Semantic Interoperability Symposium Stevens Institute of Technology Babio Hall, Room 202 April 11, 2007, 8:30-3:30 Participants Paul Albertelli, Lockheed Martin, Systems Engineer, [email protected] John Boardman, Stevens SSE, Distinguished Service Professor, [email protected] Michael DiMario, Lockheed Martin, Program Manager, [email protected] Rick Dove, Stevens SSE, Industry Professor, [email protected] Alec Gorod, Stevens SSE, Research Assistant, [email protected] Haibo He, Stevens ECE, Assistant professor, [email protected] Victor Lawrence Stevens ECE Dir Cntr for Intelligent Networked Systems victor lawrence@stevens edu Victor Lawrence, Stevens ECE, Dir Cntr for Intelligent Networked Systems, victor.lawrence@stevens.edu Roshanak Nilchiani, Stevens SSE, Research Assistant Professor, [email protected] David Nowicki, Stevens SSE, Research Professor, [email protected] JeanPiere Paillet, TopQuadrant, nc, [email protected] Art Pystor, Stevens SSE, Distinguished Research Professor, art.pystor@stevens.edu [email protected], attributed copies permitted 1 Brian Sauser, Stevens SSE, Assistant professor, [email protected] Yu-Dong Yao, Stevens ECE, Associate Professor, [email protected]

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Page 1: Semantic Interoperability Symposium - parshift.com · could make a major difference in semantic interoperability. ... Leadership Power ... Enterprise A Dimension n Factor m Enterprise

Semantic Interoperability Symposium

Stevens Institute of TechnologyBabio Hall, Room 202April 11, 2007, 8:30-3:30

ParticipantsPaul Albertelli, Lockheed Martin, Systems Engineer, [email protected] Boardman, Stevens SSE, Distinguished Service Professor, [email protected] DiMario, Lockheed Martin, Program Manager, [email protected] Dove, Stevens SSE, Industry Professor, [email protected] Gorod, Stevens SSE, Research Assistant, [email protected] He, Stevens ECE, Assistant professor, [email protected] Lawrence Stevens ECE Dir Cntr for Intelligent Networked Systems victor lawrence@stevens eduVictor Lawrence, Stevens ECE, Dir Cntr for Intelligent Networked Systems, [email protected] Nilchiani, Stevens SSE, Research Assistant Professor, [email protected] Nowicki, Stevens SSE, Research Professor, [email protected] Paillet, TopQuadrant, nc, [email protected] Pystor, Stevens SSE, Distinguished Research Professor, [email protected]

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 1

y g y @Brian Sauser, Stevens SSE, Assistant professor, [email protected] Yao, Stevens ECE, Associate Professor, [email protected]

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Abstract – In the milieu of systems-of-systems, semantic interoperability is the frontier barrier of effective information exchange. Prime examples seeking solution: emergency responders cooperating in response management, war-fighters cooperating in real-time net-

t i t b i li ti i t ti i SOA d b icentric engagement, business applications interacting in SOA and web service environments. This symposium will present multiple profiles of high priority needs for semantic interoperability, then possible solution elements that would combine a new pattern processing/transformation technology with established semantic methodologies. Convergence of Interests: 1) A research thrust in the School of Systems and Enterprise isConvergence of Interests: 1) A research thrust in the School of Systems and Enterprise is developing knowledge, simulators and laboratory tools that will support research and live application in enterprise systems-of-systems investigations. 2) A research thrust in the EECS department is developing knowledge and devices for intelligent networks. 3) A new coprocessor technology is emerging that shows great promise as a semantic engine that p gy g g g p gcould make a major difference in semantic interoperability.Agenda:

• Introductions, Purpose, and ContextI t bilit d th EA R h P Ri k D• Interoperability and the EA Research Program, Rick Dove

• Interoperability and the Center for Intelligent Network Systems, Victor Lawrence• Semantic Interoperability in General, Jean-Pierre Paillet• Semantic Interoperability Challenges in DoD, Michael DimarioSemantic Interoperability Challenges in DoD, Michael Dimario• Semantic Interoperability Proposal Interests, Rick Dove• Semantic technology and employment, Jean-Pierre Paillet• Processor technology and employment, Rick Dove

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 2

• Next Steps - Research Issues and Proposals, John Boardman

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Semantic Interoperability Research Opportunities

Part 1

Interoperabilityand the

Enterprise Architecture Research Program

Rick DoveIndustry ProfessorIndustry Professor

Stevens Institute of TechnologySchool of Systems and Enterprises

[email protected]

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 3

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The genetic DNA code has sub-segments known as chromosomes,that determine the nature of a resultant union

when mated with chromosomes fromanother genetic code.

