service KNOWLEDGE · Kairos Retreat: Kairos is a national retreat program taking place in Catholic high schools, parish youth groups and college campuses across the country. Kairos

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Page 1: service KNOWLEDGE · Kairos Retreat: Kairos is a national retreat program taking place in Catholic high schools, parish youth groups and college campuses across the country. Kairos




W W W . N E W A R K C A T H O L I C . O R G

Page 2: service KNOWLEDGE · Kairos Retreat: Kairos is a national retreat program taking place in Catholic high schools, parish youth groups and college campuses across the country. Kairos

Why Choose Newark Catholic High School?

Newark Catholic High School has been a story of growth and many satisfying achievements —

academically, spiritually, athletically, and in co-curricular activities. The school has built a strong reputation

in central Ohio and is looked upon very highly by its students, parents, alumni, and the general population

as well. The current community is continually striving to live out the philosophy originally established in

1958 - a commitment to excellence and a willingness to serve others as called to by our Catholic faith.

This is an awesome responsibility, yet it is one that will sustain the school and provide a quality education

for generations of students to come.

As a faith-based school, Newark Catholic provides a diverse community in the Catholic tradition, fostering

spiritual growth, moral responsibility, academic excellence, and artistic and athletic pursuits. All of this

combined nurtures the development of the mind, spirit and body of our students. Our students leave well-

equipped for college and beyond, prepared to act knowledgeably, to lead thoughtfully, to share generously

and to contribute meaningfully.

Being a Catholic high school allows us to offer the opportunity to experience one’s faith through the

Sacraments, prayer and service. We encourage the spiritual and moral growth of our students through

daily Theology classes, school Masses, class retreats, numerous service projects and daily prayer.

We know the importance of first-hand observation and invite you and your child to see for yourselves why

Newark Catholic is the right choice. Feel the energy and excitement in our building and witness the

adherence to Catholic teachings and the Gospel at work.

Experience Newark Catholic for a Day

Each fall, 8th Grade Prospective Student Day is held for students from our feeder schools which include

St. Francis de Sales, Blessed Sacrament, St. Vincent de Paul and St. Pius X. In addition, students in PSR

programs at surrounding parishes, non-Catholic students, and home-schooled 8th grade students are

invited to schedule a visit on a Green Wave for a Day and shadow a current student for the day.



Founded in 1958

14:1 student to teacher


75% of our faculty hold

advanced degrees

2 Guidance Counselors

and 1 Intervention

Specialist on staff

100% Graduation Rate

Newark Catholic offers

one of the lowest high

school tuitions in the

Columbus Diocese

In the last six years,

Newark Catholic

graduates have

received over $20.4

million in academic


98% of our students

go on to college

Over 95% of the

student body

participates in co-

curricular activities

Building-wide wireless


One-to-One iPad


Over $3000 raised by

students annually for

community service


At Newark Catholic you’ll find:

Rigorous academic preparation

Small class size in a safe, secure environment

A community of dedicated, talented faculty and staff

A Spiritual Life program and community service component

Attention and support for students at all learning levels

A challenging Math, Science & Technology Program

An award-winning Fine Arts Program

A tradition of championship-caliber athletics

A wide range of creative, fun and inclusive student activities

An outstanding investment in your student’s education

Our Mission

Newark Catholic High School is committed to creating an environment for students to grow in their

Catholic Faith, expand their knowledge, and extend their talents in service to others.

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Page 3: service KNOWLEDGE · Kairos Retreat: Kairos is a national retreat program taking place in Catholic high schools, parish youth groups and college campuses across the country. Kairos

The three key dimensions in the process of building our faith community at Newark Catholic are: Theology - teaching the importance of

learning about God and the things of God; Spirituality - nurturing the experience and expression of an interpersonal relationship with God

through liturgy, retreats, and prayer; Service - promoting the loving response to others’ needs.

Campus Ministry is the force that leads Newark Catholic in its Catholic identity. Every year, Campus Ministry is responsible for the planning of

school Masses, prayer services and other faith experiences. Students can also participate in several retreats through the retreat program and

take part in the school-wide service program.

