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Season 1, Episode 8 the Truth is Out There... and It Hurts

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Page 1: Season 1, Episode 8 the Truth is Out There... and It Hurts

�00:00:09:Excuse me.00:00:11:Are you Dr Mitchell?00:00:13:- Dr Oliver Mitchell?|- Yes.00:00:16:What a pleasure.00:00:18:I can't tell you how long|I've waited for this.00:00:26:Excuse me but have we...?00:00:28:Met? Oh, I'm sorry. Only in print.|I've read your work.00:00:32:Your studies, specifically on cell|degeneration, are ahead of their time.00:00:39:- You're very kind.|- No, really, it's fascinating.00:00:42:You've become|kind of a hobby of mine.00:00:48:I found your article on the mutant|retina gene to be particularly intriguing.00:00:54:But I haven't even...00:00:55:Published it yet?|Don't worry, you will.00:00:59:And you'll help to find the vaccine.00:01:02:A vaccine? Against what?00:01:06:Against this.00:01:24:"Ask again later." Hello, vague.00:01:27:How am I supposed to plan my future|without a little direction?00:01:30:You who can see the future|is now looking for it in a Magic 8 Ball?00:01:33:My visions don't help me, remember?00:01:35:I've got an idea. Why don't we ask if|Prue and Andy will get back together?00:01:40:Oh, Phoebe, please, don't.00:01:42:- Interesting.|- Very.00:01:45:You two are cruel.00:01:48:Ask it what a day off feels like?|That was my boss, Martin.00:01:52:- I have to go to the restaurant.|- You're kidding.00:01:54:There's a convention in town,|and business is just crazy.00:01:57:But you worked a double shift|yesterday and the day before that.00:02:00:He's working you to death, Piper.00:02:02:You were gonna talk to Martin|about this weeks ago.00:02:04:I never got around to it.00:02:06:Yeah, well, tell him to stuff it.00:02:08:Tell him you're taking the night off,|and that's that.00:02:10:I know, you're right, I will.|Hello, Martin?00:02:13:No, I know what you want, but...00:02:16:Okay. No, it's not a problem.|I'll be right there.00:02:20:Wow, you told him.00:02:22:Beware the wrath of Piper.00:02:24:I will talk to him, eventually.|I gotta go.00:02:28:Wait, Piper.|I'll walk you to the car. It's safer.00:02:31:I'll wait here.00:02:36:Excuse me. Pardon me.00:02:45:Oh, my God, Piper.00:02:49:- What is it?|- I just had a premonition.00:02:51:A woman's about to get murdered.00:03:12:Oh, my God.00:03:15:Phoebe saw this murder|before it happened.00:03:17:No, not this one.00:03:21:I think I saw the next one.00:05:20:- Is this leaded?|- Always is.00:05:29:Good morning, ladies.|I took a look at the staircase.00:05:32:Shouldn't be more than two days' work.|You mind if I get started?00:05:35:No, not at all.|I'll get you some coffee.00:05:38:Oops, you're busy. I'll get it.00:05:42:I'll be right there, Leo.00:05:47:When are you two gonna stop fighting|over him and grow up?00:05:50:When Phoebe realizes that she|doesn't have a chance with him.

