Anatolia Science and Technology Now in our 11 th year June 2007 ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ

Science & Technology 2007

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Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007


Anatolia Science & Technology Club200711thIssue :

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pdf link In the Spotlight (www.anatolia.edu.gr). links : http://www.anatolia.edu.gr/anatolia/curricular/acomput.htm

In this issue InterviewwithGovernorDoukakis MeetPeterDiamandis AntikithiraMachine SecondLife Stemcells ITERfusionplant OLEDscreens Hackers CellphonesHowdangerousarethey? Usingsmartboardsintheclassroom Games Robotics

GPlay (.4) Now in our 11th year

Anatolia Science and Technology

June 2007



MEET PETER DIAMANDIS THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR STEPHEN HAWKINGS WEIGHTLESS FLIGHT EXPERIENCEYoumayhaverecentlyheardaboutworldfamousStephenHawkingsweightlessflightexperience butyouprobablydontknowthepersonwhomadethisexperiencepossibleforhim. PeterDiamandis,myuncleistheleadingspaceentrepreneur,orasheputsit astropreneur.HeismostworldsrenownedasthefounderandCEO ofXPRIZEFoundationwhichawardedthe$10millionprizefortheprivatelymannedspaceflight. He also is the CEO of ZeroG Corporation, a commercial space company that provides a zero gravity experienceinaspeciallyoutfittedBoeing727.MostrecentlyBritishastrophysicist/blackholeguruStephen Hawking,onApril262007fulfilledadreamoffloatingweightless.StephenHawkingwhoisamathematics professorattheUniversityofCambridge,hasdonegroundbreakingworkonblackholeandtheoriginsof the universe, has the paralyzing disease ALS, Lou Gehrigs disease and was the first disabled person to experiencetheflightbyZeroGCorporationwhichhasflownabout2,700peoplesince2004. PeterisacofounderandDirectorofSpaceAdventures,thecompanywhichbrokeredthelaunchesof fourprivatecitizenstotheInternationalSpaceStation.HeisalsothecofounderoftheInternationalSpace University (ISU ) where he served as the Universitys first managing director and he is the trustee of the $30M University located on its own campus in Strasbourg, France. Since 1987 the ISU has provided graduatelevel training to over 2,200 future leaders of the emerging global space community from 87 countries, The ISU is the embodiment of Peters vision of a peaceful , prosperous and boundless future throughthestudy,explorationanddevelopmentofspaceforthebenefitofallhumanity. MyunclegraduatedfromMIT,undergraduatedegreeinmoleculargenetics,andagraduatedegreein aerospace engineering and concurrently a medical degree from Harvard University. In 1980 during his freshmen year at MIT he founded SEDS(the most largest student pro space organization). His hobbies includescubadiving,skydivingandheisalsoanavidpilot. Diamandis is the winner of the 2006 Heinlein Award, the 2006 Lindbergh Award, the 2006 wired RAVEAward,theKonstantineTsiolkovskyAward,twicethewinnerofAviation&SpaceTechnologyLaurel and the 2003 World Technology Award for Space. He is also a NASA advisor/consultant and tours as an inspirational speaker. His latest projects include X PRIZE Archon Genomics, the $10M prize for the first team to sequence 100 Genomes in 10 Days. He also cofounded Rocket Racing League which combines excitementofIndycarracingwiththechallengeofRocketry,thisleaguewillhaverocketplanesraceagainst eachotherona3Dracetrackinthesky. Ifyouareinterestedinlearningmoreaboutmyunclelogontowww.xprize.org,www.gozerog.com AlexiaStamatiou Classof2011

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007

4NEA O SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY . . Science and Technology . . . 23 , . (2D), . (2D) . (1D), .. , . ,. .5.

Science & Technology Noesis Science and Technology, , . . 4 (,462007). GPlay ( , Noesis). .(2D). .


Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007



INTERVIEW WITH GOVERNOR MICHAEL DOUKAKISS&T:WouldyouliketosharesomememoriesfromyourearlychildhoodthatrelatetoyourGreekheritage? Gov.M.D.:Myparentswerebothimmigrants.MyfathersmotherandfatherwerefromMytilini,butthere wasnotmucheconomicopportunityinthosevillages.HoweverifyouwentovertotheTurkishmainland, therewasusuallymore.SotheyleftalittlevillageinMytilini,whichatthattimewascalledand theywentovertotheTurkishmainlandandsettledinatowncalledAdramit,whichwasjusteightornine milesinlandfromtheTurkishcoast.Butinthosedays,becausetheOttomanEmpirecontrolledeverything Mytilini,Aivali,Adramitiwerepartofthesamecommunity.SomyfatherwasbornandbroughtupinAsia MinorbuthecametotheUSwhenhewasfifteen. MymothercamefromLarissaandsheandherfamily cametotheUSwhenshewasnine.MyparentswereveryunusualforGreekimmigrants.MostGreek immigrantsdidnothavealotofeducation.TwelveyearsaftermyfathercametotheUShegraduatedfrom HarvardMedicalSchool.HowhediditIdontknow.Itwasamazing. HehadtwoolderbrotherswhoalsocametotheUS.HewasthefirstAmericantrained,Greekspeaking doctorinmetropolitanBoston.MymotherandfathersettledintwomiddlecitiesinMassachusetts,factory cities. My mother was the first Greek American woman ever to go away to college in the US. My grandmother from my fathers side lived for the first seven years of my life and didnt speak a word of English.SoIgrewupspeakingsimplehouseholdGreek.WeateGreekfood,hedancedGreekdances, IwenttoGreekOrthodoxChurchinBoston. Andasallother Greek Americans I was proud of my Greek heritage.