Systems have similar chromosome-like characteristicsthat interact with their counterparts

i i f t

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 4

in a union of systemsto determine the nature and stability of the resultant SoS.

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Enterprise ArchitectureIntegrated Research Program



A ’A ’

Systems Thinking Toolsand Skill Development

Extended Enterprise Simulation






T l d K l d Extended Enterprise SimulationTools and Knowledge

That Will Enable a Self Organizing

SoS Virtual Environment

Self Organizing SoSVirtual Environment

Multi-DimensionalInter-Operability Profiling

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 5

Rational Systemic Security

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Systems Thinking ToolsNew Ideas

■ Graphic representation of strategy

■ Communication of Strategic Intent

■ Incremental strategy exposition

■ Integrity of Strategic Intent obvious

■ Drag-n-Drop conceptual development

Impact Some Project & Research Opportunities■ Expose holes and contradictions■ Foster clarity and completeness■ Develop holistic systems thinking

■ SystemiTool accessibility

■ Masters classes in application■ Develop holistic systems thinking■ Capture/communicate strategic intent■ Make the complex accessible

■ Drag-n-drop pattern library

■ Concept pattern representation

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 6

■ Develop the art and artists of design■ Create the Julliard of SE education

■ …

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Extended Enterprise SimulationNew Ideas

Si l t i t ti





AnalysisAnalysis ■ Simulate process interactions ■ Interactive IPT/IPPT walk throughs■ War-game what-if resiliency scenarios

T t t i t ti

SimulatorInterface SimulatorInterface


■ Test uncertainty-response options■ Expose interaction disconnects■ Plug and play configuration

P j t ti t i i■ Project execution training■ Situation response training

Impact Some Application & Research Potential

Interactive Planning and Management Tool

■ More accurate cost proposals■ Expedited project plans■ Deep master schedule agreement

■ Process/artifact characterization tool■ Process interaction simulator■ Project time and cost validation

■ Project streamlining verification■ Customer-credibility demonstrations ■ End-to-end plan validation

■ Fall-back alternative-process options■ Remote participants/observers■ Emergency response drill & practice

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 7

■ Re-plan during unanticipated situation■ Reduced project risk

■ Unintended consequence discovery■ Incremental execution management

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Self Organizing SoSNew Ideas

■ Intelligent SoS research platform■ COD optimization (Configure-On-Demand)

■ Discovering compatibility knowledgeg p y g■ Discovering generating functions■ Discovering stability principles■ Web-mining self-learningg g■ Watching for SoS opportunities

Impact Some Research Possibilities

SoS Optimizing Virtual Environment

■ Optimal tactical war-asset deployment■ Optimal project partnerships■ Synergistic team construction

■ Principles for attractors & boundaries■ Principles for willful SoS stability ■ Principles for dynamic balance

■ M&A compatible-candidates search■ M&A results improvement■ Supply-chain optimization

■ Compatibility Modeling (CM)■ Web-mining for CM improvement■ Web-mining for enterprise models

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 8

■ Improved SoS functional quality ■ Objective forcing function■ Genetic algorithm improvement

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New Ideas

Rational Systemic SecurityNew security embeds in enterprise DNA

■ Strategy assumes penetration■ Policy harmonizes with 7 realities ■ Security is systemic/embeddedy y■ Security becomes resilient■ Security practices initiative■ Cyber/Physical security is merged

$S it G

Old Newy y y g

■ Systems thinking is practiced


ROISecurity Gap

Key Pathfinder-Project ElementsImmediate benefits for strategy/policy ■ Compelling value propositionsAction is stimulated and guided■ Technology and knowledge roadmap

