Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis

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  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Chapter 5Present-Worth Analysis

    Loan versus Project Cash Flows

    Initial Project Screening Methods

    Present-Worth Analysis

    Methods to Compare Mutually !clusive Alternatives

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Chapter Opening Story –Federal Express"ature o# Project$

    %uip &'(''' courierswith Power Pads

    Save )' seconds perpic*up stopInvestment cost$ +),'million

    !pected savings$ + 'million per year

    Federal Express

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Ultimate Questions

    Is it worth investing +),' million to save + 'million per year( say over )' years.

    /ow long does it ta*e to recover the initialinvestment.

    What *ind o# interest rate should 0e used inevaluating 0usiness investment opportunities.

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Bank Loan vs. Invest ent


    Bank Customer


    Interest + Repayment

    Company ProjectInvestment


    Bank Loan ( loan cash flow )

    Investment Project ( project cash flow )

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Initial Pro!ect "creening#ethod

    Payback #ethod screens pro!ects on the basis o$ho% long it takes $or net receipts to e&ual invest ent

    spending. Principle :

    ow fast can I recover my initial investment!

    "etho# :Base# on cumulative cash flow (or accountin$ profit)

    %creenin$ &ui#eline :If the pay'ack perio# is less than or e ual to some specifie# pay'ack perio# the project woul# 'e consi#ere# for furtheranalysis*eakness :,oes not consi#er the time value of money

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    E'a ple 5.( Conventional PaybackPeriod %ith "alvage )alue

    N Cash Flow Cum. Flow









    Pay'ack perio# shoul# occurs somewhere 'etween N - . an# N - /*

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    0122 222

    032 222


    32 222

    122 222

    132 222

    2 1 . / 4 3 56ears ( n )

    /*. yearsPay'ack perio#

    783 222

    713 2227.3 222

    7/3 222743 222 743 222

    7/3 222


    1 . / 4 3 56ears

    9 n n u a l c a s h

    f l o w

    C u m u l a t

    i v e c a s h

    f l o w

    ( 7 )

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    E'a ple 5.* +iscounted Payback PeriodCalculation

    # o#ify the proce#ure an# consi#er time value of money such as the cost of money(interest) use# to support the project*

    Period Cash Flow Cost o# Funds1),234

    CumulativeCash Flow

    ' -+5,(''' ' -+5,('''

    ) ),(''' -+5,('''1'6),3 7 -+) (8,' -5 (8,'

    ,(''' -+5 (8,'1'6),3 7 -) (&)9 -8'():9

    9 9,(''' -+8'():91'6),3 7 -)'(, & -&,(:58

    & &,(''' -+&,(:581'6),3 7-:(5,9 -8(,&'

    , &,(''' -+8(,&'1'6),3 7 -)()9) 9:(9 ;

    : 9,(''' +9:(9 ;1'6),3 7 ,(&&; 8:(885

    * Cost of funds = (Unrecovered beginning balance) X (interest

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Present Worth


  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    ,et Present Worth ,PW

    #easure Principle : Compute the e uivalent net surplus at n - 2 fora $iven interest rate of i*

    ,ecision Rule : 9ccept the project if the net surplus is positive*

    . / 4 32 1




    P ( i)inflow

    P ( i)outflow

    ;et surplus

    P ( i) < 2

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Present Worth A ounts at )aryingInterest 4ates

    i 123 PW1i 3 i 123 PW1i 3

    ' +9 (,'' ' -+9(&)8(8&9 -,(; && 9(9'; & -5( ;:: );():; : -)'(,9;

    5 ),( ;: 5 -) (::)' ))(:8' 9' -)&(:89) 5( 8' 9 -):(,5')& ,('88 9& -)5(9:'): ('8: 9: - '())'

    )86&,4 ' 95 - )(8&,)5 -8,) &' - 9(9'

    @Break even interest rate

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis










    2 3 12 13 .2 .3 /2 /3 42

    P W ( i ) ( $ h o u s a ! " s )

    i # %&& (')

    7/33/ 1>*43?

    Break even interest rate(or rate of return)

    9ccept Reject

    Present Worth Pro le

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis



    ' ) 9

    + &(&''+ 8(9&'


    Investment pool

    /ow much would you have i# theInvestment is made.

    + &(&''1F >P (),2( 3 7 +9 ( :;+ 8(9&'1F >P (),2()3 7 +9)(&&)+,,(8:'1 F >P (),2('3 7 +,,(8:'NFW of the project $119,470

    /ow much would you have i# theinvestment was not made.

    +8,('''1 F >P (),2(93 7 +))&('::

    What is the net gain #rom theinvestment.