S&T: Comparing your school years with your grandchildrens, do you believe that school has improved since then and if it has, how has technology playedaroleinthis? Gov. M.D.: No comparison. When I graduated high school over fifty years ago over half of Americas children did not graduate from high school. Standards are higher now. Technology is a major teaching tool. Butitalsohasitsnegatives.Ifeelthatwritingskillsare negativelyaffected. S&T: During your service as a governor of Massachusetts did you encourage people to use their personalcomputer? Gov.M.D.:IwasGovernorofMassachusettsinthe70s and 80s. The PC was only starting then. We used computers to process large amounts of information in stategovernmentbutonlarge,mainframecomputers. GovernorM.DoukakiswithclubmembersThomasTsoulias, KonstantinosHalkiasandKonstantinosTarabanis

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007


INTERVIEWWITHGOVERNORMICHAELDOUKAKIS(CONTINUED) S&T: If you had been elected president instead of George Bush senior what would be the first thing you wouldhavechanged? Gov.M.D.:IhavealotofrespectofGeorgeBushseniorontheforeignpolicyside.Domesticallyinmyview hewasnotaverygoodpresident.Themiddleclassdidnotbenefitmuch.IbelievethestrengthofAmerica isinthemiddleclass.Minimumwage,healthinsuranceand educationareissuesIfeelstronglyabout.Also publicinfrastructureandtheenvironment. S&T:Ifyouhadtochoosebetweenpoliticsandteachingwhatwoulditisandwhichonegivesyoumore rewardandsatisfaction? Gov.M.D.:Theyarebothgreatprofessions.Iamnotoutofpolitics.Mymissionistoencouragepeopleto gointopublicservice.Thereisnothinglikebeinginapositiontochangepeopleslives,andpoliticsallows youtodothis.Asapoliticianyouareateachertryingtoeducateandpersuadepeople. S&T:Howdoestechnologyaffectyoureverydaylife? Gov.M.D.:Iuseemail.Thereisnoquestionitisaterrifictool.TheInternetisanincredibletooltoorganize onagrassrootslevelforwhichIfeelverystronglyabout.Youcancommunicateveryeasilywiththousands ofpeopleworkingonthisgrassrootslevel.Itdoesntcostanything. S&T:Technologyismakingcommunicationbetweenpeoplewhoknowhowtouseacomputerandpeople thatdont,difficult.Whatisyouropinionaboutthedigitaldivide? Gov.M.D.:Thisistrue.Helpingthepeoplethatdontknowthroughtrainingisimportant. S&T:WhatwillbethefirstthingyouaregoingtotellyourgrandchildrenaboutGreekstudents,nowthat youhavespenttimewithAnatoliansoncampus? Gov.M.D.:Interestingquestion.Iamgoingtotellthemtheyarebright,smart,eager,energetic.Whatthey need is a future that has lots of economic opportunity. So that when you complete your studies you can lookforwardtoproductiveworkinwhateverfieldmakessensetoyou.Greecespotentialisunlimited.It couldbecometheSiliconValleyoftheBalkanseasily;medicalcenter,ITcenter,biotechcenter.Oneofthe goalsofGreecehastobetocreatethatkindoffuture.Iwouldliketo havemygrandchildrenexperience GreecebyspendingasemesterhereatACT.ThefactthatGreeceispartoftheirheritageisimportant. Thankyou. WhenyoucometoBoston,youcomebyandseeme. KonstantinosTarabanisandThomasTsoulias Classof2011

