Serial Port Demo Program

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  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program


    //Serial portdemo program


    //Assumptions:50Mhz clock rate

    module SerDemo(input clk,output ser);

    //Start signaltells it tostart sending bits

    reg start;

    //The bits ofdata tosend

    reg [7:0]data;


    //Serial portclock generator

    //Generatea 9600baud clock signalforthe serial portby dividing the

    //50Mhz clock by 5208

    reg [14:0]clockdiv;

    //Count from 0..5207thenreset back tozero

    always @(posedge clk)


    if(clockdiv ==5207)


  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program



  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program


    /*=================================================================*//*=== RS232 LIBRARY =============================================*//*=================================================================*/


    /** William L. Bahn* FPGA-based RS-232 UART-Lite** Digilent D2 Pin Assignments:* RXD P202* TXD P201

    * RTS P195* CTS P199* DSR P200** BAUD Bit Period Half-Period (cycles @ 50MHz)* 9600 104.2 us 2604* 19200 52.1 us 1302* 38400 26.0 us 651* 115200 8.68us 217*//* This module operates completely synchronously with the system master* clock. The following subsidiary waveforms are generated:*

    * BaudTick: A one-clock wide pulse that occurs at twice the Buad rate* Baud: A square wave at the Baud rate. The BaudTick pulses occur* at the end of each half of the Baud cycle.* Sending: The UART is (or will be) sending data.** When the SEND signal is received, a one-shot is fired if the UART is* not already exporting data. If it is exporting data, the SEND signal* is ignored. If it is acted upon, the one-shot that*//* Instead of using a counter, the transmit event pipeline uses a second* shift register that runs in parallel with the one containing the data* but is loaded with 1's at the same time that the actual data is loaded* into the data shift register except for the bit corresponding to the* the Stop Bit. The serial output of the second shiftregister is used to

    * decide if the data should still be shifted. All loads and shifts occur* in conjuction with the rising edge of the Baud clock.*/

    /**=========================================================================* RS-232 PACKET INTERFACE*=========================================================================** MODULE: RS232wPACKET()

  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program



    module RS232wPACKET(Test16, Test, ToOther, FromOther,NoXonXoff, Escape,

    Push, Pop,PacketPushed, PacketPopped,NoEcho, NoPackets, NoBytes, Full, Lost,

    TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS, DSR, rst,clk);

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    parameter WIDTH = 8;parameter DEPTH = 16;parameter LOG2DEPTH = 4;

    output [15:0] Test; // Test Output Signalsoutput [15:0] Test16; // Test Output Signalsinput [7:0] ToOther; // Data to be sent out RS-232output [7:0] FromOther; // Data received from RS-232

    input NoXonXoff; // Disable XonXoff Flow Controloutput Escape; // Flag indicating an ESC characterinput Push, Pop; // Push/Pop data to/from RS-232input PacketPushed; // An outgoing packet is completeinput PacketPopped; // An incoming packet has been retrievedinput NoEcho; // Disable incoming data echo backoutput NoPackets; // Input Packet Buffer has no complete

    packets.output NoBytes; // Input Packet Buffer is completely

    emptyoutput Full; // Output Packet Buffer (to RS-232) is fulloutput Lost; // Indicates incoming data was


    input TXD, RTS; // RS-232 external signalsoutput RXD, CTS, DSR; // RS-232 external signalsinput rst, clk; // Master reset and clock

    // IPB = Input Packet Buffer// OPB = Outpuer Packet Buffer// UART = UART

    // Internal Data Pathwire [7:0] UART_FromOther, IPB_DataIn;wire [7:0] OPB_DataOut, UART_ToOther;

    // Controlwire UART_FF, UART_EF;

    wire UART_Push, UART_Pop;wire IPB_Push, IPB_Pop;wire OPB_Push, OPB_Pop;wire IPB_FF, IPB_AF, IPB_HF, IPB_AE, IPB_EF;wire OPB_FF, OPB_AF, OPB_HF, OPB_AE, OPB_EF;wire IPB_PacketPushed, OPB_PacketPopped;wire [(LOG2DEPTH-1):0] IPB_Lines, OPB_Lines;

