2 nd Inter-Agency Coordinating Group Meeting September 27-29, 2016 Washington, DC Session II. Review of ICP 2017 Operational Material for Price Surveys and National Accounts Activities Private Education

Session II. Review of ICP 2017 Operational Material for ...pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/721761487202585336/ICP-IACG02-Doc-S2... · Foreign language class ... Read carefully the Explanatory

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2nd Inter-Agency Coordinating Group Meeting September 27-29, 2016

Washington, DC

Session II. Review of ICP 2017 Operational Material for Price Surveys and National Accounts Activities

Private Education


Available Survey Forms

Related Basic Heading (s)

• Current: 1110111 Private Education

Data Collection Forms (7)

National Average for each education level or activity surveyed

• Average Annual Tuition or Average Hourly Fee

Item Code 111011101 111011102 111011103 111011104 111011105 111011106 111011107

Item Name Primary EducationLower Secondary General


Upper Secondary General


Tertiary Education

(Computer Sciences


Tertiary Education

(Economics Degree)

Other Education

Programs (Foreign

Language Course or


Other Education

Programs (Private

Lessons in Mathematics,

Tutoring Outside School


Number of units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Unit of measurement Annual tuition Annual tuition Annual tuition Annual tuition Annual tuition Hourly tuition Hourly tuition

Establishment type Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

TypePrimary education, day


Lower secondary, day


Upper Secondary

education, day school

Tertiary education, full-time


Tertiary education, full-time


Foreign language class

lesson (10-20 students in a


Private tutoring for

mathematics, one student

with one qualified tutor

Level of educationISCED level 1 – primary


ISCED level 2 – lower

secondary education; entry

after completion of primary


ISCED level 3 – upper

secondary education;

general school leaving

certificate giving access to

university level education

ISCED level 6 – bachelor’s

or equivalent level; first

degree ( e.g. bachelor's,

license, diploma, etc.)

ISCED level 6 – bachelor’s

or equivalent level; first

degree ( e.g. bachelor's,

license, diploma, etc.)

Intermediate level at a

language school

Tutoring, upper secondary

education level

Field of study Computer Sciences EconomicsEnglish or French language

(for non-native student)Mathematics

Medium (or language)

of instructionOfficial language Official language Official language Official language Official language

English or French language

(for non-native student)Official language

StudentA resident (national of the

country concerned)

A resident (national of the

country concerned)

A resident (national of the

country concerned)

A resident (national of the

country concerned)

A resident (national of the

country concerned)

Entrance age (years) 5-8 10-13 14-16 18-22 18-22 Any (not for small children) 15-16

FeeAverage annual tuition per


Average annual tuition per


Average annual tuition per


Average annual tuition per


Average annual tuition per


Average hourly fee per


Average hourly fee per


Exclude from tuition

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Payments for educational

materials and education

support services

Private Education: Recap

• 7 items (No change from 2011)

• Tertiary Education: Specified as Economics Degree

• Primary to Upper Secondary: Level of education defined with ISCED level (and have ranges for entrance age to allow different schooling systems)

Final Item List revisions (RCA Meeting, May 2015)

Enhancements to item list, for clarity

• All seven education levels and activities whose cost of private education is to be reported

• To ensure clear, structured and comprehensive item definitions

1. Introduction of Structured Product Definitions (SPDs)

2. Items list unchanged, except for clarity and comparability

• Linking relevant items to UNESCO’s latest International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), to facilitate comparisons across countries on the basis of uniform and internationally agreed definitions.

Improvements implemented in 2015: Links to ISCED

• By adjusting labels and entries for item name, level of education, language in class, field of study, and age of student parameters

• Establishment type (new parameter)

• Education levels: ISCED 2011 classification allows cross-country comparability, while preserving flexibility

• Introducing ISCED 2011 age ranges in the re-labeled entrance age parameter

3. Defining private education items more clearly

Item Code 111011104

Item NameTertiary Education (Computer

Sciences Degree)

Number of units 1

Unit of measurement Annual tuition

Establishment type Private

Type Tertiary education, full-time study

Level of education

ISCED level 6 – bachelor’s or

equivalent level; first degree ( e.g.

bachelor's, license, diploma, etc.)

