Send Cleveland Strategy Page 1 As we head into 2013, it is important to realize that “Apart from God we can do nothing”. If this initiative is not bathed heavily in prayer, we cannot expect a Supernatural move of God. I know that this is in many cases a very basic statement, but I am impressed to share it. As you look through the charts, maps, and the church planting goals, you will see a God sized task that is humanly impossible. As a result of this task, I ask that you prayerfully intercede on behalf of the work here. As this journey continues to unfold, I have been drawn to Esther 4:14…”Who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace FOR JUST SUCH A TIME AS THIS”. As Esther prepared to meet the king she fasted and prayed for three days. Although scripture does not record the exact prayer of Esther, I believe it focused on four areas: favor, wisdom, courage, and faith. As you pray for us, pray for favor, wisdom, courage and faith for all our pastors, planters, and denominational leaders. I have also been led to pray specifically that God would give us favor with the lost. As a result, I have prayed John 16:8: “And when He comes, He will convince the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.” I pray every day that the Holy Spirit will do this for the hundreds of thousands of lost men, women, boys, and girls that live in the Metro Cleveland area. Finally, I pray Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:30: “Now Glory to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able accomplish infinitely more that we would ever dare to ask or hope”. Kevin Litchfield Church Planting Catalyst Send Cleveland

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Send  Cleveland  Strategy  

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As we head into 2013, it is important to realize that “Apart from God we can do nothing”. If this initiative is not bathed heavily in prayer, we cannot expect a Supernatural move of God. I know that this is in many cases a very basic statement, but I am impressed to share it. As you look through the charts, maps, and the church planting goals, you will see a God sized task that is humanly impossible. As a result of this task, I ask that you prayerfully intercede on behalf of the work here.

As this journey continues to unfold, I have been drawn to Esther 4:14…”Who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace FOR JUST SUCH A TIME AS THIS”. As Esther prepared to meet the king she fasted and prayed for three days. Although scripture does not record the exact prayer of Esther, I believe it focused on four areas: favor, wisdom, courage, and faith. As you pray for us, pray for favor, wisdom, courage and faith for all our pastors, planters, and denominational leaders. I have also been led to pray specifically that God would give us favor with the lost. As a result, I have prayed John 16:8: “And when He comes, He will convince the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.” I pray every day that the Holy Spirit will do this for the hundreds of thousands of lost men, women, boys, and girls that live in the Metro Cleveland area. Finally, I pray Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:30: “Now Glory to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able accomplish infinitely more that we would ever dare to ask or hope”.

Kevin Litchfield

Church Planting Catalyst

Send Cleveland

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A few years ago someone created an acrostic to help people pray for CLEVELAND. I would like to share it with you in the hope that you will become a daily prayer intercessor for the work.

C - Christians involved through prayer, service, and resources: John 15:7-8 and Ephesians 2:10

L - Local churches experiencing revival and awakening: 2 Chron.7:14

E - Evangelistic opportunities to share Christ: Acts 26:18

V - Vision through God’s eyes and His purposes accomplished: Psalm 33:11 and Matthew 6:9-10

E - Empower and encourage local churches- Acts 1:8 and Matt. 16:18

L - Laborers to be called and sent to Cleveland- Matt. 9:37-38

A - Assist in community enrichment through ministry evangelism: Matt. 5:13-16

N - New church starts: Matthew 28:19-20 and Hebrews 10:19-25

D - Development and cooperation of partners and the local church: Phil. 1:27

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Cleveland Hope Association  

Quick  Facts    



quick  facts  

• Since Send Cleveland has launched on September 12, 2011  • 11  new  churches  have  launched  with  at  least  5  more  set  to  launch  in  spring  2013  • 1700+  volunteers  and  11  summer  missionaries  mobilized...  since  2005-­‐  13,000+  mobilized  • Alex  Ennes  became  the  chaplain  for  the  Cleveland  Indians  • 30+  students  aFended  Plant  Ohio  Church  PlanIng  School-­‐  launched  February  2012  •   11  church  planters/churches  have  received  some  Send  North  America  funds  

