The Interior Journal Entered in the PoitOJJice at Stanford 01 Moondclou matter- TvBLIBHBD TOBSDATTS AND FUUJAT AT 100 PER YEAR CASH tlrWhen not BO paid IJOD will be charged L C N TImE TABLE No rl Houthn21 P X No til Houth 1210 p M No rl North 4SJ A M No YrNOrthYi1T P M JOS S RICE Agent Jesse W Sweeney FBOFBIRTOB Livery good and Salo StAble Lancaster Ky NOTICE Anyone needing n Union Jock end Wire Rtretchercnn leave their order with T It Newland at Stanford He has one be will show you und take your order and will fill tbesame on short notice B T LUNSFORD B D CARTER Now Llvorv Depot Street Phone 90 STANFORD KENTUCKY A S PRICE Surgeon Dentist STANFORD KENTUCKY Office over McRoberts Drug Store in the Owsley Building INSURANCE Tire Lightning Wind and Accident None but the BTItOaOEST and BEST Companies Represented Lowest Pea sible Rates Paying Hoo orfllUneauallea Talk wIth MAHONY Stanford Kentucky Residence Phone No St J C McClary Undertaker Embalmer and Dealer In Harness Saddlery STANFORD KY Office Phone 107 Home Phone 35 THEATRE TALK NO I Plays whose prominent features are love heart interest heroism comedy pathos S vice and virtue always find popular favor II IA Great Play I They are sought after by theatre ¬ goers who appre- ciate real merit That is why Dangerous Friend an original melodrama booked to appear in this town has met with such success It contains five acts And the scenes are laid in the United States Various types of life good and bad are introduced while the scenic display is said to be adequate I TItroW UP I OU ItAtIOSOR IL431i00TT010J It is not the usual murderous melodrama t i usuallyseeto J Jwell told by a competent company and shown in a that is seldom excelled It needs no apology for it is equal in construction of many a melo- drama t that has enjoyed a long lease of life The story is a trite one of rascality and r innocence This piece has won merited- praise r wherever presented and is something unique in the- lquite will be line sure the JA Real Treat I theatregoers of this city TIlE MANAGER r SAYS HE WILL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEYS WORTH OR YOUR MONEY SACK USUAL PRICES WILL PREVAIL Waltons OperaI House Nov 22 i a I r FARMERS DEPARTMENT FOR SALEl small shoats Mrs Lee Stone Joe Chancellor delivered to B DI Holtzclaw a bunch of fat hogs at 5c J N Sloan bought the J S ReedI place of GO acres adjoining Mrs Mat- tie White for 4000 One wheat grower near Pcndleto Oregon has just received 7084270 In one check for his crop At John C VanAradalls sale of Jer- sey heifers at the fair grounds at Ha rodsburg 28 averaged 26 Poland China and Berkshire boar weighs 350 pounds at 13 months for sale W H Pepples Stanford R R No4 FOR SALE17 Bargain Counfer steer calves and five yearling steers J C Bailey J W Guest Crab Orch- ard Ky J M Turner had a ewe to drop a lamb last January and raised it On the 27th of October the same ewe four another lamb and it is doing well I want to sell an extra mule jack and a standard bred Wilkes stallion 7 jen nets and four colts 75 or SO bushels oC orchard grass seed B B King More land Ky3t A red roan cow with chain tied ti her came to my place some six weeks ago Owner can get her by paying fa this notice and her keep J B Wil- liams Mt Salem STANFORD COURT There were about 400 cattle on the market yesterday Cows sold at Ii to 3c stock cattle 31 to 4c yearlings 31j to 3jc The horso and mule market was dull A fairly good crowd was here- Preliminary returns to the Depart- ment of on the production of corn indicate a total yield of 2553 732000 bushels an average of 26 bush- els per acre as compared with a yieldI of 30H bushels per acre in 1906 Samuel D CocKran sold his farm of 280 acres in Upper Garrard to IL K Herndon and J L Gill at 85 The purchasers sold 60 acres of this same tract to J B Woods at 80 an acre Fiftyfour acres of the late Aleck Lusk land lying within a mile of Lan caster was sold to Ed and Ben Hughes at 72 MIDDLEBURG An averago of 50 loaded wagons pass here daily There were services at the Baptist church here Sunday Cary Montgomery