The Card ina l V i r tue s

Faith Formation

The Dominican Sisters were the first to teach at Newark Catholic. They established the strength and

tradition of the school based on:

A love of study and a strong preparation for the apostolate of teaching

Excellence in Education

A thorough background in Theology

The Religious Formation of youth in the Catholic Faith

Love of the Church

Shared enthusiasm for the truth of the Gospel

Faith development at Newark Catholic includes a variety of ministries and activities, such as service projects,

retreats, prayer services and liturgies, as well as spiritual formation programs, peer ministry and leadership

training. Our Campus Ministry Team inspires the students and staff of Newark Catholic to be engaged as

prayerful and generous members of God’s Kingdom.

W W W . N E W A R K C A T H O L I C . O R G

Theo logy Cou rses

Freshman Year

The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture

Who is Jesus Christ?

Sophomore Year

The Mission of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church

Junior Year

Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ

Life in Jesus Christ

Senior Year

History of the Catholic Church

Living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ in Society

All School Retreat: Every October, all NC students have the opportunity to retreat with their class to grow in faith and love for God and

one another. All faculty are involved in the faith formation of the students at NC, each retreat is led by a team of teachers working to bring

Christ into the lives of our students more fully.

Kairos Retreat: Kairos is a national retreat program taking place in Catholic high schools, parish youth groups and college campuses

across the country. Kairos is the Greek word for the right or opportune moment, but has also come to mean “God’s Time.” The purpose

of the retreat is to allow God’s presence in your life to reveal itself further. Kairos is led by a group of senior students with adult supervision


Retrea ts

“Christ is the reason for this school, the unseen but ever-present teacher in its

classes, the model of its faculty, the inspiration of its students.”

One of the Continuous Improvement Goals at NCHS is to daily implement the Cardinal Virtues in all we say and do.

Fortitude - the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good

Temperance - the moral virtue that moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods

Justice - the moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give one’s due to God and neighbor

Prudence - the virtue that disposes practical reason to discern one’s true good in every circumstance and to choose the right

means of achieving it

L i turg ic a l Ce l ebrat ion s

All School Mass: Students fulfill a variety of roles

at mass including the following: Sacristans, Lectors,

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, and Altar


First Friday Eucharistic Adoration: Takes place in

our chapel throughout the school day on the first

Friday of every month.

School Mission: Guest Priests or Lay speakers

will come to NC and speak on different topics

such as the dangers of Social Media as a Catholic

youth or finding ways through the temptation to


Penance Services: Offered three times throughout

the school year, at the beginning of the year, in

preparation for Christmas during Advent, and in

preparation for Easter during Lent.

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Philosophy of Education

Newark Catholic High School offers a challenging curriculum that stimulates students to question, evaluate, discover, and create. Students are

challenged to think critically and creatively. We believe that learning requires a disciplined atmosphere that fosters both personal freedom and

responsibility for one’s decisions. Newark Catholic High School’s education philosophy is based on an understanding of education and on the

principles of Catholic tradition. We provide an educational environment that fosters academic excellence, Christian ethics, respect for self and

others, and the development of a community spirit. Through the message of the Gospel and in the light of faith, the educational process brings

together students, faculty, staff, administration, and parents. Students encounter a broad variety of learning experiences that blends the traditional

and the innovative, and these experiences foster every student’s ability to shape the world through his or her vision.

We provide a college preparatory curriculum and students receive a well-rounded education comprised of required and elective courses in

religious studies, the fine arts, language, mathematics, science, social studies, and an English curriculum emphasizing literature, grammar, and

writing. Each aspect of Newark Catholic High School’s academic program is geared to stimulate excellence in the pursuit of learning for all

students. We strive to instill principles of hard work, self-discipline and academic excellence while providing the necessary help for the student

who struggles. Four thousand students have graduated from Newark Catholic. Today NC stands strong. Ninety-eight percent of our students go

on to college. In the last six years, our students have received over $20.4 million in academic scholarships.