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00:05:54:Well, that doesn't matter now because|I have to go protect the innocent.00:05:58:So we'll call a truce temporarily.|I'll just take this to Leo.00:06:10:You know that you're only into him|because Piper is.00:06:13:That is so not true. I'm wounded.00:06:17:Is there anything|about last night's murders?00:06:19:Nothing of any use.00:06:20:How am I supposed to figure out|who the girl in my vision is?00:06:23:What did she look like?00:06:24:Well, she was about 5'3"|and her hair was lightish.00:06:31:That's it?00:06:33:If it's not on videotape,|I can't exactly rewind it.00:06:38:Hey, you've gotta talk to Andy.00:06:41:- What?|- Well, if I can't find her,00:06:43:then I have to find the killer|before he gets to her.00:06:45:Well, have you checked|the Book of Shadows?00:06:47:The way you described your vision,|it sounds like it could be demonic.00:06:50:Yeah, but for all we know,|Andy's already hot on his trail.00:06:54:You have to go see him and find out.00:06:55:- Can't.|- Won't.00:06:57:Give me a break.|We just stopped seeing each other.00:06:59:Don't you think it might be awkward?00:07:01:Okay, then how about I go see him,|and you look in the Book of Shadows?00:07:05:- Phoebe.|- Prue, I had this vision for a reason.00:07:07:I am supposed to save her.|I know it.00:07:12:I have to find her.00:07:24:Nothing.00:07:26:I don't even know|what I'm looking for.00:07:44:"Truth spell."00:07:56:What the...?00:08:12:The truth is,|I need extra tablecloths because...00:08:15:Oh, wine!00:08:21:I need this space. Can't you do that|in the manager's office?00:08:24:- You took my desk, remember?|- Then go somewhere else.00:08:27:I've got a restaurant|full of hungry conventioneers.00:08:30:I just ran out of white corn chowder,00:08:31:and I need you to get ahold|of produce, pronto.00:08:34:- Well, what about the books?|- You can take them home with you.00:08:37:I come back after three weeks,|and the whole place is chaos.00:08:42:Martin, you know what I think?00:08:44:What? What do you think?00:08:47:I think I'm gonna need|that number for produce.00:09:02:- Hey.|- Hey.00:09:03:Can I borrow your laptop?|I need to do some surfing on the Web.00:09:07:See if I can find anything about|the burns on the victim's forehead.00:09:12:What?00:09:14:Nothing. I just never really thought|of you as computer-friendly.00:09:17:Are you kidding?|Chat rooms saved my life.00:09:22:So did you talk to Andy?00:09:25:Actually, I spoke to his partner instead.00:09:28:- You told Morris?|- About the case? I didn't have to.00:09:31:Every inspector at the station|was talking about it.00:09:34:The only problem is, they're stumped.00:09:37:Did you find anything|in the Book of Shadows?00:09:40:I'm not sure.|So you didn't see Andy?00:09:44:No, I said I didn't talk to Andy.00:09:46:I saw him in the parking lot|when I left.00:09:49:But...00:09:52:...he had that look, Prue.00:09:54:You know the one I'm taking about.

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00:09:56:You might recognize it from the mirror.00:10:00:He really cares about you.00:10:02:Don't you think I know that?00:10:04:So, what are you waiting for?|Tell him the truth.00:10:06:It's the only thing|standing between you guys.00:10:08:Tell him that I'm a witch? I can't|do that. What if he can't handle it?00:10:12:It's not like I can put the genie|back in the bottle.00:10:14:He's not gonna turn you in|to the warlock police.00:10:17:At least you'd know|how he feels once and for all.00:10:21:Otherwise, you'll never know|if it could've worked out or not.00:10:26:If I were you, I would figure out|a way to tell him.00:10:32:Thank you for the laptop.00:10:44:- Sandwich?|- Hey, Tanya, sure.00:10:48:I saved you your favourite.|Turkey, no mayo.00:10:51:You're a good woman.00:10:52:- Thanks.|- Bye.00:11:16:Okay, you win.00:11:21:Hey, stranger. Back from the war?00:11:23:More like I brought the battle|home with me. Inventory.00:11:26:I'll help you with yours|if you help me with mine.00:11:30:"For those who want the truth revealed00:11:31:Opened hearts and secrets unsealed00:11:34:From now until it's now again|After which the memory ends"00:11:38:So I guess you didn't talk|to your boss.00:11:40:Of course I did.|Just like I said I would.00:11:45:Am I getting a zit on my chin?00:11:48:Can't even see it.00:11:50:"Those who now are in this house00:11:53:Will hear the truth|From others' mouths"00:11:58:You really can't see it?00:12:00:Are you kidding? It looks like|that thing has a life of its own.00:12:03:What?00:12:06:So you really told off Martin, huh?00:12:07:No, I lied. I chickened out.00:12:22:Hi, you've reached Andy Trudeau.00:12:24:Leave your name and number,|I'll get back to you. Thanks.00:12:27:Hi. Hi, Andy, it's Prue.00:12:30:Hey, I was wondering, I...00:12:32:Could you just call me, please?00:12:35:Soon. Within the next 24 hours.00:12:37:I need to talk to you|about something.00:12:39:So just call, okay? Bye.00:12:44:You know tonight would be fine too.00:12:47:Okay, bye.00:13:01:Excuse me.00:13:04:Are you Mr Pearson?00:13:06:Alex Pearson?00:13:08:Yeah, yeah, can I help you?00:13:09:In so many ways.00:13:12:Working late tonight, aren't you?00:13:15:Yeah, I work better at night.00:13:17:And these soil samples just arrived|from the Bindura plateau.00:13:21:Ah, Zimbabwe.00:13:24:Their crops have been|overrun by disease for decades.00:13:30:Well...00:13:32:...your work will put an end to that.00:13:36:- That's the hope.|- That's the reality.00:13:39:Are you from the foundation? They|don't usually check up on us this late.00:13:43:No, no.

