Sapna Book house

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  • 8/10/2019 Sapna Book house



    Broadly speaking promotion means to push forward or to advance an idea in such

    a way to gain its acceptance and approval. Promotion is any communicative

    activity whose main object is to move forwards the product, service or idea in a

    channel of distribution.

    It is an effort by the marketer to inform and persuade buyers to accept, resell,

    recommend and use the article, service or idea which is being promoted.

    Promotion is a form of communication with an additional element of persuasion.

    The promotional activity always attempts to affect knowledge, attitudes

    preferences andbehaviours of the recipients i.e. buyers. The element of

    persuasion to accept ideas, product, services, etc is the heart of promotion.

    In any exchange activity, communication is absolutely necessary. You may have

    the best product, package and so on. It may have fair price. But people will

    not buy your product, if they have never heard of it, and they are simply unaware

    of its existence.

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    The marketer must communicate to his prospective buyer and provide adequate

    information in a persuasive language. People must know that the right product

    is available at the right place and at the right price; this is the job of promotion in


    What is Promotion?

    Promotion is a process of marketing communication involving

    information, persuasion and influence. Promotion has three specific purposes.

    It communicates marketing information to consumer, users and resellers.

    Promotion persuades and convinces the buyer and enters into

    consumer behavior. Promotional efforts act as a powerful tool of competition

    providing the cutting edge of its entire marketing programme.

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    Marketers have adopted a communication view of their firms

    promotional activities. Receiver is now regarded as an active participant in the

    process of communication. All marketing communications must be planned as

    part of the total system, not as independent pieces. The communication or

    promotion mixes four ingredients viz:



    Personal selling

    All forms of sales promotion

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    Promotions, which deliver value, will go a long way in building

    customer franchise; marketers must work out different promotions to attract

    various kinds of customers. Make use of lose of more for less to attract the

    promise could buyer who switch brands frequently, here the opportunity of

    getting a bargain will prove to be a source of value for the customer.

    Reward the regular buyers with a lower price during certain

    months of the year; here the marketer must make effort to convey that there few

    promotion offers are exclusively meant for their regular buyers only. Offer lesser

    prices and communicate a feeling of protecting them against inflation, this gesture

    will ensure that the consumers will remember the value of getting the same for a

    lower price especially when the value of money is corded by rising prices .

    When prospective consumers are postponing their purchase

    decision especially seen in the core of consumer durables promotions in the form

    of discounts, freebies etc. could motivate them to take the decisions more quickly.

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    Objectives of Sales Promotion

    You have learnt that the main objective of sales promotion is to increase sales.

    However, there are also some other objectives of sales promotion. The objectives


    i. To introduce new products

    ii. To attract new customers and retain the existing ones

    iii. To maintain sales of seasonal products

    iv. To meet the challenge of competition

    Let us learn about these objectives in details.

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    (i) To introduce new products:Have you ever heard about distribution of free

    samples? Perhaps you know that many companies distribute free samples while

    introducing new products. The consumers after using these free samples may

    develop a taste for it and buy the products later for consumption.

    (ii) To attract new customers and retain the existing ones : Sales

    promotion measures help to attract or create new customers for the products.

    While moving in the market, customers are generally attracted towards the

    product that offers discount, gift, prize, etc on buying. These are some of the tools

    used to encourage the customers to buy the goods. Thus, it helps to retain the

    existing customers, and at the same time it also attracts some new customers to

    buy the product.

    (iii) To maintain sales of seasonal products:There are some products like

    air conditioner, fan, refrigerator, cooler, winter clothes, room heater, sunscreen

    lotion, glycerin soap etc., which are used only in particular seasons.

    To maintain the sale of these types of products normally the

    manufactures and dealers give off-season discount. For example, you can buy air

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    conditioner in winter at a reduced price. Similarly you may get discount on winter

    clothes during summer.

    (iv) To meet the challenge of competition:Todays business faces competition

    all the time.New products frequently come to the market and at the same time

    improvement also takes place. So sales promotion measures have become essential

    to retain the market share of the seller or producer in the product-market

    Tools of Sales Promotion

    To increase the sale of any product manufactures or producers adopt different

    measures like sample, gift, bonus, and many more. These are known as tools or

    techniques or methods of sales promotion. Let us know more about some of the

    commonly used tools of sales promotion.

    (i) Free samples:You might have received free samples of shampoo,

    washing powder, coffee powder, etc. while purchasing various items from

    the market. Sometimes these free samples are also distributed by the

    shopkeeper even without purhasing any item from his shop. These are

    distributed to attract consumers to try out a new product and thereby create

    new customers. Some businessmen distribute samples among selected

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    persons in order to popularize the product. For example, in the case of medicine

    free samples are distributed among physicians, in the case of textbooks,

    specimen copies are distributed among teachers.

