Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual

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  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    TheNLP Practitioner


    Peter FreethStepheni Smith


  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    The NLP Practitioner Manual

    Peter Freeth and Stepheni Smith

    First Edition: August 2011

    ISN !"#$1$!0#2!%0$%$!

    & Peter Freeth and Stepheni Smith 2000 to 2011

    Peter Freeth and Stepheni Smith ha'e asserted their rights

    under the (op)right* +esigns and Patents act 1!## to ,e

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  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    The Format of This Book

    This ,oo/ contains:

    Te5t that e5plains the principles o- NLP

    E5ercises that teach the techni9ues o- NLP

    Space to .rite )our o.n notes

    hen .ere tal/ing a,out the principles o- NLP* .e'e .ritten

    in plain te5t* li/e this e might spea/ as either ;.e< or ;I

  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    1NLP Practitioner

  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    NLP stands -or Neuro Linguistic Programming= a stud) o-

    the mind and ner'ous s)stem >Neuro?* language and the

    .a) that .e ,uild a linguistic map o- the .orld >Linguistic?

    and our learned ,eha'ioural responses >Programming?

    NLP is a stud) o- ho. .e can use language to map the

    connections ,et.een internal e5perience and e5ternal


    People descri,e NLP in di--erent .a)s= a stud) o- e5cellence*

    a model o- human communication and ,eha'iour or a

    tool/it -or personal change are ones )ou ma) ha'e heard

    Some NLP trainers e'en present NLP as a panacea -or all

    ills= it can gi'e )ou con-idence* .ealth* contentment* good

    health and more ecause o- this* NLP has earned a

    reputation -rom some critics -or ,eing a h)ped up* pseudo$

    scienti-ic cult that tries to pass itsel- o-- as a ,ranch o-

    ps)cholog)* or neuro$science* or ps)chiatr)* depending on

    .hich .e,site )oure loo/ing at

    Man) )ears ago* I ran a large practice group operating out

    o- London A trainer came o'er -rom America to run a short

    course* and he graciousl) @oined us -or the e'ening I -orget

    the su,@ect o- his .or/shop* ,ut hal- .a) through* he ,egan

    tal/ing a,out .h) NLP is not a cult* and spent the rest o-

    the e'ening tr)ing to con'ince the audience that this .as

    the case The mem,ers o- the audience* a,out 0 people*

    stared at each other in con-usion ho had said that NLP

    .as a cultB No$one had The trainer .as ans.ering a

    9uestion that no$one had as/ed* ,ecause he had anticipated

    that someone .ould as/ it as he tr)ing to ,e too cle'erB

    The -act .as that 0 people had turned up* either ,ecause

    the) thought that NLP .as not a cult* or that it .as and the)

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    li/ed that* or the) didnt care either .a) In an) e'ent* the

    trainer possi,l) made li-e too complicated -or himsel-

    In this Practitioner manual* .e are not presenting NLP assomething it is not NLP is a tool/it* and it is .ell

    .orth the time and e--ort re9uired to learn and master its

    su,tleties NLP should ne'er ,e used to in-luence or

    manipulate* and i- an)thing* su,'ersi'e intentions do ha'e a

    ha,it o- sur-acing 9uite clearl) in a persons ,eha'iour

    NLP is currentl) used in ,usiness* sports coaching* therap)*

    counselling* coaching* training* teaching* sales* ad'ertising $

    in -act in an) area .here people .ant to achie'e ,etter

    results -or themsel'es and others

    At the heart o- NLP is a set o- linguistic tools -or

    understanding the intuiti'e mindset and ,eha'iour o-

    e5cellence in an) -ield

    hether )ou are an athlete* sales person or teacher* )ou

    ha'e certain perceptions* certain s/ills and an attitude that

    ena,le )ou to achie'e results .ithin )our o.n en'ironment

    ) tapping into the intuiti'e e5cellence o- e5perts in the

    -ield o- personal change $ therapists $ the creators o- NLP*

    Cichard andler and 6ohn rinder created a ,road and

    -le5i,le tool/it -or personal change It .or/s .ith our-undamental perceptions o- the .orld* -rom .hich .e -orm

    our ,elie-s and generate the ,eha'iours that .e hope .ill

    get us the results .e .ant

    NLP at Practitioner le'el comprises these techni9ues* and

    certainl) the) are highl) 'alua,le in man) di--erent

    e'er)da) situations Det .e shouldnt o'erloo/ the 'alue o-those core modelling tools too* ,ecause the) are the means