■ 20 participating organizations■ Federal co-sponsor■ 3 mos guided discovery workshops

■ Technology and knowledge roadmap

Lead-the-way role models are created■ Core participant organizations

■ Rotating workshop hosts■ Pre-prep & on-site structured analysis■ Frequent thought leader exposure

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 9

Broad community action is catalyzed■ Vision of new security in action

■ 3 mos of deliverable creation■ Constant active public outreach

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Interoperability ProfilingNew Ideas

■ Rich interface dimensions

■ Multiple factors within dimensions■ Multiple factors within dimensions

■ Interoperation compatibility logic

M i th i t l ki d ■ Interoperability optimization

Impact Some Application & Research Potential

Mapping the interlocking codesof system-of-system compatibilities

■ Net-centric warfighter interoperability

■ Urban-situation local data rapid-access

■ Security compatibility■ Semantic interoperability ■ Cultural compatibility

■ Emergency responder collaboration

■ Web services negotiated relationships

■ M&A success-likelihood measures

■ Key dimensions: … ethics, behavior, activity speed, governance, …

■ Key factors within dimensions

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 10

■ M&A success-likelihood measures

■ Project partnership evaluations■ Optimization functions■ …

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Interoperability Profiling

Mapping the mating codesMapping the mating codesof system-of-system compatibilities

Process Semantics Security Culture Governance Ethics1) Dimensions

Process Semantics Security Culture Governance Ethics …

Structural Relationship

2) FactorsFactorsFactors Factors Factors FactorsFactors




3) Compatibility Math

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 11

) p yEnterprise ADimension n

Factor m

Enterprise BDimension n

Factor m

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Team builder - CoachFirst among equals - Participative

Authoritative/directiveMaintain power


Example: Culture and the Leadership/Management FactorCOLLABORATION CONTROL

First among equals ParticipativeRepresentative - Integrator

Trust builder - Commitment builderRealistic - Ensure utilization of diversity

Bring in the right mix of talent

Maintain powerConservative/cautious

Commanding - Firm/assertiveDefinitive - Tough-minded

Shot caller - Realistic


Participative - CollegialDemocratic - Relational

Supportive - People drivenPersonal - EmotionalAdaptive - Informal


Methodical - SystematicCareful - Conservative

Policy and procedure orientedTask driven - Impersonal




Catalyst - Cultivator/harvesterEmpower/enable - Inspire/enlivenCommitment builder - PotentializerAppeal to common vision - Steward


Standard setter - Challenge subordinatesSet exacting expectations - Visionary

Stretch people/push limits - TaskmasterRecruit the most competent - Incentivizer


LeadershipFocus Appeal to common vision Steward

Promoter/motivator - Maker of meaningFoster self expression

People driven - PersonalRelaxed - Emotional

Recruit the most competent IncentivizerEmphasize what’s possible - Architect of systems

Assertive convincing persuader

Task driven - ObjectiveRational/analytical - Intense


One example to show prior workin cultural dimension as possiblefactors for b ilding profiles andAttentive - Promotive

Nurturant - HumanisticEnabling/empowering

Purposive - Committed

Challenging - Efficient/crispImpersonal - Hard to satisfy

MBO/MBR in natureFormal - EmotionlessPossibility



factors for building profiles andassessing compatibility

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 12

From: The Reengineering Alternative - A Plan for Making your Current Culture Work, William E. Schneider. This is one of fivetables characterizing the core organizational cultures mapped by Schneider, a clinical psychologist who consults on organizationaldevelopment and change. The other four map the Structural, Power, Strategic, and Relationship focus factors. The vertical axisreflects what a culture pays attention to - the content - and ranges from what is to what might be. The horizontal axis reflects theprocess of how a culture makes decisions - and ranges from impersonal analysis to personal/interpersonal involvement.

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Interoperability Profiling – Some Research Areas

Process WIP from Extended Enterprise SimulationProcessProcessSemanticsSecurity


WIP from Extended Enterprise SimulationNew focus – white papers and proposals

Next up





Pool of interest, awaiting champions


What order should they come in? Implies importance weighting!Of the many factors in each dimension, which are relevant? When? What

th i i t f t i ht ?are their inter-factor weights?What is the nature of the compatibility function between two entities? Is it domain dependent? Is it objective (forcing-function) dependent?What is the nature of an optimization function?