Field of study Computer Sciences

Medium (or language) of

instructionOfficial language

StudentA resident (national of the country


Entrance age (years) 18-22

Fee Average annual tuition per student

Exclude from tuitionPayments for educational materials

and education support services

Further improvement: Link to ISCED-F

• By providing entries for field of study parameter

• Field of study: ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 (ISCED-F) allows cross-country comparability, while preserving flexibility, describes and categorizes the revised fields of education and training at the secondary, post-secondary and tertiary levels of education as defined in ISCED 2011.

4. Defining field of studyItem Code 111011104

Item Name Tertiary Education (ICTs Degree)

Number of units 1

Unit of measurement Annual tuition

Establishment type Private

Type Tertiary education, full-time study

Level of education

ISCED 2011 level 6 – Bachelor’s or

equivalent level; first degree ( e.g.

bachelor's, license, diploma, etc.)

Field of study

ISCED Fields of Education and Training

2013: 061 Information and

Communication Technoologies (ICTs)

Medium (or language) of

instructionOfficial language

StudentA resident (national of the country


Entrance age (years) 18-22

Fee Average annual tuition per student

Exclude from tuitionPayments for educational materials and

education support services

Do RIAs agree with linking to ISCED-F?

NOTE: RIAs agreed to proposed changes during September 27, 2016 IACG meeting

Special Survey Forms: Private Education (1)

• Follows the same basic structure of other Special Survey forms

• Entries allowed only to “data entry cells”

• Printable

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m p a r i s o n P r o g r a m


Survey Form

Operational Material

Special Survey Forms: Private Education (2)

INDEX (You can click the below link to go to the sheet)

0. Cover Page

1. Index

2. Instructions

3. Country Data

4. Structured Product Description (SPD)

5.1 DCF Primary

5.2 DCF Lower Secondary

5.3 DCF Upper Secondary

5.4 DCF Tertiary Science

5.5 DCF Tertiary Economics

5.6 DCF Language Lessons

5.7 DCF Tutoring

6. DCF Example

7. Database

Special Survey Forms: Private Education (3)

Go To Index

General Instructions

Explanatory NotesI. For Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary EducationBox A: National Standard Information for Private Education

Please fill these fields at the beginning, before you start

entering data for each observation.

# Entry Explanation

(1) Number of Observations This will be automatically calculated if relevant data is entered.

(2) Name of Country This will be automatically filled if the name of your country is provided in

"2. County Data" tab.

(3) Average Annual Tuition This will be automatically calculated if relevant data is entered.

(4) Reported Currency This will be automatically filled if the name of your currency is provided in

"2. County Data" tab.

(5) Number of school days of Academic Year 1 Please provide the number of school days for the first academic year.

(6) Number of school days of Academic Year 1 that fall in the

calendar year Y (e.g. 2017)

Please provide the number of school days of Academic Year 1 that fall in

the current calendar year.

(7) Number of school days of Academic Year 2 Please provide the number of school days of Academic Year 2

(8) Number of school days of Academic Year 2 that fall in the

current calendar year

Please provide the number of school days of Academic Year 2 that fall in

the current calendar year.

The objective of the survey is to collect information related to education services provided partly or entirely during a given calendar

year Y (e.g. 2017). This can present itself in 2 possible ways: (1) A first academic year starts in calendar year Y-1 and ends in calendar

year Y, and a second academic year starts in calendar year Y and ends in calendar year Y+1; (2) There is only one academic year that starts

and ends in calendar year Y.

Structured Product Descriptions (“SPD”) tab provides Structured Product Descriptions of items for each education level or activity

whose cost of private education is to be reported. Data Collection Forms (“DCF ”) tabs are designed to record individual observations to

obtain national annual averages. "Database" tab automatically store the annual averages calculated in DCF tabs.

(1) Provide Country Name, Country Code, Currency, and Reference Year in the tab “2. Country Data”

(2) Read carefully the SPDs to identify the private education level or activity in request.

(3) Read carefully the Explanatory Notes (below in this tab) for data entry and also data entry example in the tab "DCF Example."

(4) Enter actual private education costs into the data entry section in each "DCF" (Data Collection Form) tabs.

(5) Data will be automatically stored in the tab “5. Database”

Please refer to the ICP Operational Guide, Chapter 8, for details.