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007

7Innovative TechnologiesROBOTICS Roboticsisthescienceandtechnologyofrobots,theirdesign,manufactureandapplication. Roboticsrequiresaworkingknowledgeofelectronics,mechanicsandsoftware. Themechanicalstructureofarobotmustbecontrolledtoperformtasks.Thecontrolofa robot involves three distinctphases: perception, processing and action (robotic paradigms). Sensorsgiveinformationabouttheenvironmentortherobotitself(e.g.thepositionofitsjoints). Using strategies from the field of control theory, thisinformation is processed to calculate the appropriatesignalstotheactuators(motors)whichmovethemechanicalstructure.Thecontrolof a robot involves various aspects such as path planning, pattern recognition, obstacle avoidance, etc.Morecomplexandadaptablecontrolstrategiescanbereferredtoasartificialintelligence. Any task involves the motion of the robot. The study of motion can be divided into kinematics and dynamics. Direct kinematicsrefers to the calculation of end effector position, orientation, velocity and acceleration, when the corresponding jointvalues are known. Inverse kinematicsreferstotheoppositecaseinwhichrequiredjointvaluesarecalculated,asdoneinpath planning. Some special aspects of kinematics include handling of redundancy (differentpossibilities of performing the same movement), collision avoidance and singularity avoidance. Once all relevant positions,velocities and accelerations have been calculated using kinematics,methodsfromthefieldofdynamicsareusedtostudytheeffectofforcesuponthese movements.Directdynamicsreferstothecalculationofaccelerationsintherobotoncetheapplied forcesareknown.Directdynamicsisusedincomputersimulationsoftherobot.Inversedynamics refers to thecalculation of the actuator forces necessary to create prescribed end effector acceleration.Thisinformationcanbeusedtoimprovethecontrolalgorithmsofarobot. ApostolosMelfos,1B/A Source:www.google.com/robotics

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007

8TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED CLASSROOMSSMART BOARDSMr. Antonis Apostolou is a new physics teacher at Anatolia. He often uses a smart board during his lessons. TheScienceandTechnologyclubaskedMr.Apostolouhow exactlyheusestheSmartBoardandhowusefulhefindsit. Thisiswhathehadtosay: UTILIZING A SMARTBOARD TO ENHANCE PHYSICS INSTRUCTION PHYSICS SOFTWARE, DEMOS & ONLINE TOOLS: I have alreadybeenusingavarietyofPhysicssoftware(Crocodile Physics,InteractivePhysics),onlineJavaappletsanddemos (e.g. phet.colorado.edu, www.falstad.com/mathphysics) usingastandardprojector.

An IB student using the Smart-Board

The main problem is that lesson progression slows down dramatically when I have to abandon the whiteboardandsitdowninfrontofthePCscreen.Studentstendtoloosefocusafterafewminutessinceall that they are looking at is the projection and not the teacher himself actively explaining and altering the materialpresented,orcommentingandwritingontheboardnexttothesimulations.UsingaSmartBoard willhelpmemakealltheabovetoolsanembeddedpartofthecourseratherthananisolatedpresentation. Also, I can utilize other online tools, such as an online database for IB Physics multiple choice questions. Furthermore, the use of the aforementioned software packages will be greatly upgraded in the following way:rightnowallIamdoingisrunningpresetphysicssimulations.WiththeaidofaSmartBoardIcan activelyusethesoftwaretodrawschematicsandsetupphysicalsystemsontheboardthatruninrealtime. Forexamplewhilelecturing,Icandrawabar,theforces(i.e.thevectors)exertedonitandnotonlygetan aesthetically acceptable result (my drawing skills are quite low), but also run the systemso that students canseewhetherthebarisgoingtorotate,translateorremainatrest.LECTURE NOTES: Fresh lecture notes can be recorded, saved and then uploaded to an internet site or being distributedotherwise,sothatstudentshaveaccesstothem.Lecturenotescannotreplacestudyingthetextbook, since they may not cover the material to its full extent and may contain mistakes, but they can be helpful, especiallytostudentswhowereabsentfromaspecificlecture. SOFTWARETRAINING:OneofthemajorchallengesthatIhavefacedsofaristotrainmystudentstoeffectivelyuse spreadsheet and graphing software packages (i.e. MS Excel and Data Studio) for their laboratory investigation reports.Again,demonstratingtheusewhilebeinginfrontoftheboardisagreatadvantage. SOLVING HOMEWORKAND PAST PAPERSONTHE BOARD: TheSmartBoardcanhelpmeinsolvinghomeworkand past papers, provided that they are available in electronic format. For example all IB Physics pastpapers are availableinpdfformat.TheteachercansimplyopenanexamfileontheSmartBoardandfillintheanswersinthe spacesprovidedfortheexaminee,asifheorsheistakingtheactualexam. STUDENT PARTICIPATION: I expectthatstudentswillbeeagertotryouttheSmartBoardandmakethebestuseof itscapabilities,insolvingaproblemontheboardorpresentingtheirownwork(e.g.projectpresentation).

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007




2 : Smart . , , Power Point. Smart . . Smart , . Smart . . . (, , .). : : Power Point Smart, . , . Smart , . : Smart , , . , , , . , . : Smart , . Smart . , . Anatolia Science and Technology Now in our 11th year June 2007

10news & gadgetsOOLED , , OLED(OrganicLightEmittingDiode).OLED (. LCD),. . OLED , , . ( KODAK 3.1megapixel Kodak EasyShare LS633). ,OLED, ,. H OLED , (Flexible OLEDFOLED), . , , compact , , , . OLED: ,175(LCD 140) 2010. Classof2009

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007

news & gadgets


EWS, CES(ConsumerElectronics Show). DVD(Bluray&HD), SamsungDVD.