and Miss Maggie Earls the pretty daughter of Mr and Mrs W T Earls of Mt Salem wen made one by Rev J S Taylor severs days ago The tail end of the republican ticket was defeated here by a majority of one There was no excitement here in the election except in the race for magis- trate There was no interest whatev- er manifested in the State races W G Coulter W G Short and C C Jones are attending court as jurors John and Fred Estes John Patterson and George Dietz of Grove passed through Thursday enrouto to Liberty to attend court J K Coffey has lately moved into the property opposite W C Bryants store Jesse Fogle is carry ing his arm in a sling as the result of a iprainEMiss Mollie Tilford went tc Liberty to visit her grandfather Judge rilfordI seem an ingrate indeed if I lid not in some way express my thanks to my neighbors and friends for the support they gave trie in the race for magistrate There was a very deter- mined effort made against me and I ap- preciate the support given me by the best clement of both parties My rat orlty was as small as it could well have teen though it would have been quite arge had my name appeared on the ballots at Wall town as it should have lone And in this connection I want to hank the Walltown people for their In- terest in me and am sorry they did not have the privilege of casting their votes Cor me Now while graciously thank- Ing my neighbors and friends for stand- ing by mo so nobly I want to say that I entertain no ill will toward those who- so strenuously opposed me I am o- ntp but am not crowing over my fallen foes LingerIng Cold Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured By Chambe- rlains ¬ Cough Remedy Last winter I caught a very severe cold which lingered for weeks says J trquhart of Zephyr Ontario liMy- cough was very harsh and dry The local dealer recommended i Chambe- rlains Cough Remedy and guaranteed It so I gave it a trial One small bot- tle of it cured me I believe Chamber tins Cough Remedy to be the best I- have overused This remedy is for salo by all Druggists Fire which started in the Great orthern elevator at Superior Wis causeda3OOOQOO loss Over 700000 bushels of grain three flouring mills 40 houses and four boats were destroy- ed A Reliable Remedy For Croup Mrs S Hoslnthal of Turner Mich- Igan says Wo have used Cham rlalns Cough Medicine for our solves and children for several years aqd like It much I think it Is- the Onlyremedy for croup and can ghly recommend iV For sale by- aU Druggists MATRIMONIAL Mariot Flowers and Miss Cordel Blankenship both aged 76 years were married at Vine Groves Miss Alice Hughes and John WIUls of Middlesboro were joined in wedlock holy bonds on a moving train near that I cityMiss Bessie Carter and Mr Claude C Ross were given a beautiful hon wedding by the brides parents Ml and Mrs James Carter Wednesday evening The couple left for their homo at Stearns yesterday Somersi JournalMiss Mittio Dunn School Superin- tendent of Garrard and Mr John M Smith of Mackvllle drove to Danvil and wero married She is a nleco of At- torney James I Hamilton The groom was for several years cashier of the bank at Bryantsvillc and is now oc- cupying a similar position at Mackvilli Farley Scott a prominent voun farmer and Miss Blanch Newland tho pretty and popular daughter of Mi Henry F Newland of the Preachers ville section were joined heart and hand Saturday The wedding was a quiet affair Tho INTERIOR JOURNAL joins the friends of the young couple In wishing them a long and happy marries life The New Pure Food and Drug LawI We are pleased to announce Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds and lung troubles la not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs and we recommend It as a safe remedy for children and ad ults G L Penny The statement of the New York Clearinghouse banks for tho past week shows that the banks hold 1519246 less than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rulel This is a de- crease in the proportionate cash res- erve of 13085800 as compared with the previous week A Significant