quick  facts  

• Cleveland  Hope  AssociaIon  is  a  network  of  46    churches.  Of  these  churches...  • 44%    are  less  than  6  years  old  with  19%  less  than  1  year  old  • 55%  are  directly  involved  in  church  planIng.  Prior  to  2005...  2.5%.  •   BudgeFed  giving  to  local  churches/plants  increased  from  1.5%  to  46%  

quick  facts  

• The  Cleveland  Metro  Area  contains  1.6  million  People...  • Within  this  area  there  is  a  raIo  of  1  SBC  church  for  every  42,500  people  • This  area  has  been  divided  into  7  regions.    • 2  more  church  planIng  schools  will  be  launched  in  2013  • 1  of  those  schools  will  have  an  African  American  Church  planIng  emphasis  • Goal:  91  churches  planted  by  2016...  Goal:  15  churches  in  2013  

quick  facts  

• New  Churches  started  since  Send  Launch  • 1.  Life  Point    2.  Charis      3.  Life  Song  • 4.  Forward    5.Forest  City    6.Gateway  Heights  • 7.Trinity    8.  Serve        9.  Triumphant  Assembly  • 10.New  Heights    11.  Oakwood  (  Deaf)  

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The Cleveland Hope Baptist Association is a network of 46 Southern Baptist Churches that reside in Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga counties. The population of these 3 counties is 1.6 million people.

Across the Midwest region there is a ratio of 1 SBC church to about 12,500 people. Within the Cleveland Hope Association the ratio is 1 SBC church to about 42,500 people. Within the city of Cleveland this ratio rises to 1 church per 47,000 people. But what would happen if….

• By 2020 this ratio could be reduced to ONE to 5-6,000 people • The Gospel through the planting of new churches saturated our area • New believers were trained to become indigenous church planters • An anointed movement of God swept through the city of Cleveland • Thousands of believers were united in prayer for this effort • Each domain of the city is touched and transformed by the Gospel • The city and its leadership were transformed by the Gospel • God answered our prayer and does a work beyond what we could ever

ask, think, dream, or dare to ask When a natural disaster occurs there is usually a point of primary impact. We call

this point the Epicenter. If we are to have a supernatural movement, our Epicenter will be the city of Cleveland with strong ripple impact effects in the area 16 miles from the center and then out into the outlying areas of Lake and Geauga counties.

A. Epicenter: Cleveland- The population for the city of Cleveland is 427,694 people. Currently within the city we have 9 SBC churches. This would mean a ratio of 1 SBC church to 47,000 people. In order to reduce the ratio to 1 to 5000 we would need to plant 76 churches by 2020. (Since over 50% of this population is African-American, many of these churches would need to be either African-American or intentionally multi-cultural.)

B. Epicenter: Ripple One- contains the remainder of Cuyahoga County- The combined population for the listed cities in this area is about 870,000 people. Currently for this area we have 26 SBC churches. This would mean a ratio of about 1 SBC church for every 24,000 people. If we would reduce this ratio to 1 SBC church for every 6000 people, this would involve planting about 119 new churches by 2020.

C. Epicenter: Ripple Two- contains Lake County and Geauga County The combined population of this area is about 315,000 people; covering 20-40 miles from the city. Currently in this region we have 11 SBC churches. This would give us a ratio of 1 to 29K. If we were to reduce this ratio in this area to 1 to 5000, this would involve planting 52 new churches by 2020.

This would give us a goal of 247 churches planted by 2020.

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Send Cleveland “Epicenter Cleveland”

Ripple 2

Ripple 1


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Epicenter Cleveland

There are 19 wards in the city of Cleveland. Each ward contains approximately 20-25 thousand people. In order to saturate the city of Cleveland with the Gospel and move toward a 1 SBC church to 5,000 ratio, we would need to plant 78 churches.

#1 Lee/Miles

• Population of 23,571 - 96% African American • 5 Churches planted...**

#2 Union

• Population of 23,545 - 84% African American • 5 churches planted…

#3  Downtown  

• Population of 23,574 - 49% Anglo, 33% African American, 12% Hispanic

• 1 current SBC church-Gateway • 4 churches planted...