    ,) .hich .e can continuall) generate ne. techni9ues and

    NLP Practitioner 17

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    increase the -le5i,ilit) and e--ecti'eness o- NLP NLP is a

    generati'e approach* meaning that .e are al.a)s see/ing to

    ,uild on .hat is alread) .or/ing

    This modelling tool/it is the su,@ect o- another ,oo/*

    enius at or/: The Per-ormance Modelling Tool/it* .hich

    also ser'es as a training manual at Master Practitioner le'el

    NLP is not an a,stract theor) NLP is a stud) o- real people

    achie'ing real and tangi,le results in their real li'es NLP is

    a .a) o- sorting and organising our mental and ,eha'ioural

    s/ills* us to understand and re-ine those s/ills so

    that .e can achie'e more* easil) and consistentl)

    NLP .as originall) the modelling tool/it ,) .hich intuiti'e

    talents .ere e5tracted and coded* ,ut ,ecause the -irst

    people modelled .ere therapists* NLP has ,ecome con-used

    .ith the techni9ues that it produced

    Dou might li/e to thin/ o- the techni9ues as ,eing NLPs

    -ootprints ) in those -ootprints* .e can retrace

    the steps o- the people .ho created NLP and e5perience

    their @ourne)s -or oursel'es* al.a)s remem,ering its the

    @ourne) that is important etting )our -eet precisel) into

    e'er) one o- those -ootprints is not* perhaps* a good use o-

    )our time* ,ecause .hilst )oure loo/ing do.n at )our -eet*)oure missing the scener)

    The people .ho come to NLP training .anting to impro'e

    their li'es and their relationships ha'e alread) ta/en the

    -irst critical step $ ta/ing responsi,ilit) -or change* and -or

    the e--ect the) ha'e on other people These people alread)

    /no. that it is the) .ho must adapt* not others Perhaps* inthe past* the) learned the hard .a) that )ou cant ma/e

    other people do .hat )ou .ant The) learned that )ou can

    18 The NLP Practitioner Manual

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    onl) do .hat )ou .ant* and i- )ou need other peoples help

    then )ou need to ,e ,etter at e5pressing .hat )ou .ant* or

    change the action )ou are ta/ing to get it

    NLP is a,out )ou Its not a,out .hat )ou can do to other

    people I- )ou tr) to learn NLP .ith an attitude o-* ;Im

    alread) good at this* I .ant to learn to do it to other


  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    .ould sa) that the e5perience o- Practitioner training is -ar

    more use-ul to )ou than the certi-icate .ill ,e* and it is

    totall) di--erent to @ust reading a ,oo/* ,ecause reading a

    ,oo/ doesnt gi'e )ou a -irst hand e5perience o- .hathappens in other peoples minds As an a,solute minimum*

    .e strongl) recommend that )ou .or/ through the e5ercises

    in this ,oo/ .ith a -riend or colleague

    All Practitioner course content is prescri,ed ,) the NLP

    licensing ,odies* o- .hich there are no. se'eral The

    original licensing ,od) is the Societ) o- NLP All o- the other.orld.ide licensing ,odies essentiall) deri'e their content

    and licensing criteria -rom the SNLP* .ith di--erences on

    course length or additional content

    This ,oo/ contains e'er)thing that is in the SNLP core

    Practitioner s)lla,us* and it also co'ers a num,er o- other

    topics .hich are taught ,) 'arious trainers as part o- an

    e5tended Practitioner course

    e'e seen courses as short as " da)s and as long as %0

    da)s Neither is right or .rong* ,ecause .e .ould suggest

    that )ou can onl) trul) learn NLP .hen )ou are appl)ing it

    in the course o- )our dail) li-e* and )ou can ,egin to see

    ho. it operates -or )ou NLP Practitioner training is simpl)

    the ,eginning o- the process* and no matter ho. long that

    ,eginning ta/es* )ou must gi'e )oursel- e'er) opportunit) to

    practice thoroughl) and attend -urther training

    There has ,een a long histor) o- politics in NLP training* as

    there has ,een in man) -ields as soon as mone) is in'ol'ed

    arious trainers -ell out .ith each other and set up their

    o.n competing licensing ,odies* man) o- .hich ha'e no.-ailed or merged

    20 The NLP Practitioner Manual

  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    In the 78* this .ould ,e li/e a doctor ,eing struc/ o-- -rom

    the MAs register and* in response* setting up his o.n*

    competing pro-essional association

    The histor) o- these political ,attles is .ell documented*

    and .e ha'e no need to discuss them here ,ecause .hat .e

    are primaril) interested in* the tools and techni9ues o- NLP*

    are common -or all o- the licensing ,odies

    4ne o- the /e) responsi,ilities o- an) NLP trainer is to

    pro'ide a sa-e en'ironment .here* i- )ou choose to ta/e

    part* )ou .ill learn .hats use-ul and important to )ou ,)