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00:13:45:But I have studied your work,|and I know what it will lead to.00:13:50:My work? You mean the lab's.|I'm only just a technician.00:13:53:For now, Alex.00:13:56:But someday. Someday you|will help find the vaccine.00:14:04:The vaccine? For what?00:14:08:I'm sorry, who are you?|What do you want?00:14:15:Your future.00:14:25:Dear God, what is it?00:14:50:Thanks.00:14:52:- Is this leaded?|- Nope.00:14:54:- It's not?|- Never has been.00:14:56:I just say it is because it's ridiculous|to make two pots of coffee00:14:59:when you're the only one|who drinks diesel.00:15:04:Prue, don't give me grief|when you get the phone bill.00:15:06:I was up all night on the Internet,|and I didn't find anything.00:15:11:That poor girl.00:15:12:Oh, Piper, I'm sorry about the crack|I made last night about your zit.00:15:17:That's okay. So you really can't see it?00:15:20:Like I said, it's huge.00:15:25:Something weird is going on.00:15:28:Morning, ladies. Should be able|to finish the stairs today.00:15:31:Okay. I'll make some more coffee.00:15:35:And I'll bring it to you.00:15:37:Okay.00:15:41:Here we go again, right?00:15:43:Piper, we both know the only reason|I like Leo is because you do.00:15:49:Okay, I have no idea|why I just said that.00:15:52:What's going on?00:15:54:Okay, I'm late for work. Busy, gotta go.00:15:57:- Prue!|- Yeah?00:15:59:Spill. What's up?00:16:00:I cast a truth spell.00:16:02:- What?|- What?00:16:04:You cast a truth spell?00:16:05:Yes! Look, please, no more questions.00:16:07:- Why?|- Because I wanted to know00:16:09:what Andy would think of me|if he found out I was a witch.00:16:13:I can't believe it.00:16:14:Oh, look who's talking,|Little Miss Spell-of-the-Week.00:16:17:No, no. I mean I can't believe|you actually took my advice.00:16:20:The biggest pooper|at the Wicca party00:16:22:has finally used her power|for personal gain. It's about time.00:16:25:Personal? It's affecting us.|Prue, what have you done?00:16:29:The spell was only supposed|to work on me, okay?00:16:32:It said, "those in this house."|I thought I was alone.00:16:35:Well, obviously, you weren't.00:16:36:Wait, we just have to...|We have to undo it right now, fast.00:16:39:Can't. Twenty-four-hour time limit.|Which means until 8:00 tonight00:16:43:everybody who comes|into contact with us will have00:16:45:- no choice but to speak the truth.|- What do you mean "no choice"?00:16:48:Exactly that. Ask me a question.00:16:50:I'm game.|Prue, what do you think of me?00:16:53:While I admire your confidence|and your fearlessness,00:16:55:your utter lack of responsibility|frustrates me to no end.00:16:58:Oh, God, that is so enough.00:17:00:Oh, my God.|This could be very dangerous.00:17:02:I'm kind of digging it. Piper, what|do you really think of your boss?00:17:07:I think he's a self-serving jerk|who must have a very small penis.00:17:11:- Oh, my God! I'm gonna be so fired.|- No, no, no. It's okay.00:17:15:Because once the spell ends, no one|will remember what they've heard.