Prayer May the Lord help you make Bucklcnu Arnica Salvo known to all writes J G Jenkins of Chapel Hill N C It quickly took the pain out of a felon for mo and cured it In a wonderfully short time Best on earth for sores burns and wounds 25c at pennys Drug Store The action of the President in recog nixing the Evans faction in Tennessee by the appointment of an Internal Revenue Collector is accepted as a movo toward a third term H Cia Evans is consistently booming President as the Republican candidate in 1908 row Dancing Proves Fatal Many men and womencateh colds al dances which terminate 1n pneumonia and consumption After exposure If Foleys Honey and Tar is taken It will break up a cold and no serious results need be feared Refuse any but the genuine in a yellow package G L Penny The President has issued an order consolidatingitho two internal revenue collection districts of Tennessee into one district with headquarters at Nash- ville and has appointed Robert S Sharp of Chattanooga collector of the Inew district Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out tree tm request by Dr Shoop Racine Wis Those tests are proving to tho peoplewithout a pen tys costthe great value of this scientific prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr Shoops Ca tarrh Remedy Sold by Pennys Drug Store This is Worth Remembering As no one is Immune every person should remember that Foleys Kidney pure will cure any ease of kidney or ladder trouble that is not beyond tho each of medicine Go to D V dy Co for meal ships tuff and flour They make prices any hour Their custom is great their nIH is small they are anxious to grind for one and all The com is ripe the wheat is plenty the price of shipstuil fs ono and twenty A fouryearold George Arnold of Evansville Ind was run over by a- ragon and killed tndigestion Stomach trouble Is but a symptom of and not Itself a true disease We think of Djspeptln artburn and Indigestion at ml diseases Tel theT are symptoms only of a cettata pedlla Nee Ic else It was this tact that lint correctly led Dr Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach imedr Dr Shoops Itettoratlre Going direct to the stomach nerves alone brought that success and favor to Dr and his Restorative WUb- out that original and highly vital principle no- Inch lasting accomplishments were erer to be had for stomach dlitress bloating blUousneis bad breath and sallow trr Dr Shoope iterative Tablets or LlQo1dnd lee fot II self what it can and will do We sea and cheer recommendDr Shoops Restorative G L PENNYS DRUG STORE 50 Years An Agency 50 The oldest in Central Ken ¬ tucky Get my Rates be- fore Insuring Nothing but firstclass Companies Itopre rented Jesse D WearenT- he Insurance Man Phone 2J STANFORD KY GIVE MF YOU ORDER I CAN PLEASE YOU Why buy rendynantleclothing when thero li so little illtrerunca In the price ot ready made suits and a suit iniulotn your nteeaure token by an experienced inflow I have n handsome lint of Knll and WInter Rood 1 Jan make from n low prlco builuess null to lheflaatdrusmutt liD Overcontl Trous iri and Fancy Vest The company 1 rep- resent It second to none HO UUlLKY Tire Tailo- rHtRllloll1 y Fruit and Orna- mental ¬ Trees Shrubs Grope Vines Asparagus Everything for Orchard Lawn and Garden We employ no agents Cat- alogue on application 11 F IIlUiNMiYiil tt SOX- 8Lexington Ky JLBeazleyCo Undertakers and Embalm era Also Dealers in Fur- niture Matting Rug They will exchange Furniture for all Kinds of Stock Give Them a Call Prices Right STANFORD KENTUCKY NIBBLE PENCE Undertakers and- Embalmers STANFORD KY Also Furniture of All Kinds Car pets Druggets Rugs Battings Pic- ture Frames Shades Lace Curtains and Wall Paper Mr E T Beazley has charge of the Undertaking Department TRIBBLE 8 PENCE Day Phone 28 Night 166 or 133 How to Curt t Your Piles If sufferers from piles and rectal dis ¬ eases would first try a reliable laxative like Dr Cald wells Syrup instead of using external salves and supposi ¬ tories or having an operation performed they would save themselves a trouble expense