#4 Buckeye/


• Population of 23,586 - 91% African American • 5 churches planted...  

#5 Central

• Population of 22,239 - 86% African American • 3 current SBC churches-2 African American, 1 Multi-

cultural • 2 churches planted...

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#6 University

• Population of 23,586 - 90% African American • Daily population of this ward can swell to 200k due to the Cleveland Clinic

• 5 churches planted...

#7 Hough

• Population of 21,382 - 87% African American • 4 churches planted...

#8 St. Clair/ Glenville

• Population of 21,440 - 78% African American, 7.38% Asian

• 4 churches planted...

#9 Forest Hills

• Population of 21,405 - 66% African American, 8% Asian (Case Western and other cultural distinctives)

• This area swells by 50K daily due to the collegiate, medical and learing population

• 1 current SBC • 3 churches planted...

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#10 South Collinwood

• Population of 21,585 - 94% African American • 4 churches planted...

#11 North Collinwood

• Population of 21,409 - 59% African American • 4 churches planted...

#12 Brooklyn/ Broadway

• Population of 23,351 - 63% African American • 5 churches planted...

# 13 Old Brooklyn

• Population of 23,611 - 84% Anglo • 1 current SBC church • 4 churches planted...

#14 Clark/ Fulton

• Population of 23,394 - 43% Hispanic, 36% Anglo • 5 churches planted...

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#15 Ohio City/Detroit

• Population of 21,692 - 43% Anglo, 28% Hispanic • West Side Market • 1 current SBC church • 3 churches planted...  

#16 Edgewater

• Population of 22,842 - 52% Anglo, 21% Hispanic • 5 churches planted...

#17 Cudell

• Population of 21,670 - 53% Anglo, 24% African American, 14% Hispanic

• 4 churches planted...

#18 Jefferson/


• Population of 21,495 - 69% Anglo • 1 current SBC church • 3 churches planted...

#19 Kamm's Corner

• Population of 22,140 - 86% Anglo • 4 churches planted...

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** Church planting in Cleveland will be both higher-resourced and community/organic style depending on culture.

78  Churches  

•  78 churches planted in 2020 in the city of Cleveland  

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Epicenter Ripple 1 contains the remainder of Cuyahoga County and part of Lake County

We currently have 37 cities in this ripple-with a population of 10K+. In order to reduce the ratio to 1 SBC church to every 6000 people by 2020, we would need to plant 128 churches. Below are the 37 cities, their populations, and the number of churches that would need to be planted.


• Population of 46,998 - 52% Anglo,43% African American

• 8 churches planted...**


• Population of 77,215 - 93% Anglo

• 9 churches planted...


• Population of 50,251- 89% Anglo • 9 churches planted...

Cleveland Heights

• Population of 45,514 - 55% Anglo, 37% African American

• 8 churches planted...

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• Population 30,331- 89% Anglo, 6% Asian

• 4 churches planted...

East Cleveland

• Population of 24,317 - 92% African American

• 4 churches planted...

Garfield Heights

• Population of 27,479 - 67% Anglo, 27% African American

• 4 churches planted...

South Euclid

• Population of 21,031 - 64% Anglo, 34% African American

• 3 churches planted...

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• Population of 11,036 - 82% Anglo • 2 churches planted...

Maple Heights

• Population of 23,485 - 61% African American,34% Anglo

• 4 churches planted...

Shaker Heights

• Population of 26,214 - 56% Anglo, 34% African American, 5% Asian

• 5 churches planted...

Parma Heights

• Population of 19,586 - 92% Anglo • 3 churches planted....

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University Heights

• Population of 12,571-73% Anglo, 19% African American

• 3 churches planted...

Mayfield Heights

• Population of 17,602 - 82% Anglo, 7% Asian

• 3 churches planted...

Highland Heights

• Population of 8,633 - 92% Anglo • 1 church planted...

Warrensville Heights

• Population of 13,520 - 92% Anglo • 2churches planted...

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Bedford Heights

• Population of 10,441 - 73% African American

• 1 church planted...


