lloyd’s insurance market has reported a £516 million annual loss after claims in the wake of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and hurricanes in New Zealand, Japan, Australia and Thailand. Catastrophe claims amounted to £4.9 billion out of total net claims of £12.9 billion. It was the most expensive year on record for catastrophe claims.

Lloyd’s bosses pointed out this represented just 1% of Lloyd’s assets and said that its “financial strength is undiminished”. The results are the aggregate performance of the 85 syndicates – some private, some publicly traded – that make up the market.


Intercargo, the trade association representing the bulk shipping industry, has launched the Intercargo Guide for the Safe Loading of Nickel Ore.

It comes in response to the loss of four bulk carriers in short succession carrying nickel ore. 66 seafarers lost their lives in those accidents. The Guide explains through an easy-to-follow flow-chart how nickel ore can continue to be safely shipped, within limitations. It also raises awareness of the serious issue of cargo liquefaction. The Guide

clearly states that the so-called ‘can test’ is insufficiently robust as a means of checking cargo safety on its own.

Shipowners P&I Club

The Shipowners’ Club has announced a series of new appointments:

Steve Randall takes up the post of Commercial Director, Asia on the board of Shipowners’ Asia Pte Ltd, which manages the Singapore branch of the Club. His appointment will mirror Simon Swallow's as Commercial Director on the Board of The Shipowners' Protection Limited (SPL). Mr Randall will have specific responsibility for leading the development of the Club’s business in the Asia-Pacific region and will retain his responsibilities as co-manager, with David Heaselden, of the Singapore branch.

Ian Edwards becomes Underwriting Director on the SPL board, taking over the leadership of the technical underwriting operation of the Club from Simon Swallow, setting and overseeing the implementation of the Club’s underwriting and pricing policies in collaboration with branch managers.

Ian will retain his responsibilities as co-manager of the London branch with Britt Pickering who is appointed Claims Director on the SPL board cementing her position as global Head of Claims.

Jeremy Slater becomes Underwriting Manager, Singapore branch. Later this year, Paul Smit will take up the post of Deputy Claims Manager, Singapore branch. He will provide management support to Mike Hammond, Claims Manager, as well as handling claims himself.

Rob Cook is promoted to Syndicate Claims Manager, UK and Rest of the World syndicate, London branch.


The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published its latest annual Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table. It collates various data available in the public domain and aims to encourage shipowners to consider whether a flag state has substance before using it and to encourage them to pressure their flag administration to make any improvements that might be necessary.

The Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2011 is available at: www.ics-shipping.org/flag-performance.htm

Chapman Freeborn

Air charter specialist, Chapman Freeborn, has announced further expansion of its US operations with the opening of a new office in Atlanta close to Hartsfield-Jackson International airport. The firm has also celebrated the opening of its new Head Office in the UK at 3 City Place, Beehive Ring Road, Gatwick, West Sussex, RH6 0PA, UK.

Chapman Freeborn also reports a number of recent heavy and outsize lifts including a freight item specially designed around the contours the Antonov 124 aircraft. The item had a clearance of just 15 millimetres between it and the sides and top of the plane.

The ABR Company Limited

The 22nd ITS Convention, in Barcelona in May, in on track to be a record-breaker according to its organisers, The ABR Company Limited.

The event will feature a wide range of conference papers on salvage themes, including, on the first day, Challenges Facing the Salvage Industry from ISU President Andreas Tsavliris; Emergency Towing Vessels – Needed or Not? from Capt David Pockett of London Offshore Consultants (Brazil) and Challenges Faced, as a P&I Club, from Risks Associated with the Towage, Salvage and Offshore Industry, from Simon Swallow of The Shipowners’ Protection Ltd.

The ABR Company managing director, Garth Manson, said: “All aspects of the show are coming along nicely, and we look forward to a record-breaking event. Delegate numbers are extremely encouraging, and we are well on course to reach our target of 450, which will be our highest attendance at ITS Conventions to date.”

For more details about the Convention, please visit www.tugandosv.com or call the ITS 2012 secretariat Val Harris on +44 (0)1225 868821.

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The Nautical Institute (NI) and ISU have published their Casualty Management Guidelines which provide comprehensive practical guidance to help shipowners and managers, seafarers and coastal authorities during a marine casualty.