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 13

What is the nature of an optimization function?Can profiles be discovered at arms length (news sifting, other sources)?

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Enterprise ArchitectureIntegrated Research Program



A ’A ’

Systems Thinking Toolsand Skill Development

Extended Enterprise Simulation






T l d K l d Extended Enterprise SimulationTools and Knowledge

That Will Enable a Self Organizing

SoS Virtual Environment

Self Organizing SoSVirtual Environment

Multi-DimensionalInter-Operability Profiling

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 14

Rational Systemic Security

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Semantic Interoperability Research Opportunities

Part 2

Proposal Interests

Rick DoveIndustry Professor

Stevens Institute of TechnologySchool of Systems and Enterprises

[email protected]

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 15

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Net Centric WarfareThe building of the tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel, 1563 Oil on oak panel, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna

Tower of Babel

Many of the players speak a different language,Many of the players speak a different language, have different values, perceive things differently, accomplish things differently, and have different approaches to security….

t t b i t t d i l ti

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 16

… yet must be integrated in real-time.

Mike Kern, Jun 2005, FORCENet

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DARPA – Rapid Data Base Amalgamation


(New Thinking Exists Since This Slide Was Made)

p g p g p g pp

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 17© Stevens Institute of Technology

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DARPA – Rapid Data Base Amalgamation

EII(Current Thinking – Todd Huges)

Local unrelated DBs Also links toEnterpriseInformationIntegrationArmory




Local unrelated DBsin latest militaryhot spot

Also links tomilitary






DBData Space(to some)

VirtualKey Metrics:Rapid Set Up

Rapid Customization

VirtualData Base

pLimited Expertise

Little Training

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 18

Military-User Custom-Interest/Semantic Views

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This RFI seeks information on relevant technologies and concepts that could form the basis for a DARPA program to develop a Strategic Collaboration capability i e a network enabled

DARPA/IXO – Emergency Response Strategic Collaboration

for a DARPA program to develop a Strategic Collaboration capability, i.e., a network-enabled collaborative environment (tools, processes, embedded metrics, organizing principles, new concepts of operations, runtime analysis, etc.) within which large numbers of people (1,000s of people from 100s of organizations, with different experiences, cultures, expertise, and concepts/constructs/languages) can come together in top-directed organizations, as well as p g g ) g p g ,emergent communities (communities of interest), in discourse and collaboration (each with their own language using their own tools, procedures, methods, etc.) to detect, recognize, conceptualize, represent, and experiment with the extremely complex problems of large scale SSTR/HADR operations, beyond any one person’s experience or comprehension to solve alone within the context of a single integrated environment (gaming simulation andsolve alone, within the context of a single integrated environment (gaming, simulation, and instrumented C2). Specifically, this RFI seeks information on relevant technologies, capabilities, and concepts in the following areas:

1. Semantic Glue: Provide individuals from diverse organizations and cultures, g ,speaking different languages and having different goals, the ability to collaborate in support of SSTR/HADR operations. “Semantic Glue” refers to the collection of technologies and capabilities that will enable strategic collaboration by providing lightweight, adaptive and interactive representation schemes (language, icons, and geospatial graphics) for

h i i f ti id f d i ith diff t f f t ( iexchanging information, across a wide array of devices with different form factors (ranging from cell phones to desk top computers), in environments with varying network bandwidth and reliability, while providing semantically meaningful information appropriate to the individual, organization, form factor, and network capacity.2 etc

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 19

2. etc……

SSTR: Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction; HADR: Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief http://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/SN07-28/Synopsis.html

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AFRLSolicitation Number: Reference-Number-BAA-06-08-IFKA

Synopsis - Posted on Dec 15, 2005M difi ti t P i N ti P t d D t J 23 2007Modification to a Previous Notice Posted Date: Jan 23, 2007


In FY07 this solicitation seeks innovative approaches and technologies forIn FY07, this solicitation seeks innovative approaches and technologies for achieving ontological mediation between different domains, vocabularies, information sources, and services. Capabilities of particular interest include ontological interoperability technologies which contribute to our ability to: (a) provide a coordinated view across multiple data sources and knowledgeprovide a coordinated view across multiple data sources and knowledge representations, (b) mediate over mappings between multiple data sources and formats into a format conducive to knowledge-based analytical tools and intelligence analysts, (c) consolidate, disambiguate and normalize multi-source data into concrete knowledge representations and (d) exchange and reusedata into concrete knowledge representations, and (d) exchange and reuse inference-capable knowledge representations across differing contexts.

