Yr THE INTERIOR JOURNAL STANFORD KY JULY lR10021 In flUInc your wo uso i propor1tlonl l yon UB price which la always rcnsonablo Pen nrs Urne Store tPERSONALS Mn M P EuriN loft for Cblo io WcUuoiUay Mil A II SHVBRANOBwai over from JcssHtnlno county EKNKST WAIWBN came down from Mlddlceboro yesterday MRS C T DOHON of Hudtoovlliu la with Mr T J Poster TKAIN MASTM L hh WBSTHHKIHLU T U oojoylng a month rest Miss JAMERON of Iarli U the guest of Mitt Luoy Miller Glvcna MR AND MRS C W ADAMS of Bus toovlllo wore bore yesterday DR AND MRs J W AOTON Of Klnjjivlllo wore here yesterday I fMItB 1MtY J MILLBK wbo It at Spring It very sick l MltIL E SALLKK and wife of Dan f I tllle dayMISS patted up to Livingston jester t J JOSDIIIINB IlAYDKN of Paris U with her grandmother Mrs PamelU Drown Miss MYRTLE AiitiAMB II with her aunt Mrs AI Grccnbum at Vcr lallle Miss ANNIE KUNNEUY of Rich mood It with Mines Maggie and Polly Traylor DR J F PRYTOX and Mutt J O Hays and Kd Carter are at Dripping Springl SARA HAOKLKY is vlettia Mrs Anna Wltbortpoon Drye at liar rodiburg Mn AND MRS J OlIRISTMAN arc spending the week with relatives a lllchmood CUARLKY DOIION J R of tho Wes t End is with his relatives Mr and Mr TJ Foster Miss MAR MoCULUAii of Ruarl Springs Tenn Is with her sister Mm t N U AlUo Mus J FRANK WALTON of Clooln oat has joined her ton at Mr and Mr Horace Drown MIss BEDLAM ANAnsPALB of Har ¬ rodsburg has bon with Mile Irate Boglo Buitonvlllo Miss 1ouv TRAYLOR of Stanford E lI the guest of Mr Aroblo Robertson 9 Lexington AvoNowl GnOItOF D WBATilKKTORD Of Hut i tonvllle was here Wednesday on hi I I t way to the Richmond lairT MIBS JBSRIR D COOKB of Nashville wbo Is visiting Min Anna held at fluM tonvllle has been quite 111 I MR DONALD DiciC and MUs Joan Dick of Crab Orchard were here Tuesday enroute to the Richmond fair t Mnfisns j T IIAVB and A K Walker of Garrard were hero jester jy day The former paid this office A call ROUKKT AND CARTER LooAN of Loulirllle are visiting the families Ed Carter and J II Baug manJ MRS WALTBR PBRKINS and con George of Garrard returned with Mln Jennie Newland yesterday and are her guests r MR ARM > DIIOADDUS his pretty t bride and Mill Ella May Saunders went i fUD to Livingston Wednesday to visit W R Dllllon MR E P OWSLBY wife and daug upP wbo are glad to leo them MRS LRRHUKFMAN and Miss An Huffman will leave In two week for tboI i Edltbk man of Florida aro guests of MUs An DO Cover at her country homo Miss FANNIE PEARL VANDIVEER is 0 learning to be chlaf clerk In the post ofllco In the place of George D Flor Ieoce who will return to school soon Miss MARY A MCROIJERTS will en tcrtaln from 5 to 8 this evening In hoe or of MInci Lottie McRobcrta of Lan ¬ caster and Josephine Hayden of Par j1 fII MRS MATTIE ALVERSON mother of I Mr JM Alverton of this office w- eight blues and four red lice on cake 1 etc at tho Richmond Elks Fair Mrs A Is hard to beat In the cake linos ° 4 takI at Borca are young men than Mr Sautley and bis friends i d hero gave him up with much regret Washt ¬ 3 i Government Printing Olllce to tbo Treasury Department at an Increased salary 1 Mn AND MRS M D HraiiES Bro in LouUvllle for a few day They aro expected home next week from a do ligbtful visit to their daughter Mrs Percy Noland of Lynd Washington Mrs George A McRoberta of Coving ton le visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Joo Burnslde Misses Naun Earl Tanner of Tons nod Ruth Tanner of McKlnnoy are guests of Mrs W K Shugars Central Record i 1 Clt3Ie MSS SELMA XIMMKRMAN