Security of Open Source Web Applications Maureen Doyle, James Walden Northern Kentucky University Students: Grant Welch, Michael Whelan Acknowledgements: Dhanuja Kasturiratna

Security of Open Source Web Applications

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Security of Open Source Web Applications. Maureen Doyle, James Walden Northern Kentucky University Students: Grant Welch, Michael Whelan Acknowledgements: Dhanuja Kasturiratna. Outline. Research Objective Evolution of Web App Security Security Resource Indicator Vulnerability Type Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Security of Open Source Web Applications

Security of Open Source Web Applications

Maureen Doyle, James WaldenNorthern Kentucky University

Students: Grant Welch, Michael WhelanAcknowledgements: Dhanuja Kasturiratna

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1. Research Objective2. Evolution of Web App Security3. Security Resource Indicator4. Vulnerability Type Analysis5. Code Metrics6. Analysis Limitations7. Conclusion

10/12/2009University of Kentucky 2


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Goal: Identify predictors for vulnerability density (VD) and change in VD for open source web applications.

Research questions:1. Can software security practices predict

evolution of VD over time?2. Can code size or complexity predict VD?3. Can code change metrics predict VD?

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Research Objective

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Static Analysis◦ Nagappan and Ball, ICSE 2005a◦ Coverity Open Source Report 2009◦ Fortify Open Source Security Study 2008

Complexity and Change Metrics◦ Nagappan and Ball, ICSE 2005b◦ Nagappan, Ball, and Zeller, ICSE 2006◦ Shin and Williams, QoP 2008

10/12/2009University of Kentucky 4

Related Work

Cite 2009 now??
(Doyle) Add notes on each of these
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Reported Vulnerabilities in NVD or OSVD◦ Coarse-grained time evolution.◦ Difficult to correlate with revision.◦ Undercounts actual vulnerabilities.

Dynamic Analysis◦ Expensive.◦ False positives and negatives.◦ Requires installation of application.

Static Analysis◦ Expensive.◦ False positives and negatives.◦ Static Analysis Vulnerability Density =

vulns/kloc.10/12/2009University of Kentucky 5

Measuring Vulnerabilities

Seems only fair to note this here. what do you think?
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Selection process◦ PHP web applications from freshmeat.net.◦ Subversion repository with 100 weeks of


◦ One revision selected per week for analysis.Range of projects

◦ 14 projects met selection criteria.◦ 5,800 to 388,000 lines of code (2008).◦ Removing highest & lowest, SLOC range of 25-150 kloc.

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Overall security improvement.◦ first week average: 8.88 vulns/kloc◦ final week average: 3.30 vulns/kloc

Average SAVD high vs. Coverity’s 0.30 SAVD.◦ Language differences: C/C++ vs. PHP.◦ Vulnerability differences buffer overflows vs XSS/SQL.

No correlation with NVD vulnerabilities.◦ NVD correlated with freshmeat popularity.

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General Results

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Evolution of SAVD: 2006-2008

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Variation between Web Apps

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Example: Addressing Security Issues

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Public security resources on project site◦ URL for installation or configuration security◦ Dedicated address to report security bugs◦ Database of known security vulnerabilities◦ Documentation of secure development practices

Results◦ Correlation of r = 0.67 (p < 0.05) with D SAVD

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Security Resource Indicator

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Security Resource Indicator

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Vulnerability Type Analysis

2006 2008

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Type Changes: 2006-2008

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Changes by Vulnerability Type

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Severity Class Changes: 2006-2008

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Size measure◦ Source Lines of Code (SLOC)

Complexity measures◦ Cyclomatic Complexity◦ Nesting Complexity◦ Maximum, average, total

Change measures◦ Churn = lines added + changed◦ Lines deleted

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Code Metrics


21. do loop2. stmt3. end loop


CC = E – N + 2 P = 3 – 3 + 2*1

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Code Metrics (All releases)

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Code Metrics (1st, Final release)

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May not apply to apps that didn’t meet criteria◦ Non-PHP applications◦ No SVN repository with two years of history

False positives◦ 18.1% rate from two sample applications◦ Coverity found a rate under 14% for their study

SAVD will differ between static analysis tools

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Analysis Limitations

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OS PHP web app security improved:◦ 8.88 to 3.30 SAVD from 2008 to 2006.◦ But 8 of 14 apps increased SAVD over period.

SRI can indicate which apps will improve.

No single code metric is predictive for SAVD.◦ Complexity is an indicator for SAVD.◦ Churn is not an indicator for SAVD.

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Why does app security vary so much?◦ Analyze security processes for each app.

How do we validate SAVD measurement?◦ NVD count correlates with popularity.

Java web applications◦ How does Java SAVD compare with PHP SAVD?◦ How do trends compare between Java and PHP?◦ More software metrics available for Java.

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Future Work

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Extra Slides

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SAVD vs Time and Size

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SAVD vs. Nesting

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SAVD vs. Churn

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