    e5ploring ne. ideas and approaches to situations .hich

    pre'iousl) )ou* or others* ma) ha'e -ound di--icult

    Sometimes )ou might -ind a particular approach seems

    more com-orta,le -or )ou Ta/e this as a sign that )ou are

    learning .ithin )our com-ort Gone I- an approach or idea

    seems ne. or con-using* ta/e this as a sign that )ou arestretching )our e5periences* increasing ,oth )our -le5i,ilit)

    and )our a,ilit) to get the results )ou .ant

    In pursuing )our @ourne) to learning NLP* )ou'e read this

    -ar* and in doing so* )ou ha'e ta/en a 'alua,le and 'ital

    step -or.ard that most people ha'e not ta/en

    Thats not ,ecause Im sa)ing that this is the ,est ,oo/ e'er

    .ritten on the su,@ect o- NLP* its ,ecause in reading these

    .ords* ,elie'e it or not* )ou are ta/ing action And one .a)

    o- loo/ing at the importance o- NLP in personal change is

    that it is a,out getting people to ta/e action

    e cant e'en tell )ou that* .hen )ou put these tools and

    techni9ues into practice* )ou .ill achie'e outstanding

    NLP Practitioner 21

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    results* ,ecause .e ha'e no control o'er .hat )oure going

    to do .ith the in-ormation in this ,oo/

    All .e /no. is that in reading this ,oo/* )ou ha'e ta/en astep to.ards achie'ing )our goals It reall) doesnt matter

    .hat )ou do* .hat is important is that )ou do something*

    ,ecause to ta/e action is the ultimate e5pression o-


    Man) people in )our position .ould ha'e some goals* )et

    not man) o- them are doing an)thing to achie'e them

    The)re sa)ing* ;4ne da)

  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    I- )oure in a hurr) then* )es* )ou might get some ta/e$a.a)

    -ood on the .a) home or ,u) a ;read) meal< that )ou can

    @ust .arm up in the o'en ut .ould )ou .ant to li'e o--

    thatB An)thing thats ;read) made< is* ,) de-inition* made tosomeone elses recipe or agenda* not )ours Thats .h)*

    throughout this ,oo/ and throughout NLP Practitioner

    training* .e encourage )ou to thin/ -or )oursel- and* a,o'e

    all* tr) something out* test it -or )oursel- ,e-ore @udging it

    Ne. ideas are disrupti'e ,) nature hat ma/es a ne. idea

    .or/ isnt al.a)s the idea in itsel-* it is the -act that itdisrupts the current situation hen .hat )oure doing isnt

    .or/ing* its usuall) a good idea to tr) something else

    hen the ;rules< o- the current situation constrain )ou* ne.

    ideas and a ne. perspecti'e ena,le )ou to ,rea/ -ree and

    o'ercome o,stacles that had pre'iousl) hindered )ou

    An)thing* no matter ho. small* that )ou can put into

    practice* .ill ma/e a huge di--erence

    There-ore to put an)thing into practice and ,ene-it -rom it*

    )ou must disrupt )our normal routine Dou must let go* e'en

    temporaril)* o- ;.hat .or/s

  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    practising the techni9ues o- NLP and getting great results

    This does not ma/e them ;true< in an) uni'ersal sense

    E'er)thing has man) alternati'e e5planations

    e dont reall) understand ho. our minds and ,odies .or/

    +i--erent people ha'e created di--erent models* and those

    models ma) ,e use-ul -or us in getting certain results For

    e5ample* i- )ou .ant to run -aster* a model o- ho. )our

    muscles and ,ones -unction is use-ul* e'en though )ou ma)

    not understand ho. )our mind ma/es )our muscles and

    ,ones mo'e I- )ou .ant to lose .eight* a model o- )ourmeta,olism ma) ,e use-ul I- )ou .ant to /no. i- it .ill rain

    tomorro.* a model o- the .eather might ,e hand)