of Flori ¬ da Is with her slater Mrs Charles E Cox MIss Fu1ttENCr TRUeHEAttT leaves In a few days for a visit to relative at Huntington W Va MR R n09r sTEIN Is running the Now York Store while Mr C Ro en roodlI who suffered a of paralysis soma day ago Is coodltlonI Ions frlouds woro delightfully enter- ed lost evening In honor of her guMt Mice Jarotton of Parse Miss Olveok proved a very charming hostels LOCALS l MUTHS bread at Ferris ft Coe SUJIMBR earnest again with us a CRAU OooilARD fair July 23 21 and 25 II I SEE our new 127 sago Cheapest thing over put on file market Warm lag closet plenty hot water Geo H Farris Se Co II Intp clean as a now pin and as pretty as a girl of sweet 1- 0Titecolored people of Hustonvllle beilonlnRWednel the grounds of tbo white association COL J P CHANDLER tulle us that clHuswovillo bard to find a better man for file Job M SON have moved their itoek of goods to Loultvllle They did eng the manager Charley Snyder became dlsiatlifled Ut ore to meet In tho Icetur room of the Christian church at 4 r M Wednesday 28rd Important business Is to be transacted PBAOHBS Karly last week KxMay or William Daugberty enjoyed luscious peaoho from his own orchard lie COIl tainly dues bead the list In this section as a raiser of early peaches MARSHAL RIDDIK of Crab Orchard patted throuh to Douglas county Illi ¬ Dole Wednesday altar Boyd Blanton charged with killing a man named Uurkbart In tlarlan county two rant ago HORTON J U ElOrtoa aged 23 died of typhoid fever near Klngivllle uesday after an Illness of three weokt A wife and several children survive r Horton woe a good citizen and strict member of the Christian churot- pep MORRIS PlUm received Tuesday from hi parent at Nonogradwolenik Rui da a box of loans etc that bo great ly appreciates Most of tbo work was- dono by ills aged mother and that makes them all trio more treasured by him 01WEDNESDAY wal the time for t regular annual meeting of tbo Cu berland Valley Land Co Tbo old board WAil reelected by tbo stockholders owing to the sect that a quorum of t directors was not present no btnlne was transacted Ofl TO OTbo vote on the issuance j 0000 worth of geode for trio erection Wedgeb s ¬ fag against Now that the mooted question Is settled lets bucklo down bno e DIUDOF HER BURNS Mary Eliza Anderson colored who fell with lamp at Mr T L Carpenters In t West End tomo 10 days ago and was fearfully burned by the explosion that followed died Wednesday night after Intense suffering Both Mr and Mrs Carpenter sustained severe burns whl trying to oxtingulib the flames Ton Crab Orchard talc bogies next Wednesday 23rd and It premises to bo a success from every standpoint Stock will be thorn from many counties and the prospects for largo crowds dally are most flattering Excursion trains will atoa il given from all point on trio L Jr N Go and have a good time and at the time help a laudable county en tdrprlso along DANVILLE A B Robertson B arc preparing to Install In their to a system of Barri cash and parcel ca tiers an Improvement that is belt generally adopted by all up todate stores It will bo Installed about first of next week Ten young ladf representing as many different towns have entered tbo vocal contest to given at the opera house next Tuesd night Mrs Richard Foley who has been in tho millinery business In Dan vlllo for many years has sold her eta ro to Miss Mlnnlo Eastbam Some con fusion has arisen with regard to ti dates of tbo two fairs In Danville this year Trio white fair will bo held Au gust 0 