• Population of 12,851 - 59% Anglo, 36% African American

• 2 churches planted...

Fairview Park

• Population of 15,622 - 93% Anglo • 2 churches planted...


• Population of 13,117 - 94% Anglo • 3 churches planted...

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• Population of 17,994 - 88% Anglo, 4% Hispanic

• 2 churches planted...

North Olmsted

• Population of 31,053 - 93% Anglo, 2% Asian

• 5 churches planted...


• Population of 42,378 - 90% Anglo,5% Asian

• 7 churches planted...

North Royalton

• Population of 29,220 - 94% Anglo, 2 % Asian

• 4 churches planted...

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• Population of 22,929 - 90% Anglo, 3% Hispanic, 2% Asian

• 3 churches planted...  


• Population of 6,716 - 98% Anglo • 1 church planted...


• Population of 12,767 - 93% Anglo • 2 churches planted...

Olmsted Falls

• Population 8,104 - 95% Anglo, 2.4% Hispanic

• 1 church planted...

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• Population of 21,883 - 79.5% Anglo, 9.7% African American, 8.9% Asian

• 4 churches planted...

Seven Hills

• Population of 11,538 - 97.2% Anglo • 2 churches planted...


• Populatin of 19,053 - 92% Anglo, 2.3% Hispanic, 2% Asian

• 3 churches planted...


• Population of 19,734 - 95.7% Anglo, 1.3% Asian

• 2 churches planted...

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Pepper Pike/Lyndhurst/

Richmond Hts.

• Population of 29,586 - 95.9% Anglo, 3.6% Asian

• 5 churches planted...

Rocky River

• Population of 18,735 - 95.8% Anglo, 1.7% Hispanic, 1.2% Asian

• 3 churches planted...

Bay Village

• Population of 14,481 - 97.2% Anglo • 1 church planted...

Middleburg Hts.

• Population of 14,812 - 90.1% Anglo, 5.2% Asian, 2.5% African American

• 1 church planted...


• Population of 10,316 - 83.8% Anglo, 7.4% Hispanic, 5% Asian

• 1 church planted...

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128  Churches  

• Combined  city  popula5on  of  807,029  

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Epicenter Ripple Two contains the remainder of Lake County and part of Geauga County

We currently have 9 cities in this ripple. In order to reduce the ratio to 1 SBC church to every 5000 people by 2020, we would need to plant 50 churches. Below are the 10 areas, their populations, and the number of churches that would need to be planted.


• Population of 51,894 - 94.7% Anglo and 1.4% Asian

• 4 churches planted...

Mentor on the Lake

• Population of 8,387 - 95.1% Anglo and 2.5% Hispanic

• 2 churches planted...

Painesville Township

• Poulation of 18,562 - 96% Anglo • 5 churches planted...


• Population of 18,989 - 61.6% Anglo, 20% Hispanic and 14.9% African American

• 2 churches planted...

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N.Madison/ Madison

• Population of 11,848 - 94% Anglo, 4.1% Hispanic and 1.4% Asian Community

• 2 churches planted...

Concord Township

• Population of 15,282 - 97.1% Anglo • 3 churches planted...


• Population of 13,880 - 95.7% Anglo • 2 churches planted...

Willoughby Hills

• Population of 8,640 with a 79.1 Anglo, 14.7 African American and 4.8 Asian

• 2 churches planted...

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Chardon Township/


• Population of 10,202 - 96% Anglo Community

• 2 churches planted...