    // Glue Logicassign NoPackets = ((IPB_Lines == 0)? HI : LO);

  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program


    assign OPB_NoPackets = ((OPB_Lines == 0)? HI : LO);assign NoBytes = IPB_EF;assign Full = OPB_FF;assign IPB_Pop = Pop;assign OPB_Push = Push;

    // Test Signal Assignmentsassign Test[0] = UART_EF;assign Test[1] = UART_FF;assign Test[2] = UART_Push;assign Test[3] = UART_Pop;assign Test[4] = PacketPushed;assign Test[5] = PacketPopped;assign Test[6] = IPB_PacketPushed;assign Test[7] = OPB_PacketPopped;assign Test[8] = NoBytes;assign Test[9] = IPB_FF;assign Test[10] = OPB_EF;assign Test[11] = Escape;assign Test[12] = IPB_Push;

    assign Test[13] = IPB_Pop;assign Test[14] = OPB_Push;assign Test[15] = OPB_Pop;

    // Structural DefinitionRS232wECHO UARTwE(


    .ToOther(UART_ToOther), .FromOther(UART_FromOther),

    .NoXonXoff(NoXonXoff), .Escape(Escape),

    .Push(UART_Push), .Pop(UART_Pop), .NoEcho(NoEcho),

    .Empty(UART_EF), .Full(UART_FF), .Lost(Lost),


    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    PacketBuffer16 PACK_IN(

    .DataOut(FromOther), .DataIn(IPB_DataIn),

    .PacketIn(IPB_PacketPushed), .PacketOut(PacketPopped),.Lines(IPB_Lines),


    .Push(IPB_Push), .Pop(IPB_Pop),

    .Dump(rst), .Clk(clk));


    .OutputData(IPB_DataIn), .InputData(UART_FromOther),

    .Push(IPB_Push), .Pop(UART_Pop),

    .PacketPushed(IPB_PacketPushed), .Full(IPB_FF),.Empty(UART_EF)


    PacketBuffer16 PACK_OUT(

  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program


    .DataOut(OPB_DataOut), .DataIn(ToOther),.PacketIn(PacketPushed), .PacketOut(OPB_PacketPopped),

    .Lines(OPB_Lines),.FF(OPB_FF), .AF(OPB_AF), .HF(OPB_HF), .AE(OPB_AE),

    .EF(OPB_EF),.Push(OPB_Push), .Pop(OPB_Pop),.Dump(rst), .Clk(clk)



    .OutputData(UART_ToOther), .InputData(OPB_DataOut),

    .Push(UART_Push), .Pop(OPB_Pop),.PacketPopped(OPB_PacketPopped),

    .NoPackets(OPB_NoPackets), .Full(UART_FF), .Empty(OPB_EF));


    /**=========================================================================* RS-232 RECEIVE PACKET CONTROLLER*=========================================================================** MODULE: RS232_PACKET_CTLR_R()** The receive-side controller handles traffic coming from the RS-232 UART* and transfers the characters to the Output Packet Buffer with the* following modifications:** CR characters are discarded.* LF characters are replaced by NUL characters.

    * A 'PacketPushed' is asserted when the NUL character is pushed.** The 'NoPackets' output from the controller means that no complete packets* are contained in the Output Packet Buffer while a 'NoBytes' output means* that the Output Packet Buffer is completely empty.** The controller gates the transfer of characters when the Packet Buffer is* full. If this happens when there are no complete lines in the buffer and* when the higher level logic is waiting for a complete line, this will* cause a Packet Buffer Stall.**/

    module RS232_PACKET_CTLR_R

    (OutputData, InputData, Push, Pop, PacketPushed, Full, Empty


    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;parameter

    NUL = 8'h00,LINEFEED = 8'h0A,CARRIAGE_RETURN = 8'h0D,ESCAPE = 8'h1B;

  • 5/20/2018 Serial Port Demo Program


    output [7:0] OutputData; // Data to Input Packet Bufferinput [7:0] InputData; // Data from UARToutput Push; // Push command

    to Input Packet Bufferoutput Pop; // Pop

    command to UARToutput PacketPushed; // Complete packet has been

    transferredinput Full; // FF from Input

    Packet Bufferinput Empty; // EF from UART Receive Buffer

    reg Packet, Keep;reg [7:0] OutputData;wire Transfer;

    assign Transfer = (((Full == LO)&&(Empty == LO))? HI : LO);

    always @ (InputData)

    begincase (InputData)