In the book, these parties are provided with guidance on what to expect from people or organisations that might be involved as the casualty situation unfolds. Chapters are presented in a largely chronological order and explain how masters should expect to deal with owners, government officials, lawyers, insurance representatives, salvage experts and so on. It will give all involved in a casualty an idea of the job others may be doing. The chapters have been authored by experts in their fields and who have casualty experience to share.

In a Foreword to the book Mr Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, said the Casualty Management Guidelines “should become recommended reading for all those who may find themselves in a position of responsibility during a

Casualty Management Guidelines Published

maritime casualty – preferably well in advance of the event.”

Technical Editor, John Noble, FNI, who, until recently, was an advisor to the ISU acting as its General Manager said: “When a major casualty occurs a number of priorities become immediately apparent – the first is to ensure the safety of those onboard. A modern reality is that protection of the environment has become the second priority for responders.

“As many as 50 people may be involved in immediate casualty response activities and the purpose of these guidelines is to give all parties an idea of where priorities lie with others attending, especially where there are political pressures when a casualty threatens the environment.

“It is intended that this book will serve as a guide to all who may become involved in the post-incident activities.”

Andreas Tsavliris, President of the ISU praised the dedication, bravery and skill of emergency responders. “Few of us will have experienced the harsh

reality of salving a disabled vessel in extremely rough seas. It remains a difficult and dangerous job that relies on the willingness of individual seafarers to put themselves in harm’s way for the greater good.

“Cooperation between all those involved in casualty response operations is essential. These Casualty Management Guidelines, covering all aspects of the subject and written by those at the ‘sharp end’ with real experience, represent an excellent resource and I commend them to the shipping industry.”

Casualty Management Guidelines is available from The Nautical Institute price: £20 (orders of more than 10 copies will receive a 40% discount). ISBN: 978 1 906915 39 1 www.nautinst.org/pubs<http://www.nautinst.org/pubs

ISU President, Andreas Tsavliris (front center) with, to his left, President of the Nautical Institute, Captain James Robinson and a group of the Guidelines' chapter authors at the book's launch event.

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Members' operational roundupGIGILINIS

The Gigilinis salavge tug HELLAS successfully assisted a bulker with main engine trouble in the English Channel, in January. The tug was dispatched from her salvage station in Tor Bay on the south coast of the UK and towed the bulker to Falmouth, UK, where she was safely delivered to her owners the next day.

The HELLAS also assisted a container vessel in distress off the coast of France in severe winter weather conditions. The crew of the tug successfully connected to the casualty which was taken under tow and delivered to her owners at Brest.

MAMMOET responds to beached rail ferry in Turkey

The MV FERUZ, a ferry for railway wagons, was one of several vessels which experienced difficulties in a heavy storm in the Black Sea in February.

The master demonstrated impressive seamanship by steering the casualty into the small, narrow, outdoor swimming pool of an aqua park, close to the port of Samsun in Turkey. Mammoet Salvage, jointly with Iskes Towage & Salvage tugs from Ijmuiden, signed a LOF to provide emergency response services to stabilize the vessel and prevent further damage to the vessel and to the aqua park.

When the FERUZ - length overall 150 metres - was beached in the aqua park she sustained damage below the

waterline which was worsened by the continuing movement across the rocky bottom in the outside swimming pool.

Mammoet Salvage checked the condition of the vessel, stabilized her and took depth soundings in the surrounding area and prepared for environmental disaster by deploying oil spill response equipment in case of oil leakage. This work was done together with a local diving company and Iskes Towage & Salvage tugs, which is a partner in Mammoet’s international network.

After a delay to resolve various issues the FERUZ was refloated and towed to the port of Samsun.

ARAS Salvage in biggest Turkish salvage operation

The Capesize bulk carrier MV HEBEI UNIVERSE laden with 163,000 tons of coal ran aground while approaching Zonguldak Port in the Black sea in March due to engine failure.

ARAS Salvage was contracted for the salvage operation and immediately deployed oil spill equipment and a full salvage team of operations manager, salvage master, emergency response specialist, naval architect, salvage divers and salvage crew.

On arrival the team assessed the casualty and developed a salvage plan which was approved by the authorities and all parties. Within 32 hours of being awarded the contract, ARAS succeeded in refloating the vessel using three tugs and safely re-delivered her to the owners.

MV HEBEI UNIVERSE is said to be the biggest vessel subject to a salvage operation in Turkish territorial waters.