and pain The reason is that nine cases are the result of habitual constipation and when once the constipation is cured the piles disappear Piles are to constipation what pim ¬ ples are to bad blood simply an out ¬ symptom And just as face lotions arent half as good for as a good blood medicine no salves and suppositories arent half as ood for piles at a reliable laxa ¬ tire like Dr aldwells BrrupPepsln A 50 cent or ft bottle will prove these claim and every druggist it authorized to guarantee results Hundreds of people have written ui that Dr Caldwella Syrup Pepsin It the but pile cnM they know and it It inrely worth a trial from you Not only will It cure the piles but It will permanently correct bowel trouble 10 that you will have re ar movements It will tone the stomach and make digestion easy for you Drt Caldwella Syrup Pepsin It the belt rem ¬ edy for constipation dyspepsia biliousness all resultant troubles such as pacs arising from dzordzred stomach liver or bowels Its gentle action and pleasant taste make It especially suited to children and all who are too weak to stand purgative waters salts and griping powders and tablets A physicals not what pile sufferers need but steady easy bowel movements and these can be obtained by the use of this wonderful It brina- about a permanent home euro at minimum of expense FREE TEST Those within to try Dr Cal4j wells Syrup Pectin Defer My Inr tan Mw i fro umpl bout tent to their home by addressing the company Thli offer li to prevs Hut the rimidy will do u wo claim and It only opts to that who haw asset taken It Send for It If you have uiy symptoms of itomteh Inter or bowl disease Densest yet most IlecUYI laxative for eblldren women and old otkt Ps Natateed pdrmNent home curs THE PUBUO VERDICT Ho Uutlvt So Good sod Sure at OR CAIDWELLS SYRUP Thll product bears purity narantM Na lii WMWngton D Cs rEPCM VMVP S u S1dweH N Moatiesia Ill Call and MO this one It will KIVO you time moneytend worry more laborious work about the kitchen When you install an In NuI RANGE cooking becomes an nucleating pleas- ureCEORCE H FARRIS Clothes of Distinct- ionEderlielmerStein 1 Suits for the Young Fellows I WmI HIS store cannot do you a greater personal servicel or benefit itself more helping you to secure the best clothes of leading makers at prices you can afford to pay G Theres no reason why it cant do this theres every reason why it should unques t L tionably it does when it offers you this k stylish reliable make Ask to See the Longworth A style far in advance of the common processionDistinctiv- eStylishPerfectly Tailored Better Fitting Shape Retaining All Sixes 30 to 38 Prices 15 to 30 H JMcROBERTSStanford I First NationalOr Ban Capital Stock 50000 This Institution was originally established as the Deposit Rank of In 111 then reorganised as the National tank of Stanford 1165 and again reorganised at the First National Italic of Stanford in 1182 having had practically an nnlater rupteil existence for II It Is better supplied sow with facllitlei for transact ¬ promptly mad well than nIP before In its long and honorable career ACC unts of Individuals Fiduciaries and Car poratloDs Solicited OlfIorsswS J B HOOKER Prssl IT IlAHHli V Im 11 UcHOnRUTS Chr W n WEAUENAlli Cart I 4D V Raid Danville B T Harris Stanford J B Mocker Stanford K L Tanner McKlnetY M D Elmure Stanford B II Ilaugbman Stanford T P Hill Stanford Jai Robinson Hubble I 111 Ilauchman Stanford J M Pettus Stanford 0 E Tate Stanford 1 Cbe Eincoln gviiitty national Bank I Of Stanford Kentucky Capital 5OOOOOO Surplus 2600000 S H SHANKS PRESIDENT W M BRIGHT CASHIER j J B PAXTON VICEPRESIDENT W 0 WALKER ASSISTANT CASHIER J W ROCHESTER BOOKKEEPER OIREOTOFtat J B Owsloy Stanford S II Shanks Stanford Geo W Carter Stanford John B Foster Stanford W II Shanks Stanford W O Walk- er TraylorGilberts H Cummins Preachersvillc L G Gooch Wayncflburg Ky When you think of Roofing think of ALDRIDGE I Atyhen you think of ALDRIDGE il think of Roofing J The best ROOF PAINT furnished and put onI i t 7- 4I SeHe ALDRIDGE Stanford < Kentucky

