School Safety Audit Holladay Elementary School Compiled By: Melinda Hammond, Kristine Lara, Christopher Martinez, Amy Peterman, and Aimee Sobon

School Safety Audit Holladay Elementary School

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School Safety Audit Holladay Elementary School. Compiled By: Melinda Hammond, Kristine Lara, Christopher Martinez, Amy Peterman, and Aimee Sobon. Exterior - Fences. Recommendations:. 3 ft. fence near the street at the front of the school. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: School Safety Audit  Holladay Elementary School

School Safety Audit Holladay Elementary


Compiled By:Melinda Hammond, Kristine Lara, Christopher Martinez, Amy Peterman, and Aimee Sobon

Page 2: School Safety Audit  Holladay Elementary School

Exterior - Fences

In Compliance: Fences are properly

maintained however school grounds aren’t completely fenced.

There is fence separating the playground (K-1) from the parking lot, but anyone can walk onto the playground at any time.

There is no fence between the 2-5 playground area and the street.


3 ft. fence near the street at the front of the school.

Fence separating the K-1 playground should be extended to the side so that there is not easy access from the parking lot.

Page 3: School Safety Audit  Holladay Elementary School

Exterior - Gates

In Compliance: Gated fence is secured by

a padlock. Only 2 people in the

building have keys to the lock.

Currently an evacuation route.

Recommendations: Change the padlock to a

keypad or make copies of the key for all staff members. Especially the ones that utilize the gated fence as an evacuation route.

Whether keypad or padlock; everyone should have access.

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Modular Classrooms

In Compliance:

Fire alarm can not be heard in the modular classrooms. Teachers from inside of

the building have to inform them.

2 way communication is not set up between all classrooms, work stations, and the office.

Recommendations: Provide walkie talkies for

those teachers in the modular classrooms.

Create a system to provide 2 way communication. Everyone should hear the

alarm in the event of an emergency.

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Surveillance Cameras, Security Alarm and Key Control

In Compliance: There are adequate surveillance

cameras permanently affixed to the building.

There is an automatic recording system that records 30 days worth of video.

There is a security alarm system with battery back-up, tested at least once every six weeks in the building.

The school conducts an annual inventory of keys.

One staff member is assigned to accounting for keys and is identified in the school’s crisis plan.

Recommendations: The camera system is located

in the school counseling office, which is open to students during the day.

There is no SOP for key control.

Key pads for exterior doors; teachers have to walk their classes around the building to the back in an emergency.

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Doors, Windows, Walkway covers, Ledges, and Roof Access

In Compliance: Doors are numbered and

exit doors unobstructed. All windows intact and

numbered; ground floor windows are locked.

Ladders are secured to prevent access to walkway covers and roof.

Recommendations: Exterior doors do not

“self-close;” they must be pulled shut.

Planters box provides possible access to roof as a climbing facilitator.

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General exterior building and grounds, Landscaping, Signage and entrances

In Compliance: Exterior of building is neat

and well-maintained. There is a schedule for

inspection and repair of exterior and grounds.

Shrubs and trees adequately trimmed.

Signs adequately indicate public access point, visitor policy, and “Drug Free School Zone.”


Trash cans not secured to posts.

Trees within 10 ft. of building.

No “Gang Free School Zone” signs posted.

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Traffic and Parking Lot Safety – Design and Use

In Compliance: Driving lanes have directional

markings. Traffic calming devices are used

including cones and signs. Student drop off areas are

away from high traffic areas. Visitor parking is close to the

main entrance. Staff is on duty in the morning

and the afternoon to monitor lots.

Recommendations: Make sure that cones are

placed in the parking lot daily. Have an extra person on duty

when available to make sure students are being dropped off correctly.

When available have the school officer out in the parking lot visible for parents to see.

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Bus Loading Area

In Compliance: Buses are clearly marked

for students by number and color for younger students.

2 staff members are on bus duty daily among other staff members that help.

Staff members are spread into designated areas, of bus loading, daycare, walkers, and car riders.

Recommendations: All K-2 teachers should

walk students to bus to ensure that they get on the right bus.

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Other Traffic

In Compliance: UPS, Postal Service, and

other vendors deliver around the same time each day.

Parking lots are monitored during the day by custodial staff.

Surveillance cameras monitor parking lot.

There is a designated space for students who ride their bicycles to school.

Recommendations: None

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Entrance Lobby

Needs Improvement: The entrance to the lobby is not visible

to the main office.-Therefore, you cannot see the person that is being buzzed in from the main office once they enter.

There is also no sign to designate entrance into the school.-Not having a sign makes it difficult to gain entry into the school.

The sex offender registry is also not used to screen visitors.-Therefore, the school could be permitting a visitor who may be on the sex offender registry.

Recommendations: If funds are available, install

cameras to view visitors once they gain entrance to the building.

Install a sign that designates the main entrance to the school for visitors.

Use the sex offender registry to screen visitors once they have signed in.

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Two-Way Communication

Needs Improvement: Not all modular units have


There is instead a buzzer, that may or may not work, to the office.-The buzzer does not provide two-way communication.

Recommendations: Provide walkie-talkies to

all modular units.

If funds are available, install phones in the modular units.

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Interior Inspection: Restrooms/Classrooms

In Compliance: Restrooms are shared in a

corridor between two classrooms. Monitored through out the day.

Classroom doors are unobstructed, locked and secured properly.

All chemicals are labeled and stored in an appropriate areas.

Evacuation maps are posted. High risk areas such as the

computer lab, medical supplies, and records are all locked and stored securely.

Recommendations: None

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In Compliance: There are no locker rooms

available for staff or students.

Retractable gate separates the cafeteria from the remainder of the school.

Cafeteria is also a multipurpose room with a stage used for music classes.

Gym and cafeteria can be locked from the inside in case of an emergency.

Recommendations: None

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Custodial Closets/Maintenance

In Compliance: All areas are kept locked

and secured. Areas are marked and in a

designated area. Electrical panels were

installed with locks prior to the last safety audit.

All supplies related to maintenance and custodial services are kept in their appropriate areas.

Recommendations: None

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Vandalism/Incident Reports

In Compliance: An incident of vandalism

was reported in a modular unit.

Police were called and a report was filed.

Recommendations: None

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We would like to thank Holladay Elementary for

allowing us to use their school to conduct our safety audit!