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    * Buffer destined for the RS-232 UART and transfers the characters to the* UART with following modifications:** NUL characters are discarded.* A 'PacketPopped' is asserted when the NULL character is popped.** The controller sits IDLE until it is sensed that a complete packet in* the Output Packet Buffer. It then commences transferring characters to* the UART until the NUL character is encountered.** The controller gates the transfer of characters when the UART's buffer is* full.*/

    module RS232_PACKET_CTLR_T (OutputData, InputData,Push, Pop, PacketPopped,

    NoPackets, Full, Empty);

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    parameterNUL = 8'h00,LINEFEED = 8'h0A,CARRIAGE_RETURN = 8'h0D,ESCAPE = 8'h1B;

    output [7:0] OutputData; // Data to Input Packet Bufferinput [7:0] InputData; // Data from UARToutput Push; // Push command

    to Input Packet Bufferoutput Pop; // Pop

    command to UARToutput PacketPopped; // Complete packet has

    been transferredinput NoPackets; // Output Packet Buffer has no packetsinput Full; // FF from UART

    Transmit Bufferinput Empty; // EF from Output Packet Buffer

    reg Packet, Keep;reg [7:0] OutputData;wire Transfer;

    assign Transfer = (( (NoPackets == LO)&&(Full == LO)

    &&(Empty == LO) )? HI: LO);

    always @ (InputData)begin

    case (InputData)NUL:


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    assign DSR = Test[1];

    wire Drop;RS232wFIFO PHY(


    .ToOther(Transmit), .FromOther(Received),

    .NoXonXoff(NoXonXoff), .Escape(Escape),

    .Push(Push_PHY), .Pop(Pop_PHY),

    .Empty(PI_EF), .Full(PO_FF), .Lost(Lost),

    .TXD(TXD), .RXD(RXD), .RTS(RTS), .CTS(_CTS), .DSR(_DSR),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    assign Drop = ((Received == XON)||(Received == XOFF))? HI : LO;


    .Test(Test), .Drop(Drop),

    .Pop_PHY(Pop_PHY), .Push_PHY(Push_PHY),

    .Pop_CORE(Pop_CORE), .Push_CORE(Push_CORE),

    .MuxEcho(MuxEcho), .NoEcho(NoEcho),

    .PI_EF(PI_EF), .PO_FF(PO_FF), .CI_FF(CI_FF), .CO_EF(CO_EF));

    FIFO16x8 CORE_OUT // Data going from FPGA to HOST(

    .DataOut(ToOther_C), .DataIn(ToOther),

    .FF(Full), .AF(CO_AF), .HF(CO_HF), .AE(CO_AE), .EF(CO_EF),

    .Push(Push), .Pop(Pop_CORE), .Dump(rst), .Clk(clk));

    FIFO16x8 CORE_IN // Data coming from HOST to FPGA

    ( .DataOut(FromOther), .DataIn(Received),.FF(CI_FF), .AF(CI_AF), .HF(CI_HF), .AE(CI_AE), .EF(Empty),.Push(Push_CORE), .Pop(Pop), .Dump(rst), .Clk(clk)



    .Q(Transmit), .D1(Received), .D0(ToOther_C), .Sel(MuxEcho));



    * RS-232 Echo Controller** This module controls the transfers between the Physical Layer FIFO's and* the FIFO's that the User sees at the core interface. There are two types* of transfers - Outgoing transfers that move data from the Core Layer's* Outgoing FIFO to the Physical Layer's Outgoing FIFO and Incoming transfers* that move data from the Physical Layer's Incoming FIFO to the Core Layer's* Incoming FIFO. An incoming transfer can also cause a copy of the data from* the to be Physical Layer's Incoming FIFO to be pushed into the Physical* Layer's Outgoing FIFO if the Echo bit is asserted.