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72804xhs86/data/1093.pdf · The Interior Journal Entered in the PoitOJJice at Stanford 01 Moondclou matter-

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72804xhs86/data/1093.pdf · The Interior Journal Entered in the PoitOJJice at Stanford 01 Moondclou matter-

The Interior Journal

Entered in the PoitOJJice at Stanford 01

Moondclou matter-



tlrWhen not BO paid IJOD will be charged

L C N TImE TABLENo rl Houthn21 P XNo til Houth 1210 p M

No rl North 4SJ A M

No YrNOrthYi1T P M



Livery good and Salo StAble

Lancaster Ky

NOTICEAnyone needing n Union Jock end Wire

Rtretchercnn leave their order with T ItNewland at Stanford He has one be willshow you und take your order and will filltbesame on short notice


B D CARTERNow Llvorv

Depot StreetPhone 90


A S PRICESurgeon Dentist


Office over McRoberts Drug Store inthe Owsley Building

INSURANCETire Lightning Wind and

Accident None but the BTItOaOEST andBEST Companies Represented Lowest Peasible Rates Paying HooorfllUneauallea Talk wIth

MAHONY Stanford KentuckyResidence Phone No St

J C McClary

Undertaker Embalmer andDealer In Harness Saddlery


Office Phone 107 Home Phone 35


Plays whose prominent features are loveheart interest heroism comedy pathos

S vice and virtue always find popular favor

II IA Great Play I

They are soughtafter by theatre ¬

goers who appre-ciate real merit

That is why Dangerous Friend anoriginal melodrama booked to appear inthis town has met with such success Itcontains five acts And the scenes are laid inthe United States Various types of lifegood and bad are introduced while thescenic display is said to be adequate I


It is not the usual murderous melodramat

i usuallyseetoJ Jwell told by a competent

company and shown in a that isseldom excelled It needs no apology forit is equal in construction of many a melo-dramat that has enjoyed a long lease of lifeThe story is a trite one of rascality and

r innocence This piece has won merited-praiser wherever presented and is something

unique in the-lquite will belinesurethe

JA Real Treat I

theatregoers of this city TIlE MANAGERr SAYS HE WILL GIVE YOU YOUR


Waltons OperaIHouse Nov 22





FOR SALEl small shoats MrsLee Stone

Joe Chancellor delivered to B DIHoltzclaw a bunch of fat hogs at 5c

J N Sloan bought the J S ReedIplace of GO acres adjoining Mrs Mat-tie White for 4000

One wheat grower near PcndletoOregon has just received 7084270 In

one check for his cropAt John C VanAradalls sale of Jer-

sey heifers at the fair grounds at Harodsburg 28 averaged 26

Poland China and Berkshire boarweighs 350 pounds at 13 months forsale W H Pepples Stanford R R

No4FOR SALE17 Bargain Counfer

steer calves and five yearling steers JC Bailey J W Guest Crab Orch-

ard KyJ M Turner had a ewe to drop a

lamb last January and raised it On

the 27th of October the same ewe fouranother lamb and it is doing well

I want to sell an extra mule jack anda standard bred Wilkes stallion 7 jennets and four colts 75 or SO bushels oC

orchard grass seed B B King More

land Ky3tA red roan cow with chain tied ti

her came to my place some six weeksago Owner can get her by paying fathis notice and her keep J B Wil-

liams Mt SalemSTANFORD COURT There were about

400 cattle on the market yesterdayCows sold at Ii to 3c stock cattle 31 to4c yearlings 31j to 3jc The horso andmule market was dull A fairly goodcrowd was here-

Preliminary returns to the Depart-ment of on the productionof corn indicate a total yield of 2553732000 bushels an average of 26 bush-

els per acre as compared with a yieldIof 30H bushels per acre in 1906

Samuel D CocKran sold his farm of

280 acres in Upper Garrard to IL K

Herndon and J L Gill at 85 Thepurchasers sold 60 acres of this same

tract to J B Woods at 80 an acreFiftyfour acres of the late AleckLusk land lying within a mile of Lancaster was sold to Ed and Ben Hughesat 72


An averago of 50 loaded wagons passhere daily

There were services at the Baptistchurch here Sunday

Cary Montgomery and Miss MaggieEarls the pretty daughter of Mr andMrs W T Earls of Mt Salem wenmade one by Rev J S Taylor seversdays ago

The tail end of the republican ticketwas defeated here by a majority of one

There was no excitement here in theelection except in the race for magis-

trate There was no interest whatev-

er manifested in the State racesW G Coulter W G Short and C

C Jones are attending court as jurorsJohn and Fred Estes John Pattersonand George Dietz of Grove passedthrough Thursday enrouto to Liberty toattend court J K Coffey has latelymoved into the property opposite W C

Bryants store Jesse Fogle is carrying his arm in a sling as the result of aiprainEMiss Mollie Tilford went tcLiberty to visit her grandfather Judge

rilfordI seem an ingrate indeed if Ilid not in some way express my thanksto my neighbors and friends for thesupport they gave trie in the race formagistrate There was a very deter-

mined effort made against me and I ap-preciate the support given me by thebest clement of both parties My ratorlty was as small as it could well haveteen though it would have been quitearge had my name appeared on the

ballots at Wall town as it should havelone And in this connection I want tohank the Walltown people for their In-

terest in me and am sorry they did nothave the privilege of casting their votesCor me Now while graciously thank-