USB CES , , . Sony . . CES, Sharp LCD . 108 , 110. ,Taser . . K/,2012

Lexar, USB,


Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007



Greek islands have always been famous for their sponge divers. Nevertheless no one could imagine that in the very beginning of the 18th century (October, 1990) Antikithiras divers wouldnt only find sponges, but also would come up to the surface with other various items found ina shipwreckjustoffthe coastofthetiny island.Amongthese items was identified a lump of bronze which afterwards appeared to be a truly stunning device. It was actually a sophisticated and complicated mechanism with many gears and different layers, but no one knewwhatitwas.Eventodaytheanswertothisquestionisdebatable,sincetherehasntbeen anexactanswertowhatitdoes.Howeveritslabelinthemuseumindicatesthatitisasimple astronomydevice.Still,ifthisisthecase,itisoverengineeredtoaridiculousdegree.Insimple wordsitissupposedtostudythedifferentmovementsofcelestialbodies.Asforhowolditis scientists date it around 8375 BC, even though the fact that it is made of bronze and not copper,whichwaswidelyusedatthatperiod.Finallyitisobviousthatthisdevicewasmuch aheadofitstimeandsowasscienceinancientGreece. SophiaNikolakaki,Classof2008

Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007

Science in Ancient Greece


87..1900 40.. . , , 13 . , . , . 30,10. 4, . , .

, , . , . , . . , 7. .MichaelWright, 5 (, , , ), 6 2007 : . :Wikipedias.v.

15 7 .. . . , 1900 .. . Now in our 11th year

Anatolia Science and Technology

June 2007



WINDOWS VISTA THE NEW OPERATING SYSTEMWindowsVistaisthenameofthelatestreleaseofMicrosoftWindows,alineofgraphicaloperating systems used on personal computers, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, and media centers. Before its announcement on July 22, 2005, Vista was known by its codename Longhorn.WindowsVISTAJanuary30,2007.Thesereleasedatescamemorethanfiveyearsafterthe releaseof its predecessor, Windows XP, making it the longest time span between major releases of Windows. According to Microsoft, Windows Vista contains hundreds of newfeatures;someofthemostsignificantincludeanupdated graphical user interface and visual style dubbed Windows Aero, improved searching features, new multimedia creation toolssuchasWindowsDVDMaker,andcompletelyredesigned networking, audio, print, and display subsystems. Vista also aimstoincreasethelevelofcommunicationbetweenmachines on a home network using peertopeer technology, making it easier tosharefiles and digital media betweencomputers and devices. For developers, Vista introduces version 3.0 of the .NETFramework,whichaimstomakeitmucheasierfordeveloperstowritehighqualityapplications thanwiththetraditionalWindowsAPI. MicrosoftsprimarystatedobjectivewithVista,however,hasbeentoimprovethestateofsecurityin the Windows operating system. One of the most common criticisms of Windows XP and its predecessorshasbeentheircommonlyexploitedsecurityvulnerabilitiesandoverallsusceptibilityto malware,virusesandbufferoverflows.Inlightofthis,thenMicrosoftchairmanBillGatesannounced inearly2002acompanywideTrustworthyComputinginitiativewhichaimstoincorporatesecurity workintoeveryaspectofsoftwaredevelopmentatthecompany.Microsoftclaimedthatitprioritized improving the security of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 above finishing Windows Vista. Thisdelayeditscompletionsignificantly. Duringthecourseofitsdevelopment,Vistahasbeenthetargetofanumberofnegativeassessments byvariousgroups.Oneoftheseriousnegativecriticismshastodowiththefactthatalltheprograms andgamesthatyouarecurrentlyusingonWindowsXPwillnotbeabletobeinstalledontheVista operating system. In other words, we will all have to be patient until software is developed for WindowsVista! : ,Classof2012

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007



H/YENIAC(19451955).X .30 140m2(26m3m).40,6.000 17.000 . 5.000 300. TRADIC1950.62.500. O ENIAC 800 (transistors) . 1960 1.250 . (Integrated Circuits). . Intel.2.300 O TRADIC 60.000 . 15C. (mainframe) . , . 62000. 600z. 2,5TFLOP().RAM256 MB2GB. mainframes.. (server). . . , ... RAM. (PC)1981(). 8086 Intel. , , IBM. . . MacitoshApple. (GUI, Graphical User Interface). ,. IBM,, , . .Macintosh Motorola Intel. . , .(23). : Google Classof2012

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June 2007



.; .. *: 1952 EDSAC 1961 Spacewar DECDP1 1965 RaffBauer ODYSSEY 1974 VideoSport MK2 1974 Thesalesteam VideoMaster 1975 Atari Pong 1975 Philips TeleSpiel 1976 Atari SuperPong 1976 Atari Pongdoubles 1976 Intel TVsupersport 1977 1977 1978 1981 Zanussi Universum Atari SimonMB PingoTronic TVMultispiel 2600 Super

, 1989 Nintendo . 1989 1990 1992 1994 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006 Nintendo NeoGeo Nintendo Sega Sony Sony Nintendo Microsoft Nintendo Sony Sony Nintendo Nintendo GameBoy SNK SuperNes Saturn PlayStation PlayStation2 Gamecube Xbox GameBoyAdvanceSP PlayStation2Slim PSP GameBoyMicro DS&DSLite