Course Selection

Theology I-IV

English I-IV

Honors English II & III

AP English IV


Composition I (CCP)

Yearbook Production

Digital Communications

Video Production

Fitness For Life


Physical Education

Coaching & Sport

Art Fundamentals

2D Art/Painting

3D Art/Sculpture

Ceramics I & II


Portfolio & Career Development

Music Appreciation

Vocal Music Ensemble

Percussion Concepts I & II

American Music Production I & II

Computer Applications I & II


Freshmen Foundations

Algebra I

Algebra 1 Block


Honors Geometry

Algebra II/Trigonometry

Algebra II

Mathematical Applications

Mathematical Modeling


AP Calculus AB

Spanish I-V

Latin I-IV

Physical Science

Biology I & II

Honors Biology I

Chemistry I

Honors Chemistry I


Environmental Science

United States History

World History


Current Events

Man & Mythology

History of Sports

Psychology (CCP)

Academic Excellence

Honors Courses: Honors Biology, Honors Geometry, Honors English II & III, Honors Chemistry

Advanced Placement Courses: Calculus AB, English Literature & Composition

College Credit Plus: Psychology (COTC), Composition (COTC)

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Commitment to Technology

Through the use of technology we enhance, improve, engage and stimulate the learning environment for all students, thus advancing their

educational experience and skills to prepare them to live and work in the global community of the 21st Century.

Newark Catholic is committed to utilizing state-of-the-art technology to personalize the educational experience of our students and develop

critical thinking and problem solving skills. Our building-wide wireless network allows for students to have access to the absolute best tools

available for education, promoting innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Classrooms are up-to-date with iPads, Smart Boards, Interactive

Video Distance Learning Labs and fully equipped science labs. In the Fall of 2013 we completed a state-of-the art addition to our building which

features classrooms for the visual and performing arts. We strive to engage, enrich, and inspire the whole individual both academically and


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A 4.0

A- 3.7

B+ 3.5

B 3.2

B- 3.0

C+ 2.7

C 2.3

C- 2.0

D+ 1.7

D 1.3

D- 1.0

F 0.0

Grading Requirements

Standardized Test Scores

ACT Mean Scores (n=60)

English 24

Math 22

Reading 24

Science 23

Composite 23

Successful completion of

24 credits, including:

Theology .................. 4 units

English ....................... 4 units

Mathematics ............ 4 units

Science ..................... 3 units

Social Studies .......... 3 units

Health/Physical Ed. .. 1 unit

Fine Arts .................... 1 unit

Keyboarding ............ ½ unit

Foreign Language ... 2 units



Newark Catholic High School is a four-year, comprehensive, co-educational high school fully

accredited and chartered by the State of Ohio Department of Education, the Diocese of Columbus,

and the Ohio Catholic Schools Accrediting Association.


Newark Catholic High School, one of ten high schools in the Diocese of Columbus, is located in Newark, Ohio. With a population of

46,000 people, Newark serves as the county seat of Licking County. Newark Catholic serves a wide ranging socio-economic population from

both Licking and Knox counties, and from both Catholic and non-Catholic backgrounds.

W W W . N E W A R K C A T H O L I C . O R G

Academic Excellence

Newark Catholic strives to educate the whole person intellectually, spiritually, and physically. As active members of a vibrant community, our

students develop an awareness of their responsibility to use their gifts and talents for the greater good in our society. Service programs are

led by faculty advisors and student leaders of Key Club, Student Council and Campus Ministry. Through groups like Campus Ministry, NC for

Life, Key Club and Student Council, NC students and faculty work to develop an awareness of their responsibility to serve God in the world

around us. Service projects include but are not limited to Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry, Used Coat Drive,

Red Cross Blood Drive, Food and Money Drive for Operation Feed, Work with Heartbeats of Licking County, The March for Life to End

Abortion, and St. Joseph the Worker Day.


Up to five years of lab science, math, and Spanish, as well as four years of Latin are available for college-bound students. Qualifying students may

participate in Ohio’s College Credit Plus program, earning simultaneous college and high school credits through courses taken on our campus, on

the college campus, or online. Some financial aid is available through the state for CCP. Juniors and seniors who meet our graduation requirements

may take courses at the Career and Technology Education Center (C-TEC), while remaining NC students.