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    ** To simplify the control logic, Incoming and Outgoing transfers areserviced* in a mutually exclusive mode and are only serviced if all of theconditions* necessary to complete a transfer are present. Since transfers where notall* of the conditions are met are not performed at all, they may be performed* later once all of the conditions are met. This ensures that no data islost* internally and, as long as the FIFO's that accept external data do not* overflow, no data will be lost at all.** The conditions that must be met to declare a pending transfer are:** Outgoing Transfer:* The Core Layer Outgoing FIFO must not be empty.* The Physical Layer Outgoing FIFO must not be full.** Incoming Transfer:

    * The Physical Layer Incoming FIFO must not be empty.* The Core Layer Incoming FIFO must not be full.* If the Echo bit is asserted:* The Physical Layer Outgoing FIFO must not be full.** While both types of transfers can be pending at the same time, theIncoming* Transfer has priority.**/

    module RS232_ECHO_CTLR (Test, Pop_PHY, Push_PHY, Pop_CORE, Push_CORE,MuxEcho, Drop, NoEcho, PI_EF, PO_FF, CI_FF, CO_EF);

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    output [1:0] Test;output Push_PHY, Pop_PHY, Push_CORE, Pop_CORE, MuxEcho;input NoEcho, Drop;input PO_FF, PI_EF, CI_FF, CO_EF;

    reg MuxEcho;reg Push_PHY, Pop_PHY;reg Push_CORE, Pop_CORE;

    wire Pending_T, Pending_R;assign Pending_T = (CO_EF==LO)&&(PO_FF==LO);

    assign Pending_R =(PI_EF==LO)&&(CI_FF==LO)&&((NoEcho==LO)?(PO_FF==LO):HI);

    assign Test[0] = MuxEcho;assign Test[1] = Pop_PHY;

    always @ (Pending_R or Pending_T or Drop or NoEcho)begin

    if (Pending_R == HI) // Transfer from PHY to COREbegin

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    parameter ESCAPE = 8'h1B;

    output [15:0] Test16;input [7:0] ToOther;output [7:0] FromOther;output Escape;input NoXonXoff; // Disable XonXoff Flow Controlinput Push, Pop;output Empty, Full, Lost;input TXD, RTS;output RXD, CTS, DSR;input rst, clk;

    wire [7:0] Transmit, Received;wire FF_I, AF_I, HF_I, AE_I;wire AF_O, HF_O, AE_O, EF_O;wire Push_I;wire Pop_O;

    wire _CTS, _DSR;

    assign CTS = RTS;assign DSR = HI;

    assign Escape = ((Received == ESCAPE)? HI : LO);wire [7:0] NormalData;

    RS232PHY PHY(

    .ToDTE(Transmit), .FromDTE(Received), .Send(Send),.Sending(Sending), .Receiving(Receiving),

    .TXD(TXD), .RXD(RXD), .RTS(RTS), .CTS(_CTS), .DSR(_DSR),.rst(rst), .clk(clk)


    FIFO16x8 FIFO_IN(

    .DataOut(FromOther), .DataIn(Received),

    .FF(FF_I), .AF(AF_I), .HF(HF_I), .AE(AE_I), .EF(Empty),

    .Push(Push_I), .Pop(Pop), .Dump(rst), .Clk(clk));

    FIFO16x8 FIFO_OUT(

    .DataOut(NormalData), .DataIn(ToOther),

    .FF(Full), .AF(AF_O), .HF(HF_O), .AE(AE_O), .EF(EF_O),

    .Push(Push), .Pop(Pop_O), .Dump(rst), .Clk(clk));

    wire Suspend;wire BypassRequest, Bypass;wire [7:0] BypassData;

    assign Transmit = (Bypass == HI)? BypassData : NormalData;



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    .NoXonXoff(NoXonXoff),.ReceivedData(Received),.Suspend(Suspend),.TX_AF(AF_O), .TX_AE(AE_O), // was .TX_AE(AF_O),.RX_AF(AF_I), .RX_AE(AE_I), // was .RX_AE(AF_I),.BypassRequest(BypassRequest),.BypassData(BypassData),.Bypass(Bypass),.rst(rst), .clk(clk)