*. : GPlay 2012

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007

17SECOND LIFESecondlifeisammorpggamewhichismostlyplayedbyadults.Since2003whenitfirstopenedforthepublicithasgrown explosively.Todayitisinhabitedbyatotalof1,335,831peoplefromalloverthe You and your personalized Avatar world. When you enter SL you enter a world that is full of people and their creations.Youcancompletelypersonalizeyouravatar;youcanbuildyour Flying is an easy way to get around in Sl own house, and create anything you want. The currency of SL is the Lindendollar.Yougetsomelindendollarseveryweekandyoucanbuysomefor real dollars. Many people use SL to earn a living or just earning some extra money.Howcantheydothat?Simplybycreatingthingsandsellingthemorby renting or selling land. Once they get the linden dollars in their hands they simplyhavetodoisexchangethemforrealmoney.Theinterestingthingisthat anything you create is copyright protected. Some companies even use SL for trainingtheirpersonnel.Manybusinesscompaniesplantorentsomelandbuilda bigconferencecenter,createSLaccountsfortheirhighrankpersonnel,andwill hold conferences in the games world. I believe that SL is going to be a great success because it practically gives you a second life, where you can do things that you never imagined you can do, have fun in differentwaysthan the plain normalones,andyoucanevenearnmoneyand become famousthroughit.I alsothinkthatintheyearstocomewemightbespendingmoretimeinvirtuallycreatedworldsthenwewillinthereal world.

Resources: Google www.SL.com AlexanderAkilasMitkas,Classof2011



Whenitwasfirstreleased(2001)noonebelievedthatthefilm LordoftheRings(madefromTolkinsbook)wouldbethemost valuablemovieofthelastcentury.Thefirstmovie,TheFellowshipoftheRing,wasgiven3Oscars,the2ndmovie,TheTwoTowers, wasgiven6andthe3rd andlastmovieofthetrilogy,TheReturnoftheKing, wasgiven11 Oscars,includingBestPicture2003. But the success didntstopthere.Many games are basedon Lord of the Rings. You can alsofinditemsthattheheroes use,suchasAragornssword,Legolasbow,Gandalfsstick andSauronsglove(includingTheOneRing). SomegamesthatarebasedonTheLordoftheRingsare 1)LordoftheRings:TheBattleforMiddleEarthI(forPC) 2)LordoftheRings:TheBattleforMiddleEarthII(forPC) 3)LordoftheRings:TheRisk 4)LordoftheRings:TheOriginalTradingCardGame Antoniadisyron,Classof2012

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 10th year

May 2006

18 ,, , . (packetswitching) TCP/IP. . internetworking. , . . . ,. :


,. . ,,, (WorldWideWeb). , ( ) (ChatForum). , (videoconference). (whiteboard,..). . ( , , ).


, , () . :

,. .

(../ , ). 2010

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 10th year

May 2006



: solo;(.) 40 . 14 .17.1990 .90 . , , , .,, ,, . , .. 97 NSA , . 700.000 . 2002 . , ,, 70. . , , . , , NASA. 11 2001,2.000., ,. , BBC. , . UFO, ., , , ,BBCClick. , , . Windows,, . , , 40 ,.mil, . , , . . ,2002,. , . , . , . . . , , . Reuters,, , . . ,2010 :.(28/06/2006)

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007


Cell phone safety

Arecellphoneskillingus? Thedebateoverthesafetyofmobilephonescontinues Recent media attention has focused on a possible link between cellular (cell) phone use and brain cancer and a relationship between the emitted radiofrequencyenergy(RF)bythecellphoneandthatcertaintypeofcancer. ManyfactorsaffecttheamountofRFtowhichapersonisexposed.Thedepthof penetration and the amount of energy a person absorbs depends most on the duration and frequency of cellular phone use, with more use implying more exposure. Other determining factors are how close the cell phone to the body is held as well as how strongthesignalis. Severalwelldesignedepidemiologicstudiesbasedonevidencebothfromanimalsandhumans,foundno consistentlinkbetweencellphone useandtheoverallriskofbraincancer.However,itshould be made clearthattheavailablesciencedoesnotallowustoconcludethatmobilephonesareeitherabsolutelysafe orunsafe.Yettheavailablescientificevidencedoesnotrevealanyundesirablehealtheffectsconnectedto the use of mobile phones. Whereas high levels of RF can produce health effects (by heating tissue), exposuretolowlevelRF,likethatproducedbythemobilephones,thatdoesnotproduceheatingeffects causesnoknownadversehealtheffects. SincedigitalphonesemitlessRFthananalogphones,peopleconcernedaboutRFexposurecanchoosea digitalcellphone.Cellular phone userscanalsochoosea phonewithalowSARvalue. The mythabout handsfree kits and accessories that claim to shield the head from RF exposure should also be clarified: certainly, exposure is reduced, but since up to now there are no known risks from exposure to RF emissionsfromwirelessphones,thereisnoreasontobelievethathandsfreekitsreducerisks.However, theycanbeusedwithwirelessphonesforconvenienceandcomfort. Ifyouareconcernedaboutavoidingeven potentialrisks,youcantakeafewsimplestepstolessenyour exposure toRF.Sincetimeisasubstantialfactorin howmuchexposurea personreceives,reducingthe amount of time spent using a cell phone will reduce RF exposure. If you must conduct extended conversationsbycellphoneeveryday,youcouldplacemoredistancebetweenyourbodyandthesource of the RF, since the exposure level drops off dramatically with distance. For example, you could use a headset and carry the wireless phone away from your body, or talk via a handsfree kit while driving your car. Another important step is to make sure that your cell phone does not exceed the upper limit of emittedRFenergyallowedbytheUS Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg) of body weight). Finally,oldercellularphonesinvolvehigherexposurethannewer, digitalequipment. AngelikiLatsiou,Classof2008

Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007


: http://www.greek: language.gr/greekLang/in dex.html http://www.greeklanguage.gr/greekLang/modern_gre ek/tools/lexica/index.html

: http://www.greek language.gr/greekLang/mo dern_greek/bibliographies/ , corpora/index.html . http://www.greeklanguage.gr/greekLang/ancient_ greek/index.html

. http://www.greeklanguage.gr/greekLang/literature/ index.html

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June 2007

22 : http://www.tmth.edu.gr/Noesis http://www.mmca.org.gr/pages/welcome.jsp http://www.greekstatemuseum.com/ : http://www.mbp.gr/html/gr/index.htm, http://www.benaki.gr/ :http://www.cycladicm.gr/gr_version/ http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/ http://www.louvre.fr/llv/commun/home_flash.jsp?bmLocale=en http://www.metmuseum.org/home.aspTheMetropolitanMuseumofArt http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/visitmuseum.aspx http://www.computerhistory.org/


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June 2007

23H : ,. , . . . . . , ., . , ( ), . .:

,, .Rusbridge,, . , . . , . , , ,,, . . . , ,., , . , . . 40., ,. , . , &() ,(), , ,, .

Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007

24 () , . ,. RUSBRIDGE, C., 1998. Towards a hybrid library. DLib Magazine [online], 4. : http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july98/rusbridge/07rusbridge.html [ 10 2006]. , . , ., 2005. . ,. ,..,2001..:. , . ., 2002. : .:. : ,Classof2012

18 Raphael Hall .: ,, ., . , . 19 ...

Anatolia Science and Technology

Now in our 11th year

June 2007



STEM CELLSStem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repairsystemforthebody,theycantheoreticallydividewithoutlimittoreplenishothercellsaslongasthepersonor animalisstillalive.Whenastemcelldivides,eachnewcellhasthepotential toeitherremainastemcellorbecome anothertypeofcellwithamorespecializedfunction,suchasamusclecell,aredbloodcell,orabraincell.Stemcells differfromotherkindsofcellsinthebody.Allstemcellsregardlessoftheirsourcehavethreegeneralproperties: theyarecapableofdividingandrenewingthemselvesforlongperiods;theyareunspecialized;andtheycangiverise tospecializedcelltypes.Scientistsprimarilyworkwithtwokindsofstemcellsfromanimalsandhumans:embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. It is said that because of their versatility, stem cells can be used in order to cure diseases like cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer e.t.c. Despite the promises of stem cells, they have stirred considerable controversy.Inlargepart,thecontroversysurroundsthesourceofstemcellsusedinresearch.Mostofthesestemcells comefromembryos.Theuseofembryonicstemcellsinmedicalresearchraisesafundamentalquestion:Dothesecells comefromhumantissueorfromhumans?Forpeoplewhotadethisphilosophicalposition,stemcellresearchinvolves the destruction ofa human life which is the destruction ofearlystage embryos known as blastocysts. Sothey think thatdestroyingblastocystsismurder. ,2008

THE TALLEST BUILDINGS IN THE WORLDTaipei 101 is a 101floor landmark skyscraper located in Taipei, Taiwan. It has 101 stories above ground (hence the name)andfiveunderground.Itis509m(1,671ft)aboveground. The Petronas Towers (1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) are noteworthy for their use of modern materials, including bands of stainless steel, that echo the forms of traditional Malaysian architecture. The Petronas towers, each measuring452m(1,483ft)high,rankedasthetallestbuildingsintheworldattheircompletion. The Sears Tower is a skyscraperinChicago,Illinois,andthetallestbuildinginthe United States, by the measurement from the ground to its roof. It was commissioned by Sears, RoebuckandCompany. The Jin Mao Building or Jin Mao Tower (Golden Prosperity Building) is an 88story landmark skyscraper in the Lujiazui area of the PudongdistrictofShanghai.It contains offices and the Shanghai Grand Hyatthotel. Empire State Building is a skyscraper located in New York. When it was completed in 1931, it was the tallest building in the world. At 381 m (1250 ft) it no longer holds that distinction, having been surpassed in height by several structures both in the United StatesandinAsia.BecauseofitselegantsteppeddesignitisoftenstillregardedastheultimateAmericanskyscraper. TheEmpireStateBuildingconsistsof102storiesofofficespace.Builtofprefabricatedblocks,itwascompletedinless thantwoyears. ,2008

Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007


What is ITER?The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is the most expensive joint scientific project after the International Space Station. The ITER programme was held up for over 18 months as parties tried to negotiate a deal between the two rivals. Nuclear fusion tap energy from reactions like those that heat the Sun. Nuclear fusion is seen as a cleaner approach to power production than nuclear fission and fossil fuels.