In FY08, this solicitation seeks innovative approaches for information sharing and

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 20

, pp gsystems interoperability.


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JTRS and InteroperabilityPage 4/5 - GAO-06-955 Defense Acquisitions - Software-defined radios such as JTRS primarily use software rather than hardware to control how the radio works and becauseprimarily use software rather than hardware to control how the radio works and, because they are programmable, JTRS offers significant flexibility to meet a wide variety of needs. Rather than developing radios that are built to different standards and operate on different fixed frequencies, as was the case in the past, JTRS is to be a single, interoperable family of radios based on a common set of standards and applications. The radios are expected to not only satisfy the requirements common to the military’s three operational domains—air,not only satisfy the requirements common to the military s three operational domains air, sea, and ground—but be able to communicate directly with many of DOD’s existing tactical radios. To facilitate interoperability, JTRS will develop a set of waveforms (software radio applications) designed with the same operating characteristics as many of DOD’s existing radios.Depending on operational needs different waveforms could be loaded onto a JTRS radioDepending on operational needs, different waveforms could be loaded onto a JTRS radio and used to communicate with a variety of other radios.In addition to supporting interoperability, JTRS is to contribute to DOD’s goal of network centric warfare operations by introducing new wideband networking waveforms that dramatically increase the amount of data and speed at which the data can be transmitted. As y psuch, the waveforms would facilitate the use of maps, imagery, and video to support the decision making of tactical commanders at all echelons.Page 16 - GAO-06-955 Defense Acquisitions - Interim solutions for network interoperability: To achieve DOD’s desired networking capabilities, the waveforms must be able to interoperate reliably and securely with each other The optimal solution is to have thisinteroperate reliably and securely with each other. The optimal solution is to have this functionality performed inside JTRS radios as it reduces the overall footprint of the communication network. However, technologies and radio designs are not mature enough at this point to develop an interoperability capability that would function inside individual JTRS radios. Thus, for the initial increment, interoperability between the waveforms may be facilitated by developing gateway devices that reside outside of the JTRS radio This should

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 21

facilitated by developing gateway devices that reside outside of the JTRS radio. This should help developers mitigate integration challenges.

Sep 2006 -- http://www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-06-955

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DHSEmergency Response Interests

Deputy Director of the new Risk Management group is connecting us.

NSAVariety of InterestsVariety of Interests

Two potential PhD students from NSA have interests in this space, but could not be here today.p , y

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 22

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Semantic Interoperability Research Opportunities

Part 3

Processor Technology and Employment Application

Rick DoveIndustry Professor

Stevens Institute of TechnologySchool of Systems and Enterprises

[email protected]

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 23

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Foundation: Semantic Interoperability Architectural Concept(one of a number of possibilities)

Real enterprise-infrastructure example implemented at a semiconductor foundry

People My OtherOracle OtherAdexaOracle PeopleSoft Apps


OtherAppsMyFab Oracle

11i AppsOther




Fab #1 Fab #n A&T #1 A&T #n

Pub/Sub BusLingua Franca A&T =

Assembly & Test PlantFab =

Foundry Plant

Fab #1 Fab #n A&T #1 A&T #n

• = Bus Interface Module (BIM)• = Semantic Interoperability/Translation Module

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 24


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Foundation: Breakthrough Semantic Processor

Real-time-programmable, general-purpose pattern recognition processorSemiconductor – RAM/ASIC/FPGAMassively parallel associative/systolic array with progress logicHybrid DFA/NFA machineFastest least expensive highest capacity pattern recognizerFastest, least expensive, highest capacity pattern recognizer

Constant speed, regardless of pattern complexityThroughput at wire speed, no matter how fast the wire gets (mostly)g p p , g ( y)