    (ii) Premium or Bonus offer:A milk shaker along with Nescafe, mug with

    Bournvita, toothbrush with 500 grams of toothpaste, 30% extra in a pack of one

    kg. are the examples of premium or bonus given free with the purchase of a

    product. They are effective in inducing consumers to buy a particular product. This

    is also useful for encouraging and rewarding existing customers.

    (iii) Exchange schemes: It refers to offering exchange of old product for a new

    product at a price less than the original price of the product. This is useful for

    drawing attention to product improvement. Bring your old mixer-cum-juicer and

    exchange it for a new one just by paying Rs.500 or exchange your black and white

    television with a colour television are various popular examples of exchange


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    (iv) Price-off offer: Under this offer, products are sold at a price lower than

    the original price.Rs. 2 off on purchase of a lifebouy soap, Rs. 15 off on a pack of

    250 grams of Taj Mahal tea, Rs. 1000 off on cooler etc. are some of the common

    schemes. This type of scheme is designed to boost up sales in off-season and

    sometimes while introducing a new product in the market.

    (v) Coupons:Sometimes, coupons are issued by manufacturers either in the

    packet of a product or through an advertisement printed in the newspaper or

    magazine or through mail. These coupons can be presented to the retailer while

    buying the product. The holder of the coupon gets the product at a discount. For

    example, you might have come across coupons like, show this and get Rs. 15 off

    on purchase of 5 kg. of Annapurna Atta. The reduced price under this scheme

    attracts the attention of the prospective customers towards new or improved


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    Types of advertising

    Advertising happens in many different ways. Many products are advertised on

    television, although not all channels permit advertising. The advertisements

    usually appear during breaks between a television show. They are usually for

    products, other television shows or movies and are not normally much longer than

    30 seconds. Some radio stations have audio advertisements that play between


    An advertisement for a movie is called a trailer. It shows a short collection of clips

    from the movie, and shows the date it will be released in cinemas.

    Advertising also takes place on websites. These may appear as "banner ads" or

    "popups". They are often still images or flash animations. The owner of the

    website will get money when a user clicks on the advertisement. Sometimes they

    will get a percentage of the money if they buy a product.

    Billboards advertise products on city streets. These may simply be freestanding

    billboards or may be part of street furniture such as a bus shelter. Buses and taxis

    are often covered in adverts, while budget airlines sometimes allow advertising

    inside their planes. Adverts also appear in newspapers, magazines and sports

    programmes. Many stadiums have adverts set around them. Sports teams,

    tournaments, television programmes and public events sometimes have sponsors.

    As well as this advertise is to show something off or tell it to people on a national


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    Advertisers use many different techniques to get people to notice their adverts,

    often using deliberately shocking or provocative images. Images of pretty or sexy

    women are also often used by advertisers in this way. Once they have managed to

    make people notice their advert, they need to 'sell' the product or brand. Theymay try to make the product look appealing, however often advertisers use

    humour to get people to remember the brand without actually promoting the

    product. Poor adverts can damage sales or spoil a brands identity.


    Advertising is often strictly regulated, for instance in the United Kingdom it is

    illegal to advertise tobacco, except in the shop where it is sold and this is also

    restricted. In France it is illegal to advertise alcohol, meaning that when many

    European football teams play in France, they cannot play in their usual shirts as

    breweries often advertise on sports shirts. It is also illegal to advertise on some

    television channels, the BBC in the United Kingdom and RTE in the Republic of

    Ireland are not allowed to permit advertising and instead make their revenue fromselling a compulsory television licence.

    Advertising management

    Advertising management is a career path in the advertising industry.

    Advertising and promotions managers may work for an agency, a public relations

    firm, a media outlet, or may be hired directly by a company to develop branding

    for the company's product or service. This position can include supervising

    employees, acting as a liaison between multiple agencies working on a project, or

    creating and implementing promotional campaigns.

    While advertising is the promotional campaign itself, advertising management can

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    address the whole process - the function of marketing starting from market

    research continuing through advertising, leading to actual sales or achievement of

    objective, potentially including evaluation of the entire cost-benefits to the

    company involved.

    Ad management incorporates various specialized sub-functions like mediastrategy, message strategy, media planning, media buying etc.

    While advertising management is an inseparable part of the marketing

    department, the marketing department of an organization is often concerned

    more with market research and evaluation of results, and some parts of the

    advertising management can be outsourced to specialized advertising agencies.

    For example the media buying may be done in bulk by these ad agencies on which

    they receive discount/commission, that goes into their earning.