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00:17:19:You guys, I just wanted to see|how Andy would react.00:17:22:What a way to come|out of the broom closet.00:17:24:Are you nuts? We just need|to lock the doors, call in sick00:17:28:and just stay in our own bedrooms|until it just goes away.00:17:30:Hello, there's a demon on the loose,|and I still have to find that woman.00:17:34:Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.00:17:36:- Premonition?|- No. An epiphany.00:17:39:So are you telling me|that everyone I ask a question to00:17:42:has to answer with the truth?00:17:44:I think so, yes. But that also means,00:17:47:if we get asked a question,|we have to answer with the truth.00:17:49:I can work around that.00:17:51:This is cool. Very cool.00:17:54:Phoebe, no. Where are you go...?00:17:59:Don't even think of asking me|what I think about you right now.00:18:16:- Phoebe.|- Hi, Andy.00:18:18:- What...?|- Have you talked to Prue?00:18:19:She left a message|on my machine last night.00:18:21:Wasn't sure if I wanted to|call her back.00:18:23:Oh, believe me. Trust me.00:18:26:You definitely want to call her back.00:18:29:That why you came here?00:18:30:Hardly.00:18:33:What do you know about the guy|they found murdered00:18:36:in the movie theatre parking lot|the other night?00:18:39:Lead detective says|he's not the only victim.00:18:41:They found a lab technician|out in Oakland.00:18:43:They had the same|cauterized mark on their forehead,00:18:46:and their eyes were drained of colour.|They were completely white.00:18:49:- Wait.|- Cause of death?00:18:51:Unknown. Looks like|they took a bullet to the head,00:18:53:only there's no exit wound|and no bullet.00:18:55:Phoebe, this is highly...00:18:57:- Any suspects?|- Not yet.00:18:58:Any evidence that could|lead to a suspect?00:19:00:They found a button|at the crime scene,00:19:02:possibly from the suspect's jacket,|made of an alloy00:19:05:Forensics has never seen before.|What the hell is...?00:19:08:Do not ask that question.00:19:10:I gotta go. Thanks.00:19:13:Don't forget to call Prue|by 8:00 tonight.00:19:25:Hello? I mean, Prue Halliwell.00:19:28:- Hey, it's me.|- Andy, hi.00:19:31:Phoebe stopped by,|suggested I give you a call.00:19:34:Phoebe.00:19:36:Yeah, but can we meet? I really|don't wanna talk over the phone.00:19:39:Should I be looking forward to this|or dreading it?00:19:42:Honestly, I don't know.00:19:43:But what are you doing for dinner?|An early dinner? Like, let's say, now?00:19:47:It's lunchtime.00:19:49:But I'm gonna be interviewing|a witness in your area around 5.00:19:52:I could swing by after.00:19:54:Yeah?00:19:56:Here? Yeah, I guess that's fine.00:19:58:All right, I'll see you then.00:20:01:- Hey, Tanya.|- Personal call, Prue?00:20:03:Personal business, Hannah.00:20:04:And I swear that|that's my name on the door.