One processor chip can accommodate 1 million pattern featuresCan accommodate unlimited number of reference patternsS l f li it d f t / ttScales for unlimited features/patterns

No-penalty complexity breakthroughReduce false positives and negatives significantlyReduce false positives and negatives significantlyEnd the wire-speed race in network routing and filteringCollapses complex, exponential sequence alignment to a linear process Intelligence data-mining can be intelligent

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 25

This is a launch engine for the emerging semantic technology era

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USee™ Pattern Recognition Processor Technologypackaged under a DHS project as apackaged under a DHS project as a

General Purpose Application Development Prototyping Platform(PCI board and SDK)

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 26

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Research Leverage: Breakthrough Semantic Processor

Real-time-programmable, general-purpose pattern recognition processor

(Kennen Technologies will make this technology available to appropriate Stevens research programs)

Semiconductor – RAM/ASIC/FPGAMassively parallel associative/systolic array with progress logicHybrid DFA/NFA machineFastest least expensive highest capacity pattern recognizerFastest, least expensive, highest capacity pattern recognizer

Constant speed, regardless of pattern complexityThroughput at wire speed, no matter how fast the wire gets (mostly)g p p , g ( y)

One processor chip can accommodate 1 million pattern featuresCan accommodate unlimited number of reference patternsS l f li it d f t / ttScales for unlimited features/patterns

No-penalty complexity breakthroughReduce false positives and negatives significantlyReduce false positives and negatives significantlyEnd the wire-speed race in network routing and filteringCollapses complex, exponential sequence alignment to a linear process Intelligence data-mining can be intelligent

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 27

This is a launch engine for the emerging semantic technology era

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New Technology in Search of Application-Breakthrough Opportunities Overview of Kennen DHS Project

Patent-pending breakthrough co-processor IP for pattern recognitionA General purpose NFA pattern-processor chip – for data stream analysisIf fabricated as a single chip in current VLSI RAM technology:

Capacity: 1 million pattern features/chip, any number of patternsThroughput: ~ 1 GB/sec (per processor chip)Latency: One cycle, fixedProduction Cost: RAM equivalentPower/heat: Very lowScalability: Virtually unlimited

Can/will also be fabricated in ASIC/SoC and FPGA

A DHS Security Application in Search of a SolutionDHS S&T end-point hardware assisted security

SBIR Phase 1 Dec 2005 – June 2006 (6 mos)SBIR Phase 2 Mar 2007 – Sep 2008 (18 mos)

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 28

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Processor CharacteristicsReal-time-programmable, general-purpose symbol-string processorSemiconductor – RAM/ASIC/FPGAMassively parallel associative/systolic array with progress logicHybrid DFA/NFA machineFastest, least expensive, highest capacity pattern recognizer , p , g p y p g

Constant speed, regardless of pattern complexityThroughput at wire speed, no matter how fast the wire gets (mostly)g p p , g ( y)

One processor chip can accommodate 1 million pattern featuresCan accommodate unlimited number of reference patternspScales for unlimited features/patterns

No-penalty complexity breakthroughNo penalty complexity breakthroughReduce false positives and negatives significantlyEnd the wire-speed race in network routing and filteringCollapses complex sequence alignment exponential to linear process

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 29

Collapses complex sequence alignment exponential to linear process Intelligence data-mining gets intelligentLaunch engine for semantic technology era

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A Processor Made of Memory Cells

Aggregation Networkcnt cnt


Activation Network1 1111





1 1111F







3-bit 111


1 111111111

activate self

LFeature cells are plentiful in this architecture.

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 30

k r u n !S e e D i c

activate self activate others

aggregate results

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4 other cells may causeactivation

11111 M



1Feature Cell256 x 3bits








fedcba 1







. 1








[email protected], attributed copies permitted 31activate others


activate self declare results

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Continuous Content Filtering(Demonstrating Aggregation Network in IDS-Signature Challenge)

100,000 patterns10 features each, on average

Output Registerfor one character cycle

(Demonstrating Aggregation Network in IDS Signature Challenge)

10 features each, on average1 million feature cells total1 GigaByte/sec throughput

for one character cycle could display pattern ID + attention flag

at the moment a pattern is completed...continuously without interruption

30 Aggregation Lines to Encode the Output Registergg g p g

1 Million Cells100,000Patterns

becomes time to hoist the flag there are no shirkers. Rea l ity sets in and the nose starts to bleed. But then, that's

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 32

becomes time to hoist the flag there are no shirkers. Rea l ity sets in and the nose starts to bleed. But then, that s

uninterrupted constant-speed packet stream

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And If The Wire is Faster (eg, optical) Than a USee Processor Cycle....