Ing my neighbors and friends for stand-

ing by mo so nobly I want to say thatI entertain no ill will toward those who-

so strenuously opposed me I am o-ntp but am not crowing over my fallenfoes

LingerIng ColdWithstood Other Treatment ButQuickly Cured By Chambe-


Cough RemedyLast winter I caught a very severe

cold which lingered for weeks saysJ trquhart of Zephyr Ontario liMy-

cough was very harsh and dry Thelocal dealer recommended i Chambe-rlains Cough Remedy and guaranteedIt so I gave it a trial One small bot-

tle of it cured me I believe Chambertins Cough Remedy to be the best I-

have overused This remedy is forsalo by all Druggists

Fire which started in the Greatorthern elevator at Superior Wis

causeda3OOOQOO loss Over 700000bushels of grain three flouring mills40 houses and four boats were destroy-ed

A Reliable Remedy For CroupMrs S Hoslnthal of Turner Mich-

Igan says Wo have used Chamrlalns Cough Medicine for our

solves and children for several yearsaqd like It much I think it Is-

the Onlyremedy for croup and canghly recommend iV For sale by-

aU Druggists


Mariot Flowers and Miss CordelBlankenship both aged 76 years weremarried at Vine Groves

Miss Alice Hughes and John WIUls

of Middlesboro were joined in wedlockholy bonds on a moving train near that I

cityMissBessie Carter and Mr Claude

C Ross were given a beautiful honwedding by the brides parents Ml

and Mrs James Carter Wednesdayevening The couple left for theirhomo at Stearns yesterday Somersi

JournalMissMittio Dunn School Superin-

tendent of Garrard and Mr John M

Smith of Mackvllle drove to Danviland wero married She is a nleco of At-

torney James I Hamilton The groomwas for several years cashier of thebank at Bryantsvillc and is now oc-

cupying a similar position at MackvilliFarley Scott a prominent voun

farmer and Miss Blanch Newland thopretty and popular daughter of MiHenry F Newland of the Preachersville section were joined heart andhand Saturday The wedding was aquiet affair Tho INTERIOR JOURNAL

joins the friends of the young couple In

wishing them a long and happy marrieslife

The New Pure Food and Drug

LawIWe are pleased to announceFoleys Honey and Tar for coughscolds and lung troubles la not affectedby the National Pure Food and Druglaw as it contains no opiates or otherharmful drugs and we recommend Itas a safe remedy for children and adults G L Penny

The statement of the New YorkClearinghouse banks for tho past weekshows that the banks hold 1519246less than the requirements of the 25

per cent reserve rulel This is a de-crease in the proportionate cash res-

erve of 13085800 as compared with

the previous week

A Significant PrayerMay the Lord help you make

Bucklcnu Arnica Salvo known toall writes J G Jenkins of ChapelHill N C It quickly took the painout of a felon for mo and cured it In

a wonderfully short time Best onearth for sores burns and wounds25c at pennys Drug Store

The action of the President in recognixing the Evans faction in Tennesseeby the appointment of an InternalRevenue Collector is accepted as amovo toward a third term H CiaEvans is consistentlyboomingPresident as the Republican candidatein 1908


Dancing Proves FatalMany men and womencateh colds al

dances which terminate 1n pneumoniaand consumption After exposure If

Foleys Honey and Tar is taken It will

break up a cold and no serious resultsneed be feared Refuse any but thegenuine in a yellow package G LPenny

The President has issued an orderconsolidatingitho two internal revenuecollection districts of Tennessee into onedistrict withheadquarters at Nash-

ville and has appointed Robert S

Sharp of Chattanooga collector of theInew district

Trial Catarrh treatments are beingmailed out tree tm request by DrShoop Racine Wis Those tests areproving to tho peoplewithout a pentys costthe great value of thisscientific prescription known to drug-

gists everywhere as Dr Shoops Catarrh Remedy Sold by Pennys DrugStore

This is Worth RememberingAs no one is Immune every person

should remember that Foleys Kidneypure will cure any ease of kidney orladder trouble that is not beyond thoeach of medicine

Go to D V dy Co for mealships tuff and flour They make pricesany hour Their custom is great theirnIH is small they are anxious to grindfor one and all The com is ripe thewheat is plenty the price of shipstuil

fs ono and twenty

A fouryearold George Arnoldof Evansville Ind was run over by a-

ragon and killed

tndigestionStomach trouble Is but a symptom of and notItself a true disease We think of Djspeptlnartburn and Indigestion at ml diseases Tel

theT are symptoms only of a cettata pedllaNee Ic else

It was this tact that lint correctly led Dr ShoopIn the creation of that now very popular Stomach

imedr Dr Shoops Itettoratlre Going directto the stomach nerves alone brought that successand favor to Dr and his Restorative WUb-out that original and highly vital principle no-Inch lasting accomplishments were erer to be had

for stomach dlitress bloating blUousneis badbreath and sallow trr Dr Shoope

iterative Tablets or LlQo1dnd lee fot IIself what it can and will do We sea and cheer