Lake and Geauga Counties

• Other smaller cities through Lake and parts of Geauga Counties

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50  churches    

• Popula5on  157,684  • 25  churches  in  listed  ci5es  and  25  churches  in  smaller  ci5es  and  towns  

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2013 and beyond…

In order to truly saturate the Metro Cleveland area it is necessary to divide the Metro area into 6 regions:

Northeast Cuyahoga County- James Edwards


1. Solon  (2  SBC)  2. Hough  (W-­‐7  )  

20K  20K  

3. Bedford/Bedford  Heights  (  3  SBC)  4. N.  Collinwood  (W-­‐11)  

25K  20K  

5. Warrensville  Heights  6. S.  Collinwood  (W-­‐10)  

15K  20K  

7. Maple  Heights  8. Glenville  (W-­‐  8    )  

20K  20K  

9. Lee/Miles  (W-­‐  1)  10. Cleveland  Heights  (  1  SBC)  

20K  50K  

11. Shaker  (  W-­‐4)  12. Union  (  W-­‐2)  

20K  20K  

13. Garfield  Heights  (1  SBC)  14. East  Cleveland          15. Shaker  Heights  (  1  SBC)        16. Forest  Hills  (W-­‐9)      (1  SBC)      17. University  (  1SBC)                                                                                                      

25K  20K  25K  20K  25K  

TOTAL   390K  10  SBC  churches…1  SBC  to  39K  Total  SBC  members:  771  People  SBC  covers  .2%  of  population  


Cleveland Central Population 1. Downtown  (W-­‐3)  (2  SBC)   25K  2. Ohio  City  (W-­‐15)  (1  SBC)   20K  3. Bay  Village  (  1  SBC)   25K  4. Edgewater   20K  5. Lakewood   20K  6. Central  (W-­‐5)  (2  SBC)   25K  7. Rocky  River   25K  

TOTAL   160K  6  SBC  churches…  1  SBC  to  27K  Total  SBC  members:    300  people  SBC  covers  .2  %  of  population  


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Lake and Geauga County- Population 1. Mentor  (3  SBC)   50K  2. Painesville  (4  SBC)   20K  3. Painesville  Township   20K  4. Madison  (1  SBC)   20K  5. Mentor  on  the  Lake   10K  6. Willowick   15K  7. Willoughby  Hills   10k  8. Willoughby  (  1  SBC)   15K  9. Eastlake  (1  SBC)   10K  10. Balance  of  Lake  County  11. Geauga  County  (  1  SBC  )  

60K  95K  

TOTAL   325K  11  SBC  churches…1  SBC  to  29K  Total  SBC  members:  1495  people  SBC  covers  .5%  of  population  


Northern Cuyahoga County-


1. South  Euclid  (1  SBC)   20K  2. Mayfield  Heights   20K  3. University  Heights  (1  SBC)   10K  4. Euclid  (1  SBC)   50k  5. Highland  Heights   10K  6. Beachwood   10k  7. Pepper  Pike/  Lyndhurst  (  1  SBC)   20K  8. Richmond  Heights   10K  

   TOTAL   150K  4  SBC  church…1  SBC  to  38  K  Total  SBC  members:  120  people  SBC  covers  08%  of  population  


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Southern Cuyahoga County Population 1. Strongsville  (1  SBC)   40K  2. North  Royalton  (1  SBC)   30K  3. Brecksville   15K  

             4.        Seven  Hills/Independence     20K                5.        Broadview  Heights  (1  SBC)   20K                6.        Parma      (  4  SBC)   70K                7.        Middleburg  Heights  (2  SBC)                8.        Parma  Heights  (  1  SBC)  

15K  20K  

TOTAL   230K  10  SBC  churches…  1  SBC  to  23K  Total  SBC  members:  2510  people  SBC  covers  1%  of  population  












Northwest Cuyahoga Population 1. North  Olmsted   30K  2. Westlake  (1  SBC)   30K  3. Fairview  Park   15K  4. Kamm’s  Corner  (W-­‐19)   20K  5. Cudell  (W-­‐17)   20K  6. Old  Brooklyn  (W-­‐13)   25K  7. Brookpark   20K  8. Puritas  (w-­‐18)  (1  SBC)  9. Berea  (  1  SBC)  10. Olmsted  Falls  (  1  SBC)  11. Clark  Fulton  (W-­‐14)  12. Broadway/Brooklyn  (  W-­‐12)  13. Brooklyn  (  1  SBC)  


20K  15K  10K  20K  20K  15K  

TOTAL   260K  5  SBC  churches…1  SBC  to  52K  Total  SBC  members:  410  people  SBC  covers  .2%  of  population  


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