7 and 8 Cbenault Huguely threshed a crop of 10 acres of rye which averaged 31l bushels to the aereAi ¬ rococo NEW wash goods Severance Son I r HUSTONVILLE FAIR July 30 31 and I Aug 1 II I PURE pickling vinegar John Bright Jr Co II- r Go to urn Clco Drown where you can get your Summer millinery accent SHE our stoves ranges before you buy Terms soap George IL Farris fc Co II Nsw outing other pretty and stylish millinery just In Mrs Garland Singleton selTuesday a beautiful line of Duck Linen and Felt Outing date Mrs Oleo Drown A NLa1nBR ofoung people from Stanford were guests at a swell 0 I oclock dinner given by Miss Jean Warren at Warrenwood near Dan vllle heWirtt day the patrons of the Crab Orchard talc willed begins next Wednesday are not likely to want for something to terest them I Sadoe 15000 acres of lu cat j tnation gin at once SOME 20 or more couples were charmingly entertained Tuesday evo og by Misses Katherino and Sara countrlbomo ful lunch was caned which was great ly enjoyed by those who were fortunate ough to be present NOTICE beams tbo aim of the Central Ky Real Estate Exchange to properte Y S to sell or It forced to tell and thereby secure a low price on soma and hold out some Inducement to buyer Read their list carefully and leo tbo bargains oaeredII Miss HOST J B WILLIS of Crab Orchard Springs bat Issued a band some fourpage folder setting out the advantages of his model Summer re ¬ sort Some splendid cute appear In the well gotten up advertisement Miss Saeray Stanford excellent photogra prier made the pictures from which the cuts were taken Tux attention of our readers is call ed to the advertisement of tbo two byGeorge bea s on arm as Bread Point near tho Knob Lick ShelbyOlty pcctlvo buyers are Invited to look at both place when they desire and take dinner with mo at the Trlbble House Junction City on the day of sale I will also sell at the lame time 100 acres of growing corn and rent 100 acrei of Tm Beech Point farm contains 193 acre alsoho roomsse arm one acre of land Remember both place of Shelby HUSTONVILLEt representedt next week Misses Rose and Marguerite McCor mask entertained the young society 6opeople very delightfully at their homo near town Wednesday evening Miss Myrtle Dryc of Bradfordsvlllo Mrs Thomas and Mr Burkwln and wife of Cincinnati are with Miss Mla nale Dlnwlddto Miss Miller of Boyle with Miss Josio Goode George D Weatherford Is In Rich mood ostensibly to attend that Fair but really to have a now cut made for the Hustonvlllo Fair Dally which pea ¬ pIe who have known him only for the past 20 years may be ablo to recognize Mrs M J Adams of Danville Is with relatives here Miss Anna Crowe leaves next week for an extended visit to friends In Lexington and Nicholas vlllo W B Powell Is In towQ copra tenting the harness house of Powell Sons Danville M G Thomson prin ¬ isro addingra Ir towng string of valuable horses ho will bring Fairea 18Q huno bought 50 yearling mules at 855 Harrodsburg Democrat William Parrls Is In Jill at Knox toa W A Owings was kicked and severely hurt by a horse One hundred and fifty cases of small pox are reported at Stonega Va John Anderson wile murdered his wife was lynched at Owcnsboro HUBHLEI Tllford Meteor hoe bought him a now hay baler A R Mooro will till his pulpit at the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock recentlybored community as the water le good iron and plentiful oburebhave roof pointing of their church to be done next week on hogsbarley blmjleU their families are visiting in