Use multiple USee processor chips working on different flow-packets in parallel.

Some latency is introduced, but throughput can be maintained at wire speed.


DeMux MuxUSee



interleaved packets/flows


[email protected], attributed copies permitted 33

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Intel Data Mining: Synonyms Easily Accommodated

dog chases cat


runs afterpumatabbypit bull




tabbymain coon







[email protected], attributed copies permitted 34

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An Acuity Demonstration(not a serious spam demo)

We have tried to contact you regarding our slashing of prcies. Special bundles now available. Please check us out for the chpest mdecationhttp://www.xxxLightCleaning.info

Vlisagra - $3.3 Levithra - $3.3 Cialtis - $3.7 Imitrkex - $16 4Imitrkex $16.4 Ammblem - $2.2

Visit our new online pharmcy store and saveup to 85% Todays special offers:Todays special offers: VIAG for as low as $1.62 P/D CIAL (super viag) for as low as $4.38 P/D LEVIT for as low as $4.44 P/D ... and much much more special offers today.

You Need 15 Minutes To Be Ready For Action. - All popular items are available - Free shipping worlwide

No Precsripitons

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 35

- No Precsripitons- 100% Customer Satisfaction

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Eliminating False Positives and False negativesWith Additional ContextWith Additional Context

120 cells - 4 matches in the SPAM example

# Find spelling variations with additional context......# One entry from both of the following in either order# One entry from both of the following, in either order

# Viagra OR Levitra OR Ambien OR cheap OR meds OR pharmacy OR store# $n.nn | URL

2 of /\s(v[iagsr@l|! ]{3,8} )|(l[ evihtra@]{3,7} )|(a[mbil1en ]{3,6}[mn])|(c[heapes]{3,7}[pt] *(medz)|(m[edicatiozil1]{4,8}[ns]))|(p[ha@rmac]{4,7}y\s+store)/i /($ *[\d.]{1,5})|((http:\/\/)|(www\.)([\w]+\.){0,3}\w+\.(com)|(net)|(tv)|(info))

/i ;/i ;

Note: Combining the non-context and in-context examples takes 142 cells and yields 27 matches –this hit density could be used as a probability indicator.

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 36

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Similar Problem – Major BreakthroughQuery Sequence (lq=32) 8 pair duplicate

01 g02 g03 c04 c05 g




c g g c c g a g a c a g g c g a c a a c a a t g g c c g a g a g q


01 g02 g03 c04 c05 g05 g

06 a07 g08 a09 c10 a11 a











lq x lc= 1088

exponentialold way

05 g06 a07 g08 a09 c10 a11 a

12 c13 a14 g15 g16 c17 g18 a







old way 12 c13 a14 g15 g16 c17 g18 a18 a

18 t20 g21 c22 a23 t24 g g




a lc=34

linearnew way

18 a18 t20 g21 c22 a23 t24 gg

25 g26 c27 c28 g29 a30 g31 a













g25 g26 c27 c28 g29 a30 g31 a


[email protected], attributed copies permitted 37Collection Sequence (lc=34)

31 a32 g33 c34 a



31 a32 g33 c34 a


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Language Translation – Roughly Speaking(Spanish to English, for instance)

Preprocessing a document with 11,000 words -- W=11,000

1) Ignore non-essential words -- W=10,0002) Separate into overlapping 5-word phrases -- W=50 0002) Separate into overlapping 5-word phrases -- W=50,000

111 222 333 444 555222 333 444 555 666

333 444 555 666 777etc… etc …

3) Expand each word into a collection of 5 synonyms -- W=250,000

111a 222a 333a 444a 555a111b111c111d111e





+ + + +

4) Mark and remove duplicates -- W=240,0005) Pack and load -- W=120,000 … at 7 character/word average ≡ 840,000 Feature Cells