    );wire [7:0] TestTemp;RS232_TRANSMIT_CTLR TXCTLR(

    //.Test8(Test16[7:0]),.Test8(TestTemp),.Send(Send), .Pop(Pop_O), .Empty(EF_O), .Busy(Sending),.Suspend(Suspend), .BypassRequest(BypassRequest),

    .Bypass(Bypass),.rst(rst), .clk(clk)



    .Push(Push_I), .Lost(Lost), .Full(FF_I), .Busy(Receiving),.rst(rst), .clk(clk)


    assign Test16[7] = Full;assign Test16[6] = AF_O;//assign TestTemp[5] = HF_O;assign Test16[5] = AE_O;assign Test16[4] = EF_O;assign Test16[3] = FF_I;

    assign Test16[2] = AF_I;//assign TestTemp[0] = HF_I;assign Test16[1] = AE_I;assign Test16[0] = Empty;


    /**=========================================================================* RS-232 SOFTWARE FLOW CONTROL (Xon/Xoff) CONTROLLER*=========================================================================** MODULE: RS232_XON_XOFF_CTLR()*

    * This module processes the necessary data and produces the necessary* signals to effect bidirectional software flow control. In order to* avoid a situation in which both the HOST and the FPGA "simultaneously"* block each other and hence can't send the signal to unblock the other,* The transmission and reception of Xon/Xoff codes are nonblockable.** HOST -> FPGA Flow Control** This involves detecting Xon/Xoff characters sent by the HOST and asserting* the Suspend flag to the Physical Layer Transmit Module accordingly.

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    ** FPGA -> HOST Flow Control** This involves detecting when the receive FIFO is near the ends of its* capacity (either almost full or almost empty) and sending Xon/Xoff codes* to the HOST as appropriate.** When the HOST is unblocked (as tracked by an internal register) and the* input FIFO is almost full, an Xoff code is sent to the HOST which places* it in a blocked state. It remains this way until the FIFO is almost empty* at which time an Xon code is sent which unblocks it.** In order to make sure that only one code is sent, a handshaking protocol* is used to bypass the normal transmission pipeline.** Event Pipeline* The XonXoff Controller starts in the Unblocked State.* The Input FIFO raises its AE flag.* The XonXoff Controller enters the Blocking state.* The XonXoff Controller sets the BypassData to XOFF.

    * The XonXoff Controller asserts the BypassRequest flag.* The TX Controller asserts the Bypass flag.* The XonXoff Controller relaxes the BypassRequest flag.* The XonXoff Controller enters the Blocked state.* The Input FIFO raises its AE flag (AE has alreadyfallen).* The XonXoff Controller enters the Unblocking state.* The XonXoff Controller sets the BypassData to XOFF.* The XonXoff Controller asserts the BypassRequest flag.* The TX Controller asserts the Bypass flag.* The XonXoff Controller relaxes the BypassRequest flag.* The XonXoff Controller enters the Unblocked.*

    ** Upon a reset event, the FIFOs are cleared, the suspend flag is cleared,* and the HOST is assumed to be unblocked.*/

    module RS232_XON_XOFF_CTLR(

    Test8,NoXonXoff,ReceivedData, Suspend,TX_AF, TX_AE,RX_AF, RX_AE,BypassRequest, BypassData,

    Bypass,rst, clk


    output [7:0] Test8;input NoXonXoff; // Disable XonXoff Flow Controlinput [7:0] ReceivedData; // Data from UART RX PHYoutput Suspend; // Suspend command to UART TX CONTROLLERinput TX_AF, TX_AE; // Transmit FIFO Status Flagsinput RX_AF, RX_AE; // Receive FIFO Status Flags

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    output BypassRequest; // Bypass Request to UART TX CONTROLLERoutput [7:0] BypassData; // Bypass Data to UART TX PHYinput Bypass; // Bypass Acknowledgement from UART TX

    CONTROLLERinput rst, clk; // Master clock and reset

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;parameter XON = 8'h11;parameter XOFF = 8'h13;

    reg [7:0] BypassData;reg BypassRequest;reg Suspend;

    // Blocking FPGA Transmission based on Xon/Xoff codes from HOSTalways @ (posedge clk)begin

    if (rst == 1)Suspend

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    begincase (State)


    BypassData = XON;BypassRequest = LO;Next_State = (Host_CTS == LO)?