It costs 10bn euros!!!!!!!!

Whos involved? What are the rewards?According to the package, Japan gets 20% of the project's 200 research posts while providing only 10% of the expenses, and host a related materials research facility - of which half the construction costs will be provided by the EU. "We believe that the ITER project should start as soon as possible for the sake of mankind's future," said Nariaki Nakayama, Japan's science minister. Janez Potocnik, EU commissioner for science and research, said that now a consensus had been reached, "we will make all efforts to finalise the agreement on the project, so that construction can begin as soon as possible". Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, director of UK Atomic Energy Authority's (UKAEA) Culham division, which is responsible for the UK's thermonuclear fusion programme, said the decision was "wonderful news". "Rapid construction of ITER will be a major step in the development of fusion as a potential large-scale source of electricity that will not contribute to climate change," he added. And the UK's science minister, Lord Sainsbury, said: "I am delighted that the six international parties collaborating in the ITER fusion project are now agreed on a way forward and that ITER is to be located in France. "Making fusion a viable energy source for mankind is an enormous scientific and technological challenge. The ITER project is an important step in making energy from fusion a reality," he told the BBC News website.ITER

Where will ITER be located?The Cadarache site lies about 60km (37 miles) inland from Marseille, and has been a nuclear research centre ever since president Charles de Gaulle launched France's atomic energy programme in 1959. Local It costs 10bn politicians were delighted by the announcement, because it will guarantee thousands of jobs over the coming years. euros!!!!!!!!

What are protestors and supporters saying about ITER?However, some environmental groups are doubtful about the viability of nuclear fusion, and have warned that Cadarache lies on a known earthquake faultline. The management at Cadarache insists there is no risk to existing or future installations. In terms of the physics and huge amounts of energy involved, the ITER project would be similar to building a star on EarthIt would be the first fusion device to produce thermal energy at the level of conventional electricity-producing power stations, and would pave the way for the first prototype commercial power station. In a fusion reaction, energy is produced when light atoms - the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium - are fused The project is estimated to cost 10bn together to form heavier atoms. To use controlled euros and will run for 35 years fusion reactions on Earth as an energy source, it is It will produce the first sustained necessary to heat a gas to temperatures exceeding fusion reactions Final stage before full prototype of 100 million Celsius - many times hotter than the commercial reactor is built centre of the Sun. The technical requirements to do this, which scientists have spent decades developing, are immense. But the rewards, if ITER can be made to work successfully, are extremely attractive. One kilogram of fusion fuel would produce the same amount of energy as 10,000,000 kg of fossil fuel. Fusion does produce radioactive waste but not the volumes of long-term high-level radiotoxic materials that have so burdened nuclear fission. Some green groups criticised Tuesday's announcement as a waste of money. They are doubtful whether ITER will ever deliver practical technologies. "With 10 HOW ITER WORKS billion [euros], we could build 10,000MW offshore windfarms, delivering electricity for 7.5 million European households," said Jan Vande Putte of Greenpeace International. "Governments should not waste our money on a dangerous toy which will never deliver any useful energy. Instead, they should invest in renewable energy which is abundantly available, not in 2080 but today."

: Vouzas Thanasis Class of 2011

www.google.gr www.in.gr www.bbc.co.uk

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27 4 Hubble. 16 ,. ,1,2, .10. . 1650C1,6. . . ., . Hubble .1995200 , .


http://hubblesite.org Theuniverseandbeyond(ISBN9608681057) Classof2012


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28 , , . 9 ,,. : 8 . , 180430.1610 . : , 2 , . . , 1962Mariner 2. : , . , 1972 Apollo11. :,,4. ,2437,. 1976VikingLander1, . :320 .27, . : 6 2 . 16101987. :171781 18.Voyager21986, , . ()

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Mars Global Surveyor NASA, . , o . ,, . , ,. MarsGlobalSurveyor . Malin Space Science Systems, , , . 1999200120042005. . ,, ,. ., .

Mars Global Surveyor




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June 2007

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()Selfcheck:DoIhaveaneatingdisorder?Byansweringthesefivesimplequestions,youcanseewhether youmayhaveaneatingdisorder:

DoyoumakeyourselfSick(inducevomiting)becauseyoufeeluncomfortablyfull? DoyouworrythatyouhavelostControloverhowmuchyoueat? HaveyourecentlylostmorethanOnestone[14lb(6.4kg)]ina3monthperiod? DoyouthinkyouaretooFat,eventhoughotherssayyouaretoothin? WouldyousaythatFooddominatesyourlife?