Lexing ¬ ton Mr and Mrs Wm Tewmy were here a law days last week with their parentsC Wither sold some oats at 110 per ton delivered In Stanford Dr llcklo sold his bay horse for 876 John toblnson lost a good mule from over at last week Miss Flonnie Hammonds Is with rel- atives ¬ In Somerset for a tow doge J rlllbtbadly at work at isle trade In Danville with muel Harding L C King sold the remainder of his corn to Lancaster parties at 325 at crib Garrett Woods has contract ¬ cropla Swlnebroad has sold some of his crop at 60o delivered In Danville James McKechnlea lather from Wayne Is visiting him for a few days Mite Ila Rankin will teach our public school this Fell Dr HJcklo will teach at Crab Orchard We are glad to note that Mrs E T Minor Is at dome from Joseph Prlco Infirmary doing nicely CarpenterEd ¬ nence where he has a railroad con- tract MATRIMONIAL James R Vlnson and Miss Minnie W Davidson were married Wednesday at H T Davidson near South Fork FOR SALE j I have a 12hone Traction Engine alto a now Shredder for sate You can et a bar gala Clue correr MIllcdpoTll ICy Mason Hotel MRS U D SIMPSON Pror Lancaster t Kentucky splendidlabia meet all trains 59 BROWN a BROW- NAttorneysatLaw Office In Masonic Bldg SOMERSET Room 9 KY Will practice In all the State Courts also CourtaiCollectloos Hustonville Property for Sale propertysl lIullonllleICy atraged Ueryburn or hotel and livery and good va- cant ¬ lot for private residence It desired Everlasting water In abundance Property I well arranged for private and youwant call on or address n S Carpenter Huston ¬ vllle Ky c O BOt1IE Popular Excursions to Old Point Comfort and Ocean View Va for Round Trip J Jj Good 15 Day7 Tickets will be sold July 15 and 20 Aug 10 and Sept S Stopover allowed In moon ¬ tains Full Information at O k O Ticket Office Phoenix Hotel Lexington JOHN D POTTS A Q P A CEO W BARNEY D PA PUBLIC SALE SaturdayAugust known as McCarley farm on Lan theI In a good state of cultivation is mostly In grass Is well watered with two well- springs and ponds The residence was dam ¬ cyclonehut repair will also sell two good horses well broke to ride and drive one 2 and the other goodI Ing machine and rake nowcuttlng harrow Safe to begin at 10 e u sharp Terms made known on day of sale I Ky0P CECIL CTTTRON Junction City Ky Wholesale Dealers and Bottlers o- fSODA POP and all kinds of soft drinks Write for prices i Special Sale of Shirts 1 oi 49c R EACHI J SEE OUR WINDOWS 1 a I Cummins L1 McClary I 0 p J N 11JVI fJ1J 7iI f1o3o s y tZq p e yi Gy a3a > rq elC e 1C > e > i1 Eey f < ANEW LOT HATS Ca S ° Latest styles In felt and crash t8 4a a 9tm8g Special Shipment Negligee Shirts v t e Neat light colors and tan Those are I ai 3 the very newest things In the market l 1 v4 gotten out for the fairs resorts etc 8 f e reeoy > a j s j P H J McRoberts I to t e 8 t d OOtt e O iifaov k Y tIi ci I 1 A SUGGESTION ABOUT SHIRTS I 1 Gentlemen who want shirts large enough iiand of goods that wont fade should buy some of those 2oc and 35c line- d p Ginghams and Madras cloths reduced w to 19 cents to close IOIll1 ls Curtains Shades Trunks Traveling Bagsii IiiHendy2tla e Skirts x on hoot I Severance Sons New Storess CenturyFreezer No crank no turning onehalf quail ¬ t tity of ice required for other freezers WATER COOLERS ICE REFRIGERATORS BOXESj JOHN BRIGHT JR CO 11 O L CARPENTER W O WITHERS 1 ITS HO- TG0TSARE G00KJ and not expensive I fJ You may not need Furniture now but you J will When you do wo can fill the bill Withers Furniture Co J 1

Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Stanford, KY) 1902-07-18 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348ggh20/data/0238.pdf · 2013-06-19 · THE INTERIOR JOURNAL STANFORD KY JULY lR10021 propor1tlonlIn

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Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Stanford, KY) 1902-07-18 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348ggh20/data/0238.pdf · 2013-06-19 · THE INTERIOR JOURNAL STANFORD KY JULY lR10021 propor1tlonlIn




In flUInc your wo uso i

propor1tlonll yon UB

price which la always rcnsonablo Pennrs Urne Store

tPERSONALSMn M P EuriN loft for Cblo io

WcUuoiUayMil A II SHVBRANOBwai over from

JcssHtnlno countyEKNKST WAIWBN came down from

Mlddlceboro yesterdayMRS C T DOHON of Hudtoovlliu

la with Mr T J PosterTKAIN MASTM L hh WBSTHHKIHLUT U oojoylng a month restMiss JAMERON of Iarli U the guest

of Mitt Luoy Miller GlvcnaMR AND MRS C W ADAMS of Bus

toovlllo wore bore yesterdayDR AND MRs J W AOTON Of

Klnjjivlllo wore here yesterday

I fMItB 1MtY J MILLBK wbo It atSpring It very sickl MltIL E SALLKK and wife of Dan

fI tllle


patted up to Livingston jester

t J JOSDIIIINB IlAYDKN of ParisU with her grandmother Mrs PamelUDrown

Miss MYRTLE AiitiAMB II with heraunt Mrs AI Grccnbum at Vcrlallle

Miss ANNIE KUNNEUY of Richmood It with Mines Maggie and PollyTraylor

DR J F PRYTOX and Mutt J OHays and Kd Carter are at Dripping

Springl SARA HAOKLKY is vlettiaMrs Anna Wltbortpoon Drye at liarrodiburg

Mn AND MRS J OlIRISTMAN arcspending the week with relatives alllchmood

CUARLKY DOIION J R of tho West End is with his relatives Mr and Mr

TJ FosterMiss MAR MoCULUAii of Ruarl

Springs Tenn Is with her sister Mmt N U AlUo

Mus J FRANK WALTON of Cloolnoat has joined her ton at Mr and MrHorace Drown


rodsburg has bon with Mile IrateBoglo Buitonvlllo

Miss 1ouv TRAYLOR of StanfordE

lI the guest of Mr Aroblo Robertson

9Lexington AvoNowl

GnOItOF D WBATilKKTORD Of Huti tonvllle was here Wednesday on hi I

I t way to the Richmond lairTMIBS JBSRIR D COOKB of Nashvillewbo Is visiting Min Anna held at fluMtonvllle has been quite 111

I MR DONALD DiciC and MUs JoanDick of Crab Orchard were hereTuesday enroute to the Richmond fair

t Mnfisns j T IIAVB and A KWalker of Garrard were hero jester

jy day The former paid this office Acall

ROUKKT AND CARTER LooAN ofLoulirllle are visiting the families

Ed Carter and J II BaugmanJMRS WALTBR PBRKINS and con

George of Garrard returned with MlnJennie Newland yesterday and are herguests

r MR ARM > DIIOADDUS his prettyt bride and Mill Ella May Saunders went

i fUD to Livingston Wednesday to visitW R Dllllon

MR E P OWSLBY wife and daugupPwbo are glad to leo themMRS LRRHUKFMAN and Miss An

Huffman will leave In two week fortboIiEdltbkman of Florida aro guests of MUs AnDO Cover at her country homo