    S_BLOCKING : State;end


    BypassData = XOFF;BypassRequest = HI;Next_State = (Bypass == HI)? S_BLOCKED

    : State;end


    BypassData = XOFF;BypassRequest = LO;

    Next_State = (Host_CTS == HI)?S_UNBLOCKING : State;


    beginBypassData = XON;BypassRequest = HI;Next_State = (Bypass == HI)?

    S_UNBLOCKED : State;end


    BypassData = XON;

    BypassRequest = LO;Next_State = S_UNBLOCKED;end


    assign Test8[7] = RX_AE;assign Test8[6] = RX_AF;assign Test8[5] = Bypass;assign Test8[4] = Suspend;assign Test8[3] = NoXonXoff;assign Test8[2] = BypassRequest;assign Test8[1] = State[1];assign Test8[0] = State[0];


    module RS232_TRANSMIT_CTLR(

    Test8, Send, Pop, Empty, Busy,Suspend, BypassRequest, Bypass,rst, clk


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    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    output [7:0] Test8;output Send, Pop;input Empty, Busy, rst, clk;input Suspend, BypassRequest;output Bypass;

    parameterIDLE = 2'b00,INIT = 2'b01,POP = 2'b10,BUSY = 2'b11;

    reg [1:0] State;reg [1:0] Next_State;

    reg BypassSend, Next_BypassSend;

    always @ (posedge clk)begin

    if (rst == 1)begin


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    Next_State = INIT;else

    Next_State = State;end


    Send_int = HI;Pop_int = LO;Next_BypassSend = BypassSend;Next_State = (Busy == HI)? POP:INIT;


    beginSend_int = LO;Pop_int = (BypassSend)? LO : HI;Next_BypassSend = BypassSend;Next_State = BUSY;



    Send_int = LO;Pop_int = LO;Next_BypassSend = BypassSend;Next_State = (Busy == LO)? IDLE:BUSY;


    beginSend_int = LO;Pop_int = LO;Next_BypassSend = BypassSend;Next_State = IDLE;



    assign Test8[7] = Send_int;assign Test8[6] = Pop_int;assign Test8[5] = BypassRequest;assign Test8[4] = Bypass;assign Test8[3] = Next_State[1];assign Test8[2] = Next_State[0];assign Test8[1] = State[1];assign Test8[0] = State[0];


    module RS232_RECEIVE_CTLR (Push, Lost, Full, Busy, rst, clk);

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    output Push, Lost;input Full, Busy, rst, clk;

    parameterIDLE = 2'b00,BUSY = 2'b01,PUSH = 2'b10;

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    reg [1:0] State;reg [1:0] Next_State;

    always @ (posedge clk)begin

    if (rst == 1)State

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    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    input [7:0] ToDTE;output [7:0] FromDTE;input Send;output Sending, Receiving;input TXD, RTS;output RXD, CTS, DSR;input rst, clk;

    wire [3:0] rate; // Baud Rate Selectorwire b, b_r, b_f; // Baud clock, rising edge, falling edgewire b2, b2_r, b2_f; // 2x Baud clock, rising edge, falling edgeassign rate = 4'd9; // Selects 115200 baud

    //assign CTS = RTS;//assign DSR = HI;

    assign CTS = Receiving;assign DSR = Sending;


    .b(b), .b2(b2),

    .b_r(b_r), .b_f(b_f), .b2_r(b2_r), .b2_f(b2_f), .rate(rate),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));


    .SerialOut(RXD), .DataIn(ToDTE), .Send(Send),.Sending(Sending),

    .b_r(b_r), .rst(rst), .clk(clk)



    .SerialIn(TXD), .DataOut(FromDTE), .Receiving(Receiving),

    .b(b), .b2_r(b2_r), .b2_f(b2_f), .rst(rst), .clk(clk));


    /**=========================================================================* RS232 TRANSMITTER PHYSICAL LAYER IMPLEMENTATION*=========================================================================