Grade Point & Class Rank

Each student’s grade point average is computed at the end of the grading period. Courses are calculated by credit value, to determine G.P.A. for

the year. Class rank is determined at the end of the school year for grades 9, 10, and 11 based on a 4 decimal G.P.A. For seniors, this is

calculated at the end of the first semester, third quarter, and end of school year based on a 2 decimal G.P.A. Both the G.P.A. and class rank are


M e e t Ou r F a cu l t y

75% of our faculty hold advanced degrees

and have an average of 18 years of teaching

experience. We currently staff a principal,

two guidance counselors, 19 teachers, an

intervention specialist, and a technology

coordinator. All faculty are licensed by the

Ohio Department of Education.

Get to know the Newark Catholic Faculty

and Staff. Read their online bios at

www.newarkcatholic.org under About Us

Academic Scholarships

Over $5,600,000

was earned by the

Class of 2016

Service Programs

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Athletic Tradition

Newark Catholic offers many opportunities for our students to enrich their academic experiences

through a wide array of student activities. Through these programs, we strive to enable our students to

expand their interests, gain leadership skills, learn responsibility and teamwork, and gain a greater

appreciation and understanding for the values of community and service. All of our programs endeavor

to promote our social responsibility and community service as well as our mission of preparing our

students through social, academic, and spiritual learning experiences that form and transform them as

they become responsible citizens of our global community.

At Newark Catholic, there are co-curricular programs that offer something for every student. Ninety-five

percent of the student body participates in co-curricular activities.

We offer a variety of activities to meet student’s interests, extend and enrich the curriculum and provide

opportunities for service and leadership in fine arts, academic achievement, and service and leadership.

Activities include: Art Club, Campus Ministry Team, Channel None, Class Officers, Drama, In The Know

Team, Key Club, Knitting Club, Latin Club, Chess Club, Liturgical Choir, National Honor Society, NC For

Life, Prom Committee, Retreat Team, Real Is Beautiful, Robotics Club, Spanish Club, Student Council and


Achieving success together

Our student athletes develop their talents in a program rich in tradition and championships. Newark Catholic athletics enrich our students’

school experience and provide a lifetime of memories. Our student athletes develop strong bonds with their teammates, encouraging and pushing

each other to be their very best. Newark Catholic student athletes create memories that last a lifetime.

More than 85% of our students participate in athletic programs offered at Newark Catholic. Involvement in athletics is encouraged as it bolsters

teamwork, shows commitment to a common goal, and helps with increased academic focus. Being a part of a team also helps foster the

development of lifelong skills. Newark Catholic’s Athletic Department includes 17 programs that participate in the Licking County League and

are members of the Ohio High School Athletic Association. Teams include Girls & Boys Cross Country, Golf, Basketball, Swimming and Track;

Girls Volleyball, Cheerleading and Softball; and Boys Football, Wrestling and Baseball.

W W W . N E W A R K C A T H O L I C . O R G

We invite parents and students to schedule a tour and visit with our Director of Admissions at any time throughout the school year.

Questions? Contact our Director of Admissions, Mrs. Jodi Snider 740.344.3594 ext. 222 or [email protected]

Admissions information is also available at: http://www.newarkcatholic.org/about-us/prospective-students/

W W W . N E W A R K C A T H O L I C . O R G

Tradition of Championships

NC is proud to have won 34 team and individual State Championships in six different sports since the beginning of our program in 1958

Football - 1968, 1978, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 2007 (2nd most in OHSAA history)

Baseball - 1988, 1989, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2013, 2015, 2016

Boys Track - 1987 (Individual), 1995 (Individual), 1996 (Individual), 2009 (Individual)

Girls Track - 1987 (Individual)

Girls Volleyball - 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1988, 1989, 2004

Girls Basketball -1984

Wrestling - 1993 (Individual)

Camaraderie & Support Our students encourage each other across sports teams and the broader Newark Catholic family provides passionate support, dedication, and

work for our students and programs. Newark Catholic athletes treasure the support of teammates, friends, family, and community.
