By Eng. Disan K. Ssozi , Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda 04/28/10 1

Session Harmonization 3c - Disan 2 evolution of spm in uganda

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Page 1: Session Harmonization 3c - Disan 2 evolution of spm in uganda

By Eng. Disan K. Ssozi ,Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda

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Page 2: Session Harmonization 3c - Disan 2 evolution of spm in uganda

ContextLate 1980s: Multiple donor projects

Early 1990s: Consolidated donor spefic programmes (e.g. Danida Sector Support Programme, Sida Programme, etc)

2002: Sector-Wide Approach to Planning (SWAP) in a Decentralised Environment

2008 - 2012: Joint Water and Sanitation Sector Programme Support (JWSSPS)

Future: Progressively aligned/harmonized donor support in accordance with the Paris Declaration

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Process of Sector Performance Monitoring

Data Collection (Local Government)

Compilation, analysis, key issuesCompilation,

analysis, key issuesCompilation, analysis, key issuesCompilation,

analysis, key issuesCompilation, analysis, key issues

Data compilation & analysis (sub-


Annual Sector

Performance Report (SPR):compilation,

quality assurance, peer review

& retreat.


Presentation and Discussion: Joint Sector Review (Govt, Donors, NGOs)

+ Agree ~6 „undertakings“

Action & follow-up

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11 key golden indicatorsAccess to safe water Hygiene

Functionality Water Quality

Investment Cost Water for Production

Equity Gender

Sanitation Management


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Example 1Indicator 1:

% of (rural) people within 1.5km of an improved water point


Assumed number of users for protected springs, taps, handpumps and rainwater facilities

National Average = 63%

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Example 2Indicator 3:

Average cost per beneficiary of new water and sanitation schemes


Annual expenditure divided by number of new persons served with improved water facilities

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Resource Requirements

1. Technical Support (at least initially)

2. Human resources (Ministry Staff)

3. Financial resources for report production and dissemination


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The long road travelled.... 1998 SWAP (with District Conditional Grant) 2002 Sector Performance Measurement Framework (consultant led)2003 First Sector Performance Report (consultant led) 2004 Second Sector Performance Report (MWE led with TA support)....up to 2008

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....and the distance covered Consensus on basic definitions Transparency (and loss of power ??) What to do with sensitive issues? Time for top management to be fully on

board Data format and analysis Champions and institutionalization!!

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Key Challenges Too many district local govts

(79 in total) Coordination of all sector

players Data reliability & verification Prioritisation Link to planning & budgeting Too transparent?? Lack of wider distribution

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Next Steps …….

2. Strengthen institutionalisation of SIMS at central and LG levels

3. Link SIMS and intra-sector budgeting process4. Continue the preparation of annual SPRs with

emphasis on in-depth analysis of issues and benchmarking with other countries.

5. Invest in capacity development for the central and LG staff involved in the process

6. Introduce performance measurement framework for the environment sub-sector

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Please visit: www:mwe.go.ugThank you!

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