Miss FANNIE PEARL VANDIVEER is0 learning to be chlaf clerk In the post

ofllco In the place of George D FlorIeoce who will return to school soon

Miss MARY A MCROIJERTS will entcrtaln from 5 to 8 this evening In hoeor of MInci Lottie McRobcrta of Lan¬

caster and Josephine Hayden of Parj1 fII MRS MATTIE ALVERSON mother of

I Mr JM Alverton of this office w-

eight blues and four red lice on cake 1

etc at tho Richmond Elks Fair MrsA Is hard to beat In the cake linos° 4takI atBorca are youngmen than Mr Sautley and bis friends

i d hero gave him up with much regret

Washt ¬



Government Printing Olllce to tboTreasury Department at an Increasedsalary

1 Mn AND MRS M D HraiiES Bro inLouUvllle for a few day They aroexpected home next week from a doligbtful visit to their daughter MrsPercy Noland of Lynd Washington

Mrs George A McRoberta of Coving

ton le visiting her parents Mr and

Mrs Joo Burnslde Misses Naun EarlTanner of Tons nod Ruth Tanner of

McKlnnoy are guests of Mrs W K

Shugars Central Record




da Is with her slater Mrs Charles ECox

MIss Fu1ttENCr TRUeHEAttT leavesIn a few days for a visit to relative atHuntington W Va

MR R n09r sTEIN Is running theNow York Store while Mr C Ro en

roodlI who suffereda of paralysis soma day ago Is

coodltlonIIons frlouds woro delightfully enter-

ed lost evening In honor of herguMt Mice Jarotton of Parse MissOlveok proved a very charming hostels


MUTHS bread at Ferris ft CoeSUJIMBRearnest again with us

aCRAU OooilARD fair July 23 21 and

25 II I

SEE our new 127 sago Cheapestthing over put on file market Warmlag closet plenty hot water Geo HFarris Se Co IIIntpclean as a now pin and as pretty as agirl of sweet 1-

0Titecolored people of Hustonvllle

beilonlnRWednelthe grounds of tbo white association

COL J P CHANDLER tulle us that

clHuswovillobard to find a better man for file Job

M SON have moved theiritoek of goods to Loultvllle They didengthe manager Charley Snyder becamedlsiatlifledUtore to meet In tho Iceturroom of the Christian church at 4 r MWednesday 28rd Important businessIs to be transacted

PBAOHBS Karly last week KxMayor William Daugberty enjoyed lusciouspeaoho from his own orchard lie COIltainly dues bead the list In this sectionas a raiser of early peaches

MARSHAL RIDDIK of Crab Orchardpatted throuh to Douglas county Illi ¬

Dole Wednesday altar Boyd Blantoncharged with killing a man namedUurkbart In tlarlan county two rantago

HORTON J U ElOrtoa aged 23died of typhoid fever near Klngivllle

uesday after an Illness of three weoktA wife and several children survive

r Horton woe a good citizen andstrict member of the Christian churot-

pepMORRIS PlUm received Tuesday from

hi parent at Nonogradwolenik Ruida a box of loans etc that bo greatly appreciates Most of tbo work was-dono by ills aged mother and thatmakes them all trio more treasured byhim

01WEDNESDAY wal the time for tregular annual meeting of tbo Cuberland Valley Land Co Tbo old boardWAil reelected by tbo stockholdersowing to the sect that a quorum of tdirectors was not present no btnlnewas transacted

Ofl TO OTbo vote on the issuancej 0000 worth of geode for trio erectionWedgeb s ¬

fag against Now that the mootedquestion Is settled lets bucklo downbnoe

DIUDOF HER BURNS Mary ElizaAnderson colored who fell withlamp at Mr T L Carpenters In tWest End tomo 10 days ago and wasfearfully burned by the explosion thatfollowed died Wednesday night afterIntense suffering Both Mr and MrsCarpenter sustained severe burns whltrying to oxtingulib the flames

