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Scientific Proof Thoughts and Intentions Create Physical Reality

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Scientific Proof Thoughts and Intentions Create Physical Reality

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.



Any reputable scientific experiment should be replicable under similar conditions. When Dr.

Masaru Emoto proved that thoughts and intentions create reality, the experiment has been

replicated numerous times with similar results. The bottom line is that the words we use, in

conjunction with the intent behind them and the emotion we are feeling while saying these

words, will conclusively shape the reality around us.

Water Crystal Proof

In 1994, Dr. Emoto studied the differences in the crystals of frozen tap water, river water, and

lake water but to no avail, he did not see any differences between tap water and the water from

lakes and stream by nearby cities. What he did notice, however, is that water crystals from

pristine lakes and streams created "beautiful crystals with each one having its own uniqueness".

The observation was done in various ways:

1. Observe the crystal of frozen water after showing letters to water

2. Showing pictures to water

3. Playing music to water

3. Praying to water


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Long Distance Proof

On November 16, 2005 Parapsychologist Dean Radin conducted a long distance experiment with

Dr. Emoto and approximately 2,000 participants who focused long-distance positive intentions

on water samples contained in “a double-steel-walled, electromagnetically shielded room” at the

Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in Petaluma, California nearly 5,000 away from Emoto. The

participants were shown digital images of the bottles of water, and gave focused prayers of

gratitude for approximately five minutes.

The treated (prayer and intention) and untreated samples were sent to Emoto’s lab in Japan

where 40 unique water molecules were photographed. 100 volunteers evaluated the photographs

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and rated them on aesthetic appeal. The results showed that the water with prayer and intention

resulted in “more pleasing crystal shapes” than water that did not receive this treatment (Radin et

al., 2006).

The Rice Experiment

In another experiment to prove how words,

thoughts and intentions affect our reality,

Dr. Emoto placed cook rice into three

containers. On one container, the words

"Thank You" were written. On the second

container, he wrote, "You Fool" while the

third container was completely ignored.

Children were instructed to speak aloud

the words on each jar, daily, when they

walked by them each day. At the end of 30 days, the rice with the words, "Thank You" was

relatively unchanged while the rice with the words, "You Fool" turned black. The rice in the

ignored container begain to rot.

Words, Intentions, Thoughts and Fear

Perhaps intentions, thought, written and spoken words are the reasons why the mainstream media

continuously pounds us with fear-related stories because ultimately, when we live in fear, we

eventually lose even more civil liberties.

Why do commercials always show extroverts?

Why doesn't anyone on TV recommend

looking within?

Every ad shows some extrovert with his or her

group of friends living the fictitious life that

you should be living (through their eyes). And

these people have above average looks and

portray success, which subconsciously tell us

that we are not good enough the way we are

and if we want to be successful, beautiful and

have friends like them, then we need to purchase whatever product they are selling.

Social visionary Duane Elgin sums it up for us, " The average person in the U.S. watches about

four hours of television each day. Over the course of a year, we see roughly twenty-five thousand

commercials, many of them produced by the world’s highest-paid cognitive psychologists. Their

job is to figure out how to grab our attention and make us feel deficient if we don’t own their

clients’ products. And these heavily produced advertisements are not merely for products, but for

a lifestyle based on a consumer mind-set. What they’re doing, day in and day out, twenty-five

thousand times a year, is hypnotizing us into seeing ourselves as consumers who want to be

entertained rather than as citizens who want to be informed and engaged."

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One must also consider the reasoning why certain governments continue putting fluoride into the

drinking water, despite numerous studies on how fluoride is a neurotoxin and is a main

contributor to the calcification of the pineal gland.