50 Years An Agency 50The oldest in Central Ken ¬

tucky Get my Rates be-fore Insuring Nothing butfirstclass Companies Itoprerented

Jesse D WearenT-he Insurance Man




Why buy rendynantleclothing when theroli so little illtrerunca In the price ot readymade suits and a suit iniulotn your nteeauretoken by an experienced inflow I have nhandsome lint of Knll and WInter Rood 1

Jan make from n low prlco builuess null tolheflaatdrusmutt liD Overcontl Trousiri and Fancy Vest The company 1 rep-resent It second to none

HO UUlLKY Tire Tailo-rHtRllloll1 y

Fruit and Orna-




Shrubs Grope Vines AsparagusEverything for Orchard Lawn andGarden We employ no agents Cat-alogue on application

11 F IIlUiNMiYiil tt SOX-8Lexington Ky


Undertakers and Embalmera Also Dealers in Fur-niture Matting Rug Theywill exchange Furniture forall Kinds of Stock GiveThem a Call Prices Right



Undertakers and-Embalmers


Also Furniture of All Kinds Carpets Druggets Rugs Battings Pic-

ture Frames Shades Lace Curtains

and Wall PaperMr E T Beazley has charge of

the Undertaking Department


Day Phone 28 Night 166 or 133

How to Curt t

Your PilesIf sufferers from piles and rectal dis ¬

eases would first try a reliable laxativelike Dr Cald wells Syrup insteadof using external salves and supposi ¬

tories or having an operation performedthey would save themselves atrouble expense and pain The reasonis that nine cases arethe result of habitual constipation andwhen once the constipation iscured the piles disappear

Piles are to constipation what pim ¬

ples are to bad blood simply an out ¬

symptom And just as face lotionsarent half as good for as a goodblood medicine no salves and suppositoriesarent half as ood for piles at a reliable laxa ¬

tire like Dr aldwells BrrupPepslnA 50 cent or ft bottle will prove these claim

and every druggist it authorized to guaranteeresults Hundreds of people have written uithat Dr Caldwella Syrup Pepsin It the but pilecnM they know and it It inrely worth a trialfrom you Not only will It cure the piles but Itwill permanently correct bowel trouble 10 thatyou will have re ar movements It will tonethe stomach and make digestion easy for you

Drt Caldwella Syrup Pepsin It the belt rem¬

edy for constipation dyspepsia biliousnessall resultant troubles such as

pacs arising from dzordzred stomach liver orbowels Its gentle action and pleasant tastemake It especially suited to children and all whoare too weak to stand purgative waters saltsand griping powders and tablets A physicalsnot what pile sufferers need but steady easybowel movements and these can be obtained bythe use of this wonderful It brina-about a permanent home euro at minimum ofexpense

FREE TEST Those within to try Dr Cal4jwells Syrup Pectin Defer My

Inr tan Mw i fro umpl bout tent to their home byaddressing the company Thli offer li to prevs Hut therimidy will do u wo claim and It only opts to thatwho haw asset taken It Send for It If you have uiysymptoms of itomteh Inter or bowl disease Densestyet most IlecUYI laxative for eblldren women and oldotkt Ps Natateed pdrmNent home curs THE

PUBUO VERDICT Ho Uutlvt So Good sod Sureat OR CAIDWELLS SYRUP Thll productbears purity narantM Na lii WMWngton D Cs

rEPCM VMVP Su S1dweH N Moatiesia Ill

Call and MO this one It will KIVO you time moneytend worrymore laborious work about the kitchen When you install an In NuIRANGE cooking becomes an nucleating pleas-

ureCEORCE H FARRISClothes of Distinct-



Suits for the Young Fellows I

WmIHIS store cannot do you agreater personal servicel

or benefit itself morehelping you to secure the bestclothes of leading makers atprices you can afford to payG Theres no reason why it cantdo this theres every reasonwhy it should unques

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