Ton Crab Orchard talc bogies nextWednesday 23rd and It premises to boa success from every standpoint Stockwill be thorn from many counties andthe prospects for largo crowds dally aremost flattering Excursion trains willatoa il

given from all point on trio L Jr NGo and have a good time and at the

time help a laudable county entdrprlso along

DANVILLE A B Robertson Barc preparing to Install In their toa system of Barri cash and parcel catiers an Improvement that is beltgenerally adopted by all up todatestores It will bo Installed aboutfirst of next week Ten young ladfrepresenting as many different townshave entered tbo vocal contest togiven at the opera house next Tuesdnight Mrs Richard Foley who hasbeen in tho millinery business In Danvlllo for many years has sold her eta roto Miss Mlnnlo Eastbam Some confusion has arisen with regard to tidates of tbo two fairs In Danville thisyear Trio white fair will bo held August 0 7 and 8 Cbenault Huguelythreshed a crop of 10 acres of rye whichaveraged 31l bushels to the aereAi ¬


NEW wash goods SeveranceSon I



Aug 1 II I

PURE pickling vinegar JohnBright Jr Co II-


Go to urn Clco Drown where youcan get your Summer millinery accent

SHE ourstoves ranges beforeyou buy Terms soap George ILFarris fc Co II

Nsw outing other prettyand stylish millinery just In MrsGarland Singleton

selTuesdaya beautiful line of Duck Linen andFelt Outing date Mrs Oleo Drown

A NLa1nBR ofoung people fromStanford were guests at a swell 0

I oclock dinner given by Miss JeanWarren at Warrenwood near Danvllle

heWirttday the patrons of the Crab Orchardtalc willed begins next Wednesdayare not likely to want for something to

terest themISadoe15000 acres of lucatjtnationgin at once

SOME 20 or more couples werecharmingly entertained Tuesday evo

og by Misses Katherino and Sara

countrlbomoful lunch was caned which was greatly enjoyed by those who were fortunate

ough to be presentNOTICEbeams tbo aim of the

Central Ky Real Estate Exchange toproperte Y


to sell or It forced to tell and therebysecure a low price on soma and hold outsome Inducement to buyer Readtheir list carefully and leo tbo bargainsoaeredII

Miss HOST J B WILLIS of CrabOrchard Springs bat Issued a bandsome fourpage folder setting out theadvantages of his model Summer re¬

sort Some splendid cute appear In thewell gotten up advertisement MissSaeray Stanford excellent photograprier made the pictures from whichthe cuts were taken

Tux attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of tbo twobyGeorgebeas on arm asBread Point near tho Knob Lick

ShelbyOltypcctlvo buyers are Invited to look atboth place when they desire and takedinner with mo at the Trlbble HouseJunction City on the day of sale Iwill also sell at the lame time 100 acresof growing corn and rent 100 acrei ofTmBeech Point farm contains 193 acrealsohoroomssearm oneacre of land Remember both placeofShelby


representedtnext week

Misses Rose and Marguerite McCormask entertained the young society

6opeople very delightfully at their homonear town Wednesday evening

Miss Myrtle Dryc of BradfordsvllloMrs Thomas and Mr Burkwln andwife of Cincinnati are with Miss Mla

nale Dlnwlddto Miss Miller of Boylewith Miss Josio GoodeGeorge D Weatherford Is In Rich

mood ostensibly to attend that Fairbut really to have a now cut made forthe Hustonvlllo Fair Dally which pea ¬

pIe who have known him only for thepast 20 years may be ablo to recognize

Mrs M J Adams of Danville Iswith relatives here Miss Anna Croweleaves next week for an extended visitto friends In Lexington and Nicholasvlllo W B Powell Is In towQ copratenting the harness house of PowellSons Danville M G Thomson prin ¬isroaddingraIrtowngstring of valuable horses ho will bring