    * This module is used to generate and send single packets of serialized* data over an RS-232 serial link.** The User should query the status of the Sending bit before asserting* the Send command since such commands will be ignored if the Sending bit* is already HI. Another approach is to assert the Send bit and the look* for a rising edge of Sending after that as an acknowledgement.** Upon receiving an actionable Send command, the DataIn is captured so* that the User can set up for the next data value if desired. The Send

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    * but must be relaxed and reasserted for every data value to be sent.** SendCmd - HI when Send is asserted and not already Sending* SendFlag - HI from valid SendCmd until Sending actually starts* SendLoad - HI for first clock cycle of SendCmd* Sending - HI from first rising baud clock edge**/

    module RS232TXPHY(SerialOut, DataIn, Send, Sending, b_r, rst, clk);

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    output SerialOut;input [7:0] DataIn;input Send;input b_r, rst, clk;output Sending;

    // Send Trigger

    wire SendCmd;wire SendFlag;wire SendLoad;wire Sending;

    // Transmit Shift Registerswire [9:0] QTX, QTXTR;wire TXshift, TXout;wire [9:0] TXpacket, TXtrack;wire [7:0] Data;wire TXtrackSO;

    assign SendCmd = ((Send==HI)&&(Sending==LO));

    assign SendLoad = ((Send==HI)&&(SendFlag==LO));

    OneShot SendTrap(

    .Q(SendFlag), .Start(SendCmd), .Stop(Sending),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    assign SendInit = ((SendFlag==HI)&&(b_r==HI));assign SendDone = ((Sending==HI)&&(TXtrackSO==LO)&&(b_r==HI));

    OneShot MMVTX(

    .Q(Sending), .Start(SendInit), .Stop(SendDone),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    Reg8 TXREG(

    .Q(Data), .D(DataIn),

    .en(SendLoad), .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    assign TXpacket = {HI,Data,LO};

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    assign TXtrack = {LO,8'b11111111,HI};assign TXshift = ((TXtrackSO==HI)&&(b_r==HI));assign SerialOut = (Sending==HI)? TXout : HI;

    ShiftReg10 TXSR(

    .Sout(TXout), .Sin(HI),

    .Q(QTX), .D(TXpacket),

    .Shift(TXshift), .Load(SendInit),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    ShiftReg10 TXTR(

    .Sout(TXtrackSO), .Sin(LO),

    .Q(QTXTR), .D(TXtrack),

    .Shift(TXshift), .Load(SendInit),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));


    /**=========================================================================* RS232 RECEIVER PHYSICAL LAYER IMPLEMENTATION*=========================================================================* The data on TXD is buffered because it is asynchronous to the master* clock. This ensures that the data used by the various parts of the* logic is consistent and has no setup/hold time issues.** RecInit is asserted with the first rising edge of the Baud2 clk* following the beginning of the Start Bit. This signal is used to* fire a one-shot that determines the Receiving bit. At the same time,

    * the phase of the Baud clk is captured and a pattern of all 1's is* placed in the receiver's tracking shift register.** As long as the receiver is in the receiving mode, the bits are shifted* in with every falling edge of the Baud2 clock that is on the proper* phase of the Baud clk.** The tracking register's serial output is used to detect when shifting* should cease, which is with the first rising edge of the Baud2 clk* that occurs after a LO has been shifted into the serial output of the* tracking register.**/

    module RS232RXPHY(SerialIn, DataOut, Receiving, b, b2_r, b2_f, rst, clk);

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;

    input SerialIn;output [7:0] DataOut;input b, b2_r, b2_f, rst, clk;output Receiving;

    // Receive Trigger

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    wire Phase;wire [9:0] RXpacket, RXtrack;assign RXtrack = {HI,8'b11111111,HI};wire RXout, RXtrackSO;

    wire RecInit;wire RecDone;wire Receiving;wire TXin;

    DFFRen TX_IN(

    .Q(TXin), .D(SerialIn),

    .en(HI), .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    assign RecInit = ((TXin == LO)&&(Receiving == LO)&&(b2_r== HI));assign RecDone = ((Receiving == HI)&&(RXtrackSO == LO)&&(b2_r== HI));


    (.Q(Phase), .D(~b),.en(RecInit), .rst(rst), .clk(clk)