    It involves designing which strategies to be adopted in order to influence the

    public, i.e. media selection and deciding on the aspect to be advertised based on

    the image of the company and the present marketing objective

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    In-store advertising is any advertisement placed in a retail store. Itincludes placement of a product in visible locations in a store, such as at

    eye level, at the ends of aisles and near checkout counters (aka POP

    point of purchase display), eye-catching displays promoting a specific

    product, and advertisements in such places as shopping carts and in-store

    video displays.Sales promotion at aretailer'slocation,withbundled

    offers,expert advice,productdemonstrations,product samples,special

    discounts,etc. Alsocalledin-store promotion.In-store promotion is a

    marketing strategythat is meant to bring people into the store and to

    purchase specific items that are part of the in-store promotion. These

    strategies most often come directly from manufacturers, or they may be

    offered by the store itself. The idea is to generate additional revenue due to

    the extra sales of the products involved, or even to induce a brand switch

    when offered by the manufacturer. Stores most often use such strategies to

    drive traffic into the store, to eliminate too much stock, or to create

    additional revenues when sales are slumping. Often, however, the mainemphasis comes from brand manufacturers attempting to createbrand

    awareness,while buildingbrand equityin-store.

    Driving the effort of in-store promotion, many tactics are utilized to entice

    people to buy the product itself or to buy into the brand. Signs, banners,

    coupons, TV screens and other in-store brand mediums are often displayed

    in an attempt to draw attention to the brand message and induce preference

    for the brand. Shoppers are often inundated with the messages throughout

    the shopping experience. Product displays are another common form of in-

    store promotion, which are usually placed prominently in the middle or

    end of an aisle, showcasing the product while minimizing distraction.

    Oftentimes, such displays are found as the front of the store near cash

    registers as well, in an attempt to leave a lasting impression as customers

    prepare to exit the store.
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    Demonstration of products is another popular form of in-store promotion

    that enables shoppers to see a product in action or experience the product

    first-hand. Product demonstrators will usually introduce shoppers to the

    product first so that the focus is on the product itself. Depending on the

    reaction of the customer, the product demonstrator will introduce the

    promotion offered on the product or may simply thank the customer fortrying the product. Using such tactics gives the brand owner more control

    over brand perceptions, while focusing brand switching efforts directly on

    consumers most open to switching. Training product demonstrators to

    tailor the brand message to the customer concerns and specifications is

    often an important emphasis of this approach.

    Furthermore, in-store promotion is designed to take advantage of peoples

    tendency to purchase products impulsively. Most often, consumerspurchase the majority of their products unplanned, and effective in-store

    promotion is often cited as the reason for this phenomenon. Not everybody

    is swayed, however, as evidence mounts that with the prevalence and

    over-saturation of in-store promotions, brand messages may actually be

    diluted, rending them potentially ineffective. Still, when stores and

    manufactures work together to manage the message, results often

    demonstrate an increase in sales, even if the message does not alwaysinduce changes inbrand loyalty.
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    2)In-store displays

    In-store displays are promotional fixtures in retail stores. Variations

    of in-store displays includePoint-of-Sale Displays,which are located

    nearcash registersto encourageimpulse buying;Floor Stickers, or

    advertisementsfor products on the aisle of a store; Feature Displays,which can be located at the end of an aisle to draw attention to a

    product; and Special Racks, or manipulation of a store shelf to make

    more space available for a product or bring attention to the promoted

    product. In-store Displays can be perceived as more visually

    appealing to consumers than product alone on a retail shelf.
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    3)Temporary Price Reductions TPR)

    (TPR) are either directly or indirectly lower the cost per unit of a product.

    Examples include cents off promotions, where manufactures or retailers

    temporarily reduce the price of a product, and Bonus Pack promotions

    which offer extra product for free. Consumers benefit from either paying alower price on a product or getting more of a product for less money.

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    4)External Advertising

    External advertising is the medium by which businesses make their

    target audiences aware of their products and services. In some cases it

    is used to promote a companys brand and its values rather than

    singling out a specific item. External advertising usually forms part ofa concerted advertising campaign, with a number of ads appearing

    simultaneously across a variety of media.

    Most print publications allow companies to buy advertising space,

    most commonly either a quarter page, half-page or full-page. Costs

    also vary depending on where in the publication the ad appears. Forexample, an ad nestled amongst the text of a magazines main feature

    will cost more than one in its classified section. Ads are also cheaper

    if they are bought in bulk and placed across a number of issues. Ads

    that need to feature in a particular month, say those for Christmas

    gifts, need to be organized well in advance to ensure guaranteed

    placement. Some publications allow advertisers to write articles that

    help advertise their product, a tool known as an advertorial.Billboardsare large structures located in public places which display

    advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists. Most often, they

    are located on main roads with a large amount of passing motor and

    pedestrian traffic; however, they can be placed in any location with

    large amounts of viewers, such as on mass transit vehicles and in

    stations, in shopping malls or office buildings, and in stadiums.
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  • 8/10/2019 Sapna Book house




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  • 8/10/2019 Sapna Book house



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