MV UNISON VIGOR, a 12,500 dwt, freighter was moored at Kerry Siam Port, Thailand, discharging her cargo of steel coils when she was struck by another vessel. The resulting damage to the No 1 cargo hold caused seawater ingress and the bow began to sink. Progressive flooding through the open cargo hatches caused the vessel to sink completely to the seabed alongside the wharf in an upright condition.

TITAN Salvage was contracted and mobilized in November 2011 to prepare the vessel for refloating. The specialized marine salvage team brought in a 1,000-ton crane to assist with pumping and stability and to maintain a controlled lift. The stern of the vessel was refloated first, and, after stabilizing the ship, the bow was also refloated. Once afloat, TITAN patched the damaged hold and the casualty was redelivered.


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SMIT operationsSMIT Salvage started the new year with the first recorded LOF of the year to assist the disabled chemicals/products tanker DATTILO M.

The vessel suffered a main engine breakdown in stormy weather and was drifting towards the rocky coast of Kythnos Island in Greece. Smit’s local partner Megatugs immediately dispatched its tug AEGEON PELAGOS and under challenging conditions a connection was made 150 metres from the rocky shore. The vessel was pulled away from danger and towed to Pireaus for redelivery.

The dredger JIN TAI was working on the expansion of the port of Coega in South Africa in January when one of the vessels’s spud legs gave way and the engine room started flooding.

The vessel developed a 25º list and the crew abandoned ship. SMIT Salvage was appointed as salvor and mobilised a team from Cape Town and equipment and personnel were flown in from Cape Town, Durban and Rotterdam.

All the fuel and other pollutants were safely removed and the refloating

Picture: SMIT Salvage.

commenced following dewatering using high volume pumps. A large AHTS, brought in from Cape Town, assisted. Once the JIN TAI had been successfully refloated, it was returned to the new quayside for further repairs and then it resumed work.

Also in Africa near the port of Tema, Ghana, the cargo vessel LE SHAN, laden with steel parts and a deck cargo of dumper trucks ran aground. The vessel suffered a breach in her fuel oil and water ballast tanks. SMIT was awarded a LOF 2011 contract to refloat her. Lightening part of the cargo to an offshore barge reduced the ground reaction and the casualty was successfully refloated.

Elsewhere, SMIT assisted the general cargo vessel TK BREMEN (right), which drifted off the French coast and ran aground on the beach near Lorient during a storm. SMIT Salvage was awarded a LOF contract and carried out inspections jointly with French partner Les Abeilles. Bunkers were removed and the vessel, declared a CTL, was removed within one month of the grounding.

In South America SMIT Salvage refloated two bulkers which ran aground on the Parana River in Argentina and safely brought in a container vessel which suffered a fire in her engine room some 600 miles off the Brazilian coast. The fire was extinguished by the fixed CO2 system and the casualty was towed to safety by two SMIT tugs.

ISU Associate Members' Day 2012 montage

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Shipping companies have been reminded to ensure they comply with the Manila amendments to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) that came into force worldwide from January 2012. The amendments relate to seafarers' rest hours and the more stringent requirements for preventing drug and alcohol abuse.

International Standards Organisation

The United States has proposed that a new ISO standard should be developed for underwater noise. It is in response to increasing concern about noise in the world’s oceans and other waterways.

A working group will consider acoustic impact from commercial ships, cruise ships, military ships and submarines, air guns used for oceanographic research


and minerals exploration, water sports, active sonar, acoustic communications, offshore alternative energy sources such as wind farms, wave turbines and marine construction projects. It will also consider natural sources of noise.


The recent UK national budget has favoured the offshore energy sector by offering tax breaks on small and deepwater fields. At the same time, the Chancellor confirmed that he will create a contract with the industry to permanently guarantee levels of tax relief on the decommissioning of offshore structures. Uncertainty on the tax position had been blocking progress on decommissioning. Trade association, Oil and Gas UK, suggested this would stimulate £40 billion of investment in the UK North Sea.

The Netherlands

The official report into the loss of the FAIRPLAY 22, has been published by the Dutch Safety Board. Two crew were lost after the tug struck the bulbous bow of the STENA BRITANNIA at Hook of Holland in 2010.

The incident highlighted the issues of: training; stability; speed; risk assessment when sailing close to an assisted vessel’s bows and making connections. The European Tug Owners’ Association is working with relevant parties on the matters raised.

