ROMANIA SIGNALLING PROJECT CONVENTIONAL SIGNS FOR OUTDOOR EQUIPAMENT a) Turnouts Pct. DENUMIREA The name In the signalling sketch In the scaled track layout In the track circuit sketch 2.1 Macaz necentralizat şi neasigurat Hand operated turnout 2.2 Macaz asigurat Hand locked turnout 2.3 Macaz centralizat Centralised turnout 2.5 Macaz dublă joncţiune, necentralizat Double junction not centralised turnout 2.6 Macaz dublă joncţiune, centralizat Double junction centralised turnout 2.7 Macaz cu inimă mobilă centralizat Centralised turnout with mobile frog document.doc; 4.03.01 munteanu 1/24

Semne Conventionale Scb

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a) Turnouts

Pct. DENUMIREA The name In the signalling sketch

In the scaled track layout

In the track circuit sketch

2.1 Macaz necentralizat şi neasigurat Hand operated turnout

2.2 Macaz asigurat Hand locked turnout

2.3 Macaz centralizat Centralised turnout

2.5 Macaz dublă joncţiune, necentralizat

Double junction not centralised turnout

2.6 Macaz dublă joncţiune, centralizat

Double junction centralised turnout

2.7 Macaz cu inimă mobilă centralizat

Centralised turnout with mobile frog

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2.8 Macaz dublă joncţiune, cu inimă mobilă, centralizat

Double junction centralised turnout with mobile frog

b) Other equipmentPct. DENUMIREA The name In the scaled track

layoutIn the track

circuits sketchIn the cabling


2.11 Pichet de alimentare cu transformator

Power supply box with transformer – for track circuits

2.12 Pichet de releu cu transformator

Relay box with transformer – for track circuits

2.13 Pichet dublu de alimentare (cu doua transformatoare)

Power supply end double box (with two transformers) – for track circuits

2.14 Pichet dublu de releu (cu doua transformatoare)

Relay end double box (with two transformers) – for track circuits


Pichet dublu de alimentare şi releu, cu un transformator de alimentare si un transformator de releu

Power supply end and relay end double box (with two transformers) – for track circuits

2.16Doi picheţi cu transformatoare legaţi prin tub

Two boxes with transformers connected by pipe

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2.17Electromecanism şi pichet de macaz simplu, primul conjugat sau sabot

Point machine and equipment box for simple turnout, first coupled, or derailer

2.18 Electromecanism si pichet pentru al doilea macaz conjugat

Point machine and equipment box for the second coupled turnout

2.19 Distribuitor de cabluri Distribution box – for cables

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Pct. DENUMIREA The name Conventional sign

2.20 Foc rosu de semnal, stins Red unit of the signal - not lighted

2.21 Foc verde de semnal, stins Green light of the signal - not lighted

2.22 Foc galben de semnal, stins Yellow light of the signal - not lighted

2.23 Foc alb de semnal, stins White light of the signal - not lighted

2.24 Foc albastru de semnal, stins Blue light of the signal - not lighted

2.25 Foc de semnal, aprins cu lumina continua (galben)

Signal light, lighted, with continuous yellow light

2.26 Foc de semnal, aprins cu 50 clipiri/min Blinking light – 50 blinks/minute

2.27 Semnal luminos pe catarg Light signal on mast

2.28 Semnal luminos pe catarg, cu indicator de direcţie

Light signal on mast with diverging junction indicator

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2.29 Semnal luminos pe catarg, cu indicator de linie

Light signal on mast with track indicator

2.30 Semnal luminos pe catarg, cu indicator de linie şi direcţie

Light signal on mast with diverging junction indicator and track indicator

2.31Semnal luminos pe catarg cu indicator pentru distanţa până la semnalul următor mai mică de 700 m

Light signal on mast with “lack of braking distance” indicator

2.33 Semnal luminos pe consola Light signal on cantilever.

2.34 Semnal luminos repetitor Light repeater

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2.35 Semnal luminos pitic Dwarf light signal

2.36 Semnal luminos opritor Dead end light signal

2.37 Semnal luminos de circulatie pe catarg, reprezentare redusa

Traffic light signal on mast – reduced showing

2.38 Semnal luminos de manevra pe catarg, reprezentare redusa

Shunting light signal on mast – reduced showing

2.39 Semnal luminos pitic, reprezentare redusa Dwarf light signal – reduced showing

2.40 Coloana de manevra

Shunting panel

2.41 Joanta izolanta intermediara Intermediary isolating joint

2.42 Joanta izolanta terminala End isolating joint

2.43 Joanta izolanta fara gabarit Gaugeless isolating joint

2.44 Bobina de joanta Joint coil (impedance bond)

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ROMANIA SIGNALLING PROJECT2.48 Sant pentru cabluri Cables ditch2.49 Canal pentru cabluri Cables troughing

