Semuc Champey - "The Gem of Guatemala" (Lanquin)

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  • 7/31/2019 Semuc Champey - "The Gem of Guatemala" (Lanquin)


    reggie's backpacking chronicles

    "The Gem of Guatemala" Semuc Champey

    Situated deep in the jungles of Guatemala, Semuc Champey may not be on your initial travel itinerary but ask any backpacker their favorite place in

    Guatemala and I can almost guarantee they will say SEMUC!

    When catching a bus to Semuc Champey, there are a few things you should know. First, whatever duration your trip is claimed to be, double it. Second,

    the road is extremely windy and if your tummy is prone to go funny, be sure to pack Dramamine. And finally, when asked to stay in Semuc Chempey itself

    or the nearby village of Lanquin, I recommend Lanquin for one main reason, Zephyr Hostel.

    Perched on a high hill and silhouetted against the flawless blue sky, the

    thatched roof, tree house inspired lodge was a site for soar eyesand

    bums...after the 8-hour journey from Antigua. Pre-booking a loft bed in one of

    the large dormitories, we had to climb up two sets of wooden ladders to reach

    our room - a small wooden platform complete with double mattress, thatched

    A-frame walls and one hell of a view! Zephyr also offers a very liberating

    shower experience. Veiled by a curtain on one side, but completely exposed to

    the adjacent valley on the other, this open-air, hello world Im naked, set up is



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  • 7/31/2019 Semuc Champey - "The Gem of Guatemala" (Lanquin)


    Waking bright and early for what promised to be the crown jewel of our trip, myself and 20 other eager travelers filed into an awaiting truck bed. Packed in

    like cattle, standing was our only option. Utilizing an overhead metal bar for support, our bodies helplessly bashed into one another for the painfully bumpy

    45-minute drive into the National Park.

    First stop, the Candle Caves. Included in the full-day tour, we presumed the cave adventure to be a paltry add on. Something to increase the overall tour

    time and extract more money from tourists. Boy were we wrong! No helmets, wetsuits, or flashlightsjust bare skin, bare feet and candles! Or, in my

    case, tennis shoes - more grip, better trip. So while other travelers slipped and slided toward the cave, Clay and I bounded over slick rocks and slimy

    branches, affirmation of our shoe choice within the first 10-seconds.

    Once everyone assembled around the cave mouth our guide reached for a colorful flower bud and broke it open. Running his thumb through the bright

    orange innards, he smeared tribal paint on each of our faces. Claimed to ward off evil spirits in the cave, the paints real purpose was evident, humor!

    Drawing a variety of different symbols on foreheads and cheeks it was all fun and games until I got, stached. A mustache? Seriously dude? Needless to

    say, I provided comedy relief for everyone and became the butt of every dirty joke.

    Other Zephyr amenities include a full-service restaurant serving

    up loads of western favorites, daily happy hours and great music

    that bumps from morning to night. The fun is inescapable but the

    bill is not. Placed on a tab system from day 1 those overpriced

    rounds of drinks and late night pizzas can add up to one hefty

    bill. I recommend venturing into Lanquin for MUCH cheaper

    easts and drinks.

    A final Zephyr service includes tours to the famed Semuc

    Champey. Sure, theyll run slightly higher then in Lanquin butthey offer the best tour around!

    Content with his artwork our guide lit a handful of thick-wick candles and passed them round. Vamanos Amigos! Shuffling through a few feet of

    water and loose screy, we moved deeper into the cave, our candles providing enough light to see our immediate surrounds, but hardly sufficient to see

    beyond. Cautiously moving forward, the cool water soon began to rise and our guide instructed us to, swim.

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  • 7/31/2019 Semuc Champey - "The Gem of Guatemala" (Lanquin)


    The hike was a heart pumping, 20-minute uphill slog but the reward was an unparalleled view below. Spreading out along the valley floor below, the layered

    Around every corner lay a new challenge and a new discovery. Crawling through

    narrow fissures, scaling waterfalls, swimming through jet black waters and my favorite

    caving moment, an underwater swim through! The entry point was a small hole in the

    limestone floor where the cave waters disappeared into a a submerged cave. Unable to

    see our exit point, our guide offered simple instructions. far are we

    talking? 3 seconds or 30 seconds underwater? Trepidation was undeniable and I

    approached the drop ready for anything. Splash...Plop... BREATHE. His explanation

    was far trickier then the activity itself but just overcoming the fear of entry was a

    success in itself.

    Paddling with one hand while the other tried desperately to

    keep the candle lit, we waded through the creepy waters.

    Much chillier then anticipated our plummeting body

    temperatures rejoiced at the site of a ladder out. Climbing

    up the slick ladder one by one, we next squeezed through

    a small fissure and into a huge cavern. As the amount of

    people grew, so did the light. A curtain of dark slowly

    revealing what lied behind it - impressive stalactites and

    stalagmites decorating every surface.

    "When you splash on other

    side, you stay under water. You must swim to find air."

    Ready for more adventure, our guide steered us to

    the Cahaban riverbank. A tall, wooden platform

    rising high above a series of large river boulders

    greeted us along with a 50-foot rope swing! The

    guide explained how, easy, the swing was but not

    even the most adventurous of our group was

    convinced. Jump time was crucial. Wait too long

    on the swing and a hefty 15-meter fall loomed.

    Jump to soon and well, lets just say rocks arent

    your friend.

    A few swings, a few flops, and a couple close calls

    later, we left the river and began our ascent to El

    Mirador (The Lookout).

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    masterpiece of limestone was jaw dropping! Connected by rushing waterfalls and filled in with crystalline pools, the afternoon sun sparkled the water to life,

    casting magical hues of emerald and sapphire for our viewing delight.

    From this insanely beautiful vantage point, we enjoyed our jamon

    y queso sammies - satisfying our appetite for sustenance but

    increasing our appetite for adventure. Practically racing down the

    steep embankment, the thick forest opened onto a large flat

    limestone surface where the raging river disappearing

    underneath. It is this river that created Semuc Champey

    (translated in Mayan to mean, where water disappears). When

    water levels rise, the river flows overtop, replenishing the pools,

    but as water levels drop the river is forced under. Rushing over

    boulders and powering through the narrow cavern, the tumultuous

    waters disappear into the dark cave, not to emerge until 350

    meters later. Thank goodness water levels were low.

    Carefully maneuvering over the slippery limestone, we learned the best way to travel

    between pools was swim. Wading from one side to the next, the end of every pool

    brought the beginning of another. Some chose to cannonball or dive into the next

    swimming holes while others chose the natural waterfall slides. Fun at first, the

    bumpy rocks, loose screy and random foliage growing over the waterfalls did

    nothing for a womans backsideor her bikini bottoms. OUCH!

    Along with slides and jumps, a handful of pools contained hidden caverns and swim

    throughs. Discovering them, however, required a bit of courage. Holding my breath

    and wishing for the best, I swam under the limestone ledge. Not even a few

    seconds later I surfaced in a small, hidden cave. Treading water literally 2-feet

    away from the swimmers on the outside, they had no clue I was so close (yet so

    far). Swimming out of the cave was more frightening then entering. Trusting that if I

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  • 7/31/2019 Semuc Champey - "The Gem of Guatemala" (Lanquin)


    A natural marvel with mystical persona,

    Semuc Champey is truly the gem of Guatemala! Buen


    Semuc Champey YouTube Special

    swam towards the light for 3 seconds, I would surface outside. Well, one way to find


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