To read the full report visit:


Shortlisted entries

8. Winning entry RENA by Rienk de Boer, Svitzer

1. ANGELN during inverted refloating, Resolve

2. Containership salvage, China Rescue & Salvage

3. DENEB during refloating operations, Svitzer

4. Tsnami clear up, Nippon Salvage

5. Inverted refloating in the US Gulf, Mammoet

6. Tow of YUSHO SPICA, Svitzer

7. Tugs assist the MSC LUCIANA 2, Multraship

8. RENA, Svitzer

9. Salvage in a typhoon, China Rescue & Salvage

10. CAFER DED aground, Tsavliris










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ballast, ran aground in Kingston, Jamaica on Christmas Day 2011. Again the RESOLVE SUHAILI assisted.

2012 operations

The MV SAKHALIN partly laden with 9,000 tonnes of steel, was immobilised off Xingang, China in January 2012. The tug BEI HAI JIU 131 was sent to assist and towed the vessel to Hong Kong.

The MV ACHILLEAS, also partly laden with steel products, was in trouble off Rhodos, Greece and the tugs HECTOR and KARAPIPERIS 14 towed her to Piraeus.

MV EIRINI K laden with 35,100 tonnes of soya bean seeds grounded in the Parana River, Argentina. Local attempts at refloating were unsuccessful and a LOF was signed with Five Oceans Salvage and the tugs ONA DON LORENZO and the LUCIANO B refloated the vessel.

Five Oceans also has two ongoing operations, the MV NINA P - 26,850 dwt – and fully laden with bagged rice, suffered an engine room fire off Mauritius. A LOF was signed and the CORAL SEA FOS was dispatched from Mauritius to assist. After extinguishing the fire, CORAL SEA FOS towed the vessel to Port Louis. Cargo transhipment is ongoing.

Elsewhere in Africa, MV AKIBA loaded with 48,750 tonnes of alumina, ran aground at Maputo in March. A LOF was signed and Five Oceans sent a salvage team from Greece together with the 200 tonne bollard pull tug FAIRMOUNT GLACIER from Cape Town. The casualty was refloated and the operation is ongoing, pending redelivery of the cargo.


Salvage World is produced by the International Salvage Union. For matters relating to the publication contact: James Herbert, ISU communications advisor. Tel: +44 (0)1423 330505 Email: [email protected]

For general enquiries contact: ISU, 2nd Floor St.Clare House, 30-33 Minories, London EC3N 1BP Tel: +44 20 3179 9222/3 Email: [email protected]

Five Oceans Salvage - 2011 round upLast year the fully laden tanker BRILLANTE VIRTUOZO - 150,000 dwt - was attacked by pirates off Aden and the engine room and accommodation block were set on fire.

The owners signed a LOF with Five Oceans Salvage who mobilized a local salvage tug and salvage team to fight the fire while the salvors sent a salvage team from Greece as well as its CARIBBEAN FOS and CORAL SEA FOS from their salvage stations in Greece and Sri Lanka. A team of 12 armed personnel was also engaged to protect the operation.

After the fire was put out the tanker was towed to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where the cargo was transferred to the AMORE MIO II.

Elsewhere, the bulk carrier ANGEL I (see pictures) - 35,000 dwt - fully laden with bagged rice, ran aground on a coral reef off northern Mauritius. Five Oceans Salvage signed a LOF and Scopic was invoked.

The salvors engaged the tugs MAHANWARA from Sri Lanka, NDONGENI from Mozambique, and their own CORAL SEA FOS from the UAE. The local bunker tanker

MINORQUE, the bulk carrier THOR GITTA and hopper dredger RIVER BEE were also engaged to assist.

Over several months some 800 tonnes of bunkers were removed. And the casualty was lightened of 5,500 tonnes of sound cargo. Another 5,000 tonnes of damaged cargo was dumped at sea. The casualty was refloated and removed from the coral reef but could not be kept afloat and she eventually sank several miles off the coast in water depth of 4,000 metres.

Further LoF operations included:

The bulk carrier OCEAN RANGER laden with 26,000 tonnes of wheat was

assisted off Brazil following an engine room fire.

The bulk carrier VENUS N laden with 36,000 tonnes of bagged rice was immobilized due to main engine failure off Durban. Five Oceans Salvage mobilized the tug SMIT AMANDLA to assist.

The LPG carrier OCEANIC POWER - 3,400 dwt - in ballast, was immobilized due to auxiliary power failure in the Caribbean. Five Oceans contracted the tug RESOLVE SUHAILI to assist and tow the vessel to Kingston, Jamaica. The tanker ROYAL - 13,000 dwt - in