2.50 Cablu electric (nr. 141 cu 24 fire de 1 mm diametru si 3 fire rezerva 500 m lungime)

Electrical cable (nr. 141 with 24 wires of 1 mm diameter and 3 reserve wires – length of 500 m)

2.51 Interstitiu de scanteiere Lightning arrester

2.52 Sabot de deraiere centralizat Remote controlled derailer

2.53 Post de centralizare Signal box post

2.54 Cabina cu masa de manevra Shunting post cabin

2.56 Trecere la nivel Level crossing

2.57Semnal de interzicere pentru circulaţia rutiera peste trecerea la nivel pe linie simpla, fără semibariere

Interdiction signal for road traffic under the level crossing on single line, without barriers

2.58Semnal de interzicere pentru circulaţia rutiera peste trecerea la nivel pe linii multiple, fără semibariere

Interdiction signal for road traffic under the level crossing on multiple lines, without barriers

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2.59 Semnal de interzicere pentru circulatia rutiera peste trecerea la nivel, cu semibariere

Interdiction signal for road traffic under the level crossing with half barriers

2.61 Semnal luminos CF de avarie a instalaţiilor la trecerile la nivel

Damage light signals on railway at level crossings

2.62 Cap de cablu Cable terminal

2.63 Dulap exterior pentru aparataj Outdoor equipment cubical

2.64 Inductor de cale (1000/2000 Hz) INDUSI beacon (1000/2000 Hz)

2.67 Balize avertizoare Visual warning (warning sign)

2.68 Balize avertizoare pentru intrare pe secţiile de circulaţie cu linie electrificata

Visual warning (warning sign) at entry on the catenary electrified lines

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3.1 Contact de releu neutru, la releu normal excitat

Neutral relay contact, for normal energised relay

3.2. Contact de releu neutru, la releu normal dezexcitat

Neutral relay contact, for normal de-energised relay

3.3 Contact de releu polarizat Polarised relay contact

3.5 Contactul unui buton fara fixare, cu inchidere la apasare Push to make release to break

3.6 Contactul unui buton cu fixare, cu inchidere la apasare Push to make pull to break

3.7 Contactul unui buton fara fixare, cu deschidere la apasare Push to break release to make

3.8 Contactul unui buton, cu fixare, cu deschidere la apasare Push to break pull to make

3.9 Contactul unui buton fara fixare, cu deschidere la tragere Pull to break release to make

3.11 Contact de maneta Key contact.

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3.12 Releu neutru Neutral relay

3.13 Releu cu doua bobine, conectate separat Relay with two coils, separate connected

3.14 Releu neutru cu intarziere la eliberarea armaturii

Neutral relay with delay to fail down of armature

3.15 Releu neutru cu intarziere la atragerea armaturii

Neutral relay with delay to energising of armature

3.16 Releu neutru cu doua bobine, cu intarziere la eliberarea armaturii, la una din bobine

Neutral relay with two coils, with delay to fail down of armature, at one of coils

3.17 Releu neutru cu doua bobine, cu intarziere la eliberarea armaturii, la ambele bobine

Neutral relay with two coils, with delay to fail down of armature, at both coils

3.18 Releu combinat (armatura neutra-armatura polarizata)

Combined relay (neutral armature and polarised armature)

3.19 Releu combinat, cu intarziere la eliberarea armaturiineutre

Combined relay with delay to fail down of armature

3.20Releu combinat cu bobina suplimentara de automentinere si intarziere la eliberarea armaturiineutre

Combined relay with supplementary coil for self-maintaining and delay to fail down of neutral armature

3.21 Releu termic Thermal relay

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3.22 Releu neutru de curent continuu cu redresor, alimentat in curent alternativ

D.c. neutral relay, with rectifier, a.c. powered

3.23 Releu neutru, cu contacte intarite Neutral relay with reinforced contacts

3.25 Releu cod cu o bobina Code relay with one coil

3.27 Releu cod cu intarziere la eliberarea armaturii Code relay with one coil with delay to the fail down of armature

3.28 Lampa rosie de control optic Red lamp for optical signalling

3.29 Lampa alba de control optic White lamp for optical signalling

3.30 Lampa verde de control optic Green lamp for optical signalling

3.31 Lampa pentru controlul pozitiei “plus” a macazului la coloana de manevra

Lamp for the signalling to the shunting panel of “plus” position of the turnout

3.32 Lampa pentru controlul pozitiei “minus” a macazului la coloana de manevra

Lamp for the signalling to the shunting panel of “minus” position of the turnout

3.35 Sonerie Bell

3.36 Conductoare de conexiune in scheme electrice, fara legatura intre ele

Connection wires in electrical diagrams without contact between them

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3.37 Conductoare de conexiune in scheme electrice, cu legatura intre ele

Connection wires in electrical diagrams with contact between them

3.38 Linie de delimitare spatiala a elementelor din

schemele electriceDelimitation line between elements in the electrical diagrams

3.39 Filtru de cale Track filter (used in the track circuits)

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