    +));(&8' - +))&(':: 7 +,(&'&


    ? e t u r n

    t o i n v e s t m

    e n t p o o l

    N 7 9a!i! o* P s ! Wo h

    PW(15%) = $5, ! (P"#,15%, ) = $ ,55

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Pro!ect Balance ConceptBank loan

    N N 00 11 22 33i!!i!


    /! s

    Pa m !

    P oala!

    07>3 222

    07>3 222

    07>3 222

    0711 .32

    +7.4 422

    0751 832

    0751 832

    07A .>8

    +7.> /42

    074/ >88

    074/ >88

    075 358

    +733 >52

    +73 424

    ;et future worth (13?)

    PW(15') # $5,404 ( P F , 15', 3) # $3,553

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Pro!ect Balance +iagra52 222

    42 222

    .2 222


    0.2 222

    042 222

    052 222

    082 222

    0122 222

    01.2 2222 1 . /

    07>3 2220751 832

    074/ >88

    73 424

    a ( n )

    erminal project 'alance

    (net future worth or project surplus)

    ,iscounte# pay'ack perio#

    P , o 1 . 4 a l a ! . ( $ )

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Co paring #utuallyE'clusive Alternatives

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    Co paring #utually E'clusivePro!ects "utually DEclusive Projects

    hen alternatives are mutually eEclusive any one if the alternatives will fulfill thesame nee# an# the selection of one alternative implies that the others will 'eeEclu#e#* DEample of 'uyin$ versus leasin$ car*

    9lternative vs* Project hen we use terms alternative an# project interchan$ea'ly to mean #ecisionoption*

    ,o0;othin$ 9lternative hen consi#erin$ an investment we are in one of two situations: Dither the project

    is aime# at replacin$ an eEistin$ asset or system or it is a new attempt*

    If a process or system alrea#y in place to accomplish our 'usiness o'jectives isa#e uate then we must #etermine which if any new proposals are economicalreplacement* If none are feasi'le then we #o nothin$*

    If the eEistin$ system has faile# then the choice amon$ propose# alternatives isman#atory (i*e* #o nothin$ is not an option)*

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis



    Revenue Projectsare projects that $enerate revenues that #epen# onthe choice of alternative that we want to select thealternative with the lar$est net $ains

    %ervice Projectsare projects that $enerate revenues that #o not#epen# on the choice of project 'ut must pro#uce

    the same amount of output (revenue) with lower pro#uction cost*

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis



    9nalysis Perio#is h im s a! o whi h h o!omi ** s o* a! i! s m ! will alua ".

    h s u" (a!al sis) io", som im s all " h planning horizon , is hs l " im io" o whi h u uall lusi al !a i s a

    om a ".

    Fa o s i!*lu ! h " isio! a : h ;ui " s i io", h us *ulli* o* h sho li " al !a i , h us *ul li " o* h lo! li "al !a i , om a! oli a!" so o!.

    Co!si" %!al sis io" o & ;ui " < i P io".

    =! o! !i ! hoi o* a!al sis is h io" o* h us *ul li* o* hi! s m ! o .

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis



    Co paring #utuallyE'clusive Pro!ects

    F Case 1Case 1 :: Project lives lon$er than theProject lives lon$er than theanalysis perio#analysis perio# (DEample 3*5)(DEample 3*5)

    F Case .Case . : Project lives shorter than the: Project lives shorter than theanalysis perio#analysis perio# (DEample 3*>)(DEample 3*>)

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    E'a ple 5.6 - Co parison o$ une&ual-livedservice pro!ects %hen the re&uired service

    period is shorter than the individual pro!ectli$e

    Required er!ice "eriod # %ears

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    "W&15'() # *$+ 4,000"W&15'(- # *$+ ,000

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis



    Come up with replacement projects thatmatch or eEcee# the re uire# service perio#*

    Compute the P for each project over the

    re uire# service perio# *

    Case 2Case 2 :: ro!e"t li#es shorterro!e"t li#es shorterthan thethan the analysisanalysisperiodperiod $Example %&)($Example %&)(

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    E'a ple 5.7 - Co parison $or "ervicePro!ects %ith 2ne&ual Lives %hen the

    re&uired service period is longer than theindividual pro!ect li$e

    ?e%uired ServicePeriod 7 , years

    Model A

    Model @


    +) (,''

    +&(''' +&(,'' +,('''+,(,''


    +,(''' +,(,'' +:('''

    + ('''

    & ,





    ) 9&

  • 8/18/2019 Se 307-Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis


    "W&15'(- # *$+5.9 9

    "W&15'() # *$++,17+