Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm

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  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


    \ New GL Configuration Document

    Revision History

    Date Author Description

    09/16/2008 Nirav Vallabh Original Configuration Detail Docuent ! Changere"uest #12$

    N%&'()CON*+' 1/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


    \ New GL Configuration Document

    $12' +1$ 1$1+# +12 1

    $1'$ 22 1$1'2 2+ 1$1'+ 2& 1

    $1'& 2' 1$0$2 &3 1

    $02$ +1$+ 0$022 +1$& 0$02+ +1$' 0$02& +12# 0

    $0+' +120 0$0 +123 0

    $02' +121 1

    . Confi!ure new GL functionalities < Splittin!% GL account mappin!%scenarios% document t)pes% postin! ke) field status !roup% etc.

    a. Activated document splittin! b) profit center and eac documentwill be balanced b) profit center usin! a =ero balance clearin!

    account.b. Business transaction variant is assi!ned to all custom document

    t)pes.c. All GL accounts are mapped to an item cate!or).

    d. Activated real time inte!ration from C> to F8e. Copied splittin! metod 10 to "10 ,Splittin!? Customer% @endor%

    (a7% one)% Compan) Code Clearin! and follow up costsf. Assi!ned document splittin! rule to business transactions.!. Created two new clearin! accounts < 03$''# for C> to F8 clearin!

    account% 03$''1 for Auto document split clearin! account for :ew

    GL and 03$''0 used to post an offset wen bot A9 - AP areposted in one F8 document usin! document FD. (en e7tend tis

    new GL account to all SAP compan) codes.

    $. ;efined default profit centers b) compan) code usin! FAGL3456transaction. (is default profit center is used% wen te s)stemautomaticall) posts entries to inter/compan) auto clearin! account,0##$#.

    2. Ceck validation rules defined for certain pro*ect t)pes usin! GL account


    +. :eed to convertEmi!rate production data into new GL usin! SAP mi!rationcockpit and tis itself is a small pro*ect.

    N%&'()CON*+' #/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


    \ New GL Configuration Document

    &. Ceck substitution rules and see weter it can be deleted or need somecan!es.

    '. ake sure tat one compan) to one compan) code relationsip e7ists forinter/compan) transactions. 8t is a prerequisite for :ew GL.

    1#. 6ave !one trou! te financial statement !roups wit te users and

    decided tat profit center is needed at all financial statement levels. 8t isalso decided tat to use a profit center ,currentl) one profit center isdefined per compan) code belon! to te compan) code for documentsplittin! and e7istin! production interfaces.

    11. As part of blue printin!% we identified pro!rams tat uses GL(#% GLPCA

    and GLPC( tables and tose pro!rams will be can!ed to utili=e :ew GL


    10. 8t is important to make sure tat partner profit center field ispopulated for intra/compan) transactions.

    13. As part of blue print session% it is decided b) te users tat we will useauto clearin! account in SAP :ew GL% so tat ever) document will be

    balanced at profit center level. (is will elp Cente7 in te future% in casete division bank accounts are combined to a few.

    1. (est and validate all scenarios mentioned in te unit test script. (ese

    scenarios are used in production ,SAP toda). :ew processes defined aspart of AC5 Financials will be tested as part AC5 financials inte!rationtestin! pase.

    1$. 8t is decided to deactivate classic GL after te end of fiscal )ear 0##'.So transactions will be posted onl) to te new GL tables from fiscal )ear


    12. se document t)pe FD to post bot vendor and customer in one F8document usin! an offsettin! balance seet account. S)stem will use te

    profit center from te offset account and move it to te open item lineitem.

    Migration and Related Decision oints:

    1+. Load :ew GL mi!ration cockpit in ;evelopment

    1&. Create mi!ration plan for eac fiscal )ear variant and e7ecute stepsmentioned in te cockpit.

    N%&'()CON*+' $/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


    \ New GL Configuration Document

    1'. SAP will perform scenario validation in unit testin! pase and test

    validation at te end of second inte!ration test c)cle.

    0#. 8t is decided to compan) profit center ,defined in SAP production

    client to update F8 documents as part of SAP :ew GL mi!ration. (is ruleis applied onl) wen tere is no profit center in F8 document.

    01. ser will si!n off on mi!ration validation at te end of c)cle 3 andproduction cutover. (e) will compare te GL balance before and aftermi!ration activities.

    00. sers will also si!n off on inte!ration testin! on business transactions

    ,confi!uration related at te end of c)cle 3 and production cutover.

    D01 Client 100 ! Change Docuent Nuber #12$

    N%&'()CON*+' -/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 6/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' ./2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 8/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 9/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 10/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 11/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 12/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    he current fiel status groups for '( accounts are '0$- 'oos/invoice receive clearing accounts

    '0-2 Accounts for fie asset retireent'0-6 Aorti3ation accounts4001 5/(Cost Center +nternal Orer Opt

    4002 5/( +nternal Orer 7e"uire

    400# 5/( & 7e"uire

    400$ 5rofit Center 7e"uire :no Cost Ob;ect 57C7 7e"uire

    4010 / 7econciliation accounts

    4011 / Cash Operating>an?57C7 7e"uire4012 5/( & an 7ealtor Venor @ 7e"uire

    401# 5/(Cost Center +nternal Orer 7e"uire

    40#1 / Avances/Deposits fro Cust>& 7e"

    N%&'()CON*+' 1#/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 1$/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 1-/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 16/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 1./2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 18/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 19/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 20/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 21/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

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    \ New GL Configuration Document

    N%&'()CON*+' 22/2# Nirav Vallabh, 09/16/08

  • 8/12/2019 Sap New Gl Config Doc_sm


    \ New GL Configuration Document