    Models allo. us to ma/e use-ul predictions* ,ut .e must

    al.a)s ,ear in mind that e'er) model has inherent

    inaccuracies* ,ecause a model is a generalisation

    I- )ou .ant to get ,etter results in )our interactions .ithother people* a model o- ho. )our ,eha'iour and

    communication relate to the outside .orld is use-ul None o-

    these models are true* )et the) ma) all ,e use-ul

    hilst none o- this is true* there is one thing that .e can

    promise )ou Its the one thing .e can a,solutel) guarantee

    All o- the ideas* techni9ues and concepts in this ,oo/ .ill

    onl) e'er .or/ i- )ou put them into practice I- )ou read

    something and decide it .ouldnt .or/* then )oure right

    Dou -orm a ,elie- .hich )ou then rein-orce ,) deli,eratel)

    ta/ing action to pro'e it* ,) not doing the thing that

    .ouldnt .or/

    24 The NLP Practitioner Manual

  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    There-ore* all that .e as/ o- )ou is that )ou suspend ,elie-

    or dis,elie- until )ou ha'e trul) -ound out -or )oursel- Dou

    .ill onl) /no. .hat .or/s -or )ou ,) doing it

    The techni9ues o- NLP are simpl) its -ootprints* remem,er

    eing a,le to read a recipe ,oo/ and -ollo. the recipes to

    the letter doesnt mean )ou can hold a dinner part) To do

    that* )ou ha'e to thin/ s)stemicall)* creating the right

    atmosphere -or )our guests and ser'ing them dishes that

    complement each other and arri'e in the right order A

    dinner part) is more than @ust eating* its the .hole

    e5perience o- an en@o)a,le e'ening .ith -riends

    Similarl)* learning the tools and techni9ues o- NLP is

    neither the ,eginning nor the end o- )our @ourne) Learning

    to use a sa. doesnt ma/e )ou a carpenter* and learning to

    ,e a carpenter doesnt ma/e )ou a cra-tsman

    (oaches* therapists* counsellors* managers* consultants*

    doctors* athletes* recruiters* actors* teachers* sales people*

    authors and entrepreneurs all ,ene-it -rom learning and

    appl)ing NLP In -act* an)one .ho has to deal .ith people

    in the personal or pro-essional li'es can ,ene-it Is NLP a

    panacea* a cure -or all illsB No* o- course not Nothing is

    ut it is one o- the most 'ersatile and 'alua,le tool /its that)ou .ill e'er disco'er* and learning NLP is a @ourne) that

    .ill ,ring )ou 'alue* insight and re.ard ,e)ond .hat )ou

    ma) ha'e -irst imagined

    ere pri'ileged that )ou are @oining us -or this part o- )our

    @ourne)* and .e hope that )ou en@o) e5ploring and learning

    NLP as much as .e do

    NLP Practitioner 25

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    2Who Can Use


  • 8/10/2019 Sample Nlp Practitioner Manual


    Since NLP is a process -or modelling thought patterns*

    language and ,eha'iour* it is use-ul -or an)one .anting to:

    Impro'e the 9ualit) o- communication .ithin theirpro-essional relationships

    Identi-) and change patterns o- ,eha'iour

    Set and achie'e goals more e--ecti'el)

    Ho.e'er* .e do add that this does not mean that NLP is -or

    e'er)one* .hich is the stance o- man) trainers Since NLP is-or people* and )oure a people* NLP is -or )ou

    Thats li/e sa)ing that people eat -ood* and Marmite is -ood*

    so )oull lo'e Marmite* or shell-ish* or ca,,age There is

    nothing .rong .ith those -oods* ,ut to assume that

    e'er)one .ill li/e something that )ou li/e is a -ault o- logic

    NLP is a technolog)* and technolog) should ,e in'isi,le +o

    )ou thin/ a,out the technolog) in )our computerB (an )ou

    sa) that )ou lo'e magnesium* or thin -ilm transistors* or

    d)namic lin/ li,rariesB

    e strongl) urge )ou to tell )our clients e5actl) .hat )ou

    are planning to do .hen )ou .or/ .ith them* ,ut that is

    not a reason to ,elie'e that the technolog) is a panaceaPeople need rituals and causes The) .ant to understand

    .here the) are and .here the)re going

    As .e said earlier* throughout this ,oo/* -or the purpose o-

    ,re'it)* .e ha'e used the terms ;coach< and ;coaching< to

    encompass an) pro-essional acti'it) .here )ou are .or/ing

    .ith a client or client group to e--ect change

    28 The NLP Practitioner Manual

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    e could ha'e used Practitioner instead o- the noun

    coach* ,ut its a ,it cum,ersome to replace the 'er, hat

    .ere tr)ing to sa) is that* i- )ou dont see )oursel- as a

    coach* please dont ta/e it personall) This ,oo/ is still -or)ou Its -or e'er)one No* not reall)* its -or )ou ,ecause

    )oure alread) reading it

    The pro-essionals that could -it .ithin this ,road description

    include* in our 'ie.* the

    An) /ind o- coach= li-e* ,usiness* e5ecuti'e etc



    Alternati'e therapist


    Health practitioner

    Sports coach




    HC pro-essional

    Sales pro-essional



    Who Can Use NLP? 29