Fairea18Qhuno bought 50 yearling mules at 855Harrodsburg DemocratWilliam Parrls Is In Jill at KnoxtoaW A Owings was

kicked and severely hurt by a horseOne hundred and fifty cases of small

pox are reported at Stonega Va

John Anderson wile murdered hiswife was lynched at Owcnsboro

HUBHLEITllford Meteor hoe bought him a now

hay balerA R Mooro will till his pulpit at the

Christian church Sunday afternoon at3 oclock

recentlyboredcommunity as the water le good ironand plentiful

oburebhaveroof pointing of their church to bedone next week

on hogsbarleyblmjleUtheir families are visiting in Lexing ¬

ton Mr and Mrs Wm Tewmy werehere a law days last week with theirparentsC

Wither sold some oats at 110per ton delivered In Stanford Drllcklo sold his bay horse for 876 Johntoblnson lost a good mule from over

at last weekMiss Flonnie Hammonds Is with rel-


In Somerset for a tow doge Jrlllbtbadlyat work at isle trade In Danville with

muel HardingL C King sold the remainder of his

corn to Lancaster parties at 325 atcrib Garrett Woods has contract ¬croplaSwlnebroad has sold some of his crop

at 60o delivered In DanvilleJames McKechnlea lather from

Wayne Is visiting him for a few daysMite Ila Rankin will teach our publicschool this Fell Dr HJcklo will teachat Crab Orchard We are glad to notethat Mrs E T Minor Is at dome fromJoseph Prlco Infirmary doing nicely

CarpenterEd ¬

nence where he has a railroad con-tract


James R Vlnson and Miss Minnie WDavidson were married Wednesday atH T Davidson near South Fork

FOR SALE jI have a 12hone Traction Engine alto a

now Shredder for sate You can et a bargala Clue correr MIllcdpoTll ICy

Mason HotelMRS U D SIMPSON Pror

Lancaster t Kentucky

splendidlabiameet all trains 59

BROWN a BROW-NAttorneysatLaw

Office In Masonic Bldg SOMERSETRoom 9 KY

Will practice In all the State Courts also

CourtaiCollectloosHustonville Property for Sale

propertysllIullonllleICyatragedUeryburnor hotel and livery and good va-cant

¬lot for private residence It desired

Everlasting water In abundance PropertyI well arranged for private andyouwantcall on or address n S Carpenter Huston ¬

vllle Ky

c O BOt1IEPopular Excursions to

Old Point Comfortand Ocean View Va

for Round Trip J Jj Good 15Day7

Tickets will be sold July 15 and 20 Aug 10and Sept S Stopover allowed In moon ¬

tains Full Information at O k O TicketOffice Phoenix Hotel Lexington


PUBLIC SALESaturdayAugustknown as McCarley farm on LantheIIn a good state of cultivation is mostly Ingrass Is well watered with two well-springs and ponds The residence was dam ¬cyclonehutrepair will also sell two good horses wellbroke to ride and drive one 2 and the othergoodIIng machine and rake nowcuttlng harrowSafe to begin at 10 e u sharp Termsmade known on day of sale IKy0PCECIL CTTTRON

Junction City KyWholesale Dealers andBottlers o-

fSODA POPand all kinds of soft drinks Write for prices


Special Sale of Shirts




I Cummins L1 McClary I

0 p J N 11JVI fJ1J 7iIf1o3os y tZq p

e yi Gy a3a > r q elCe 1C > e > i1 Eeyf <


Latest styles In felt and crasht8

4a a

9tm8g Special Shipment Negligee Shirts


Neat light colors and tan Those are I

ai 3 the very newest things In the market l1

v4 gotten out for the fairs resorts etc 8 f



s jP H J McRoberts

Itot e 8 t dOOtte O iifaov kY tIi ci I


Gentlemen who want shirts large enough

iiand of goods that wont fade shouldbuy some of those 2oc and 35c line-

d p

Ginghams and Madras cloths reducedw

to 19 cents to close

IOIll1 ls Curtains ShadesTrunks Traveling BagsiiIiiHendy2tla e Skirts

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No crank no turning onehalf quail ¬ ttity of ice required for other freezers





and not expensive I fJ

You may not need Furniture now but you Jwill When you do wo can fill the bill

Withers Furniture Co J1