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00:20:07:Look.00:20:09:Last turkey, no mayo. My favourite.00:20:12:- Actually, I was saving that for Prue.|- Yeah, you were.00:20:17:Don't you hate turkey?00:20:19:Of course I do.|I just don't want you to have it.00:20:23:Is there any particular reason|why you're such a bitch to me?00:20:26:Yes. Because it's my mission in life|to destroy you.00:20:30:Well, nothing like a bit|of interoffice rivalry00:20:33:to get those|competitive juices flowing.00:20:37:Hannah, a word.00:20:51:- What do you think you're doing?|- I don't know. It came out.00:20:55:No, no, no. It didn't just come out,|you almost came out.00:20:59:Am I to believe that suddenly|you've lost control of your faculties?00:21:02:No.00:21:04:God, she's just so...00:21:07:So Prue.00:21:12:Forgive me?00:21:18:Always.00:21:22:Hey.00:21:34:Go on, get back to work.00:21:46:Martin, I can't work tonight.|I have to do the books.00:21:50:Do the books and run the floor?|That's imposs...00:21:53:But you don't underst...00:21:56:Right now?00:21:57:I'm on my way.00:22:01:Nice talking to you too, jerk.00:22:09:Hey, I had a little bit of an accident.|Do you mind if I borrow your washer?00:22:13:No, not at all. Go right ahead.|Can I get you some coffee?00:22:16:You'd better not. I'll just wind up|knocking it all over again.00:22:20:Truth is, caffeine makes me|a little clumsy, you know.00:22:24:- Leo, wait.|- Yeah.00:22:27:- Can I ask you a question?|- Sure.00:22:31:Do you need another shirt?00:22:33:No, I got one in the truck. Thanks.00:22:36:Leo, wait. That wasn't my question.00:22:39:- It wasn't?|- No.00:22:42:I was just wondering,|do you ever think of me?00:22:46:- Yeah.|- In what way?00:22:48:- As a friend sort of way or...?|- You have beautiful eyes.00:22:52:That's a good way.00:22:53:I'm sorry.|That was totally inappropriate,00:22:57:- wasn't it?|- No, not at all.00:23:00:Oh, what the hell.00:23:01:Leo, how do you feel about women|who make the first move?00:23:04:I don't know.|I'm still waiting for it to happen.00:23:07:Goodness.00:23:18:How do you feel about guys|who make the second move?00:23:21:Love them.00:23:33:- Hi, Rex.|- Hello, Prue. How are you?00:23:35:I am a nervous wreck00:23:36:because I'm about to tell|my boyfriend that I am a wi...00:23:39:- ner. A winner.|She is a real catch, this one is.00:23:44:I'm Phoebe, her sister.|We met, remember?00:23:47:Yeah, how could I forget?00:23:48:Let's go to my office.00:23:50:- Okay, the spell is really working.|- Yeah, I know. So you talked to Andy?00:23:53:I sure did. He gave me|a list of all the victims.00:23:56:They all died the same way too.

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00:23:58:Only problem is,|they don't have a suspect,00:24:00:which means that|I have no way of finding...00:24:06:- Her.|- Who her?00:24:08:That's the girl from my premonition.00:24:10:Tanya?00:24:12:Wait, hold the elevator.00:24:18:Excuse me.00:24:19:Are you Mrs Parker?00:24:21:- Tanya Parker?|- Yes.00:24:25:You have been most difficult to find.00:24:29:Never in the same place.|Never alone.00:24:32:Excuse me?00:24:35:- Are you sure?|- Yes, and that's the truth.00:24:38:All right, take the stairs.|I'll call security.00:24:42:Get off me!00:24:54:Get off me!00:24:58:Run, Tanya, ru... Oh, my!00:25:08:Drive!00:25:16:Phoebe!00:25:30:Honey, I'm fine.00:25:32:No, there's no reason|to fly back early.00:25:35:I'm staying...00:25:38:...with friends.00:25:40:I'll explain it all when you get home.00:25:42:- Kids? Do you have any kids?|- Not yet.00:25:46:- Pets?|- No.00:25:49:I love you too.00:25:55:Before I can explain any of this|to my husband,00:25:58:you're gonna have to|explain it to me.00:26:00:What is going on?00:26:02:Short story: You're in danger.00:26:04:And to keep you out of it, we have to|keep you out of the obvious places,00:26:08:which is why you have to stay here.00:26:09:- But what was that thing?|- Truth spell.00:26:12:That thing...00:26:14:...was a demon.00:26:16:I'm out of here.00:26:18:No, Tanya, he's killed before.00:26:20:Trust me. Call the cops. Check it out.00:26:23:That burn on your forehead,|that's how he does it.00:26:26:I've seen it, okay? I have visions.00:26:29:Visions of people|that I'm supposed to help.00:26:32:I've seen his next victim. It's you.00:26:40:There are no coincidences.00:26:42:I was supposed to see you,|to find you.00:26:47:And now I'm supposed to save you.00:26:56:- Romaine in fridge three.|- Okay.00:26:58:Phoebe. You have her there,|at the house?00:27:01:I understand you have to|protect the innocent,00:27:03:but couldn't you find one that makes|a decent béarnaise sauce?00:27:05:My kitchen is collapsing.00:27:07:Well, I gotta go.|I'll be there as soon as I can.00:27:10:Martin, hi. Just the man I wanted to...00:27:12:I made a list.|You better check it twice.00:27:14:I'll be back after the dinner rush.00:27:16:But I've got a family situation.00:27:19:So you'd like to take off, go home,|take care of business?00:27:21:Thank you, Martin,|for understanding.00:27:24:Well, don't thank me,|because the answer is no.