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 38

6) Score hits in 50-Gig reference stream at 1 Gig/sec = 50 secs, or 5 sec with 10x parallel 7) Assemble translated document – Note that total time will add pre and post processing

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Showing Parallel Pattern Recognition Capabilityin the genomic-sequence problem space

I P l t t t #31 f d t t iti t k

data stream

Image: Processor emulator at step #31 of a data-stream recognition task

3 “regular expressions” defining 3 patterns,h ith 3 b tt t d b b d d “d ’t ”each with 3 sub-patterns separated by bounded “don’t care” gaps

Pattern #1 has been recognized

Yellow cells are “active”,each is comparing its

interests to the “current”

Blue network activates“next look” feature cells

based on “this look”

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 39

Feature cells in the processor -- that implement the 3x3 pattern query shown above in the compile window

data stream character (“t”) satisfaction

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PCI Card with FPGA and SDKOctober 2007

• DHS SBIR Phase 2 Prototyping Project (started March 2007)• Thrust: General purpose platform for data stream content analysis• Will produce application developer's platform: FPGA PCI board with SDK• Will produce application developer s platform: FPGA-PCI board with SDK• First boards available in October 2007• Boards will be used to seed market application development• Project focus will be security/network/NIC applications• Project focus will be security/network/NIC applications

...but other pattern-detection applications will also be seeded• Goal: at least 5 security application commercialization commitments

Goal: At least one ASIC/SoC development commitment• Goal: At least one ASIC/SoC development commitment• Goal: At least one NIC/LOM general purpose platform

Other Application Goals ( ith sec rit rele ant fall o t)• Other Application Goals (with security-relevant fall-out): ...Bio-sequence alignment, intelligence data mining, unstructured search, System-of-System semantic interoperability, semantic disambiguation, complex human-query unstructured search, etc

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 40

p q y

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Kennen’s Commercialization Strategy Foundation

• Kennen is an IP licensing company, -- must entice others to make a market in products and services

• Application opportunities are broader than any one company, -- multiple players with different specialties will be engaged

• FPGA offers speed-to-market and flexibility (12 months),ASIC offers higher capacity, lower costs, and flexibility (18 months),RAM offers lowest cost, highest capacity & speed (24 months)-- all paths have advantages p g

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 41

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Application Developers Sought Explore benefits and nature of signature complexityExperiment with pattern program writingExperiment with re-casting security solutionsFeasibility and prototype-application developmentAd i f t ill tAdvise on features you will want

Enables new approaches to old problemsEnables innovative applications not previously economicEnables innovative applications not previously economic

Some applications may go to market on FPGA/PCI boardSome applications may want custom FPGA configurations Others will migrate to ASIC/SoC and VLSI processors

To Get InvolvedEmulator available nowEmulator available nowFPGA/PCI board with SDK available in October ... at costTraining classes will be providedCollaborative Web community will be developed

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 42

Collaborative Web community will be developed

Contact [email protected]

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SummarySemantic Interoperability is a major and urgent problem. Major because large

ff t (JTRS SOA FCS) l l ti U t b jefforts (JTRS, SOA, FCS) rely on a solution. Urgent because major programs-in-process assume a solution will arrive in time.

Semantic Interoperability in-the-large does not have a demonstrable effectiveSemantic Interoperability in-the-large does not have a demonstrable effectivesolution. Current technical approaches impose restrictive and unrealistic constraints and controls on the scope of the problem (common “language”, customization expertise).

Interoperability in general is insufficiently respected/addressed by systems that must collaborate in a System of Systems (DoD Joint Programs).

Stevens sits at the nexus of advanced Systems Engineering education, Systems of Systems research, agile systems and systems in-the-large thinking, professional practicing system engineers, the interoperability-frontier

i h i h d d i dcommunity, the open-community research and education concept, and a breakthrough semantic processor technology.

The nature of the problem and the nature of these assets is a unique and

[email protected], attributed copies permitted 43

The nature of the problem and the nature of these assets is a unique and synergistic combination. New thinking, new technology, and new process will naturally converge on a reusable, scalable, effective solution.