NOTE: This survey is only for PRIVATE education. The costs of PUBLIC education are collected through the government compensation


Special Survey Forms: Private Education (4)


Special Survey Forms: Private Education (5)

Go To Index

ICP Code


(1) Number of Observations

(2) Name of





(5) Number of school days*


(9) Starting Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


item # Observation 2 3 4 5

1 Location (city, village, etc.)

2 School surveyed (name)

3Date of Data Collection


Cost of Private School Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


Academic Year


4 Tuition (course fee only) 19,200 19,200 19,200 21,600 19,200 21,600 19,200 21,600 15,300

5 Number of school days 82 84 200 204 200 204 200 204 210 210 200 0

6of which fall in the

calendar year 2011

82 84 45 135 45 135 45 135 50 140 45 0

7 Annual Tuition

8 Educational materials 200 200 220

9Educational materials

(books, stationery, etc.)200 200 220

10 Education support services 6,600 6,600 6,685

11Catering services (meal

fee)240 240 255

12Accommodation services

(boarding fee)6,000 6,000 6,100

13 Transport services 200 200 220

14 Health care services 120 120 70

15Other cost (e.g.

association fee) 40 40 40


Total for materials and

services0 0 6,800 0 0 0 6,800 6,905 0 0 0 0

17 Explanatory Note (if any): Tuition is monthly basis. We added up

all the monthly tuitions in 2011 to get

annual tuition.










Annual tuition should exclude educational materials and

support service. If and only if they are included in the

above tuition, please indicate (estimate) the amount


Only when the tuition

above includes educational

materials and support

service, estimate below.

Only when the tuition

above includes educational

materials and support

service, estimate below.

Only when the tuition

above includes educational

materials and support

service, estimate below.

Only when the tuition

above includes educational

materials and support

service, estimate below.

Only when the tuition

above includes educational

materials and support

service, estimate below.

19,200.00 2,790.00 18,614.12 12,514.63 18,971.43 3,442.50


Timber City (Capital)

Ebony University


1: Excluding all vacations and holidays.

2: The above number should be the national standard number. It will automatically be reflected to each observation below.

3: If the number is different for certain observations, please change items 5 and 6 for each observation. Any changes you make will be



(10) Ending Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (11) Starting Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (12) Ending Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

05/25/2017 09/01/2016 05/25/2017

Box B: Information for Each Observations

(6) Number of school days that fall

in the calendar year 2016(7) Number of school days*

(8) Number of school days that fall

in the calendar year 2017

45 204 135

(3) Average Annual Tuition (4) Reported Currency

11266.54 Cedar Dollar

Academic Year 1 Academic Year 2

Data Collection Form EXAMPLE

ICP Item Name Reference Year

Private Education Examples 2017

Box A: National Standard Information for Private Education

If the tuition does not include educational materials and

support service, omit this field.

If only one tuition is applied for the survey year (eg.

2015), fill only the "Academic Year 1"

These are automatically

subtracted from the

annual tuition.

Example of tuitions of different

school years applied for

different periods of


These are automatically

subtracted from the


annual tuition.

If the way of calculating annual tuition differs from our instructions, please

describe it and provide raw data.

Enter the calculated annual tuition in "Academic Year 1".

If different from national standard, change this field

for each observation.

First, fill out yellow cells in this field

At least one school per area and at least five in the capital city.

Red and grey cells are automatically calculated.

Information in this row is provided in each sheet.

Special Survey Forms: Private Education (6)

• All items listed

• Linked to country data

• Linked to SPD form

Code Product Name Country Name Country Code Currency Reference Year Number of Observations

111011101 Primary Education A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

111011102 Lower Secondary General Education A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

111011103 Upper Secondary General Education A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

111011104 Tertiary Education (ICTs Degree) A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

111011105 Tertiary Education (Economics Degree) A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

111011106 Other Education Programs (Foreign Language Course or Lessons) A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

111011107Other Education Programs (Private Lessons in Mathematics,

Tutoring Outside School Hours)A Country AAA NCU 2016 0

Next Steps

• RIAs to review and provide comments, if any, over the period September – November 2016

• GIU to finalize the list/forms by December 2016

Comments or Questions?

Thank you