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00:27:27:All right, Martin. What part of "family|situation" do you not understand?00:27:30:Are you insane?|No one person can do all of this.00:27:33:How do you expect|me to do it all alone?00:27:35:- Because I know you will.|- What?00:27:37:Why spend money on employees|when I know you'll do it?00:27:39:And you won't complain.00:27:40:I've got a bargain,|all the work for half the price.00:27:44:Piper, I don't know why I said that.00:27:46:Too late, Martin.|Truth's out, and so am I.00:27:49:You don't deserve me. I quit.00:28:06:- Andy, hi.|- Hello, Prue.00:28:12:I am so sorry I'm late.|My meeting ran over.00:28:15:Your assistant said I could wait here.|I hope that's okay.00:28:17:Yeah, of course. Can I get you|anything? Something to drink?00:28:21:I'm fine.00:28:23:- How are you?|- A nervous wreck. You?00:28:26:Heart's pounding|like a sledgehammer.00:28:33:So, Andy...00:28:36:...how well do you think|you really know me?00:28:39:Well, I know about|your fondness for Twizzlers,00:28:41:how you can't stand it|when people talk at the previews,00:28:44:how you like to argue to win,00:28:46:and how you pick your cuticles|when you're nervous.00:28:50:I also know I'd love to|start seeing you again.00:28:53:I wish you could trust me enough to|tell me whatever it is you're afraid of.00:28:58:Well, actually that's what|I wanted to see you about.00:29:03:Except that instead of telling you,|I think I'll just show you...00:29:07:...so here it goes.00:29:09:You see this?00:29:12:Watch.00:29:16:What the hell was that?00:29:18:My secret. I did that with my mind.00:29:21:- You're telekinetic?|- Yes.00:29:23:Well, no. Actually, it's just so|much more than that. I'm a witch.00:29:29:- A what?|- A good witch.00:29:30:I have powers. I never wanted them.00:29:33:I didn't even find out about them|until recently.00:29:37:Right around the time|that I ran into you again.00:29:41:Okay.00:29:43:You know all those times|that I disappeared00:29:46:or would show up at a crime scene|with no logical explanation.00:29:49:Well, this is why.00:29:52:And believe me, I wanted to tell you,|but I couldn't.00:29:55:I couldn't tell anyone.00:29:59:Are you okay?00:30:03:I don't know.00:30:06:I mean, of all the things I thought|you were hiding, this was...00:30:10:...actually nowhere on the list.00:30:14:Does this mean|that Piper and Phoebe are...?00:30:16:Yeah. We inherited our powers|from Mom and Grams.00:30:23:So when you have kids...?00:30:25:If they're girls, yes.00:30:28:Well, that's a...00:30:33:That's quite a secret|you've been hiding.00:30:35:Tell me about it.00:30:37:Can you change? I mean,|is this something you can get rid of?00:30:42:No. Andy, I can't change who I am.00:30:47:And that's something|that I've recently come to accept.