Giveyourself1pointforeveryyesanswer.Ascoreequaltoorgreaterthan2indicatesyoumayhave anorexiaorbulimia.

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June 2007



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, . CO2 6,8 ( ) . 2100 35 40 . , 29 Gt. , . , Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), , . 6C 1990. , IPCC 3C. , . . , . . , , , , , ... IPCC , , . CO2 . . Anatolia Science and Technology Now in our 11th year June 2007

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39 () , . 62 . 2005 Arctic Sunrise Greenpeace : . , , . Kangerdlugssuaq 14 . GPS . , , , 2001 40 . 6% , . , 7 . 1-1,5 . , , . Kangerdlugssuaq , . . , . - 1824 - , . 1896 - . 1941 - 40.000 . 1957 - , . . 1980 - . 1988 - (IPCC). 1992 - 167 - . 1997 - 38 2010 5.2% ( ) 1990. .

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42 2007-2008, . , ,KnowledgeSafariAfrica2007. , .,: 1.KnowledgeSafari200708 Safari (2007) : . course,, (2008) (workshops). , 23. ,. 2. (). / ., , .,, , . 3. . :

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Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007

43SUMMERABROADPROGRAMS2007 To Eva Kanellis. , A B 28 ( ). . , projects.campus . , EvaKanellis . 35 (13) MTU (Michigan Technological University). . . 70 , 15. . RAINBOWCAMP Rainbow Language Camp 1984 Eva Kanellis. A . . , , , , , , , , , ,. . , . (3Danimation), /. . 18292007.


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Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007


The last week of classes proved to be a very busy one for those Anatolia fifth formers who were in Ms.MarshallsEnglishclassandwereparticipatinginManhattanTheatreClubsTheatrelinkprogram.For the past four months these students had been collaborating on a playwriting/production project via the internet and through videoconferences under the guidance of MTC teaching artist Joe White (rumor has it hesbeenonLawandOrder). On the last Tuesday of the school year they watched a short dramatic play they had written, Choices, performed by students at Robert Morgan Educational Center in Miami, Florida. Three days later they performedFadedSnapshots,ashortplaytheyreceivedfromAshlandHighSchoolinAshland,Oregon. The curtain went up at 10:00 p.m. in the new Raphael Theatre, not too late by Greek standards, but their audience in Oregon was only halfway through their school day, ten time zones away! Both plays were inspired by their study of Brooklyn Boy, a contemporary play by Donald Margulies that was sent to the classbytheManhattanTheatreClub. AnatoliaCollegecontinuestobetheonlyinternationalschoolparticipatinginTheatrelinkthankstosupport providedbytheStavrosNiarchosFoundation.

Stavros Michalopoulos Class of 2008 Anatolia Science and Technology Now in our 11th year June 2007

46JOKESAfter Life of Bill GatesBillGatesdied.HewassenttotheAfterlifeWaitingRoom.HewasmetbySt.Peter,whoaskedhim ifhewantedtogotoHeavenorHell,andifhedliketoseethembeforehedecided.Billsaidyes, andSt.Petersnappedhisfingers.Theyappearedonasunnybeach,withpeopledancing, swimming,andplayingvolleyball.Justbasicallyhavingawonderfultime.Goodfood,goodmusic, goodpeople.BillturnstoSt.Peterandsays,Wow,Heavenisgreat!St.Petersays,Thisisnt Heaven,itsHell.WanttoseeHeaven?Mr.Gatesnodsyes,andtheyappearinashadypark,witha fewoldpeoplesittingonbenchesfeedingbirds.Agentlebreezeblowsby,andallisquietand serene.St.PeterasksBill,Well,whichwouldyoulike?Billthinksforaminute,andsays,Well,if thisisHeaven,thenIlltakeHell.Instantly,hewasplungeduptohisneckinredhotlava,the screamsofothertorturedsoulsfillinghisears.Helooksup,andseesSt.Peterinthewaitingroom. Billcallsouttohim,andsaid,Hey!Whatsgoingon?Wheresthebeach?Theparty?St.Peterturns fromhisMacintoshtofaceBill,andsays,Thatwasjustthedemo.

Daddy's passwordWhilemyfriendwastappingawayonhishomecomputer,histenyearolddaughtersneakedup behindhim.Thensheturnedandranintothekitchen,squealingtotherestofthefamily,Iknow Daddyspassword!IknowDaddyspassword! Whatisit?hersistersaskedeagerly. Proudlyshereplied,Asterisk,asterisk,asterisk,asterisk,asterisk!

Anatolia Science and Technology

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June 2007

47 , . : 3b/A . , 3b/ .2bPappas2bEppinga.. . .

. :3b/A (). , , 2005 , , , ,,. , , , , . / 1 . Almeida, Alumil, . , lmeida ,, . ,, .

.: , . . , Vivartia, . . . , , , . , , . , , .

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June 2007

48 . , . . ..


club Science & Technology

!Anatolia Science and Technology Now in our 11th year June 2007