    OneShot MMVRX(

    .Q(Receiving), .Start(RecInit), .Stop(RecDone),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    // Receive Shift Registerswire [9:0] QRX, QRXTR;

    wire RXshift;assign QRX = 10'b0;

    assign RXshift = ((RXtrackSO == HI)&&(b==Phase)&&(b2_f==HI));

    ShiftReg10 RXSR(

    .Sout(RXout), .Sin(TXin),

    .Q(RXpacket), .D(QRX),

    .Shift(RXshift), .Load(RecInit),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    ShiftReg10 RXTR

    (.Sout(RXtrackSO), .Sin(LO),.Q(QRXTR), .D(RXtrack),.Shift(RXshift), .Load(RecInit),.rst(rst), .clk(clk)


    Reg8 RXREG(

    .Q(DataOut), .D(RXpacket[8:1]),

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    .en(RecDone), .rst(rst), .clk(clk));


    /**=========================================================================* BAUD RATE GENERATOR*=========================================================================* The Transmit and Receive Physical Layer modules sync to a free* running Baud Clock. The receiver samples each bit somewhere between* 1/3 and 2/3 of the bit duration. This is accomplished using a clock that* is running at twice the baud rate. The actual baud clock is derived from* this 2x clock by transitioning on its rising edges.** To avoid using global clock resources, all components are completely* synchronous with the system master clock. Hence the Baud Rate Generator* provides the same enable bits that are used to generate the two clocks.** Signal: b Baud Clock

    * b_r HI when b will transition from LO to HI on next clk* b_f HI when b will transition from HI to LO on next clk* b2 2x Baud Clock* b2_r HI when b will transition from LO to HI on next clk* b2_f HI when b will transition from HI to LO on next clk** The baud rate divisor is equal to the number of master clock cycles the* corresponds to one half cycle of the 2x Baud Clock. This** BAUD_DIVISOR = ((MASTER_FREQUENCY)/(BAUD_RATE))/4** This formular will result in a trunctation instead of a rounding, but* that is acceptable.


    module RS232BAUDCLK (b, b2, b_r, b_f, b2_r, b2_f, rate, rst, clk);

    parameter CLK_FREQ = 50000000;

    parameter LO = 1'b0, HI = 1'b1;input [3:0] rate;input rst, clk;output b, b_r, b_f; // Baud clock, rising edge, falling edgeoutput b2, b2_r, b2_f; // 2x Baud clock, rising edge, falling edge

    parameterBAUD_300 = 4'd0,BAUD_600 = 4'd1,BAUD_1200 = 4'd2,BAUD_2400 = 4'd3,BAUD_4800 = 4'd4,BAUD_9600 = 4'd5,BAUD_19200 = 4'd6,BAUD_38400 = 4'd7,BAUD_57600 = 4'd8,

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    BAUD_155200 = 4'd9;

    // Baud Rate Divisor Selectionwire [15:0] Baud_Divisor;reg [15:0] Baud_Divisor_int;assign Baud_Divisor = Baud_Divisor_int;always @ (rate)begin

    case (rate)BAUD_300 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/300)/4);BAUD_600 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/600)/4);BAUD_1200 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/1200)/4);BAUD_2400 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/2400)/4);BAUD_4800 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/4800)/4);BAUD_9600 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/9600)/4);BAUD_19200 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/19200)/4);BAUD_38400 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/38400)/4);BAUD_57600 : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/57600)/4);BAUD_155200: Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/115200)/4);default : Baud_Divisor_int = ((CLK_FREQ/9600)/4);


    // Combinatorial logic to determine transitionswire tick;assign b2_r = (b2 == LO) && (tick);assign b2_f = (b2 == HI) && (tick);assign b_r = (b == LO) && (b2_r == HI);assign b_f = (b == HI) && (b2_r == HI);

    // Baud Clock GeneratorsPulseGen16 RS232_CLK (.Q(tick), .Period(Baud_Divisor), .en(HI),

    .rst(rst), .clk(clk));

    DFFRen BAUD2_CLK (.Q(b2), .D(~b2), .en(tick), .rst(rst), .clk(clk));DFFRen BAUD_CLK (.Q(b), .D(~b), .en(b2_r), .rst(rst), .clk(clk));