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00:30:51:The question is, can you?00:30:54:Well, to tell you the truth...00:30:59:...I don't know, Prue.00:31:02:I honestly don't know.00:31:15:- Did Prue talk to Andy?|- She didn't say.00:31:18:Did you find anything|in the Book of Shadows?00:31:20:Nothing I recognize.00:31:23:So Andy said the third victim|was a professor at Stanford?00:31:27:- What's the link?|- He thinks it has something to do00:31:29:with what they're working on.|Biogenetics.00:31:32:A professor, a geneticist,|a lab technician...00:31:36:And a sandwich girl?00:31:38:- Do you really think he's after me?|- Truth spell.00:31:50:Piper, we need milk. Kitchen.00:32:01:- She's carrying.|- Carrying what?00:32:03:A baby, she's pregnant.00:32:05:No, no. She doesn't know yet.00:32:08:What do we do? Do we tell her?00:32:10:I mean, we protect,|we don't do prenatal.00:32:12:No, this not the kind of information|Tanya needs right now,00:32:15:especially from people she just met00:32:16:who are telling her|some three-eyed demon00:32:19:wants to suck the life out of her.00:32:21:Suck the life out of her.00:32:24:Wait a minute. Is it possible|that it's not Tanya he wants?00:32:28:- That it's her baby?|- How would he know she's pregnant?00:32:32:I don't know.|Maybe he sees the future too.00:32:37:Or else he's from it.00:32:40:- Excuse me?|- The button.00:32:42:The police found a button|by one of the last victims00:32:44:made out of some kind of funky metal|they'd never seen before.00:32:48:- Rewind.|- Okay.00:32:50:There's a button|that's not supposed to exist,00:32:52:a demon that the Book of Shadows|says doesn't exist00:32:55:and a baby no one knows exists.|You got a better explanation?00:32:59:Even if you're right,|how will we find him?00:33:02:Well, he wants Tanya. He'll find us.00:33:04:He doesn't know where we are.00:33:06:Well, he found Tanya at Buckland's.|He saw me...00:33:12:With Prue.00:33:19:Hey, last one out gets the lights?00:33:22:I'm going home.00:33:26:- So lock up when you leave?|- Sure.00:33:30:Prue?00:33:32:About what I said earlier...00:33:34:Now isn't a good time.00:33:37:I just wanted to say I'm sorry.00:33:39:But you wouldn't really mean that,|would you?00:33:41:No.00:34:21:Excuse me.00:34:22:Are you Miss Halliwell?|Prue Halliwell?00:34:26:Yes. Did we have an appointment?00:34:28:No. Actually, I'm looking for someone,|and I believe you can help me.00:34:33:I find objects, not people.00:34:37:Well, I think you might know her.|I saw you talking to her earlier.00:34:41:Petite, brown hair.00:34:44:The two of you|were over by the elevators.00:34:46:I don't remember.00:34:48:Are you sure?00:34:50:What do you want with her?

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00:34:51:She's hiding the woman|I was sent back to kill.00:34:54:- Sent back from where?|- The future.00:34:57:- What are you doing?|- Why kill Tanya?00:34:59:I don't want Tanya.00:35:01:I want what's inside her. No!00:35:06:- And the others, why kill them?|- They were all...00:35:10:...pieces of the puzzle.00:35:13:Pieces of the vaccine.00:35:16:Stop this!00:35:31:Answer. Come on Prue, pick up.00:35:34:You have reached|Buckland Auction House...00:35:36:There's no answer. It's after 5.|It's going straight to voice mail.00:35:39:- You have to go to Buckland's.|- I'll grab my keys, grab Tanya.00:35:42:No. You have to go. Alone.00:35:46:If we bring Tanya with us|and he's there,00:35:48:it's bringing the feast to the lion.00:35:50:And she can't stay here|by herself, so...00:35:53:But I need you, Phoebe.|We need you.00:35:55:I can't always be the power of three.00:35:57:But what if he comes here,|and you're all alone?00:36:00:We'll be in the attic with the Book.00:36:02:- Okay, be careful.|- You too.00:36:35:I've got eight and a half months|to find Tanya, Miss Halliwell.00:36:39:Plenty of time.00:36:46:Yours, however...00:36:50:...has run out.00:37:03:Prue?00:37:10:Oh, no.00:37:19:You can't hide from me forever.00:37:23:What's the vaccine for?|What does it protect against?00:37:31:Against me, of course.00:37:35:And all other warlocks like me...00:37:40:...in the future.00:37:43:The Parker child will be the one|to bring together all the elements...00:37:51:...to create...00:37:55:...the vaccine which will destroy us.00:38:02:Unless I stop him.00:38:19:Hey. Need a hand?00:38:20:- Yeah.|- Okay.00:38:23:He's not after Tanya.|He's after her baby. She's pregnant.00:38:26:Yeah, I know.00:38:28:- Truth spell. Later. Where's Phoebe?|- Home protecting Tanya.00:38:30:Well, what are you waiting for, Piper?|Whack him.00:38:33:No. Can't you move him?00:38:35:Where? He's from the future.00:38:37:- Prue, he's gonna unfreeze soon.|- Piper, just do it.00:38:39:- No, you do it.|- No, do it! Piper!00:38:42:- Just do it!|- Oh, my...00:39:05:I love it when they clean up|after themselves.00:39:20:- Prue.|- Andy.00:39:23:I need to know how you feel|about what I told you.00:39:26:- I'm gonna need a little more time.|- I don't have time, Andy.00:39:30:I need to know before 8.00:39:32:- Come inside. We'll talk about it.|- I can't.00:39:34:- Prue.|- Andy, no.00:39:36:Look, if I come inside|we'll have drinks,00:39:39:there'll be small talk,|and precious minutes will pass.00:39:43:I need to know now.00:39:46:Can you or can you not|accept that I'm a witch?00:39:53:If I have to answer right now...

