Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

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Page 1: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.EdDepartment of Pharmacology

Medical FacultyLambung Mangkurat University

Page 2: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Learning outcomes

Explaining mechanism of action of benzodiazepine and barbiturateExplaining pharmacodynamic of benzodiazepine and barbiturateExplaining the indication, contraindication and side effects of benzodiazepine and barbiturate Implementing the nature of those drugs to any certain conditionsEvaluating drugs given to patients with insomnia.Knowing other drugs might be used for patient with insomnia

Page 3: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Sedative state Hypnotic state

Page 4: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


NREM4 phasesPhysical processes decreased For relieving physical tiredness Non recalling of and non detail dream Night terror and sleep walking

5HT, adenosin, GABA

REM1 phasePhysical processes increased For relieving mental tirednessDetail, non logical and bizarre dream nightmare



Page 5: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Driven by formation reticulare brain steam and hypothalamusNeurotransmitters:

Excitation: NE, dopamine, histamine Inhibition: 5HT, GABA, adenosine

Page 6: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Difficultly to fall into sleep or sleep cycle incompletely leading to symptoms and life disturbances diminishing of working ability, social and daily life

Page 7: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Classification:Transient insomnia : 2-3 daysShort term insomnia : ≤ 3 weeksLong term insomnia : > 3 weeks

Initial insomnia : difficult to fall into sleepDelayed insomnia : easy to wake up and difficult to gain into sleep againBroken insomnia : multiple awakening

Page 8: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Short acting benzodiazepine

Initial insomniaInitial insomnia

AnxietyAnxiety Depression syndromeDepression syndrome Psychosocial stressPsychosocial stress

Tricyclic and tetracyclicanti depressants agents

• Long acting benzodiazepine• Phenobarbital

Delayed insomniaDelayed insomnia Broken insomniaBroken insomnia

Page 9: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Given 15-30 minutes before night sleepingDose is increased graduallyOptimal dose is maintained for 1-2 weeks followed by tapering offElderly: dose is reduced or given 2-3 times per week

Page 10: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008



CHLORALHIDRATEPARALDEHIDEANTIHISTAMINE: Diphenhidramine, doxylamineNEWER DRUGS: zolpidem, zaleplon, zolpiklon

Page 11: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Bind to its receptors (close to GABA receptors) inhibitory neurotransmitter within the CNS

The receptors-drugs interaction regulates the entrance of Cl into the post synaptic cells.

Commonly used: wide range of safety

Page 12: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Diminish synaptic transmission

Intensify Cl conductance mediated by GABA Prolong GABA effects

Page 13: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008






Page 14: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Depression the CNSLow therapeutic dose

Relief of anxiety, drowsiness, sluggishnessIncreased dose

Muscle relaxation, hypnosis

Relatively safe: distinctive dose for therapy and deathSide effects: minimal related to lacking of GABA neurons in the periphery.

Page 15: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Clinical Uses

AnxietyPharmacotherapy accomplished by counselingUsing the lowest effective dose and the shortest durationChosen drug based on half life unless for depression based anxiety (ALPRAZOLAM)

Page 16: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

InsomniaAltering the normal distribution of REM phase and NREM sleep.

Epilepsy and seizures (clonazepam, diazepam)Sedation, retrograde amnesia and anesthesia Muscle relaxant (diazepam)Alcohol and sedative hypnotic withdrawal (diazepam and chlordiazepoxide)

Page 17: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Clinical Problems

Cross toleranceDependency (physically and mentally)Drug abuseWithdrawal syndrome particularly for barbiturate rebound insomnia, anxiety

Page 18: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Side effects are related to their ability to produce CNS depression: excessive sedation, confusion, impaired motor coordination suppress breathing center, allergy and death.

Interaction: alcohol, other CNS depressants

Page 19: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008


Accidental ingestion suicides Having serious and lethal interaction with other drugs Depressing CNS: sedation – general anesthesia

Clinical use: insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy, seizure, anesthesia.

Page 20: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Side effects : laryngospasmInteraction : oral contraceptive, phenytoin, digitoxin, quinidine etc.

Page 21: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008

Other drugs

Azapirones such as buspirone (5HT)Antihistamines such as diphenhidramine, promethazine, hydroxyzine, etcB-adrenergic blocking agents such as propranolol, particularly somatic anxiety

controversy.Antipsychotic and antidepressants such as chlorpromazine and amitriptyline.

Page 22: Sedative Hypnotic Drugs - Drug Addicts · Sedative Hypnotic Drugs H M Bakhriansyah, dr., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed Department of Pharmacology Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University

HaMBa - 2008