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00:39:58:...I don't think so, Prue.00:40:01:I mean, there's nothing|wrong with it, I guess.00:40:03:It's just not a future|I envision having.00:40:12:What were we just talking about?00:40:14:- You don't remember?|- Honestly, no.00:40:17:You don't remember anything|you said to me in the last 24 hours?00:40:23:No. It's really weird.00:40:27:You want to come inside?00:40:30:No.00:40:32:I have to go.00:40:37:Goodbye, Andy.00:41:04:Excuse me.00:41:07:What good is saving the future if I can't|get a glass of water in the present?00:41:11:Speaking of the future,|where did Tanya go?00:41:14:She went to the bathroom.00:41:15:Morning sickness.|Only she thinks it's the halibut.00:41:17:Oh, great. She'll probably sue|the restaurant for food poisoning.00:41:21:Will this day never end?00:41:23:Actually, it's just did.00:41:24:It's 8:20. The spell is over.|The world is a safer place.00:41:29:Piper, I see you sitting.00:41:32:What is wrong with this picture?00:41:34:- You don't remember?|- Remember what?00:41:36:Piper, I need you in the kitchen,|pronto. We're down a sous-chef.00:41:42:I don't believe it.00:41:43:I finally stand up for myself and quit,|and he doesn't even remember.00:41:48:Wait a minute.|Everybody else has forgotten the truth,00:41:50:- why do we still remember it?|- Truth or consequences.00:41:52:Wiccan rule, right? Prue cast a spell|for her own personal gain,00:41:56:now we have to deal with the fallout.00:41:59:I'll be right back.00:42:01:I need to remind Martin of something.00:42:04:You go, girl!00:42:13:Martin, we need to talk.00:42:16:- Excuse you.|- I cannot...00:42:18:No, I will not do everything|by myself anymore.00:42:20:I need help.|Your restaurant needs help.00:42:22:You need another manager,|sous-chef,00:42:24:hostess and an extra busboy|on the weekends.00:42:26:If you will not agree to hire these|people, then tell me now and I'll quit.00:42:31:Honey, what took you so long?|All you had to do was ask.00:42:34:Really? I mean, okay.|I'll see you tomorrow.00:42:39:But I just...00:42:41:It's my night off.00:42:47:Oh, Leo! I'm so sorry.|Are you okay?00:42:51:Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just surprised.00:42:53:Yeah, me too.|What are you doing here?00:42:56:Well, I wanted to see you. I just...00:43:01:I have this really strange feeling00:43:03:that I did something|I should apologize for.00:43:07:- Did I?|- No.00:43:10:No. Not at all.00:43:13:Definitely not.00:43:15:Can I buy you a drink?00:43:23:- Hey.|- Hey. How'd it go?00:43:28:- Not well.|- Oh, Prue, I'm so sorry.00:43:30:Yeah, me too. But I cast a spell|for an answer, and I got it.00:43:36:Even if it wasn't the one that I wanted.